something our society’s social system does not take ... · knowing how the ancestors used wisdom...

To be inspired is to be touched by words that sync into your way of life. There exist historical quotes I would like to share with you to inspire growth in your life. These historical quotes go back hundreds to thousands of years mixed within many cultures and religions. All combined together into one guide to study a lifetime. Knowing how the ancestors used wisdom to create a better way of life is essential for all human beings. Just as our bodies need food to stay strong our minds need wisdom to stay balanced. Something our society’s social system does not take serious enough. No matter… Knowledge is power when you take control over what you learn and accept as truth. 1. “Go as you will so it be decreed. Master are ye of your own destiny. Free to take or reject at will. Take he the power. Take he the wisdom. Shine as a light among the children of men.” – Emerald Tablets of Thoth Thoth is hinting to us to always know You are the master controller of your life’s destiny. And are free to participate or reject any rule of law by this right. Take back your power using wisdoms intelligence to overcome society’s norms. This quote is confirmation you have Ultimate Freewill by natural law.

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Post on 20-Aug-2018




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To be inspired is to be touched by words that sync into your way of life. There exist historical

quotes I would like to share with you to inspire growth in your life. These historical quotes go

back hundreds to thousands of years mixed within many cultures and religions. All combined

together into one guide to study a lifetime.

Knowing how the ancestors used wisdom to create a better way of life is essential for all human

beings. Just as our bodies need food to stay strong our minds need wisdom to stay balanced.

Something our society’s social system does not take serious enough. No matter… Knowledge is

power when you take control over what you learn and accept as truth.

1. “Go as you will so it be decreed. Master are ye of your own destiny.

Free to take or reject at will. Take he the power. Take he the wisdom.

Shine as a light among the children of men.” – Emerald Tablets of


Thoth is hinting to us to always know You are the master controller of your life’s destiny. And

are free to participate or reject any rule of law by this right. Take back your power using

wisdoms intelligence to overcome society’s norms. This quote is confirmation you have

Ultimate Freewill by natural law.

2. “What is seen is not the truth.

What is cannot be said.

Trust comes not without seeing

Nor understanding without words

The wise comprehends with knowledge.

To the ignorant it is but a wonder.

Some worship the formless God

Some worship his various forms

In what way he is beyond these attributes

Only the Knower knows

That music cannot be written

How can they be thy notes

Says Kabir, Awareness alone will overcome illusion.”

– Kabir 15th-century poet and saint.

Most of what modern society believes is by what they see rather than what already is.

Truth sometimes will not be written documentation and can only be realized in the

moment. It’s our spiritual responsibly to recognize these truths through intuition. To the

ignorant they will only believe what’s shown to them in news headlines, or what

politicians tell them rather than using their instincts to comprehend truth.

God cannot be known with words and is formless by this nature. Even the term “god” is

beyond our level of comprehension to claim it as one entity or form of understanding.

Only by raising conscious awareness can all illusions taught by culture be overcome.

3. “ Real peace will arise spontaneously when your mind becomes free of

attachments. When you know that the objects of the world can never

give you what you truly want.” – Theragatha, Buddist scripture.

All suffering stems from expectations either material or non-material. Desires for love

breeds the idea you do not have love and cannot attain it without ownership of

someone else’s attention. This for example leads to most of our suffering in life.

Attachment to all things is similar to tethering the soul to a contract, only to be broken

by pain and despair. Break free by accepting all things come and go like seasons.

One of the most useful analogies to carry through life is to see all things like seasons

coming and going. People, objects and moments should be cherished without

attachment cause like seasons they will not last forever. Having expectations to objects

or emotional attachments are bondage to the soul, and is important to let go so

something new can bloom in its place.

4. “ The Kingdom of heaven is within you. And whoever shall know

himself shall find it.” – Ancient Egyptian Proverb

Many ancient cultures around the world all share similar understandings about accessing

another realm of heaven from within. What they are referring to is using the Mind to unlock the

doorway into higher realms of reality. Essentially heaven is defined as the 5th dimension and

above. Only through mind, body and soul can we enter into these realms through deep states

of meditation.

The Ancient Egyptians knew the “pineal gland” located in the center of the brain is responsible

for the souls highest state of vibration. It is known as the “mind’s eye” in many cultures, and

still used as the main symbol on the US 1 dollar bill. Science can confirm the pineal gland can

access higher states of consciousness during dream states.

Dreams occur through our third eye (pineal gland) activating overnight. It seems the Ancients

were already aware of what modern science is just now discovering, and may have known more

about how to enter the Kingdom of Heaven at will from “within”.

5. “Everything is dual. Everything has poles. Everything has its pair of

opposites. Like and unlike are the same. Opposites are identical in

nature but different in degree. Everything is but isn’t. All truths are but

half-truths. All paradoxes may be reconciled.” – The Kybalion

Duality, in a way is god of this 3rd dimensional universe whether most are aware of it or not.

This law is absolute to its very core and dictates all our actions. Where ever there is light there

will always be shadows is according to this law. Applying this principle to everyday life would be

giving you the blueprint to reading future expectations.

Everything will carry its opposite to give it meaning and purpose. They may seem different by

illusion of words and expression, but are one in the same. Negative attached to Positive atoms.

Love is attached to Pain. Good is attached to Evil. War is attached to Peace. Nothing can be

experienced without it’s opposite to fulfill its meaning. This is a VERY important wisdom to

remember as it’s the answer to most of all our problems.

Whenever you seek the Truth first look for its Lie. This is for all things. All truths will contain

half lies for this reason.

6. “Accept everything just the way it is.

Do not seek pleasure for it’s own sake.

Do not under any circumstances depend on a partial feeling.

Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.

Be detached from desire your whole life long.

Do not regret what you have done.

Never be jealous.

Never let yourself be saddened by a separation.

Resentment and complain are appropriate neither for oneself nor others.

Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling of lust or love.

In all things have no preferences.

Be indifferent to where you live.

Do not pursue the taste of good food.

Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need.

Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful.

Do not fear death.

Do not seek to possess either goods or fiefs for your old age.

Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on their help.

You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honor.

Never stray from the Way.” - Miyamoto Musashi

Live by a code of honor to stand by. Create your own virtues to follow that bring out only the

best in you. True confidence is known through mastery of oneself and perfection of one’s craft.

Adopting a code of honor is basically a declaration between soul and mind to live for a higher

cause other than ones desires. It’s the ultimate sacred promise to be above the Ego.

Samurai Musashi was undefeated in battle and is until this day both a legendary swordsman

and great philosopher. His principles to live by are guided by higher virtues that mimic

perfected focus. His way of disciplining himself through following a strict code is what made

him a superior man in both mind and body. Use his words as an example to manifest your own

code to live by.

7. “As man casteth out worn out garments and taketh others that are

due. So the Spirit casteth off warn out bodies taketh others that are

new. Never the spirit was born. The spirit shall seize to be never. Birth

and death they are dreams, life is forever.’ – Bhagavad Gita 5,000 B.C.

Most are not ready to accept this but immortality by soul is a fact of reality that science has yet

to confirm, or will not confirm for obvious social control reasons. It was common in ancient

times to know this basic truth, that soul is made of light, and we cannot be destroyed after the

body dies. The body is merely a vehicle the soul inhabits in order to exist on this lower 3rd


Ancient Egyptians also have a similar statement declared on their tablets by Thoth about

reincarnation. It seems their beliefs were that our souls were manifested from the Suns light

and is reborn here on earth between every 1,000 years.

8. “Death is but the doorway to new life. We live today, we shall live again. In

many forms shall we return.” – Egyptian Proverb

Essentially we are immortals underneath the flesh according to our very intelligent ancient

ancestors. This is but one life time of many we’ve had previously and will continue here on after

infinitely. This wisdom is important because it teaches us to no longer fear death. Death is

merely a transition to a new cosmic stage, a new level on a video game metaphorically


Whether you choose to believe in reincarnation or not science does confirm energy can neither

be created nor destroyed as a universal fact. So by this same interpretation we know all beings

are made of atoms (light, molecule) and therefore we also apply to this basic law of energy.

There is a connection between science and ancient wisdoms which prove Immortality is a real

thing, and if we learn to live by its truth can we rid away common fears that control us.

9. “The Dragon is the symbol of universal energy. It is the symbol of all

power as god has power. In the beholders vision this symbol becomes the

declaration of universal mind. The Divine Will…” – Manly P. Hall

Adopting this symbol it into your way of life is to overcome all challenges through Will. In

all great hero films it is until the Dragon is slain or conquered does he become a true

legend. In many references the Dragon can also be symbolic to overcoming your inner

demons, egos, and desires. Example sex is the most powerful energy in the body. In ancient

times the penis was represented as the Serpent. When you see Egyptian pharaohs or Indian

deity monuments with snakes on their shoulders they are telling you they have tamed their

sexual desires (the serpent), an became divine.

When whenever you see an ancient dragon symbol, know it’s been a part of humanities

ancient culture for thousands of years. It’s a symbol for universal power because it mirrors

the circle of life that time is an infinite loop in which the soul is trapped in until it ascends

above time.

10. “All legendary dragon slayers represent man breaking through the

Matrix pattern of life. Overcoming external and internal universal

barriers.” – Manly P. Hall

This same philosophy can be applied to life’s challenges as the saying goes “slay your

dragons”. In other words dominate your greatest fears and challenges to become someone

divine within. There will be barriers all through life blocking you from reaching your goals.

These barriers are internal and external conflicts such as being a procrastinator, laziness,

not having enough money etc. are all internal and external barriers to be overcome.

Its best to see each challenge as a dragon you must slay whether its fear or physical

hardships it’s our spiritual purpose to rise above these difficulties to evolve into someone


11.“ It’s better to be an honest street sweeper than a dishonest king”. –

Bhagavad Gita

Be humble in all of what you do and you will be rewarded far more than selfish king. It is

very noble to perform a service for mankind unselfishly. In a way it is heroic. Even a street

sweeper can receive more joy than a man who has everything.

Most would think the happiest among us are the rich elites when in fact, in some nations

it’s the people who have less that are much happier. This is wisdom to carry through life

because it reminds us that even the lowest among us are more honorable than kings. Stay

humble in all of what you do. =)

12. “When beauty is only a masquerade then it is simply ugliness. In the

same way goodness if it is not sincere, it is not goodness. Existence and

non-existence are incompatible. The difficult and the easy are mutually

opposed. The long and the short, the high and the low, the loud and the

soft, the before and the behind are all opposites. Each reveals the other.” –

Tao Te Chi

This quote is telling us duality is found in all things, polar opposites can be identified in daily

interactions if you pay close attention. The Law of Corresponded (7 Hermetic Principles) is

being brought into this verse to show an example of how you too can learn to read reality

this way.

Whenever a problem arises there are now two polar opposites to choose from. One will be

the solution and the other will be the mistake. If you fall in love, know that pain will be

waiting eventually at some point in the relationship. All things are never divided and by

following this law will it help you read reality like a blueprint to hint which decisions to

make or what situations may occur.

13. “True goodness is like water. It nurtures everything and hurts nothing.

Like water it ever seeks the lowest place, the place that all others avoid.

This is the way of the dou.” – Tao Te Chi

This is a powerful quote to gain inspiration from as it teaches us that goodness should have

no standards. Cause like water it has no preference in what it chooses to nourish, an so to

should all human beings towards each other. In the worst living conditions possible if a man

can still show kindness is an example of true goodness.

Apply this quote into your way of life as a reminder that being good to others should have

no preference. Water is symbolic to having an open heart showing compassion with no

judgement. If only kids were taught this from a young age would mankind be more virtuous

in their thinking and actions.

14. “ Colors blind the eye.

Sounds deafen the ear.

Flavors numb the taste.

Thoughts weaken the mind.

Desires wither the heart.

The master observes the world but trusts his inner vision.

He allows things to come and go. His heart is open as the sky.” – The Book

of Changes (I Ching)

Your five senses can fool you if you allow them to. What our eyes see could be someone

else’s truth that has nothing to do with you. The mind as well can be the master of creating

its own illusions by overthinking unnecessary thoughts. At all times we are at war with

keeping our 5 senses balanced in harmony. Too much of any 1 sense is dangerous for the

inner self.

Instincts are more powerful than how our senses perceive reality and are important to trust

these instincts. By this knowing can it teach you to follow your heart and inner visions that

come to mind. These are inspirations that are true to its core, the source being you. It’s a

wisdom which impels us to self-improve by following our inner selves.

15.”In silence of material senses lays the key to unveiling deeper wisdom.

He who talks does not know. He who knows does not talk. The highest

knowledge is unutterable, for it exists as an entity which transcends all

material words and symbols.” – Emerald Tablets of Thoth

Silence is golden for all the right reasons. It stills the mind which is Key to unlocking higher

levels of consciousness. Essentially the deeper versions of our nature require silence rather

than words. The majority who try to explain god by religious text are the exact examples of

this quotes meaning of “those who speak don’t know”. Because if these people don’t

understand that words are limited to defining reality and the highest knowledge is

unknowable by mere words and symbols.

Those who know this truth usually will never bother to speak of it cause its not necessary.

Thoth is telling only in Silence can you truly gain deep wisdoms to understand the world

around you. Silencing the 5 senses is required to gain inner wisdom.

16.” If you are depressed, you are living in the past.

If you are anxious, you are living in the future.

If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” – Lao Tsu

Gaining control of our subconscious mind is the only way to attain peace. The passed will

always breed depression and negative thoughts by dwelling there long enough. Become

aware of when you drift into passed thoughts of relationships, embarrassing moments and

immediately change these thoughts back into the present.

There is no other way to avoid depression or anxiety of the future unless you place your

mind in the present moment. Even during ancient times did our ancestors battle against

their attachment to the passed, and fear of the future. It’s a powerful subconscious habit

that MUST be overcome. Stay centered at all times is what Lao Tsu is explaining in this very

wise quote. In its simplicity it tells us where our mental problems emerge from.

17.” The rain could turn to gold and still your thirst would not be slaked.

Desire is unquenchable or it ends in tears even in heaven.” – Buddha

Material or physical desires can never be fulfilled. Not knowing this truth can lead anyone

into a spiral of false hope chasing urges that depend on addictive habits. Be mindful that

your desires can only be balanced by accepting they can never be fulfilled. Be content with

what you have and when you receive something good cherish it in that present moment,

then gracefully let it go.

As with all pleasures they will not last forever. They are temporary drops of bliss in an

ocean filled of chaos. Carry this knowing all through life since we are bombarded daily with

material and sexual desires. Know that even with all the gold in the world you will still want

something more. The ego’s lower self is an addict of pleasure and impulse, rise above it.

18.” Change is certain. Peace is followed by disturbances; departure of

evil men by their return. Such recurrences should not constitute occasions

for sadness but realities for awareness, so that one may be happy in the

interim.” – I Ching

Change is consistent in this 3rd dimension of reality; there is no way around it, only to flow

with it. Just like the seasons in nature there is a pattern of rise and fall and this example is

seen in our personal lives as well. People will come and go. Jobs will come and go. Favorite

activities will eventually wither away. Nothing will stay the same but all things will reemerge

in a new form. This ancient is proof in the very nature of reality which we all see. Applying

this philosophy into your way of life would make it easier to adjust to new changes. To relax

knowing a new beginnings await us in mysterious ways.

19 “. Hear all sides and you will be Enlightened.

Hear one side, and you will be in the dark.” – Wei Zheng

There are two sides to everything and it’s important to hear all versions before accepting

any truth. This is a mistake our society makes consistently even through religions. One

particular faith will not have all the answers to spirituality, and by learning about every

culture religious beliefs would you realize greater enlightenment.

Being left in the dark is metaphoric for being unaware of another version of truth (light). An

example, ignoring the facts that advanced civilizations beyond 15,000 years ago existed and

predate Christianity’s theories of being superior. For this biased thinking most religions are

left in the dark of advanced spiritual knowledge.

Only until you hear all sides will you become enlightened because you aware of even the

darkest truths and exposing them into the light of knowing. Never be subjected to one side

of truth.

20.” Let thy flame shine out brightly. Be only the fire. Wisdom his hidden

in darkness when lit by the flame of the soul. Find now the wisdom light

born. A Sun of Light without form. Seek more wisdom. Find it in the heart

of thy flame. Know only by striving may light poor into the brain.” –

Emerald Tablets

Become only the fire as in your SOUL. When you dwell within you become only the souls

light, this is your flame, your passion and your source of wisdom. Only through seeking

more wisdom can we attain inner light that expands consciousness. When we strive to

reach new goals, master new skills, this is the light of inspiration that poor’s into our minds.

Only in striving can we attain any form of bliss is what the Emerald Tablets is stating.

Its our duty as spiritual beings to transmute our darkness into light and wisdom is our

source of power to do so. All of us are Suns within this body; a light without form is what we

truly are underneath the flesh. Use this wisdom to remind you to bring fourth the light

within you, the eternal Flame that dwells within.