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  • 7/30/2019 Sonoma Elementary Word List1 1


    Elementary Study Word ListGrades 4-6



    Coordinated by

    Sonoma County Office of Education

    Connie Anderson, (707) 524-2823

  • 7/30/2019 Sonoma Elementary Word List1 1



    1. This spelling championship is open to two students from each county in California in grades 4-6 who have been

    certified as county champions by their county Superintendent or designee.

    2. This is an oral competition. A scratch pad and pencil are available on the table for the spellers to write the word, but the

    speller must then spell the word out loud for competition. Paper and pencil are not allowed except as provided on the table.

    3. A study word list was compiled to aid students in preparing for the competition. However, actual words used throughou

    the competition will not be limited to this list or any other list. Rather, words may be chosen from any source deemed

    appropriate by the judges and the Spell Master.

    4. In competition, spellers may pronounce words before spelling, after spelling, or not at all. However, you are

    encouraged to pronounce the word BEFORE spelling to ensure that you heard the word correctly. For

    example, if you are given the word baseball and you spell baseballs, your spelling will be considered incorrect.

    Or, if you are given absence and you spell absent, your spelling will be considered incorrect.

    5. Once you begin to spell a word, you will not have a chance to change letters once pronounced. A speller may repeat the

    word orally, provided letters and their sequence are not changed. The speller must indicate words with apostrophes, capitals

    other punctuation marks, and any accent marks either over the letter or at the end of the word.

    6. At any time, a speller may request that a word be re-pronounced, defined, or used in a sentence. The Spell Master shall

    grant the request(s) until the judges agree that the word has been made reasonably clear to the speller.

    7. Judges may disqualify any speller who ignores a request to start spelling the word within a reasonable time period.

    8. If no definition of a homonym is given, the correct spelling of either word shall be accepted as correct. When a speller i

    given the definition of a homonym, he or she must spell the word defined.

    9. There is an element of chance in this competition. Spellers will be eliminated in the order in which they misspell words

    That is, when a speller fails to spell a word correctly, they must drop out of the competition. The Spell Master will

    announce the correct spelling of the word and a greeter will escort the student back to their family. Another word shall b

    given to the next speller in line. The last speller standing will be the winner.

    10. When only two spellers remain, the elimination procedure changes. At that point, when a speller misspells a word, the

    other speller will be given the opportunity to spell the same word.

    If the second speller spells that word and the next word correctly, the second speller will be declared the champion.

    If one of the last two spellers misses a word and the other, after correcting the error, misspells the new word, both

    will continue in the contest with a new word.

    If both spellers misspell the same word, both will continue in the contest and a new word will be given.

    11. The decision of the judges and Spell Master will be final in all questions. Any problem relating to the spelling of

    a word must be referred to the judges immediately (before the beginning of the next round). No protest will be enter-

    tained after the contest has ended.

    12. In the event of a protest or dispute, decisions will be based on Websters Third New International Dictionary

    Unabridged(copyright 2002), the official contest dictionary. No other source will be allowed.

    13. Once the competition begins, spellers must remain in the competition area. Spellers, if you need to use the restroom,

    please notify one of the greeters so you can be excused.

    14. To minimize disruptions during this competition, we ask audience members to turn off cell phones and pagers.

  • 7/30/2019 Sonoma Elementary Word List1 1


    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    a practice session preparatory to a publicerformance

    This is the final rehearsal before tomorrowsconcert.

    fulminatingthundering forth; explodingIt was a fulminating rally for the politicalcandidate.


    continuing, existing or acting for longer than theusual timeThis has been persistent cold spell.


    one of the six states comprising New EnglandThe Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock,Massachusetts.


    of or relating to the ostriches and related birdsThe law is not so struthious as to compel a judge todivorce himself or herself from common sense or toignore what is perfectly obvious.


    owing somethingI will forever be indebted to you for your kindness.


    any irreverent act or utteranceIt was blasphemy to speak ill of our teachers.


    a north central state of the United StatesOver twenty inches of snow fell on parts ofIllinoisand Indiana.

    statisticianone engaged in compiling and analyzing numericaldataThe team statistician lets us know our battingaverages before every game.


    intensity of feeling; ardent zealUpon seeing the Declaration of Independence, weexperienced a surge of patriotic fervor.


    a tool used for pounding nailsPlease bring a hammer to the work party tomorrow.


    to quarrel noisily and to no purposeChildren squabble when they are tired.


    a explosiveThey had to dynamite the building in order toknock it down.


    artial sterilization of a fluid by exposure to heatThe dairy will pasteurize milk before bottling.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)

    bullion or bouillon

    gold or silverA large shipment of gold bullion was delivered tothe mint.

    vengeancerevengeThe family sought vengeance for the death of theircousin.


    capable of being bent or folded without creases orbreaks; pliantThese boots are made out of very supple leather.


    a temperature scaleNormal body temperature is 98.6 degreesFahrenheit.


    shedding leaves annuallyThe fall colors on the deciduous trees are beautiful.


    a rascal; a neer do-wellI was advised to stay away from the rapscallion.


    act of choosing or willingDo not do it unless you want to do it of your ownvolition.


    scattered rubbish; disorder or untidinessThe litter of paper on the sidewalk was deplorable.

    narrateto tell in writing or speechThe teacher began to narrate the story.


    a club-shaped grinding toolMany indigenous people used a pestle to grind foodin a mortar.

    adolescence or adolescents

    the state between childhood and adulthood; a timeof growing upGood habits formed in adolescence are assets inlater life.


    acting hastilyHe wished he had not made the impetuous decision.


    an officer in a bank or company responsible forreceipts and disbursementsThe cashier collected the receipts and recordedthem for the bank.


    small round fleshy red or black berryThese raspberry preserves won a blue ribbon at thecounty fair.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    the movement or number of automobiles along astreetThere is a lot more traffic on the freeway now.

    tyrannya government in which absolute power is vested in asingle rulerThe people rebelled against the tyranny of theiroppressive ruler.


    erson in charge; supervisor, custodianThe superintendent was found to be honest andtrustworthy.

    wreck or reck

    damage or destroyA careless driver will some day wreck his car.


    deserving to be reprehendedAssassination is a reprehensible crime.


    equipment used to do a particular kind of workThe balance beam is an apparatus in gymnastics.


    to think or talk about things from the pastAt school I can reminisce about the good time I hadat the spelling competition.


    one of the New England statesHartford, Connecticut is a major insurance center.

    Juneauthe capital of AlaskaThe city ofJuneau Alaska is not accessible by road.

    buyer or byre

    a purchaser for a storeThe buyer selected an entire new line of clothingfor the store.


    an explanation; that which is offered as a reasonWhat is your excuse for being late?


    a continent (country) southeast of AsiaSomeday I hope to visit Australia and see koalabears and kangaroos in the wild.


    a piece for one or more soloists and orchestraShe played the piano concerto beautifully.


    improperly curious or inquisitiveSomeone was prying into her personal affairs.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    an exact copy, especially one transmittedelectronicallyI am sending you a facsimile of this report.

    bruise or brewsto crush or damage by poundingDropping a peach will bruise it.


    applied scienceThe rate oftechnology seems to increase every day.


    icture writing, especially ancientEgyptian tombs frequently contain hieroglyphsdepicting animals.


    well acquaintedI am very familiar with the rigors of studying for aspelling competition.


    a regular, mainly unvarying way of acting or doingI always follow the same pattern when gettingready for school.


    lower part of the truck of the human body; in, or forthe abdomenThe abdominal bandage seemed too tight.


    the flower of a tropical plant with three petals, thelowest of which is enlargedWhen we stepped off the plane in Hawaii, we wereeach given an orchid lei.

    euphemismuse of a word considered less distasteful eventhough less directInstead of referring to the body as a corpse, theyused the euphemism, remains.


    a place of safety; shelter; safe retreatThe deer sought a refuge from the hunters.


    to leave pressure on so as to leave a markWe will impress the leaf on the paper to make adesign.


    large cud-chewing animal with a very long neck andlegsDuring our trip to the zoo we enjoyed watching thegiraffe chew on the acacia leaves.


    to cause to be alarmed, agitated, or upset; disturbor trouble greatlyThe loudspeaker may perturb the musician in theadjoining rooms.


    domestic fowlThe preschoolers enjoyed their visit to the poultryfarm.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    to grow together; to unite or merge into a singlebodyThe splint would help the broken bones to continueto coalesce.

    inspireto have an animating effect upon; influence or impelThe concert did inspire him to be a musician.


    anything made up or imagined, as a statement,story, etc.The librarian directed us to the fiction section.


    causing pityThe lost kitten gave a plaintive cry.


    causing alarm; frighteningI did not like that scary movie.


    to imitate or copy, especially with intent to deceiveThis is the way to check if this bill is counterfeit.


    traditional; conservative in beliefMy teacher encourages both orthodox and novelapproaches to learning.

    villain or villein or villan

    one who deliberately plots and does serious harm toothersThe police were seeking the villain who connedseveral senior citizens out of their savings.

    disassembleto take apartWe will have to disassemble the room immediatelyfollowing the competition.


    cold, chillyWhen the door was opened an algid wind camehowling in.


    the island state in the PacificThe climate ofHawaii attracts many visitors.


    having a smooth, shiny appearance or finishThe glossy cat was sleeping in the window.


    a summer squash, dark green in colorStuffed zucchini is one of my favorite dishes.


    to speak in a slow, lengthened tonePardon my southern drawl.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    resembling or suitable for a painted pictureThe picturesque valley draws many visitors.

    romainea variety of lettuce with a cylindrical head of long,loose leavesThis Caesar salad recipe calls for romaine lettuce.


    something used to transport persons or goodsWe will need a vehicle that holds six people.


    what is left over; remainder; residueThe small piece of cloth left from the bolt will sellas a remnant.


    ones progress through life or in a particularvocationI enjoy this as a hobby, but I would not want tomake a career out of it.


    a shoe consisting of a sole strapped to the footI had to take my sandal to the shoe repair shop tohave the strap fixed.


    to make seem fresh or new againA long vacation will rejuvenate him.


    destroyBe careful that you do not ruin your good shoes bywearing them in the rain.

    cruise or crewsto sail over or aboutWe are planning a cruise through the islands in theCaribbean Sea.


    a series of contestsOur team won first place in the soccer tournament.


    oking, especially at an inappropriate timeI did not mean to hurt you with my facetiousremarks.


    consideration paid for the release of a capturedersonThe kidnapper demanded $500,000 in ransom fortheir child.


    unheard-of; novelThe president took unprecedented steps towardpeace.


    a system of financial protectionI will have to pay my own auto insurance after I getmy drivers license.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    rograms for directing the operation of a computerThis new software helps you trace your family tree.

    sentencea decision or judgment, as of a court; esp. thedetermination by a court of the punishmentThe sentence was in the defendants favor.


    human beingsA large group ofpeople gathered to watch thefestivities.

    dysfunction or disfunction

    deterioration of the natural action of (anything)The dysfunction of the criminals family formed thecrux of the defense.


    to make ready, usually for a specific purposeHow are you going to prepare for the spelling bee?


    a mixture of coffee and chocolateMocha is the flavor of the month at the ice creamparlor.


    to break the continuity or course ofDo not interrupt me while I am talking.


    training that develops self-control or characterThe vice principal is in charge ofdiscipline at manyschools.

    intelligenceability to exercise the higher mental functionsThe debate centered on whether intelligence wasaccurately measured by IQ tests.


    the disguise applied to military equipmentThe uniforms are now tan to camouflage them inthe desert.


    to make fit, suitable, or congruousThe school can now accommodate handicappedstudents.


    a member of a college; college studentDad bought the collegian a new set of luggage.


    inadequate in size or amount; not enough; meager;short rationThe recipe called for a scant cup of sugar.


    the established political administrationWashington D.C. is the seat of our federalgovernment.

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  • 7/30/2019 Sonoma Elementary Word List1 1


    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    one of a group of lower class workersBecause they were of the peasant class, they couldnot attend school.

    surgeona doctor who specializes in performing operationsThe surgeon made a skillful incision.


    ormal or legal permission to do somethingspecifiedIn California, you are eligible to apply for a driverslicense when you are sixteen.


    continued or steadfast effort in spite of difficultiesAfter many years ofperseverance the WrightBrothers finally made their airplane fly.


    a large group of soldiers arrayed for battle; andlarge group joined in some activityHe had command of a battalion during World WarII.


    any of a group of extinct reptilesA plastic replica of a huge dinosaur is on display atthe science museum.


    eriod of life between puberty and adulthoodAn adolescent frequently has troublecommunicating with parents.


    a musical piece made up of tunes or passages fromvarious worksThe chorus performed a medley of show tunes.

    leviathansomething large or formidableThe merger of the two companies has created aleviathan that is apt to crush the competition.


    a person who tends a flock of sheepThe shepherd led the flock along the path.


    ertaining to a priest or his officeThe sacerdotal functions of the pastor werenumerous.


    opular plant grown for its long-lasting flowersA chrysanthemum bouquet was the centerpiece forour Thanksgiving table.


    an electrical resister for regulating currentThe stage lights were dimmed by means of arheostat.


    the tendency of a body to float in a fluidFilling the raft with more air will increase itsbuoyancy.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)

    questionnaire or questionaire

    a form comprising a series of questions, especiallyor a survey

    Please complete this short questionnaire beforeleaving.

    casseroleearthenware or glass baking dish, or food cooked inonePlease bring a vegetable casserole to the potluck.


    to gaze on with delightI admire your choice of neckties.


    having or showing great warmth of feeling;intensely devoted or earnest; ardentThe children showed a fervent devotion to their pet.


    a large area of level or rolling grasslandLife on the prairie was often difficult for the earlysettlers.


    a clear jelly containing pieces of fruit and fruit rindOrange marmalade tastes delicious on Englishmuffins.


    to tear downThe demolition crew will destroy the wholebuilding.


    crushed by reason of force, weight or numbersThe prosecution presented overwhelming evidenceagainst the accused.

    neglectto give little attention or respect toWe must not neglect our homework.


    leasing in taste, odor, texture; fragile beauty ofgraceful slightnessCaviar is considered a delicacy by many.


    a merry-go-roundI love riding the carousel at the park.


    to order or direct the use of something as a remedyThe doctor will probably prescribe a painkiller foryour recurring headaches.


    deprivation of strength or energyThe marathon runners exhaustion was apparent asthey entered the stadium.


    the act of keeping in an existing stateProper maintenance of your car will make it lastlonger.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    narrow; provincialThat newscast presented a very parochial view ofthe problem.

    boulevarda broad often landscaped thoroughfareSometimes driving on a boulevard is faster thantaking the freeway.


    the style of building that designers produceColonial style architecture was popular in Southernplantation homes.


    ossessed by self-loveThe narcissistic attitudes of the Me Generationare appalling.


    the region near where one residesOur neighborhood holds a Block Party every LaborDay.


    the science of plantsThe branch of biology dealing with plant life iscalled botany.


    lively, busy, agileLast night I baby-sat for a very active two-year old.


    a person who handles correspondence and officetasksMy secretary will send you a letter tomorrow.

    harbora place of refuge, safety, retreat; a protected inlet,branch of the sea, etc., used as shelter andanchorage for shipsShips lay in the broad sunny harbor at the foot ofthe street.


    distant in connectionThere is only a remote possibility of rain today.


    greatness of size or mass: volumeIt is much cheaper for a family of six to buy in bulk.


    a place of businessI usually shop here for office supplies.


    to secure the services ofDid they recruit you for the competitive team?


    exceeding the ordinary degreeThe spelling champion demonstrated extraordinarycomposure under the intense pressure.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    large or imposing or impressive; of considerablemagnitudeThe new bank was massive.

    psychologista professional who studies or treats humanbehavior and intelligenceThe school psychologist will evaluate the studentsfor placement in the special program.


    something that protects or defendsThe guide recommended that we all wear hats toshield ourselves from the sun.


    a vague notion or ideaI have an inkling that I will get what I want for mybirthday.


    to get back; regainI hope I can retrieve the lost data.


    to halt temporarilyThe court will recess until this afternoon.


    a transfer of rights to a piece of propertyGenerally, the mortgage is a homeowners majorexpense.


    to dispute or quarrelMy friend and I often argue over trivial details.

    unrulynot submissive to rule or restraintThe natives are unruly tonight.


    a fixture for drawing a liquid from a pipeA dripping faucet wastes a lot of water.


    conducive to comfort or easeIt would be more convenient if you would stop byaround 6:00.


    to refer to others for decisionsWe will submit our plan to the committee.


    the ordinal number 9thIn many school districts, ninth grade is the first yearof high school.


    to dip out withThe cook will ladle the soup for each customer.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)

    straight or strait or Strait

    having the same direction throughout its lengthUse a ruler to draw a straight line.

    precociousexhibiting mature qualities or abilitiesThat preschooler can already read and is precociousin other ways as well.


    complete in all respects; flawlessThe blazing sunset made a perfect ending to theday.


    starting, stopping and starting againThe weather forecast is for intermittent showers.


    very beautifulYou look gorgeous in that evening gown.


    the yearly commemoration of a special eventOur school will celebrate its fiftieth anniversarynext year.


    one of two or more words of the same language thathave the same meaningIt is helpful to use a thesaurus when you want tofind a synonym for a word.


    sudden, unreasonable fearThey did not panic when the fire broke out.

    redoubta small enclosed fort often temporary, fortifyinghills and passesThe soldiers took up their positions in theunassailable redoubt.


    deliberate damage of equipment, usually bydisgruntled employeesSecurity was strengthened amidst concerns thatstriking workers might sabotage the factory.


    something that relieves, prevents, or counteractsEducation is often said to be an antidote to crime.


    decisive or crucial time or stage of an eventWe knew we had to deal with the crisis quickly andefficiently.


    to become fixed or joinedLet me help you fasten those buckles.


    a visible sign or trace left by something vanished orlostOnly a vestige of the citys previous grandeurremained after the bombing.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    a dictionary of synonymsThis word processing program features an excellentthesaurus, making it easy for the user to findappropriate synonyms.

    antecedenceriority; precedence; going before

    The teacher stressed the antecedence of study tosuccess.


    capable of existing together in harmonyIn a group, it helps if the members are compatible.


    to fill with great surprise or sudden wonderThe musicians talent will amaze the audience.


    receding all otherI hope I win first place in the spelling competition.


    an instrument for measuring temperaturesA thermometer placed in the sun will not give anaccurate reading.

    daisy (could be capitalized)

    a common American field flowerYour bouquet will last longer if you cut each daisythis way.


    a specialist in the science of numbersA mathematician at the university derived this newnumber theory.

    dilemmaredicament; a situation in which one must choose

    It was a real dilemma deciding which college toattend.


    a sign or event fixed or understood as the occasionor prearranged combined action

    Traffic was backed up because the signal wasbroken.


    capable of being noticed or observedThe difference between the two brands of hot dogsis hardly perceptible.


    increased four timesWhen the quadruplets were born the couples needswere fourfold.


    having in mind; aware heedful, or carefulThe children were mindful of the danger of playingin the street.


    a person licensed to practice any of the healing artsThe doctor examined the patient.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    erson to whom mail, etc., is addressedHis name is that of the addressee on the envelope.

    equalof the same quantity or sizeThese two objects have equal value.


    an informative talk given for the purpose ofteachingTodays history lecture was very interesting.

    chorus or koras

    music repeated between versesThe choir will sing the verses, and all will join in onthe chorus.


    deep red colorThe sky, at sunset became beautifully crimson.


    evergreen vine with vibrant colored flowersThe walls of the hotel terrace in Mexico werecovered with gorgeous bougainvillea vines.


    a heading or title, as of a newspaper articleThe caption at the top of the story attracted myattention.


    overwhelm with noiseThe volume of the loudspeaker will deafen theaudience.

    foreignconnected with another countryTheir formal style of dress was very foreign to us.


    writings in prose or verse having permanent valueMy collection of childrens literature includesmany of the classics.


    inspiring dread; terrible or awesomeThe volcano eruption was dreadful.


    reedom from danger; securityTodays presentation was on the safety issues weshould employ in case of a disaster.


    to convinceI hope my arguments will persuade you to studyharder.


    a disastrous evil, especially a large number ofdestructive pestsA plague of locusts destroyed this years crops.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    a long projection of land into waterWe drove around the peninsula until we found thebest beach.

    quadratican algebraic term involving the square and nohigher power of an unknown quantitySolve this quadratic equation for the value of x.


    rame of mind; internal constitutionThe composer was a man of melancholytemperament.


    a leaven of dough in which fermentation is activeSan Francisco is famous for sourdough frenchbread.


    to eat quickly and greedilyThe chickens usually gobble all the grain.


    a device used for making a safe descent from anairplaneThe fighter pilot feared that the parachute mightnot deploy properly.


    a heavy precious metallic elementThis antique ring has a platinum band inlaid withdiamonds.


    a person entrusted with handling the funds of anorganizationPlease turn in all magazine sales money to thetreasurer today.

    occurto take place; happenThe celebration will occur next week.


    a brief encounter between small groups, usually anincident of a battleThe skirmish was quickly forgotten after the peacetreaty was signed.


    a structure built on the shore to enable ships toreceive and discharge cargo and passengersThat restaurant on the wharfserves deliciousseafood entrees.

    courier or currier

    a messengerThe bicycle courier sped through the citys streets.


    ovial; glad; cheerful; lightheartedly gayThe theatergoers were in a blithe spirit.


    a ruler, leader, headThe crew chiefwill give you your assignments.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    to stay constantI hope this T-shirt will retain its color afterwashing.

    ecstaticoverwhelming joy or delightThe team was ecstatic over their unexpected win.


    of small value, paltryIt was hard to remember all the picayune details ofthat conversation.


    of or having to do with residenceThe families who lived in that residential area didnot want the prison built near them.


    to name or select officially for an office, positionThe president will appoint all the committee chairs.


    characterized by easy flexibility and grace; alsoathletically slimKatherine watched the lissome ballerinas pirouetteacross the stage and dreamed of becoming aprofessional ballet dancer herself someday.


    meat-eatingThe lion is a carnivorous animal.


    to blockade by surrounding with an arrayThe military operation was planned to beleaguer theenemy.

    lanterntransparent case for holding a light and protectingit from wind and weatherThe light from the lantern helped us find our wayalong the rocky path.


    ood product made from usually vegetable oils andskim milkWould you like margarine or butter for your toast?


    in the same words: word for wordEach student in Russells class was assigned tomemorize a poem and then recite it verbatim to theclass.


    share; part ofThey were willing to share a portion of theproceeds from the dance.


    science of language; study of the structure oflanguagesLinguistics is usually divided into descriptive,historical, comparative and geographical.


    an arrangement of persons in hiding to make asurprise attackThe sheriff did not suspect ambush.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    reedom from work or dutiesMany retirees find it difficult having so muchleisure time.

    harvesttime of year when matured fruit, grain, vegetables,etc., are reaped; seasons yield; gathering of a cropWe usually harvest our pumpkins and squash forHalloween.


    a boat or boasting; bravadoThe braggart was insufferable with his ridiculousgasconade.


    the use of language according to proper rulesYour essay will be graded on content, grammar,punctuation and spelling.

    session or cession

    a school term or period of studyThe fall session of school was about to end.


    a cutting implement with handles and a pair ofbladesUsing sewing scissors for cutting paper makes themdull.

    immigrant NOT emigrant

    erson who comes into a country to become aermanent resident

    Every European immigrant was required to passthrough Ellis Island.


    to run hastily; scamperThe rabbits will scurry through the woods.

    dichotomydivision into two (contrasting) halves, pairs or setReconciling the dichotomy between public andprivate interests is a difficult job.


    to excite to actionThe night watchman hastened to arouse the sleepinguests.

    clothes or close

    covering for the human bodyClothes make the man.


    a tumult or commotion by which the public peace isupsetThere was quite a disturbance outside my bedroomwindow last night.


    a light yellowish brownThe soldiers wore their khaki uniforms during thesummer.


    a large strong cat of southern Asia and Africa;anther

    The leopard grabbed its prey with its strong paws.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    an outline of an object, filled in with a solid colorWhen I walked by, I could see my neighborssilhouette on the window shade.

    legatoin music, smooth and connected with no breakThe instructor cautioned the piece should be playedlegato and not staccato.


    the joint of the arm on which the hand turnsFred sprained his wrist and could not play in theame.

    pigeon or pidgin

    any of numerous birds with a stout body and smoothlumage

    The fattest pigeon in the park grabbed the mostfood.


    a female human being; adult female; femininityThe term lady was once restricted to a woman ofthe higher social class.


    a pattern of unevenly spaced repeated stripescrossing at right anglesThat is a very nice looking plaid skirt.


    a moon or man-made vehicle which orbits acelestial bodyThe weather satellite aided us in tracking thehurricane.


    something (as a gun, knife or club) that may be usedto fight withThe police officer fired the weapon in self-defense.

    dosagethe system to be followed in taking does, as ofmedicineHe forgot to take his dosage of cough medicine.


    a literary likeness showing implied comparisonAn example of a metaphor is the ship plows thesea.


    distance from the topThe pool goes down to a depth of ten feet.


    doll or figure used in playsThe children will put on a puppet show.


    sufficientDo you have enough clothes for your trip?


    a thick, soft material of silkHer dress was of flaming red foulard.

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    the point in the celestial sphere that is exactlyoverheadWhen the sun is at its zenith, it shines directlythrough this hole.

    surroundto enclose on all sides; encircleWhen playing the game, the children would firstsurround themselves with all the toy cars.


    so clearly untrue or unreasonable as to beridiculousIt was absurd to say the baby could reach thecounter.


    marked by respect for and consideration of othersIf one is courteous, one will reap many benefits.


    to disregard deliberatelyThe students appeared to ignore the teachersrequest for quiet.


    a device or manner by which a shrill sound isroduced

    The sound of a steam train whistle is music to arailroad buffs ears.


    alone; solitaryI was very lonely when I first moved to town.


    a body of (hired) government officialsThe federal government is criticized for the size ofits bureaucracy.

    allegiancethe obligation of fidelity in generalThe soldiers allegiance to their country wasunquestioned.


    roper and fitting; not immodest; conforming toapproved social standardsFather provided for a decent, comfortable standardof loving.


    a brief account of daily eventsWe kept a journal of our trip.


    lack of agreement; conflict; inharmoniouscombination of tonesThe sense ofdiscord in the committee made usnervous.

    weird or weired

    strange, bizarreThat is a weird color scheme.


    very eager; very enthusiasticThe politicians zealous supporters campaignedigorously.

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    skeptic or sceptic

    erson who habitually doubts, questions orsuspends judgment on generally accepted mattersHe was such a skeptic that he was known asDoubting Thomas.

    scrupulousacting in strict regard for what is considered rightor properHe took scrupulous pains to paint the wallsmoothly.


    any acute shortageThe people were suffering from the famine.


    any dry substance in the form of very fine, dust likearticles

    The volcanic ash covered the car with a very finepowder.


    the language of the people of England, the officiallanguage of the British Commonwealth, the U.S.,Liberia, etc.We study English in school.


    ossessing outstanding skillThe soccer player showed expertise in controllingthe ball.


    one mission or attack by a single planeThe pilot returned unharmed from a dangeroussortie.


    tending to live associate or congregate with othersof the same kind, sociableBaboons are gregarious animals, seldom found inisolation.

    yieldto give up possession of on claim or demandBe certain to yield to oncoming traffic.


    to bump or push, as in a crowdI hope I do not jostle too many passengers when Itake these bags on the plane.


    a performance in which a story is told usingexpressive body or facial movementsIn the game of Charades, players pantomime thewords or phrases.


    one of the three primary colorsIf you combine blue and yellow, you will get green.


    told in confidence; secretDo not you dare tell anyone I said this; it isconfidential between you and me.


    losing lifeFollowing the heavy frost, the annual flowers starteddying.

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    scrupulous; carefulI try to be conscientious about getting myhomework done.

    Albuquerquethe largest city in New MexicoAlbuquerque is the site of an annual hot air balloonfestival.


    having no occupantThey just started building on the vacant lot nextdoor.


    capable of being bent, turned or twisted withoutbreakingIt would be easier if you used flexible pipe for thispart of the job.


    a washbowl or sinkRinse your contact lenses over a basin with thedrain closed.


    argument, disputeThe bitter quarrel ended their friendship.


    to cut or etch into a metal plate or other surfaceWe will want to engrave the coachs name on thetrophy.


    not genuine, shamHer apocryphal story misled no one.

    ponchoa (waterproof) cloak with a slit or hole in the middleor the head

    Do not forget to take your poncho in case it rains.


    a female offspringWe are very proud of all that our daughter hasaccomplished.


    given or received without charge or payment; freeI reject offers of so-called gratuitous merchandise,as some kind of later payment is often expected.


    to carry out; put into effectThis will require your signature to implement allthe provisions of the contract.


    a vertical arrangement of itemsPlace the cursor at the top of this column.


    given to excess talkingThe teacher became very frustrated with theloquacious nature of the students in the class.

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    to have faith or confidenceI believe this will be an interesting contest.

    prestigioushaving or imparting prestige or distinctionThe prestigious writer had a great following.


    something given, done, or said, as a gift,testimonial, etc., to show gratitudeTheir success was a tribute to his leadership.


    a favorable opportunity or circumstanceA sixteenth birthday is an appropriate occasion for aparty.


    within or into a veinThe patient was receiving fluids through anintravenous tube.


    identifying card or paperWe could no longer read the label on the jar.


    one that is a new and uncertain arrival (as in socialosition or artistic endeavor)

    Playing in his first French Open, Ferrero, a 20-year-old Spanish arriviste, reached the semifinals, all thewhile betraying no sense of awe.


    to make in a certain way; give a certain form to;shape; moldThe potter will fashion the clay to resemble a lion.

    Februarythe second month of the yearValentines Day is February 14th.


    the happening of events at the same time by chanceIt is quite a coincidence that Steve and his fatherhave their birthdays on the same day.


    a transparent solid body which disperses light into aspectrumWhen I was cleaning this prism from thechandelier, it broke.


    doing or inclined to do good; kindly; charitableAndres benevolent nature led him to volunteer atthe hospital after school one day each week.


    having or showing a strong sense of duty orresponsibilityMy dog is a very faithful companion.


    learning knowledge; good judgment; wise discourseor teachingWe cut our wisdom teeth at about age 15.

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    distance from side to side; breadthWe have to measure the width of the shelf to makesure it will fit the space.

    cinnamona highly aromatic spiceWe are serving cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

    freeze or frees or frieze

    to become ice or severely chilledIf you go out in this weather, you are likely to freezeto death.


    conduct that is often playful but causes harm orannoyanceMy mischievous puppy chewed the corner of mysocial studies book.


    to press down; push or pull down; lowerIf you depress this button, water comes out.


    a moment of timeThe lightning flashed and in the next instant, therewas thunder.


    the act of restoring friendly relationsThe treaty provided for reconciliation between thetwo countries.


    an instrument or container used in a householdA ladle is the proper utensil to use for serving soup.

    souvenirmementoWhat did you bring home as a souvenir of yourtravels?


    quality or condition of being done, known oracquiredThere is a possibility that our next trip will be toDisneyland.


    a systematic course of aggressive activitiesAt the meeting, they introduced the advertisingcampaign for the coming season.


    temporarily stopping or abatingThe doctor said it was a remittent fever and wouldreturn.


    a piece of iron or steel that attracts metalWe use a colorful magnet to hold notes on ourrefrigerator.


    to introduce into office with ceremoniesEvery four years we inaugurate our President.

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    sense; that which is intendedIt was difficult to understand the meaning of thesentence.

    populous or populaceabounding in peopleIndia is one of the most populous countries onearth.


    an Eskimo canoe, or one similarThe ocean was too rough to take the kayak outtoday.


    to change from one form to anotherUse this key to convert uppercase letters tolowercase ones.


    a frightening or oppressing dreamI had a scary nightmare last night.


    to suggest favorablyI recommend this book to you.


    inspiring wonder; amazingIt was a wonderful sight to see the sun set behindthe mountain.


    to utter a loud shrill sound, or the sound itselfYour child will shriek with delight upon receivingthis special gift.

    depressanta drug that reduces bodily functional activityThe doctor administered a depressant to calm themanic patients behavior.


    a fellow workerI would like to introduce my colleague whodesigned this project.


    the capitol of WyomingThe spirit of the old West is captured during theannual Cheyenne Frontier Days celebration.

    lightning or lightening

    a flash of light in the sky caused by the discharge ofatmospheric electricity from one cloud to another orbetween a cloud and the earthThe lightning flashed in the sky.


    ouch where food is digested after swallowingMy stomach always aches when I run after eating.


    to move or swim under water using a snorkelWe plan to snorkel when we are in Hawaii.

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    a person who takes part in some activity in commonwith anotherMy partner keeps the books, and I do thepurchasing.

    pannikina small pan or cupHe drank heartily from the pannikin.


    a person who takes the risk of starting and runninga businessThe young entrepreneur started a roommatematching business.


    any of various large fish that live in oceans andswim up streams to lay eggsThe fish ladder at the dam allows the salmon toreach their spawning grounds.


    kept from public knowledgeIf I tell you this, will you promise to keep it asecret?


    completely without; empty or destituteCrippled badly from the accident, he was devoid ofany way to resume his former occupation.


    meanly or servilely attentive; overly compliantGeneral Smiths obsequious staff is good fornothing but fawning and groveling on command.


    a person legally declared unable to pay debtsThe stores owner was bankrupt and had to go outof business.

    fluidthat which can flow; not solid; able to move andchange shape without separating when underressure

    Water is an important fluid for survival.


    the ordinal number 90thYour spelling scores are above the ninetiethpercentile.


    a county law enforcement officerThe sheriffresponded to a disturbance outside thecity limits.

    grease or Greece

    animal fatPut the leftover bacon grease in this can.


    understanding or skill gained by experience orlearningVisiting National Parks has increased ourknowledge about geologic formations.


    not in agreement with or permitted by aconstitution, specifically the U.S. ConstitutionIt is unconstitutional to deprive me of my rights,insisted the criminal, as they dragged him away.

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    to cause to feel self-conscious, ill at easeThe students did not want to embarrass themselvesin front of their friends.

    curtainwindow draperyThe window curtain matched the bedspread in theroom.


    a water spray; a springWe all threw a coin in the fountain and made awish.


    a smellThe odor of sulfur filled the lab.


    the position or carriage of the body; bearingGood posture is important for good health.


    distorted, cross-grainedWe enjoyed playing under the old gnarled tree inthe park.

    chauffeur or shofar or shophar

    driver of a private automobile for someone elseThe chauffeur drove her to school each day.


    a kind of sweet white wine from FranceHe enjoyed a glass ofsauterne with his dinner eachevening.

    census or sensesan official enumeration of the populationThe last census showed a population increase.


    the qualities of a room that enhance or deadensoundThe concert hall is known for its fine acoustics.


    the instrument of capital punishment in Francewhich beheads the victimAs they marched the prisoner to the guillotine, thecrowds begged for mercy.


    impossible to resist or opposeThe food sitting out on the table was an irresistibletemptation for the dog.


    still; without noiseWe drove quietly past the hospital.


    that can be used to advantage; helpfulThe fork is a useful utensil.

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    to inflict damage, injury, or punishment in returnor an injury, insult, etc.

    The leaders plotted revenge for the bombing.

    leaguean association of persons united for commoninterestsThere is talk of forming a new baseball league.


    lacking life, spirit, or zestThe lackadaisical students are not likely to get goodrades.


    things worth rememberingElvis Presley memorabilia is valuable to manycollectors.


    concealed; secretIf I put these clothes under the bed, they will behidden from view.


    a dresser of or dealer in fursThe furrier appraised the mink coat at threethousand dollars.


    an exclamation of greetingI saw my friend and shouted, hello!


    a communication by lettersPlease file this correspondence alphabetically.

    permeablehaving pores or openings that permit liquids orgases to pass throughThe skin is a semi-permeable membrane.


    a male sheep (usually wearing a bell) which leadsthe flockThe bellwether led the sheep into theslaughterhouse.


    to suck up or drink inThe paper towel will absorb the spilled milk.


    a card game played by one person aloneI played solitaire while waiting for my planeconnection.


    a place where water is stored in quantityDuring the drought, the reservoir was dangerouslylow.


    a small quick breadHeres some honey for your biscuit.

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    coloring matter, usually insoluble powder, mixedwith oil or water, etc.Pigment in some plants is increased when theyrow in full sun.

    udicialof or relating to the courts or judgesThe defendant was awaiting a judicial decisionregarding the acceptability of the evidence.


    extraordinary, remarkableIt was phenomenal how fast the flu virus spread.


    one who keeps bee hivesWhen he retired, he became an enthusiastic apiarist.


    a word having the same pronunciation as anotherbut a different meaningThe teacher asked for a homonym for the word.


    an outward expression of sorrowA long lament was heard in the garden.


    a shop where sandwich items, meats and cheesesare soldLet us stop by the delicatessen to pick up things forour picnic.


    a joint or device on which a door, gate, lid, etc.,swingsThe hinge needed oiling.

    patriarchthe father and ruler of a familyThe family patriarch always sits at the head of thetable.


    a land turtleIn one of Aesops fables, the tortoise wins a raceagainst the hare.


    a changing pattern or sceneThe sun through the fall trees presented akaleidoscope of color.


    to withdraw from an organizationSouth Carolina was the first state to secede from theUnion.


    being in accordance with the rulesWhen conducting a meeting it is helpful to befamiliar with parliamentary procedure.


    resent or seeming to be everywhere at the sametime; omnipresentI knew it was in my mind, but it seemed thateverywhere I looked I saw his ubiquitous face.

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    a small, usually roofed balcony, as outside anapartmentFlowerpots lined the terrace outside the apartment.

    compelto enforce or constrain, as to do somethingNew laws compel judges to issue the maximumsentence.


    to give counselI would advise you to study hard for this test.


    a person who suffers from imaginary physicalailmentsKnowing the patient was a hypochondriac; thedoctor prescribed a placebo.


    a metal container for boiling or cooking thingsI will boil some water in the kettle for your tea.


    a prisonThe old penitentiary held many clues to the hardlife of a convict.


    short lines used in drawing; shading to denotedifferent surfacesThe hachures on the map told where the elevationwas highest.


    the fruit of a small tree; especially: the nutlike stoneor kernel of this treeThe almond is a nut that is easy to crack.

    miniaturesomething much smaller than the usual sizeThat is an impressive collection ofminiature cars.


    a large, swift-running bird of Africa and the NearEastThe white ostrich feather adorned her new hat.


    a public eating placeBefore the prom, we are going to a nice restaurantfor dinner.


    having or marked by foresight and imaginationThe visionary described a utopia that could neverexist.


    sleeping; quiet; still; inoperative; inactiveSome plants and animals are dormant during thecold weather.


    of or for the mind or intellectI have a mental picture of what I want it to looklike.

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    a clever or witty retort; skill in making cleverretorts; such retorts collectivelyThe two humorists engaged in a clever repartee.

    Saturdaythe seventh day of the weekThis Saturday we can go to the Mall together.


    all the influences surrounding and affecting anorganismThe National Parks preserve the naturalenvironment.


    the culminating event of a drama, tragedy;disastrous end; any great and sudden calamity orailure

    The Northridge Earthquake was a catastrophe.


    to steal and pass off as ones own the works ofanotherStudents who plagiarize articles generally getcaught.

    sword or soared

    a weapon having a long usually sharp-pointed andsharp-edged bladeThe magicians sword appeared to pass rightthrough the rabbit.


    a group of musicians who perform togetherOur school orchestra won top honors at the musicfestival.


    a small yellow fruit with a bitter tasteThe old lady always put lemon in her tea.

    effusiona pouring fourth; a gushing or unrestrainedutteranceAn effusion of praise marked the speech.


    the part of the body where the arm joins the bodyThe running back suffered a shoulder injury andwill be out for the season.


    orderly parade moving forward; in an orderlyormal way

    The elephants moved in processiontrunk to tail.


    to happen or occur againAn eclipse of the sun will not recur for another tenyears.


    to change from wrong to right; to point our or markthe errors ofSchoolteachers often take papers home to correct.


    the continent surrounding the South PoleThe cold climate ofAntarctica is the perfect habitatfor penguins.

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    a ticket or paper by which a vote is registered; actor method of votingThe class president was elected by a written ballot.

    reconnaissancereliminary survey of an area to gain information

    Many missions ofreconnaissance were flown overthe enemys territory.


    any of various conditions characterized byinflammation or pain in muscles or jointsA persons rheumatism is generally worse in coldweather.


    the art, process or technique of picturing in words;sort or varietyHer description of the cathedral made us feel as ifwe had been there.


    a party at which people wear masks and costumesWhat are you going to wear for the masqueradeball?


    the wasteful spending of moneyThe new diamond bracelet was an extravagance forthe young waitress.


    state of giving off moderate degree of heatWe could feel the warmth of the sun on our faces.


    to accept; to get or permit to enterDid you receive my Christmas card?

    antimacassara covering to prevent the soiling of the backs ofchairs or sofasTo create the Victorian setting, we will need a laceantimacassar for each of the chairs.

    plural or pleural

    of or including more than one; involving or beingone ofThe plural of this noun is formed according to theprinciple listed.


    make more uniform by breaking down and blendingBefore they began to homogenize milk, our quartsleft by the milkman used to freeze, and the creamwould be pushed out of the bottle.


    a long, tapering flagWhich team do you think will win the pennant thisyear?


    a polyhedron having a polygon for its base andtriangular shaped facesWhat is that pyramid shaped building on SanFranciscos skyline?


    a container with rounded sides and flat top andbottomThe last barrel of water was loaded on to the truck.

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    a substance injected into the body to prevent diseaseby causing immunityThe polio vaccine was a tremendous advance inmedicine.

    awkwardnot graceful, clumsyMy walk was very awkward right after my cast wasremoved.


    temporary wood or metal framework to supportworkmen and/or materialThey worked from the scaffold easily.


    erson against one; adversaryThe candidates opponent waged a clean campaign.


    the real or impled meaningWhat is the significance of putting a heart on theletter to your sweetheart?


    scratching the ground in search of food as fowlTurkeys and pheasants are rasorial birds.


    the place or point where two or more things crossThe office is at the intersection of Main andBroadway.


    state of acting freely and naturallyThe mental health experts advise us to keep an air ofspontaneity in our lives.

    aspirina white crystalline drug used as a pain and feverremedyThe doctor prescribed aspirin and bed rest for mycold.


    a building or room fitted up for conductingscientific experimentsThe scientist spent long hours in the laboratoryperfecting the vaccine.


    capable of operating on land or waterD-day was marked by an amphibious assault.


    consisting of many things of different sortsMost people have a junk drawer for all themiscellaneous things they cannot easily categorize.


    imaginary happening; not real; false; pretendedSome novelists use a fictitious name under whichthey write.


    gaudy; not plainThe dress was very fancy.

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    low in condition, rank, or position; lowly;unpretentiousThe humble home was neat and tidy.

    gymnasiuma building used for physical education activitiesIf the bond passes, we will get a new gymnasium atour school.


    the partial or total obscuring of the sun when themoon comes between it and the earth; or of themoon when the earths shadow is cast upon itWe studied the lunar eclipse in class.


    to cause sorrow or misery; pain, sufferingArthritic pain causes distress in her stiff knee whenshe walks.


    shielded from the sunThe bench under the trees was shady and cool.


    mistakeBe careful that you do not make an error in spellingthis word.


    the lightweight body covering of birdsUse the feather duster to clean these figurines.


    aggregate distance in miles or total number of milestraveled; recorded, etc.The salesman bought a new car each year becausehe had such high mileage on his current one.

    excellentsuperior in worth of valueThey served an excellent dish of spaghetti andmeatballs.


    a group of musicians playing togetherA string ensemble will play at the concert halltonight.


    not perceptible by a sense or by the mind: extremelyslight, gradual, or subtleThe scar on her face had healed so well it wasalmost imperceptible.


    the state or quality of being perpetualPerpetuity is implied in the fundamental law of allnational governments.


    usually indoor plant with showy red leaves in winterOur neighbor gave us a poinsettia for the holidays.


    spoken communicationRussian is a difficult language for most foreignersto master.

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    a person who is sued or accused in courtThe jury ruled the defendant is not guilty.

    collegea school after high schoolMany high school students also take college courses.


    a planned meeting; a place for a planned meetingWe will rendezvous at the Park and Ride, then goon together to the party.


    spoiled; contaminated; morally unsoundThe corrupt official accepted a bribe.


    erson who refuses to comply; resistingunreasonably; obstinateDonkeys are said to be stubborn like some people Iknow.


    out of the ordinary; for a particular purpose oroccasionThe children put on their finest clothes for thespecial occasion.


    acuteness of mind; keenness in intellectual orractical matters; sharpness

    He was a businessman of acknowledged acumen.


    a brief, appealing scene, as in a movieThe short vignette at the beginning was the key tothe whole story.

    upholsterymaterials (as fabric, padding, and springs) used tomake a soft covering especially for a seatWe chose this upholstery for our new sofa.


    of or like a fox; cunning; craftyThe racketeer had a vulpine scheme but it backfired.


    cardinal number between 39 and 41These shoes cost forty dollars.


    to engage services or labor for payThe new business is seeking to employ fiftyqualified workers.


    a scientist who studies earthquakesThe seismologist confirmed that the earthquake wascentered twenty miles offshore.


    a fit or convenient time; favorable occasionThe spelling bee will be an opportunity for you topractice your skills and make new friends.

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    thing added or to be addedThe name of the second speaker is an addendum tothe program.

    centerthe middleA small island was in the center of the lake.


    a small carnivore of North America, usuallynocturnalA raccoon raided our campsite while we wereasleep.


    a nut; the trees which produces it; the wood of thetreeWalnut furniture is usually expensive.


    a piece of cloth worn around the neck or used as acoverShe wore a brightly-colored scarf.


    condensed; shortThe teacher gave a briefdescription of theassignment.


    not easy to please; very critical or discriminatingWith fastidious attention to detail, the musicianpracticed the piece again.


    useful but not essential thingThat necklace is a nice accessory to your outfit.

    benefitromotion of welfare or prosperity

    This project will benefit all humankind.


    to go on or forward, especially after an interruptionWe will now proceed with the spelling competition.


    to laugh with rapid, often high-pitched soundsWe all started to giggle when the teacher noticed ourpractical joke.


    the condition of being offended, esp. of feeling hurt,resentful, or angry; umbrageHis friend took offense from the joke.

    tongue or tung

    the fleshy moveable part inside the mouthWhen the boy tripped and fell, he bit his tongue.


    the capital of IdahoTo the southeast ofBoise the Snake River Birds ofPrey Natural Area provides a haven for thesespecies.

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    affected with tending to cause stomach distressI felt nauseous after eating too much ice cream.

    Wednesdaythe fourth day of the weekI have soccer practice every Wednesday afterschool.


    the third day of the weekMy birthday will fall on a Tuesday this year.


    complete agreementThe boxer won a unanimous decision over hisopponent.


    of, relating to, or being the representation of a deityin the form or with the attributes of an animalAncient Egyptians worshipped many zoomorphicods and goddesses including Anubis the jackal,

    Bastet the cat, and Buto the cobra.


    to make worse, less, weakerDense fog is an impairment to safe driving.


    an employee who cares for the clothing of hotelatrons

    If you leave your suit on the chair, the valet will seeto it that it is pressed.


    a doctor who corrects the position of the teethThe orthodontist said I would need to wear bracesfor two years.

    spectacularcharacterized by grand scenic displayThe fireworks display was the most spectacularpart of the Independence Day celebration.


    the quantity, strength, or loudness of soundThe volume of the music was deafening.


    radiating or departing from the centerThe road was banked to counteract the centrifugalforce.


    growing by multiplying new partsThe proliferation of the buds on the rosebud wastruly amazing.


    shortenIn formal papers, it is not proper to abbreviatewords.

    assistance or assistants

    supportWe will need your assistance to put our campaignover the top.

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    any of various small ships used especially forleasure

    The annual yacht races will be held on the Baytomorrow.

    acketa short coatThis blue jacket would like nice with your graytrousers.


    a short publication with no coverPlease send me the pamphlet you advertised aboutstarting a rock collection.


    the state of matrimony; wedlockThat couples marriage seems to be very happy.


    designating any or of any of the basic groups ofdivisions of mankindHis ethnic background was Italian.


    a spirit supposed to manifest itself by noises,knocking, etc.In the play, a poltergeist appears during the sance.


    in opposition toThe Student Council voted against school uniforms.


    a person who steals from a home or businessThe burglar entered through an unlocked door.

    thunderthe loud noise after lightingThe thunder seemed to be coming from the east.


    wordbook, lexiconIf you cannot spell the beginning of a word, it ishard to look it up in the dictionary.


    bits of dry wood or other easily-lighted materialsor starting a fire

    The campers gathered kindling for the fire.


    extraordinary; astoundingWe attended the most terrific party last night.


    equal in quantity, value, force, meaningAlthough their education had been equivalent, onetwin did much better in mathematics than the other.


    rank and openThe storeowner had an honest face.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    usual practice of behaving; habit; duties or taxesimposed by a government on imported or exportedgoodsHaving parties at Halloween was the custom of theneighborhood.

    middlein betweenWhen we drive to my grandparents house my sisterand I take turns sitting in the middle.


    thread, yarns or cloth made from flaxThe tablecloth was made of fine linen.


    a figurative story or narrativeBunyans Pilgrims Progress is a celebratedexample of the allegory.


    deceitCellular phone fraud is costing millions tolegitimate users.


    the skin color of the facePeople with a fair complexion need to be verycareful in the sun.


    a decoration made by needlework on clothThe embroidery on this sampler is a nineteenthcentury design.


    characterized by clamor or vehement outcryThe vociferous protest of Liberals could not stop thepassage of Proposition 13.

    nuisancethat which annoys, vexes or harmsSometimes it can be a real nuisance to have to takecare of younger siblings.


    change of form, shape, structure, or substanceAs part of her science class, Karen was able towitness the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into abutterfly.


    a mother or fatherHis parent signed the reportcard.


    a small wrapped bundleI hope there will be a package in the mail for metoday.


    a cleaver often evasive move or actionWe had to maneuver our way through thedowntown traffic.


    a vehicle that goes back and forth betweenscheduled stopsYou can take the airport shuttle to the hotel.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    having balanced proportionsIt would look better if the pictures on either sidewere more symmetrical.

    napkina small cloth used to wipe the mouth and handswhen diningLine the basket with a linen napkin.


    having no interest in what is going on about one, asa result of illness, weariness, dejection, etc.;spiritlessThe listless dog lay on the floor by the fire.


    make believeSometimes I pretend that I am a pilot.


    things known or assumed; facts or figures forinformationThe computer analyst entered data during his shift.


    a change without apparent reason; erratic behaviorHer capriciousness was evident as soon as sheappeared at dinner.


    receding in time; earlierThe ad said that prior experience was necessary.


    to spell incorrectlyDuring the spelling competition, we were notallowed to misspell a single word.

    spinacha potherb widely grown for its edible leavesI will have the spinach salad.


    able to cause hurt or damageThe cold weather is harmful to these tropical plants.


    ceasing or stopping, either forever or for a period oftimeShutting the heavy door caused a cessation of all thenoise.


    a coin or piece of paper money in the value of 100centsThe dollar bill has a picture of George Washingtonon it.


    take from one place to anotherI helped the teacher carry all his books.


    a set of beliefs and attitudes developing around anobjectNon-runners cannot appreciate the true mystique ofogging.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    lural of thatPlease hand me those books.

    emollientsomething that has a softening or soothing effectAn aggressive ad campaign touted the creamsemollient powers.


    dense growth of treesThe family of bears lived in the forest.


    soft leather shoes with the sole and sides of oneiece

    The podiatrist told me to wear a moccasin to protectmy foot after the surgery.


    of or in the constitution of a person or thing; basic;essentialEveryone in the United States has constitutionalrights.


    to shrink from in fear; detestI abhor baiting my fishhook with worms.


    close watchThe police kept a constant surveillance at thesuspects house.


    a republic in Southwest Asia, east of IranMuch of the terrain ofAfghanistan is very ruggedwith peaks in the Hindu Kush rising to more than20,000 feet.

    preliminaryintroductory to the main discourseYou will have an opportunity to ask questionsduring the preliminary round of the competition.


    any of a genus of plants grown for its edible greenleavesThe meal will begin with a salad oflettuce andother vegtables.


    the policy and practice of seeking to dominate theeconomic or political affairs of underdevelopedareas or weaker countriesA policy ofimperialism hinders the growth ofunderdeveloped countries.


    to hold; or hold over to a later timeWe will reserve a place for you at the table.


    in, at, or near the centerLet us get back to the central issue we are here todiscuss.


    rowdyThe security officer had to quiet the boisterousroup.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    capable of allowing some light to show through, butnot transparentWe purchased a new translucent window for ourbathroom.

    remembrancememory, the act of rememberingThe donation was made in remembrance of thedirector who passed away recently.


    lasting or active throughout the whole yearTo cut down on my yard work I planted mostlyperennial shrubs.


    important, essentialThere is a substantial difference between the twocandidates.


    the build of a persons bodyThe body builders physique mainly is due to goodconditioning.


    of or relating to the power of discerning objects notresent to the senses

    Ted hoped that Madame Serena really wasclairvoyant when she looked at the tea leaves in thebottom of his cup and predicted hed soon meet theirl of his dreams.


    a detailed and timed plan for any procedureThe schedule calls for us to take a break at 10:45.


    the shape of a new moon or one in its last quarterThese little crescent shaped rolls are delicious.

    bannera flagThe boy scouts held their banner high throughoutthe parade.


    an event that follows or comes afterwardThe sequel to the show will be aired next week.


    to import strength and hopeThy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.


    mistaken; wrongThe police report for the accident was erroneous.


    speaking without notesThe highlight was an entertaining speaker whodelivered an extemporaneous talk about spellingbees of the past.


    the state or fact of beingThey were debating the existence of life on Mars.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    self-importance; overbearing pride; haughtyHis arrogance was difficult to put up with.

    robberone who steals or robsThe robber was sent to prison.


    a physician specializing in diseases of the eyeThe ophthalmologist had to dilate the patientseyes.


    extremely offensive, insulting or shamefulThe parents were dismayed by their childsoutrageous behavior.


    the working parts of a machine or instrumentThe workers had the day off because the machinerybroke down at the plant.


    going out of use; becoming outmodedPhonograph records are becoming obsolescent.


    a continuous range or entire extentThe newspaper reported a wide spectrum ofopinions.


    a fictitious nameSamuel Clemens wrote his books under thepseudonym Mark Twain.

    routinea regular or customary course of procedureMy morning routine includes feeding the cat.


    a way of doing anythingWhat method did you use to arrive at this answer?


    ersistent, stubbornHe had tenacious courage as he faced the endlesspile of papers on his desk.


    manner of ones conductThe young childs reward for good behavior was atrip to the zoo.


    serving to cure or heal; curativeThe therapeutic treatment hastened his recovery.


    the sweep of a scythe or machine in mowing or theath cut in one course

    To build the new road, they had to cut a largeswathe through the trees.

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    2007 Study Word List (Grades 4-6)


    a systemic or organized designThat is a nice color scheme you have picked out.

    Indianapolisthe capital of IndianaThe Indianapolis Childrens Museum features funand fascinating hands-on exhibits.


    being numbered zero in a seriesA fundamental scientific law, known as the zerothlaw of thermodynamics, says that nothing can everbe cooled down to absolute zero.


    ear or hatred of foreignersGene wished very much that he could travel more,but because of his xenophobia he didnt dare go toother countries.


    a musical instrument sounded by striking the seriesof bars with two wooden hammersA toy xylophone makes a wonderful gift for a child.


    a large stately tombThe mausoleum is on the right as you go into thecemetery.