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  • 8/10/2019 Social Studies Term 3 Final



    Social Studies Term III Final

    Term I

    Causes of World War IRival Alliances

    Since 1871 the strongest nation in Europe was Germany, led by Bismarcko Bismarcks policy was to keep the peace

    o In 1871 Germany had defeated France and Austria Hungary, Germany could only

    be beaten by a combination of states (states working together), so Bismarck

    worked to keep enemies isolated (alone) Bismarck focused this on France Most suitable ally for France was Russia because Germany would face

    war in east and west

    Next suitably ally was Austria-Hungary SO Bismarck signed treaties with both Russia and Austria-Hungary

    Three Emperors League, 1872


    Friendship treaty with rulers of Germany, Austria-Hungaryand Russia

    o Worked for a short time, BUT Russia and Austria-Hungarycould not agree about the Ottoman Empire

    Russia wanted to split it up into separate states

    which Russia could control Austria Hungary (ruled by the Hapsburgs) wanted

    the empire to remain

    Congress of Berlin, 1878o Austria-Hungary helped to stop Russian expansion in the

    Balkans, arguments between the two countries increased


    Bismarck tried to make them stay friends, did not worko Bismarck had to choose one of them, chose to stay friends

    with Austria Hungary because it was easily beaten

    Dual Alliance

    o Between Germany and Austria Hungary

    Became Triple Alliance in 1882 when Italy joined

    Reinsurance Treaty

    o Bismarck signed this treaty with Russia to guarantee neutrality between the two in

    any war, as long as Germany did not attack France or Russia attack Austria

    By 1890, Bismarcks policy of isolating France had failed

    William II became Kaiser (Emperor) of Germany


    Vain man who liked to brag and wanted to be popularo Not a clever politician

    o Fought with Bismarck and fired him in 1890

    o Chose ministers who were not as capable

    o Allowed the Reinsurance Treaty to expire

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    Trouble in the Balkans

    Austria Hungary was happy they had won the Balkan Wars, but they were afraid theirempire would be attacked by a Balkan League

    Austria Hungary faced a danger from within, there were six million Serbs in the country

    Prime Minister Pasic, leader of Serbia, could not control the fanatics (extremists) in

    Serbiao Organizations like Union or Death (Black Hand Society) lead by Colonel Apis

    Fought for Serbs to be freed from Austrian rule

    There were many people in Austria Hungary who believed that the country should invade

    Serbia and defeat them since they posed a threat to Austria-Hungary

    o Influenced by General Conrad von Hotzendorf

    Because the Prime Minister of Serbia could not control the extremists inside his countryand because of the forces in Austria Hungary that wanted a war between the twocountries, any small event was likely to make war happen

    o 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to Austrian throne and his wife Sophia

    Chotek were in town for an official visit First a man named Nedjelko Cabrinovic threw a bomb at the

    Archdukes car but the Archduke swatted it away

    Next, a young man named Gavrilo Princip, shot and killed both theArchduke and his wife

    Invasion of Belgium

    After the assassination of the Archduke, people were surprised that Austria-Hungary didnot take quick action against Serbia

    o Austria was worried about invading Serbia because they thought Russia would getinvolved so they had to be sure of German support


    Austria got the support of Kaiser William (the Kaiser supported them because hefelt sure that Russia was not ready for war)

    23 July

    o Austria Hungary gave Serbia government their conditions

    Serbia must stop encouraging nationalist propaganda, allow Austrian

    officials in Serbia to destroy revolutionary movements, and punish allthose involved in the murder plot and prevent arms and explosives from

    crossing the border Prime Minister Pasic agreed to all conditions EXCEPT allow Austrian

    forces into Serbia

    o 28 JulyAustria declared war

    Russia started to prepare her troops This left Germany in a difficult situation

    Their war plan depended on attacking and defeating Francequickly and then fighting Russia

    BUT if Russia got ready during peacetime, the plan wouldnt work

    because Germany would be forced to fight a war on two fronts Germany ordered Russia to stop preparing troops, Russia refused

    o Germany declared war on Russia and France

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    Following their war plan (Schlieffen Plan), Germany attacked France first

    One of the issues of the Schlieffen plan was the neutrality of Belgium

    o This had been guaranteed by Treaty of London (1839) Britain wanted to keep an area so close to their coast neutral and out of

    enemy hands

    Had gone to war before because of enemies occupy Belgium Germany didnt really have a choice, and the leaders of Germany werent

    worried about Britain (underestimated the power of Britains navy)

    o 2 August, Germany asked permission from Belgium to cross borders, Belgium

    refused so Germans invaded

    The Marne

    o Germany army had little trouble invading Belgium and France, but invading Paris would

    prove difficult

    o 6 SeptemberGeneral Joffre, French commander, decided to counter attack theGermans


    Battle of the Marneone of the most important in history French attacked Germans from Paris and from the south Taxis carried French soldiers from Paris to the battle

    First large scale use of motor transport in war French were able to defeat the Germans

    The Western Front

    o From 1914-1916

    o The Western Front was established after the Battle of the Marne, and it hardly moved

    more than a few kilometers during the war

    o Formed of long trenches, barbed wire, and millions of soldiers and tons of equipment in

    the trencheso Early 1915French attacked near Compiegne, suffered 90,000 casualties

    o MarchBritish won at Neuve-Chapelle and got a few square kilometers of land

    o Next month, the Germans used gas against the British

    o Tens of thousands died for very little change

    o Battle of Loosmany men died in the terrible battle

    o 21 February 1916Germans tried to take French fortresses around Verdun

    o Germans almost captured the area, but French General Petain led his men todefeat the Germans but it was a long and very bloody battle

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    Tern II

    Adolf Hitlero Born 1889 in Austria-Hungary

    o Father was a customs official on the German border


    Did not do well in schoolo Went to Vienna in 1908 to become an artist

    o Was not accepted into in the Art Academy in Vienna and did odd jobs to survive,

    was sometimes very poor

    o He grew to hate Vienna and the mixture of races living in Vienna (Jews, Croats,


    o Like most Austrians he loved everything German

    o Was happy when his country went to war in 1914

    Joined army and was a brave soldier

    o Returned to a Germany that had been defeated and was divided Weimar Republicnew government in Germany, not proud like the last

    government. This government had signed the Versailles Peace Treatywhich was hated by all Germans Lots of revolutions, riots and disobedience

    Germany was in chaos

    o 1923French army occupied Ruhr coal-fields because Germany failed to makepayments as required by Peace Treaty, German workers fought against their old


    Eventually the work stopped completely 80% of Germanys coal, iron, and steel had come from this area so this

    had a strong negative effect on Germany

    Production slowed down and unemployment increased

    Germany money collapsed January 192372,000 marks (Germany money) = 1 GBP (British


    November 192316 billion marks = 1 GBP

    Germans savings were now worthless

    Hitler started his political career in Munich where he worked for the army to turn soldiers

    against peaceful, democratic ideas

    o His words appealed to peoples feelings, not their reason

    o He developed a following called the German Workers Party

    o Joined by the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis)in 1920 Their badge was the swastika


    Hitler knew that people were looking for someone to blame for all of Germanysproblems

    He said Jews and communists in Germany were to blame for Armys


    This wasnt true, but lots of people believed it

    November criminalssaid that these people had made Germanysign the peace deal

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    Hitler promised that he would ignore the unpopular peace settlements if he

    came to power Demanded a union (Anschluss) between the new Austria and Hungary

    which many Germans supported

    Hitler said democracy was weak and ineffective

    Promised a few socialist ideas: Nationalization of department stores

    More than anything else, Hitler offered the German people a simple solution to their

    problems. He said that everything would be okay if Jews had no money or power, the

    communists crushed, and the November criminals hanged. All Germany had to do was

    stand up and fight to become great again.

    Stormtroopersyoung men who worked for the Nazis and broke up other partys

    meetings and injured their opponents.

    8 November 1923Hitler went into a Munich beer-hall, jumped on a chair, and

    announced a National Revolution

    o The next morning 3,000 of his armed Storm-troopers gathered with banners and

    began a street parade led by Hitler. It seemed like a repeat of the March onRome

    o BUT Hitler had not checked: Support of army (was in fact mostly against him)

    Popular support (he was unknown outside of Bavaria compared to

    Mussolini who had been popular all over Italy)o Police blocked the route of the parade, shots were fired and 16 Nazis and 3

    policemen were killed

    o Hitler was arrested and his party banned

    o At his trial Hitler was allowed to make long speeches and question witnesses,

    these earned him a lot of publicity, and he became well known outside of Bavaria

    (the German province where he lived)o He was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but only served 9 months

    o He wrote his famous book Mein Kampf(My Struggle) while in a comfortableroom in prison

    He tried to show that he was an intellectual in this book but his writing

    was not nearly as good as his speaking His grammar was also very bad in the book

    When Hitler came out of prison he was determined to never try violent revolution again.

    When he came out of prison, Germany was more stable


    Gustav Stresemannwas the Chancellor at the timeo Streseman needed to repair the German mark (the German money was very weak)

    Dawes Planhad made a schedule for Germany to pay reparations by

    annual payments

    Lots of US money was available to help improve the economy and a new

    currencythe rentenmarkwas given to everyone Germany went through a time in which all of the post-war problems

    seemed to be finished

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    Streseman also improved foreign relations

    Signed Locarno Pactwith Britain and France

    o Germany promised to never change borders with France or

    Belgium, and only to try and change eastern borders bypeaceful means

    Germany became a member of the League of Nations Signed Kellogg Pactin which most European nations agreed to

    make war illegal

    Young Plan (1929) made payments on reparations spread out over

    59 years so less money was owed every year

    o All of these improvements were not useful for Hitler, because he needed people to

    be unhappy for him to be effective Hitler had found Joseph Goebbelswho was very good at propaganda but

    still had not made any progress

    In 1928 there was an election and the Nazis got only 810,000 votes out of

    31 million

    There were only 12 seats in the more than 600 in the GermanReichstag (parliament)

    He became known all over Germany when he worked with two rich men

    Alfred Hugenberg and Emil Kirdorfin a national campaign againstreparations and parts of the Versailles Treaty

    1929Stresemann died

    o Soon after he died, the world depression (which started in the USA) hit German

    very hard

    o Germanys new richness was built on loans of USD 7 billion and the loans


    o Result was the wages (salaries) fell and factories and businesses closed


    This was Hitlers chance He had been saying that disaster was coming for years

    Suddenly people were unhappy and tons of people came to see him speak Some of the people wanted another putsch (violent revolution), but Hitler

    did not want to repeat his past mistakes.

    Although he hated democracy, he wanted to get power through it and not

    by violence He campaigned for two years, for Nazis in the Reichstag and for the

    position of President for himself

    Goebbels (his propaganda boss) used lots of tools for this campaign

    There were many films, records of his speeches, posters all over

    the country The Nazi party won 37 percent in the 1932 elections, the largest party in


    By proportional representationa political party was given seatsaccording to the number of votes it received

    This meant there were a lot of small parties in Germany Field-Marshall Hindenburg was President, but he could only rule by

    decree which did not make him very effective or popular

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    Hitler persuaded Hindenburg and his advisers to let him become Chancellor. Three mainreasons:

    o 1he had lots of support from people who had voted for the Nazis in many


    o 2he made the argument that only the Nazis could prevent a communist

    revolution in Germanyo 3he used the threat of violence from the stormtroopers to suggest that if they

    did not give him power there would be civil war

    Hindenburg and his advisors decided they could manage him and would be able tocontrol his as chancellor. They would only find out too late how wrong they were.

    Hitlers first action as Chancellor was to demand an electiono A week before the election the Rechistag (parliament) building caught fire. The

    Nazis blamed the communists (they found a Dutch communist named Marianus

    van der Lubbe inside the building at the time)

    It turned out that German communists were not connected to this man in

    any way. In fact, he had acted alone hoping that burning the parliament

    building would encourage German workers to rise up against Hitlero Hitler argued to Hindenburg that it was necessary to reduce political freedoms and

    Hidenburg agreed

    o The Nazis won 42 percent of the vote and their allies the Nationalists won 8

    percent. Together they ruled Germany. The first thing that they did when they

    god power was to cancel rule by Parliamentary government and rule Germany by

    Enabling Law This law gave Hitler lawmaking powers separate from the parliament

    Soon all other political parties were banned Nuremberg Lawsremoved all rights from Jews.

    They could not marry non-Jews, could not get jobs and sometimes

    could not get food. Soon thousands of Jews started to leaveGermany.

    Nazi Labour FrontGerman workers were forced to join this organization and strikesbecame illegal

    Hitler Youthchildren joined this organization which taught children how to fight andto hate non-white, non-Christian people

    Stormtroopers were soon replaced by the SSo Leader was Heinrich Himmlerwho gained control of Germanys police forces,

    especially the Secret State Police (Gestapo)

    o Used a system of terror to enforce the new laws

    o Ernst Rohmleader of the stormtroopers

    Hated the army and its Prussian generals Was upset when was not made Minister of Defence, at first Hitler just

    tried to calm him down, then arranged a meeting on 30 June 1934 in

    Wiessee, Bavaria No meeting happened, the SS took Rohms men out of their hotel beds and

    killed them, Rohm was taken to a prison where he was shot

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    All over Germany many stormtroopers were surprised to be killed, they

    had supported Hitler from the beginning but now he was having them


    These killings became known as the Night of the Long Knives

    Hitler was cruel to the German people and to his enemies abroad. He had two goals


    Include all Germans in Germany (Austria and Czechoslovakia had very largeGerman populations)

    o To win more land for Germany in the East by conquering Poland and Russia

    o From the beginning Hitler did not like peacekeeping organizations

    1933Hitler removed Germany from the League of Nations 1934Austrian Nazis murdered the Chancellor of Austria Engelbert


    Tried to join Austria to Germany, the union (Anschluss) failedbecause the person who came after Dolfuss (Kurt Schuschnigg)

    took power quickly and prevented it 1935started to rebuild Germany army and air force

    France felt very nervouso Maginot Linebig concrete and steel defenses built by France which they hoped

    would keep them safe

    Britain could not decide how it felt about Hitler

    o Many British people believed the Versailles Treaty had been unfair to Germany.

    Hitlers anti-communism also made him popular to many people in Britain.

    o Also felt very afraid as Germany started to increase size and power of army andair force

    At first, Mussolini was not friendly with Hitler

    o Thought their fascism was not strong enough

    o Did not believe in Hitlers theory of a master race


    Germanys desire to gain Austria was against Italian desires to take Austria (Italyhad always believed parts of Austria belonged to Italy)

    o Mussolini invaded Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in October 1935 This upset many people in Britain because it was a threat to their colonies

    in Africa

    Hoare-Laval Pactthe British and French tried to secretly negotiate to

    limit the amount of land the Italians got in Africa

    News of this agreement leaked and British people were angry

    because they did not like the idea of surrendering to Italian


    Plan was forgotten


    Britain suggested to ban the sale of oil to Italy Hitler sent coal to Mussolini This was the beginning of the two mens friendship

    Rome-Berlin Axis (1936)unofficial alliance between Italy and Germany Pact of Steel (1939)official alliance

    7 March 1936 Hitlers troops went into Rhineland

    o Broke Versailles treaty

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    o Germany Army wasnt actually strong enough for war, but French army wasnt

    prepared to defend territory that was not French

    o Britain protested but did not take action

    o Germany was allowed to keep the territory

    o Siegfried LineGerman built line of fortifications which cut off France from her

    allies to the east Appeasement

    o Neville Chamberlainbecame Prime Minister of Britain in 1937

    He believed most of Europes problems were because of the Paris Peace


    Thought everything Hitler did was because he wanted to correct

    the mistakes made in 1919

    Chamberlain believed all that was needed was to determine what itwas Hitler wanted and negotiate a settlement

    What he did not realize was that Hitler was a fanatic, and one

    cannot negotiate with a crazy person

    Hitler used Nazi propaganda to stir up German people in Austria and Czechoslovakia todemand Anschluss (union) with Germany

    o As Austrian Nazis called for Anschluss they organized riots and violence

    o Austrian government worked against this by organizing alliances withCzechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, but Hitler made them make a Nazi named Arthur

    Seyss-Inquart the Minister of Interior

    o Seyss-Inquart allowed rioting and then asked the German rioting to come into tostop the bloodshed

    o Mussolini did not do anything to stop the powerful German army

    o Soon Hitler was in Vienna, leader of the city where he had once lived in poverty

    Czechs felt very nervous


    Germany now almost completely surrounded them Britain negotiated with Mussolini

    o He was allowed to keep Abyssinia and in return Mussolini promised to take his

    troops out of Spain

    But Mussolini visited Hitler in September 1937 and was so impressed by the German

    discipline and power that he made his armies start to march in the way the German army


    o Mussolini also started a campaign against the Jews

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    Term III

    World War II

    After he took Austria, Hitler focused on Czechoslovakia

    Dr. Edward BenesCzech leader

    Neville Chamberlain (British Prime Minister) met with Adolf Hitler three times to try andconvince him to find a peaceful solution (not invade)

    Hitler was persuaded to accept the Sudetenland

    o Munich Agreement, September 1938

    o Chamberlain believed he had prevented war in Europe

    Emil HachaCzech President after Benes, not as brave or determined

    March 1939German troops enter Czechoslovakia

    o This is the moment the whole world realized Hitler wanted to control far more

    than just a small part of Europe

    Hitler believed that since Britain and France had made an agreement with him in Munichthey would never fight him, he saw them as cowards


    In 1939 he started to demand part of Polando Britain and France said that if Germany invaded Poland they would defend it

    o Hitler didnt believe them

    The Nazis and the Soviets

    o Stalin and Hitler never really liked each other, but when Hitler prepared to invade

    Poland he wanted to make sure that Soviet Union was not going to attackGermany

    o Stalin had first tried to make agreements with western countries, asking Britain

    and France to join an alliance with him, but since they were afraid of communism

    they did not agree

    o Germany and the Soviet Union made a pact of friendship and non-aggression

    Nazi-Soviet Pact Promised the Soviet Union the east of Poland, Finland, Estonia and Latvia

    BUT Hitler never meant to keep his promises

    When he signed the agreement he knew that Stalin was very ill and

    thought that once he died the Germans would be able to defeat the SovietUnion

    Stalin also knew the Germans were not planning to keep their promises,

    but he knew that by agreeing to the pact Germany was going to invade

    Poland which would cause a war with France and Britain. He thought thatthe Soviet Union would benefit from a situation in which these three

    countries were made weak by war.

    The signing of this pact made the invasion of Poland happeno Germans said that the Polish army had fired on some German soldiers (a lie)

    o Britain declared war on Germany (3 September 1939), France did 6 hours later

    o Hitler was surprised by this

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    Japanese planes bombed the US base at Pearl Harborin Hawaii on 7 December 1941

    o Man behind this plan was Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, he believed that since

    the USA was much more powerful than Japan the only way Japan could succeed

    in war was to destroy the US ships before the war began

    o Attacked disabled 8 ships and killed 2403 Americans


    The attack was actually a failure because there was still a lot of oil left to supplythe US fleet and three big US aircraft carriers were away at the time

    o The effect it did have was that it got rid of isolationism in just a few hours,

    Americans would never again believe that events in other parts of the world did

    not concern them

    World War II started on 3 September 1949

    o Hitler hoped that he would win quickly

    o Because the length of World War I had been to the advantage of the British and

    the USA, German wanted World War II to be a war of movement

    o Charles de Gaulle and Heinz Guderiantwo writers that suggested a tank army

    could be used to destroy a fixed army line (front) The French General Staff rejected de Gaulle The Germany army staff followed Guderians advice

    Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and the world saw that the Germans were right

    o Polish army could not defend itself against the German tank divisions

    o The new German army used Blitzkrieg (lightning war) to move very fast

    o Defeated Polands army within 10 days

    o This success made Britain and France organize tank armies

    o For six months there was no fightingthe phoney war

    o There was the Winter Warfought between Russia and Finland as Stalin wantedto have an army base in their country and Stalin defeated Finland


    In this time Hitler finished his war plans Hitlers navy was going to be improved because one of the reasons for the

    German Navys failure during World War I was because of Germanyssmall coastline, but if they captured Denmark and Norway they would

    have a lot of room for the submarines (U-boats) Germany easily invaded Denmark and Norway

    After Germany invaded Norway, the Prime Minister of Britain Neville Chamberlainresigned

    o On 10 May Winston Churchill became Prime Minister

    o Churchill was a former soldier, but had been blamed for problems during WorldWar I


    British wanted him back in leadership because he was an expert at war, made firmdecisions

    Operation Yellow

    o Hitlers operation to invade the Netherlands, Belgium and France

    o British troops were forced to go to Dunkirk where they were rescued by boats to

    be taken back to the UK

    o These boats were not just from the Navy, but almost everyone who lived nearbywho had a boat came to take the soldiers

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    Italy declared war on France and Britain

    o 10 June 1940

    France was forced to surrender to Germany

    o Charles de Gaulle went to London where he started to organize a Free French


    Hitler thought his war was finished and offered Britain peace. He was surprised whenChurchill refused and he started to plan an invasion of Britain

    In Britain, Churchill inspired the British with great speeches

    o British people joined the Local Defence Volunteers (LDV), which would laterbecome the Home Guard

    o They were ready to fight the Germans if they should ever come to Britain

    Hitler sent his air force (Luftwaffe) to Britain, his goal was to get control of the air beforelaunching the invasion by sea

    o Battle of Britainthe war in the sky over Britain

    o No one really won this battle, and the Germans stopped and started to bomb



    On 17 September 1940 Hitler postponed his plan to invade Britain BUT German planes continued to bomb London and other large cities

    German planes continued to bomb London and other large cities

    Meanwhile, Mussolini had tried to invade Greece and Egypt but been defeated in both


    o Germans were forced to help them out in both places

    o In Egypt the British had used everything available tank to defeat the Italian

    armies, hundreds of thousands of men surrendered

    o German Afrika Korps, led by Erwin Rommel, landed in Africa and drove the

    British back into Egypt

    At this point in the war, Hitler made a terrible mistake. He decide to invade the SovietUnion in Operation Barbarossa

    o Nazi generals expected the Soviet Union to collapse as quickly as the French

    o At first the German campaign went very well, killing millions of Russian soldiers

    and by October the Germans were approaching Moscow

    o Then the Russian winter came. German soldiers were cold and they couldnt

    move in the mud, and the Soviet Union had time to make some preparations and

    make some progress against the Germans

    o Soviet army launched an attack near Moscow on 6 December 1941 and almostdefeated the Germans, they eventually retreated

    o British army led by General Bernard Montgomery attacked Rommel at El

    Alamein and defeated himo Germany army was stopped at Stalingrad in Russia where they fought for five


    These two defeats for GermanyEl Alamein and Stalingradwere turning points in thewar

    November 1942British and American army commanded by General Dwight

    Eisenhower landed in Algiers and Morocco, forced remains of Germany army to


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    6 June 1944invasion of the coast of France by British and American troops

    o Called D-Day

    o Surprised the Germans

    o Allies had to fight hard, but they did eventually make progress into France

    o In July 1944 some of Hitlers officers tried to kill him, put a bomb in a briefcase

    near his chair in a meetingo Hitler launched one last counter-attack, which was almost successful because it

    surprised the Americans and took advantage of bad weather, but in the end the

    Battle of the Bulgeended with the Germans back where they started

    Hitler killed himself on 30 April 1945

    7 May 1945 Germany surrendered unconditionally

    After American economic restrictions were placed on Japan the country had two choices:

    o Give up war plans

    o Take the whole of southeast Asia and make it into Japans supply area

    The leaders of Japan chose the second Japan invaded the Philippines, Malaya, Thailand, Borneo, and the islands of Wake, Guam

    and Hong Kong

    o Turning point was the Battle of Midway Americans sunk four Japanese aircraft carriers

    o American marines then slowly took back many of the islands the Japanese forces

    had captured

    o When the Americans captured the Philippines the Japanese got really desperate

    because once they lost control of those they would lose control of the route to the

    Dutch East Indies which meant no oil for them

    o Result was largest sea battle at Leyte Gulf

    In Burma, British and Indian troops were also fightingo British Army wanted to open a road to China to send supplies

    o Chinditsguerilla fighters led by British into the jungles behind Japanese lines

    Harry Trumanbecame President of the US after Roosevelt died in April 1945

    o Wanted a less costly way of winning victory against the Japanese

    o Worried about the losses that the army would face in an invasion of Japanese


    o Albert Einstein, Leo Szeland and Enrico Fermithree physicists who had fledEurope and come to the USA to escape fascist governments

    Warned President Roosevelt about the dangers if Germany was to get such

    a bomb

    Set up a special lab for nuclear research Los Alamosplace in the state of New Mexico where tests were done

    o President Truman ordered an atomic bombed dropped on Japan in order to end the

    war quickly 6 August 1945, plane named Enola Gay released a bomb over the city of

    Hiroshima in Japan

    Radioactive materials released in this bombinglike Strontium 90continue to affect people in Japan today

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    Second bomb on Nagasaki because the Japanese had not surrendered

    2 September 1945Japanese surrendered to General MacArthur

    The effect of the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima in Japan was incredibly strong


    Produced tidal waves in the harbor which drowned manyo People continued to die for hours after the bomb detonated

    o 13 square kilometers of Hiroshima were turned into huge, dirty, grey and rustybrown stain

    o Mushroom cloud over 6 km high

    The bomb killed 80,000 people in Hiroshimao Ordinary air raids had killed more people before this, but the atomic bomb that

    was dropped at Hiroshima continued to have an effect for weeks after it was


    Victims suffered from a mysterious illness, skin started to bleed, hair fell

    out, and then they died

    This was a disease from the radiation in the bomb Japanese call it sickness of the original-child bomb

    It has continued to kill people, even today people who were notalive when the bomb was dropped in 1945 die and suffer from thepoison released that day or in later atomic tests

    Strontium 90a type of radioactive material

    Radioactive materials are released into the atmosphere during anatomic explosion, they fall to the ground thousands of kilometers

    away from the site of the bomb

    o Absorbed by soil and then plants

    o Animals eat the plants, then humans eat the animals


    The radioactive materials in the human body cause diseaselike cancer

    Another bomb dropped on the city of Nagasaki three days later

    BUT dropping these two bombs did results in the end of the war

    o Emperor Hirohito ordered his people to surrender

    o 2 September 1945 A Japanese delegation surrendered to General MacArthur on board the

    USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay

    United Nations

    Even before the end of World War II the Allies started trying to stop a future war Before Japan was defeated representatives of fifty nations met in the San Francisco Opera

    House and signed a United Nations Charter (UN Charter)

    o Replaced the old covenant (constitution) of the League of Nations

    o Agreed to keep the peace, encourage cooperation between nations and defend

    human rights

    o The League of Nations had failed because some of the largest nations had not

    joined and because it had no armed forces

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    o All of the winning and neutral countries would be members of the UN

    o Article 43 of the Charter UN could call on its members to provide troops to deal with aggression

    o Built large headquarters in Manhattan, New York

    This is the base of the General Assembly, the parliament of the world

    General Assembly meets once a year and has five representatives fromeach member state Security Council

    Eleven representatives

    Meets regularly to deal with crises

    Six of the seats in the Council rotate

    Five are permanently held

    o Permanent seats in the UN Security Council are held byBritain, the USA, the USSR (now Russia), France and


    Decisions of the Security Council must be passed by a majority of

    seven and must include ALL 5 permanent memberso If even one of the permanent members does not like an

    idea, they can VETO (cancel) the decision

    o At first this seemed like a good idea, but it became clearthat France and Britain were no longer world powers and

    then China was taken over by a communist government.

    But continued to be represented in the UN by Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the government in exile

    USA and USSR became enemies

    USSR used veto a lot to keep out unfriendly states

    For a long time the United States could rely on support in the General Assembly


    As more newly-independent states were admitted to the UN this changed Although the UNs ability to do peacekeeping was made difficult by the rivalries between

    the US and USSR, the Specialized Agencies have done a lot of good

    When it was formed the UN took over old international organizations

    o International Telecommunications Union and Universal Postal Union

    o International Labor Organization (ILO) and International Court ILO has experts that make studies of work conditions in different

    countries and industries all over the world. They give advice and training

    and issue laws as guidelines for member nations

    International Court deals with disputes between nations

    o Specialized agencies attempt to close the gap between rich and poor

    World Health Organization (WHO)o Fights diseases such as typhus, cholera, smallpox and malaria

    Have greatly reduced the number of cases around the world Wiped out smallpox in West Africa, eliminated malaria from large areas

    of the world

    Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)o Formed in 1943, became an agency of the UN after World War II

    o Basic goalhelp the poorer countries of the world increase their food production

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    o Since 1951 FAO experts have worked on every part of farming, fishing and


    o Increasing food production in poor countries can have a very large effect on

    millions of peoples lives

    o Green Revolutionlaunched in 1971 by the FAO, led to increase in the amount

    of rice grown in the east Goal of Green Revolution was to double world food production in 10


    United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

    o Runs schools, universities and training colleges

    o Works to save ancient objects from destruction

    o Goal is for increased knowledge and education will work again hatred and

    conflict between people

    The Cold War

    Differences between the USA and the Soviet Union were largeo Since the 1917 revolution Russia had developed a communist system, the natural

    enemy of free enterprise capitalist economy (USA)

    o Western leaders saw the Soviet Union as a threat to freedom

    o They tried to get rid of the Bolsheviks with force, and when this failed they

    refused to recognize the government for many years

    USSR came out from World War II more powerful than ever

    o Large Soviet army took many countries in eastern Europe

    o By the end of the war Russia had captured 51,800 square kilometers

    o Europe could not fight against such power

    President Roosevelt knew that a country as large as the USSR was going to have

    influence on other countries close to it after the war, but what neither he nor HarryTruman (the next President) predicted was that this countries would not be able to choose

    their type of government

    o Soviet Union (Stalin) made it clear it would only allow friendly countries on its


    o Insisted on communist states, no free elections

    o Stalin moved carefully at first

    Took many anti-communists and sent them to Siberia, claiming they were

    Nazis Built up communist parties in these countries, then encouraged them to

    take power

    Shot many opponents By 1948 Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and Czechoslovakia had

    communist governments

    Winston Churchill, March 1946, said: an iron curtain has descended across thecontinent (Asia)

    o Soviet Union was surrounded by an iron curtain or countries whose rulers took

    their orders from Moscow

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    o Countries who were successful in resisting the USSR did so because they were

    never occupied by Soviet troops, had outside help, and/or disliked the Soviet

    Union Turkeyused army against Soviet pressure and with the help of Allied

    money stayed out

    Greececivil war between communists and anti-communists, ended invictory for anti-communists in 1949 YugoslaviaCommunist regime led by Josip Broz (Marshal Tito)

    The east and the west were not just competing for power and territory, it was also a battleof ideas

    o Western countries believed the ideas from the Soviet Union would turn theirpeoples minds against their rulers

    Western Europe formed defensive alliances

    o Britain and France signed a fifty-year treaty of cooperation in 1947 Joined by Benelux countries (Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands)

    in 1948


    President Truman also made it clear that the USA would defend Europeancountries against USSR if necessary, invited European states to join in a Western

    alliances North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

    Formed in April 1949

    Included USA, Britain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, theNetherlands, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Italy andPortugal

    Greece and Turkey (joined 1951)

    West Germany (joined 1954) American policy was to restrict (limit) Soviet Union to existing position in

    Europe Idea of containment

    Americans would only risk war if Russia invaded more countries

    o Truman Doctrine Gave money to Turkey and Greece to fight USSR Marshall Plan (European Recovery ProgramERP)gave food, fuel,

    machinery and raw materials to Europe

    o USSR proposed a Molotov Plan, but it was 1955 until the USSR had any extra

    materials to spare

    o Offers of help would become an important part of the Cold War

    China before Mao + Chinese Civil War

    From 16441912 conquerors from Manchuria called the Manchus led China (they werethe emperors and the ruling class)

    Last strong Manchu rulerEmpress Tzu-hisdied in 1908

    The emperor after her was only 3 years old, so his father ruled

    The revolutionaries in China were tired of such family rule, and took their chance to

    make change

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    o Sun Yat-senrevolutionary who had written books suggesting the Manchus

    should be overthrown and a republic established. The government sent men like

    him out of the country, but they could not keep their ideas out.

    1911reformers started demonstrations/revolts around the country, some were defeated

    but others (especially the one at Wuchang on 10 October 1911) were successful

    Peoples army supporting Sun Yat-sen marched against government forces, civil warseemed likely

    Both sides signed an armistice in December 1911

    Two months later the young emperor abdicated (gave up his throne) and China became a


    Double Tenthrevolution on the tenth day of the tenth month

    o Ended a monarchy that had existed for 2,300 years

    New republic had problemso President Sun Yat-sen Kuomintang (Nationalist) government had to fight soldiers

    led by Yuan Shih-kai, a warlord who wanted to be emperor

    Yuan died


    During World War I Japan bullied China, issued 21 Demands (1917) Asked to be able to build railways in China, take over iron factory and

    send advisers to the government

    If they had happened, China would not have been an independent country USA pressured Japan to give up these demands, and Japan did BUT Japan forced China to declare war on Germany, so China had to buy

    weapons from Japan By 1918 large parts of China were out of Yat-sens control

    By 1920s, China still liked western ways but was against western control

    Pai Hua - simple peasant speech that gradually replaced the complicated classicallanguage

    More Chinese went abroad to study Mao Tse-tunga small group led by him followed Bolshevism

    o Mao had grown up in inland China, worked hard

    o Had seen the sadness and misery of the peasant

    o Believed Communism was the answer to the countrys problems

    o Started to build a strong political party

    Sun Yat-sen died in 1925

    o His successorChiang Kai-shek

    More a man of action than Yat-sen

    Land-owners sun, trained as soldier in Japan Friends with American businessmen, not socialists

    Order was more important to him than ideas Tried to impose order on the country with a march through the country

    with a large army (1926) At first this was supported by everyone in the country because they were

    sick of disorder

    By 1930 China enjoyed peace created by dictatorship

    Soon two rival forcesCommunists and Japanesedestroyed all of Kai-sheks work

    From 1927 Chiang Kai-shek fought against them, crushing their rebellions

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    o Defeated Kiangsi-Hunan Soviet (1931)

    o Long Marchled by Mao Started in October 1934, 100,000 Communists did a 9,000 kilometer


    Only 20,000 survived

    Cross rivers, mountains and fought battles against Chiang Kai-sheko Japanese forces had a very large, negative effect on the government of Chiang

    Kai-shek (the Kuomintang)

    o During World War II China effectively had three separate governments Wang Ching-wei (puppet government appointed by Japanese) Chiang Kai-sheks Kuomintang

    Maos Communists

    o Communists grew stronger during World War II

    After the end of World War III, China was plunged into Civil War

    o Ended quickly

    o The Kuomintang was too corrupt to put up a real fight

    Retreated to Formosa (Taiwan), an island off the Chinese mainland 1 October 1949Mao Tse-tung became Chairman of the Peoples Republic of China

    Scramble for Africa

    Imperialismthe founding of colonies

    o European habit for centuries (hundreds of years)

    o Spanish took most of South America and Mexico in 16th


    o Britain and France fought for control of North America and India (18th


    o Europeans managed to defeat non-Europeans due to superior weapons andorganization


    This had a large effect because Europeans brought their way of life with them Built churches, houses, roads Then railways, factories and mines

    European ways did not only spread due to imperialism, but also because many Europeansleft their homes in the 19


    o From 1815191440 million Europeans left Europe

    o European technology continued to be better than that around the world

    Developed the steam engine, and many other inventions to improve

    factories and produce more with less workers European industry expanded so quickly that businessmen in Europe

    needed new places to sell their goods and to invest their money

    Imperialism had been profitable in the past, but not it wasimportant if the industries in Europe were going to continue to beable to sell their goods

    British Empire nearly doubled in the last 20 years of the 1800s (19


    o Mostly in Africa and South East Asia

    Africa was extremely large and its population was not able to defend itself, very temptingto European countries

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    o The rush for land in Africa was so great that it was called the Scramble for


    o Scramble was like a race Treaty of Berlinsigned by large European countries, laid down rules of

    the scramble for Africa

    Any country that effectively occupied a territory was to tell others rightaway, this would give the right of possession (ownership) All were supposed to be able to use Niger and Congo rivers

    Slavery was to be abolished

    o Why did the Scramble for Africa take place at this point in history? Increased production of goods and extra profits is one reason

    Possibly more important reason was Congress of Berlin

    The Congress had settled the map of Europe in such a way thatonly war could change it

    Nations had to look elsewhere to add to their territory

    Three other factors added to the scramble


    Explorers Had collected enough information to make the continent of Africa less


    o Steamships and railways

    Made travel easier

    o Heavy artillery and machine-guns Made European victory in battle almost certain

    Different countries joined the scramble for different reasons

    o Britain

    Originally took control of Egypt to guard trade route with Far East

    o Others went in for trade or raw materials, for territory to invest money in

    enterprise, for more land, or just because other nations were doing it For example, Germanys East Africa colonies cost Germany more than

    they were worth Taken mainly because Germany felt a great power should have colonies

    Lots of different types of people went to colonize these countries

    o Missionariesfelt they had a duty to teach Christianity to pagans

    o Administratorswent to serve their countries, believed they were bringing orderto poor natives

    o Adventure lovers

    o Desire for influence and power

    Africa unscrambled

    By 1945 the old imperial powers (Britain, France, Belgium, Italy) were much weaker and

    the new superpowers (USA and USSR) had never had African territory and were unlikelyto support imperialism

    The key to the end of colonial rule in Africa was African leaders

    o These leaders had been to Western universities, learned Western ideals and werekeenly aware of the gap between these ideals and the practice in their countries

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    African nationalists first success came in British territories of Gold Coast and Togoland

    o These areas were much more westernized than other parts of Africa

    o European traders had been there for more than 300 years

    o Kwame Nkrumahnationalist leader, found British were only prepared to moveslowly towards self government

    Worked out methods of government and elections which made it difficultto form a black government Nkrumah formed party called Convention Peoples Party (CPP) which

    demanded Self Government NOW)

    British put Nkrumah in prison 1951British started new electoral system which resulted in CPP victory 1952Nkrumah became the leader of a partly independent state called


    1957Ghana was fully independent

    The unscrambling of Africa was almost as quick as the scrambling

    o Ends of colonial governments were almost as fast as their beginnings


    BUT the end of empire brought lots of problems Artificial borders created by European colonizers

    Helped cause civil war in Nigeria

    British style political system left behind

    Africans used to making decisions based on family, clan and ethnic


    Most African countries ended up with one party state

    o This had been bad in some cases, leading to dictatorship

    like Idi Amin in Uganda

    o In the end, the change of government from white European to black African was

    rarely a revolution that helped ordinary Africans

    New rulers behaved like old colonial rulers

    From Congo to Zaire

    o The new states in Africa struggled with three main problems

    o Lack of experts to run industry

    o Ethnic/tribal divisions between different parts of the country

    o Trouble with white settlers who were not willing to give up their privileges andpower (in some cases, not all)

    o Zaire

    o Formerly Belgian Congo

    o Granted independence in 1960, residents did not expect it and were not prepared


    Patrice Lumumba, first Prime Minister Led National Congress Movement (MNC) Moise Tshombe, leader of the Katanga province (which all most of the

    countrys copper, the source of wealth for the country)

    Tried to break away

    Lumumba asked for assistance from UN, they sent a force into thecountry but it achieved nothing

    Lumumba then asked Soviet Union for help

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    o They tried to take back Katanga, but failed

    o Then General Sese Seko Mobutu, Chief of Staff of the Congolese Army,

    overthrew Lumumba (who was now seen as a communist because of workingwith the Soviet Union)

    Mobutu has ruled Zaire since

    Civil War In Nigeria

    o Nigeria is not really one country, it a group of 80 million people who speak 248 different

    languages and dialects

    o Northern peoples were much more cut off from Western political ideas than in thesouth because the British always ruled the north indirectly

    o Britain decided to set up a federation of Nigerian states

    o This only worked on paper, actually there was a real struggle between the North

    and the South but because the north had more people it always won in elections

    o North was usually Muslim, South was Christian

    o 1966massacre of Hausa and Ibo by enemy tribes


    General Yakubu GowonHausa army officer, took over the government in 1966

    Had plan to change political organization of Nigeria

    This made the ruler of the east of Nigera declare his area would become

    independent and named Biafra

    o Civil War

    o After this declaration of independence, there was a long and deadly civil war

    o Gown didnt want to lose Biafra because it would mean losing the oil fields there

    o By 196825,000 people per day were dying of starvation in Biafra

    o 1970Biafra gave up

    o 1979first non-military President of Nigeria took office

    o Alhaji Shehu Shagari

    o New constitution modeled on US constitution


    o Had a fairly big number of white settlers, they went to the area called the WhiteHighlands and grew crops

    o British called this area Kenya Colony and Protectorate

    o After World War II many black residents of Kenya felt the settlers (white) had taken toomuch land

    o Especially members of powerful Kikuyu tribe

    o Mau Mauterrorist movement in Kenya that swore to kill Europeans and Africans who

    cooperated with them

    o British army fought hard against them and eventually removed them in 1956


    BUT British realized they could not stay in Kenya forever

    o They knew the Africans had real problems with their leadership Allowed Kenyans to form two political parties

    Kenya African National Union (KANU)

    Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU)

    o Jomo Kenyatta

    o Leading Kikuyu politicians

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    o Spent a lot of time in England

    o Was tried and convicted of being one of the leaders of the Mau Mau

    o After release from prison he was sent to a rural village, then he returned to politics

    to go to a conference in London to decide Kenya future

    o 1963 - became Prime Minister of independent Kenya


    One year later he became President, which he remained until he died in 1978o Kenya had a strong economy but most businesses were owned by foreigners


    o While Kenya is an example of a country built from the top, some leaders in Africa havebuilt their countries from the bottom, starting with local community and uniting in a

    region, and then a country

    o Julius Nyereredid this in Tanzania

    o Arusha Declarationcountry was beginning to develop an economic and socialelite whose main concern was to profit for themselves and their families and not

    the needs of the majority of people for better living conditions


    Nyerere wanted a government elected and led by peasants and workerso

    Didnt want Western values that focused on competition, wanted cooperation

    Looked for Socialist solution