solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. by: christina carter

Warm-Up Solve for x: 6 5 1 x 7 8 7 n n = 6.125 x = -11

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Page 1: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

Warm-UpSolve for x:






n n = 6.125

x = -11

Page 2: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

Mean, Median, and ModeBy: Christina Carter

Page 3: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

Math I

UNIT QUESTION: How do you use probability to make plans and predict for the future?Standard: MM1D1-3

Today’s Question:How do we compare different sets of data?Standard: MM1D3.a.

Page 4: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

MeanAlso known as the average.  The mean is found by adding up all of the given data and dividing by the number of data entries.                 Example: the grade 10 math class recently had a mathematics test and the grades were as follows: 78, 66, 82, 89, 75, and 74

78 + 66 + 82 + 89 + 75 + 74 = 464

The mean average of the class is 464 / 6 = 77.3

Page 5: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

MeanExample: 1Your parents want you to have at least an 80% test average in this class. So far, you have taken two tests, with scores of 78% and 75%. What must you earn on the third test to average 80%?

x = 87




Page 6: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

MeanExample: 2• 12 of your friends eat a mean of

2.5 cookies.• Another group of 15 of your

friends eat a mean of 3 cookies.• What is the mean number of

cookies all your friends eat?




cookies 8.2





Page 7: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

MedianThe median is the middle number.  First you arrange the numbers in order from lowest to highest, then you find the middle number by crossing off the numbers until you reach the middle.

Example: Find the median of 5, 9, 3, 7, 12First, put them in order: 3, 5, 7, 9, 12The median is the middle number:

3, 5, 7, 9, 12

Page 8: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

MedianWhat if we have an even number of numbers?

Find the median of : 66  74  75  78  82  89

There is no middle number.  What do we do?

Take the two middle numbers and find the average, ( or mean ). 75 + 78 = 153

153 / 2 = 76.5

                             The median is 76.5.

Page 9: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

ModeThis is the number that occurs most often.

Example: find the mode of the following data:  

78  56  68  92  84  76  74  56  68  66  78  72  66

65  53  61  62  78  84  61  90  87  77  62  88  81

                                                   The mode is  78.  

Page 10: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

RangeThe range of a set of data is the largest number minus the smallest number.

Example: Find the range of 5, 9, 3, 7, 12First, put them in order: 3, 5, 7, 9, 12The range is the largest minus the smallest:

12 – 3 = 9

Page 11: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

Best Measure of Central TendencySkew: Data that is not symmetrical when

graphed in a bar chart. Skew is caused by outliers, data that does not

behave nicely. Think of getting around 85% on three tests, and

then getting a 20%. Calculated the mean and median of both data sets:

Data Set A: 85, 85, 85Data Set B: 85, 85, 85, 20Which number would you want to tell you folks?

Data Set Mean Median

A 85 85

B 68.75 85

Page 12: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

Best Measure of Central TendencyThe outlier (20%) causes the data to be skewed

left.The outliers will pull the mean more than the

median.We really want to be able to use the mean of the

data if possible. If the data is symmetrical (normal – a word we do not have yet), the best measure of central tendency is the mean.

If the data is skewed, the best measure of central tendency is the median.

Look at Problems 5 – 8 on page 365 asked “Which measure of spread is best to use?”

Page 13: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

pg 365 # 5Skewed to the right, so median would be the

best choice for the measure of central tendency.

86 86 87 89 96 100

84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 1020



Page 14: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

pg 365 # 6All the data points are pretty much in the

same area, so the mean would be the best choice of measure of central tendency

32 34 36 38 40 42 440



Page 15: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

pg 365 # 7All the data points are pretty much evenly

spread, so the mean would be the best choice measure of central tendency

50 70 90 110 130 150 1700



Page 16: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

pg 365 # 8Skewed to the right, so median would be the

best choice for the measure of central tendency.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 3500



Page 17: Solve for x: n = 6.125 x = -11. By: Christina Carter

Got it?Cool! Do:“Mean Practice Problems” and pg 365, # 1 – 8 & 16