sonoma county consolidated oversight board meeting

Sonoma County Consolidated Oversight Board Meeting August 27, 2021 8:30A.M. - 10:00P.M. This meeting will be held virtually to comply with the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20. Please see page 2 for instructions on making public comment MEMBERS AND THE PUBLIC MAY NOT ATTEND THIS MEETING IN PERSON Join by Web: HBaMzR2bUFKTUVyTFZldnBuZz09 Passcode: 611034 Join by Telephone: +1 669-900-9128 Webinar ID: 994 7991 7654 Agenda 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Matters Any member of the public desiring to address the Oversight Board on a matter that is not on the agenda can raise their hand by clicking on the “raise hand” button on the webinar screen and the webinar host will permit the attendee to speak. Each person is usually granted three minutes to speak, with a total comment period of 15 minutes; time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair. 3. Approval of Minutes from June 30, 2021 Meeting The Board will discuss and may take action to approve the minutes from June 30, 2021 or may recommend changes to these minutes. 4. Public Comment on Consent Calendar 5. Consent Calendar Consent Calendar includes routine financial and administrative actions that are, usually approved, by a single majority vote. There will be no discussion on these items prior to voting on the motion unless Board Members request specific items be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar prior to it being voted on. 5.1 City of Rohnert Park Series 2007R Excess Bond Proceeds Expenditure Report 6. Report from the Sonoma County Community Development Commission (CDC) The Interim Director for CDC, Dave Kiff, will provide information or updates relevant to the Board’s business.

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Sonoma County Consolidated Oversight Board Meeting August 27, 2021

8:30A.M. - 10:00P.M. This meeting will be held virtually to comply with the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20. Please see page 2 for instructions on



Join by Web:


Passcode: 611034 Join by Telephone: +1 669-900-9128

Webinar ID: 994 7991 7654


1. Call to Order and Roll Call

2. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Matters Any member of the public desiring to address the Oversight Board on a matter that is not on the agenda can raise their hand by clicking on the “raise hand” button on the webinar screen and the webinar host will permit the attendee to speak. Each person is usually granted three minutes to speak, with a total comment period of 15 minutes; time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair.

3. Approval of Minutes from June 30, 2021 Meeting The Board will discuss and may take action to approve the minutes from June 30, 2021 or may recommend changes to these minutes.

4. Public Comment on Consent Calendar

5. Consent Calendar

Consent Calendar includes routine financial and administrative actions that are, usually approved, by a single majority vote. There will be no discussion on these items prior to voting on the motion unless Board Members request specific items be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar prior to it being voted on.

5.1 City of Rohnert Park Series 2007R Excess Bond Proceeds Expenditure Report

6. Report from the Sonoma County Community Development Commission (CDC)

The Interim Director for CDC, Dave Kiff, will provide information or updates relevant to the Board’s business.

7. Successor Agency Business

Each City will have an opportunity to discuss business related to Successor Agency agenda items and hear public comment.

7.1. City of Cotati – Resolution to Approve Land Purchase Agreement Between Prospective Buyer and the City of Cotati Involving Real Property Addressed 950 E. Cotati Avenue (APN 144-320-026) and Authorize the Executive Director to Execute All Documents Necessary to Complete the Sale

8. Discussion/Communications Regarding Oversight Board Business

General discussion amongst board members and/or communications

9. Adjournment

PUBLIC COMMENT PRIOR TO THE BOARD MEETING: Public Comment may be submitted via email to [email protected] EMAIL PUBLIC COMMENT: To submit an emailed public comment to the Board, please submit your email to [email protected] with “OB Public Comment” in the subject line. Please provide your name, the agenda number(s) on which you wish to speak, and your comment. These comments will be emailed to all Board members. All emailed public comments will be read into the record. PUBLIC COMMENT DURING THE BOARD MEETING: PUBLIC COMMENT USING WEBEX OR ZOOM: Members of the public who join the virtual meeting, either through their web browser online or by calling in, will be able to provide live public comment at specific points throughout the meeting. Any writings or documents presented to a majority of the Community Development Committee regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the Sonoma County Community Development Commission office located at 1440 Guerneville Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 during normal business hours. DISABLED ACCOMMODATION: If you have a disability which requires an accommodation, an alternative format, or requires another person to assist you while attending this meeting, please contact the Administrative Services Officer at (707) 565-7508, as soon as possible to ensure arrangements for accommodation. Language Services are available upon request if made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to help ensure availability. For more information or to request services: Contact (707) 565-7520

Servicios de idiomas se pueden consultar previa solicitud si se solicita por lo menos 48 horas antes de la reunión. Para más información o para solicitar servicios,de traduccion llame al (707) 565-7520.

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Sonoma County Consolidated Oversight Board

DRAFT Minutes

June 30, 2021

3:00PM – 4:30PM

Recording of Meeting:

1. Call to Order

At 3:05PM Acting Chair Dr. Steven Herrington called the meeting to order

Board Roll Call was taken: o Present: Grant Davis, Nance Jones, Bill Arnone, Dr. Steven Herrington, Supervisor

Susan Gorin, and Supervisor Lynda Hopkins o Absent: Chair Chris Rogers, Kate Jolley, Michael Stanford.

Given that Chair Rogers was absent, Dr. Steven Herrington stepped in to act as chair for this meeting.

2. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Matters None

3. Approval of the Minutes of January 22, 2021 Meeting Bill Arnone moved to approve the minutes; Grant Davis seconded.

Vote: Ayes: Grant Davis, Nance Jones, Acting Chair Dr. Steven Herrington, Bill Arnone, Supervisor Susan Gorin Noes: none Absent: Michael Stanford, Chair Chris Rogers, Kate Jolley Abstain: Lynda Hopkins

The motion passed.

4. Report from the County of Sonoma Community Development Commission

None 5. Successor Agency Business Action Items

The following jurisdictions’ Successor Agencies presented their items 5.1 City of Sonoma – Authorization of Issuance of 2021 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds presented by Sue Casey A motion was made by Susan Gorin to approve the request made by the City of Sonoma. It was seconded by Bill Arnone. Vote roll call was taken, but did not include the supervisors. A new

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motion was made by Grant Davis to approve the City of Sonoma request and seconded by Bill Arnone and a vote was taken to include the supervisors.

Vote: Ayes: Grant Davis, Nance Jones, Bill Arnone, Supervisor Susan Gorin, Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, Acting Chair Dr. Steven Herrington, Noes: none Absent: Michael Stanford, Chair Chris Rogers, Kate Jolley Abstain:

5.2 City of Sebastopol – Request to Dissolve the Successor Agency by Ana Kwong Grant Davis moved to approve the request; Nance Jones seconded.

Vote: Ayes: Grant Davis, Nance Jones, Bill Arnone, Supervisor Susan Gorin, Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, Acting Chair Dr. Steven Herrington, Noes: none Absent: Michael Stanford, Chair Chris Rogers, Kate Jolley Abstain:

The motion passed.

6. Discussion/Communications Regarding Oversight Board Business

Interim Director, Tina Rivera, shared with the Board that as of July 1st of this year Dave Kiff will be the new interim director and would be attending future Oversight Board meetings.

7. Adjournment

Acting Chair Dr. Herrington adjourned the meeting at 3:18 p.m..

Agenda Item # 5.1

Sonoma County Consolidated Oversight Board Meeting August 27, 2021 I


To: Chairperson and Consolidated Oversight Board Members

From: City of Rohnert Park, Terrie Zwillinger, CIP Program Manager, Department of Public Works

Agenda Title: Receive City of Rohnert Park Series 2007R Excess Bond Proceeds

Expenditure Report

Agenda Action: Receive Report

RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Sonoma County Consolidated Oversight Board (“Oversight Board”) receive the attached report of 2007R Excess Bond proceeds expenditures for January 2021 through June 2021.


On September 25, 2015, the Successor Agency to the CDC and the City of Rohnert Park entered into an Excess Bond Proceeds Agreement (Agreement) regarding the expenditure of excess bond proceeds (Rohnert Park Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds Series 2007R). The Agreement provides that the City will use the Series 2007R Excess Bond Proceeds solely to finance the capital improvements within the former Redevelopment Project Area, as listed in Tables 1 and 2, or as determined by the City Council, for other infrastructure projects consistent with the Series 2007R Bond covenants. Section 5 of the Agreement requires that the City provide the Successor Agency and Oversight Board with a semi-annual written statement identifying the amount of Series 2007R Excess Bond Proceeds expended in the January through June and July through December six-month periods.

BACKGROUND: Since receiving the Finding of Completion, the city, Successor Agency and Oversight Board have taken the following actions relating to the use of the remaining redevelopment bond proceeds:

On February 11, 2014, the City Council approved approximately $5.7 million in bond proceeds for the capital projects listed in Table 1 (attached). Staff refers to these funds as “Bond 1”. Then, on February 10, 2015, the City Council approved an additional $627,546 in uncommitted bond proceeds from the 1999 Tax Allocation Bonds (TAB) to be used as contingency funds for projects that have already been approved. Staff refers to these funds as “Bond 2”.




Agenda Item # 5.1

Sonoma County Consolidated Oversight Board Meeting August 27, 2021 I


On May 22, 2007, the former CDC entered into a reimbursement agreement with the City whereby the former Commission would fund 88% of the Eastside Sewer Main Phase 1 Improvement Project in advance of the City receiving the money through public facilities finance. The Commission funded this project from the 2007R Tax Allocation Bond proceeds. On August 25, 2015, the City Council approved the use of an additional $10,055,725 in bond funds for projects in the former RDA. Staff refers to these funds as “Bond 3”. See Table 2 attached for the list of capital projects under Bond 3. Note: The Public Facility Finance Fee fund has repaid all of the funds advanced for the sewer project to the Successor Agency. As a result of the repayment of the bond proceeds, such funds are therefore available to be used for the same purpose as when issued, which is for capital projects within the former redevelopment area.

Excess Bond Proceeds Agreement: On September 25, 2015, the Successor Agency to the CDC and the City of Rohnert Park entered into an Excess Bond Proceeds Agreement (Agreement) regarding the expenditure of excess bond proceeds (Rohnert Park Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds Series 2007R). The Agreement provides that the City will use the Series 2007R Excess Bond Proceeds solely to finance the capital improvements within the former Redevelopment Project Area, as listed in Tables 1 and 2, or as determined by the City Council, for other infrastructure projects consistent with the Series 2007R Bond covenants.

ANALYSIS: The total amount of bond proceeds allocated to the bond projects is $16,445,629 with $3,077,834 remaining to be allocated. Since approving the Agreement, most of the public facility improvement projects have been completed. Examples include the Senior Center Roof Replacement Project, Sports Center Locker Room Retrofit Project and the Community Center Roof Replacement Project. Section 5 of the Agreement requires that the City provide the Successor Agency and Oversight Board with a semi-annual written statement identifying the amount of Series 2007R Excess Bond Proceeds expended in the January through June and July through December six-month periods. The attached report details expenditures of excess bond proceeds on public improvements for the six-month period of January 2021 through June 2021, in addition to the previously expended funds. As better cost estimates for the projects are received or projects are completed, project budgets will be adjusted to re-distribute funds up to the amounts previously approved by City Council and the Oversight Board.


The total amount of bond proceeds allocated to the bond projects is $16,445,629. All current projects have been budgeted in prior years.


1. 2007R Excess Bond Proceeds Semi-Annual Report Bond 1 and 2

2. 2007R Excess Bond Proceeds Semi-Annual Report Bond 3

Agenda Item # 5.1

Sonoma County Consolidated Oversight Board Meeting August 27, 2021 I



Terrie Zwillinger, CIP Program Manager, Department of Public Works [email protected] (707) 588-3331

Oversight Board Meeting 8/27/21 ATTACHMENT 1 - TABLE 1

BOND 1 and 2 Project List

Project Name Types of Expenses BOND Proceeds

Other Funding

Source Previous Expenditures Jan-June 2021 Total Remaining Balance

Benicia Pool Renovation Project No. 2014-06 - CLOSED

Design $27,766 $60,771 $88,537 $0 $0

Construction Management $101,437 $0 $101,437 $0 $0

Construction $1,291,808 $0 $1,291,807 $0 $0

Sub-total $1,421,011 $60,771 $1,481,781 $0 $0

Sports Center Locker Room Retrofit Project No. 2013-05- CLOSED

Design $14,057 $64,321 $78,378 $0 $0

Constructability Review $4,977 $0 $4,977 $0 $0

Construction Management $56,074 $0 $56,074 $0 $0

Construction $689,725 $0 $689,725 $0 $0

Sub-total $764,833 $64,321 $829,154 $0 $0

Public Safety Main HVAC Replacement Project No. 2014-02- CLOSED

Design $49,166 $49,166 $0 $0

Construction Management $37,179 $37,179 $0 $0

Construction $424,870 $473,939 $898,809 $0

Sub-total $511,215 $473,939 $985,154 $0 $0

A-Park Restroom Renovation Project No. 2015-04 - CLOSED

Design $29,945 $0 $29,945 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $270,134 $0 $270,134 $0 $0

Sub-total $300,079 $0 $300,079 $0 $0

PAC HVAC Replacement (4 units) Project No. 2015-05 - CLOSED

Design $84,200 $0 $84,200 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $533,863 $0 $533,863 $0 $0

Sub-total $618,063 $0 $618,063 $0 $0

Community Center Roof Replacement Project No. 2015-06- CLOSED

Design $21,220 $0 $21,220 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $336,782 $0 $336,782 $0 $0

Sub-total $358,002 $0 $358,002 $0 $0

Replacement of roof

Project Budget

Rehab of pool including replacement of pool decking, pool

plaster, building roofs, restroom fixtures, diving board,

expanded picnic area, new ADA restroom

Remodel of both women's and men's locker rooms

including replacement of lockers, fixtures, floors, and

upgraded showers

Replacement of HVAC system including new chiller and

boiler, control system, VAVs

Rehabilitation of the restroom building, including

replacement of fixtures and security features

Replacement of 4 HVAC units

Resolution 2019-143 appropriated $22,569.38 Interest and

refunded $70,000 of "other funding source"

City of Rohnert Park Page 1

Oversight Board Meeting 8/27/21 ATTACHMENT 1 - TABLE 1

BOND 1 and 2 Project List

Project Name Types of Expenses BOND Proceeds

Other Funding

Source Previous Expenditures Jan-June 2021 Total Remaining Balance

Project Budget

Senior Center Roof Replacement Project No. 2014-05- CLOSED

Design $27,300 $0 $27,300 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $232,541 $28,462 $255,784 $2,053 $3,165

Sub-total $259,841 $28,462 $283,084 $2,053 $3,165

Senior Center Restroom Renovation Project No. 2015-07

Design $30,000 $0 $17,487 $12,513 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $94,531 $0 $0 $34,577 $59,954

Sub-total $124,531 $0 $17,487 $47,090 $59,954

PAC Roof Replacement Project No. 2015-08- Closed

Design $19,650 $0 $19,650 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $1,396,776 $0 $1,396,776 $0 $0

Sub-total $1,416,426 $0 $1,416,426 $0 $0

Library Parking Lot Paving and Landscaping Project No. 2015-09 - CLOSED

Overlay of library parking and associated landscaping Construction $102,549 $0 $102,549 $0 $0

Sub-total $102,549 $0 $102,549 $0 $0

Community Center Parking Lot Overlay Project No. 2014-07 - CLOSED

Overlay of parking lot Construction $513,354 $0 $513,354 $0 $0

Sub-total $513,354 $0 $513,354 $0 $0

TOTAL $6,389,904 $627,493 $6,905,134 $49,143 $63,119

Replacement of roof

Renovation of restroom, including new fixtures, flooring,

ADA upgrades

Resoultion 2019-143 appropriated $15,667.91 in interest

Replacement of roof

Resoultion 2019-143 appropriated $14,268.33 in interest

and returned $30,000 of "Other Funding Source"

City of Rohnert Park Page 2

Oversign Board Meeting 8/27/21 ATTACHMENT 2 - TABLE 2

BOND 3 Project List

Project Name Types of Expenses BOND Proceeds

Other Funding

Source Previous Expenditures Jan-June 2021 Total Remaining Balance

Sports Center HVAC Feasibility Study Project No. 2015-25 - CLOSED

Design/Feasibility Study $24,112 $0 $24,112 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $3,967 $0 $3,967 $0 $0

Sub-total $28,079 $0 $28,079 $0 $0

Animal Shelter HVAC Replacement Project No. 2016-12 - CLOSED

Design $8,250 $0 $8,250 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $89,250 $0 $83,279 $0 $5,971

Sub-total $97,500 $0 $91,529 $0 $5,971

Animal Shelter Roof, Paint and Siding Project No. 2017-01 - CLOSED

Design $14,919 $0 $14,919 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $442,231 $0 $395,605 $0 $46,626

Sub-total $457,150 $0 $410,524 $0 $46,626

Senior Center West Parking Lot Paving Project No. 2017-12 - CLOSED

Design $1,186 $0 $1,186 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $150,131 $0 $150,131 $0 $0

Sub-total $151,317 $0 $151,317 $0 $0

Sports Center Exterior Coating and Siding Project No. 2017-02 - CLOSED

Design $1,499 $0 $1,499 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $54,240 $0 $54,240 $0 $0

Sub-total $55,739 $0 $55,739 $0 $0

PAC HVAC Replacement Project No. 2017-04 - CLOSED

Design $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $413,888 $0 $413,888 $0 $0

Sub-total $413,888 $0 $413,888 $0 $0

Replacement of 5 HVAC Units at the Spreckels

Performing Arts Center

Project Budget

Feasibility Study and analysis of various types of

mechanical cooling systems at the Sports Center

Replacement of two HVAC Units at the Animal


Replacement of the siding at the Animal Shelter

Paving of the west parking lot at the Senior


Replacement of the siding on the west side of

the Sports Center building

City of Rohnert Park Page 1

Oversign Board Meeting 8/27/21 ATTACHMENT 2 - TABLE 2

BOND 3 Project List

Project Name Types of Expenses BOND Proceeds

Other Funding

Source Previous Expenditures Jan-June 2021 Total Remaining Balance

Project Budget

Alicia Park ADA Path of Travel Project No. 2017-05 - CLOSED

Design $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $104,608 $0 $104,608 $0 $0

Sub-total $104,608 $0 $104,608 $0 $0

Design $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $283,620 $0 $274,331 $0 $9,289

Sub-total $283,620 $0 $274,331 $0 $9,289

Design $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $285,990 $0 $282,824 $0 $3,166

Sub-total $285,990 $0 $282,824 $0 $3,166

Design $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Construction $2,850,000 $650,000 $3,307,540 $0 $192,460

Sub-total $2,850,000 $650,000 $3,307,540 $0 $192,460

Downtown Rohnert Park Expressway - State Farm Drive Traffic Improvements Project No 2018-41

Design $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $2,100,000 $0 $18,503 $104 $2,081,393

Sub-total $2,100,000 $0 $18,503 $104 $2,081,393

City Hall Generator Connection Project Project No 2020-10

Design $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0Construction $80,000 $0 $23,470 $55,955 $575

Sub-total $80,000 $0 $23,470 $55,955 $575

Replacement of various paths of travel for ADA


Replacement of 8 HVAC units at the Senior


Replacement of roof at Senior Center -

Combined with 310-1405

Provides additional capacity in the existing

sewer system on Enterprise Drive and Hunter


Modifications to the Rohnert Park

Expressway/State Farm Drive intersection and

median improvements on State Farm Drive

Senior Center HVAC Replacement Project No 2017-13 - CLOSED

Senior Center Roof Project No. 2014-05 - CLOSED

Downtown Sewer Main Project - Project No 2018-40- CLOSED

City of Rohnert Park Page 2

Oversign Board Meeting 8/27/21 ATTACHMENT 2 - TABLE 2

BOND 3 Project List

Project Name Types of Expenses BOND Proceeds

Other Funding

Source Previous Expenditures Jan-June 2021 Total Remaining Balance

Project Budget

Senior Center Generator Connection Project Project No 2020-11

Design $8,000 $0 $7,023 $977 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $62,000 $0 $6,042 $51,061 $4,897

Sub-total $70,000 $0 $13,065 $52,038 $4,897

Other Identified but not-funded Projects

Design $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction Management $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Construction $3,077,834 $0 $0 $0 $3,077,834

Sub-total $3,077,834 $0 $0 $0 $3,077,834

TOTAL $10,055,725 $650,000 $5,175,417 $108,097 $5,422,212

Various Additional Projects total $3,077,834

City of Rohnert Park Page 3

Agenda Item #7.1_

DATE: August 27, 2021

TO: Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Sonoma County Oversight Board

FROM: Noah Housh, City of Cotati Successor Agency

SUBJECT: Resolution Conceptually Approving a Land Purchase Agreement Between a future buyer and the City of Cotati Regarding Real Property Commonly Known as 950 E. Cotati Avenue (APN 144-320-026) and Authorize the Executive Director to Execute all Documents Necessary to Complete the Sale


It is recommended that the Sonoma County Oversight Board adopt a Resolution Approving a Land Purchase Agreement Between a future buyer and the City of Cotati Regarding Real Property Commonly Known as 950 E. Cotati Avenue (APN 144-320-026) and Authorize the Executive Director to Execute all Documents Necessary to Complete the Sale.


The Cotati Successor Agency is required to sell a 0.42 acre parcel located on E. Cotati Avenue (See Attachment 1) as part of the dissolution of the former Cotati Community Development Commission. The parcel is adjacent to the Cotati SMART Station and is part of the Santero Way Specific Plan which allows mixed use residential and commercial development.

The property was listed for sale based on equivalent properties zoned for mixed use development, as identified in the City of Cotati Long Range Property Management Plan (LRPMP) for an estimated price of between $287,000 and $350,000. This price is supported by the appraisal completed for the LRPMP, which is dated December 2015.

After procuring the services of a local real estate broker, the property was listed for sale and received no offers or bids. A second real estate broker was selected, and the property re-listed in August 2020. An offer to purchase the property for $250,000 was submitted to the City of Cotati on May 18, 2021, for a proposed mixed-use development. On June 1, 2021, a Surplus Land Act, notification was sent out for the required 60-day notification period to allow affordable housing developers to make an offer on the property. No such offers were received.


The Successor Agency has directed staff to move forward with negotiations with the offering party, and the Agency is seeking Oversight Board approval to sell the property for an amount between the offered $250,000 and the maximum appraised value of $350,000.

Should an agreement be reached, it would require development of the property with a mixed-use project inclusive of a minimum of six multi-family housing units and a similar amount of commercial square footage in keeping with the direction and requirements of the Cotati LRPMP. The offering party is a general contractor and has provided information regarding their participation in several successful development projects. Further information and assurances would be required prior to accepting any offer and executing a contract to purchase. The draft purchase agreement requires the buyer provide a down payment deposit and obtain all necessary City entitlements and CEQA approvals prior to the property being transferred upon demonstration of a viable construction financing plans. Given the limited number and schedule of Oversight Board meetings, and the complexity of development financing and entitlement approval timing, staff has brought the conceptual purchase agreement (attached) and the perspective purchase prices forward for approval by the Oversight Board to prevent this required action from adding further complexity and uncertainty into the purchase and development process.

Staff recommends the Oversight Board authorize the Agency to transfer the property to allow the development of the site with a mixed-use project in keeping with the direction of the LRPMP, for a sales price of between $250,000 and $350,000. The proposed mixed-use project would be consistent with the Santero Way Specific Plan, however, the site is a challenge to develop given the constraints of the adjacent SMART parking lot, existing City infrastructure and access easements and municipal site ownership as well as the requirement for Site Plan and Architectural Review by the Planning Commission and potentially the City Council before any project could move forward to construction.

FINANCIAL IMPACT The sale of the property would provide funds for each of the taxing agencies based on their share of property tax.


1. 950 E. Cotati Avenue Aerial Photo 2. Resolution authorizing the sale of the property

a. Exhibit A of the Resolution-Draft Purchase and Sale Agreement

Attachment 1 - For Sale Brochure of Parcel

0.42-Acre Site Adjacent to Cotati SMART Station• 0.42 Acres (18,295 SF) of Vacant Land Available For Sale

• Potential for up to 9,000 SF Mixed-Use/Retail Project

• Located Directly Adjacent to Cotati SMART Station

• 1 Mile from Highway 101 and 1 Mile from Sonoma State University

• Level Topography, Currently Gravel Lot

• Utilities Available to Site

• APN: 144-320-026

• Contact Listing Brokers for Pricing











Immediately adjacent to Cotati SMART station

1 mile from Hwy 101 and 1 Mile from SSU

High Identity LocationADT Count of 16,000 cars per day

950 East Cotati Avenue is located within the Santero Way Specific Plan, which allows for a mixed use or retail developmentfor this property between 4,000 and 9,000 square feet.

Potential Project Mix:

• Ground-Floor Retail • 2nd Story Office and/or Residential

Retail Services Office Residential

0.42-Acre Parcel Adjacent to Cotati SMART StationAvailable for Sale

Santero Way Specific PlanPermitted Uses Include:

Excellent LIVE | WORK Opportunity

Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) is the Bay Area’s newest passenger rail service serving Marin and Sonoma counties. The current 45-mile system includes stations in the Sonoma County Airport area, Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Petaluma, Novato, San Rafael, and the Larkspur Ferry Terminal. SMART’s system also includes a bicycle and pedestrian pathway along the rail corridor. The full project, once it completes additional services in northern Sonoma County, will provide a total of 70 miles of passenger rail service, connecting SMART passengers with jobs, education centers, retail hubs and housing along the Sonoma-Marin corridor. (Source:

Location OverviewCotati is an incorporated city in Sonoma County, located 45 minutes north of San Francisco on the 101 corridor, between Rohnert Park and Petaluma, CA.

Cotati is the smallest incorporated town in Sonoma, but is ofen considered the hub of Sonoma County due to its central location. Its 7,500 residents benefit from living in a small community, while enjoying close proximity to nearby urban centers.

The subject parcel sits directly adjacent to the Cotati SMART station, on the corner of Santero Way and East Cotati Avenue, which is one of the main thoroughfares through town from Highway 101, and to Sonoma State University 1 mile away. The surrounding area is largely residential with some mixed-use projects taking advantage of their proximity to the SMART rail line.

Sonoma State University1 Mile West of Site

• 9,408 Students (3,100 Residential Students)• Top Majors: Business, Psychology, Sociology• 46 Bachelor’s Degree Programs • SSU Graduates 2,000 Students Annually• Listed in Princeton Review’s “Best 381 Colleges”• Ranked No. 41 overall and No. 10 in Top Public

Schools by U.S. News and World Report

Imagery ©2020 Google, Imagery ©2020 TerraMetrics, Map data ©2020 1 mi

Image capture: Mar 2019 © 2020 Google

Cotati, California


Street View

8220 Santero Way

Google, Imagery ©2020 Maxar Technologies, USDA Farm Service Agency, Map data ©2020 500 ft


Laura DuffyRE License No: [email protected]+1 707 421 2900

Tony SarnoRE License No: 01430933 Imagery ©2020 [email protected]+1 707 217 7196

The Dowling-Bracco Team of JLL | |

©2020 Jones Lang LaSalle IP, Inc. All rights reserved. All information contained herein is from sources deemed reliable; however, no representation or warranty is made to the accuracy thereof. Jones Lang LaSalle Brokerage, Inc. Real Estate License #: 018562


1 MILE TO HWY 101Jamie Lane Planned

5-unit SFD subdivision (pending approval)


SMART Parking Lot

New Public Park and Add’l SMART Parking






Cotati SMART Station

Cotati Station 74-Unit Apartment Project (approved)

Attachment 2

Resolution No. Of the Sonoma County Oversight Board


WHEREAS, as authorized by applicable law, the City of Cotati has elected to serve as the Successor Agency to the former Cotati Community Development Commission (“CCDC”); and,

WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code Section 34191.5(b) requires the Successor Agency to prepare a Long-Range Property Management Plan (“Plan”) to address the disposition and use of the real property of the former PCDC; and,

WHEREAS, the Successor Agency received, reviewed, considered, and approved the Plan in December, 2015; and,

WHEREAS, one of the properties identified in the plan was a 0.46-acre parcel located on E. Cotati Avenue, identified as Assessor Parcel Number 144-320-026, (“The Property”); and,

WHEREAS, The Property is zoned as part of the Santero Way Specific Plan which calls for mixed-use development; and,

WHEREAS, The Property was listed for sale in 2019; and,

WHEREAS, an offer to purchase the property for $250,000 was received; and,



Section 1. The draft Purchase and Sale Agreement attached to this Resolution as Exhibit “A” hereby approved to form, with the Agency granted discretion to further negotiate on a sales price to be between $250,000 and $350,000.

The Executive Director is hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to complete the sale.

PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a meeting of Sonoma County Consolidated Oversight Board held this 27 day of August, 2021 by the following vote, to wit:







December 30, 2015

Ms. Jessica O'Connell, Accountant II City of Cotati 201 West Sierra Avenue Cotati, CA 94931

Dear Ms. O'Connell:

Subject: Long-Range Property Management Plan

Pursuant to Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 34191.5 (b), the City of Cotati Successor Agency (Agency) submitted a Long-Range Property Management Plan (LRPMP) to the California Department of Finance (Finance) on December 10, 2015. Finance has completed its review of the LRPMP, which may have included obtaining clarification for various items.

The Agency received a Finding of Completion on July 24, 2015. Further, based on our review and application of the law, Finance is approving the use or disposition of all the properties listed in the Agency's LRPMP.

In accordance with HSC section 34191.4 (a), upon receiving a Finding of Completion from Finance and approval of a LRPMP, all real property and interests in real property shall be transferred to the Community Redevelopment Property Trust Fund of the Agency, unless that property is subject to the requirements of an existing enforceable obligation. Pursuant to HSC section 34191.3 (a), the approved LRPMP shall govern, and supersede all other provisions relating to, the disposition and use of all the real property assets of the former redevelopment agency.

Please direct inquiries to Wendy Griffe, Supervisor, or Jonathan Cox, Lead Analyst, at (916) 445-1546.

cc: Mr. Norman Veloso, Finance Director, City of Cotati Mr. Randy Osborn, Property Tax Manager, Sonoma County


Redevelopment and Financial Consulting 225 Holmfirth Court Phone: (916) 791-8958 Roseville CA 95661 FAX: (916) 791-9234

Long Range Property Management Plan

Successor Agency to the Cotati Community Redevelopment Agency

Cotati Redevelopment Project Area

December 2015

FA Fraser & Associates

Cotati Community Successor Agency Page 1 Property Management Plan December 2015


Pursuant to Health and Safety Code sections 34177(e) and 34181(a) a successor agency is

required to dispose of all assets and properties of a former redevelopment agency that

were purchased with tax increment revenues. This document addresses Section 34191.4(a)

and 34191.5 (a) of Assembly Bill 1484 (AB 1484) and Section 34181 (a) (1 and 2) of

Senate Bill 107 and related requirements for preparation of a Long Range Property

Management Plan (“Plan”) related to the real property assets of the former Redevelopment

Agency of the City of Cotati (“Former Agency”), which have been transferred to the

Successor Agency to the Cotati Community Redevelopment Agency (“Agency” or

“Successor Agency”). The Plan identifies existing Agency real property assets (e.g. land,

buildings, etc.) and sets forth a strategy for the appropriate retention and disposition of

such assets in accordance with the provisions of AB 1484 and SB 107, including

recommended actions to be undertaken by the Oversight Board to position the subject

assets for disposition in a logical and systematic manner so as to enhance the disposition

value of the subject assets.


This Long Range Property Management Plan (Plan) sets forth a proposed strategy and

plan for retention and disposition of certain identified Agency-owned real property assets

within the City of Cotati, California and identified in Table 1 below.

A. Transfer of Real Property for Government Use

The proposed disposition plan objective for fifteen of the properties listed in Table 1

below is to transfer those to the City of Cotati for continued Government Use. Such a

transfer is consistent with the current use of the properties and will continue to serve the

facility needs of the City and further upgrade the quality of services provided by the City.

Such a transfer is also consistent with Section 34181(a) of AB 1484 as amended by SB

107. These properties were constructed for use as parks and park facilities, police or fire

stations, and administrative buildings and shall be transferred by the Successor Agency to

the City, which will retain the property and assets for ongoing governmental use. These

are identified as properties 1-14 and 16 in Table 1 below.

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B. Disposition (Sale) and Private Development

This Plan proposes that property 15 be positioned for disposition (sale) for private

development pursuant to Section 34191.5(c) (2) and (2) (b) of AB 1484. This property is

one of five parcels that resulted from re-mapping of a parcel acquired for the purposes of

blight removal, accommodation of commuter and spillover parking needs and facilitation

of infrastructure and services related to the light rail system currently under construction

and associated intermodal transit facility. The remaining parcel will be disposed of

through traditional marketing practices. It will be sold at fair market value and proceeds

will be distributed as property tax to the local taxing agencies.

III. DESCRIPTION REAL PROPERTY ASSETS Health & Safety Code sections 34177(e) and 34181(a) require that the Successor Agency

designate each of the Former Agency-owned real property assets by one of the following

categories: 1) Retention for government use; 2) Sale of the property; 3)Retention for

future use; 4) Use of Property to fulfill an enforceable obligation. Included as Attachment

A is a property data table describing the real property assets held by the Successor

Agency. Attachment B consists of parcel maps of the Properties. Attachment A includes

the following information, which is further described in this section.

1. Date of purchase, value of property (estimated) at time of purchase; 2. Purpose of the property acquisition; 3. Parcel data including address, size, zoning, General Plan designation; 4. Estimate of the current value or appraised value; 5. Estimate of revenue generated from use of property and contractual requirements

(e.g. lease, etc.); 6. Any history of environmental contamination and / or remediation; 7. Development potential / planning objectives; and 8. Any previous development proposals, rental or lease agreements, other contracts.

FA Fraser & Associates

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Property Proposed for Government Use

Prop No. APN Address Existing Use / Proposed Use

1 144-250-010-000 320 E. School Street Currently Improved as sports fields ( Fig. 1)

a public park with

2 144-250-013-000 351 W. Sierra Ave. Currently Improved as sports fields ( Fig. 1)

a public park with

3 144-250-017-000

203 W. Sierra Avenue Currently Constructed Police Station (Fig. 1)

4 216 E. School Road Currently Constructed Community Center (Fig. 1)

5 144-180-054-000 8734 Gravenstein Way Between 8733 and 8904 Gravenstein Way

Currently Improved as a public park and open space next to creek. (Fig.2)

6 144-180-055-000 Currently Improved as a public park (Fig.2)

7 144-264-001-000 8220 La Plaza Currently Improved as a public park (Fig.3)

8 144-265-001-000 8110 La Plaza Currently Improved as a public park (Fig.3)

9 144-275-001-000 86 La Plaza Currently Constructed Community Center (Fig.3)

10 144-276-001-001 8138 La Plaza / 1 E. Cotati Currently Constructed Fire Station (Fig. 3)

11 144-277-001-000 8167 La Plaza Currently Improved as a public park (Fig.#3)

12 144-272-007-000 80 George Street Unimproved Vacant / Proposed Surface Parking to serve park and downtown business district.(Fig.3)

13 144-320-025-000 970 E. Cotati Ave Currently Constructed as (Fig.4)

a Train Station

14 144-320-029-000 Widened ROW in front of 970 E. Cotati Avenue Remnant Parcel -Bus Turnout (Fig.4)

16 144-320-028-000

Vacant Parcel immediately southeast of park and ride south of 970 E. Cotati Avenue

Vacant remnant parcel adjacent to intermodal train station and County Park and Ride / Future road and parking. (Fig.4)

Property Proposed for Disposition

Prop No. APN Address Existing Use / Proposed Use

15 144-320-026-000 950 E. Cotati Ave Vacant parcel adjacent to intermodal train station/ Future Development (Fig.4)

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Property Numbers 1 -- 4

Site #1 320 E. School Street – Civic Center Park / Cator Ball Fields

APN # 144-250-010-000 / 94,089 S.F.

Site #2 351 W. Sierra Ave. – Civic Center Park/Ball Fields

APN# 144-250-013-000 / 69,260 S.F.

Site #3 203 W. Sierra Ave – Cotati Police Station

APN# 144-250-017-000 / 120,226 S.F.

Site #4 216 E. School Street – Ray Miller Community Center / Cotati Room

APN# 144-250-017-000 / 120,226 S.F.

These properties are all located adjacent to Cotati City Hall (Figure 1) and the properties

are currently operated and maintained by the City of Cotati. Cotati City Hall was

originally the Cotati School, built in 1921. When the school moved next door in 1971, the

former school building became City Hall and the Cotati Police Department. The school

ultimately moved again and the property was acquired by the former Agency in 1996.

The Cotati School became the Ray Miller Community Center and in 2003, a new police

facility was built next door to City Hall on property identified as Site #3 and Site #4. The

new Police facility provided much needed holding and evidence facilities when it opened

in October 2003. The land adjacent to the Police Station was vacant property that was

acquired at the same time and developed into Civic Center Park. The park consists of open

space configured into a baseball field (Cator Field), basketball courts, barbeque and picnic

tables, and parking. The facilities are open to the public and the ballfields are used by the

Rancho Cotati Little League. The Community Center consists of several classrooms and a

multi-purpose room which serve as the basis for the City’s recreation activities, including

a teen center and a computer lab for seniors. The classrooms are used by a number of non-

profit organizations including Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous and can be rented for

events. It is currently estimated that expenses and property maintenance exceed the annual

revenue generated. The proposed disposition plan objective for these properties is to

transfer the ownership to the City of Cotati for continued government use, consistent with

the properties’ current use.

FA FFraser & Asssociates


Community Srty Managemen

Successor Agennt Plan


Cator Ballfield

Police Station

Ray MComm


iller munity Cent

City Hall


PageDecember 201

e 5 15

Figurre 1

FA Fraser & Associates

Cotati Community Successor Agency Page 6 Property Management Plan December 2015

Property Numbers 5 and 6

Site #5 8734 Gravenstein Way – Public Park –Open Space

APN #144-180-054-000 / 15,245 S.F.

Site #6 8734 Gravenstein Way – Public Park –Open Space

APN #144-180-055-000 / 42,072 S.F.

These properties were acquired in 2001 as part of a larger project relating to the adjacent

creek and the construction of a neighboring housing project. The remaining parcels next

to the creek were not large enough for additional housing units so were developed as park

and open space uses. They provide needed open space for the surrounding neighborhoods

which have relatively small private yards. They are maintained by the City. Falletti Park

(Figure 2) contains a small playground, barbeque area and picnic tables and walking path.

The proposed disposition plan objective for these properties is to transfer the ownership to

the City of Cotati for continued Government Use and is consistent with the current use of

the properties.



Figgure 2

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Community Srty Managemen


Successor Agennt Plan




tti Park nd Space

PageDecember 201

e 7 15

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Property Numbers 7 -- 12

Site #7 8220 La Plaza – Public Park/Open Space

APN #144-264-001-000 / 6,534 S.F.

Site #8 8110 La Plaza – Public Park/Open Space

APN #144-265-001-000 / 7,405 S.F.

Site #9 86 La Plaza – Public Park/Open Space

APN #144-275-001-000 / 17,860 S.F.

Site #10 8139 La Plaza / 1 E. Cotati – Regional Fire Station

APN #144-276-001-000 / 15,246 S.F.

Site #11 8167 La Plaza – Public Park/Open Space

APN #144-277-001-000 / 6,534 S.F.

Site #12 80 George Street – Future Public Parking

APN #144-272-007-000 / 14,810 S.F.

Sites 7 through 11 constitute the City’s historic landmarked hexagonal square.

What is now the City of Cotati was originally laid out as a town site by Dr. Thomas Page

in 1897. Page was the fourth owner of the 17,000 acre Rancho Cotate land grant,

purchasing it in 1849. Page hired Newton Smyth to lay out a new town on Rancho lands

in order to sell lots to settlers. Smyth designed the town site around a six-sided hexagonal

square. The outer ring streets are named for each of Page’s six sons -- William, George,

Arthur, Charles, Henry and Olof and cross streets radiate from the center akin to spokes of

a wheel. At the center of the square is La Plaza Park. Cotati’s unique hexagonal town

square is one of only two in the United States and was granted California Historical

Landmark No. 879 in March 1975. The Plaza is also eligible for federal historic

designation. The landmark plaque is located in the southeast plaza section adjacent to Old

Redwood Highway, next to the memorial rose garden and flag pole.

Sites 7 through 11 are the four quadrants of the hexagonal town square and are,

therefore, an integral part of the City’s history and identity. (See Figure 3.) The properties

host a variety of community events throughout the year and contain numerous monuments

and markers important to the City’s traditions and history. The town’s name is taken from

a fictional chief of the local band of Coast Miwok. A statue of “Chief Kotate” (Figure 3)

FA Fraser & Associates

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was designed and sculpted in 1980 by the late artist Vito Paulekas. It sits in the southwest

section of La Plaza Park adjacent to West Sierra Avenue. The statue was officially

dedicated by the Cotati City Council in 1990. In 1991, the City Council voted to adopt the

La Plaza Specific Plan which kicked-off a series of enhancements to the City's downtown

including new bus shelters, sidewalks and seating benches. During this period, La Plaza

Park was remodeled extensively with a new bandstand and a new playground structure.

Then, in 2009, the City adopted the Downtown Specific Plan to further refine the

downtown vision and identify needed updates of land use regulations, financing and

implementation tools. The Downtown Specific Plan established regulations to assist in the

creation of a vibrant downtown commercial core to provide both community members and

visitors with goods, services and entertainment. Much denser development of housing and

retail uses is envisioned in the Plan, with three-story mixed use buildings being the

predominant form. With the increased intensity of new development, minimal area will be

available for visitor parking. Site 12 was acquired and was intended to provide needed

parking for the downtown business district. This site will allow for public parking close to

activity areas without changing the vision or traffic flow of the six-sided Plaza site. The

vision of the adopted Downtown Specific Plan is a reunified La Plaza Park/town plaza

with vehicle traffic circulating around the center of the “hub” on La Plaza Avenue. (See

Figure 4.) Site 9 includes a small community building currently leased to the local Lions

Club for $1 per year and the adjacent Site 10 is the Rancho Adobe Fire Protection District

station. Site 9 was originally leased to the Lion’s Club in 1969, stipulated to be used only

for youth and senior activities. The original lease term was one year with year to year

extensions unless terminated. Either party may terminate the lease with 180 days’ notice.

The facilities consist of a small building with three minimalist meeting/activity rooms and

associated parking. The building is in disrepair, with a need for significant upgrades.

Should the lease terminate, the property would not be leased to another party due to the

vision of a reunified open space detailed in the adopted Downtown Specific Plan. Site 11

is the memorial rose garden and surrounding open space.

The proposed disposition plan objective for these properties is to transfer the

ownership to the City of Cotati for continued government use, consistent with their current

and proposed uses. Sites 7 through 11 have continually been held in public ownership

FA Fraser & Associates

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since the original plat which formed the town site. The sites have no development

potential due to their Park and Open Space zoning within the Downtown Specific Plan and

the restrictions of the historic landmark status.



Figuure 3

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Successor Agennt Plan


#12 FFuture Parking

La PRanc

laza Park cho Adobe


Page 1December 201

and e Fire

11 15



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Page 1December 201

Reunified TDowntownPlan (adop

12 15

Town Plaza n Specific pted 2009)

OOriginal Toown Site Plaat (ca 11897)

FFigure 4

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Property Numbers 13 – 16

Site #13 970 E. Cotati Avenue – Train Station

APN # 144-320-025-000 / 12,632 S.F.

Site #14 No Address – Remnant Parcel/Bus Turnout

APN# 144-320-029-000 / 3,049 S.F.

Site #15 950 E. Cotati Avenue – Vacant Parcel / Future Development

APN# 144-320-026-000 / 18,295 S.F.

Site #16 No Address - Vacant Remnant Parcel / Road Connection & Public

Parking, APN# 144-320-028-000 / 27,443 S.F. (gross)

The properties were acquired to assist in implementation as part of the Intermodal Transit

Center anchored by Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit or SMART. The City and the

Former Agency partnered with Sonoma County Transit, and SMART) to build a station

next to the service tracks, a Park & Ride facility and associated bus and train

infrastructure. The facilities serve City residents and visitors, along with students, faculty

and staff of Sonoma State University. The Cotati station is one of several stops on the

Sonoma County portion of the SMART service area. The properties were purchased in

2001 and housed an abandoned warehouse that was demolished to make way for the

construction of a new depot, parking and retail space. The train depot opened April 7,

2015. Sonoma County Transit purchased part of the original development site to construct

a Park and Ride facility which is also complete. The original parcels that were purchased

were re-mapped to facilitate the intermodal plans and a new map approved (see

Attachment B page 5). The proposed disposition for Site 13 (the train station) and Site 14

(the remnant parcel developed as a bus turnout in front of the train station) is to transfer

the ownership to the City of Cotati for continued government use.

Site 16 was originally intended to be a development site, however, construction of

the intermodal facilities and partial implementation of the Santero Way Specific Plan

which governs zoning and development of the privately owned, adjacent parcels to the

west and south, have resulted in the property being unusable for development. The parcel

was mapped as 27,443 square feet, but emergency vehicle access (fire) requirements for

an access road secondary to Santero Way, have resulted in the need for a 34-foot wide

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roadway across the parcel. This emergency access road results in a loss of approximately

7,295 square feet and bifurcation of the property. The resulting developable area of the

property is approximately 12,540 square feet and unusable for future development. (See

Figure 5.) In addition, parking standards of the governing Santero Way Specific Plan were

greatly reduced over a typical residential neighborhood standard in order to fulfil the

Plan’s vision for transit oriented development. Unfortunately, a parking and emergency

access problem on Santero Way has resulted from the neighborhood to the south which

was built in 2005/6. The City intends to remedy these conditions by constructing

additional parking adjacent to the future secondary access roadway which, unlike the

transit district’s park and ride facility, will be available for neighborhood parking.

The remaining property, Site 15, will be positioned for future development as

commercial or mixed-use residential/commercial development associated with future

commuter rail travel consistent with the Santero Way Specific Plan. The specific plan area

designated as a Priority Development Area (PDA) in the Sustainable Communities

Strategy adopted by the Association of Bay Area Governments. The Successor Agency

will market the site for disposition and development consistent with the Plan’s goals.



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Community Srty Managemen


Successor Agennt Plan



















A. Train DepB. Property

Sale C. Governm



G. Train DepH. Property

Sale I. Governm



D. Train DepE. Property

Sale F. Governm



A. Train

B. PropeSale

C. GoverUse

pot for


pot for


pot for



erty for


Page 1December 201

15 15

Figure 5

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A. Categories of Property and Asset Disposition

1. Retention of Real Property Asset for Government (Public) Use

The plan proposes that Properties Sites 1-14 and 16 (identified in Table 1 above) be

transferred to the City of Cotati. The sites were acquired by the Former Agency, and have

been continually dedicated to government uses.

2. Disposition (Sale) of Real Property

The Plan proposes that Property 15 be positioned for future disposition by the Successor

Agency and Oversight Board. The LRPMP disposition plan objective is to market the

property and ensure that future development takes place based on adopted City Plans and


B. Estimated Value and Disposition of Proceeds for Identified Real Property


1. Estimated Value of Property and Distribution of Proceeds

The Agency has estimated a range of potential market value of the subject Property based

on a preliminary review of real estate market conditions in the City. The estimated range

of value (low and high) is based on preliminary information obtained from discussions

with commercial real estate brokers with a working knowledge of the City and Sonoma

County real estate market. The value estimate is only intended to provide an “order-of-

magnitude” estimate of potential value and is not intended to present appraised market

value or broker’s opinion of market value. Based on this, each of the Property’s market

value is estimated to be in the range of $11.75 to $19.63 per square foot, with the high

range for properties with no development impediments. Table 2 summarizes the range of

values for the Property. The Agency will negotiate the best price that is obtainable and

consistent with its adopted Plans. The proceeds generated from the disposition will be

distributed to Sonoma County for allocation to the applicable taxing entities in accordance

with the provisions of AB 1484.

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Table 2 – Estimated Market Value of Remaining Real Property Assets

Property No Address APN No. Property

SF Size Estimated Range of


Proposed Property for Disposition $11.75/S.F. $19.63/S.F

15 950 E. Cotati Ave 144-320-026 18,295 $214,966 $359,130

C. Approach and Process for Disposition of Real Property Assets

Property No. 15 is planned to be offered for sale through a Request for Proposals and

Offer (RFPO) process. The Successor Agency and Oversight Board will prepare and

implement a RFPO process for selection of a private developer to acquire and develop the

Property consistent with the adopted regulations of the City. The intent of the RFPO

process would be to select the most qualified business and development partner related to

disposition and development of the Property and respective business offers which provide

the highest and most certain economic value and return from the disposition. Subsequent

to selection of a private developer the Agency will work cooperatively with the private

developer to negotiate the terms and conditions for disposition. These provisions would be

negotiated during an exclusive negotiation period, and would be embodied in a purchase

and sale agreement between the Successor Agency and the selected private developer.

1. Marketing and Outreach

The goal of a proposed marketing effort is to attract high-quality development which will

add to the existing neighborhood quality and increase surrounding property values.

Written marketing information for the preliminary outreach effort would include a

description of the Property and the City, general land use provisions, and information

available from applicable studies.

The primary focus of the marketing efforts should be to attract local and regional

real estate development companies that have qualifications, experience and successful

track records in development and operation of high-quality commercial / mixed use

development. The Agency contact local developers or local property owners who may

have an interest in developing the Property. A preliminary outreach effort related to

marketing of the site will include: 1) meeting with various real estate trade and business

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organizations; 2) distributing the subject RFPO to identified real estate development;

companies, architects, engineers, other consultants; 3) posting the RFPO on the City web

page; and 3) placing advertisements related to the RFPO in the appropriate local and / or

regional newspapers.

In accordance with SB 107, it is anticipated that compensation agreements will be a

condition of Oversight Board approval of this Long Range Property Management Plan. If

agreements are required, they will be developed and executed prior to the transfer of Property

#15 for future development.

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Attachment A

Attachment A

City of Cotati Successor Agency

Sonoma County


specify intended use

No. Address or Description APN Property Type Permissible Use of sale proceeds

Properties Proposed for Transfer for Government Use

1 320 E. School Street 144-250-010-000 Park/Open Space Governmental Use N/A

2 351 W. Sierra Ave. 144-250-013-000 Park/Open Space Governmental Use N/A

3 203 W. Sierra Avenue Police/Fire Station Governmental Use N/A144-250-017-000

4 216 E. School Road Public Building Governmental Use N/A

5 8734 Gravenstein Way (between 8904 and 8733 Gravenstein Way)

144-180-054-000 Park/Open Space Governmental Use N/A

6 144-180-055-000 Park/Open Space Governmental Use N/A

7 8220 La Plaza 144-264-001-000 Park/Open Space Governmental Use N/A

8 8110 La Plaza 144-265-001-000 Park/Open Space Governmental Use N/A

9 86 La Plaza 144-275-001-000 Park/Open Space Governmental Use N/A

10 8139 La Plaza/ 1 E. Cotati 144-276-001-000 Police/Fire Station Governmental Use N/A

11 8167 La Plaza 144-277-001-000 Park/Open Space Governmental Use N/A

12 80 George Street 144-272-007-000 Parking Lot/Structure Governmental Use N/A

13 970 E. Cotati Ave 144-320-025-000 Public Building Governmental Use N/A

14 Widened ROW in front of 970 E. Cotati Avenue 144-320-029-000 Roadway/Walkway Governmental Use N/A


Vacant parcel immediately southeast of current park & ride lot at southeast corner of E. Cotati Avenue & Santero 144-320-028-000 Parking Lot/Structure Governmental Use N/A

WayProperty Proposed for Deposition

15 950 E. Cotati Ave 144-320-026-000 Mixed-Use Sale of Property Distribute to Taxing Entities

If Sale of Property,

HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)(C) HSC 34191.5 (c)(2)

Attachment A

City of Cotati Successor Agency

Sonoma County


Date of Estimated

Acquisition Value at Time Estimated Estimated Current Value Proposed Proposed

No. Address or Description APN Date of Acquisition Current Value Current Value Basis Sale Value Sale Date

Properties Proposed for Transfer for Government Use

1 320 E. School Street 144-250-010-000 04/04/1996 37129 0 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

2 351 W. Sierra Ave. 144-250-013-000 04/04/1996 27138 0 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

3 203 W. Sierra Avenue144-250-017-000

04/04/1996 46888 0 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

4 216 E. School Road 04/04/1997 0 0 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

5 8734 Gravenstein Way (between 8904 and 8733 Gravenstein Way)

144-180-054-000 11/21/2001 75000 0 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

6 144-180-055-000 11/21/2001 210000 0 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

7 8220 La Plaza 144-264-001-000 11/21/2002 35000 0 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

8 8110 La Plaza 144-265-001-000 11/21/2003 35000 0 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

9 86 La Plaza 144-275-001-000 11/21/2001 60000 0 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

10 8139 La Plaza/ 1 E. Cotati 144-276-001-000 11/21/2002 735000 0 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

11 8167 La Plaza 144-277-001-000 11/21/2004 30000 0 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

12 80 George Street 144-272-007-000 11/21/2001 150000 150000 Dec 2015 Agency Estimate N/A N/A

13 970 E. Cotati Ave 144-320-025-000 3/16/2001 66476 0 May 2010 Appraised N/A N/A

14 Widened ROW in front of 970 E. Cotati Avenue 144-320-029-000 3/16/2001 16065 0 May 2010 Appraised N/A N/A

Vacant parcel immediately southeast

16 of current park & ride lot at southeast corner of E. Cotati Avenue & Santero 144-320-028-000 3/16/2001 430580 196752 May 2010 Appraised N/A N/A

WayProperty Proposed for Deposition

15 950 E. Cotati Ave 144-320-026-000 3/16/2001 287048 287048 May 2010 Appraised 350,000 2017

HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)(C) HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)(A)


(If applicable)



y V


Attachment A

City of Cotati Successor Agency

Sonoma County


HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)(C) HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)(B) HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)(C) HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)(D) HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)(E)

Are there any


requirements for

Purpose for which property Estimate of Current Parcel Annual Estimate of use of

No. Address or Des

Properties Proposed for Transfer 

1 320 E. School Street

2 351 W. Sierra Ave.

3 203 W. Sierra Avenue


for tion APN

Government Use



was acquired

City Park - Open Space

City Park - Open Space

City Police Station

Lot Size Current Zoning Value Income/Revenue income/revenue?

Open Space - 94,089 Square Feet 0 0 NoRecreation

Open Space - 69,260 Square Feet 0 0 NoRecreation

Square Feet Public Facility District 0 0 No144-250-017-000 120,226

4 216 E. School Road

5 8734 Gravenstein Way (between 144-180-054-0008904 and 8733 Gravenstein Way)6 144-180-055-000

7 8220 La Plaza 144-264-001-000

8 8110 La Plaza 144-265-001-000

9 86 La Plaza 144-275-001-000

10 8139 La Plaza/ 1 E. Cotati 144-276-001-000

11 8167 La Plaza 144-277-001-000

12 80 George Street 144-272-007-000

13 970 E. Cotati Ave 144-320-025-000

Widened ROW in front of 970 E. 14 144-320-029-000Cotati AvenueVacant parcel immediately southeast

City Community Center

City Park - Open Space

City Park - Open Space

City Park - Open Space

City Park - Open Space

City Park - Open Space

City Park - Open Space

City Park - Open Space

Future Public Parking

Intermodal Facility (Train Station)

Intermodal Facility

Square Feet Public Facility District 0 0 No

Open Space - 15,245 0 0 NoSquare Feet RecreationOpen Space - 42,072 0 0 NoSquare Feet RecreationOpen Space - 6,534 0 0 NoSquare Feet RecreationOpen Space - 7,405 0 0 NoSquare Feet Recreation

Open Space - 17,860 Square Feet 0 0 NoRecreation

Open Space - 15,246 Square Feet 0 0 NoRecreationOpen Space - 6,534 0 0 NoSquare Feet Recreation

NM-Neighborhood 14,810 150,000 0 NoMedium DensitySquare FeetSPSW - Specific Plan 12,632 Square Feet 0 0 NoSantero WaySPSW - Specific Plan 3,049 Square Feet 0 0 NoSantero Way

of current park & ride lot at southeast 16 144-320-028-000corner of E. Cotati Avenue & Santero Intermodal Facility SPSW - Specific Plan 27,443 Square Feet 196,752 - NoSantero WayWay

Property Proposed for Deposition

15 950 E. Cotati Ave 144-320-026-000 Intermodal Facility SPSW - Specific Plan 18,295 Square Feet 350,000 - NoSantero Way

Attachment A

City of Cotati Successor Agency

Sonoma County


HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)(C) HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)(F) HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)(G) HSC 34191.5 (c)(1)H)

environmental Does the

contamination, studies, property have Were there Does the property

and/or remediation, and the potential as advancements to have a history of

designation as a a transit the successor previous development

brownfield site for the oriented agency's planning proposals and

No. Address or Description APN property? development? objectives? activity?

Properties Proposed for Transfer for Government Use

1 320 E. School Street 144-250-010-000 No No Yes No

2 351 W. Sierra Ave. 144-250-013-000 No No Yes No

3 203 W. Sierra Avenue No No Yes No144-250-017-000

4 216 E. School Road No No Yes No

5 No No Yes No8734 Gravenstein Way (between 144-180-054-0008904 and 8733 Gravenstein Way)6 No No Yes No144-180-055-000

7 8220 La Plaza No No Yes No144-264-001-000

8 8110 La Plaza No No Yes No144-265-001-000

9 86 La Plaza 144-275-001-000 No No Yes No

10 8139 La Plaza/ 1 E. Cotati 144-276-001-000 No No Yes No

11 8167 La Plaza No No Yes No144-277-001-000

12 80 George Street 144-272-007-000 No No Yes No

13 970 E. Cotati Ave 144-320-025-000 No No Yes No

Widened ROW in front of 970 E. 14 144-320-029-000 No No Yes NoCotati AvenueVacant parcel immediately southeast of current park & ride lot at southeast 16 144-320-028-000 No No Yes Nocorner of E. Cotati Avenue & Santero Way

Property Proposed for Deposition

15 950 E. Cotati Ave 144-320-026-000 No Yes Yes Yes





FA Fraser & Associates

Cotati Community Successor Agency Page 20 Property Management Plan December 2015

Attachment B

Attachment B (page 1 of 5) City of Cotati Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan Sonoma County

Site #1 -Parcel # 144-250-010 -320 E. School Street – Public Park/Ball Fields Site #2 -Parcel # 144-250-013 -351 W. Sierra Ave. – Public Park/Ball Fields Site #3 -Parcel # 144-250-017 -203 W. Sierra Ave – Cotati Police Station Site #4 -Parcel # 144-250-017 -216 E. School Street – Ray Miller Community Center / Cotati Room


Pfn of COTATI RANCHO SUBDIVISION 4 RE.C 06-(11-189.1 iN BK. 10 . U4PS, PCS OJ-GO

Ptn of COTATI RANCHO SUBDIVISION 6 ,'?t.'C. 06 �·07- J89J i/11 BX. 10 . MAPS, MS. (W-00


NOTE: -.s�ssor', p,,ri::ei, oo nt.1t r1:ettt1so,;11 c.onsM:ute ltqol lots. To Ye!if-J leqol pore.el stot1n-. C1le!:k ..,;th llw' DPP(Cpfi.ote City � couri\y rommunify dh'•lopmtnt or p!onr,1ng diYi-sio,...


"'·-, ,��;m'T""-r�------•-o_r_R,=V.=19.:'l:A:R�R,=•�


@ C/4 08-09!0;>7

-,- -





Parcel Mop No. 9 P£C. 02-04-!972 IN Bl( 167 , MAPS, PCS. 07-(){)

Parcel Mop No. 14 Rl'C. (J7-t2-t!/12 IN 8.r(. 175 • . t«f'S. �S. J9-00

Parcel Mop No. 701 R£C. 10-0f-1995 IN 8K.S4J, I.IAPS. PGS. 07-09

Parcel Mop No. 707 REC. iO-!J-1999 IN 8!<.599. _4.«P.S, PGS. <19-51

-1::-.:-:-_..., __ �--...

TAX RA TE ARD! 8-003 8-004 8-005

R/S l<IJ/;,_<

@ ,/ 4"'15'".A'(' ✓ ��i,


,,,,,fa _ __/



SCM..t· 1"•?00'

Rt'IISCO 01-10 .... 00,.,.29-lSl 12-03-08,.Rd Cor-KB 0-4-01-09 ... R/S-KO o.,i-01-09•C/t-KB

Assessor's Map Bk. 144, Pg. 25 Sonoma County, Calif. /Ae<oJ

H'r'SR,'O 1<-0.J-08 1<9

Attachment B (page 2 of 5) City of Cotati Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan Sonoma County

Site #5 -Parcel # 144-180-054 -8734 Gravenstein Way – Open Space Recreation Site #6 -Parcel # 144-180-055 -8734 Gravenstein Way – Open Space Recreation



THE VILLAGE REC. 1-20- 93 IN BK . .511. MAPS, PGS. 20-2J

r;;;-. 09

TAX RATE ARP, 8-014 8-017 8-018



12-17-87•11 LSL 1:2-J0-113-57 lF/JF

Assessor's Mop Bk. 144, Pg. 18 Sonoma Countv, Calif. (ADW)


Attachment B (page 3 of 5) City of Cotati Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan Sonoma County

Site #7 -Parcel # 144-264-001 -8220 La Plaza – La Plaza Park (Demonstration Garden) Site #8 -Parcel # 144-265-001 -8110 La Plaza – La Plaza Park (Main Park with Band Stand and Restrooms)


.Q ---...J--- -- ---- - -

@ -{MapNo. 61 ... X1T P-. .,, lfH. �6,M)

NC,.iH:: 1� ,-,o;, ,wn l>l'fl-" Ir,, M10-.•...,,.,,t 1:11,.·1�>-" �"'>' <J�d <l'J'IIW '>Iii 1:,.:1,(Mf: "�l\o/ _0')"'<:-,1 / .... ) 1'C " �;i, l>ul/(1' "'9 ,11.� l<c- ,;,,i:;.,:y ·� IJ'f....,.>"'4(('J-!M'IX'C llf�)'ql!l<(,�0\4��"'1

=�f�;-::r��r� -OJ

NOTE; A5snsor·s �• oo no� roe� cor,U,h:tae ;.qoi l(ltl.. to -if)' �I pmc� 1.101u,, ct-eel.. ,.;:,h l;;f� op1�ot" ca, °' cou:ity commu!"ity dO�'II Of' ol,::,-,n Or;,l d;.,,�o,,.

SUDVISION N9. 6 of RANCHO COTATI R/Stt7-lf (Part of)


TAX RA TE AR54 8-016



� ro#2S-$Z•�S Ol'-23··90•,?'1-Kt.>, 0<'-2. 1-00"' t,C:1C.J)-L5t !).�1-IO-tlhR/<;"'l,IH 08-02- ,2 .. corSl•••KO

Assessor's Mop Bk. 144, Pg. 26 Sonoma County, Co/if. W..AOJ

Attachment B (page 4 of 5) City of Cotati Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan Sonoma County Site #9 -Parcel # 144-275-001 - 86 La Plaza - Lyons/Scout Hut Community Building Site #10-Parcel # 144-276-001 -1 E. Cotati Ave – Rancho Adobe Fire Station Site #11-Parcel # 144-277-001 -8139 La Plaza – La Plaza Park (Statue of Chief Cotati) Site #12-Parcel # 144-272-007 -80 George Street – Future City Parking

NOTE: Assc.�«>r's parcel� do not neccs.sariJy constitute legal lots. To verify legal parcel status, check with lhe a)'?ropriate city or county communit tkvclo mcnt or hmnin divisfon.



�;�S�� ::�� Fill LIABILl'lY IS ASS!ffD � TI£ NXJJl)C( � TI£ ll<TA t:a.llEATED t£R£0N,

(R:trt if)



.,., .....

144-27 TAX RATE AJ!f"A



-l!I'lillL. . :,:-z3-82•FVS

!1-17-94•!21,f lSl. t -a -99 •ICX27l) LSL � - l'Z•<l'•R/3

Assessors Mop 8k. /44pg.27 Sonoma County Co/ii

Attachment B (page 5 of 5) City of Cotati Successor Agency Long Range Property Management Plan Sonoma County

Site #13-Parcel # 144-320-025 -970 E. Cotati Ave– Train Station Site #14-Parcel # 144-320-029 -No Address– Remnant Parcel –Bus Turnout Site #15-Parcel # 144-320-026 -950 E. Cotati Ave – Future Development Site Site #16-Parcel # 144-320-028 - No Address – Future Development Site

\ ,, -�,� ��

\ "\



PM 12

NOTE: Ass>1$$Qr·s p,;rr�� lh) not nece:;1$o•·ily eeri,-;tit.;,;t., 1eq,,1 !Qtl'J, To v!'.lrify l'l�OI p,:.reel �\<ltu�. cl,t1<;k v>;t!'; t'•o Qpor,:,:>ri;;,t., r.i\y ("' county 1;0:11rm;ni!y d+Jv,rk11>•1>,;,r,t <)f pl,iM,;,1� ,Jivi,;i,)tl.

Parcel Map Na. 12 .1-JJ·- i',;_1 IN BK. 171, MAPS, PC.':.,'. 40-00

Parcel Map Na. 75 R{C. Jl-22-82 lN BK. �ili;, MAPS PCS. J8-J9

Parcel Map Na. 117 P.A. #01/04 R£C. l)_•i-:12-0JIJ,J Bi( lfO. U/1.I'>$. 1-Y,S. '7-!!J

Parcel Map No. 119 Rt.'C. 07· 2!- I I IN OK. 746. MAPS. PCS- :ll?-2!J

•�v.sro 10-7 -0�2-C_-Ri.

CS-01-07..-24- Ke ,::1 --2'9··06,, ,5t.C{'�-K8 IJJ-22 .. ·10-"l"HA (.Qr r(t 01-2/:l-1 l•R/S-Ka 08·· 10- � l ,-,.2�l-KB

TAX RATE AREA 8-014 8-018


--·· _ _ _ _ SANTERO . . WAY











Assessor's Mop Bk. 144, Pg. 32 Sonoma County, Calif. r,c,r,i

K£Y Kfl