sold ^ less than cost - nys historic...

TWO KXIIIIUTIONS I\ OXK. I lltffttlo liill'M Wil«I Wvst niHl rawiK-i Mill's Fur Kast. this cyjir "•\Vilit ><\ nmuiwinoiit world will ><> a now departure in the UK of (-"I. W. F. (body's Went" and Major Gordon LilUe'H "Pawnee Bill's" Far Want. New York and Brooklyn have sot the -Mtauxp. of approval on the new al- liance. "The "Wild Weal," during its lotnr years of adherence to the genulno- siesH of ita Indiana, Cowboys, Mojtl- <:ans and others and through extend iliig its rosier to include Hough R|d- «ers of the World, culling experts of ith« most noted, such BM tho Co 1 - ;uaok, Arab, South American, Gau-c'uo H-unffarian Ohdsko, international cavalry became recognized as an as- seinblago approaching nearly the po«- RlblULiOs in the study of racial and national characteristics, of a special anthropological exhibit. The far eastern voyage of the American Fleet inspired the manage- rarnl to meet the desires tvnd inter- •SBt (^specially-in; tho.interior of our •<?Mintry) of tho masses of our people fo seo the strange Orientals bolong- iw# to. the different -countries visited. ThJs was forpiin^ annex composed of'Mala')' faces fr&hi rtifflerertf. localities, East Indians; artti- .gatese. South Sea Inlanders iitboli as iSArooans, Maores, Hawatten* #*&» .•aiwse... Pilipinos and re'eruits fr^jtni •every, section-of the land of. the-Rift* ih,g Sun gathered together uoider ^hc supervision of Major Gordon, Lttliel Fdr %tti yccare Col. Go<iy Has gtveS no street parade, therefore ihere; v^ill b» no street jiarade, as eve|?y .in- tention will be concentrated tot t*he giving of perfect performances., ' Location at Rlley's show graftn'U 0 *' seats will be on sale• •,&I gndt Sons, App«aranc0 ; here SCH0>DL HAVEFIELiMY WILLIAM KBLL.KY TI*K CHILDREN S DAY. ^iptdal Scrvurs ««. Homo of tho (iliurcliw for the Itising G<IKH«- tion. At St. John ti ihurch Low Maas> *;m celobrnted at <S o'clock by the juw.tor, Uev. J. H. Driscoll, 1). 1).. D. C. L., and at. H).:to Rov. ,r, H. O'Rourke assistant pastor, officiated; Hi High Masw. Sunday school WJAS held at M o'clock and in the evening al 7.;'.0 Rev. Father O'Rourke sang Vespers and officiated at the Bene- diction of the Blessed Sacrament. At St. Peter's church the first Mass of the day was celebrated at C 15 by Rev. Father Marlon. Rev. Fr.ther Pelle-tler was the celebrant of the aecond /Mfaftfs at 7.30 rind Mass at 9 o'clock was celebrated by Rev. Father Berneohe. High Mass at 1,0.30 was celebrated by Rev. Father Ouhnet and the sermon, which was on the solemnity of the f-loly Bu* oharlst watr preached by Rev. Father th the evening the closing service af tb<4 frlduura WRB held with ser- cqdfl andfienedtetkmfcyRev. Father Oufmet. back ground. And by. isolating her- self, it is hard' to tell whether or not, she yet JiveB. It ia not thought that her tea<-hin<« are original and' she can best hold them by keeping n the shadow of other*? of superior intellect. The test of this system will tfOttH: day reveal ita worth or prove to dangerous tendorcea. In the mean- time lot ua exorcise toward it th© charity that i.hinketh no evil. [ tfOBODY SPAKED- At the Ffcrat M«tho4fU ijr^ Sunday morning the paatior ^t»tised. a \ktm «Ia«fl- ot cHiMren and then preached to the chUdren Oti "Tbe s-hirMi and the sea." Th# #jtHiitttk conierl: KWney Troubles Attack Plttttsburjj Man and Women, Old and , Kidney iljs seize young and eld. Come quickly with little warning. Children suffer in their early years. Can't control the kidney secretions Glrla are languid, nervous, suffer pain. Women worry, can't do daily work. Men hare lame and aching backs The euro for maa, Womaa, or child. Is to cure? the cause—-the kidneys Doan<8 Kidney• FfiW dure sick ktd '$ttrfc all 'ti'nn's, vf kidney auffdr- i'testimony prove! It. S. Herrpo, living a t i l l eftsreet, Platjjiiburgth, H. Y,. rf am pleaded to endorse t'kwfly. Pressed by Joim Booth for, Vlpii Place—Jnt<tm<xl»ate Li»l« in Hard Half Mile B*ce! The pupil» of the High an4 PHbtfc schools held a field day on the fair grounds Saturday after^don,* the sports. Cffeatjng much iaterest the large number present were some excellent events and performances were very TlH'moet sensational feature" ot aftemopn. waa in the half raiie termediate race, which was', a fk> fitrulfgle between O'Noil the former winning. ,0'JNJeil to the stretch far ahead HPrinted, and was nearly on even le-rras twenty foot, from' the, Long was wavering and the two b(>yp. collided I^ong falling. It was a gaipo. exhibition on the part of both. William Kelley won the individual t;hampionbhlp with 20 points to 19 for .John Booth. The other point win- ners wefe-.&ftdtf 16, Clark 13, Jerry 13, Pardy 8, Merrlhew $, Ryan* 2,' Robert Booth 2. The last named is niuch younger than the other con- testants and shewed much proni^e as an athlete. Roughly Sttjumarized Kelley and Booth showed the best •all avound form, the latter'e running in tho half mile being a very good performance. Ladd is a clever. nitd!dto dlataace runner, winnlug the 220- yard and quarter mile, the l&ttef o$v of the beet races of the day. Cl&irk was easily the fastest sprinter and won the high jump. Jerry excelled .\n jumping and shot putting, though beaten by Kelley in the runjtxiti£ broad jump. The primary school hundred yard race was won toy Elm street school, whose representatives canie in 0ftond and third, though the first place went to a broad street boy. The summary follows: 100-yard dash—Clark, Kelley, J. Booth. Ladd. Time 11-1-5. Shot put—Jerry, Ladd, Booth, Kelley. 3G feot. 4 4 0-yard da^h -Ladd, Booth, Purdy,, K. Booth. Time 57 4-5. Standing broad jump—Jerry. Kel- ley, Ryap, T - Booth. S fe^t-.tO inches. 220-yard dash.—-LaA', Clat:k, Merrihew, Purdy. 23 4-5. • , • Kunniag broad jumjp—Ketley, Jerry, Booth, Pardy. 10 "feet 10 imif niil«>--.F. Booth, Merrlh^w.- UiM. Purdy. 2:18. lijuf luiie intermediate—O'Xeil, Long, Whefh-r. 2: '.'A, lJ-unnnor throw---K«MI^y, Purdy. Bootli. 80 foot !t inchos. Primarv srhoo] 100-ynrri dann - V r :»rno. Uroaii, <«ebo. Elm; Char- bojmrai), Kim; O'Noil, Hamilton. High jump---(Uark. Kelley. .5. HooUi. H. T?Of)th. 4 feet 10 inchos. Ti'oubl« MakwH Oustwi When a sufferer from stomBch trou* ble takes Dr. King'n Kcvr Life Pills he's mighty glad to t;oe Dyspcpnia jind Tndi'Kewtion fly. btit more-he's tickled over his m>w, fine appetitp-, Hironn ivrvivi. boalihy vigor, all be- r-riurc <;l(innu !i. liver anil lihln^ys now nnvM right. yr>o. \\l Cady Drug Co, the Pre«bytefiiin cbutch there were twd spNec^l mor^i^g w*w gtteo ui^tG { , and arrangmaeMs with? this in vl after th« opening voluntary^ itir© S^adey School arwi cltoir, *d • the church sinking tb*i| bCchittg^ slowly.,, uf tie j alsle» to tho strain of .,__, The paster's address j wks bntE. dealing with the relation of the national banner to the flag of Several children recited, were ba^pWed. B the m> iod of Railway in a body, and a\ special Bermon upon " ^ete and hereafter," defttiujg part|: dMlwirly, with phases of life pf^iehi alid. f#ur« of peculiar interest |< The t»i two unusually orffan numbers, Duboie' offertory in /(. flat, and Holllnfe' Intermezzo, ^a the f anthem "At Evenirig." by ^ , a Yptic&Wltii dull pMM M ; Kny bitek i o s t of the ttjtae, more i*t^W'"ft^'fef' 'f e*eifte4 ' myself.! T lidt.lfeftt yelt at ntglit, and ip, tlie m^rltti^: feelipg tired tioan'B Kidney pjlts atiid had ft 6 p r c « i i ^ ;fi»t •&* it tarkiii*a promptly wettt to 6\Me atid 1 I cda- tfnUed ufllng them until cured. Many of hiy ftjbnds bave u#ed tnlft remedy upon reoDrrlmendtttion and all has p!MB*d with the fruits obtain j-jl^bri.sate>tiy'itild4a^. Prlc^ fiO -^v^'t? •-j.j^i ^>-- ir ^ . ^: ^ujtaio, ""' the tlnit- .'At. Trinity church . In ttte fore- th» congregatiion liatetied to* a eerraoBi the 1 strqafif point was the. simpUdty of tftct The preacs^er "Wl^! I..' L. satiford,, rector^ ojf shi of Osdensburg. »r htii' text th'© 5th. veifisfe. chapter of the 2nd fcqqk "Wetfh mo tbe weight «the jflite, ot- meartY*toetbie bl|,itt calttii* again, tne^ay t^ la past." TM» v?M the reply •arigol gave to> Ksdraes when lie T r stloned conipSalntegly•.(the "will Of Clod, dttisg the prosperity of the ,)rlcJk«Kl and the affllcllons of the itJo^ly. Do these three tthing», weigh the fire, measure the wind or o^U'«bac|c the day that Is past and I *i!ai eipldin th*< will . of God, said the ^ngel. In the present day theae tnree things are done. The heat of the Ure can be weighed. There is an instrument <U> measure the blast-of tho wind an<i archaeologists have tbro«jght back the days that are past. Ji* fconcludlng Mr, SJanford drew a JtofeftUtlful picture of the simple,, un- ^ue^tlooiug faith of an, ignorant old man. Choral evensong service was held at t -30i, the choir s'.iagiog the an- them, by King Hall, "Show me Thy way O God." , Qhilren'a Day was observed with very appropriate exercises at tho baptist church Sunday. The parts yfe^ti well taken and the services ^ev0 of great interest. Ton children were added to the cradle-roM and wjtl) prayer they were conseci*ata<| ; to. a noble life. \ pr. Perkins and Hou. E'. C. Baker Hddf'dSBed the large contfjregattQn, *fhe exercises were in charge of Prof. (j; "VV. ,Shallies, superintendent. Jrt the evening. Rev. Dr. Perkjn's )i^d for hla text. Psalms 11?:? , yWhcVewithal shall a young thin j cjeafiae his way? by taking heed I i|^tftto, according to thy woM." : 8k>niP points In the experience of bur j young, men were named. And tHe ! wikdom of tho Psalmist'e suggestton wtts considered. Whoever wouid rightly live must pay heed to tbe j physical and the moral results of I goodness. David answers bin ques- tion. Tho Word ia our Master and jour snide. The young should be trained for usefulness and for I heaven. As the close of the sermon in [speaking of loyalty to inspired teach* inp;, Dr. Perkins a&kod the question. Is Mary ftakor Kddy dead? Christ- ian Science, he said, has* sathcrett into its fold sonio of tIT** rhoioesc and hivst In our churches and we ran- not export to IIKMM US teaching ' VV criliciHin or jihusc. For sonic l'cason AGE0 CRIMINAL LAWS OF NtW YORK—By Author Kyi..' <* CHAP. 222, AN ACT to am«hd the. fhtittcrl "An a«?t In relation to agricul- ture, constituting chapter . on» of th* consolidated laws," in rotation to pre- vention ana extirpation of diseases and inneot pests infecting and infesting trees, nnrUbR, plants, vines or nursery atpek, and making: an appropriation therefor. . Became a law AprU2l, lflfli), with the ap- provAl of the Governor. Passed, three t fifths bei nig pre»«nt. I The People of the State of New York,! represented In Sen al ft and Assembly, do' enact as follows; Rfectlon. t. Sectidnu three hufidred and and four and three hundred and five of chiaptflr rtlhttof the laWB of tilneteen hun- dred and nine, entitled "An act in re- lation to agi'ioUiture. con'stjitutlnjr chaptet one of the consolitlated laws," fti 1 * hereby amended to read: a« folloWR! fi.304. Th« prevention of dtseasa In trees, «hrubs, plants and vines and the extirpa- tion of luftect pests that Infest the same- —No. .person nhall knowingly or wilfully keep any plum, peach, almond, apricot, nectarine of ot,h«r trees affected with the contagious disease known as yellows. No person shall knowingly or wilfully keep n.ny pwtch tr«i--all!4sct«d with the disea'se known as little j>»aoh, N<tr, shall, anj: por- wn knowingly or wilfully keep any trees or plantsflffent«Hlwith tif*fcdntagJoUBdls- 1 ea»« or fungim known as black-knot ncjr~ any t.reft, shrub, plant or vin.e Infested with or by th« -San Jose fte&h» or other inReot pest dangerously Injurious to or destructive of the (reee, ahfub* 6r other plants; evory such tr««, 'eh'rub, plant or vine sluill l>* a public nul<tan<}«, and as Kuch ^liall . be abated ahfl no , Aania^e eihull bq «,ward*wi'for «tit*?iwa; Upon pwih- IffcSs utton- whlph there -aSri'-tife**,-' fchtub.^: plants or .v|nM- Whi«h »niy W infected M'it^i ysHitwd,••little peafchidi' blat?.k kr^ot «, Wttie peafchidi blat? AHitid with" San Jl^^ scat^, 6r othe: peat, fdr the pMtflftle pi |«faUy lnii ^Otfin|; the nnn\¥,t, jtidr.'.fi'ttatl (iiif dimoire awantwl to? th« i^ftShuolibh fty. tne tfl^itelo ajlffctlta 'Jtifi duly t«(, ot on« df this f*r0clfe,( p x ^ p t . . het-eht provided, .^yiwy p«rpK>l»i- .Wh'en! he becomeft aware of th^t ejtTitfeoce ot s»<Mi 4tae4ae t*r,iij»*ct'p*tfitt& »nr.ul*4 plant or vine own^rby fdi'thlthik)'f : tl Wi t tt ^ t feiaultr *t Al*ftty,,,*nd ikft «aWk eom'rolsriiejier «^1 tllke such action as the l^w .p^tjvidt**.. Tf M tile 'jiittgfcurijt «f ifairi comffi'fB|it*)ner of ^klti |h ?& ^ r k e ot, |he pKt*>ri m :&»?*&»v&p?: .resenting him, the trees, fchnibis, plants, vines, boxlest, contalnei^ ot* pafikin# h i t ' ^ ll l f t l>n'(4«it<d ,? Q a! tUl tftrliil ar« on/rrtiyM »q liffect^L or diseiuMt! thwE they arHfcrM tt4 # anii'V-; dMIVl, bui iM dwiisV « F t y tf-eefei ;tn^ :vifhi^s, ; *h4n(-tHe va,#v*r AV » '* Ace: of Vpsiji owrtei,.. or if'swii awiter be not A Mwldbflt of f the to.wd, by leaving 1 puch .notice with the person in charge of the pretnifl$fs, trees,, slitrubs.i plants, vines, boxes, .e<rdtititnfrs' ovt making material or In ,whos^i pj>ss«.sS|ton rtjipy ma.,V bej mpl\ notice ghatU, conltaijT a .brief statement'.o« th' ft fd, ;fo «Kftt wlietftby it is treated, with treatjnent. t<$ be car* nflt under qr ageuts: or $&Uin£ to comply tit-' tfi« domrtJlwsWiifBT' duts tff' and fcrittertng ^teps braiiiaiily' • '"' ~' : ' ' ' ' ' among ,court'•'Tire><jH&nit<jts, hut t'br when City J u ^ e GtIJ^l»ad ; to six inonths In the- ...... ... . -„ his con- vlotiott 6f i cnapge of i»ertty by Police- man, Utjert? several daiya ago on a charge of being drunk and disorder- ly. At the tlnie of his arrest Canfleld liad , undei* his Arm several new jehects arid p^fcdv cases. At the re- (jueBt of Chief Gonners, Canfleld's trial wa« postponed and search made tor the pwnef of the property taken frotn. th& pfifloner. H was finally learned that thej'' had been stolen from Gapt. B; H. (Kaftuian at Platts- j>nrgh BferVackp. It yv&§ aJeo learned that Cttnfi r iVd had been stealing in Uio viQinity -of PoJnt' au Roche at tho -Unvo a hou^e wfe$ kefe on fli'e there aisd it is believed by many thai''•n'cl-'.act tf»o tfre.- .' Canftc|d parrte for trial Monday foffnoon and pleaded not guilty, liberty tfpktifted"- that (j htf arrested Catitffejd the pris- .had, the sheets and pillow cases >tf hU wirni. The p*j$diier defied and s^(| that %& \i»& n^yer 'eeoa g^odet MjijtlJ -they, v?fre shewn to t : &\inw&f: \or : a (jue^tion by Judjge h'd daid he wa# 77 j^afs.of sis a^ f^en serttenc- ^nyj.*ipeaitdtiUar>- . . A Thrilling Rescue ., How ftert Hi. L<san, of ; Cheny, Waiih, ^as'.-saved frortm 1 a ' frightful' Uikth .1H a etory to thrill the world. ''A* hfltrd cold," he writes "brought on a. desperate lung trouble that baf- fled an expert doctor here. Then I paid $10 to $15 a visit to a lung spec- ialist in Spokane, who did not help me. Then I went to California, but without benefit. At last I used Dr. King's New Discovery, which com- pletely cured me and now 1 am as well as over." For Lung trouble, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds. Asth- ma, Croup and Whooping Cough its supreme. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bot- iln froo. Uuarnntomt by ("ndy Drus Company, Ittseot peata othw qtlse*P0«» sh*Il be , of * m^d'ew^anpr- In .case of ob-. j|e«tl<W* tq( th* flndlHl^'OC the Inspet of t)te ; pdn>jjvla8lo:x>*r eti-y^gtU . lure, an appeal ahatl tfe made to.the coin- •t Airrlcultur*, wHoiwi': decision •hall b* iln*l. An appeal must Be tauten >vlthUi tbj'^e days from service of s»1d no- tice, and shall'act as &• ; .it-ay of proceed- Inlt3 until it i* heard and decUWd. Wher the commissioner of aftriculture or tue person or petaonw appolfijted by Hint, shall plants, boxea, containers} ©r packing ma- terial muftt ba tre^tedl or destroyed fortn- wlth, H» may'empioy all n*e*«aary as»l3t- anta for tlirat purpose, ind sucji feerson or persons, agent dr a gentji, employee or i plo5'*ej», m*y enteiuupqti any or *ll pn tees in ^y city; or to*n ii«ce^8ary for the puj-pOfees of Such trei|m#tk,''rehiovar w #«#tf iifttton. Ttie eQrrtiTfittpt&irte? 1 of^ agrtoiil* i sl|iil asctt'taln th^.va}tio-0f: aj? hows cpritftlpera deltroyftii and >U trees, to. 1;h,a,t lnfefctefl orflifce4»e(*4t*>t-ovJ(^i herein p'y h&vjji$ ftii agent pC tlw, dep^rtnwflit .ap- praise t|ie same. -If tljfe owner tlioreft?, is not •„ '^atlpfleid w|th tho valu^ a s ' nite^-"in suvh".at>piraUai, then twd, art)itr?»twsi «haU be appuipted, one i,by.'th» owner. JWUI ohe ))>' the. commj»«loher- of nc^r-|cuiturt)i.:cir His value fljKfcd' hy aucli afb|tra|iqTB. shall be final-. wh«n .duly appebyed by the cohv bjtratdvB. fail to iigroe then eaehapbittft- tov.-.^lialt- make, a import .to tbe eomntia- sioner., of ajrricultui'e setting -fotkU -tho v&luep as determined |iy hlnn and trbe sa|d cQmjnls^i'jper ahaM therealter flx a vaJOe upon the arttqlW s<i apprai|^a which yajue sliiaU be fhjal. Th* opmml«*i9ner' of ajfcricuJtHr* ah.all-,'t 1 * —--"-- ...••>-. control}e>r qf the detailed atatornentj in trtfoyea.' ailid th* t (leptroyisd on * ^he caus* to tbelieva ttvit, »w.., ,.-.. hwe 1 been- Ui/eeted; ltjfMed oi _._„„,„ 8nd th* t-alue_thoreof dewrmtrietl a|j: pro- vided hmeln. The cornptrollm- sihalj there- after •d.ravr,.hHi warrant on the tife'aaufyr for the 'amounts cwttfliad "by the-t'ornnils- feiotter Of aprleulturf; A« ihe vaiue thereof and 1 .the tvea-surer shaft .pay to.tlie owner or ownet's of the «a!il boxfs, (>onta!iwr«. trews, shrubs ami plants so deatroywl tbe value thereof from any money ' in- the treasury specifically appropriated there- for. Tlu- provisions- of'tl-iig section shall apply to all boxes, containers, tree*, shrubs*, and plants hereafter or hereto- fore destroyed, except as to such boxes roiitrtitiHi-s, trees, nhi-ubs and plants as qt New: York a iffeh he ^hoill set ,n|b« art<^ plants 1 *of..r««t8oi|»We y. were br *rnl#ht providing for laaruing, ctrtificatts relatlv* to nursery stock apparently free,' frdirt auoh di^eapea and pests, refeulating, th# use thereof, defining nuraery stook,»pro- viding: for - fumigation, forbidding. th> bringing into the state such diseases'ot insect pests.—When the commiseionei of agriculture knows or > ha* reason U believe that any such contagious dlseas* exists, or that there is good reason to believe that it exists, or danger Is justly apprehended of Its introduction into an.v town or city in the state, or that'-'any dangerously Injurious insect pest exists Within this utate, and has rfeason to be- lievo that danger may be justly appre- hended front Its existence, he shall forth- with send sonte competent pereon and euch agent or agents as he may deem necessary to assist In extirpating said pest or pests, disease or dineases, and th# said commissioner of agriculture is hereby authorized and empowered to take such steps and do whatever may be deemed necessary to so control or pre- vent the spread or extirpate such pest or pests, disease or diseases: The sa;ld commissioner is hereby empowered to issue such .order* or notices as he may deem necessary or proper-for the pur-, poses herein relative to such diseased nursery stock or relative to any trees,' anrubs, plants, vines, boxes, containers or packing material concerning which ha«* reasonable cause to believe are or tnfty be infected or infested with any such di««ap« of pest. Any person vio- lating the provisions of any order oi I notice so Issued by him shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. He. shall cause an-exam- 1 Ination to be made at least once each year, prior to September flrst, of each aria eyery nursery or other place wjiei^ tt?e>S; shrubs, plants or vines, cflnikidniy! known as nt*r*e?y stock are. grown for i "ale, for the purpose of ascertalnlns [ .w-*i.- .w_ trees ghrufcs, plants or! Silence! The instinct o£ modesty natural to every woman is often a great hindrance to the cure of womanly diseases. Women shrink from the personal questions of the local physician which seem indelicate. The thought of examination is ab- horrent to them, and so they endure in silence a condition 9f disease which surely progresses from bad to worse. It has been Dr. Pierce's privilege to care a great many women who have found a refuge for modesty in his offer of FREE consulta* tion by letter. 2*11 correspondence is held as sacredly confidential, address Dr. /?. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Piefrce's Favorite Prescription restores and regulates the womanly functions, aboliihes pain and builds up and puts the finishing touch of health on every weak woman who gives it a fair trial. It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. You can't afford tq accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alcoholic medicine OP KNOWN COMPOSITION. \ :»«.. w infected, with any BUCII eoht.agit>ui» <Jls«ai»« of distoaon, or infMted' with *Mch j)«st ot^ pests, If after Kttch &i»a»n'- iHatidii it IB found that the" >al4 tlp&i ;MMbfl, plants or vine* «o ekaralhed aW * - ^ th- all ife.<»pect« ivbm any at&h.'dbtf- jj.,.-..^./ lnjurioua pest or pe&tkvth« o#mrnl«f|lo'her or-hls duty aiithori^«T *#€nt of other person deflfgi\ate<l .ip; make such exiitiirtatlon, shall' thereupon Isiitie to the ^Wn»r or pVtfpjtetor o? aitid iKtock thit« exAmln«4 a i '""" wttlng forth tha fact that'.'tb.f-.»uwtw.j,p.. esnnilried"<it> appaj-etiity free 1 fmVri atiy end all such <JWe4»e or dlMsa«eii, p^st »t pe^ts. Should any ritttserymfth,,.'agtal. dealer or broker diAtHfcute' bv dei^vir within th* Ktate, tre^e, Vjnes; dhi^ubl, Rights, bUda, pf ctttttng$, eaiiihonly Kndwp as nursfry, tstocifc, s abd ^'hfch at^ HiihiKnf to ihe ;'*tta6li» ojfr InMfet» ah,» »^» ttfafty*; pr fftvlfl»<l for, -ttivtem : *tok lit hi« poft'seaulon a copy of-isaiidP'c?r- WOODS NEED GOOD ROADS ROl»OSEl> STATE ROADS FOK NORTHERN KEW YORK. ast Sums Hare Been Expended on the Forests and the Health and > Itworts Should be Accessible. dis Stonte—It'fe very depressing to have a wife who is an invalid. Prettyiuan -•lin:i.irin«» wbnt il is. then. Iu have one dial is in-rfVctly lu-aHhy.• LUe. fqext ot; d*«trdy -j, wioh certiflcAte. of wrongtuily W lnpppi«4i(sion of sUch oer- tintittt*, M"- shall be guilty ot t a ml»3e- m*>aiFior. All ntiraery *tbck donslfn^* for sttfohtnt orrMMH Mi frtet exbro**, Of dther ineAwi; -W - t#ftAaJport>Uoh, shall; b4 |aecomptmi(Sl W d «oj>y 0f iM& r aecomptmi(Sl W d. «oj>y. 0f iM& AU attlefcfcd. :t& eacfi:'aiti bos, i die dr ^.k'«|^'t]biti| no hursery n ii b«; ^19; or wtiptMK* Mhd«H,tHfiK i t e l^pu^i Mfr p>ovlddt herein iti tpiitM \t\: (^p/tiiietHiry•-16$$*,M w -«Aid ceriffleftte rft'ft* itiitum iitiVft ck hai ^fiO daily,. eJ^ttl d hereui atttj Mil Ad to 4 ^ i * i ; all cer- ate b & r aiyi ^»i*poMisly; ih|uH^«» th ami peat or...{d-UMJAvtt: A*!J' 'person can> 'slihinfc <fbr, shJpjheh't ot *nlppit>« nursery stjick as above Whhout ?*,ueh certificate ^£tached or a,-:-. f^Q JiimUe tbereofe••:'.:6^ wrohgCuDy. us|tig r j»ycl\ (jertifiCjitfe o r -a fae&imife thereof , ihall hk gylHy ot a ml»d^m^njor. AiK cujttonV Uou«e( ^ra- kers bringing..•;• into or causing to. ,$* brought "into thiB;state any nursery BtWk, ?hai! m« : with the commissioner , of ajpriculture on or, befoce Oetober ^rst e«ch;ye:«r, the name' of. the persoH, firh-i,' 4isaoi3ifttion; or ^ r p e r a t i p n eng^srfMjiin o^ Intending'.tq eng*ffe in such business to- tt*ther with the ; , bueineas address-of ;$ixtii' p«8»on ftim; a^obiatidn o? :c^vmMi cojt» of hot)B©...bvojt^rs 'Or ((iijpi. piovii!) \JII^ |hg OT briiifftini# !ivu?»«ry'-st&t^t iitto' (sf^tt. 'sfhs^Hi,jroin.efllately, ? . « M ""'• such cojt8|«nm^t Notify the . ••'A#. -"*-'-r^uur« ;,o;f J the nt-Miin th«lr „, to qt>m% polat wt^..,. _,_ „. ,. the-HBm^ pf^thiC'Cbn! v A *<*»$y. coneiii^nfief^apEdj.ihe*ppi&tsiojji/jc miet^t. and of'' d^stl^tjon oi, '•„;.tfi|ch# ( ' Bjjinment; ! a n $ tive 'nanvef q'f th;e ^rans U,t|oi» comR^ny>bringing p\'"»» -*«•>'' tine route or- rai^tea f oy^tr •poifi relative to ,SK0h :Bh}|>«*,;Hu*,»?-..-.-iii*. commissioner of ^afiyictilturei may from time, to .tinie renutfe^ Any ppfpon bring* ing nursery stock into thi* #tatf or v ^- ipejvlij^ nvusiery stock from out»id;« (<»w» «t»te shan befpre uhjjfackijjsr the same wtthinth* state apply to a n * jre^^iy* f^m the coroiiuiaBloner: of airrlcqltte^ a- pe^rftit »o to 4o; the comruJs^Ibher of *i|;rleuUiire isha-U upon Setogf 'i aatiBfled that Bfttd stock so djptred to be i»«ip#c!ted is free frorq apy dAngeroualy Inlurlous •- 1 pt&t oi^aifieaee Issue a c*ri|ficfte S. Percy Hooker and the "othef members of the State highway eominlssfon are on a trip of insj^efetiorl of proposed State roads in hdrtfierh Net York. The commls- dfoiie"rsi were ac'c'bihpanled.- by Second Yiec-PresJ&ent C. S.' Sims of the -Dei-' scwMe & Hudson company ind be- fore tiretr return they will probaibly malie a two days' tour 6t the Adiron- daeks is the gtiests of Mr. Sims who is to: have automobiles w&iting for .thenn' If the weather is fiavo-rable af- h&y lekve Warrensburgh. They Visit Lake Placid and otter points. It tsttte desire of many promioe'nt. Adirondack Interests to have the new take tip promptly- the work of Improving the main natural arteries through the Adlrdn (Jacks in or&ef that the peo- ple of the State may foe permitted easy aecees to the great vaca- tibti playgrbu-n^ of the State. The 'present trip <>f th« ; cofrimission will th« roa4s greatly in need of .. it is cbiitended that many patts of tbe AdjrontiackB are not ^SsilMe as they should be to the great mass of the people who i r e dependent upon public con- to get to the many hotels Sttd boarding houses which they would* greatly desire, to visit in the et season fm tooth health and ,..,._..,— ^iock. No person ahau knqyt- Irifly or wilfully 'bring: into tlfte state or unpack; wit.Wn-'-iiie state Brtpsy or hfown-tail m,oth or other inject- p^ste or caterpillar, larvae, pupae or eates of the sattie except for acienttfle pttirpowes, aiatl then only upon the written consent and approval of the commissioner of agrl- cukikre,' AH trees, plants, shrubs, buds or, cuttings, commonly called nursery stock, grown hi any nursery in this state, In which San Jos* scale has .been found within, two years of the date jot the diasemihation of paidr nursery atdc,k or grown in »a(d nutsery wlth.n' o^Kalt mil*, of where, s^id £c*le waft-- found, njust be fumisated trith 'hydrpcya^iii^ acid jfa's, In such-marfrier as jnay be .fit*. rected by the t-omnils&toner of ajftrlt " tyre of this ^tate. 9u,c!r fur^ls%|ipn : Uj bt''-4oife- ^y--.'tli6' grower of su<:]r\«!Oc?v Xty?f plantlrtifi dl«semina.ti0n 'or re*| me»t» ^xcep^ «uch tt^e«f.' shruha* piaj bud* oi*,ct|ttln'^-s "iti'fl^n in this sttaAe tn^e planted -ijy-'-the grower or pviypH.?'.* f^r; himseif. ai'.-euch as from i(« ii(i<.... pr state'of gfrowth "would be' exeinpt; 'in such-eases th<* wild eotn»ni**it>ri'er'- f»hal.l de^l^re such trees, shrubs,, ^j/i-nts, l>iWs- pr cuttings froe ' from sucl' ' tr#'>Mr.ehf. Should any nursery stock pur'?hasevl; witb- in one, year 1 be; found jrifettlial with Jope scale on the premises of any IIO.IT- eryman, it ^aH not >>» ooimldererj such an infestation aa to i-f-(juiie ths»fninfga- t'.JOn- of ..0th»r stock not *o "jjurohaiod. u»efl }n this article 1 shall apply, to ktui Include all trcje*. ahrubsj •brant's,' b«<|?, felons, clotting* and vines 'givdwn \n a nui'sery, and willow;* grown for-•• ha^HetiR of cuttir-^s or for nursery or other, cftm- nierclftl purposfeH. Tbfr provlJBiprtir Qf*thls attd the preceding .^etlon Bhalf not •sip-' pjy, to florists' ^reeuMmSe pliitt?,. flojvf-rs pv cuttings commonly- M,ht>wiv .a^ gre^n- hpuse stock, ar|d- no certificate .shall he' racjuired, fot slock KO Shlpp?<|; Jiilo the istlate that H.R 'sale'and shlj^meht -b.ecome cither Interstate comtner(»e trafflo or coni- nierce with foreign natio.l:.«. ' $ 2. Tlif sv;m nf txvoni.\--nv« i " thousand dblbirs (*2a,iK)0), Or so much thereof as may lie ncressary. is iiwrpby appioprjnt- iiol .lCiortviw .ippi-opyiatcd, ft)r the p:a'- pos-s of this ar-l. tVeafthy camp twners like the! itiderbilt&Y Blotrgan, and Rocke- fe^ters have expended thousands frojn taei^ private fortunes upon the cdnsiruetlon offine*road leading to their own ^nb* pfices, and It is a boon greatly desired ! by maay people tt Bimilar i action ahduld be takon by the Btate highway commission- to improve roads in the woods which will be of benefit* : to ITiem and to tax payers generally. It is argued that the people's money has ibeen ex- pended iu large sums for the pur- chase of Adirondack lands for the State park and it is desirable that some of the funds contributedtoythe people in taxes, annually should gd to improve the State park for the ad- vantage of the masses. •lie?.- Br. Hughes Passiac, N. J.;- June 15.—O&ev. Dr Hughes, who was stricken with a mild form of paralysis while stop- ping at the Lexington House yes- terday, i9 much improved tortight and expects to stai't for Albany to- morrow; The numbness in hia left arm and leg has almost disappeared SKKK TO PATCH UP BI.KINB § 3. This (1 la •ct in- State of New York, Office of the Secre- tary of State, ss.: 1 have compared the preceding- with the original law on tile in this offlco, and do hereby certify that the same Is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said ori; 1 ,::)'!! !nw. SAMf.'KI, iS. K()l ; :Xi(i, Secretary oi' Slate. Italian Nobility. Relatives of Duke of tlie Abvuzii, Coine to This | Country Naples, June 15.—Considerable surprise was .created here to-day by an apparently authentic story to the effect that the Duke and Du»chess de Clutsa, who secretly departed- on tlie steamship Berlin for New Yory Sat- urday afternoon, are bound for Amer , ica'.for the purpose of again patch Ing the Abruazi Elkins marriage an^ It is stated in high circles to-day that Miss Elkins will accompany the duke and duchess back to Italy, in order that all objections that have been hitherto urged against the mar- riage, may be overcome. The Dutchess dft Guisa is a stster of Dutchess Ellen de Aosta, Abru zi's sister-in-law, who has been fa- vorable to the match from the start "In mos' cases," saul Uncle Eben, "dp man tint Uuows enough to think ]>vl\s \\v si'M i ak« li.'ihlo to jos' i?o ou lliiiikin'." Wuslilii-hiii Sl:»r. Could Not lie Better No one has ever made a salve oint- ment, lotion or balm to compare with Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Its the one perfect healer of Cute, Corns, Burns, Bruises. Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands its supreme. Infallible for Piles, Only j5c, at OacJy prug Co, Won«>n Who Are Rnvied Those attractive women who are lovely in face, form and temper are he envy of many, who might be like, them. A weak sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipation, or Kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin eruptions arid a wretcli jd complexion. For all such, Elec- tric Bitters work wonders. They reg- ulate Sfiomaeb, Liver and pmrify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes pure breath., smooth, •vety skin/ lovely complexion. Many charming women owe their health and beauty' to them. 50c. at Cady \ i c b . ' ; ' ' . ' : ° ' •'.- : .'•••••' jrves, V /vel- ! River Night Pftlat's ; Vow York, ^ P . M. ~~ Bre*kfa«ta I ^y^ hi # e s t ot e sold ^ Less than Cost TOtJ We Clear the Stock § ATTEND TM SALE Haley Bfos. IICIINTONST. AND DfcKIIM» OR MONEY R£FUAf0E£>. Life, Accideut, Health, /" Fire, Plate Glass, Kte. '>* Liability Insurance. Fidel'tv & Surety ilonds. G. H. OLIVER HENE; 32 Margaret Street, Plattsbnrp, N. Y fTudson River, 10S-J ; Hume, 515.)

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Page 1: sold ^ Less than Cost - NYS Historic · 2005-10-12 · of the aecond /Mfaftfs at 7.30 rind Mass at 9 o'clock was


lltffttlo liill'M Wil«I Wvst niHl rawiK-iMill's Fur Kast.

this cyjir


><\ nmuiwinoiit world will><> a now departure in the

UK of (-"I. W. F. (body'sWent" and Major Gordon

LilUe'H "Pawnee Bill's" Far Want.New York and Brooklyn have sot the

-Mtauxp. of approval on the new al-liance.

"The "Wild Weal," during its lotnryears of adherence to the genulno-siesH of ita Indiana, Cowboys, Mojtl-<:ans and others and through extendiliig its rosier to include Hough R|d-«ers of the World, culling experts ofith« most noted, such BM tho Co1-;uaok, Arab, South American, Gau-c'uoH-unffarian Ohdsko, internationalcavalry became recognized as an as-seinblago approaching nearly the po«-RlblULiOs in the study of racial andnational characteristics, of a specialanthropological exhibit.

The far eastern voyage of theAmerican Fleet inspired the manage-rarnl to meet the desires tvnd inter-•SBt (^specially-in; tho.interior of our•<?Mintry) of tho masses of our peoplefo seo the strange Orientals bolong-iw# to. the different -countries visited.ThJs was forpiin^annex composed of'Mala')' faces fr&hirtifflerertf. localities, East Indians; artti-.gatese. South Sea Inlanders iitboli asiSArooans, Maores, Hawatten* #*&».•aiwse... Pilipinos and re'eruits fr jtni•every, section-of the land of. the-Rift*ih,g Sun gathered together uoider ^hcsupervision of Major Gordon, Lttliel

Fdr %tti yccare Col. Go<iy Has gtveSno street parade, therefore ihere;v^ill b» no street jiarade, as eve|?y .in-tention will be concentrated tot t*hegiving of perfect performances., '

Location at Rlley's show graftn'U0*'seats will be on sale• •,&I

gndt Sons, App«aranc0; here




^iptdal Scrvurs ««. Homo of tho(iliurcliw for the Itising G<IKH«-

tion.At St. John ti ihurch Low Maas>

*;m celobrnted at <S o'clock by thejuw.tor, Uev. J. H. Driscoll, 1). 1)..D. C. L., and at. H).:to Rov. ,r, H.O'Rourke assistant pastor, officiated;Hi High Masw. Sunday school WJASheld at M o'clock and in the eveningal 7.;'.0 Rev. Father O'Rourke sangVespers and officiated at the Bene-diction of the Blessed Sacrament.

At St. Peter's church the firstMass of the day was celebrated atC 15 by Rev. Father Marlon. Rev.Fr.ther Pelle-tler was the celebrantof the aecond /Mfaftfs at 7.30 rind Massat 9 o'clock was celebrated by Rev.Father Berneohe. High Mass at1,0.30 was celebrated by Rev. FatherOuhnet and the sermon, which wason the solemnity of the f-loly Bu*oharlst watr preached by Rev. Father

th the evening the closing serviceaf tb<4 frlduura WRB held with ser-cqdfl and fienedtetkm fcy Rev. FatherOufmet.

back ground. And by. isolating her-self, it is hard' to tell whether ornot, she yet JiveB. It ia not thoughtthat her tea<-hin<« are original and'she can best hold them by keepingn the shadow of other*? of superior

intellect. The test of this system willtfOttH: day reveal ita worth or proveto dangerous tendorcea. In the mean-time lot ua exorcise toward it th©charity that i.hinketh no evil.


At the Ffcrat M«tho4fUijr^ Sunday morning the paatior

^t»tised. a \ktm «Ia«fl- ot cHiMrenand then preached to the chUdrenOti "Tbe s-hirMi and the sea." Th##jtHiitttk conierl:

KWney Troubles Attack PlttttsburjjMan and Women, Old and

, Kidney iljs seize young and eld.Come quickly with little warning.Children suffer in their early

years.Can't control the kidney secretionsGlrla are languid, nervous, suffer

pain.Women worry, can't do daily

work.Men hare lame and aching backsThe euro for maa, Womaa, or

child.Is to cure? the cause—-the kidneysDoan<8 Kidney• FfiW dure sick ktd

'$ttrfc all 'ti'nn's, vf kidney auffdr-i ' testimony prove! It.

S. Herrpo, living at i l leftsreet, Platjjiiburgth, H. Y,.

rf am pleaded to endorse

t'kwfly. Pressed by Joim Booth for,

Vlpii Place—Jnt<tm<xl»ate Li»l«in Hard Half Mile B*ce!

The pupil» of the High an4 PHbtfcschools held a field day on the fairgrounds Saturday after^don,* thesports. Cffeatjng much iaterestthe large number presentwere some excellent events andperformances were veryTlH'moet sensational feature" otaftemopn. waa in the half raiietermediate race, which was', afk> fitrulfgle between O'Noilthe former winning. ,0'JNJeilto the stretch far aheadHPrinted, and was nearly on evenle-rras twenty foot, from' the,Long was wavering and the two b(>yp.collided I ong falling. It was a gaipo.exhibition on the part of both.

William Kelley won the individualt;hampionbhlp with 20 points to 19for .John Booth. The other point win-ners wefe-.&ftdtf 16, Clark 13, Jerry13, Pardy 8, Merrlhew $, Ryan* 2,'Robert Booth 2. The last named isniuch younger than the other con-testants and shewed much proni^eas an athlete. Roughly SttjumarizedKelley and Booth showed the best•all avound form, the latter'e runningin tho half mile being a very goodperformance. Ladd is a clever. nitd!dtodlataace runner, winnlug the 220-yard and quarter mile, the l&ttef o$vof the beet races of the day. Cl&irkwas easily the fastest sprinter andwon the high jump. Jerry excelled .\njumping and shot putting, thoughbeaten by Kelley in the runjtxiti£ broadjump. The primary school hundredyard race was won toy Elm streetschool, whose representatives caniein 0ftond and third, though the firstplace went to a broad street boy.The summary follows:

100-yard dash—Clark, Kelley, J.Booth. Ladd. Time 11-1-5.

Shot put—Jerry, Ladd, Booth,Kelley. 3G feot.

4 4 0-yard da^h -Ladd, Booth,Purdy,, K. Booth. Time 57 4-5.

Standing broad jump—Jerry. Kel-ley, Ryap, T- Booth. S fe t-.tO inches.

220-yard dash.—-LaA', Clat:k,Merrihew, Purdy. 23 4-5. • , •

Kunniag broad jumjp—Ketley,Jerry, • Booth, Pardy. 10 "feet 10

imif niil«>--.F. Booth, Merrlh^w.-UiM. Purdy. 2:18.

• lijuf luiie intermediate—O'Xeil,Long, Whefh-r. 2: '.'A,

lJ-unnnor throw---K«MI y, Purdy.Bootli. 80 foot !t inchos.

Primarv srhoo] 100-ynrri dann -Vr:»rno. Uroaii, <«ebo. Elm; Char-bojmrai), Kim; O'Noil, Hamilton.

High jump---(Uark. Kelley. .5.HooUi. H. T?Of)th. 4 feet 10 inchos.

Ti'oubl« MakwH OustwiWhen a sufferer from stomBch trou*ble takes Dr. King'n Kcvr Life Pillshe's mighty glad to t;oe Dyspcpniajind Tndi'Kewtion fly. btit more-he'stickled over his m>w, fine appetitp-,Hironn ivrvivi. boalihy vigor, all be-r-riurc <;l(innu !i. liver anil lihln^ys nownnvM right. yr>o. \\l Cady Drug Co,

the Pre«bytefiiin cbutchthere were twd spNec l

mor^i^g w*w gtteo ui^tG {, and arrangmaeMs

with? this in vlafter th« opening voluntary^

itir© S^adey School arwi cltoir,*d • the church sinking tb*i|

bCchittg slowly.,, uf tie jalsle» to tho strain of .,__,

The paster's address jwks bntE. dealing with the relationof the national banner to the flag of

Several children recited,were ba^pWed.

B the m>iod of Railwayin a body, and

a\ special Bermon upon "^ete and hereafter," defttiujg part|:dMlwirly, with phases of life pf^iehialid. f#ur« of peculiar interest |<

The t»itwo unusually

orffan numbers, Duboie' offertory in/(. flat, and Holllnfe' Intermezzo, ^athe f anthem "At Evenirig." by

^ , a Yptic&Wltii dull pMMM; Kny bitek i o s t of the ttjtae, morei*t W'"ft 'fef' 'f e*eifte4 ' myself.! T

lidt.lfeftt yelt at ntglit, andip, tlie m^rltti^: feelipg tired

tioan'B Kidney pjlts atiid had ft6 p rc« i i^ ;fi»t •&* it tarkiii*a

promptly • wettt to6\Me atid1 I cda-

tfnUed ufllng them until cured. Manyof hiy ftjbnds bave u#ed tnlft remedyupon reoDrrlmendtttion and all has

p!MB*d with the fruits obtain

j-jl^bri.sate>tiy'itild4a^. Prlc^ fiO-^v^'t? •-j.j^i ^>-- i r ^ . ^ : ^ujtaio,

""' the tlnit-

.'At. Trinity church . In ttte fore-th» congregatiion liatetied to* a

eerraoBi the1 strqafif pointwas the. simpUdty of tftct

The preacs^er "Wl !I..' L. satiford,, rector^ ojf

shi of Osdensburg.»r htii' text th'© 5th. veifisfe.chapter of the 2nd fcqqk

"Wetfh mo tbe weight«the jflite, ot - meartY* toe tbie bl|,itt

calttii* again, tne^ayt la past." TM» v?M the reply•arigol gave to> Ksdraes when lie

„ T r stloned • conipSalntegly •. (the "willOf Clod, dttisg the prosperity of the,)rlcJk«Kl and the affllcllons of theitJo ly. Do these three tthing»,weigh the fire, measure the wind oro^U'«bac|c the day that Is past and I*i!ai eipldin th*< will . of God, saidthe ^ngel. In the present day theaetnree things are done. The heat ofthe Ure can be weighed. There is aninstrument <U> measure the blast-oftho wind an<i archaeologists havetbro«jght back the days that are past.Ji* fconcludlng Mr, SJanford drew aJtofeftUtlful picture of the simple,, un-^ue^tlooiug faith of an, ignorant oldman.

Choral evensong service was heldat t -30i, the choir s'.iagiog the an-them, by King Hall, "Show me Thyway O God."

, Qhilren'a Day was observed withvery appropriate exercises at thobaptist church Sunday. The partsyfe^ti well taken and the services^ev0 of great interest. Ton childrenwere added to the cradle-roM andwjtl) prayer they were conseci*ata<|

; to. a noble life. \pr. Perkins and Hou. E'. C. Baker

Hddf'dSBed the large contfjregattQn,*fhe exercises were in charge of Prof.(j; "VV. ,Shallies, superintendent.

Jrt the evening. Rev. Dr. Perkjn's)i d for hla text. Psalms 11?:?

, yWhcVewithal shall a young thinj cjeafiae his way? by taking heedI i|^tftto, according to thy woM.": 8k>niP points In the experience of burj young, men were named. And tHe! wikdom of tho Psalmist'e suggesttonwtts considered. Whoever wouidrightly live must pay heed to tbe

j physical and the moral results ofI goodness. David answers bin ques-tion. Tho Word ia our Master and

jour snide. The young should betrained for usefulness and for

I heaven. As the close of the sermon in[speaking of loyalty to inspired teach*

inp;, Dr. Perkins a&kod the question.Is Mary ftakor Kddy dead? Christ-ian Science, he said, has* sathcrettinto its fold sonio of tIT** rhoioescand hivst In our churches and we ran-not export to IIKMM US teaching 'VVcriliciHin or jihusc. For sonic l'cason


LAWS OF N t W YORK—By Author Kyi..' <*CHAP. 222,

AN ACT to am«hd the. "An a«?t In relation to agricul-ture, constituting chapter . on» of th*consolidated laws," in rotation to pre-vention ana extirpation of diseases andinneot pests infecting and infestingtrees, nnrUbR, plants, vines or nurseryatpek, and making: an appropriationtherefor. .Became a law AprU2l, lflfli), with the ap-

provAl of the Governor. Passed, three tfifths bei nig pre»«nt. I

The People of the State of New York,!represented In Sen al ft and Assembly, do'enact as follows;

Rfectlon. t. Sectidnu three hufidred andand four and three hundred and five ofchiaptflr rtlhttof the laWB of tilneteen hun-dred and nine, entitled "An act in re-lation to agi'ioUiture. con'stjitutlnjr chaptetone of the consolitlated laws," fti1* herebyamended to read: a« folloWR!

fi.304. Th« prevention of dtseasa In trees,«hrubs, plants and vines and the extirpa-tion of luftect pests that Infest the same-—No. .person nhall knowingly or wilfullykeep any plum, peach, almond, apricot,nectarine of ot,h«r trees affected with thecontagious disease known as yellows. Noperson shall knowingly or wilfully keepn.ny pwtch tr«i--all!4sct«d with the disea'seknown as little j>»aoh, N<tr, shall, anj: por-wn knowingly or wilfully keep any treesor plants flffent«Hl with tif* fcdntagJoUB dls-1

ea»« or fungim known as black-knot ncjr~any t.reft, shrub, plant or vin.e Infestedwith or by th« -San Jose fte&h» or otherinReot pest dangerously Injurious to ordestructive of the (reee, ahfub* 6r otherplants; evory such tr««, 'eh'rub, plant orvine sluill l>* a public nul<tan<}«, and asKuch ^liall . be abated ahfl no , Aania^eeihull bq «,ward*wi'for «tit*?iwa; Upon pwih-IffcSs utton- whlph there -aSri'-tife**,-' fchtub.^:plants or .v|nM- Whi«h »niy W infectedM'it i ysHitwd,••little peafchidi' blat?.k kr^ot«, Wttie peafchidi blat?

AHitid with" San Jl^^ scat^, 6r othe:peat, fdr the pMtflftle pi |«faUy lnii

^Otfin|; the nnn\¥,t, jtidr.'.fi'ttatl (iiif dimoireawantwl to? th« i^ftShuolibh fty. tne

t f l ^ i t e l o a j l f f c t l t a ' J t i f i dulyt « ( , ot

on« df this f*r0clfe,( px^pt .a». het-eht provided, .^yiwy p«rpK>l»i-.Wh'en! he becomeft aware of th^t ejtTitfeoceot s»<Mi 4tae4ae t*r,iij»*ct'p*tfitt&»nr.ul*4 plant or vine own^rbyf d i ' t h l t h i k ) ' f : t l Wi t tt

^ t feiaultr *t Al*ftty, K£,,*nd ikft «aWk eom'rolsriiejier « ^ 1tllke such action as the l^w .p tjvidt**.. TfM tile 'jiittgfcurijt «f ifairi comffi'fB|it*)ner of

^ k l t i |h ?&^ r k e ot, |he pKt*>ri m :&»?*&»v&p?:.resenting him, the trees, fchnibis, plants,vines, boxlest, contalnei^ ot* pafikin# h i t ' ^l l l f t l>n'(4«it<d ,?Q a!


tftrliil ar« on/rrtiyM »q liffect^Lor diseiuMt! thwE they arHfcrM tt4 #

anii'V-; dMIVl, bui iM dwiisV « F t y tf-eefei

;tn^ :vifhi^s,;*h4n(-tHe va,#v*rAV» '*

Ace: of Vpsijiowrtei,.. or if'swii awiter be

not A • Mwldbflt of f the to.wd, by • leaving1

puch .notice • with the person in charge ofthe pretnifl$fs, trees,, slitrubs.i plants, vines,boxes, • .e<rdtititnfrs' ovt making material orIn ,whos^i pj>ss«.sS|ton rtjipy ma.,V bej mpl\notice ghatU, conltaijT a .brief statement'.o«t h ' f t f d , ;fo «Kftt wlietftby it is

treated, withtreatjnent. t<$ be car*

nflt underqr ageuts:

or $&Uin£ to complytit-' tfi« domrtJlwsWiifBT'


tff' and fcrittertng ^tepsbraiiiaiily' • '"' ~':' ' ' ' '

among ,court''•'Tire><jH&nit<jts, hut t'br

when City J u ^ e GtIJ l»ad;

to six inonths In the-. . . . . . ... .-„ his con-

vlotiott 6f i cnapge of i»erttyby Police-

man, Utjert? several daiya ago on acharge of being drunk and disorder-ly. At the tlnie of his arrest Canfleldliad , undei* his Arm several newjehects arid p fcdv cases. At the re-(jueBt of Chief Gonners, Canfleld'strial wa« postponed and search madetor the pwnef of the property takenfrotn. th& pfifloner. H was finallylearned that thej'' had been stolenfrom Gapt. B; H. (Kaftuian at Platts-j>nrgh BferVackp. It yv&§ aJeo learnedthat CttnfiriVd had been stealing inUio viQinity -of PoJnt' au Roche attho -Unvo a hou^e wfe$ kefe on fli'ethere aisd it is believed by manythai''•n'cl-'.act tf»o tfre.-.' Canftc|d parrte for trial Mondayfoffnoon and pleaded not guilty,

liberty tfpktifted"- that(j htf arrested Catitffejd the pris-.had, the sheets and pillow cases>tf hU wirni. The p*j$diier defiedand s^(| that %& \i»& n^yer 'eeoag odet MjijtlJ -they, v?fre shewn to

t:&\inw&f: \or:a (jue^tion by Judjgeh'd daid he wa# 77 j^afs.of


a^ f^en serttenc-^nyj.*ipeaitdtiUar>-

. . A Thrilling Rescue .,How ftert Hi. L<san, of ; Cheny,

Waiih, ^as'.-saved frortm1 a ' frightful'Uikth .1H a etory to thrill the world.''A* hfltrd cold," he writes "broughton a. desperate lung trouble that baf-fled an expert doctor here. Then Ipaid $10 to $15 a visit to a lung spec-ialist in Spokane, who did not helpme. Then I went to California, butwithout benefit. At last I used Dr.King's New Discovery, which com-pletely cured me and now 1 am aswell as over." For Lung trouble,Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds. Asth-ma, Croup and Whooping Cough itssupreme. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bot-iln froo. Uuarnntomt by ("ndy DrusCompany,

Ittseot peataothw qtlse*P0«» sh*Il be

, of * m^d'ew^anpr- In .case of ob-.j|e«tl<W* tq( th* flndlHl^'OC the Inspet

of t)te; pdn>jjvla8lo:x>*r eti-y^gtU .lure, an appeal ahatl tfe made to.the coin-

•t Airrlcultur*, wHoiwi': decision•hall b* iln*l. An appeal must Be tauten>vlthUi tbj'^e days from service of s»1d no-tice, and shall'act as &•;.it-ay of proceed-Inlt3 until it i* heard and decUWd. Wherthe commissioner of aftriculture or tueperson or petaonw appolfijted by Hint, shall

plants, boxea, containers} ©r packing ma-terial muftt ba tre^tedl or destroyed fortn-wlth, H» may'empioy all n*e*«aary as»l3t-anta for tlirat purpose, ind sucji feerson orpersons, agent dr a gent ji, employee or iplo5'*ej», m*y enteiuupqti any or *ll pntees in ^y city; or to*n ii«ce^8ary for thepuj-pOfees of Such trei|m#tk,''rehiovar w#«#tf iifttton. • Ttie eQrrtiTfittpt&irte?1 of agrtoiil*

i sl|iil asctt'taln th^.va}tio-0f: aj? howscpritftlpera deltroyftii and >U trees,


lnfefctefl or flifce4»e(*4t* >t-ovJ(^i herein p'yh&vjji$ ftii agent pC tlw, dep^rtnwflit .ap-praise t|ie same. -If tljfe owner tlioreft?, isnot •„ ' atlpfleid w|th tho valu^ • a s ' nite^-"insuvh".at>piraUai, then twd, art)itr?»twsi «haUbe appuipted, one i,by.'th» owner. JWUI ohe))>' the. commj»«loher- of nc^r-|cuiturt)i.:cir His

value fljKfcd' hy aucli afb|tra|iqTB. shall befinal-. wh«n .duly appebyed by the cohv

bjtratdvB. fail to iigroe then eaehapbittft-tov.-.^lialt- make, a import .to tbe eomntia-sioner., of ajrricultui'e setting -fotkU -thov&luep as determined |iy hlnn and trbe sa|dcQmjnls^i'jper ahaM therealter flx a vaJOeupon the arttqlW s<i apprai|^a whichyajue sliiaU be fhjal. Th* opmml«*i9ner' ofajfcricuJtHr* ah.all-,'t1* —--"-- ...••>-.control}e>r qf thedetailed atatornentj in

trtfoyea.' ailid th* t(leptroyisd on * ^hecaus* to tbelieva ttvit, »w.., , . - . .hwe1 been- Ui/eeted; ltjfMed oi _ . _ „ „ , „8nd th* t-alue_thoreof dewrmtrietl a|j: pro-vided hmeln. The cornptrollm- sihalj there-after •d.ravr,.hHi warrant on the tife'aaufyrfor the 'amounts cwttfliad "by the-t'ornnils-feiotter Of aprleulturf; A« ihe vaiue thereofand1.the tvea-surer shaft .pay to.tlie owneror ownet's of the «a!il boxfs, (>onta!iwr«.trews, shrubs ami plants so deatroywl tbevalue thereof from any money ' in- thetreasury specifically appropriated there-for. Tlu- provisions- of'tl-iig section shallapply to all boxes, containers, tree*,shrubs*, and plants hereafter or hereto-fore destroyed, except as to such boxesroiitrtitiHi-s, trees, nhi-ubs and plants as

qt New: York aiffeh he ^hoill set

,n|b« art< plants1 *of..r««t8oi|»Wey. were br *rnl#ht

providing for • laaruing, ctrtificatts relatlv*to nursery stock apparently free,' frdirtauoh di^eapea and pests, refeulating, th#use thereof, • defining nuraery stook,»pro-viding: for - fumigation, forbidding. th>bringing into the state such diseases'otinsect pests.—When the commiseioneiof agriculture knows or > ha* reason Ubelieve that any such contagious dlseas*exists, or that there is good reason tobelieve that it exists, or danger Is justlyapprehended of Its introduction into an.vtown or city in the state, or that'-'anydangerously Injurious insect pest existsWithin this utate, and has rfeason to be-lievo that danger may be justly appre-hended front Its existence, he shall forth-with send sonte competent pereon andeuch agent or agents as he may deemnecessary to assist In extirpating saidpest or pests, disease or dineases, andth# said commissioner of agriculture ishereby authorized and empowered totake such steps and do whatever may bedeemed necessary to so control or pre-vent the spread or extirpate such pestor pests, disease or diseases: The sa;ldcommissioner is hereby empowered toissue such .order* or notices as he maydeem necessary or proper-for the pur-,poses herein relative to such diseasednursery stock or relative to any trees,'anrubs, plants, vines, boxes, containersor packing material concerning which h»ha«* reasonable cause to believe are ortnfty be infected or infested with anysuch di««ap« of pest. Any person vio-lating the provisions of any order oi Inotice so Issued by him shall be guilty ofa misdemeanor. He. shall cause an-exam-1

Ination to be made at least once eachyear, prior to September flrst, of eacharia eyery nursery or other place wjiei^tt?e>S; shrubs, plants or vines, cflnikidniy!known as nt*r*e?y stock are. grown for i"ale, for the purpose of ascertalnlns [.w-*i.- .w_ t r e e s ghrufcs, p l a n t s or!

Silence!The instinct o£ modesty natural to every woman is often agreat hindrance to the cure of womanly diseases. Womenshrink from the personal questions of the local physicianwhich seem indelicate. The thought of examination is ab-horrent to them, and so they endure in silence a condition9f disease which surely progresses from bad to worse.

It has been Dr. Pierce's privilege to care agreat many women who have found a refugefor modesty in his offer of FREE consulta*tion by letter. 2*11 correspondence is heldas sacredly confidential, address Dr. /?. V.Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.

Dr. Piefrce's Favorite Prescription restores and regulatesthe womanly functions, aboliihes pain and builds up andputs the finishing touch of health on every weak womanwho gives it a fair trial.

It Makes Weak Women Strong,Sick Women Well.

You can't afford tq accept a secret nostrum as a substitutefor this non-alcoholic medicine OP KNOWN COMPOSITION.

• \ :

:»«..w infected, with any BUCII eoht.agit>ui»<Jls«ai»« of distoaon, or infMted' with*Mch j)«st ot pests, If after Kttch &i»a»n'-iHatidii it IB found that the" >al4 tlp&i;MMbfl, plants or vine* «o ekaralhed aW*-^ th- all ife.<»pect« ivbm any at&h.'dbtf-

jj.,.-..^./ lnjurioua pest or pe&tkvth«o#mrnl«f|lo'her or-hls duty aiithori^«T

*#€nt of other person deflfgi\ate<l .ip;make such exiitiirtatlon, shall' thereuponIsiitie to the ^Wn»r or pVtfpjtetor o?aitid iKtock thit« exAmln«4 a i '"""wttlng forth tha fact that'.'tb.f-.»uwtw.j,p..esnnilried"<it> appaj-etiity free1 fmVri atiyend all such <JWe4»e or dlMsa«eii, p^st »tpe^ts. Should any ritttserymfth,,.' or broker diAtHfcute' bv dei^virwithin th* Ktate, tre^e, Vjnes; dhi^ubl,Rights, bUda, pf ctttttng$, eaiiihonlyKndwp as nursfry, tstocifc,s abd ^'hfch at^HiihiKnf to ihe ;'*tta6li» ojfr InMfet» ah,»

»^» ttfafty*; prfftvlfl»<l for, - ttivtem :*toklit hi« poft'seaulon a copy of-isaiidP'c?r-



ast Sums Hare Been Expended onthe Forests and the Health and

> Itworts Should beAccessible.


Stonte—It'fe very depressing to havea wife who is an invalid. Prettyiuan-•lin:i.irin«» wbnt il is. then. Iu have onedial is in-rfVctly lu-aHhy.• • LUe.

fqext ot; d*«trdy -j, wioh certiflcAte. ofwrongtuily W lnpppi«4i(sion of sUch oer-tintittt*, M"- shall be guilty ot t a ml»3e-m*>aiFior. All ntiraery *tbck donslfn^* forsttfohtnt orrMMH Mi f r t e t exbro**,Of dther ineAwi; -W - t#ftAaJport>Uoh, shall;b4 |aecomptmi(Sl W d «oj>y 0f iM& raecomptmi(Sl W d. «oj>y. 0f iM&

AU attlefcfcd. :t& eacfi:'aiti bos, idie dr ^.k'«|^'t]biti| no hursery nii b«; ^19; or wtiptMK* Mhd«H,tHfiKi te l^pu^i Mfr p>ovlddt herein ititpiitM \t\: (^p/tiiietHiry•-16$$*,M w-«Aid ceriffleftte rft'ft* itiitum iitiVftck hai ^ f i O daily,. eJ^ttld hereui atttj Mil Ad to

4 ^ i * i ;


& r aiyi ^»i*poMisly; ih|uH^«» thami peat or...{d-UMJAvtt: A*!J' 'person can>'slihinfc <fbr, shJpjheh't ot *nlppit>« nurserystjick as above Whhout ?*,ueh certificate^£tached or a,-:-. f Q JiimUe tbereofe••:'.:6^wrohgCuDy. us|tigr j»ycl\ (jertifiCjitfe o r -afae&imife thereof , ihall hk gylHy ota ml»d^m^njor. AiK cujttonV Uou«e( ^ra-kers bringing..•;• into or causing to. ,$*brought "into thiB;state any nurseryBtWk, ?hai! m« : with the commissioner

, of ajpriculture on or, befoce Oetober ^rste«ch;ye:«r, the name' of. the persoH, firh-i,'4isaoi3ifttion; or ^rperatipn eng^srfMjiin o^Intending'.tq eng*ffe in such business to-tt*ther with the;, bueineas address-of ;$ixtii'p«8»on ftim; a^obiatidn o? :c^vmMi


hot)B©...bvojt rs 'Or ((iijpi. piovii!) \ J I I^|hg OT briiifftini# !ivu?»«ry'-st&t^t iitto'(sf^tt. 'sfhs^Hi,jroin.efllately, ? .«M " " ' •such cojt8|«nm^t Notify the

. ••'A#. -"*-'-r^uur« ;,o;f J thent-Miin th«lr „,to qt>m% polat wt^..,.

_,_ „. ,. the-HBm^ pf^thiC'Cbn!vA*<*»$y. coneiii nfief apEdj.ihe*ppi&tsiojji/jcmiet^t. and of'' d^stl^tjon oi, '•„;.tfi|ch#('Bjjinment;! an$ tive 'nanvef q'f th;e ^ r ansU,t|oi» comR^ny>bringing p\'"»» -*«•>''tine route or- rai^tea f oy^tr

•poifi relative to ,SK0h :Bh}|>«*,;Hu*,»?-..-.-iii*.commissioner of ^afiyictilturei may fromtime, to .tinie renutfe^ Any ppfpon bring*ing nursery stock into thi* #tatf or v -ipejvlij^ nvusiery stock from out»id;« (<»w»• «t»te shan befpre uhjjfackijjsr the samewt th in th* state apply to an* jre^^iy*f^m the coroiiuiaBloner: of airrlcqltte^ a-pe^rftit »o to 4o; the comruJs^Ibher of*i|;rleuUiire isha-U upon Setogf 'i aatiBfledthat Bfttd stock so djptred to be i»«ip#c!tedis free frorq apy dAngeroualy Inlurlous•-1 pt&t oi^aifieaee Issue a c*ri|ficfte

S. Percy Hooker andthe "othef members of the Statehighway eominlssfon are on a tripof insj efetiorl of proposed State roadsin hdrtfierh Net York. The commls-dfoiie"rsi were ac'c'bihpanled.- by SecondYiec-PresJ&ent C. S.' Sims of the -Dei-'scwMe & Hudson company ind be-fore tiretr return they will probaiblymalie a two days' tour 6t the Adiron-daeks is the gtiests of Mr. Sims whois to: have automobiles w&iting for.thenn' If the weather is fiavo-rable af-

h&y lekve Warrensburgh. TheyVisit Lake Placid and otter

points.It tsttte desire of many promioe'nt.

Adirondack Interests to have the newtake tip promptly- the

work of Improving themain natural arteries through theAdlrdn (Jacks in or&ef that the peo-ple of the State may foe permitted

easy aecees to the great vaca-tibti playgrbu-n^ of the State. The'present trip <>f th«; cofrimission will

th« roa4s greatly in need of.. it is cbiitended that many

patts of tbe AdjrontiackB are not^SsilMe as they should

be to the great mass of the peoplewho i re dependent upon public con-

to get to the many hotelsSttd boarding houses which theywould* greatly desire, to visit in the

et season fm tooth health and

,..,._..,— ^iock. No person ahau knqyt-Irifly or wilfully 'bring: into tlfte stateor unpack; wit.Wn-'-iiie state Brtpsy orhfown-tail m,oth or other inject- p^ste orcaterpillar, larvae, pupae or eates of thesattie except for acienttfle pttirpowes, aiatlthen only upon the written consent andapproval of the commissioner of agrl-cukikre,' AH trees, plants, shrubs, budsor, cuttings, commonly called nurserystock, grown hi any nursery in thisstate, In which San Jos* scale has .beenfound within, two years of the date jotthe diasemihation of paidr nursery atdc,kor grown in »a(d nutsery wlth.n' o ^ K a l tmil*, of where, s^id £c*le waft-- found,njust be fumisated trith 'hydrpcya^iii^acid jfa's, In such-marfrier as jnay be .fit*.rected by the t-omnils&toner of ajftrlt "tyre of this ^tate. 9u,c!r fur^ls%|ipn: Ujbt''-4oife- ^y--.'tli6' grower of su<:]r\«!Oc?vXty?f plantlrtifi dl«semina.ti0n 'or re*|me»t» ^xcep^ «uch tt e«f.' shruha* piajbud* oi*,ct|ttln'^-s "iti'fl^n in this sttaAetn e planted -ijy-'-the grower or pviypH.?'.*f^r; himseif. ai'.-euch as from i(« ii(i< state'of gfrowth "would be' exeinpt; 'insuch-eases th<* wild eotn»ni**it>ri'er'- f»hal.lde^l^re such trees, shrubs,, ^j/i-nts, l>iWs-pr cuttings froe ' from sucl' ' tr#'>Mr.ehf.Should any nursery stock pur'?hasevl; witb-in one, year1 be; found jrifettlial withJope scale on the premises of any IIO.IT-eryman, it ^ a H not >>» ooimldererj suchan infestation aa to i-f-(juiie ths»fninfga-t'.JOn- of ..0th»r stock not *o "jjurohaiod.

u»efl }n this article1 shall apply, to ktuiInclude all trcje*. ahrubsj •brant's,' b«<|?,felons, clotting* and vines 'givdwn \n anui'sery, and willow;* grown for-•• ha HetiRof cuttir-^s or for nursery or other, cftm-nierclftl purposfeH. Tbfr provlJBiprtir Qf*thlsattd the preceding .^etlon Bhalf not •sip-'pjy, to florists' ^reeuMmSe pliitt?,. flojvf-rspv cuttings commonly- M,ht>wiv .a^ gre^n-hpuse stock, ar|d- no certificate .shall he'racjuired, fot slock KO Shlpp?<|; Jiilo theistlate that H.R 'sale'and shlj^meht -b.ecomecither Interstate comtner(»e trafflo or coni-nierce with foreign natio.l:.«. '

$ 2. Tlif sv;m nf txvoni.\--nv«i" thousanddblbirs (*2a,iK)0), Or so much thereof asmay lie ncressary. is iiwrpby appioprjnt-

iiol .lCiortviw .ippi-opyiatcd, ft)r the p:a'-pos-s of this ar-l.

tVeafthy camp twners like the!itiderbilt&Y Blotrgan, and Rocke-

fe^ters have expended thousandsfrojn taei^ private fortunes upon thecdnsiruetlon of fine* road leading totheir own ^nb* pfices, and It is aboon greatly desired! by maay people

tt Bimilari action ahduld be takonby the Btate highway commission- toimprove roads in the woods whichwill be of benefit*:to ITiem and to taxpayers generally. It is argued thatthe people's money has ibeen ex-pended iu large sums for the pur-chase of Adirondack lands for theState park and it is desirable thatsome of the funds contributed toy thepeople in taxes, annually should gdto improve the State park for the ad-vantage of the masses.

•lie?.- Br. HughesPassiac, N. J.;- June 15.—O&ev. Dr

Hughes, who was stricken with amild form of paralysis while stop-ping at the Lexington House yes-terday, i9 much improved tortightand expects to stai't for Albany to-morrow; The numbness in hia leftarm and leg has almost disappeared


§ 3. This(1 la

•ct in-

State of New York, Office of the Secre-tary of State, ss.:1 have compared the preceding- with the

original law on tile in this offlco, and dohereby certify that the same Is a correcttranscript therefrom and of the whole ofsaid ori;1,::)'!! !nw.

SAMf.'KI, iS. K()l;:Xi(i,Secretary oi' Slate.

Italian Nobility. Relatives of Dukeof tlie Abvuzii, Coine to This

| CountryNaples, June 15.—Considerable

surprise was .created here to-day byan apparently authentic story to theeffect that the Duke and Du»chess deClutsa, who secretly departed- on tliesteamship Berlin for New Yory Sat-urday afternoon, are bound for Amer

, ica'.for the purpose of again patchIng the Abruazi Elkins marriage an^It is stated in high circles to-daythat Miss Elkins will accompany theduke and duchess back to Italy, inorder that all objections that havebeen hitherto urged against the mar-riage, may be overcome.

The Dutchess dft Guisa is a ststerof Dutchess Ellen de Aosta, Abruzi's sister-in-law, who has been fa-vorable to the match from the start

"In mos' cases," saul Uncle Eben,"dp man tint Uuows enough to think]>vl\s \\v si'Miak« i« li.'ihlo to jos' i?o oulliiiikin'." Wuslilii-hiii Sl:»r.

Could Not lie BetterNo one has ever made a salve oint-

ment, lotion or balm to comparewith Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Its theone perfect healer of Cute, Corns,Burns, Bruises. Sores, Scalds, Boils,Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. ForSore eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Handsits supreme. Infallible for Piles, Onlyj5c, at OacJy prug Co,

Won«>n Who Are RnviedThose attractive women who are

lovely in face, form and temper arehe envy of many, who might be like,

them. A weak sickly woman will benervous and irritable. Constipation,or Kidney poisons show in pimples,blotches, skin eruptions arid a wretclijd complexion. For all such, Elec-tric Bitters work wonders. They reg-ulate Sfiomaeb, Liver andpmrify the blood; give strong nerves,bright eyes pure breath., smooth,•vety skin/ lovely complexion. Manycharming women owe their healthand beauty' to them. 50c. at Cady

\ i c b . ' ; ' • • • ' . ' : ° ' •'.- : .'•••••'

jrves, V/vel- !

River NightPftlat's;

Vow York, P . M.

~~ Bre*kfa«ta


^ y ^ hi #e s tot esold Less than Cost


We Clear the Stock §






Life, Accideut, Health, / "Fire, Plate Glass, Kte. '>*Liability Insurance.Fidel'tv & Surety ilonds.


32 Margaret Street,Plattsbnrp, N. Y

fTudson River, 10S-J ; Hume,515.)