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    A Solar Writer Reportfor Hillary Clinton

    Written by Stephanie Johnson

    Compliments of:-Awakenings, Inc.

    PO Box 10672Prescott, AZ 86304-0672

    [email protected]

    www.awakeningsreports.commailto:[email protected]

  • Solar Writer Dynamic - Hillary Clinton Page 2

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    29° 29°











    49' 49'

























































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    Hillary ClintonNatal ChartOct 26 19478:00 pm CST +6:00Chicago, IL41°N51'087°W39'TropicalKoch

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    Astrological Summary

    Chart Point Positions: Hillary Clinton

    Planet Sign Position House Comment

    The Moon Pisces 29°Pi11' 10th

    The Sun Scorpio 2°Sc48' 5th

    Mercury Scorpio 21°Sc19' 5th

    Venus Scorpio 16°Sc51' 5th

    Mars Leo 14°Le15' 3rd

    Jupiter Sagittarius 0°Sg36' 5th

    Saturn Leo 21°Le20' 3rd

    Uranus Gemini 25°Ge55' 12th

    Neptune Libra 11°Li22' 4th

    Pluto Leo 14°Le51' 3rd

    Chiron Scorpio 12°Sc20' 5th

    The North Node Taurus 23°Ta32' 11th

    The South Node Scorpio 23°Sc32' 5th

    The Ascendant Gemini 29°Ge49' 1st

    The Midheaven Pisces 5°Pi06' 10th

    Chart Point Aspects

    Planet Aspect Planet Orb App/Sep

    The Moon Sesquisquare Venus 2°39' Applying

    The Moon Sesquisquare Mars 0°04' Applying

    The Moon Trine Jupiter 1°25' Applying

    The Moon Square Uranus 3°16' Separating

    The Moon Sesquisquare Pluto 0°39' Applying

    The Moon Sesquisquare Chiron 1°50' Separating

    The Moon Trine The South Node 5°39' Separating

    The Moon Square The Ascendant 0°37' Applying

    The Sun Trine Uranus 6°53' Separating

    The Sun Conjunction Chiron 9°32' Applying

    The Sun Trine The Ascendant 2°59' Separating

    The Sun Trine The Midheaven 2°18' Applying

    Mercury Conjunction Venus 4°28' Applying

    Mercury Square Saturn 0°01' Separating

    Mercury Conjunction Chiron 8°58' Applying

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    Planet Aspect Planet Orb App/Sep

    Mercury Opposition The North Node 2°13' Separating

    Mercury Conjunction The South Node 2°13' Separating

    Venus Square Mars 2°35' Separating

    Venus Square Saturn 4°29' Applying

    Venus Square Pluto 1°59' Separating

    Venus Conjunction Chiron 4°30' Separating

    Venus Opposition The North Node 6°41' Applying

    Venus Conjunction The South Node 6°41' Applying

    Mars Conjunction Saturn 7°04' Applying

    Mars Conjunction Pluto 0°35' Applying

    Mars Square Chiron 1°55' Separating

    Mars Semisquare The Ascendant 0°33' Applying

    Jupiter Quincunx The Ascendant 0°47' Separating

    Jupiter Square The Midheaven 4°29' Applying

    Saturn Conjunction Pluto 6°29' Separating

    Saturn Square The North Node 2°11' Applying

    Saturn Square The South Node 2°11' Applying

    Uranus Sesquisquare Chiron 1°25' Separating

    Uranus Conjunction The Ascendant 3°54' Separating

    Neptune Sextile Pluto 3°29' Applying

    Pluto Square Chiron 2°30' Applying

    Pluto Semisquare The Ascendant 0°02' Separating

    Chiron Sesquisquare The Ascendant 2°28' Applying

    The Ascendant Trine The Midheaven 5°17' Separating


    Transiting Points: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, ChironRadix Points: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, North Node,South Node, Ascendant, MidheavenDynamic Aspects: Conjunction (0°00'), Opposition (180°00'), Trine (120°00'), Square (90°00')Aspect Orbs: Entering 1°00', Leaving 1°00'Reference Timezone: MST +7:00

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    "Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow worldLike a Colussus; and we petty men

    Walk under his huge legs, and peep aboutTo find ourselves dishonorable graves.

    Men at some time are masters of their fates:The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

    Julius Caesar (1599) act 1, scene 2 Shakespeare

    The subject of Fate or Destiny has triggered many a philosophical argument. What is destiny? Are the details of our livespre-destined? How much free will do we really have? These are imponderable questions. This report does not offer theanswers. Rather it gives us some signposts to help us on our life journey.

    When meteorologists forecast the weather we understand that they are not telling us how to live our lives. Rather theyare giving us information that may help us make our own decisions. As far as the weather is concerned our majordecisions are whether or not to dress warmly or to take an umbrella. The astrological system of Transits is offering usmuch the same information. It is giving us an indication of the emotional and intellectual weather of our lives. It is up to usto decide our own destiny.

    When using this set of interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictoryinfluences, and as a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile.However, this may still be an accurate reflection of what is happening to the individual whose transits are beinginterpreted, as people do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in their lives. It is the responsibility ofthe astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of thedilemmas of the chart.

    Each entry in this report relates to an astrological event that affects the natal chart for this individual. The entries aresorted by the exact date on which each event occurs, and the period of time around this date during which the eventsare considered to be in effect is shown in parentheses on the same line. Note that due to occasional retrograde motionof some planets, some events may be exact on two or more dates, and in this case all such dates are listed on the sameline. Also, any events which are not exact within the report period, but whose period of effectiveness overlaps with thereport period are included.

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    From May 1 2014 until May 1 2017

    Apr 22 2014 (Apr 6 2014 to May 6 2014)

    TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX SATURN - This is a testing time when the structures of your life seemless certain. Aspects of your life which seemed once to offer safety and security become less sure during this transit. Itmay be that you are viewing these areas differently, or it could be that someone else is shaking things up. Either way youare being forced to reassess your plans and purpose, leaving behind any ineffective support systems.

    Apr 22 2014 (Apr 6 2014 to May 6 2014)

    TRANSITING SATURN CONJUNCTION RADIX MERCURY - During this phase you are likely to give seriousthought to all of your commitments, making sure that you are heading in the right direction. These can include businesspartnerships, contracts, real estate, marriage and financial matters, to name a few. Current obligations are reviewed asyou question whether you are still serious about these matters. On the other hand you may be carefully consideringmaking a long-term commitment to a prospective marital or business partner. Perhaps you are considering purchasing ahouse or taking a long journey. Either way this is a time for serious thought during which you reassess your options. Youare unlikely to be rash right now, preferring to contemplate the consequences of your decisions. At the end of this pointof time you, and others, will know that your decisions are likely to be long lasting. If you have made a commitment thenyou will stand by your word. If you have rejected a proposal then that is likely to be the end. It is also possible that youare considering a long-term intellectual pursuit, such as academic study or professional re-training. You may also begin awriting project, something as simple as a diary or more demanding such as fiction or non-fiction. This is the idealmoment in time to take on board any project that requires concentration and intelligence. It is also an ideal phase duringwhich to overcome your past fears and to embrace a purposeful future. The plans and decisions that you make now arelikely to reap real rewards in the future, particularly in seven years time.

    May 6 2014 and Aug 5 2014 (Apr 14 2014 to Aug 29 2014)

    TRANSITING CHIRON TRINE RADIX VENUS - You now have the opportunities to build bridges in yourrelationships, particularly with your most intimate partner, healing any past wounds which have stood in the way of trustand intimacy. You can share your innermost thoughts and feelings as you leave the past behind and move forward. Ateacher, healer or counsellor may appear during this time to help you develop more meaningful relationships, or it couldbe simply that you have the chance to make the changes yourself.

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    May 4 2014 (Apr 16 2014 to May 26 2014)

    TRANSITING URANUS TRINE RADIX MARS - This is a good time for achieving your goals, realising yourambitions. You have a good balance of assertion and flexibility, and your high energy level makes it easy for you tosucceed in many fields. You are enthusiastic and have great drive during this time.

    May 16 2014 (Apr 27 2014 to Jun 11 2014)

    TRANSITING URANUS TRINE RADIX PLUTO - You have deep and penetrating insight into life which can be putto good use during this transit. Therefore this is a beneficial transit if you are involved in counselling others as you willhave the ability to understand the problem and offer original and creative solutions. You also have the opportunity totake risks that lead you further along the path to achieving your purpose in life.

    May 12 2014 (May 6 2014 to May 18 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX VENUS - Right now you are in a phase that favours all relationships.Fortune is smiling on you, particularly in the areas of romance and money. This is a wonderful time for romance. Youare in love with life and your joy is contagious. If you are married, then your marriage is likely to flourish as you rekindlethe flames of love. Make the most of this period by renewing your efforts to communicate with your spouse in a funloving manner. If you are unmarried, then you may meet someone and fall in love. In fact you are likely to attract manyfavourable relationships, ranging from friendships to benefactors at work. You enjoy social occasions and others enjoyyour company. You are in for some peaceful and happy moments. Therefore it is a good time to accept social invitationsand take part in fun activities. Your finances are also likely to improve during this period. Investments may pay off.Influential people may bestow gifts. You need to make the most of the opportunities that arise during this phase withoutsquandering your luck on ill-gotten gains or unappreciative friends and love interests.

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    Jun 5 2014 (May 31 2014 to Jun 10 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX MERCURY - Good news is the cornerstone of this phase becausecommunications of all types are favoured. If you have been waiting for a positive outcome to a project, or a beneficialannouncement of some sort then you are likely to receive it now. You are mentally alert and capable of quick thinkingand good decisions. Influential people notice your positive attitude and aptitude and reward your efforts.Promotions atwork are possible. You are also likely to benefit from any decision to study, travel, teach, write or sharpen your mentalfaculties. Plans to buy and sell property are likely to be satisfying. In fact any plans made now are easily executedbecause of your optimism and ability to see the big picture, as well as deal with details. You may also discover latentsales talents. Legal contracts and lawsuits are also likely to be favourable when undertaken now. Of course, this doesdepend on other astrological influences. However, if you have shown restraint and wisdom in your dealings with otherpeople then you are likely to receive positive news.

    Jul 4 2014 and Aug 5 2014 (Jun 11 2014 to Aug 28 2014)

    TRANSITING SATURN CONJUNCTION RADIX VENUS - It is time to get serious about your relationships. Inparticular your marital union comes under close scrutiny. If you are already married then you are likely to reassess yourcommitment to your spouse in the light of your history with this person. If you conclude that this is indeed a strong andworthwhile bond then you make a stronger commitment to making this union work. You may decide on counselling tohelp resolve conflicts, or renew your marriage vows. You may also decide that you want to start a family or make afinancial commitment to a home. On the other hand, you are now ready to face problems which you have let slip in thepast, and anything which has stopped you feeling fulfilled within the relationship. This is the time when you are ready tobreak off a relationship, which falls short of your expectations. Consequently under this transit you could deepen yourcommitment through marriage or end the relationship after serious consideration. Your process of reassessing theassociations in your life also extends to friends and colleagues. You are seriously considering the support that is offeredby all of those closest to you at work and home. Consequently your social life may be somewhat restricted. You mayeven feel a little lonely at times as you end some friendships. Money also comes under scrutiny now. You arereassessing your finances, perhaps deciding on a budget, making investments for the future or making a large financialcommitment.

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    Jun 20 2014 (Jun 15 2014 to Jun 25 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX SOUTH NODE - During this time you have the chance to improve yourrelations with other people, and to make new relationships. You may meet a particular person, or take up with a newgroup of people. Either way this connection could help you expand your horizons in life. This can have a positive effecton your life as long as you recognize the opportunities, and do not pass them up. An engagement and marriage may beon the cards.

    Aug 14 2014 and Oct 31 2014 (Jul 1 2014 to Dec 8 2014)

    TRANSITING PLUTO SQUARE RADIX NEPTUNE - During this time you may feel disoriented as you feel impelledto deeply queston long-held beliefs. You may find yourself suddenly exploring the deeper meaning of life as neverbefore. It is possible that your life will change during this transit in ways which could not be foreseen. Perhaps you willexperience the death of someone close to your heart, or it may be simply that you feel that something has metaphoricallydied in your life. Either way you may start to question life after death, and other spiritual matters. You may also havepsychic experiences. It is possible for you to find both creative and spiritual avenues to satisfy your yearning for greatermeaning. This will help you avoid the feelings of confusion with seem to arise from deep within.

    Jul 12 2014 (Jul 8 2014 to Jul 17 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX MOON - This is a feel-good transit. In other words you feel good aboutyourself, your life and your loved ones. As a result you are particularly warm and loving. Your contentment is obvious toyour loved ones, and they want to spend time with you. Right now you know how to have a good time, and indulgeyourself. The only concern is the tendency to go to extremes. You need to be wary of over-indulgence in all things. Thetemptation is to express your feelings and indulge yourself with no restraint or consideration for others. However, if youcan keep a balanced outlook then you and your loved ones benefit from your generous and optimistic outlook. It is alsopossible that you use this time to make your life, in particular, your home more comfortable. This could simply bepurchasing more comfortable furniture and furnishings, or you may make plans to move to a home more suited to yourcurrent needs. Your family life may expand in some way. Perhaps a family member will come to stay or perhaps you willgive birth to a child. Either way you are likely to welcome these changes. This is a positive move, as long as you takeeveryone's needs into consideration.

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    Jul 19 2014 (Jul 14 2014 to Jul 23 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX JUPITER - Lucky in love and life can be the catchphrase for this transit.Although it is not as powerful as some other Jupiter transits, it is a time of optimism and good fortune. Do not pass upopportunities, but use your discrimination regarding the opportunities that come your way. You may find that theopportunities that arise are connected with travel, study, and anything that expands your horizons.

    Jul 29 2014 (Jul 24 2014 to Aug 2 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX SUN - Success is within your reach during this phase. You are reaching apoint in your life whereby you can achieve your goals and make a positive contribution to society. You want to expandyour horizons and have the ability to do so. Financial and spiritual riches are within your grasp through your own effortsand through benefactors. You are keen to make the most of the doors that are opening. However, you need to be waryof a lack of discretion and restraint. It could be your own lack of discretion or it could be someone else in your life.Either way excesses are to be avoided. Currently you feel tempted to pursue your goals no matter what the cost toyourself or your loved ones. It would be better if you could use this time to pursue your own goals, waiting patiently forthings to run their own course.

    Oct 13 2014 and Dec 19 2014 (Sep 1 2014 to Jan 25 2015)

    TRANSITING NEPTUNE CONJUNCTION RADIX MIDHEAVEN - Gradually your life direction changes duringthis stage of your life. It is a significant time and you may realise just how significant in later years when you reflect on thechanges that took place. Right now you may not be able to see these influences clearly. In fact you might feel fairlyconfused about your life goals, your career, your relationship with your parents and perhaps about your children. If youhave no children, then you may be reflecting on whether or not you want to be a parent. Mostly though this can be aconfusing time in your professional life when your confidence is shaken. In the past you may have held tightly to certainambitions for your career, which now seem pointless. It may be that you have reached a pinnacle in your professionallife and social status, which does not hold the allure that you once sought. You may even feel tempted to give upeverything. In some cases you could find yourself temporarily unemployed and without a clear sense of direction. Do notdespair. Rather take some time to contemplate your life direction. It is not a good time to be forging ahead, but rather torelax and go with the flow. The lesson of this transit is indeed to reassess your goals in the light of your higher purposerather than personal ambitions. Perhaps you have been focussed on material, or worldly, success. Now is a good timeto incorporate some more spiritual aspects to your career. You might like to ponder on what is your gift to humanity orhow you can serve through your career rather than how it can serve you. In some cases you may find your professional

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    life does begin to reflect a spiritual or artistic theme. If the opportunity arises to take some time out then perhaps youcould benefit from the slower pace. On the other hand you may be offered a chance to take a more creative or artisticpath. Either way you need to listen to your intuition. Logic will only further confuse matters. If you can avoid makinglife-changing decisions until the end of this phase then this would be ideal. However, if events demand decisions proceedas cautiously as possible. You will enjoy a sense of peace and a renewed sense of meaning.

    Sep 29 2014 (Sep 1 2014 to Oct 24 2014)

    TRANSITING URANUS TRINE RADIX PLUTO - You have deep and penetrating insight into life which can be putto good use during this transit. Therefore this is a beneficial transit if you are involved in counselling others as you willhave the ability to understand the problem and offer original and creative solutions. You also have the opportunity totake risks that lead you further along the path to achieving your purpose in life.

    Sep 11 2014 (Sep 6 2014 to Sep 16 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX CHIRON - This is a time during which you are forced to face painfulmemories, which have haunted you in times gone by, and move into areas that are linked straight to your heart. Oneperson, an important teacher or healer, may enter your life to help you grow in ways you never thought possible. It isalso possible that you are forced to face your fears of inadequacy or past inhibitions in order to truly express your ownteaching and healing talents. Either way the path may be painful, but the result will be wisdom gained throughexperience.

    Sep 21 2014 (Sep 16 2014 to Sep 27 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX MARS - You have plenty of drive and energy right now. Thiscan be directed in to personal or work projects or perhaps a sport. You are keen to take the initiative and move aheadwith your plans. Perhaps you have been planning to travel abroad or to study martial arts? On the other hand you mayhave been waiting for the go ahead on a special project or for a promotion at work. Now you receive the good newsand are able to step into action. Whatever the scenario you are optimistic and ready to go. You are clear that you areheading in the right direction and feel confident of success. And it's true. You do have the drive and good fortune toachieve success during this transit. This is an excellent time to spend plenty of time and energy on your favourite project,with an assurance of reaping what you have sown. You may also enjoy channelling some of your energy into yourfavourite sporting activities, where you are also assured of success. When it comes to pursuing your goals now is thetime to strike while the iron is hot. Others will also notice your leadership abilities and reward you in ways that support

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    your plans. On the whole this is a positive time during which you can really achieve success.

    Oct 14 2014 (Sep 18 2014 to Nov 10 2014)

    TRANSITING URANUS TRINE RADIX MARS - This is a good time for achieving your goals, realising yourambitions. You have a good balance of assertion and flexibility, and your high energy level makes it easy for you tosucceed in many fields. You are enthusiastic and have great drive during this time.

    Sep 24 2014 (Sep 19 2014 to Sep 30 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX PLUTO - This transit gives you a great push towards reaching allof your goals. You feel that you can move mountains in order to achieve your aims and objectives. Power is a keyword. You feel powerful and will cross paths with powerful people. It is important to use your power in a positivemanner and to avoid all manipulative plays at one-upmanship. You meet life with a renewed vigour and intensity andneed to remember that this may overwhelm others at times. However, used wisely, the energies of this transit can assistyou in achieving great changes and growth and in discovering things about yourself that you never knew existed.

    Oct 9 2014 (Sep 29 2014 to Oct 18 2014)

    TRANSITING SATURN CONJUNCTION RADIX MERCURY - During this phase you are likely to give seriousthought to all of your commitments, making sure that you are heading in the right direction. These can include businesspartnerships, contracts, real estate, marriage and financial matters, to name a few. Current obligations are reviewed asyou question whether you are still serious about these matters. On the other hand you may be carefully consideringmaking a long-term commitment to a prospective marital or business partner. Perhaps you are considering purchasing ahouse or taking a long journey. Either way this is a time for serious thought during which you reassess your options. Youare unlikely to be rash right now, preferring to contemplate the consequences of your decisions. At the end of this pointof time you, and others, will know that your decisions are likely to be long lasting. If you have made a commitment thenyou will stand by your word. If you have rejected a proposal then that is likely to be the end. It is also possible that youare considering a long-term intellectual pursuit, such as academic study or professional re-training. You may also begin awriting project, something as simple as a diary or more demanding such as fiction or non-fiction. This is the idealmoment in time to take on board any project that requires concentration and intelligence. It is also an ideal phase duringwhich to overcome your past fears and to embrace a purposeful future. The plans and decisions that you make now arelikely to reap real rewards in the future, particularly in seven years time.

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    Oct 9 2014 (Sep 29 2014 to Oct 18 2014)

    TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX SATURN - This is a testing time when the structures of your life seemless certain. Aspects of your life which seemed once to offer safety and security become less sure during this transit. Itmay be that you are viewing these areas differently, or it could be that someone else is shaking things up. Either way youare being forced to reassess your plans and purpose, leaving behind any ineffective support systems.

    Oct 6 2014 (Sep 30 2014 to Oct 12 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX VENUS - Although this can be a positive time for socialising with lovedones, there is also an element of tension. This could be because you are expecting too much from your nearest anddearest, or it could be that they are asking too much from you. You find it difficult to please yourself and other people.There has to be a balance between the adventures of life and the routine daily demands. Right now one of you is seekingonly the adventure and this is causing tension. It is often hurtful when one person in a close relationship upsets thebalance, so it is understandable if you are feeling rejected by your loved one. The best approach may be to give theother person a little bit of time to settle down. They may need a little bit of freedom before returning to a more balancedapproach to the relationship. On the other hand it could be that the other person's insensitivity to your relationship is thestraw that breaks the camel's back, as far as you are concerned. If you are the one who is acting in a rash manner thenyou would be wise to listen to other's concerns and show a little restraint. In astrology Jupiter is considered to be apositive influence. Therefore it is more likely that things will settle down with positive results from this topsy-turvy time.

    Nov 4 2014 (Oct 27 2014 to Nov 13 2014)

    TRANSITING SATURN CONJUNCTION RADIX SOUTH NODE - Now is a time when you are saying"goodbye" to one phase of your life and entering a new one. You come face to face with the past and have to makesome difficult decisions. Perhaps you decide that you have paid your dues to a difficult relationship. As a result youmove on with your life, knowing that you have done all that you can to resolve any difficulties. On the other hand youmay decide that your work is done in one area of your life and you are ready to start again in a new field. Life becomesfilled with situations that can no longer be avoided. There is a time to reap and a time to sow. This is the time for sowing.You may feel alone and burdened. It is best to shoulder your responsibilities knowing that we all have to live with theconsequences of our actions. If you feel you do not deserve such a difficult time as a result of your current life actions, itmay be that you are reaping the consequences of a past life. You may even suffer from a disease. Either way this is anelimination process from which you can gain much strength, and will be able to move on in your life with a renewedsense of purpose and a lighter load. After this period you are likely to feel that your load has lightened and that you

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    ready to enjoy a more fruitful and honest lifestyle.

    Nov 4 2014 (Oct 27 2014 to Nov 13 2014)

    TRANSITING SATURN OPPOSITION RADIX NORTH NODE - Now is a time when you are saying "goodbye"to one phase of your life and entering a new one. You come face to face with the past and have to make some difficultdecisions. Perhaps you decide that you have paid your dues to a difficult relationship. As a result you move on with yourlife, knowing that you have done all that you can to resolve any difficulties. On the other hand you may decide that yourwork is done in one area of your life and you are ready to start again in a new field. Life becomes filled with situationsthat can no longer be avoided. There is a time to reap and a time to sow. This is the time for sowing. You may feel aloneand burdened. It is best to shoulder your responsibilities knowing that we all have to live with the consequences of ouractions. If you feel you do not deserve such a difficult time as a result of your current life actions, it may be that you arereaping the consequences of a past life. You may even suffer from a disease. Either way this is an elimination processfrom which you can gain much strength, and will be able to move on in your life with a renewed sense of purpose and alighter load. After this period you are likely to feel that your load has lightened and that you ready to enjoy a morefruitful and honest lifestyle.

    Nov 10 2014 (Oct 31 2014 to Nov 25 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX MERCURY - Generally speaking this is a positive time during which youreceive good news, positive outcomes to transactions and easy execution of your goals and plans. You areopen-minded and eager to share ideas with other people. You are confident in your own opinions. However, you dohave to be careful how you go about your business. On the one hand you are confident and optimistic and other peoplerespond positively with special gifts, support and favours. However, you also have the tendency to be grandiose, lackingtact and diplomacy. In other words, if you are not careful, you can be opinionated and blunt. Others may be quick topoint out these faults, which you find irritating rather than helpful. Before you know it your positive dealings havespiralled into a maze of mis-communications. This is easily avoided if you show some restraint in your communicationswith others. Once you have learned diplomacy then you are likely to benefit from anything that involves contracts,transactions, study, teaching, travel and the media.

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    Nov 10 2014 (Oct 31 2014 to Nov 25 2014)

    TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX SATURN - This can be a beneficial transit during which you feelan increased joy in your responsibilities. You now feel that you have the ability to achieve a sensible balance in your lifereaping benefits from past hard work and planting seeds for the future. This may take many forms including careerpromotion, others recognising your work and opportunities to study or travel. In some cases you may feel the urge tomake changes to your current lifestyle to accommodate your need for expansion. The only hitch to this transit can bethat you may lack tolerance for anyone who stands in your way as you seek to expand your horizons. If this is the caseenlist the help of others rather than tempting them to work against you.

    Nov 23 2014 (Oct 31 2014 to Dec 16 2014)

    TRANSITING CHIRON TRINE RADIX CHIRON - Doors open enabling you to express your true purpose in life.You may be surprised by the opportunities that arise, but you would do well to make the most of your good fortune.You might also have to overcome some of your fears in order to fully embrace your circumstances, which may be linkedwith teaching or healing.

    Dec 16 2014 (Dec 7 2014 to Dec 25 2014)

    TRANSITING SATURN TRINE RADIX MOON - Life feels stable at the moment. You feel tranquil and at peacewith yourself and the world. You have opportunities to increase your work satisfaction, while at the same time enjoyinga supportive and emotionally rewarding home life. Extra responsibilities seem easy to deal with. Relationships with familymembers are also a source of enjoyment and satisfaction.

    Dec 29 2014 (Dec 20 2014 to Jan 8 2015)

    TRANSITING SATURN CONJUNCTION RADIX JUPITER - This transit is all about making your dreams reality.You are being forced, whether you like it not, to reassess your goals in life. This can be a painstaking process. Anygoals which have been impractical and far-fetched will need to be revised in a more practical light. Your usual resourcesmay not be readily available, forcing you to delve deeper for ways to get things done. By the end of the transit you may

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    feel a renewed sense of commitment to your goals.

    This can be a time when you discover your spiritual purpose. But bware because this transit can really dampen yourspirits. Your usual buoyancy and optimism are overshadowed by an awareness of life's hardships. Whereas once youcould see light at the end of the tunnel, now you see only the obstacles along the way. Doors that once seemed to swingopen, now ominously stay shut. It may be that an authority figure or an external event is literally limiting your options, orsimply that you are going through self-imposed hardship. Either way you would do best to recognise that this is apassing phase, and circumstances will change and life will not always be seen through such a pessimistic lens. On a morepositive note this can also be a time of wise decisions and increased commitment. If you have been careless in the past,this can be a time when you slow down and take on a more sober approach to life with long-term benefits.

    Jan 6 2015 (Dec 22 2014 to Jan 16 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX SATURN - This can be a beneficial transit during which you feelan increased joy in your responsibilities. You now feel that you have the ability to achieve a sensible balance in your lifereaping benefits from past hard work and planting seeds for the future. This may take many forms including careerpromotion, others recognising your work and opportunities to study or travel. In some cases you may feel the urge tomake changes to your current lifestyle to accommodate your need for expansion. The only hitch to this transit can bethat you may lack tolerance for anyone who stands in your way as you seek to expand your horizons. If this is the caseenlist the help of others rather than tempting them to work against you.

    Jan 6 2015 (Dec 22 2014 to Jan 16 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX MERCURY - Generally speaking this is a positive time during which youreceive good news, positive outcomes to transactions and easy execution of your goals and plans. You areopen-minded and eager to share ideas with other people. You are confident in your own opinions. However, you dohave to be careful how you go about your business. On the one hand you are confident and optimistic and other peoplerespond positively with special gifts, support and favours. However, you also have the tendency to be grandiose, lackingtact and diplomacy. In other words, if you are not careful, you can be opinionated and blunt. Others may be quick topoint out these faults, which you find irritating rather than helpful. Before you know it your positive dealings havespiralled into a maze of mis-communications. This is easily avoided if you show some restraint in your communicationswith others. Once you have learned diplomacy then you are likely to benefit from anything that involves contracts,transactions, study, teaching, travel and the media.

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    Feb 25 2015 (Jan 31 2015 to Mar 16 2015)

    TRANSITING URANUS TRINE RADIX MARS - This is a good time for achieving your goals, realising yourambitions. You have a good balance of assertion and flexibility, and your high energy level makes it easy for you tosucceed in many fields. You are enthusiastic and have great drive during this time.

    Feb 12 2015 (Feb 5 2015 to Feb 20 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX VENUS - Although this can be a positive time for socialising with lovedones, there is also an element of tension. This could be because you are expecting too much from your nearest anddearest, or it could be that they are asking too much from you. You find it difficult to please yourself and other people.There has to be a balance between the adventures of life and the routine daily demands. Right now one of you is seekingonly the adventure and this is causing tension. It is often hurtful when one person in a close relationship upsets thebalance, so it is understandable if you are feeling rejected by your loved one. The best approach may be to give theother person a little bit of time to settle down. They may need a little bit of freedom before returning to a more balancedapproach to the relationship. On the other hand it could be that the other person's insensitivity to your relationship is thestraw that breaks the camel's back, as far as you are concerned. If you are the one who is acting in a rash manner thenyou would be wise to listen to other's concerns and show a little restraint. In astrology Jupiter is considered to be apositive influence. Therefore it is more likely that things will settle down with positive results from this topsy-turvy time.

    Mar 14 2015 (Feb 11 2015 to Apr 15 2015)

    TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX MIDHEAVEN - Right now you are reassessing the direction of your life.This is likely to be an examination of your career options, however; it could also involve a decision regarding marriageor becoming a parent or a decision to purchase or sell a home. It is time to find the right balance between yourprofessional goals and your family life. If you have been focusing on your career then you may now need to turn yourattention to your marriage and family life. However, if you have been concentrating on marriage, home or family, thennow you may be required to set some career goals. In other words this is an important time for reflection on andreassessment of your life goals. You may question past decisions and decide that you are ready for a change ofdirection. Alternatively you may be happy with your decisions and want to build on the foundations. The more your lifehas been out of balance the more you feel the effects of this transit. It is important that you carefully consider the bestway for you to lead a purposeful and meaningful life. Whether you find this process easy or difficult, it is time for somedecisions. Therefore, it is important that you take the necessary time to ponder any proposed changes, carefullyconsidering both the short-term and long-term consequences. You are sowing seeds which can reap great rewards in

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    the future.

    Mar 1 2015 (Feb 12 2015 to Mar 17 2015)

    TRANSITING CHIRON TRINE RADIX VENUS - You now have the opportunities to build bridges in yourrelationships, particularly with your most intimate partner, healing any past wounds which have stood in the way of trustand intimacy. You can share your innermost thoughts and feelings as you leave the past behind and move forward. Ateacher, healer or counsellor may appear during this time to help you develop more meaningful relationships, or it couldbe simply that you have the chance to make the changes yourself.

    Mar 8 2015 (Feb 15 2015 to Mar 27 2015)

    TRANSITING URANUS TRINE RADIX PLUTO - You have deep and penetrating insight into life which can be putto good use during this transit. Therefore this is a beneficial transit if you are involved in counselling others as you willhave the ability to understand the problem and offer original and creative solutions. You also have the opportunity totake risks that lead you further along the path to achieving your purpose in life.

    Feb 28 2015 (Feb 20 2015 to Mar 11 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX PLUTO - This transit gives you a great push towards reaching allof your goals. You feel that you can move mountains in order to achieve your aims and objectives. Power is a keyword. You feel powerful and will cross paths with powerful people. It is important to use your power in a positivemanner and to avoid all manipulative plays at one-upmanship. You meet life with a renewed vigour and intensity andneed to remember that this may overwhelm others at times. However, used wisely, the energies of this transit can assistyou in achieving great changes and growth and in discovering things about yourself that you never knew existed.

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    Mar 6 2015 (Feb 25 2015 to Mar 18 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX MARS - You have plenty of drive and energy right now. Thiscan be directed in to personal or work projects or perhaps a sport. You are keen to take the initiative and move aheadwith your plans. Perhaps you have been planning to travel abroad or to study martial arts? On the other hand you mayhave been waiting for the go ahead on a special project or for a promotion at work. Now you receive the good newsand are able to step into action. Whatever the scenario you are optimistic and ready to go. You are clear that you areheading in the right direction and feel confident of success. And it's true. You do have the drive and good fortune toachieve success during this transit. This is an excellent time to spend plenty of time and energy on your favourite project,with an assurance of reaping what you have sown. You may also enjoy channelling some of your energy into yourfavourite sporting activities, where you are also assured of success. When it comes to pursuing your goals now is thetime to strike while the iron is hot. Others will also notice your leadership abilities and reward you in ways that supportyour plans. On the whole this is a positive time during which you can really achieve success.

    Apr 8 2015 (Mar 17 2015 to Apr 30 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX CHIRON - This is a time during which you are forced to face painfulmemories, which have haunted you in times gone by, and move into areas that are linked straight to your heart. Oneperson, an important teacher or healer, may enter your life to help you grow in ways you never thought possible. It isalso possible that you are forced to face your fears of inadequacy or past inhibitions in order to truly express your ownteaching and healing talents. Either way the path may be painful, but the result will be wisdom gained throughexperience.

    May 12 2015 (Apr 29 2015 to May 21 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX MARS - You have plenty of drive and energy right now. Thiscan be directed in to personal or work projects or perhaps a sport. You are keen to take the initiative and move aheadwith your plans. Perhaps you have been planning to travel abroad or to study martial arts? On the other hand you mayhave been waiting for the go ahead on a special project or for a promotion at work. Now you receive the good newsand are able to step into action. Whatever the scenario you are optimistic and ready to go. You are clear that you areheading in the right direction and feel confident of success. And it's true. You do have the drive and good fortune toachieve success during this transit. This is an excellent time to spend plenty of time and energy on your favourite project,with an assurance of reaping what you have sown. You may also enjoy channelling some of your energy into yourfavourite sporting activities, where you are also assured of success. When it comes to pursuing your goals now is the

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    time to strike while the iron is hot. Others will also notice your leadership abilities and reward you in ways that supportyour plans. On the whole this is a positive time during which you can really achieve success.

    Jun 1 2015 and Jul 17 2015 (May 1 2015 to Aug 18 2015)

    TRANSITING CHIRON TRINE RADIX MERCURY - Opportunities abound for you to explore new ways ofcommunicating your thoughts and ideas if you choose to take notice. It is also a good time to forgive and forget oldwounds from the past, and to open up the communication lines with others. You are feeling intuitive and sensitive to theneeds of others. Therefore you may be provided with the opportunity to lend a sensitive ear to other people's troubles.You are also open to new insights and understandings, and despite feeling vulnerable, have the opportunity to see allareas of your life in a new light.

    May 17 2015 (May 7 2015 to May 26 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX PLUTO - This transit gives you a great push towards reaching allof your goals. You feel that you can move mountains in order to achieve your aims and objectives. Power is a keyword. You feel powerful and will cross paths with powerful people. It is important to use your power in a positivemanner and to avoid all manipulative plays at one-upmanship. You meet life with a renewed vigour and intensity andneed to remember that this may overwhelm others at times. However, used wisely, the energies of this transit can assistyou in achieving great changes and growth and in discovering things about yourself that you never knew existed.

    Jun 5 2015 (May 23 2015 to Jun 21 2015)

    TRANSITING SATURN CONJUNCTION RADIX JUPITER - This transit is all about making your dreams reality.You are being forced, whether you like it not, to reassess your goals in life. This can be a painstaking process. Anygoals which have been impractical and far-fetched will need to be revised in a more practical light. Your usual resourcesmay not be readily available, forcing you to delve deeper for ways to get things done. By the end of the transit you mayfeel a renewed sense of commitment to your goals.

    This can be a time when you discover your spiritual purpose. But bware because this transit can really dampen yourspirits. Your usual buoyancy and optimism are overshadowed by an awareness of life's hardships. Whereas once youcould see light at the end of the tunnel, now you see only the obstacles along the way. Doors that once seemed to swingopen, now ominously stay shut. It may be that an authority figure or an external event is literally limiting your options, orsimply that you are going through self-imposed hardship. Either way you would do best to recognise that this is a

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    passing phase, and circumstances will change and life will not always be seen through such a pessimistic lens. On a morepositive note this can also be a time of wise decisions and increased commitment. If you have been careless in the past,this can be a time when you slow down and take on a more sober approach to life with long-term benefits.

    Jun 2 2015 (May 26 2015 to Jun 9 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX VENUS - Although this can be a positive time for socialising with lovedones, there is also an element of tension. This could be because you are expecting too much from your nearest anddearest, or it could be that they are asking too much from you. You find it difficult to please yourself and other people.There has to be a balance between the adventures of life and the routine daily demands. Right now one of you is seekingonly the adventure and this is causing tension. It is often hurtful when one person in a close relationship upsets thebalance, so it is understandable if you are feeling rejected by your loved one. The best approach may be to give theother person a little bit of time to settle down. They may need a little bit of freedom before returning to a more balancedapproach to the relationship. On the other hand it could be that the other person's insensitivity to your relationship is thestraw that breaks the camel's back, as far as you are concerned. If you are the one who is acting in a rash manner thenyou would be wise to listen to other's concerns and show a little restraint. In astrology Jupiter is considered to be apositive influence. Therefore it is more likely that things will settle down with positive results from this topsy-turvy time.

    Jun 28 2015 and Sep 5 2015 (Jun 12 2015 to Sep 20 2015)

    TRANSITING SATURN TRINE RADIX MOON - Life feels stable at the moment. You feel tranquil and at peacewith yourself and the world. You have opportunities to increase your work satisfaction, while at the same time enjoyinga supportive and emotionally rewarding home life. Extra responsibilities seem easy to deal with. Relationships with familymembers are also a source of enjoyment and satisfaction.

    Jun 29 2015 (Jun 24 2015 to Jul 5 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX MERCURY - Generally speaking this is a positive time during which youreceive good news, positive outcomes to transactions and easy execution of your goals and plans. You areopen-minded and eager to share ideas with other people. You are confident in your own opinions. However, you dohave to be careful how you go about your business. On the one hand you are confident and optimistic and other peoplerespond positively with special gifts, support and favours. However, you also have the tendency to be grandiose, lackingtact and diplomacy. In other words, if you are not careful, you can be opinionated and blunt. Others may be quick topoint out these faults, which you find irritating rather than helpful. Before you know it your positive dealings have

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    spiralled into a maze of mis-communications. This is easily avoided if you show some restraint in your communicationswith others. Once you have learned diplomacy then you are likely to benefit from anything that involves contracts,transactions, study, teaching, travel and the media.

    Jun 29 2015 (Jun 24 2015 to Jul 5 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX SATURN - This can be a beneficial transit during which you feelan increased joy in your responsibilities. You now feel that you have the ability to achieve a sensible balance in your lifereaping benefits from past hard work and planting seeds for the future. This may take many forms including careerpromotion, others recognising your work and opportunities to study or travel. In some cases you may feel the urge tomake changes to your current lifestyle to accommodate your need for expansion. The only hitch to this transit can bethat you may lack tolerance for anyone who stands in your way as you seek to expand your horizons. If this is the caseenlist the help of others rather than tempting them to work against you.

    Jul 26 2015 (Jul 6 2015 to Aug 15 2015)

    TRANSITING URANUS TRINE RADIX SATURN - Life takes on a fresh new look during this time, as you have theenergy to make the changes you need to old structures. You are keen to branch out into new areas without jeopardisingall that you have built in the past. You are original, self-confident and also well-balanced. Other people will respect you,and therefore you have the ability to achieve.

    Jul 15 2015 (Jul 10 2015 to Jul 20 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX SOUTH NODE - Relations with other people, either individuals orgroups, can be stressful during this transit. You are keen to explore new connections with other people, but are havingdifficulty letting go of the old ones. As a result you are over-committed. It is possible that your sense of beingoverwhelmed by your social commitments may also be the result of a tendency to want to withdraw from society. Youmay even feel anti-social, preferring to reassess your personal and business relationships than to mix. You wonder ifyour relationships are really helping you achieve your purpose in life. You feel compelled to let go of the old in order tomove into new and improved relationships. This could be literally ending old relationships, or simply breaking oldpatterns of relationships so that they continue in a renewed manner.

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    Jul 15 2015 (Jul 10 2015 to Jul 20 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX NORTH NODE - Relations with other people, either individuals orgroups, can be stressful during this transit. You are keen to explore new connections with other people, but are havingdifficulty letting go of the old ones. As a result you are over-committed. It is possible that your sense of beingoverwhelmed by your social commitments may also be the result of a tendency to want to withdraw from society. Youmay even feel anti-social, preferring to reassess your personal and business relationships than to mix. You wonder ifyour relationships are really helping you achieve your purpose in life. You feel compelled to let go of the old in order tomove into new and improved relationships. This could be literally ending old relationships, or simply breaking oldpatterns of relationships so that they continue in a renewed manner.

    Aug 14 2015 (Aug 9 2015 to Aug 18 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX JUPITER - This can be a time when you forget to look before you leap.You feel confident of achieving your goals but may not exercise the appropriate caution. This can also be a time whenyou feel as though you are living life in the fast lane. It is important to slow down and use some old-fashioned commonsense before you take up opportunities that are coming your way right now.

    Sep 4 2015 (Aug 30 2015 to Sep 8 2015)

    TRANSITING JUPITER OPPOSITION RADIX MIDHEAVEN - It is time to reap the rewards of a comfortablehome and loving family. This is a beneficial time for achieving your personal goals with a view to making life morecomfortable with the help of your family. You are likely to enjoy the support of your family during this phase, either fromclose family members or through expanding your relationship with extended family members. A relative may come tostay with you encouraging a fresh approach to your life. Alternatively you may decide to have children, or give birth to achild during this phase. Changes in your home life are likely to be beneficial, giving you increased opportunities for asense of well-being. You may also make changes to your home. For instance you may renovate your home includingmore space for relaxation and hobbies or you may clear out cupboards, rooms, storage areas thus paving the way formore enjoyment at home. Alternatively you may feel the urge to move to larger and more accommodating house orinvest in property. Grown children may leave home giving you a sense of more space and freedom (even if you have afew tears as well). Whatever plans you make your efforts to improve your home environment and family relationshipsare likely to have benefits for your general sense of well being and thus benefit all areas of your life. This is a positiveperiod.

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    Sep 26 2015 (Sep 12 2015 to Oct 7 2015)

    TRANSITING SATURN CONJUNCTION RADIX JUPITER - This transit is all about making your dreams reality.You are being forced, whether you like it not, to reassess your goals in life. This can be a painstaking process. Anygoals which have been impractical and far-fetched will need to be revised in a more practical light. Your usual resourcesmay not be readily available, forcing you to delve deeper for ways to get things done. By the end of the transit you mayfeel a renewed sense of commitment to your goals.

    This can be a time when you discover your spiritual purpose. But bware because this transit can really dampen yourspirits. Your usual buoyancy and optimism are overshadowed by an awareness of life's hardships. Whereas once youcould see light at the end of the tunnel, now you see only the obstacles along the way. Doors that once seemed to swingopen, now ominously stay shut. It may be that an authority figure or an external event is literally limiting your options, orsimply that you are going through self-imposed hardship. Either way you would do best to recognise that this is apassing phase, and circumstances will change and life will not always be seen through such a pessimistic lens. On a morepositive note this can also be a time of wise decisions and increased commitment. If you have been careless in the past,this can be a time when you slow down and take on a more sober approach to life with long-term benefits.

    Nov 27 2015 (Oct 13 2015 to Jan 11 2016)

    TRANSITING CHIRON TRINE RADIX VENUS - You now have the opportunities to build bridges in yourrelationships, particularly with your most intimate partner, healing any past wounds which have stood in the way of trustand intimacy. You can share your innermost thoughts and feelings as you leave the past behind and move forward. Ateacher, healer or counsellor may appear during this time to help you develop more meaningful relationships, or it couldbe simply that you have the chance to make the changes yourself.

    Nov 10 2015 (Nov 1 2015 to Nov 18 2015)

    TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX MIDHEAVEN - Right now you are reassessing the direction of your life.This is likely to be an examination of your career options, however; it could also involve a decision regarding marriageor becoming a parent or a decision to purchase or sell a home. It is time to find the right balance between yourprofessional goals and your family life. If you have been focusing on your career then you may now need to turn yourattention to your marriage and family life. However, if you have been concentrating on marriage, home or family, thennow you may be required to set some career goals. In other words this is an important time for reflection on andreassessment of your life goals. You may question past decisions and decide that you are ready for a change of

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    direction. Alternatively you may be happy with your decisions and want to build on the foundations. The more your lifehas been out of balance the more you feel the effects of this transit. It is important that you carefully consider the bestway for you to lead a purposeful and meaningful life. Whether you find this process easy or difficult, it is time for somedecisions. Therefore, it is important that you take the necessary time to ponder any proposed changes, carefullyconsidering both the short-term and long-term consequences. You are sowing seeds which can reap great rewards inthe future.

    Feb 2 2016 (Jan 22 2016 to Feb 17 2016)

    TRANSITING SATURN TRINE RADIX MARS - If you have been working steadily towards a certain goal, makingsure that you lead a balanced life, then you are likely to use this time to further your goals. You continue to work steadilyand patiently to achieve success - whatever that represents for you. You understand that "all good things come to thosewho wait" and are willing to continue to work through any obstacles slowly and surely. Right now you have greatdetermination and drive to achieve your goals despite the apparent obstacles. You are currently required to expend a lotof energy in an effort to push forward with your ambitions. You must be careful not to overdo it. With wise andconsidered action you can overcome any obstacles and achieve much.

    Feb 10 2016 (Jan 28 2016 to Feb 28 2016)

    TRANSITING SATURN TRINE RADIX PLUTO - This is a good time for creative work which reflects yourdeeply-felt needs. It can also be a time when you are insightful and appreciated for your wisdom. You may advance insome areas of your life as you have the ability to approach your tasks with a mix of discipline and compromise. You area powerful force to be reckoned with.

    Mar 15 2016 (Feb 28 2016 to Apr 1 2016)

    TRANSITING CHIRON TRINE RADIX MERCURY - Opportunities abound for you to explore new ways ofcommunicating your thoughts and ideas if you choose to take notice. It is also a good time to forgive and forget oldwounds from the past, and to open up the communication lines with others. You are feeling intuitive and sensitive to theneeds of others. Therefore you may be provided with the opportunity to lend a sensitive ear to other people's troubles.You are also open to new insights and understandings, and despite feeling vulnerable, have the opportunity to see allareas of your life in a new light.

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    Apr 25 2016 (Apr 8 2016 to May 14 2016)

    TRANSITING URANUS TRINE RADIX SATURN - Life takes on a fresh new look during this time, as you have theenergy to make the changes you need to old structures. You are keen to branch out into new areas without jeopardisingall that you have built in the past. You are original, self-confident and also well-balanced. Other people will respect you,and therefore you have the ability to achieve.

    May 11 2016 and Aug 14 2016 (Apr 19 2016 to Sep 6 2016)

    TRANSITING CHIRON TRINE RADIX SOUTH NODE - Opportunities come but once in a lifetime, or so thesaying goes. Now is the time for you to be open to opportunities to discover and express your special gifts. If youbelieve that everyone has a purpose in this world then now is your chance to discover yours and make the most of thedoors that open. It is also possible that you are given the chance to mend broken bridges during this time, which will inturn pave the way for a brighter future.

    May 9 2016 (Apr 20 2016 to May 24 2016)

    TRANSITING SATURN TRINE RADIX PLUTO - This is a good time for creative work which reflects yourdeeply-felt needs. It can also be a time when you are insightful and appreciated for your wisdom. You may advance insome areas of your life as you have the ability to approach your tasks with a mix of discipline and compromise. You area powerful force to be reckoned with.

    Jun 14 2016 (Apr 23 2016 to Aug 6 2016)

    TRANSITING NEPTUNE TRINE RADIX CHIRON - Opportunities for creative pursuits arise during this period.Peace and solitude may be the theme, as you feel the need to slow down and reflect on your life; however, you couldalso be busy pursuing avenues for expressing your many talents. It does not matter whether you are busy or enjoying apeaceful pace of life. More importantly you are doing what comes naturally. This is a very healing time.

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    May 18 2016 (May 2 2016 to Jun 1 2016)

    TRANSITING SATURN TRINE RADIX MARS - If you have been working steadily towards a certain goal, makingsure that you lead a balanced life, then you are likely to use this time to further your goals. You continue to work steadilyand patiently to achieve success - whatever that represents for you. You understand that "all good things come to thosewho wait" and are willing to continue to work through any obstacles slowly and surely. Right now you have greatdetermination and drive to achieve your goals despite the apparent obstacles. You are currently required to expend a lotof energy in an effort to push forward with your ambitions. You must be careful not to overdo it. With wise andconsidered action you can overcome any obstacles and achieve much.

    Jun 27 2016 (May 31 2016 to Jul 25 2016)

    TRANSITING CHIRON SQUARE RADIX URANUS - Juggling all of your commitments is quite a challenge duringthis transit, and you are in danger of short-circuiting. It is true that you are being asked to incorporate new talents intoyour life, but you can only do so much. It is painful having to make a choice, but that is exactly what you have to do.Consider your options carefully and move forward knowing that you are following your true path.

    Aug 12 2016 (Aug 7 2016 to Aug 17 2016)

    TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX NORTH NODE - During this time you have the chance to improve yourrelations with other people, and to make new connections. You may meet a particular person, or take up with a newgroup of people. Either way this connection could help you expand your horizons in life. This can have a positive effecton your life as long as you recognise the opportunities, and do not pass them up. An engagement and marriage may beon the cards.

    Aug 20 2016 (Aug 15 2016 to Aug 25 2016)

    TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX URANUS - During this transit you tend to feel irritable and frustrated asyou want to break free of past restrictions. Rebellion can be a major problem, particularly if you feel that something orsomeone is standing in your way. The trouble is that you have your sights set unrealistically high and lack your normal

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