software vulnerability exploitation trends

Software Vulnerability Exploitation Trends Exploring the impact of software mitigations on patterns of vulnerability exploitation

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  • Software Vulnerability Exploitation

    Trends Exploring the impact of software mitigations on patterns of vulnerability exploitation

  • 1 Vulnerability Exploitation Trends

    Software Vulnerability Exploitation Trends

    This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS,


    This document is provided as-is. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL

    and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.

    Copyright 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their

    respective owners.


    Swamy Shivaganga Nagaraju Microsoft Security Response Center

    Cristian Craioveanu Microsoft Security Response Center

    Elia Florio Microsoft Security Response Center

    Matt Miller Microsoft Security Engineering Center

  • Vulnerability Exploitation Trends 2

    Table of contents Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

    Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 4

    Exploitation trends ........................................................................................................................................ 5

    Improvements in Windows 8 .................................................................................................................... 13

    Recommendations ...................................................................................................................................... 17

    References ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

    Appendix: Data Sources and Glossary ................................................................................................... 19

  • 3 Vulnerability Exploitation Trends

    Foreword Using security science to create more secure products and services

    The Microsoft Security Engineering Center carries out some of the software industrys most advanced security science research.

    Leveraging insights we glean from the Microsoft Security Response Center, the team examines new techniques that are used to

    attack Microsoft products and services and third-party applications running on Microsoft platforms. They use this

    understanding on how the attacks succeed to design countermeasures to defeat them.

    The output of this research feeds back into the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle, a mandatory part of the

    development process that every Microsoft product or service must implement. The result is that each new version of an

    operating system, browser or application is harder to attack than previous versions, making it more difficult and costly for

    criminals to develop malicious attacks. The more expensive it is to develop an attack, the less likely it is that the attack will be

    created and used.

    This whitepaper examines the effectiveness of this approach. The paper analyzes software vulnerabilities addressed through

    Microsoft security updates that were exploited, and provides recommendations that can help to minimize risk of attack. Two

    findings are clear first, the innovations introduced by security science have forced attackers to change the attack methods

    they use, often requiring the development of more expensive multi-stage attacks. Second, new attacks continue to be

    developed for older, less secure versions of products and services.

    A special note to those still running Windows XP - the paper also examines the security features in Windows XP Service Pack 3

    and compares them with the features in Windows 8, our most secure operating system to date. Only a quarter of Windows 8

    protections are available in any form in Windows XP Service Pack 3. This means that the attack techniques that have been

    developed in the ensuing eight years can still be deployed against Windows XP, even though those techniques are mitigated

    by the updated security features in Windows 8. Running Windows XP on network-connected systems carries additional risk; the

    fact that Windows XP will no longer be supported at all after April 8, 2014 means that this risk will only increase over time.

    The Microsoft Security Engineering Center continues their work examining new attack techniques as they are developed, which

    will ensure the security of Microsoft products and services keeps pace with ever-improving attack techniques.

    Matt Thomlinson

    General Manager

    Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Security

  • Vulnerability Exploitation Trends 4

    Introduction One of the security challenges that both individuals and

    organizations face is gauging the risks that are associated with

    vulnerabilities in the operating systems and applications that they

    use. Although such vulnerabilities always have some level of

    potential risk, this risk only becomes actualized when an attacker

    develops a functioning exploit. The existence of an exploit is what

    allows a malicious attacker to take advantage of a vulnerability

    and potentially compromise affected computers. From a risk

    management perspective, the likelihood of an exploit being

    developed can be an important factor in providing a more

    precise estimation of a vulnerabilitys actual risk. To this point,

    Microsoft security updates always include a description of a

    vulnerabilitys expected worst-case impact and, beginning in

    2008, an Exploitability Index1 (XI) rating that measures the

    likelihood of a vulnerability actually being exploited.

    A key factor that influences the likelihood that a vulnerability will

    be exploited is how difficult and costly it will be for an attacker to

    develop a reliable exploit. Over the past decade, Microsoft has

    introduced numerous defense-in-depth security features into

    Windows and other products that have been specifically designed

    to increase the cost and complexity of developing exploits. These

    security features, which are detailed in the white paper

    Mitigating Software Vulnerabilities,2 are particularly noteworthy

    because they offer protection even when the details of a

    vulnerability are not yet known to a vendor or a vulnerability has

    not yet been addressed through a security update.


    This white paper explores the impact of improvements that

    Microsoft has made over time to address software vulnerabilities.

    This analysis is based on a survey of Microsoft vulnerabilities that

    have been addressed through security updates over the past

    seven years (2006 2012) and are known to have been exploited.

    The survey focuses on assessing trends in the types of

    vulnerabilities that have been exploited, the product versions that

    have been targeted, and the exploitation techniques that have

    been used by attackers. It also highlights security improvements

    in Windows 8 that help mitigate techniques that are currently

    being used by attackers. The findings of this survey were used to

    create a set of recommendations on how to effectively minimize

    risk associated with software vulnerabilities.











  • 5 Vulnerability Exploitation Trends

    Exploitation trends This section explores historical

    exploitation trends for Microsoft

    vulnerabilities that have been

    addressed through security updates

    within the past seven years (2006

    2012). Evidence about which

    vulnerabilities have been exploited was

    gathered from public and private

    reports as well as Microsoft

    antimalware telemetry feeds. Although

    this data is believed to be thorough

    and complete, it is possible that

    vulnerabilities may have been

    exploited without being detected.

    However, the scale of any such

    exploitation is expected to have been

    small because no discernible evidence


    Unless otherwise stated, this analysis

    focuses on remote code execution

    (RCE) vulnerabilities because these

    vulnerabilities are often the most



    The key findings that were made through this analysis of historical exploitation trends are:

    The number of RCE vulnerabilities that are known to be exploited per year appears to be decreasing.

    Vulnerabilities are most often exploited only after a security update is available, although recent years have shown an upward

    trend in the percentage of vulnerabilities that are exploited before a security update is available.

    Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9 are being increasingly targeted by exploits.

    Stack corruption vulnerabilities were historically the most commonly exploited vulnerability class, but now they are rarely


    Use after free vulnerabilities are currently the most commonly exploited vulnerability class.

    Exploits increasingly rely on techniques that can be used to bypass the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and Address Space

    Layout Randomization (ASLR).

  • Vulnerability Exploitation Trends 6


    To help set the context for assessing exploitation trends, it is

    helpful to start by considering the scale at which vulnerabilities

    are actually known to have been exploited.

    The following figure represents the number of common

    vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) that were classified as RCE

    CVEs over the last seven years. This data shows that

    approximately 29% of the CVEs addressed during this period had

    evidence of being exploited, ranging from 18% in 2008 to 41% in

    2011. The data also suggests that 2011 was a turning point in the

    upward trend of vulnerabilities being exploited and that 2012

    showed a significant decline in the number of known exploits. As

    subsequent sections will show, this decline coincides with the

    increasing adoption of Windows 7, Office 2010, and Internet

    Explorer 9all of which benefit from stronger defenses.

    Figure 1. CVEs that were exploited and resolved through security updates

    The general timeframe within which vulnerabilities are known to

    be exploited is also an important factor when managing risk. The

    following figure shows that, with the exception of 2006 and 2007,

    most RCE issues only had evidence of being exploited after a

    security update was available. This information emphasizes the

    point that staying current with security updates is an effective

    way to minimize risk. However, recent years have shown an

    upward trend in the percentage of vulnerabilities that are

    exploited before a security update is available. This increase

    means that it is also important to have mitigations in place that

    are able to complicate exploitation without requiring prior

    knowledge of a specific vulnerability.

    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    Known exploit 28 21 21 33 66 49 27

    No known exploit 66 78 94 94 113 70 75












  • 7 Vulnerability Exploitation Trends

    Figure 2. Percentages of CVEs that were exploited before vs. after security updates were available

    The Windows Vista lull

    In 2007 and 2008, there was an apparent lull in the number of

    CVEs that were known to have been exploited. This lull occurred

    despite the fact that the total number of RCE vulnerabilities that

    were addressed through security updates actually increased

    compared to 2006. One explanation for this lull is that the release

    of Windows Vista may have forced a period of attacker

    innovation, because Windows Vista included many security

    improvements that were designed to break exploitation

    techniques that attackers relied on at the time. Most notably,

    Windows Vista was the first version of Windows to support

    address space layout randomization (ASLR) as well as a

    significantly hardened heap implementation.


    The product versions that are affected by a vulnerability are what

    define the set of at-risk targets that an attacker could attempt to

    exploit. In practice, exploits often target only a small subset of the

    affected product versions, for multiple reasons; one key factor is

    that the runtime environment of an application tends to be

    different between product versions. These differences can make it

    difficult to build an exploit that functions and is reliable against

    the complete set of potential targets. Accordingly, exploit writers

    typically target affected versions that are seen as high yield, such

    as those versions that are used by the largest portions of the


    Of the exploit data that was analyzed, only 34% of the CVEs had

    at least one exploit for which the intended targets were known.

    The following figure shows the versions of Windows that were

    targeted for this subset. Notably, a downward trend is evident

    over the last seven years in the number of exploits that targeted

    Windows 2000, which no longer appeared as a target in 2012.

    The number of exploits that targeted Windows XP and Windows

    Vista has also begun trending downward in the past three years,

    which corresponds to the increase in exploits that target

    Windows 7.

    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    Exploited before update 16 12 5 11 14 16 12

    Exploited after update 12 9 16 22 52 33 15












  • Vulnerability Exploitation Trends 8

    Figure 4. The number of CVEs for which exploits were written that targeted specific Internet Explorer versions

    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    Internet Explorer 6 7 3 3 6 6 4 3

    Internet Explorer 7 2 1 1 6 5 5 4

    Internet Explorer 8 0 0 0 0 5 7 5

    Internet Explorer 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 3












    Figure 3. The number of CVEs for which exploits were written that targeted specific Windows versions

    For exploits that targeted vulnerabilities reachable through

    Internet Explorer, the following figure shows how Internet

    Explorer 6, 7, and 8 appear to be trending downward as targets

    whereas Internet Explorer 9 started being explicitly targeted in

    2012. As a point of reference, the release dates for each version

    of Internet Explorer were as follows:

    Internet Explorer 6. August, 2001

    Internet Explorer 7. October, 2006

    Internet Explorer 8. March, 2009

    Internet Explorer 9. March, 2011

    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    Windows 2000 14 6 5 5 1 1 0

    Windows XP 14 2 9 11 13 8 6

    Windows Vista 1 1 1 5 5 4 3

    Windows 7 0 0 0 0 5 9 7












  • 9 Vulnerability Exploitation Trends


    The root cause of a vulnerability plays a key role in defining the

    set of exploitation techniques that an attacker can use when

    developing an exploit. As a result, the level of difficulty in

    developing an exploit is heavily dependent on the type of

    vulnerability that is being exploited. In terms of risk management,

    the root cause of a vulnerability can be an important factor in

    influencing the likelihood that an exploit will be developed. As

    the following two figures illustrate, there have been some

    noteworthy shifts in the classes of vulnerabilities that are known

    to have been exploited.

    The first clear shift can be seen through the decline in the

    percentage of exploits for stack corruption vulnerabilities, such as

    stack-based buffer overruns. (See the Glossary section at the

    end of this paper for a definition of stack corruption

    vulnerabilities.) This vulnerability class has historically been the

    most likely to be exploited, but since 2009 it has been steadily

    declining. Two factors that could be contributing to this decline

    are the increasing prevalence of exploit mitigations for stack

    corruption issues (such as /GS and SafeSEH) and the increasing

    effectiveness of static analysis tools designed to detect such


    A second shift can be seen in the increasing number of use after

    free vulnerabilities that have been exploited. This vulnerability

    class includes issues that arise because of incorrect management

    of object lifetimes (see the Glossary section at the end of this

    paper for a definition of use after free vulnerabilities.) One reason

    for this increase is that client-side vulnerabilities have become a

    prime focus for attackers and object lifetime issues are a common

    vulnerability class encountered in applications such as web


    Figure 5. The distribution of CVE vulnerability classes for CVEs that are known to have been exploited












    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    Stack Corruption Heap Corruption Use After Free Type Confusion

    Command Execution Unsafe DLL Load Uninitialized Use Invalid Free

    Memory Read Other XSS Cryptography

    Unsafe Control Transfer

  • Vulnerability Exploitation Trends 10

    Figure 6. The distribution of CVE vulnerability classes for which exploits were written

    that targeted specific versions of Windows over the past seven years


    Attackers have developed a variety of exploitation techniques

    over time that can potentially enable them to exploit

    vulnerabilities under differing circumstances. These techniques

    encompass the fundamental methods of leveraging a particular

    class of vulnerability as a means of running malicious code. In

    recent years, additional techniques have been identified for

    bypassing exploit mitigations such as DEP and ASLR under

    certain conditions. From a risk management perspective, the

    ability for an attacker to employ certain exploitation techniques

    can be another factor that influences the likelihood that an

    exploit will be developed for a vulnerability.

    Of the exploit data that was analyzed, approximately 28% of the

    CVEs had an exploit for which the exploitation techniques were

    readily identifiable. The different exploitation techniques that

    were used by these exploits is shown in the following figure.












    Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7

    Stack Corruption Use After Free Heap Corruption

    Command Execution Type Confusion XSS

    Unsafe DLL Load Uninitialized Use Invalid Free

    Other Unsafe Control Transfer

  • 11 Vulnerability Exploitation Trends

    Figure 7. The number of CVEs that were exploited using specific exploitation techniques

    As this data suggests, the increasing prevalence of DEP and ASLR

    has forced attackers to identify techniques that can be used to

    exploit vulnerabilities even when these features are enabled.

    These techniques have led to an increasing number of exploits

    that attempt to bypass ASLR by relying on images that have not

    opted into ASLR or by leveraging a vulnerability to disclose

    information about the layout of an applications address space.

    Similarly, the use of return-oriented programming (ROP) has

    become common in exploits that seek to bypass DEP. The

    increasing use of ROP was a focal problem for the winning

    solutions that were submitted to the Microsoft BlueHat Prize

    competition in 2012some of which were integrated into the

    Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) 3.5

    technical preview.

    The data in the preceding figure also shows that attackers

    leveraged .NET user controls between 2008 and 2010 as a

    method of bypassing both DEP and ASLR in Internet Explorer, but

    this technique was mitigated with the release of Internet Explorer

    8 in 2009 and therefore is no longer useful to attackers who try to

    exploit Internet Explorer 8 and more recent versions. The data on

    which classes of vulnerabilities have been exploited showed a

    clear downward trend in the number of stack corruption

    vulnerabilities that are being exploited. This trend is further

    reflected by the decrease in the number of exploits that rely on

    stack-based exploitation techniques such as return address and

    SEH overwrites.

    Would enabling certain mitigations have broken exploits

    seen in the past?

    Another way to view the techniques used by attackers is to

    identify exploits that would no longer function correctly if a

    mitigation were enabled. The chart in the following figure shows

    the number of CVEs that had exploits that would have been

    mitigated if DEP were enabled compared to the number of CVEs

    that had exploits that bypassed DEP. With the exception of the

    lull in 2007 and 2008, there appears to be a clear downward trend

    in DEPs ability to retroactively break exploits. This trend is not

    because DEP is no longer effective; rather, it is an indication that

    attackers have been forced to adapt to environments in which

    DEP is already enabledat increased cost and complexity. The

    evidence is the increasing number of CVEs that had exploits that

    bypassed DEP.










    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



    Bypass ASLR (info disclosure) Bypass ASLR (non-ASLR image)

    Bypass DEP (.NET control) Bypass DEP (ROP)

    Heap Spray Stack Return Address Overwrite

    Stack SEH Overwrite

  • Vulnerability Exploitation Trends 12

    Figure 8. The number of CVEs for which exploits were written that could have been mitigated by

    enabling DEP as compared to the number of CVEs that had exploits that bypassed DEP









    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



    Mitigated by DEP Bypassed DEP

  • 13 Vulnerability Exploitation Trends

    Improvements in Windows 8 Windows 8 contains numerous security

    improvements that are specifically

    designed to increase the cost and

    complexity of exploiting vulnerabilities.

    This section highlights some of the

    security improvements in Windows 8

    by showing the impact they are

    designed to have on current trends in

    vulnerability exploitation.

    Enhanced /GS

    Stack corruption vulnerabilities are rarely exploited in Microsoft

    products today, thanks in part to the /GS stack buffer overrun

    protection and SafeSEH features of the Microsoft Visual C++

    compiler. Despite this positive trend, there have still been cases

    during the past seven years in which stack corruption

    vulnerabilities were successfully exploited. In Visual C++ 2010,

    the heuristics that /GS uses when deciding whether to enable

    protection for a function were extended to cover a broader set of

    cases. For example, the new heuristics now protect functions that

    have a plain old data structure (POD) of a certain size or that have

    a fixed-size local array of a non-pointer type. These enhanced

    heuristics provide protection for past vulnerabilities that were not

    previously protected by /GS. Because Windows 8 has been built

    with these enhancements to /GS, it will be even more difficult for

    attackers to develop an exploit for stack corruption vulnerabilities

    that may exist in Windows 8.

    Heap hardening

    Heap corruption vulnerabilities are one of the most commonly

    exploited vulnerability classes. In most cases, attackers attempt to

    exploit these vulnerabilities by corrupting the state of application

    data that is stored on an applications heap. For example, an

    attacker might use a heap buffer overrun to corrupt the virtual

    table of a C++ object that is later called through, which would

    allow them to take control of program execution.

    In Windows 8, new security features have been added to the

    heap that were specifically designed to make it more difficult to

    corrupt application data on the heap. Exploits that are written for

    heap corruption vulnerabilities often require precise control of

    where objects are allocated on the heap with respect to one

    another. By randomizing the order in which objects are allocated,

    Windows 8 makes it more difficult for an attacker to reliably

    position objects within the heap. In addition, Windows 8 also

    inserts no-access guard pages between certain regions within the

    heap. These pages help to ensure that an application will

    terminate if an exploit causes a program to read or write to them.

    Both of these features are enabled by default in Windows 8, so all

    applications are able to benefit from them.

    VTGuard (Virtual Table Guard)

    Use after free vulnerabilities are currently the most exploited

    vulnerability class in Internet Explorer. To exploit these

    vulnerabilities, attackers generally rely on creating a fake instance

    of a C++ object that has a fake virtual function table whose

    content is controlled by the attacker. In this way, an attacker is

    able to force an application to execute attacker-specified code

    when a virtual method call is made.

    To help mitigate this, Internet Explorer 10 takes advantage of a

    compiler security feature known as VTGuard. This feature acts as

    a probabilistic mitigation for vulnerabilities that can be used to

    corrupt a C++ objects virtual table pointer. VTGuard works by

    adding a secret value as an element of the virtual table for a

    protected C++ class. The compiler also inserts logic prior to each

    virtual method call for the protected class. At runtime, this logic

    verifies that the virtual table for the current C++ object has the

    expected secret value. If the secret cannot be confirmed, the

    application is safely terminated.

  • Vulnerability Exploitation Trends 14

    Force ASLR

    The most common exploitation technique that is currently used

    to bypass ASLR involves taking advantage of a dynamic-link

    library (DLL) that has not actually opted into ASLR. By coercing an

    application into loading such a DLL, an attacker can cause known

    executable code to be placed at a known fixed location in the

    address space of an application. This placement can enable an

    attacker to make use of other techniques to bypass DEP.

    To prevent attackers from using this technique, Windows 8

    introduced support for a feature known as Force ASLR. When

    Force ASLR is enabled for an application, all relocatable DLLs will

    be mapped at a randomly selected base address regardless of

    whether or not they have opted into ASLR. Because Internet

    Explorer and Office were often targeted by exploits that relied on

    non-ASLR DLLs, Internet Explorer 10 and Office 2013 have both

    enabled Force ASLR as well.

    For versions of Windows prior to Windows 8, the Microsoft

    Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) can be used to

    enable Force ASLR.

    High Entropy ASLR

    Heap spraying has consistently been one of the most popular

    techniques used by exploits over the past seven years. Exploit

    writers generally use heap spraying to place attacker-controlled

    code or data at a desired location in memory. This placement is

    typically accomplished by coercing an application into allocating

    large quantities of data and thereby filling a large portion of the

    address space.

    In Windows 8, 64-bit applications that enable support for High

    Entropy ASLR are generically protected against traditional heap-

    spraying techniques because High Entropy ASLR uses 24 bits of

    entropy when selecting the base address for heap regions.

    Approximately 1 terabyte of variance is available for allocation of

    heap regions, which means that an attacker would need to

    allocate more memory than a commodity PC typically has to

    reliably control the content of memory at a known address. Like

    the Force ASLR feature, the 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer 10

    and Office 2013 have both enabled High Entropy ASLR.

  • 15 Vulnerability Exploitation Trends

    Comparing Windows XP to Windows 8

    The threat landscape has changed dramatically since Windows XP was first released 12 years ago. In the years that followed Windows

    XPs initial release, multiple internet worms were created that exploited vulnerabilities in remote services provided by Windows (Code

    Red, Blaster, Sasser). Microsoft responded to these attacks by releasing Windows XP Service Pack 2 in August 2004 which enabled the

    Windows firewall by default and also introduced support for Data Execution Prevention (DEP). These platform security features played a

    key role in helping to address the major threats at that time. Windows XP Service Pack 3 was released in April 2008. This is the final

    Service Pack for Windows XP, and will not be supported after April 8th 2014. After that date there will be no more security updates

    released for any version of Windows XP.

    As of 2013, the predominate threats that individuals and organizations face are now much different. Rather than actively targeting

    remote services, attackers primarily focus on exploiting vulnerabilities in client applications such as web browsers and document

    readers. In addition, attackers have refined their tools and techniques over the past decade to make them more effective at exploiting

    vulnerabilities. As a result, the security features that are built into Windows XP are no longer sufficient to defend against modern


    To illustrate this point, the table below compares the mitigation features supported by Internet Explorer 8 on Windows XP Service Pack

    3 with the features supported by Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8. As this table shows, Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8 benefits

    from an extensive number of platform security improvements that simply are not available to Internet Explorer 8 on Windows XP.

    Windows XP SP3

    Internet Explorer 8

    Windows 8

    Internet Explorer 10

    SEHOP No Yes

    Protected Mode No Yes

    Enhanced Protected Mode (EPM) No Yes

    Virtual Table Guard No Yes

    ASLR Limited Extensive

    Stack randomization No Yes

    Heap randomization No Yes

    Image randomization No Yes

    Force image randomization No Yes

    Bottom-up randomization No Yes

    Top-down randomization No Yes

    High entropy randomization No Yes

    PEB/TEB randomization Yes Yes

    Heap hardening Limited Extensive

    Header encoding No Yes

    Terminate on corruption No Yes

    Guard pages No Yes

    Allocation randomization No Yes

    Safe unlinking Yes Yes

    Header checksums Yes Yes

    /GS Yes Yes

    Enhanced /GS No Yes

    SafeSEH Yes Yes

  • Vulnerability Exploitation Trends 16

    Malware infection rates on different operating system versions

    The security features that are available with different versions of the Windows operating system and the differences in the way people

    and organizations use each version affect the malicious software infection rates for the different versions and service packs. The

    Microsoft Security Intelligence Report (SIR) shows the normalized malicious software infection rates for several different versions of

    Windows. This infection rate data is gathered from the Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) which executes on more than 600

    million Windows systems around the world each month. The data gathered is normalized to allow comparison between the various

    different operating system versions and service packs, and displayed as a metric called CCM (Computers Cleaned per Mille) which

    represents the number of computers cleaned for every 1,000 executions of the MSRT. The data in the latest version of the SIR shows a

    dramatic difference in malicious software infection rates between Windows XP Service Pack 3 and later versions of Windows, especially

    Windows 8.

    Figure 9. Infection rate (CCM) by operating system and service pack in the fourth quarter of 2012


    Too little data


    4.6 4.8






    Too little data

    Too little data









    32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit

    Windows XP SP3 Windows VistaSP2

    Windows 7 RTM Windows 7 SP1 Windows 8 RTM Windows Server2003 SP2

    Windows Server2008 R2 SP1

  • 17 Vulnerability Exploitation Trends

    Recommendations The likelihood that a vulnerability will

    be successfully exploited depends on

    many factors, including the type of

    vulnerability being exploited, the

    product versions being targeted, an

    attackers ability to make use of the

    necessary exploitation techniques, and

    the amount of time required to build a

    reliable exploit. The following

    recommendations show how these

    factors can be influenced to help

    reduce the likelihood of exploitation

    and thereby minimize risk.

    Stay current on security updates

    Most vulnerabilities only showed signs of being exploited after a

    security update had been made available. Installing security

    updates as soon as they are available can help minimize risk.

    Use the newest application versions

    Windows 8, Internet Explorer 10, and Office 2013 all take

    advantage of improved security features that more effectively

    mitigate techniques that are currently being used to exploit


    Use the Enhanced Mitigation

    Experience Toolkit (EMET)

    EMET can be used to protect applications that run on all

    supported versions of Windows. The features included in EMET

    are specifically designed to break exploitation techniques that are

    currently used by attackers.

  • Vulnerability Exploitation Trends 18


    Microsoft Exploitability Index

    Mitigating Software Vulnerabilities

    The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit

  • 19 Vulnerability Exploitation Trends

    Appendix: Data Sources and Glossary Data sources

    This survey used the following data sources:

    Publicly available, commercially available, and privately

    reported exploits, including proofs of concept, exploit

    descriptions, and complete exploit modules.

    Antimalware telemetry for exploits observed in the wild.

    The data sources surveyed did not universally provide

    information about targeted product versions or techniques used

    by exploits. As such, this portion of the analysis is limited to

    exploits in which this information was readily available.

    The antimalware telemetry data that was used in this survey is

    signature-based and therefore does not constitute proof that a

    given vulnerability was actually being exploited. Despite this fact,

    the inclusion of this data provides a more accurate upper bound

    on which vulnerabilities were actually exploited.


    ASLR. An acronym for address space layout randomization, a

    platform security feature that randomizes the location of code

    and data in the address space of a process. The first version of

    Microsoft Windows to support ASLR was Windows Vista in 2007.

    DEP. An acronym for Data Execution Prevention, a platform

    security feature that prevents data from being executed as code.

    Exploit. Malicious code that attempts to take advantage of a

    vulnerability in computer applications or operating systems.

    Exploitability Index. An index of information created by

    Microsoft that provides information about the potential

    exploitability of software vulnerabilities that have been rated as

    Important or Critical. Microsoft publishes this information for

    customers who wish to use it for risk analysis purposes.

    RCE exploit. RCE is an acronym for remote code execution. An

    RCE exploit is one that enables an attacker to execute arbitrary

    code of their choosing remotely, without having physical access

    to the targeted computer.

    Stack corruption vulnerabilities. Exploitable vulnerabilities that

    allow the general purpose data structure known as the stack to

    be corrupted. The stack is that portion of computer memory that

    is used for storing local variables, function parameters, and other

    saved register values.

    Uninitialized memory use vulnerabilities. Exploitable

    vulnerabilities that occur when a program accesses memory that

    has not been properly initialized. If exploited, these vulnerabilities

    could allow remote code execution (RCE).

    Use after free vulnerabilities. Exploitable vulnerabilities that

    occur when an object is accessed after it has been freed.

    Attackers might use such vulnerabilities to cause programs to use

    their own values, crash programs, or achieve remote code

    execution (RCE).

    Vulnerability. A weakness in a product that could allow an

    attacker to compromise the integrity, availability, or

    confidentiality of that product.

    ForewordIntroductionExploitation trendsImprovements in Windows 8RecommendationsReferencesAppendix: Data Sources and Glossary