social thinkers credential_englisch

Communication for the 21st Century

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Communication for the 21st Century

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Modern Brand Building

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“The art of marketing is the art of brand building. If you are not a brand, you are a commodity. Then price is everything andthe low-cost producer is the only winner.”

– Philip Kotler, Kellogg

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To plan for one year, grow sales.To plan for three years, grow channel.To plan for decades, grow a brand.

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Evolution of Brand Building

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Evolution of Brand Building





Look & Feel



Touch points











About relationshipsAbout transactions

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Too much advertising with too little meaning

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Customer Value !

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Success = strong brand + innovation

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We create ideas.

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Change is constant.

The pace of change in our technological capacities and in media users’ behaviour is breathtaking. This change is constant and difficult to predict – and it affects us all.

The ability to adapt your company both to your own experience and to new demands is a key competitive advantage.

The experience of the past several years shows us that long-term, detailed planning can often become outdated very quickly.

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Philosophy of agile development.

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Good ideas are simple ideas.

“Perfection doesn’t mean there is nothing more you can add. It means there is nothing more you can leave out.”*

We believe that less is more. Concentrating on the key essentials of an idea is our number one priority.

๏ Limitations bolster creativity and drive innovation.

๏ Every function that is not absolutely necessary only confuses a potential user and damages the clarity of a company or brand’s profile.

๏ A targeted online solution is on the market faster, contains fewer flaws and is easier to adapt in the future.

๏ In the field of new business an entry-level version with the capacity for ongoing development has proved to be a successful model.

*Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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The community as a success factor.

๏ A brand’s community is one of its key success factors.

๏ We involve users into our campaigns, creating applications that continually develop and remain attractive in the long run.

๏ Customers that are actively involved demonstrate stronger identification with a brand, help the brand improve its offerings, serve as communication disseminators, and provide valuable consumer insights.

๏ We think in terms of user-centred design (added value and usability), focusing on the needs of the target group and on their use of media.

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Creation and technology.Conceptual design, technology and creative work need to interact closely with one another to integrate all channels and media successfully in the future: often media determine the framework for the creation.

To develop individual solutions, we evaluate the appropriate technology mix and develop web applications, preferably using Ruby on Rails or a content management system like Typo3 or Wordpress.

We also offer integration into existing social networks as well as developments for the iPhone, iPad and Android.

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Ingredients for success:

๏ A vision that is constant: it defines targets and directions

๏ A team that supports the philosophy of an agile approach and passes that enthusiasm on to customers

๏ A technology that can be implemented quickly

๏ A focused idea that works in the market immediately and that can be adapted and developed based on experience and on changing needs

๏ A customer base (community) that is actively involved and that serves as a generator of ideas and a disseminator for communication

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Viral monitoring & amplificationWe strengthen a brand’s message by developing viral marketing concepts and establishing brand networks.

We analyse a company’s existing social media landscape (social media monitoring, viral marketing,

social media marketing, brand communities etc.).

Added Value Concepts

We generate added value based on a brand’s values to develop new touchpoints between a brand and its users (campaign websites, add-ons, online tools,

iPhone apps etc.).

We devise, create and implement innovative business models (online/mobile).


Modern Brand BuildingThe Brand as a Barrier for competition and connection to customer value.

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kulturkenner.deCase study

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The starting point:๏ A fragmented cultural landscape

๏ There was no comprehensive system in place to show the cultural diversity of North Rhine-Westphalia.

๏ Merely listing a variety of dates and times for events is of little benefit to users and does not offer “new” access.

๏ The user groups are highly diverse and many of them cannot be reached through classic media.

๏ The future lies in developing network structures, i.e. existing cultural events must be made visible and linked to others.

๏ Creating added value generates word of mouth (“buzz”) for the portal itself and for events and cultural institutions.

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Promised benefit and user motivation.๏ Discover the cultural diversity of North Rhine-Westphalia based on your


๏ Inspirational, visual , intuitive, fast and comprehensive

๏ Create your own personal cultural guide – online and to take with you. Mark and organise events, locations and highlights based on your current preferences and your situation

๏ Share events with friends and family: recommend events to others and invite them to take part

๏ Register and win free tickets for cultural events

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๏ A new approach to culture, arts and leisure in North Rhine-Westphalia (linking and grouping according to themes)

๏ Online showcase (multi-media clustering of existing web content)

๏ Involvement of users interested in culture, arts and leisure (viral character, culture planner, sharing)

๏ Establishment of a universal database with API

๏ Integration of facebook as a fundamental component of the website > open social integration

๏ Evolution of the portal (tracking to evolve function and inspiration)

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SocialThinkers are managed by...

André Limmer - consulting , conception, implemantion

Development and implementation of online projects with focus on community-building web-development inter alia Otto, Expedia, Bank für Sozialwirtschaft, CSC, DAIHATSU Automotive, Dumont, E.ON and Ferrero.

Jörg Zabel - business development, controlling

longtime experience in agency management, brand development and brand management as well as management of major interdisciplinary teams inter alia Burger King, Deutsche Bank, E.ON, germanwings and holiday autos.