sound physics 202 professor lee carkner lecture 8

Sound Physics 202 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 8

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Sound Physics 202 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 8


Physics 202Professor Lee

CarknerLecture 8

Page 2: Sound Physics 202 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 8


More generally: sound = longitudinal wave

Unlike waves on a string, a sound wave propagates outward in all 3 dimensions Example:

String wave 1D, sound wave 3D

Page 3: Sound Physics 202 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 8

Sound Speed For sound the velocity is:

v = (B/)½

Bulk modulus is like tension (how “springy” the fluid is) Density is like linear density

B = - p/(V/V)

Example: Water is more dense than air, so why does sound travel faster in water? It has a much larger B. Water is hard to compress

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Wave Equations

The displacement of any element of air will also be in the x direction and is represented by:

s(x,t) = sm cos (kx-t)

This is similar to the transverse wave equation but does not involve y

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Pressure Wave

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p(x,t) = pm sin (kx - t) Where pm is the pressure amplitude

pm = (v) sm

This is not an absolute pressure but rather a pressure change

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Pressure Wave Equation

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Pressure and Displacement The pressure and the

displacement variations are /2 radians out of phase

When the displacement is zero the pressure is a maximum

and away from where pressure is low

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If an observer is an equal distance from each, the sound will be in phase

For a phase difference of 2 the path length difference is


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Constructive and Destructive

L=m The sound will be at max amplitude (louder than an

individual source)

L = (m+½)

You can also have intermediate interference making the sound louder or softer

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Interference and You Why don’t we notice interference much?

Each with a different L

You hear a combination of many different L

Not all will have strong interference at your location

You don’t hold perfectly still at the spot with maximum interference

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Intensity of Sound

I = P/A The units of intensity are W/m2

I = ½v2sm


Compare to expression for power in a transverse wave

Depends on the square of the amplitude and the frequency (wave properties)

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Intensity and Distance

As you get further away from the source the intensity decreases because the area over which the power is distributed increases

I = P/A = Ps/(4r2) Sounds get fainter as you get further away

because the energy is spread out over a larger area I falls off as 1/r2 (inverse square law)

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Inverse Square Law




I1 = Ps/A1

A2=4(2r)2 = 16r2 = 4A1

I2 = Ps/A2 = ¼ I1

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