social realism film posters analysis


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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Social Realism Film Posters Analysis


Page 2: Social Realism Film Posters Analysis

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Use of a plain background to make the text and image stand out. The yellow works well with the black writing and image. Yellow also signifies danger, especially when combined with black which may be the reason why these colours were chosen.

Main actors in the film in block capital letters to stand out.

Tagline to give a slight idea of the narrative to the audience.

Production credits and logos.

Main stars/characters to create an audience for the film if people recognise them. The costumes and make up also give the audience an idea of the narrative of the film such as the blood on his hands.

Reviews to give film more credibility and establish as a bigger audience as more people are going to want to see it if it has good reviews.

Title is the main feature – along with the image – so that people know what the film is called. The title also takes up most of the poster because of the ‘I’. The black also stands out well against the yellow.

The image of the two men suggests that the audience is more aimed towards 15- 30 year old males.

Page 3: Social Realism Film Posters Analysis

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Most important and recognised award to generate interest.

Who the film is directed by. Shane Meadows is widely known by many and ‘This Is England’ is one of his most well know pieces of work. Awards to show it’s success.

Review to give someone else's opinion and view of the film to encourage the audience to see the film.

Tagline and background information about the film to tell the audience more about the film’s narrative and context.

The title is the main focus and the colours all stand out against the background. The effect of the metal fence below is also used on the text.

The image used shows all of the main characters/actors which may create a bigger audience if they are recognised. They also give the audience a better idea of what the film’s about.

Production credits and logos.

The colours reflect the title with the colours associated with the union jack and England.

Graffiti style font also reflects the narrative of the film.

Page 4: Social Realism Film Posters Analysis

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Production credits and social media links to allow the audience to find out more about the film.

Images of the main cast so that the audience recognise them and this may possibly encourage them to go and see the film.

Image of the setting of the film to provide the audience with more information about the film.

The layout of the images suggests that something is disjointed and could link to the storyline such as a family which is having problems, for example.

Reviews and stars to encourage the audience to go see the film as there are good reviews and opinions on the film.

Director to encourage people who are fans of his work to go see the film.The title is the boldest element of the poster as all of the text is together apart from the reviews. This makes it stand out as everything else is disjointed and separated.

The tagline allows the audience to get a better idea of what the film could be about and also intrigue them so they have to go see it to truly find out what the narrative is.

Awards to show how good the film is and therefore encourage more people to go see it.

The gun suggests violence as well as the dark background which creates mystery.

Page 5: Social Realism Film Posters Analysis

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General statement about awards creates a ’buzz’ about the film as it is highly recognised.

Director of the film and the awards that she has won to make people see how good the film is and therefore encourage them to watch it.Director of the film and the awards that she has won to make people see how good the film is and therefore encourage them to watch it.

Production logos and credits.

Tagline to give more information to the audience as to what the film is about.

Main cast to encourage fans of their other work to watch the film. Big stars also give films more credibility.

The title of the film is the main focus as it is in block capitals and a large size font. The orange on the blue also complement each other well but also contrast, making the title stand out from the rest of the poster.

Review of the film to give audiences an idea of what others think of the film.

The shot is taken from low angle, making it seem like the girl holds more power the viewer. Therefore, this could correspond with the narrative of the film. As the main image is of the girl, it is also more likely that the film is aimed at a female audience.

Page 6: Social Realism Film Posters Analysis

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Production credits and website links to allow people to find out more about the film.

Age certificate to identify the audience. The audience for this film is likely to be male and females, aged 15 to 25.

The baseball bat connotes violence which is likely to be a main art of the narrative because of the prominent symbol.

Review and star rating to encourage people to go and see the film as professionals and their opinions will be trusted.

The costumes in this poster include hoodies and also link to teenage stereotypes of reckless behaviour. The girls are also wearing pink, another stereotype. The image of

the group suggests that they are the main cast. They are also situated in couples or small groups, suggesting that there are several different storylines perhaps. The fact that one of the couples is in the middle suggests that are the main characters, especially the man as he is stood up and is more prominent in the poster.

Tagline suggests what the film may be about but doesn’t give too much away.

The title stands out because it is white against much darker colours in the background. The ‘i’ also contrasts the rest of the title, bringing your attention to the title more.

The dark and dull background creates an unsettling feeling. However, the sun is trying to shine through creating a sense of something overcoming something else.

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Production credits. Short reviews that will stand out

to the audience and therefore encourage them to go and see the film.

Age certificate to identify the audience. The audience is likely to be males as the image depicts a male character and aged 15-25.

The background is simple, making everything else stand out well against it.

Image is a close up to focus on the character, suggesting he is the main character in the film.

Main actor so fans of his previous work go to see the film.The title is the largest font but doesn’t stand out overly well as all of the fonts are the same.

Director so people who like his other work go see the film.

The tagline gives more information about the narrative to the audience. ‘Shot’ also links to the image of the gun and a gunshot.

The image is cleverly edited and is effective. The colours also complement the background colour. The red, orange and yellow link to the colours of fire which could be a part of the storyline. The gun also suggests violence which could again be part of the narrative.