social selling: masterclass by apurva chamaria

1 Social Selling – Master Class

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Social Selling – Master Class

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Apurva Chamaria

Vice President & Head – Corporate Marketing


Speaker Introduction

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Social Selling will enable you to be superior sellers

Modernize your approach – Explore a new avenue to advance from cold calls to engagement

The digital era hasn’t cut down on opportunity, rather brought in new opportunities that are still untapped.

Selling Will Always Be A Social Occupation & B2B Buying Process

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Report by Aberdeen GroupLinkedIn Report on Social Selling 2013LinkedIn Report on Social Selling 2013

Sales professionals using social selling saw the following:

The Social Media Transformation

Gain in YoY Revenue16%

More likely to get promoted2X

More likely to exceed Sales Quota51%

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1. 1.4 BN+ Funnel influence by LinkedIn Social selling users

2. Sales managers have connected to 2,000 decision makers they had no connections with

3. 93% of decision makers were outside the network

4. Social selling influenced 350 MN US$ of booking

5. Increase in sales representative performance as:

1. They did 105 per cent more booking in 2015 v/s 2014

2. The bid to win increased by 20 per cent

3. The time taken to close an opportunity reduced by 26 Days

Social Selling Program – HCL Technologies

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IBM launched a pilot program for cloud computing called "intelligent listening"to learn of topical conversations on social media

Oracle has trained 23,000 employee on Social Selling

IBM’s 7 sellers who took up the pilotgrew their LinkedIn followers from amere 535 to 3,500 and their reach wentfrom 54,000 to 1.3 million

79% of IBM sales reps who incorporatedsocial selling achieved their yearlyquota – compared to a 43% industryaverage


IBM’s Success with Social SellingSocial Selling Program – HCL Technologies

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6 Elements of Social Selling

Understandingsocial platforms & Creating the Social Persona

Creating, collating & Publishing


Identifying the prospects

Listening to topics that

interest the prospects

Approaching a Prospect

EngagingProspects and

Nurturing a Relationship

The 6 Elements of Social

Selling bridges the gap in the

traditional lead sourcing to

purchase cycle by dissolving

boundaries between the

Awareness, Consideration

and Transaction stages

HCL’s Framework for Social Selling

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Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

Stage 1 - Understanding social platforms: Approach, Tools & platforms

Creating SocialMedia Persona

Improve yourSearch-ability

Setting up SocialMedia Channels

Setting ContentCuration Sources

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Include Company Name on your Social Profiles

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

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Use Similar and Relevant Profile Picture Across platforms

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

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Use keywords similar to your persona and position

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

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Be active on Social media

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

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Stage 2 - Publish High Quality Content

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Stage 2 - Crafting a Message on Twitter for Maximum Impact

Message ( <100 Characters )Link

(10 Characters)Blank

(>20 characters)

■ Use good Punctuations including capital letters , no TXT speak and avoid all CAPS

■ TIP : Do not abbreviate anything, though you can use numeric charceters for numbers

Tweet Essentials

■ Include 1-2 hashtags in each message to extend reach to non-followers

■ Tip : Hashtags in the Tweet body attract better engagement than at the end of tweet


■ Shorten all URLs to increase Tweet Space and track performance

■ TIP : If you know how to use a URL shortener service, feel free to use it


■ Leave >20 characters for retweetersto add their message

■ TIP : make sure to thank each RT you get

Retweet Space

■ Use your own voice in a professional way to add some personality

■ TIP : Get someone to regularly review your style and Tone


■ Use mention and RT’s to call out other authors and people you want to see your tweet

■ TIP : Add your own messaging to RT’s

Mentions and RT’s

■ Tell readers what you want them to do

■ TIP – Place [ ] around the link to drive additional action

Call to action

■ Make 90% of tweets links to articles blog post pictures or videos that relate to your message

■ TIP : Link do not always have to be at end of a tweet)

Destination of Link

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Go to HCL official Twitter Profile and LinkedIn company page1

Once in a Week on Twitter and Once a Fortnight on LinkedIn , share the content from these pages. This would increase the association with HCL’s Content


Try to add your insights to the HCL content , audience always appreciate an insightful conversation, You can Edit & RT the content on Twitter and on LinkedIn when sharing post with your comments


Stage 2 - Sharing Organization Content

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LinkedIn Pulse2


Stage 2 - 3 Tools to Discover Shareable Content

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Stage 2 - Publishing content Tools

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

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Finding the social presence of Hugh Hale , CIO, Visiting Nurse Service

Stage 3: Identifying Prospects

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

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Stage 3: Identifying Prospects - Tools

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

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Shows that Prospect is inlookout for something

Shows Mild dissatisfactionwith the service.

Stage 4: Listening - Identifying topics that interest prospects

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

Finding Triggers and learning about prospects– Geoff Cobb

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Stage 4: Set up an Alert for Particular designation

VP Procurement, Merck

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Stage 4: Listening - Identifying topics that interest prospects

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

Buyers Persona Template of Geoff Cobb – Deputy CIO at John Hopkins

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Name of the Person Company

BackgroundEarly Life,Childhood,Family Information

DemographicsGender, Age, Location

< Can be Extracted from LinkedIn, Facebook and other Social Media Channels>

cd<Extracted from Facebook, Twitter, Interviews and Videos

Professional InformationDesignation, Present and Past Organizations and work done

< Can be Extracted from LinkedIn, Company Website and other Websites >


< Can be Extracted from LinkedIn, Facebook, Company Website and other Websites >

Likes, Interests and HobbiesFood,Sports,Favorite Pastimes,Movies,Music,Passion etc

d< Can be Extracted from Facebook, Twitter Blogs and other Interviews >

Events and Conferences

s< Can be Extracted from Facebook, and Twitter , Google

Image Search

Personality Insights

x< Can be Facebook, , Videos , Interviews ,Twitter ,Blogs etc.

Stage 4: Filling The Persona Template – Flexible, High

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Newsle is a web application of LinkedIn that allows users tofollow real news about their contacts, and public figures

Stage 4: Use Newsle to find news about that person

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Stage 5: Approaching Prospects

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

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Stage 5: Use LinkedIn Invitations Proficiently

Click hereto download the template

TIP: Create customized templates for each of your networking groups.

Customize Your LinkedIn Invitations Copy

Include a personalized salutation, an explanation of the context for yourconnection, an explanation of why you want to connect, a call to action and a“thank you”.TIP: Sign your name with your Twitter handle to make sure your contactknows that you can be reached in other ways.

Tell A Story

TIP: If your invite isn’t accepted, start to engage with your prospect at otheravenues, such as LinkedIn Groups.

Do Not Send More Than One Invite

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Your profile photo is the first thing a person sees on your LinkedIn invitation,so make it a good one. Be sure you're the only person in the photo, youhaven't just cropped yourself out of a group photo, it's not a selfie, and youlook professional

1. Professional Photo

Begin your message with a "Dear [name]" or "Hi [name]" -- and make sureyou've spelled their name correctly

2. Personalized Greeting

Did you chat at a conference? Did a friend recommend that the two of youconnect? Are you following each other on Twitter? Remind the person hows/he knows you somewhere in the message.

3. How You Know Them

It's really important to explain why you want to connect with them so theydon't think you're just out to increase your number of connections

4. Why You'd Like to Connect

5. What You Do

Even if you've met the person before, there's a chance they won't rememberwho you are. Always include a one- or two-sentence tidbit on what you do.

Stage 5: Writing Customized LinkedIn invitation

It's always nice to include a few kind parting words about theirwork, job experience, or company.

6. Kind Parting Words

7. Sign Off

Don't forget a warm sign-off! It's a small detail that can make yourinvitation feel much more welcoming and personal.

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Opportunity to start a

conversation with insights

Opportunity to answer &

provide solution

@geofdotedu I have used applications like Apptio what problem are you facing ? Check out the link to know more

Ideal Reply to above question

Stage 6: Engaging Prospects and Nurturing a Relationship

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6



Requirement from User

Expected Outcome



Find Conversation Triggers to ACT

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Stage 6: Engaging Prospects and Nurturing a Relationship

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

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To set up an alert on LinkedIn to automatically get updates about anyone who joins at particular designation, or get promoted

Hack to use more than 140 characters on Twitter

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1. LinkedIn Hack: Finding prospects (Titles)

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2. Twitter Hack: Twitter replies

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Bonus hack #3. IFTTT

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Link to Order the Book

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“You Are The Key” Book feedback & reviews

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Link to Order the Book

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Master Class

Thanks! Connect with me at @a1purva

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Thank You!@a1purva