solid ground financial review

Solid Ground Financial

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Post on 26-Aug-2014




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Solid Ground Financial advertises themselves as a Christian principles based organization. They offer debt relief services. Pricing is unclear until you participate in a full consultation with them. If you're interested in learning more, you can find it at or at the link in the slides above.


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Solid Ground Financial!

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Who Are They?!As a credit repair and debt relief organization founded on Christian beliefs and teachings, “Solid Ground Financial” offers a total of 70 years worth of experience in debt management among their professional staff. !!Their main goals are to help clients consolidate their unsecured loan debts and substantially lower interest rates with creditors. !!In business since 2007, the company offers substantial experience in helping clients free themselves of credit card debt. !

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What Services Do They Offer?!

•  Debt  Consolida.on  •  Credit  Repair  •  Payday  Loan  Relief  •  Credit  Counseling  

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Additional Services!

•  Free  Consulta.on  •  100%  Money  Back  Guarantee  •  Excellent  customer  service      

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Do They Offer Debt Education?!

They  do  not  specialize  in  debt  educa.on,  so  those  looking  for  these  types  of  resources  would  be  beKer  suited  to  look  elsewhere.  Their  debt  educa.on  offering  could  definitely  be  improved.  

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How Do They Rate With The BBB?!

Solid  Ground  Financial  has  the  highest  with  the  BeKer  Business  Bureau,  holding  strong  with  an  A+  for  their  length  of  .me  in  business,  their  prompt  resolu.ons  of  any  complaints  filed  against  them,  and  their  overall  lack  of  complaints  against  them  for  a  business  of  their  size.    

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What Do Their Services Cost?!

The  consulta.on  is  completely  free.      Upfront  fees  vary  person  to  person  and  state  to  state  as  does  the  monthly  service  and  maintenance  fee  all  of  which  are  discussed  during  the  free  consulta.on.  You  will  have  to  contact  them  with  specific  details  about  your  situa.on  to  get  an  accurate  es.mate  of  pricing.  

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FAQ Page!Their  FAQ  page  doesn’t  answer  a  lot  of  specific  ques.ons,  but  they  do  address  the  basics  such  as:    “What  are  the  benefits  of  debt  consolida.on?”    “How  can  credit  counseling  secure  lower  payments  for  me?”    “Should  I  consider  filing  for  bankruptcy  instead?”    “What  type  of  debt  can  be  consolidated  with  debt  consolida.on?”  

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What Type of Debt Do They Service?!

“Solid  Ground  Financial”  handles  unsecured  debts  including  credit  cards,  department  store  cards,  u.lity  bills,  medical  bills,  unsecured  loans  and  debts  with  the  IRS.    

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What Makes This Company Stand Out?!

The  company  that  they  base  their  services  off  of  beliefs  in  regards  to  money  and  finances  and  they  offer  well  informed  and  helpful  staff  in  providing  an  especially  customer  service  experience.    

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Do They Maintain A Social Media Presence?!

They  do  not  have  a  presence  on  social  media  whatsoever.  Any  social  media  efforts  they  might  make  are  not  known  or  adver.sed  on  their  website  for  their  visitors  to  see.    

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What Does the BDC Think of This Company?!BDC  gives  “Solid  Ground  Financial”  an  average  overall.  The  company  has  a  good  BBB  and  a  solid  history  of  providing  service,  but  they  aren’t  as  clear  about  their  services  upfront  regarding  what  they  offer  and  at  what  prices.    

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Potential Negatives!

They  have  no  social  media  presence,  liKle  to  no  addi.onal  debt  educa.on  services  and  receiving  a  general  price  quote  from  them  is  nearly  impossible  un.l  a  thorough  consulta.on  has  been  completed.    

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Learn More!To  learn  more  about  how  the  BDC  has  rated  and  reviewed  this  company,  please  check  our  their  full  profile  on  our  site  here:    hKp://­‐ground-­‐financial-­‐review/