solar panel blueprint


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Post on 22-Jul-2016




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Anindya Munshi is an avid supporter of solar energy as the best and most effective means to get power in the outdoors. He recommends this eBook as the best name to trust if you are looking to buy portable solar panels, whisper wind turbines or more.


Page 1: Solar panel blueprint
Page 2: Solar panel blueprint




Advantages of solar panels

I am sure you are aware of the fact that solar energy is much more

convenient way to save money on your household energy bills.

Now this green, renewable and sustainable form of energy can be a

basis for a long term investment. These days the US government

has introduced federal tax credits for home owners who have

installed solar energy panels at their home and offices.

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Let me inform you that people who are using solar energy are

given 30% tax rebates on the total system purchase and installation

cost. Again this advantage is being heavily promoted by

governments, utility providers and municipalities as an incentive

for people in order to invest in more than one solar energy


Scientists are working really hard to make solar panels more

economical; however using solar energy does not just means

substituting a fossil fuel for an alternative energy source. Now it is

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very essential to know what kind of benefits you will be getting for

your money.

In general people prefer to invest the least amount of money on

any goods they buy since experience that taught them that the

cheapest products is not always the best. However as a home

owner you cannot buy the expensive service either. So in order to

make a wise decision on what kind of solar energy panels to install

in your home you need to consider both the benefits and

disadvantages of green panels.

Now let me remind you that there are several considerations to

take and think over when you are making such a commitment. I

can very well understand that not all the factors involved in

installing solar power systems are tangible and it is really difficult

to calculate them.

Again if we consider all the health problems that we are

experiencing like asthma, whooping coughs, lungs infections and

cancers along with the overall pollution of the seas and forests then

we can clearly see that cutting down on fossil fuels to reduce

carbon emissions is the least we can really do to remove ourselves

from this destructive cycle. Now if you if want to know more

about the advantages of solar panels then please visit solar panel

Unknown facts about solar panels.

I can very well understand that people who live in a clean

environment may not think it really justifiable to pay a high

amount of money for installing a solar panel system. They are

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justifiable in their act since they do not themselves experience the

negative effect of pollutants.

However I can say that the toxic emissions from using fossils fuels

can pose a threat to the environment as a whole if not directly to

our breathing space. Now it is the responsibility of the government

to promote solar energy throughout the country with the help of

incentives like tax rebates. I am confident that when people are

given incentives to install solar energy panels then they will do so

with fewer reservations than they have to install without any


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Now you might ask me ask me a question that do solar panels

work when it is cloudy? Now an average person would no doubt

guess that well no since how can they when there is no sunshine

for the solar panel to work with. Now I am going to reveal that the

answer is partially true.

The solar panels are not as efficient in cloudy conditions as during

bright and sunny days. Now it is a fact that the production of solar

panels is reduced by at least 50% on a cloudy day and may be even

down to just 5 to 10% of what they can actually produce on sunny


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Now the point is that they can actually do their job during cloudy

days even at a reduced rate. I think this is a great testament to the

amazing technology that solar panels are and now let us look a bit

deeper into this fact. So you must be wondering how it is even

possible for solar panels to produce any electricity at all on cloudy


Yes, the answer lies in the incredible technology used by a single

solar cell, which takes the light from the sun or photons which are

basically particles of light and converts them to electricity. We

should thank the silicon in the cells which reacts with the sunlight

to generate and electrical charge. Now if you want to know some

more unknown facts about solar panels then please visit solar


How does solar panel work?

You should thank to French scientist Edmund Becquerel for his

discovery of what came to be known as the photovoltaic effect in

the 19 th century for the invention of solar panels. Let me remind

you that a number of solar cells are combined to form a solar


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Small charge created by a single solar cell is multiplied many

times over to produce a significant amount of wattage to format

whole panel. In reality solar panels perform best in sunny

conditions. UN shaded conditions like any type of shading or cloud

cover can seriously affect a panel’s performance to the extent that

in extremely cloudy conditions a panel can operate at 50%


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Now if you multiply that by the panels in an array and by array I

mean basically a group of panels which is what you normally need

to supply enough power to run household appliances and electronic

goods. Trust me; the fall off in performance can be really pretty


Now if you are getting only 50% of the solar production of your

solar panels then I am sure that is not really enough to keep your

household appliances up and running. So what can you do now?

So well if you are living on the grid then there is no need to panic

because thanks to the wonders of net metering your overall utility

can make up the balance of power. It will surely keep your house

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hold up and running all your electrical appliances devices will keep

working as normal.

This is one of the advantages of having a grid tied solar electric

system as any time your solar panel system can run into trouble. If

your solar panels do not produce the amount of electricity needed

for a particular task that’s where your personal utility comes in and

makes up for your systems short fall.

Now unless you have enough electricity credits banked with your

electricity utility company then you will be billed by your utility of

electricity drown from the grid at the prevailing rates. Yes, you

will never be without power as long as the grid is available, now if

you want to know more about how solar panels really work then

please visit solar panel

All you need to know about solar power resource.

Now in case you are UN aware of how grid tied solar electric

systems work then you are at the right place. If you want to know

about how your solar panel system produces electricity and how it

is used by you and your house hold let me remind you that the

electricity is fed into the grid and your account is credited with that


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Your account is credited with that amount of electricity and this

means that the more electricity fed from your system into the grid

the greater amount of credits you are going to accumulate. Now if

you are living off the grid this is where your backup energy

supplies are saved in your battery bank.

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Your solar panel system switches from the electricity produced by

your solar panels to the electricity stored in your batteries.

Therefore as long as you have got enough energy saved in your

batteries you will surely continue to be able to run your appliances

without missing a beat.

I personally know several people who are living with an off grid

solar electric system and also have a generator as an added back up

for their battery bank just in case the system runs out of power. So

solar panels work when it is cloudy and this can happen if one

follows the above procedure and trust me the efficiency of the

solar panels is reduced substantially by as much as 50%.

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Let me inform you that off grid solar panel system have a battery

bank and often a generator to provide the electricity that solar

electric system cannot. This makes up any short fall in a systems

production capabilities. So finally I am sure you have decided to

go for solar panels.

Fantastic, you will surely find some great energy savings in your

close future. In order to buy solar panels you will have to know

about solar panels and do some home work. I know that you are

planning to install the solar panel yourself but there are a few

things you really need to know before purchasing them and if you

want some more information then please visit solar panel

How to build a solar panel yourself?

For the starter the first step in learning how to build a solar panel is

to know about the materials and components which are needed. In

this eBook I am going to discuss about how to build solar panels

which is capable of powering up small appliances. Now we have to

look at the materials we are going to need.

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First you need solar cells and for that you have two options first to

buy new solar cells or to salvage used ones. Obviously it will be

more costly if you buy new solar cells. Now if you are on a tight

budget then you can even get broken solar cells and join them


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Again if you are not really comfortable in doing what I said then it

will be less frustrating to work with new solar cells instead. After

that you will require three eighth inch thick plywood and you can

very well get them from your local hardware store.

I personally know some art supply stores that sell plywood frames.

You can very well use them as well if you really know how. Now

you will need 2 pin Jones plug which is necessary to connect the

solar panels to the rest of the solar powered circuit.

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You will also require a silicone caulk which is basically a

waterproof seal that is commonly used for fixing bath tubs and

kitchen sinks. After than some super glue and wood glue is needed

to hold the pieces together before you turn the screws in. in my

opinion the best type of wire required for a solar panel are those

that come as a twisted pair of red and black.

There are Chances of mixing up their polarity dramatically if you

are using these types of wires and since the solar panel will be

placed outside it is necessary to protect the wood from

precipitation, dew, moisture and other elements. You will be

requiring a diode which ensures that electricity only flows from the

solar panel into the battery and not in the opposite direction.

All you need to make sure that the battery is not discharged into

the solar panel during the night. Then you need a Plexiglas which

is basically a protective cover over the solar cells. This is often

preferred over glass as it does not break easily and it is really easy

to handle.

You also need a battery to ensure that your appliance continues to

run even at night or on very cloudy days. The above components

which I have mentioned should be put together to create a solar

power system and this can really supply electricity to small

appliances. Now if you are interested in building a successful

project and widen your knowledge base then please visit solar


Solar energy and solar panels.

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Solar panel is basically a device that is used to absorb energy from

the sun in order to generate heat and in several cases electricity.

Solar panel is also referred to as a photovoltaic cell since they are

made of many cells that are used to convert the light from the sun

into electricity.

Now the only raw material used in these solar panels is the sun and

they are made in such a way that the cells face the sum in order to

enable maximum absorption of the sun rays. The greater the

energy from the sun the more the electricity that is generated from

the solar panel.

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These days solar panels are used widely in several homes in the

world due to their several pros and these pros are far more than

cons. Now one of the most important advantages of using solar

panels is that when we are installing solar panels there is no large

scale installation which is required.

Again solar panels require very little space to install and this is

very important when it comes to fat growing regions and towns.

Now the installation of solar panels will only involve a single cell

to continuously generate energy. Let me remind you that an entire

homestead requires a single cell.

When you are installing a solar panel, please remember that there

is no large scale installation required. In reality solar panels require

very little space to install. This concept is very important when it

comes to fast growing regions and towns. The installation mainly

involves a single cell which continually generates energy.

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In general a homestead requires a single cell and therefore there is

no congestion and there is a continued supply to the high demand

of energy. Solar panels maintains a good image in a community

since crowding makes a society less attractive since everyone

wants to live somewhere which they consider beautiful.

Again solar panels are durable and there are no moving parts in the

device. Solar panel reduces the chance of destruction and it is

possible to use these solar panels for a very long period of time

without having to purchase another. Now studies have estimated

that these solar panels can last for over ten years and if you are

interested in some more information about solar panels then please

visit solar panel

Important facts about solar panels.

Solar panel is a device which is very beneficial because it reduces

the stress that comes about when a machine stops running due to

loss or worn out. Solar panels also reduce maintenance cost since it

is less prone to wear and tear. These advantages make the device

very easy to handle for even a person with very little skills in

handling a solar panel.

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The companies which are investing in solar energy are getting the

advantage of higher profits since they cut back on costs incurred in

electricity and the rest of the profits are used to expand the

business. Therefore the use of solar panels is very advantageous

and statistics have shown that the companies which are using solar

panels are getting higher returns as compared to those that are

using other sources of energy.

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I am sure you are very well aware of the fact that electricity can be

very expensive and the use of solar panels enables individuals and

companies to enjoy the benefits of low taxes. Purchase of solar

panels is a great opportunity to reduce spending on taxes. I am

saying this since there is no monthly bill when using a solar panel

it makes it tax free.

Now when using fossil fuel energy there is no option of tax saving

since one has to pay their electricity on a monthly basis which in

most cases is heavily taxed. Let me inform you that the size of

solar panels per meter is required to provide maximum energy.

When there is full sun one can expect to get about one thousand

watts per meter.

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This estimate is equivalent to about 2900 watts hours per day, and

this depends on the particular area in which the solar panels is

located along with the time of the year and the strength in which

the sun rays reach the solar panels. This is the reason why there are

times where one gets more energy as compared to others.

The energy offered by the solar panel gives the desired effect even

at low intensity and therefore they are really very reliable. Now if

you are interested to know more about the functions of solar panels

then please visit solar panel

Why should you use a solar panel?

Now you might ask me why I should use a solar panel. Now it is

highly unlikely to hear that someone got injured when using solar

panel. I am saying this because there are few cases of electric

shocks that are very frequent when using other sources of

electricity. Therefore it is really safe to use solar panels since it

creates fewer incidences of emergencies.

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Now careful measures should be taken during installation of solar

panels since there are instances where cables are left bare and can

create shock when touched. This is a rare happening and might

happen when the wiring is not done correctly. So care should be

taken since the roof of the solar panels is constantly emitting


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Solar panels are not really prone to destruction by harsh

environmental conditions. This is the only reason why they are not

easily destructed and this is important since the device is placed

outside in order to absorb sun rays. The good thing about solar

panels is that they can be used by people who live in areas where

the weather is up and down in most cases.

These are the advantages which come with using solar panels and

let me remind you that solar panels can be used in any settings

whether in schools, homes and companies. Now in order to

determine how many solar panels you actually require in your

home you need to do some homework.

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The fist thing you will need to know is your daily watt

consumption and this is the amount of power your household uses

every day. You don’t have to just go with one day but check out a

years worth of electricity bills and only then you can know your

highs and lows.

Another thing you will need to figure out is that how much

sunlight your roof gets daily. Does your roof get more sunshine in

the morning or in the after noon? After that you need to come up

with a conservative yearly average and you must remember that

there are longer days in the summer and shorter in the winter.

Now if you are having trouble figuring this calculation then you

can very well look online since there are a lot of calculators that

can really provide you a helping hand. Now if you want to know

more about solar panels then please visit solar panel

What is solar panel rating?

If you want to have your information on solar panel ratings then

for the starter you need to figure out how many solar panels you

actually require? You need to take your daily watts divided by the

hours your receive sunlight. This will give you the number of watts

that is generated in one hour.

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This is also the number which will determine the amount of panels

and let me inform you that solar panel ratings are based on this

formula that is watt per hour. Now let me state a simple example

suppose 100 watts panel’s produces 100 watts of power for every

hour of sunlight.

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Now if you require 200 watts per hours then you need two solar

panels, and you are advised that the solar panels come in a wide

variety of sizes. So you need to do your research in order to decide

what combination will really work for you. After that the next

problem which will arise is to solve where the solar panels are to

be placed.

For that you need to walk around your house and see what areas

get the most sun. This is the sweet spot where your solar panels

should be placed. Now the next step is to set up a solar budget and

by that I mean how much you need to spend that will be overly

compensated for by reducing electric bills.

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In my opinion it won’t really make sense to overspend on the solar

panels or else it will take decades to show any profits. All you need

to do is to do your research since there are different prices for the

panels themselves. So please make sure to research about the

companies selling them.

Also make sure that they are reputable and are ready to give you

the price in writing so that you can compare with other sellers.

Now if these sellers don’t give you the written estimate then just

walk way since the deal is not going to be worth it. At the end of

the day you are going to require these solar panels to last a long


So I would recommend that you should avoid going to these cheap

fly by night dealers whom you will find at the local flea market.

Now when you have purchased your solar panels then you should

be ready to put them up.

You can very well ask your friends, family and neighbors to help

you in installing them since the installation is going to require a lot

of muscles. Now if you want some more information on solar

panel ratings then please visit solar panel

Are you a solar energy lover?

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When you are planning to buy solar panels do not forget to read

the instruction since this is a very important point. So please make

sure to read and understand every word before you start

installation. Let me remind you that this is not a kid’s bike that you

are putting together.

Therefore I would sincerely advice you to read and not just scan

and pay attention to what you are reading. Once you completely

understand the entire process then you can very well begin your

installation. Now best pieces of advice for you try to save the beer

for celebrating after the installation of the solar panels.

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You won’t like to drop your hammers and screwdrivers on your

new solar panels and so good luck and get started and go green.

The green energy is a booming market in these recent times since

environment protection seems to be the utmost priority for

everyone these days.

Solar energy has long been accepted as the best, most safe and

efficient energy source that humans have to generate electricity for

our consumption needs and requirements. These days most

countries are now switching to solar energy for manufacturing and

selling electricity on a commercial scale.

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The same holds true for the utility of solar energy on an individual

level. Now more and more people turning towards solar power to

satisfy their portable energy requirements. Solar panels are really a

great product to help you to match this need. So when you are in

the market looking for portable solar panels for the purpose of

buying you will really be spoilt for choices.

Yes, there will be several option coming your way since there are

solar panels with all kinds of features and capabilities that you can

really make use of. Now different products means different

configuration and this will surely create a situation where a buyer

like you will surely feel confused about which solar panel to buy.

Now if you want some hot tips which you should keep in mind

while selecting the right model for solar panel for your need then

please visit solar panel news. Com.

Hot tips to consider when you are buying solar panels.

When you are buying solar panels make sure that the device you

are selecting comes in with a built in regulator. The regulator is

really an extremely important part in the overall system of the

portable solar panels as it helps in controlling the amount of energy

that the solar panels will be using.

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The regulator also prevents the device from overcharging which in

general often causes extensive damage to the batteries. You need

to understand that no matter what is mentioned on the device about

its hard wearing features you will have to handle the solar panel

with care.

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So make sure that you do not fold the solar cells as it might

damage the inner circuitry. Again carrying it round for your

outdoor expedition is advisable but you need to make sure you are

taking the necessary precaution to keep the solar panel device

working well for a long time to come.

You can easily use the solar panels to power up any device you

want to use however you have to ensure that when you are putting

it up for charging there are rechargeable batteries in it. Now if you

are using non re chargeable batteries then you will eventually end

up damaging the solar panel.

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In my opinion of good way to save the solar panels from accidental

damage during outdoor expedition is to find a designated safe

place for the solar panels at your home. Please make sure that the

location is safe for the solar panel and please see that people and

children at your home do not bump on it or trip on it.

Another good idea will be to buy extra connectors or a connection

hub that can really come in handy in case you want to use your

portable solar panel to charge multiple devices. Please remember

that some devices usually need specific connectors, ports and pins.

So think ahead and buy them before hand.

Now if you want some more information portable solar panels if

you are likely to buy one for yourself there can be no better place

to trust than this eBook and if you really believe in it then please

visit solar panel

Notable benefits of solar panels.

I am sure you are aware of the fact that since the increased

awareness of global warming people have become more open to

the idea of finding and renewable sources of energy. Their main

aim is to mitigate the environmental issues the world is currently

facing. Among the renewable sources of energy proposed the use

of solar panels have gained popularity in recent years.

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They have gained popularity both with the residential and

commercial spaces, since there are indeed notable advantages of

the use of solar power generating system and some would also

point out the disadvantages. In general however the experts agree

that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

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In this eBook we are going to discuss some of the most notable

benefits of using solar type of renewable source of energy. I can

very well understand that while the use of the system to harvest the

suns energy may be what is within the commerce of man and no

country, no company and nation can monopolize the use of the sun

for profits.

So as long as the system for harvesting power is installed the

person having installed the same can exploit the energy of the sun

for his or her use without unnecessarily depriving others. The use

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of the solar energy can really be one of the most efficient ways to

save energy cost.

Now some people would argue that installing the solar panels can

be really costly but the cost of installation when looking at long

term effects can really save a home owner and entrepreneur

thousands of dollars compared to how much is being spent in using

non renewable sources of energy.

Scientists have already confirmed that the earth is facing the

challenge of global warming no matter how much our country

leaders are saying to deny the phenomenon. The effects of global

warming have been felt much stronger now with rapidly changing

temperatures, unusually greatly devastating typhoons and much


At the end of the day the clear message is that research is trying to

tell everyone that we need to find a way to mitigate the effects of

global warming. If we do not act right now then we will suffer

greater consequences, loss of lives and rapid decrease of resources.

Now if you want to turn to sun as the renewable sources of energy

that would help to save the earth then please visit solar panel

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Recent development in solar panel technology.

Let me inform you that scientists at Michigan state university has

achieved a marvelous breakthrough in solar panel technology. A

solar panel is a panel that can be applied over a window to

generate solar power. The most exciting feature of solar panels is

that they are totally transparent. This breakthrough has allowed

entire buildings to produce enough power to run on.

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Now with all the recent improvements in window technology this

new solar converting technology is a welcome addition to

everyone concerned about energy efficiency. The researchers of

Michigan state university have developed the transparent

luminescent solar concentrator that can be used on buildings,

mobiles and any other device that has a clear surface.

New developments have allowed scientists to work with colorless

material that are highly efficient. These materials do its work

unobtrusively since to the human eye the process is transparent and

the organic molecules within the luminescent material are

gathering sunlight and converting it to electricity.

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This is how solar panel technology gathers sunlight and converts it

to electricity and generates free solar energy. Now once this

technology is perfected we can really look forward to a whole new

generation of solar friendly windows and smart phone screens.

Trust me; this technology has great potential for not only the

residential sector but also for the commercial and industrial sectors


When this new generation of solar technology takes shape

consumers will have plenty to be excited about in the world of

window technology, from smart phones to smart cars which have

recently come into the market with the potential to significantly

reduce energy consumption and more.

Now if you are in the market for new solar panels please consider

smart technology. You will be able to select a smart solar panel

that suits your homes needs. Now with the emphasis on energy

efficiency you will discover that these new solar panels are an

excellent investment that not only adds to your homes value but

they can also save your money each month on energy costs. Now if

you want to know more about latest solar panel technologies then

please visit solar panel

Why should you opt for solar panels?

Now you might ask me why you should go for a solar panel, for

the starter let me remind you that energy from solar panel is

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renewable. You never have to worry about running out of sunlight

or using it all up. The sun is a consistent source of power and it is

always going to be there every day.

Again solar energy is environmental friendly and compared to

fossils fuels which releases green house gases, carcinogens and

carbon dioxide, solar energy does not release anything into the air.

Solar panels are really extremely reliable since there are no moving

parts so you do not have to worry about replacing anything.

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Solar panels make no noise while collecting energy and let me

inform you that there are not other renewable energy sources that

are completely silent. Thus in the long run solar electricity is much

cheaper though there is a start up cost but then it starts paying for

itself. Now you can break even everything after that is profit.

These days there is a huge variety of solar panel systems available

and they can cost tens of thousands of dollars and some cost just a

couple hundred of dollars. Now this means that anyone can go for

solar panels since there is an entry point for just about everybody.

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Again you are not required to connect to the power grid and this

means that you can be completely self sufficient.

Let me inform you that government will provide you some kind of

tax credit or incentive if you purchase solar energy systems. On an

average the rebates usually cover 20-30% of the total system cost

since solar technology is constantly improving.

Solar installations are increasing by an incredible 50% every year

and most of them are small home made systems. Now if you want

to make you own solar panels, the benefits of solar energy to your

advantage to get the best value and avoid waste of money then

please visit solar panel

All you need to know about solar panels and solar invertors.

Now as the global environment is worsening more and more

demands for renewable energy is popping into our view. Again

renewable energy forms include wind, water, sunlight and geo

thermal powers. However the one solar power that can be

generated at home is only solar power.

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Solar panels can generate fair amounts of electricity and in this

blog we are going to see how they work for you. When you call a

team of workers and experts to install solar panels the experts will

tell you how many solar panels you house will need and will then

set suitable numbers of solar panels on your rooftop.

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At the same time these experts will try to make the panels nearly

perfectly displayed on your roof top for the beauty from the

outside. Now the solar panels will not solve the problem since the

current generated from the sunlight by the panel device is a direct

current or DC.

This cannot be directly used to support your TV, fridge,

microwave and other appliances that need electricity. Due to this

problem a solar inverter will be installed into your room or outside

if you think it is not good inside. The solar inverter is as small as

the panels on your rooftop in proportion.

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Solar panels can be installed on the wall or window and this will

never affect the beauty of the interior decoration. Essentially solar

panels will convert the solar current into alternating current which

will really be used by your whole family whenever you want.

Inside the solar panel device there is a tiny thing that can help to

monitor the running conditions of the inverter.

Now if any device malfunction occurs unexpectedly the solar

inverter will send back the information. After installation of the

solar panels you will be allowed to download an app which will

help you the monitor the current amount the solar panel makes


In this case you will know how much electricity you have each day

and thus you can very well make full use of them. Now if you want

to know more about solar panels and solar invertors then please

visit solar panel

All you need to know about solar power

Let me remind you that solar power is a new form of electricity for

home use. Solar power can help in protecting our fragile

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environment along with other renewable energy forms such as

wind and water. We all can make a contribution towards

environmental protection without donating money to any kind of

relevant association.

We can generate electricity which can satisfy our family needs and

also help us earn money. Now you might ask me how? The extra

electricity generated will be something of value for sure. In

general solar panels are used to generate electricity and solar

invertors are used to convert electricity into alternating current that

we use every day.

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I am sure you are aware of the fact that rising energy prices and

growing environmental concerns are making solar panel systems

more attractive to homeowners. In reality a solar panels system

reduces high energy costs and keep our home up and running

during power cuts.

Now the advantages of buying solar panel system includes saving a

significant amount on your electric bill, increasing the appraisal

value of your home, enjoying a reliable, clean and free power

along with helping to boost our economy by creating jobs. Let me

Page 49: Solar panel blueprint

remind you that a solar panel can save tons in green house gas


According to US environmental protection agency estimates the

average two people’s home emits approximately 41, 500 pounds of

green house gases during a year. In general most solar panels lasts

for about 30 years and this means that homeowners like you can

enjoy free electricity for years.

Now if you install batteries to back up your solar panels then it can

provide emergency powers in areas with frequent storms. In

addition these solar panels add value to your home. Now if you

want to know more about solar panels then please visit solar panel

How is solar energy harnessed?

Are you aware of the fact that most solar electric panels systems

last for 30 years and pay for themselves in 4 to 5 years after tax

credits and rebates? This is good news for you since home owners

like you can now enjoy free electricity for years. Now if you install

batteries to back up your solar electric system then your solar panel

can provide electricity and emergency power in areas with frequent

storms, hurricanes and natural disasters.

Page 50: Solar panel blueprint

Do you know that going solar adds value to your house since a

solar electric panel increases the value of your home by $20 for

every $1 in annual utility saving bill? This means that a solar

panels system almost pays itself with the appraisal value. Let me

remind you that solar power and panels reduces America’s

dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuel.

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Solar power and solar panel is making our nation more secure

while reducing air pollution and green house gases. Now coming

to the main point, solar electricity is produced by hanging sunlight

to power using the photovoltaic effect or the PV effect. In reality

the PV effect causes an electrical current to flow through solar cell

when exposed to sunlight.

Solar cell power is used in calculators, remote highway signs and

in home, commercial buildings and large power plants. Solar

power these days is used in all satellites in space and makes them

responsible for the world communication revolution. Now if you

are installing a solar panel in your home then let me provide you a

quick tip, your south facing roof is most effective.

If you have a roof over a carport garage or porch that receives no

shading from other buildings or trees then I can very well assure

you that your solar panel will work really well. Let me inform you

that solar companies develop solar panels by combining several

solar cells together.

When several solar panels are arranged together in series and

combined with other components they ultimately become a solar

panels or solar electric system which is popularly known as solar

Page 52: Solar panel blueprint

array. In reality a solar electric system can meet part and all of

your homes electricity needs.

There are mainly two types of conventional solar panels that are

crystalline silicon and thin film. The most common solar cell

material is crystalline silicon however new material is used in

making solar cells which are thin materials like amorphous silicon

and cadmium telluride.

These days’ solar companies have begun to use plastic and

aluminum foils to produce solar electricity. Silicon solar panels are

basically rigid panels and come in two types that is crystalline

which are made from a single large crystal and polycrystalline

which are basically made from a blocks of silicon that contain

many small crystals.

Silicon solar panels are the most efficient product in the market

and so is the most expensive. Again they are the best performing

solar panels in low light conditions. I can very well understand that

although poly crystalline solar cells are slightly less efficient than

the single crystal type silicon solar panels efficiency is very high.

Now if you want to know more about solar panels then please

visit solar panel

How solar panels using solar energy work?

Solar panels are flexible in nature and are created by spreading

silicon and other solar producing materials in a very thin layer

whose thickness is that of a human hair. Solar panels are set

directly into a large plate which is usually made of glass and

ceramics. Solar panels which are made of thin films are less

efficient and less expensive to produce.

Page 53: Solar panel blueprint

Solar panels are made of amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride and

their efficiencies are really very high. They are also used to capture

hot air from the atmosphere and are used to heat water. A typical

solar panel is created with the help of an inverter, a battery, a

charge controller, wiring and support structure.

Page 54: Solar panel blueprint

There are basically three types of solar electric system like the grid

connected, grid connected with battery back up and stand alone or

off grid. Each of these solar panels has distinct applications and

components. Grid connected solar panels are connected to our

local utility electrical grid which complements our normal power

supply for our utility company.

A grid connected system consists of solar panels mounted on the

roof, an inverter to convert electricity produced by the solar panel

system from direct current or DC into alternating current which is

AC. There is also a junction box that connects the solar panel

wiring to the breaker panel along with a power meter that displays

how much power our home produces and uses.

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A disconnect switch is also used for safety reason for sending

power to the grid during power outages which is also called

islanding. A grid connected with battery backup solar panel

contains a battery bank which collects power generated from the

solar panels and then sends them to the breaker box which again

sends the power to the house power system.

The components of this system are solar panels mounted on the

roof, an inverter which is used to convert solar electricity from DC

energy to AC energy. There is also a battery bank for power

storage and a charge controller to prevent overcharging of the

batteries. A junction box is needed that connects the solar panel

wiring to the breaker panels on the home front.

A power meter is also required that displays the mount of power

used, produced and stored in the battery bank along with a

disconnect switch to prevent islanding during power outages. An

off grid system or a stand alone solar panel are not tied to any

utility power lines and they are most common in remote areas

where connection to the utility grid is more expensive than

purchasing an off grid system.

An off grid solar panel system represents our homes main source

of power and in reality batteries store unused solar energy for use

at night. In general, generators, small wind systems and other back

up fuel sources are used as backup power then the solar power

stored in the batteries is not enough to meet the needs of the

household. Now if you want to know more about how solar panels

work then please visit solar panel

Essential facts about solar panels.

Page 56: Solar panel blueprint

A solar panel mounted on the roof consists of an inverter to

convert electricity produced by the panel system from DC into AC

energy. Solar panel also has a rectifier which is basically used to

change AC to DC and back again to get most out of the system.

There is a charge controller which prevents the overcharging the

battery along with a junction box that connects the solar panel

wiring to the breaker panel on the home.

A junction box basically connects the solar panel wiring to the

breaker panel on the home front and it is used for back up power

supply from a generator. There is a power meter that displays the

amount of power used, produced and stored in the battery bank. A

disconnect switch is used to prevent islanding during power


Page 57: Solar panel blueprint

Let me remind you that the power produced by a solar electric

system solar panel are assigned a rating in watts which is based on

the maximum power they produce under ideal sun and temperature

conditions. The exact amount of energy produced by a solar

electric system panel depends on the roof orientation along with

the tilt and other factors like shading, dust panels conversion and

wire losses.

Now if you are planning to repair or replace your roof then I must

say that this is the perfect time to purchase a solar electric system

or solar panels if you want your roofing material to last as long as

your solar panel system. At the end of the day the power

requirement of your home along with the roof type and solar

Page 58: Solar panel blueprint

resources will determine the type and size of the solar panel


A solar panel system works in all climates by producing electricity

by changing the photons in sunlight. So when you are purchasing a

solar electric panel then the right choice will depend on the amount

of sunlight your house receives and your budget. You also need to

keep an account of how much conventional power you want and

how much room you have on your roof or in your yard where the

solar panel will be mounted.

So at the end of the day you need to choose your homes power

requirements, roof type and solar resources in order to determine

the type and size of the solar panels. Thus before purchasing solar

panels which are basically a solar electric system a homeowner

needs to determine available roof space and other conditions.

For maximum performance a solar electric system or solar panel

requires 100 square feet of south facing roof for every kilowatt of

electricity produced. Now if your house does not face south then

you can still use your solar panel but the performance will be

dismal in nature.

Let me inform you that roof tilt is very important to capture the

path of the sun but in reality the requirement varies with location.

So make sure that your solar vendor and installer should be able to

calculate the proper tilt which is based on the solar resources for

your area that is the amount of sunlight your area receives.

If a south facing roof is not available then you can very well install

your solar panel or solar electric system on your garage roof,

window awnings and porch coverings. In general solar panels are

usually roof mounted but if someone has shortage of roof space

then they can be integrated into roof shingles and tiles.

Page 59: Solar panel blueprint

Let me warn you that if your roof is more than 15 years old then

you should consider replacing it before you purchase your solar

electric system. I personally know most solar vendors who

recommend using roofing materials that lasts as long as your solar

panel system. Now if you want to know more about solar panels

then please visit solar panel news .com.

All you need to know about Basic solar panel parts.

Before you are buying solar panels you need to know thoroughly

about basic solar panel parts. You need to make sure that your roof

can hold the weight of the solar panel system which is estimated

approximately at 3 to 5 pounds per square foot and everything

depends on the type of technology used and installation method.

Page 60: Solar panel blueprint

Again shading reduces the performance of the solar panels because

it blocks sunlight. Let me remind you that the most common items

that shade solar panels are trees, chimneys, along with nearby

buildings and electrical cables and heating and cooling

equipments. Shadings from pipes, skylights and vents also create


Page 61: Solar panel blueprint

Now in order to determine possible shading problems you need to

consult a solar professional who uses a software program that can

really estimate site shading. Now if you are not having a south

facing roof or enough roof space then you can very well consider a

ground and pole mounted solar system.

They can be installed with the same orientation and tilt as a roof

mounted system and trust me ground mounted systems are really

great for homes with large yards. There are some systems which

are mounted on a tracker that follows the movement of the sun.

Please remember that local zoning laws might restrict your

installation so you need to check with your city, country to find out

if there are any restrictions regarding your installation.

Page 62: Solar panel blueprint

Some states in US have solar access laws that might require a

homeowners association to approve installation. Homeowners like

you need to obtain any local permits before installation of solar

panels. You need not have to worry since your installer will assist

you in obtaining permits and clearance from the city.

Proper maintenance of you solar panel system will surely keep it

running smoothly. Let me remind you that systems with electrical

components usually require replacements after 10 years. Again

solar panels need to be cleaned in climates like infrequent rainfall.

For installation you require a professional licensed contractor who

can install your solar electric system.

They can really prevent problems with the system caused by

improper installation and maintenance. Professional installers can

help with paper works for tax credits and rebates, and their

professional ethics depends on what experience and certification

they have, how long they have been in business and their

knowledge about zoning, electrical requirements and codes.

You also need to determine whether your installer is NABCEP

certified and whether then can handle paperwork for federal and

state incentives. Again you have to find out whether they offer

maintenance service and whether they are a member of any solar

trade organization such as the solar energy industries association.

Thus at the end of the day purchasing a solar electric system

represents an investment with several benefits. Like besides raising

the value of your property and home a solar electric system can

provide savings on your monthly utility bill. As the energy bill is

rising a solar electric system can provide home owner security and

they can enjoy free energy for years to come.

So before purchasing a solar electric system you can very well try

some energy saving strategies which can really help in lowering

your electricity bills to get the most out of your existing system.

Page 63: Solar panel blueprint

You need to follow energy efficiency and cost saving measures for

your home and let me remind you that technology is bringing the

cost of solar panel every year. Now if you want to know more

about solar panels then please visit solar panel

All you need to know about solar energy for homes.

Now before purchasing a solar electric system for your home I

would advice you that you should try some energy saving

strategies to help lower your electricity bills so that you get the

most out of your existing system. Let me inform you that the US

department of Energy has provided an online consumer guide that

includes energy efficiency and cost saving measures for your


Page 64: Solar panel blueprint

I am sure you are aware of the fact that solar electric systems cost

an average of $8 to $10 per watt installed however there is a new

technology which is bringing down the cost every year. To reduce

the cost altogether federal and states incentives are given to

consumers in the form of tax credits and rebates for the purchase of

solar electric system.

Page 65: Solar panel blueprint

I personally know some vendors who are selling the system at after

rebate prices by completing all the paper work themselves.

Consumers are given numerous incentives for buying a solar

electric system in the form of federal tax credits, state tax credits,

utility rebates, and property tax credits in some states.

These days most states have net metering laws that require utility

companies to provide homeowners credit for excess power

produced by the solar electric system purchased by them. In reality

the local utility company offers credit for every kilowatt hours of

solar power not consumed by homes and this reduces the

electricity bill by the same amount.

The new meter essentially spins backwards when excess power is

produces and this is how homeowners receive credit at higher rates

Page 66: Solar panel blueprint

during summers when their systems are producing the most power

and at lower rates in the winter season when the solar energy

system is not producing as much solar energy.

Now if you don’t have the money to purchase the solar power

system outright then you can very well consider financing the

system. These days there are several resources available for

financing a solar electric system and this includes home finance,

first mortgages, banks which are ready to finance for less then

prime rates, construction loans, and home equity loans.

I personally know some solar vendors who finance the system

themselves and let me remind you that mortgage loans and home

equity loans offer several advantages like longer term lower

interest rates than conventional bank loans along with tax

deductible interest.

In addition if you are opting for a refinance by adding the solar

electric system to a loan at the same time then it will reduce

paperwork and will simplify the purchase. Again other benefits of

financing the cost of solar electric system are a low monthly

payment on the system.

Now I am sure you are thinking about buying a solar electric

system, if so then this article has provided some basic information

that can really help you to buy the solar electric system. Now if

you want some more information about solar electric system then

please visit solar panel

How to get your power from the sun?

Page 67: Solar panel blueprint

If you want to get your power from the sun then you will require a

solar electric system which is also called photovoltaic or PV

system. These systems are reliable and pollution free as they make

use of a renewable source of energy, the sun. Again these days the

PV system for homes and business are becoming more affordable

all the time.

Let me remind you that PV works best in an energy efficient

building and so if you add insulation and energy efficient lighting

appliances, and windows then this is a good idea to reduce the

overall electricity use of your home before you install a PV system.

These days to make the PV system more affordable to consumers

US government is offering financial rebates in the form of solar

rebates and other programs.

Page 68: Solar panel blueprint

Some states have introduced net metering programs which further

enhances the economics of PV. With the help of net metering the

PV system generates more power than you need and the excess

power goes to the utility grid and the meter runs backwards. In this

way you receive full retail value for the power that your PV system


This eBook will guide you through the process of buying a solar

electric system and let me assure you that this is not a technical

guide to design and install a system. In reality a PV system can

really be a substantial investment and as with any investment

careful planning can really help you to make the right decisions for

your home and business.

Page 69: Solar panel blueprint

Let me inform you that photovoltaic system converts sunlight

directly to electricity. They work any time the sun is shining but

more electricity is produced when the sunlight is more intense and

strikes the PV modules directly. Solar thermal systems are used for

heating water when rays of sunlight are perpendicular to the PV


PV system does not use the heat of the sun to make electricity

instead electrons freed by the interaction of sunlight with

semiconductors materials in PV cells are captured in an electric

current. PV system allows us to produce electricity without noise

and air pollution from a clean and renewable resource. Again a PV

system never runs out of fuel and most of the PV system

components are manufactured right here in the United States.

The PV system is the ultimate choice of energy source in the US

and the basic building block of PV technology is the solar cell.

Multiple PV cell are connected to form a PV module, and these

modules range in power from about 10 watts to 300 watts. Again a

PV system is tied to the utility grid and this grid has one or more

PV modules which are connected to an invertors.

The invertors convert the PV systems direct current or DC

electricity to alternating current or AC. Optional batteries are there

to provide energy storage backup power in case of a power

interruption or outrage on the grid. AC electricity is compatible

with the utility grid as it powers our lights, appliances, computers

and televisions. Now if you want to know more about PV systems

then please visit solar panel

Page 70: Solar panel blueprint

Why should you buy a PV system?

You need to buy a PV system since special appliances that run

directly on DC power are available but they can really be

expensive. So before you decide to buy PV systems there are some

important things to consider. For the starter a PV system produces

power intermittently because it works only when sun is shining.

Now this is not a problem as PV system is connected to the utility

grid and any additional electricity is required is automatically

delivered to you by your utility system. In case of stand alone and

non grid PV system batteries can be purchased to store energy for

later use.

Page 71: Solar panel blueprint

If you are living near existing power lines then PV generated

electricity is more expensive than any conventional utility supplied

electricity. Again a solar rebate program and net metering can

really help to make PV system more affordable. PV requires a high

initial investment and this means that buying a PV system is like

paying years of electric up front.

Since the initial expense or PV can be significant so by financing

your PV system you can very well spread the cost over several

years and rebates can also lighten your financial load. These days’

consumers who own PV systems can benefit from the laws and

regulation or net meter.

The consumers are billed from the net electricity purchased from

the utility over the entire billing period which is the difference

Page 72: Solar panel blueprint

between the electricity coming from the power grid and the

electricity generated by the PV system. With the help of net

metering the consumers can obtain the full retail electricity rate in

a much lower wholesale rate.

Government also provides incentives in the form of sales tax

exemption on the PV system purchase along with property tax

exemption. They also provide an economic benefit to consumers

like by lowering high capital costs. Again the US government

provides financial support for PV technology through tax credit for

commercial uses of solar energy.

This energy investment credit provides individuals like you with a

10% tax credit and 5 year accelerated depreciation for the cost of

the equipment which is used to generate solar electricity. In my

opinion rebates typically based on the rated power of the system

helps to defray high capital costs and create sustainable market.

These days’ people decide to buy PV systems due to a variety of

reasons, like some people really want to preserve the earth’s finite

fossil fuel resources and reduce air pollution. There are many of

us who want to invest in an energy producing equipment to their


I personally know some people who like the security of reducing

the amount of electricity which they buy from the utility company

as they make them less vulnerable to future price increase. Many

people also appreciated the independence that a PV system

provides and to determine whether your home or business can

effectively use a PV system which have some criteria’s.

In reality the orientation of your PV system which is basically the

compass direction that your system faces affects its performance.

The beset location usually for a PV system is a south facing roof or

the roofs that face east or west. Flat roof also works well for solar

electric system.

Page 73: Solar panel blueprint

The PV modules can be mounted flat on the roof facing the sky or

bolted on frames tilted towards the south at an optimal angle. Solar

panel can also attach them directly to the roof as PV shingles in

the roof top. Now if you want to some more information about PV

systems then please visit solar panel

Tips for investing in a PV system.

If you want to make the best use of your PV system then make sure

that your PV modules must have a clear view of the sun for almost

all of the day. Solar panel should be unobstructed by trees, roof

cables, chimneys, buildings and other features of your home.

Page 74: Solar panel blueprint

If you cannot use your roof top then you can very well place your

solar module on the ground either on a fixed mount or tracking

mount that follows the sun to orient the PV modules.

Page 75: Solar panel blueprint

The potential site for your PV solar system might be bright and

sunny during certain times of the day and shaded during other

times. The shading might substantially reduce the mount of

electricity that the system can produce.

In my opinion your PV system should be UN shaded during certain

times of the year and this can be done with the creation of solar

easement. Only your PV provider can help your to determine

whether the site where you are going to install your system is

really suitable for a solar electric system.

In reality the amount of space required for a PV system depends on

the size of the system you have purchased. In general some

residential systems require as little as 50 square feet and some

Page 76: Solar panel blueprint

other systems require 1,000 square feet. Now commercial systems

are typically larger in size.

Now if your location limits the size of your system you might want

to install a system that uses more efficient PV modules. At the end

of the day greater efficiency means that the module needs less

surface area to convert sunlight into a given amount of electric


Let me remind you that PV system modules are available in

several ranges and types and some offer more efficiency per square

foot than others. In general higher efficiency modules typically

cost more and so you must discuss the system sizing with your PV


So before investing in a PV system you need to determine what

kind of roof you are having and what is its condition. Some types

of roofs are simpler in nature and cheaper to work with. In general

a PV system can be installed on any type of roof but typically roofs

with composition shingles are the easiest to work with and those

with slates are most difficult to work with.

However in any case an experienced solar installer will exactly

know how to work on all types of system and can use roofing

techniques that eliminates any possibility of leaks. You can very

well ask your PV provider how the PV system affects your roof


Let me offer you an important advice, if your roof is really old and

really needs to be replaced in the near future then you can very

well replace it at the time when the PV system is installed.

Only then you can avoid the cost of removing and reinstalling your

PV system. Solar panel cost system can be integrated into the roof

itself and for that you need to consider what portion of your current

electricity needs you would like your PV system to meet. Now if

Page 77: Solar panel blueprint

you want some more tips on PV system then please visit solar


How much can you really save with your PV system?

In general the value of electricity consumption of your PV system

depends on how much you pay for electricity and how much your

utility company will pay you for any excess power that you will be

generating. In case of net metering you have to pay the full retail

price for your excess electricity and both you and your utility

company will pay the same price for each other’s electricity.

Page 78: Solar panel blueprint

You can also expect to get full retail value for excess electricity

produced by your PV system on an annual basis. So please be sure

to discuss these issues with your personal PV provider. You can

very well request a written estimate of the average annual energy

production from the PV system.

In reality the PV system produces most of their electricity during

the middle of the day when residential electric loads tend to be

small. Now if your utility company does not offer net metering

then you should size your system to avoid generating electricity

significantly beyond your actual needs.

Let me remind you that a solar rebate and other incentives can

always reduce the cost of electricity. The cost of electricity

depends on a number of factors like whether your home is under

Page 79: Solar panel blueprint

construction, whether PV is integrated into the roof or mounted on

top of an existing roof.

The price of the system depends on the PV system ratings of the

manufacturer, retailer and installer. Let me inform you that the size

of your system may be the most significant factor in any

measurement of costs versus benefits.

So when it comes to financing the cost of purchasing and

installing the PV system there are special programs which finance

solar and other renewable energy.

In my opinion the best way to finance your PV system for home is

through a mortgage loan. I am sure you are aware of the fact that

mortgage financing option include primary mortgage along with a

secondary mortgage. I prefer mortgage financing because they

usually provide longer terms and lower interest rates than any other

loans like conventional bank loans.

Again the interest paid on a mortgage loan is generally deductible

on your federal taxes. Now if mortgage loan is not available then

you should look for other source of financing like conventional

bank loans. Try to seek the best possible combination or low rates

and long term loans.

Only then you can buy your PV system as inexpensively as

possible and now since your PV system is a long term investment

the terms and conditions of your financing should be the most

important factor in determining the ultimate price of your PV

system. In my opinion a PV system should be installed by an

appropriately licensed contractor.

Your installer should have an electrical contractor’s license and

your local state electrical board can tell you whether a contractor

Page 80: Solar panel blueprint

has a valid electrician’s license. Now if you want to know more

about how to save money by installing PV system then please visit

solar panel

The future of solar panel system.

Let me inform you that energy efficiency and clean renewable

energy will mean a stronger economy, a cleaner environment along

with greater energy independence for America. Now by investing

in technological breakthroughs like solar panel system our nation

can look forward to a more resilient economy and secure future.

Page 81: Solar panel blueprint

In reality far reaching technology changes will be essential to

energy future of America since we are working with a wide array

of state, community, industry and university partners. In the

coming days US department of energy’s office of energy

efficiency and renewable energy will invest in a portfolio of energy

technologies that will surely conserve energy in the residential,

commercial, and industrial and transportation sectors.

Page 82: Solar panel blueprint

Investment in solar panels will increase energy supply with a focus

on renewable domestic sources. Our government should upgrade

our national energy infrastructure and facilitate the emergence of

hydrogen technologies as vital new energy carriers. They should

use domestic, plant derived resources to meet our fuel power and

chemical needs.

In US these days homes, schools and business are using less

energy due to use of solar panels which are less costly to operate

and ultimately generate as much power as they use. So we need a

more reliable energy infrastructure and reduced need for new

power plants.

This will lead to less dependence on foreign oil and eventual

transition to an emission free, petroleum free vehicle. We need to

Page 83: Solar panel blueprint

tap earth’s energy to meet our heat and power needs and this will

pave the way towards a hydrogen economy and net zero carbon

energy future.

The government should boost the productivity and competitiveness

of US industry through improvement in energy and environmental

performance. It can be done by utilizing the suns natural energy to

generate electricity and provide water and space heating.

The US Government should accelerate the use of today’s best

energy efficient and renewable technologies in homes,

communities and business by harnessing America’s abundant

natural resources for clean power generation. In general solar

power works well for most items except large electric appliances

that mostly use electric heat element such as water heater, clothes

dryer and electric stoves.

For total electric home heating system it is not really cost effective

to use solar power. In such cases conversion to natural gas,

propane, and other alternatives is usually recommended. In reality

solar power can be used to operate a gas clothes dryer since the

electrical requirement is limited to the drum motor and the ignited


Let me remind you that using solar power to produce electricity is

not the same as using solar power to produce heat. In general solar

thermal principles are applied to produce hot fluids and air.

Photovoltaic principles are used to produce electricity and a solar

panel is made of natural element, silicon which becomes

electrically charged when subjected to sun light.

In a solar panel system there are losses due to such things as

voltage losses as the electricity is carried across the wires, batteries

along with invertors. Solar panels are not 100 percent efficient

since efficiency losses vary from components to components and

Page 84: Solar panel blueprint

from system to system. Now if you want some more information

on solar panels then please visit solar panel