social norms

Starting with the name of ALLAH

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Starting with the name of ALLAH

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Social NormsFunction and its


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Difinition of SOCIAL NORMS…..?

According to Young & Mack: Norms referto the group shared expectation.

According to Lesh, Larson & Goerman:Social norms are rule s developed by a groupof people that specify how people must,should, may, should not and must notbehave in various situation.

Social norms are the code of ethics.

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Social Norms: Social norms are rules that a group uses for

appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors.

Social Norms are the rules for how people should act in a given group or society. Any behavior that is outside these norms is considered violation of


Social norms consist of rules of conduct and models of behavior prescribed by a society. They are rooted in the customs, traditions and value systems that gradually develop in this society

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Social Norms:

are unwritten rules about how to behave. They provide us with an expected idea of how to behave in a particular social group or culture. For example we expect students to arrive to lesson on time and complete their work.

Social norms are not found among the animals. It exists only human society. Animals have no norms in their life.


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Examples of Norms Violation:

In classroom……

Make noise in classroom.

Never bring a book, pencil, or paper.

Read a novel during class.

Smoking in the class.

Wear clothes backwards

Guys could wear girls garments.

Watch a blank tv

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Examples of Norms Violation:

Walk around the mall with an open umbrella.

Talking to yourself in public.

Driving on wrong side.

Say goodbye when you answer the phone

Have a animated conversation with yourself in public.

Talk to strangers (Female).

Eat soup with a fork.

Continue …….

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Functions of Social Norms: Control Behavior: Social norms control our behavior in the way that they provide a set pattern for our behavior.

Making behaviour systematic and pattern: Another function is that the behavior of the people becomes systematic and pattern.

Law and order: Due to systematic and pattern behavior law and order can be maintained in society. For disorderly society no law can work because of the unsystematic behavior of the people.

Social norms helps in self-control: norms are also helpful in making self-control.

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Types of Social Norms:

1) Folkways.

2) Mores.

3) Law.

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Definition of Folkways:

According to Gillin and Gillin: Folkways are behavior patterns of every day life which generally arise unconsciously in a group.

A mode of thinking, feeling, or acting common to a given group of people.

Man’s action repeated bye him is his habit and a repeated behavior by a group of people is a custom.

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These are common rules of manners that we are expected to use on a day-to-day basis. The punishment for violating a folkway is informal and inconsistent.Folkways are the ways of life of folk or the ways of life in a society which open unconsciously upon the people.The folkways are norms that arise during social interaction and are handed down from one generation to the next

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These are the rules of eaten, drinking, meeting, types of dressing , cermonies and rituals for situation and the manner of life in institutional situations as family, school, market, and mosque.

folkways are also called as norms of behavior.

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Examples of Folkways:1. Correct manners.

2. Appropriate dress.

3. Proper eating behavior.Assalm-o-alaikum and responding wa-alakam-asslam.

Shaking hands and embracing while meetin.

Saying Khuda Hafiz of Fi Amanullah while departing.

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Ceremonies on marriage like making the fun of bride and bridegroom.

Decoration of houses and wearing fine clothes on festivals of Eids and others.

Respect for elders, Maulvi sahib, and for women and others.

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Definition of Mores….

According to Gillin and Gillin: Mores are

those customs and group routines which are thought by the members of society to be necessary to the group’s continued existence.

The must behavior is called Mores.

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Mores is the plural of mores which means custom.Mores are more serious norms but also informal like folkways.They are also unwritten customary ways of life. Their violation of serious threat to social order. A person can not run away form the mores, if he/she live in the society he/she must be obey these mores. There is punishment if an individual fails to conform to mores of the society. Punishment is formal and informal for the violation of mores

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Examples of Mores:Wearing clothes.Respect for the parents.Students to obey educational institute norms.Nimaz-e-Janaza.Nikah Ceremoney.Having sexual relationship with women without marriage.Entering into other’s house without permission.Breaking purdah of women.Selling and eating unclean (haram) meat.Abduction children.


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Types of Mores:1) Positive Mores.2) Negative Mores.

1) Positive Mores: Positive more always prescribe

behavior pattern. They represent the ‘Do’s. They give instructions and provide guidance for the people to behave in a particular way. Examples: Respecting elders.

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Protecting children.Taking care of the aged people.Loving one’s country. Doing services for the society.Worshipping God.Speaking the truth.

2) Negative Mores:Negative mores prescribe behavior

patterns. They represent the “Don’t”. They are also called ‘taboos’. Taboos forbid or prohibit certain behavior patterns.

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Examples:Don’t appear before the people without dress.Don’t be cruel to the wife and children.Don’t steal.Don’t tell lies. Don’t be irreligious.


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Those act , or which there violation and punishment has been defined are called laws.

Law is a system of rules a society sets to maintain order and protect harm to persons and property.

Rules of conduct of any organized society, however simple or small, that are enforced by threat of punishment if they are violated

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Law is the product of society according to the social conditions of life. Law is never stagnant. It is flexible and adjusting according to the social conditions of the people. As the social situation changes, similarly the law changes.

If the society does not amend its laws according to the new condition of life, there will be more violation of law and the controlling force of law will grow weak and respect for the law will fall



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It is formal social norms. It is written custom and a part of books.There is authority behind the law, which have definite rules and power to regulate such laws.

There is specialized agencies to define, regulate and enforced these laws. Like courts, jails and police to protect and implement the law.

National assembly and other law-making bodies are always making new law, changing the old ones.

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Killing a person.Looting his property.Theft.Murder.Dacoity.Rape.Drinking.Abduction.Robbery . Etc etc…..

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