solutions colligative properties - sci yeung . c o m properties colligative properties are...

Solutions Colligative Properties

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Post on 21-Apr-2018




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Page 1: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


Page 2: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but




Page 3: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


• Howtemperatureaffectssolubilityofgases• Howpressureaffectssolubilityofgases• Freezing-pointdepressionvs boiling-pointelevation

• Representationsofconcentrations• Molarityandmakingsolutions• Dilutions(dilutingsolutions)

Page 4: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


Page 5: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but





Page 6: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


• Increasetemperature=increaseinenergyofgasparticles

• Increaseofenergyallowstheparticlestoescapemorereadily

• Examplefromreallife?– LeavingacanofCokeinthesun

– Hotweather(Globalwarming)leavinglessdissolvedoxygeninlakescausingdeath

Page 7: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


• Gasparticlesdissolvedinsolutionareindynamicequilibriumwiththegasesoutsideofthesolution.

• Ifpressureoutsideofsolutionisdecreased,thenthepressurefromthegasesinsidethesolution canescapemorereadilyandviceversa.

@ Equilibrium Lowpressure

Page 8: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


• Whydoweaddsaltintoourwaterwhenwecookpasta?

Page 9: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but

BoilingpointelevationWhatisit?• Thenormalboilingpointofasolutionisraisedrequiringmoreenergyforittoboil.

Why?• Whensoluteisaddedtoasolution,themixtureofsoluteandthesolutionwillcausethevapourpressure tobelowered

• Causingthesolutiontoenterthegasphasemoredifficult,thusrequiringmoreenergy.



Page 10: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


Impurities insolution

Theimpurities causesadisturbance insolution allowinglesswatertobeonthesurface,whichlowersthevapour pressure

LowerVapour pressuremeanslesspressuretoenterthegasphase,soinorder forittogo intogasphase,moreenergy isneeded!MOREHEAT!B.PisElevated!

Page 11: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but

Results–• Temperatureisraisedbeforeasolutionstartstoboil.

• Therefore,pastacooksfasterbecausethewaterishotterthan100C

Page 12: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but

FreezingpointdepressionWhatisit?• Thenormalfreezingpointis

lowered andrequiringMORE energyforittobetakenoutfromtheliquidtofreeze.

• Insteadoffreezingat0Cforwater,itmayfreezeat-9C

Why?• Whensoluteisaddedtosolution,


• Therefore,alowertemperaturemustbeachieveinorderforthesolutiontofreeze.




Page 13: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but





Soatthatpoint,thewaterisstillinliquid form,eventhough itisat-8°C.

Page 14: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but

Reallifeexample• Saltonroads– Thesaltmeltstheice,andcreatesabrine solution(saltwatermixture)

– Thesaltandsolutionmakesitmoredifficultforthesolutiontofreeze,sothesolutionrequiresalower temperatureforittofreezeagain.

Page 15: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but

Differentde-icers• De-icers arenormallyCaCl2 insteadofNaCl.

• CaCl2 worksbetterbecauseitdissociatesinto3atomsinsteadof2ofNaCl.

• The3atomsdisruptsthesolutionmorecausingthefreezingpointtolowermorethanNaCl.



Na+ Cl-

Cl- Cl-Ca+2


Page 16: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


• %weight-weight(%w/w)• %weight- volume(%w/v)

• %volume/volume(%v/v)

• partspermillion(ppm)• partsperbillion(ppb)• gramsperlitre (g/L)

Page 17: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but
Page 18: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


• GoldBondhas1%w/wofPramoxineHydrochloride

• Thetotalweightofthecreamis28g,howmuchofPramoxin Hydrochloridewasused?

• Calculate1%of28g.• 0.01x28=0.28gofPramoxin Hydrochlorideor280mg

Page 19: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


• Has0.5%w/wofHydrocortisone• Howmuchofhydrocortisonewasusedina15gbottle

• Solution• 0.5%x15g=0.075gor75mgofhydrocoritisone

Page 20: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


• Inorderforasolutiontobeaccuratelycreated,molesmustbeinvolved

• Sincesolutionsaresolutesdissolvedinsolvent,bothmolesandvolumemustbeincluded.

• Molarity!

Page 21: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


Page 22: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


• Molarity is a unit of concentration defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved in one litre of solution.

• Molarity=molesofsolute/1Litre• Example:ifyouhave0.5molesandyouwanttofindthemolarity.Itwouldbe

– 0.5moles/1L=.5M(mol/L)

• MolaritycansometimesbedenotedMformolarity

• Unitsformolarity=moles/litre orM

Page 23: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but

Example 1. Whatisthemolarityofa5.00litersolutionthatwasmadewith

10.0molesof KBr ?

Page 24: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but

Example2. A250mlsolutionismadewith0.50molesofNaCl. Whatisthe


Page 25: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but

Example 3: Whatwouldbethevolumeofa2.00M(moles/L)solution


Page 26: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but

Example 4. HowmanymolesofCaCl2wouldbeusedinthemaking0.500Lofa5.0Msolution?Howmanygrams

ofCaCl2 wereused?

Page 27: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but

Example5. Whatisthevolumeof3.0MsolutionofNaCl madewith526g


Page 28: Solutions Colligative Properties - Sci Yeung . c o m Properties Colligative properties are properties of solutions that depend on the concentration of solute molecules or ions but


w• Calculatemolesrequiredtofillthe1Lbottle.• 6.0M(mol/L)x1L=6molesofNaOH• 6molesx(40.01g/mol)molarmassofNaOH =240gofNaOH required.