social science history association 1987 meeting

CALL FOR PAPERS SOCIAL SCIENCE HISTORY ASSOCIATION 1987 MEETING The twelfth annual meeting of the multi- disciplinary Social Science History Association will be held October 29-November 1, 1987 at the Monteleone, 214 Rue Royale, New Orleans, LA 70140; Phone: 504/523-3341. Those wishing to participate or offer suggestions for the program should contact Program Committee Chair, Barbara Hanawalt, Department of History, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405; Phone: 81 4/335-6 934 (off ice); 8 12/3 3 5-7 581 (sec re- tary), or Co-Chair, Michael Les Benedict, c/o School of law, New York University, New York, NY 10003. Submission by October 1, 1986 of early paper propos- als and ideas for panels and sessions are encouraged; the deadline for proposals for papers and/or panels in final form is February 15, 1987. Papers and panel proposals (including roundtables) should include a short description of the papeds) and the names, departments, and institutional affiliations of all pro- posed participants Panel organizers please include telephone number. 205

Post on 28-Sep-2016




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Page 1: Social Science History Association 1987 Meeting



The twelf th annual meeting of t h e multi- disciplinary Social Science History Association will be held October 29-November 1, 1987 at t h e Monteleone, 214 Rue Royale, New Orleans, LA 70140; Phone: 504/523-3341. Those wishing to par t ic ipate or o f f e r suggestions for the program should contact Program Commit tee Chair, Barbara Hanawalt, Department of History, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405; Phone: 81 4/335-6 934 (off ice); 8 12/3 3 5-7 581 (sec re- tary), or Co-Chair, Michael Les Benedict, c/o School of law, N e w York University, New York, NY 10003. Submission by October 1 , 1986 of early paper propos- als and ideas f o r panels and sessions a r e encouraged; t h e deadline f o r proposals f o r papers and/or panels in final form is February 15, 1987. P a p e r s and panel proposals (including roundtables) should include a short description of t h e papeds) and t h e names, departments, and institutional affi l iat ions of all pro- posed par t ic ipants Panel organizers please include telephone number.