some election campaign ideas

Some Election Campaign Ideas

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Post on 15-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Some election campaign ideas

Some Elect ion Campaign Ideas

Page 2: Some election campaign ideas

Election campaigns have proven to be an effective tool for the candidate. There are many ways in which you can attract the public and campaigns can find these elements and use it for the success of an election. Here we discuss some ways or ideas that can be employed in an election campaign.

Page 3: Some election campaign ideas

Computerized phone calls are recorded messages that are presented by means of computer to people and answering machines. With this technology, over 10,000 calls can be delivered per hour to reach voters. This feature has many advantages like Persuading Voters, Turning out favorable voters, Responding immediately to negative attacks, etc.

Computerized Phone Calls.

Page 4: Some election campaign ideas

This is the most effective campaigning technique. You can have a personal meeting with the people and can answer any questions they might have. The occasion for the voter to see your smile, shake your hand, and look into your eyes is the single most important moment in any campaign. This will give them a friendly feeling about you.

Door to Door campaign.

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This is another way to give a feeling of personal impression to the public. One of the ways to make the letter more personal and meaningful for the voter is to have the candidate or the candidate’s spouse hand write the letter with a relevant and persuading message.

Handwritten Letter.

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This is another way to reach the public personally. This is less effective than handwritten letters, but is very effective almost as handwritten letters. Email is low cost, effective networking tool in a campaign, particularly if you are writing something that voters care about. Through e-mails a large amount of people can be reached quickly.


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Most campaigns fall short of augmenting sufficient money to get their message out. Surveys have depicted that 80% of successful contenders had raised more money than their challengers. You can’t purchase an election, but it’s difficult to win when you don’t have sufficient cash to establish your name recognition and go through the voter market with your message.


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Television can’t convey a campaign media effort by itself, but it can be a vital portion of a general plan. Through televisions, you can make people sit up and pay attention to your campaign.

Television Campaigning.

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Election weekend or the time right before an election is the most important time for every candidate. One way to make this time effective is to parade through the neighborhoods with a candidate float decorated with signs, balloons, with people wearing the candidate’s t-shirts.

Election weekend parade.

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These are some of the ways in which you can make a campaign effective. There are many more ways which can be utilized well. Choose the precise one which will be effective and have a successful election campaign.

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Dan Centinello is a brilliant, experienced and skilled campaign manager. He has experience in this field for over a decade. Dan Centinello has turned out to be an expert on national & international political campaigns.