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  • 8/9/2019 Solar Progress, December 2008 ~ Australian and New Zealnad Solar Energy Society



    The On-Line Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society









    GeothermalFundingandRoadmap ..page13
















    There is change in the air. The rhetoric is

    now is being used very strongly. Atconferences past, it was if and when.

    Globally, both PV and large-scale solar thermal

    are on the map and on the ground as clearlyevident from speakers at this years annual

    ANZSES Conference (No.46) and the combined3rd ISES Asia Pacific Conference

    The message that the 350 delegates would havetaken home was positive; but still we haveinertia in Australia that impedes the fullestimplementation of solar and renewable energy


    Minister Garret gave a presentation that hadno structural message. He spoke of solar

    schools and the new Australian Solar Institute(both commendable in themselves) but nothing

    that would move with any urgency any attemptto establish a national feed-in-tariff or

    legislation that would finally generateinvestment confidence in renewables. He

    spoke of FIT harmonisation needed of course,but now under the auspices of the Council of

    Australian Governments (COAG) the progresswill be slow and maybe years away.

    Meanwhile, the present PV rebate

    arrangements are subject to governmentdecisions made from to time about funding

    levels. The present grid connect rebate of A

    $8000 has been reduced in scope by the incomemeans test, and this has had the effect of

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    reducing system size purchased as well as themarket itself.

    I get asked frequently about installing solar

    panels. The most recent was a homeconsuming about 30kWh/day and what did I

    think of installing a system including PV outputrated at 0.9kW? The family wanted to do their

    bit for the environment, but I suspect there are

    other things they could spend the money on thatwould get a better outcome.

    The outlook is not as rosy as Minister Garrettwould have us believe, and we seem to have lost

    an opportunity not only to create the conditionsfor substantial reductions in greenhouse gas

    emissions but the orderly development of a newindustries.

    We have the mechanisms to reduce the impact

    of two major global issues, climate change andthe financial turmoil. Scott Frier of Abengoa

    Solar was again visiting Australia and gave anoverview of the Spanish family owned company

    and talked about the technology but also spokeat length of the social benefits of large scale

    solar thermal in rural Spain. People of all skilland training levels from senior engineers tomirror cleaners and painters are in permanent

    employment at Abengoas solar thermal plants.Whilst some of technology Frier is and has been

    associated with has been operational for

    decades, the newer approach of Ausra Inc iscoming to fruition. Their Kimberlinademonstration plant in California comes on line

    this month and they have some 177MW undercontract to Pacific Gas and Electric. David

    Mills, the founder of Ausra and now ChiefScientific Officer is upbeat about the actuality.

    He is also adamant that large solar thermal isready to go and carries none of the risks of

    clean coal or nuclear. No argument therefrom Frier either. Some twelve companies are

    reportedly working on storage including Ausra,but no details could be given.

    Its the certainty of financing thats missing

    according to Mills. Very considerable sumsneed to be invested, and the single thing that

    could help would be a loan guarantee he says.Something else for Minsters Garrett and Wong

    to ponder.

    Muriel Watt presented the picture for PV.

    Progress has been made but some programs arecoming to an end including Solar Homes and

    Communities and the RRPGP has seensignificant budget cuts and will end in 2009.

    There are details awaited for several fundingand targeting measures (20% RET; Solar Feed-

    in-Tariff, Green Loans and The new SolarInstitute). She gave a view of an ideal Feed-in-

    Tariff which would operate for ten years, beindependent of the competitive electricity

    market and aim to repay capital over fifteen

    years. A tariff should start high and reduce,with separate conditions for larger systems andcommercial operators. The financing should

    come from a customer levy, not government, butexempting pensioners and large industry.

    There would be no cap and payment on totalgeneration. The need for guaranteed solar

    access is an issue that is beginning to emerge asearly adopters of roof top PV have found out to

    their cost. Another legislative challenge.

    UNSW continue to push the efficiency of PV andMartin Green spoke of the third phase of PV

    as efficiency pushes beyond 40% and towardsthe thermodynamic limits with costs in a range

    of US$100- 250/m2. According Richard Corkishat UNSW, photovoltaics education is healthy in

    Australia, especially at the university level, butneeds to grow rapidly to fill its place in the

    industry. And in an expanding industry withbigger systems we are reliant on the work of

    those who look at the performance of largersystems and their safety. Martina Calais

    (Murdoch University) and her colleaguespresented an interesting safety discussion on

    the inherent current limited nature of PVtechnology and its implications for over-current

    protection in PV arrays with some alarminglyhigh current figures for some test conditions.

    Just as market demand for PV must be

    accompanied by sound training for thoseinvolved, so must the solar hot water market.

    The Victorian government has made inroads

    into ensuring that whilst building demand,industry capacity has been increased by traininginstallers, maintaining product standards and

    increasing product availability.

    No solar conference would complete without aseries of discussions and papers relating to

    energy and housing. The sad passing of DavidOppenheim was marked by a review of his

    achievements and career. A Tribute To TheSun King was presented by DanielleMacCartney from SBE (a firm which David

    Oppenheim founded). Notwithstanding theplethora of analyses that the architect and

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    building designer have access to, DavidOppenheims outcomes and messages

    approached the design process simply:Area of floor, internal walls and internal face of

    external walls nearly the same;north facing windows 16% of floor area;about 101,000Kg of thermal mass 580Kg/mfloor area; andon-site energy production, demandmanagement and efficient resource usage.

    A visitor from Canada (Andreas Athinitis)

    presented the story of an approach to a net-zeroannual energy consumption home from a very

    different climatic perspective. The inherentchallenge is no different raise the quality of

    life and save the planet too, according toAthinitis.

    Developing countries were viewed by several

    presenters from the many differing perspectives,but one theme that always emerges is the needto understand community and culture as well as

    the technicalities of technology. Alex Zahndgave a viewpoint from Nepal and argued that

    in remote, impoverished communities, it isabsolutely essential that projects are locally

    appropriate, developed in close partnership withthe local community for the context. It sounds

    obvious in isolation, but the success or failureZahnd has found depends on the holistic


    Shenghong Ma treated the same subject butwith more population and larger land area. 70%

    of the Chinese population lives in rural area andthe brightness Program of China has had the

    aim of proving de-centralized electrification toInner Mongolia, Gansu and Tibet. In many

    ways it is the same set of issues as for Nepal.Legislation is in place, and cross subsidy for the

    program established. Both PV and windtechnologies are to play an important role for

    about 1.5million households by 2015. It is ahuge market.

    At the conference dinner, held on a boat there

    was reminiscence of years past when Solahartwere sponsors of ANZSES. This year it was

    Ausra. ANZSES new CEO John Grimesintroduced himself to the attendees and we

    heard briefly from David Mills. The after innerspeaker was Sen. Christine Milne, and what she

    said can only be described as a call to arms.Her message was very simple, and direct. Tellthe wider world what you know about renewable

    energy and how it can be applied.BillParker

    If you would like to review the abstracts from the

    Conference, visit

    CDs of the proceeding will soon be available in the

    Societys on-line bookshop.


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    The Wal Read Memorial award is made every

    year at the societys annual conference. Thecompetition is proudly sponsored by Suntech.

    TheAward is in two categories: undergraduate

    and postgraduate. Students are invited tosubmit posters to the conference for judging in

    these categories.

    ContentThe entries must have solar energy in its

    various forms as the major focus.

    EligibilityBona Fide students attending any university or

    technical institute are eligible. There are noage limits. Proof of student status is required.

    JudgingJudges will be selected from a panel of scientistsand experts attending the annual conference





















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    Flying into Alice Springs will soon offerpeople an impressive birds-eye view of

    large-scale solar technology, when a $6.6million, 26-dish solar power station is built

    south of the town.

    Part of the Alice Solar City project, theAlice Springs Ilparpa Solar Power Station

    will be one of the largest solar powerstations in Australia.

    Power and Water Corporation willpurchase all the electricity generated bythe project, and in turn, local residents canopt to purchase green electricity from

    Power and Water. Expected output of thesolar farm will be about 1,800 megawatt

    hours per year.

    Melbourne based company Solar Systemshas been awarded $3.3 million from the

    Australian Government to construct thestation, one of the 4 iconic projects

    planned as part of the Alice Solar City

    project.Already under construction is thecountrys largest roof mounted photovoltaicsystem, a 305kilowatt system on the roofof the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Alice Springs.

    Each of the 35 kilowatt solar concentratordishes will be 14 metres high and have over

    130 m2 of mirror reflector area, and willturn slowly as they track the sun

    throughout the day.

    The curved mirror surface of the dishes

    concentrates sunlight by 500 times onto ahigh efficiency photovoltaic receiver togenerate power on the electricity grid.

    Offering renewable power directly to residents

    and businesses through this new power stationis a first for the Northern Territory says Alice

    Solar City General Manager Brian Elmer.

    It is all part of the plan to help Alice Springs

    develop its status as a Solar City and willfurther build the towns reputation as a national

    and international showcase for solar energy.

    The solar power station will compliment therecently opened Desert Knowledge AustraliaSolar Centre located two kilometres south on the

    Stuart Highway.

    Visitors to town will not be able to ignore thetowns commitment to solar energy when they

    arrive into town from the southern entrance,says Brian Elmer.

    The solar power station will begin construction

    in February 2009 and is expected to startfeeding power into the grid by early 2010.

    The Alice Solar City project is part of theAustralian Government's Solar City programwhich is helping change the way we think about

    and use energy. Alice Springs is one of sevencities in Australia participating in the

    Australian Governments $94 million SolarCities Program.



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    SunPower Corporation (Nasdaq: SPWRA,SPWRB), a manufacturer of high-efficiency,

    solar cells, solar panels, and solar systems,announced an agreement to build a 505-kilowatt

    solar power installation for Horizon Power, agovernment-owned company providing power to

    remote and regional communities and resourceoperations in Western Australia.

    The ground-mounted installation will be locatedon two sites in Marble Bar and Nullagine, in the

    east Pilbara region ofWestern Australia, and

    will be the largest solartracking system in


    Horizon Power is excitedto be driving a project that

    will set a new standard inlarge-scale renewable

    energy technology inAustralia, said Horizon

    Power Managing Director

    Rod Hayes. Horizon Powerpursues renewable energyoptions for power

    generation and is pleasedthat regional Western

    Australians will be able toexperience the benefits of

    leading-edge, large-scalerenewable energytechnology as a result of

    our partnership withSunPower.

    "Western Australia is one of the best locations

    on Earth to capture the power of the sun," saidBob Blakiston, managing director of SunPower

    Australia. "The SunPower systems that we buildon these sites will maximize the clean,

    renewable solar power generated for HorizonPower and the communities the

    company serves.

    SunPower will install solar tracking technology

    on the sites, which will maximize the solar

    plant's energy delivery, while optimizing land

    use and reducing related costs. SunPower solarpanels, the

    highest efficiency solar panels on the markettoday, will also be used to further enhance the

    production ofthe system. Construction is expected to be

    complete by September 2009.

    In October, SunPower announced that it is

    building a 305-kilowatt rooftop solar powersystem for the Crowne Plaza Hotel in AliceSprings, Northern Territory. SunPower entered

    the emerging Australian solar market earlierthis year, with the acquisition of Solar Sales Pty

    Ltd. Solar Sales had partnered with SunPowerfor several years prior as a leading systems

    integrator and product distributionorganization.

    For more information, visit http://


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    powergenera.onAustralia's largest building mounted solar panel

    system to be established at the hotel

    Australia's sunniest town will soon be home tothe country's largest building-mounted solarpanel system, following approval of a $3 million

    photovoltaic (PV) installation at one of centralAustralia's best hotels, Crowne Plaza Alice


    The project will see 13 solar arrays comprising over 1,300 individual PV modules

    mounted on the roof of the hotel. Due forcompletion in early 2009, the combined solar

    arrays will generate nearly 1,500 kilowatts perday, or over 530,000 kWh per year, which is

    enough to power more than 60 family homes.Importantly, it will provide between 40 and 80

    percent of the hotel's power requirementsdepending on the time of year, reducing its

    carbon footprint by 420 tonnes of CO2.

    The ground-breaking project is a joint initiativebetween the owner of Crowne Plaza Alice

    Springs, Investnorth Pty Ltd, and theAustralian Government. The initiative is part of

    the Alice Solar City Project one of the sevencities selected for funding under the Australian

    Government's $94 million Solar Cities Program.Investnorth principal Lloyd Berger said theinstallation is a vital part of improving the

    Crowne Plaza Alice Spring's energy profile,made more viable by the fact Alice Springs has

    the highest solar resource of any town in thecountry.

    "With this project, our intent is to minimise thehotel's environmental impact and carbonfootprint by making the property more energy

    efficient and reducing its reliance on fossil fuels,following a comprehensive eco-audit weconducted in late 2007. This audit highlightedthe enormous potential offered by the hotel'slocation to make a substantial difference to its

    impact on the natural environment.

    "By considering the hotel holistically, thisproject has positive implications that go beyond

    the direct benefits of reducing fossil fuelconsumption, for example by enabling us to

    redesign and upgrade the building management

    system to maximize guest comfort".

    "We will also be making efforts to engage our

    guests with the project's benefits. For example,a solar PV channel will link each guest room's

    television to a real-time explanation of energysavings, as will an animated LCD display in the

    hotel foyer. Both will draw data from therooftop solar arrays to demonstrate current

    power output, total energy generated andequivalent greenhouse gas emissions saved," Mr

    Berger said.

    Other recommendations made during the eco-audit that will be implemented by Crowne Plaza

    Alice Springs include the installation of solar hotwater, decommissioning of steam boilers and

    replacement of inefficient lights and fittingsthroughout the hotel.

    Lyndon Frearson, Senior Project Manager withCAT Projects, the organisation managing theproject, said the benefits of Crowne Plaza Alice

    Springs' massive solar array installation willextend well beyond the tourism industry.

    "At a local level, the project will assist inreducing the total load on the Alice Springs towngrid by about 0.5%, or 250kW of the 50,000kW

    maximum generated in the middle of summer."

    According to Alice Solar City general manager,Brian Elmer, the project will be the first of

    several large-scale solar installations scheduledto be established in the region over the next few

    years, which will continue to reduce the city'sreliance on fossil fuels and sizably reduce its

    carbon footprint.The Australian Company providing the solarPV panels for the system, SunPowerCorporation Australia Pty Ltd, will also be

    responsible for its installation over a ten weekperiod, employing a minimum of 12 local

    contractors. In addition the overall project willinject more than $450,000 into the local


    The project will also provide local electricalapprentices and professionals with an

    opportunity to gain experience on grid-connectedPV systems, enhancing their ability to gain

    further work within the renewable industry inCentral Australia.

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    indigenoustownsThree solar power stations in the Northern

    Territory will provide clean power to

    Australian aboriginal towns andhorticultural economic development


    Australian Government Minister for Environment,

    Heritage and the Arts Peter Garrett

    Announced earlier in the year funding support for

    three Solar Systems power station projects in

    indigenous towns Ti Tree, Alekarenge and

    Kalkarindji. The government will provide funding

    support for the $10.8 million total project investment.

    A total of 40 solar dishes will be installed across the

    three towns to generate electricity and offset the

    use of diesel in the towns. Each solar dish is 14

    metres in diameter and tracks the sun during the

    day.The dish consists of curved mirrors that focus

    sunlight onto highly efficient photovoltaic receivers.

    Solar Systems National Sales Manager Graeme

    Pollock says, The announcement that these three

    projects are going ahead demonstrates the working

    cooperation and commitment of major project

    stakeholders, in particular, the Australian

    Greenhouse Office, Power and Water, Northern

    Territory Government and Centrefarm. A total of 30

    dishes are currently operating in the NT at

    Hermannsburg, Yuendumu and Lajamanu. Further

    solar dish projects are also under development as

    part of the Alice Springs Solar Cities program.

    The power stations at Ti Tree and Alekerange form

    part of local sustainable development enterprises.

    The Traditional Owners of the land, in conjunction

    with their horticultural administrative body,

    Centrefarm, are developing commercial production of

    local agricultural goods for the Australian market

    such as bush tomatoes and melons.

    The horticultural projects are designed to create local

    jobs, build economic prosperity and reduce

    reliance on government welfare. The cornerstones for

    these local projects are community consultation,

    skills development and sustainable economic growth.

    Solar Systems power station technology will provide

    clean power to meet the electricity demand of the

    horticultural businesses.

    The total three projects will provide a greenhouse

    abatement of approximately 2,100 tonnes of

    greenhouse gas emissions per annum.


    FacilityopenedSolar Systems has also opened its $10 million

    Bridgewater R&D Facility, near Bendigo.

    Solar Systems Chairman, Michael Hamson, said the

    completion of the 140Kw Bridgewater Facility was a

    major milestone for the company and Solar Systems

    is grateful for the support shown by the Federal

    Government of Australia and the Victorian StateGovernment for this project.

    The opening of the Bridgewater Facility represents a

    major achievement for Solar Systems as a home-grown Victorian company, because we have

    established a world-class, large scale research and

    development facility, said Mr Hamson.

    This project is an important step in the development

    of this technology, our company and an entire new

    industry that is ideally positioned to contribute to our

    response to climate change while also supporting

    Victoria and Australias economy, Mr Hamson said.

    Hi-tech photovoltaic technology currently being

    tested at the Bridgewater Facility will be

    progressively installed at a $420 million 154MW

    power station.

    The Mildura region has been selected as the

    preferred location for the first stage of this large-

    scale, $420 million 154MW solar power station the

    worlds largest and most efficient solar photovoltaic

    power station.

    Construction of the solar power station will

    commence in 2009.














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    CANBERRA 29 November 2008


    Micro renewable generation to receive fairand reasonable value for exported energy

    1. That Governments agree that residential

    and small business consumers with smallrenewables (small renewable consumers)

    should have the right to export energy to theelectricity grid and require market

    participants to provide payment for thatexport which is at least equal to the value of

    that energy in the relevant electricity market

    and the relevant electricity network it feedsin to, taking into account the time of dayduring which energy is exported.

    Any premium rate to be jurisdictionally

    determined, transitional and considered for

    public funding

    2. That any jurisdictional or cooperativedecisions to legislate rights for smallrenewable consumers to receive more thanthe value of their energy must:

    a) be a transitional measure (noting thata national emissions trading systemwill provide increasing support for lowemissions technologies), with clearlydefined time limits and reviewthresholds;

    b) for any new measures, or during anyreviews of existing measures, undertakeanalysis to establish the benefits andcosts of any subsidy against theobjectives of that subsidy (taking intoaccount other complementary measuresin place to support small renewableconsumers);

    c) give explicit consideration tocompensation from public funds orspecific levies rather than cross-subsidised by energy distributors orretailers; and

    d) not impose a disproportionate burdenon other energy consumers withoutsmall renewable generation.

    MCE to continue to advance fair treatment

    of small renewables

    3. That the Ministerial Council on Energy(MCE) should continue to implement the

    regulatory arrangements for small

    renewable customers, consistent with the

    objectives of the relevant electricitylegislation, whereby the:

    a) terms and conditions for PV customersshould be incorporated into the

    regulation of the minimum terms andconditions for retail contracts such that

    they are no less favourable than theterms and conditions for customers

    without small renewables;

    b) connection arrangements for smallrenewables customers should bestandardised and simplified to

    recognise the market power imbalancebetween small renewable customers

    and networks; andc) assignment of tariffs to small

    renewable consumers should be on thebasis that they are treated no less

    favourably than customers withoutsmall renewables but with a similar

    load on the network.

    FiT policy to be consistent with previous

    COAG agreements (particularly the

    Australian Energy Market Agreement)

    4. That the arrangements for PV consumers bythe MCE and jurisdictions:

    a) should not deter competition for theirbusiness from electricity retailers in

    jurisdictions where there is full retailcontestability and innovation in the

    tariff offerings available to PVcustomers;

    b) in relation to jurisdictions in theNational Electricity Market, should not

    interfere with the regulation ofdistribution tariffs or operation of the

    national electricity market under theNational Electricity Law or duplicate

    the regulatory arrangements that arepart of that Law;

    c)should be subject toindependent regulatory

    oversight according to clearprinciples; and

    d)should be consistent withimplementation of other

    intergovernmentalagreements relating toenergy, competition policy or

    climate change.

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    Poten.alIn October, EnvironmentMinister Peter Garrett launched

    a user friendly interactive atlasto map the full extent of

    Australias renewable energyresources.

    Mr Garrett said the atlas wouldbe a fantastic and invaluable toolfor industry, governments and

    the community as Australiaexplored solutions to climate

    change.This on-line Renewable Energy

    Atlas is available to anyone whowants to know more about our

    continents energy potential andthe array of options available to

    us, Mr Garrett said.It will be used by planners and

    investors to expand and developrenewable industries in Australia, and

    will help build community awarenessof the enormous potential for growth

    in this area.Mr Garrett said the atlas was a

    practical tool showing in-depth,

    nationwide information on all forms ofrenewable energy from solar exposureand wind speed to geothermal

    temperatures.Wind speeds, wave and tidal

    information, ocean currents, biomassand hot ground water data are

    all charted in this excellent resource.Other information such as contours,

    roads, towns, electricity transmission lines andclimatic factors gives data better context.

    Never before has there been such a

    comprehensive resource available withinformation about renewable energy in ourcountry and never before has it been so easy

    accessible for everyone to learn from and use forthe benefit of our environment.

    It is an important step in making renewableenergy a more viable and practical choice for the

    future.Funded under the Australian Governments Low

    Emissions Technology and Abatement Program,the Renewable Energy Atlas will continue to be


    The mapping service can be found at





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    Despite the global financial crisis, investmentcontinues to flow into Australia's leading

    geothermal power developer, GeodynamicsLimited.

    Eugene Fung, a partner at law firm DLA

    Phillips Fox, says that the investment showsthat 'despite a difficult market, there is still

    capital available for quality renewable energyprojects'.

    Geodynamics completed three successful capital

    raisings this year, worth over $150 million- $37.5m (May 2008), $33.5m (June 2008) and

    $44.1m (September 2008).

    This was related to a successful joint venturewith Origin Energy Limited (ASX:ORG)

    in late 2007 which raised $115m forGeodynamics' flagship Cooper Basin hot dry

    rock project.

    The capitalraisings place

    Geodynamics in agood financial

    position to beable to make an

    investmentdecision with its

    joint venturepartner, Origin

    Energy, on theconstruction of a

    50MW powerstation next year.

    The Australian Government has set a goal of

    doubling the market share of renewable

    energy from 10 per cent to 20 per cent by 2020, atarget that will require ongoing andsubstantial investment over the next decade.

    A report released by Ernst & Young this month

    tips investment in the sector to reach $2.3billion a year by 2020.



    FrameworkLaunchedThe Minister for Resources and Energy, MartinFerguson AM MP, earlier this month released

    the Geothermal Industry DevelopmentFramework and Technology Roadmap.

    Minister Ferguson said: "The Framework is

    designed to accelerate the development ofgeothermal energy in Australia and assist in thedevelopment of low cost, reliable, and large scale

    solutions to the climate change and energysupply challenges we will face in coming years.

    "The Technology Roadmap explores issues

    relating to research and developmentopportunities in areas such as exploration,

    potential geothermal resources, and reservoirmodeling, while technical challenges and

    possible actions have also been identified."

    Minister Ferguson said: "Australia's geothermalindustry could have the potential to

    provide reliable baseload power inthe long-term and increase our

    energy security. This industry alsopossesses a long-term capacity to

    contribute to the reduction of

    Australia's carbon emissions.

    "Geoscience Australia estimates that

    if one percent of Australia'sgeothermal energy was extracted, it

    would equate to 26,000 timesAustralia's total annual energy

    consumption."That's why, as part of the $500

    million Renewable Energy Fund, theAustralian Government is providing $50 million

    to the Geothermal Drilling Program to assist

    companies with the cost of drilling. The programwill help the industry with proof-of-conceptprojects and attract private investors to the


    Further information:Visit

    Pages/index.aspxFollow Clean Energy technologies then

    Framework Roadmaps.



    Go to the IEA website to purchase the2008 outlook:
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    LeadersAnnouncedSenator Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation,

    Industry, Science and Research said the

    members of the newly established BuiltEnvironment Industry Innovation Council(BEIIC), should champion innovation in the

    industry.Speaking at the first BEIIC meeting in October

    he said:"The Built Environment industry is a major

    economic sector but, like many industries, itfaces emerging challenges.

    "The Built Environment Industry InnovationCouncil will address challenges like climate

    change, sustainability and industrycompetitiveness as well as issues for the

    industry such as regulatory reform, workforcecapability, skills needs and access to new

    technologies."It is the Government's aim to create

    sustainable conditions for innovation to flourishand to support its economic, environmental and

    social priorities."The Industry Innovation Councils are critical

    tools for engaging with stakeholders tostrengthen innovation systems.

    "If we want to deal effectively with theinnovation challenges and opportunities that lie

    ahead of us, we will have to mobilise everyonewho makes decisions about our builtenvironment policy-makers, professionals,

    entrepreneurs and consumers. That is whatthe Built Environment Industry Innovation

    Council is for."The BEIIC is the first of several Industry

    Innovation Councils."The Council brings together representatives

    from business, the research community,unions and government agencies.

    Chair of the Council, Sue Holliday, has

    extensive experience in Urban Planning and wasinstrumental in establishing the Australian

    Green Building Council Board."The members of the Council are talented

    leaders and champions across the sector whoare doers as well as thinkers. They will advise

    the Government on the industry's innovationissues and priorities and foster collaboration

    between stakeholders and Government,"Senator Carr said.








    TristramCarfrae ArupFellowandChair,GlobalBuilding







































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    paysoffatsale.meAt the end of the last quarter, on

    average, homes with a 5 star EERwere

    advertised for $160 000 more than

    homes in lower star bands, andgenerally, the higher the

    star value, the higher the advertised

    price. And, over the past year, the price

    of the half-star lemons has slumped.

    The average selling prices for Canberra fell

    by 2.5% in the last quarter, according to the


    However, asking prices have continued to

    increase, as Energy Partners discovered intheir end of quarter analysis of the market.

    This may reflect unrealistic expectations on

    the part of the vendors.

    Overall, buyers have an increased choice in

    the housing market, and they appear to be

    choosing energy efficiency, in the form of

    high EER statements.

    Notably, asking prices rose across all star

    bands in the ACT, between June and

    September, by 10.5%. This is unexpected, as

    according the ABS, average sale prices

    decreased by 2.5% over the same quarter,

    returning sale prices to September 07 levels.

    That represents a large discrepancy in

    what vendors expect the market to do, and

    what buyers know it has done a

    discrepancy of up to 13% of a homes value.

    Of the homes on the market at the end of

    last quarter in Canberra, homes with a 5

    star EER were advertised at over $160 000

    more than lower star bands, on average.

    This emphasised the trend of the last year,

    in which 5 star homes were advertised at

    $90 000 more than lower star bands.

    Ingeneral, as a correlation at the end of the

    September quarter, the value of a home

    increasedby $5,600 for each EER star,

    said Trevor Lee, Director of Buildings at

    Energy Partners.

    These new figures are combined with figures

    collected and analysed by Energy Partners

    over the 9 years since it was made

    compulsory that each property sold had an

    EER included in any advertisement. This

    shows that the increased price of high-EERhomes (3+ stars) is part of a long-

    term trend of high EERs adding value to

    homes. That trend was interrupted from

    2005 to 2007, coinciding with the housing

    boom, and a reduction in buyer choice, but

    now appears to be returning, with a sharp

    increase in the perceived value of high-EER

    homes compared to low-EER homes. This is

    particularly true over the last year, as the

    average asking price of high-EER homes

    increased 11% more than that of low-EER

    homes. Indeed, the average asking price of

    EER 0.5 homes slumped by nearly 15%.

    Cost benefit analysis conducted by Energy

    Partners has found that investing around

    $2,000 in minor renovations, such as adding

    insulation, good curtains, blinds and

    pelmets can raise most homes to

    more than 4 stars. Canberrans wanting

    further information on how to upgrade the

    energy rating of their homes can access the

    ACT Governments free householder energy

    advice service at

    Or visit for more





  • 8/9/2019 Solar Progress, December 2008 ~ Australian and New Zealnad Solar Energy Society








    BP Solar announced in November that it willcease the production of

    solarphotovoltaic (PV)

    power cells and panelsfrom its manufacturing

    plant in Sydney

    Olympic Park(Australia) at the endof March 2009. The

    decision comes becausethe company is looking

    to focus its operationsat larger scale plants

    in lowest costmanufacturing

    countries, in orderto drive down the cost

    of solar power forconsumers.

    The BP Solar sales and marketing team in

    Australia will continue their activities, and aimto grow the sales and servicing of solar

    products. However, BP Solar regrets thatapproximately 200 jobs will be lost

    from the manufacturing plant.

    The challenge for solar power is to reduce itscosts to the level at which it competes on an

    equal footing with conventional electricitydelivered through the power grid. To do this weneed to expand at scale and reduce costs, says

    global CEO of BP Solar, Reyad Fezzani.

    Weve looked at all options in our Sydneymanufacturing site and the physical location,

    lack of expansion potential and leaseagreements just dont make it competitive: the

    most modern Solar PV manufacturing plants areup to twenty times larger than our Sydney site

    and we are competing in this global market.

    It is a sad day for us as a Company and for the

    Sydney plant. We deeply regret the job lossesthat will result from the closure. Id like to

    publicly thank the BP Solar staff at SydneyOlympic Park for their commitment to the

    company over the years.

    Globally, BP is investing around $1.5 billion USdollars per year in alternative energy, building

    material, focussed, low carbon energy

    businesses. BP Solar is a material part of BPsAlternative Energy portfolio, and it needs tocompete for investment and demonstrate

    profitable returns, just like our other businessesin the BP Group. Faced with a tough external

    environment, and anincreasingly

    competitive solar market, weare focussing hard and

    listening to our customers.


    Meanwhile, a new start-up, SparkSolar

    intends to manufacture and export state-of-

    the-art screen printed solar cells to overseas

    solar panel makers. The R&D program will

    develop home grown, more efficient cell

    technologies, they talk of the ABC (Angle

    Buried Contact) cell.

    A staged ramp-up starting at 30MW and

    expanding to 100MW is


    Aiming high, the company

    seeks to become the largest PV

    manufacturer in the southern


  • 8/9/2019 Solar Progress, December 2008 ~ Australian and New Zealnad Solar Energy Society



    NewCEOJohnGrimesI have a confession to make and I may as wellget it out right up front while I come to

    ANZSES with a passion for the environmentalsector, my background is in water.Most recentlyI was the founder and Managing Director of acompany that develops and sells unique low

    energy, on-site water reclamation technology.

    Whats more, prior to my appointment as CEOwith ANZSES, I was the founding Chairman ofthe Australian Grey Water Institute, an

    industry body representing the interests of thegrey water treatment industry.

    Water is an important part of creating asustainable future. But it is only one part. It ishow we power our lives, our homes, industry,

    businesses and vehicles that is going todetermine the quality of life we collectively

    share. What type of emissions should we expectfrom energy generation? None.So with this background I went, for the first

    time, to an ANZSES annual conference.I was quite humbled by what I found. The

    people I found there invented solar, and they arestill at it, leading the world in innovation and

    efficiency. These people, our people, are notnational heroes, they are global heroes.Andmany parts of the world are using thisAustralian solar technology to generate power

    emission free.

    I also found smart solar companies taking solarsolutions to the cities and to remote places in the

    bush. There were also students passionateabout the science of solar and related

    renewables. This is an organisation burstingwith opportunity. Unleashing that opportunityis work that really n