south africa - extension policy development

Towards National Policy on Extension & Advisory Services for DAFF (SA) 3 rd GFRAS Annual Meeting 25 September 2012 Manila Mr.TOZAMILE LUKHALO DIRECTOR: NATIONAL EXTENSION REFORM DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE,FORESTRY AND FISHERIES PRIVATE BAG X250 PRETORIA 0001 TEL: +27 12 319 6524 Cell: +27 83 500 1874T EMAIL: [email protected]

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Tomazile, L - Extension Policy Development in South Africa Presentation given at the GFRAS side event on Rural Extension Policy, Manila 2012_09_25. More info at


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Towards National Policy on Extension & Advisory Services for DAFF (SA)

3rd GFRAS Annual Meeting25 September 2012



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Outline• Background• Mission • Purpose • Objectives • Key stakeholders • Project phasing• Phase 1: Research outputs• Phase 2: Research-led Policy dialogue• Engagement strategies• Independent Peer Review• Provincial policy dialogue• Role of Provinces• Phase 3 - 5

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BACKGROUND• DAFF is embarking on a consultative process of creating a national policy on extension and advisory services, to bring about real change in the agricultural, fishery and forestry sectors.

• DAFF has appointed a team of consultants through funds made available from Ford Foundation.

• Appointed consultants: Phuhlisani Solutions who have long experience in land and rural development initiatives

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MissionTo facilitate policy dialogue between public sector

officials, private sector actors, NGOs and organisations representing producers in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors.

In order to…..

Develop a draft policy framework on extension and advisory services…

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Purpose…within which services to farmers, and incentives for them, support wise decision-making about the use of resources for agricultural production, fishing and forestry.

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To review and reform effectiveness of extension in terms of delivery structures and the relevance of its advice and support.

To frame and shape the content, targeting & co-ordination of extension and advisory services according to the needs and ambitions of primary producers

To promote and facilitate harmonised public and private sector extension & advisory services that operate on a common set of principles across the entire sector

To guide and regulate the provision of extension and advisory services in the country.

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Key Stakeholders

The consultative process will engage with: The Department of Agriculture, Forestry

and Fisheries (DAFF) The Agricultural Research Council (ARC) Provincial Departments of Agriculture Other relevant government departments -

DRDLR Key role players in the agriculture, forestry

and fisheries sectors▪ Organised agriculture, fisheries and

forestry▪ Private sector, NGOs, CBOs, ▪ Smallholder farmers, fishers, forestry


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Accommodating diverse interests in Policy Dialogue

Organised agriculture, forestry and fisheries,

co-ops, commodity organisations, input,

equipment and veterinary suppliers, banks,


ASAFA, NAFU, USAAA, land reform beneficiaries, small

scale forestry, artisanal fishers, land NGOs, Extension

and DRDLR staff, municipalities...

Land, health and welfare NGOs CBOs, church groups, women’s associations, local farmers associations, micro finance agencies, natural

resource users on the commonsExtension and DRDLR staff, municipalities...

Research institutes


Agricultural colleges


Development agencies

Climate, environment, disaster risk

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Project Phasing

Phase 1: Inception

Phase 2: Research led

policy dialogue

Phase 3:Draft policy framework

Phase 4: Comments and amendments

Phase 5:Indicative

implementation plan

Extension status quo

International trendsPolicy options

Reports of F2F and online dialogue on

policy options

Extension and advisory services

policy approved by DEXCO

High level implementation


Stakeholder engagement online

and f2f

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Phase 1: Research outputsInternational trends in extension• In depth overview of global extension trends• Country case studies on Brazil, China, Denmark, Ethiopia,

India, Kenya and Malawi

The state of extension in South Africa• History of the evolution of extension in South Africa• Analysis of post 1994 trends and issues

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Phase 1: Research outputs Studies on forestry and fisheries and current extension functions/needs

Summary discussion paper Captures key issues from international

and local research studies Identifies policy questions and options for

South African policy dialogue Present policy options

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Phase 2 Research-led policy dialogue

A consultative process: Key objective is to engage diverse range of

stakeholders in the policy dialogue and formulation process Agriculture Forestry Fisheries

…Using the Summary Discussion Paper

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Engagement strategies• Online discussion forum

• Dedicated website

• Twitter stream

• Independent peer review

• Provincial policy dialogue workshops

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Online engagement strategy

Dedicated website Public front page with article comment function

Registration required to comment on policy options and participate in online discussions

Low cost media campaignsEmails to stakeholdersData base of 1400 individuals and organisationsTwitter alerts, Bulk SMS

Raising the media profile

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Twitter stream

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Independent Peer ReviewReference Group comprised of South African and international extension experts

Provide an oversight in the development process of National Extension Policy for DAFF.

  Provide advice, practical direction and guidance on the Policy


Read and provide commentary on the discussion document (with policy options for SA).

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Independent Peer Review Reference Group comprised of South African and international extension experts

Contribute to and monitor online discussion forums on the National Extension Policy website (

 Analyse key policy issues arising from national policy dialogue sessions.

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Independent Peer Review Reference Group comprised of South African and international extension experts

Participate in closed online discussions. 

Attend reference group meetings.

Contribute to the development of the Implementation Plan.

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Provincial Policy dialogue workshop

Date Province CityTuesday 2nd October Western Cape, Cape Town

Wednesday 3rd October

Free State Bloemfontein

Thursday 4th October

Northern Cape Kimberley

Tuesday 9th October Eastern Cape East London

Wednesday 10th October

KZN Durban

Thursday 11th October

Mpumalanga Nelspruit

Tuesday 16th October

Limpopo Polokwane

Wednesday 17th October

Gauteng Pretoria

Thursday 18th October

North West Mafikeng

Provincial policy dialogue workshops

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Provincial Policy Dialogue Workshops Who should attend?• Relevant Departmental Staff (especially extension)• Stakeholders in Agricultural, forestry and fishery sectors

in the province:– Farmers, fishers, forest users– Land reform beneficiaries– Organised agriculture– CBOs, NGOs – Agribusiness

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Why Provinces????• Extension practitioners are based in the provinces.• Deep knowledge of local conditions and particular

challenges.• Link to local agriculture, forestry and fisheries

stakeholders for consultative processes.• Provincial support for and involvement in the policy

development process is essential.

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Policy dialogue workshop agenda• One day workshops will:– Provide brief background to the policy

development process– Review international trends in extension

• Discuss lessons for South Africa

– Review the state of extension in South Africa and discuss policy options

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Policy dialogue workshop agenda cont…

Review the state of extension in South Africa and discuss key questions▪ What should be the future role of the public sector extension

service in South Africa?

▪ What should be the priority focus of extension in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors?

▪ What role should the private sector, NGOs and producer organisations play in providing extension and advisory services?

▪ What will extension and advisory services look like in 2030?

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Role of the Provinces• Inform and involve all extension staff• Encourage them to participate in online and face to face policy

dialogue• Select key officials to participate in provincial workshops• Help publicise the process with key provincial stakeholders

– Organised agriculture, NGOs, smallholder farmers, land reform beneficiaries, municipalities etc

• Assist DAFF to identify local stakeholders and ensure that provincial workshops are well attended

• Assign a senior management official to monitor and support the policy

dialogue and development process

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Documenting Provincial Policy dialogue workshops• All workshops will be documented

• Reports will be made available through the website

• Workshops will help shape policy agenda and identify key issues which policy must address

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Phase 3: Draft Policy Framework • Based on the research reviews and the policy dialogue workshops a draft policy will be developed by the end of November 2012.

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Phase 4: Comment & Finalisation • Draft policy will be circulated for comment from all stakeholders.

• Final policy document which incorporates revisions will be presented to DEXCO for discussion and approval.

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Phase 5: Implementation plan

High level implementation plan to roll out the policy

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Subject Specialists

Team member Function and focus area

Dr Stephen Turner Review of trends in international extensionIndependent consultant at Stephen Turner Ltd, (4 years) formerly senior consultant at Centre for Development Co-operation ,Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (25 years)

Dr Steve Worth The state of agricultural extension and advisory services in SA, policy options and reviewSenior Lecturer UKZN. Teaching, research and community engagement in Agricultural Extension and Rural Resource Management (2005-present) and Community Resource Management (2001-2007)

Assoc Prof Mafa Hara The state of fisheries extension and advisory services, policy options and reviewPLAAS, C2 rated National Research Foundation (South Africa) researcher, 30 years focusing on rural andcoastal communities in South and Southern Africa.

Dr Moenieba Isaacs The state of fisheries extension and advisory services, policy options and reviewPLAAS, Senior Lecturer and specialist in policy making in the small scale fisheries sector

Jeanette Clarke The state of forestry extension and advisory services, policy options and reviewIndependent consultant with 25 years work experience as a researcher and consultant with a particular emphasis on forestry in the context of poverty reduction and livelihood security, adaptive research and extension.

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