social media - sphere of influence

SOCIAL MEDIA Your Sphere of Influence

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Post on 15-Jan-2017




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SOCIAL MEDIAYour Sphere of Influence

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In a nutshell What is social media, who is involved. Who is using it effectively. How can you use social media.

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-Redefining the world of marketing and public relations

-By definition: Social Media is a wide reaching and influential means of communication that pertains to the life, welfare, and relations of human beings.

Social Media

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But rather how well and where we engage.

It is not a question of whether we engage…

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The Social Media Players






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By the numbers

What’s on your mind


500 million users globally 116 million in the US 50% of users log on to Facebook in

any given day Average user has 130 friends People spend over 700 billion

minutes per month on Facebook 60 million status updates daily 65 million users “Like” things daily 150 million active mobile users

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By the numbers

What are you


Currently 160 million users worldwide

Limited to 140 characters People follow your Tweets You follow other users Tweets Primarily used by older adults Use of hashtags (#) to follow

hot topics #HireFriday

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By the numbers

Broadcast Yours


2 Billion views per day Almost double the prime-time audience of all

3 major US Networks combined 24 Hours of video uploaded every minute Average person spends 15 minutes per day

on YouTube Facebook has 46.2 years of video watched

per day (DigitalBuzz) Free posting of videos Universal appeal Simple interface into websites, Facebook Second largest search engine

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By the numbers

GEO Locating

Check In” at Venues Track where your friends Check In Users Can:

Add venues Gain points (badges) for locations Become “Mayor”

4 million users, 1.4 million venues, 15.5 million check ins

Used by History Channel, City of Chicago Mayor Campaign.

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By the numbers

Professional Networking

Over 80 million members worldwide US accounts for half of the membership

and 42% of the site traffic Establishing links between professional

contacts Excellent resource for B2B networking

80% of companies are using social media for recruitment. Of those companies using social media 95% are using LinkedIn.

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Blogs are a powerful tie between social networks and websites

Text, photo, or video Most have RSS feeds Excellent resource for research

information Well executed blogs can have a

direct impact on the Google ranking of your website.

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Big and small companies

A Few Success Stories

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Blendtec Blenders

Viral Video

In 11 hours they had 250,000 views.

6 months later:


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Blendtec - SEO

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Coca Cola Facebook Page

Created by

Dusty & Michael



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Women’s Giving Circle

Landing Pages


Over 200 fans in less than a month.

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Mashable and Talent Culture


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How Important Is It?Conveying company culture through social networks.

Business Culture

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Zappos CEODelivering Happiness

Tony Hsieh

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Sharing… no matter what!

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Employee Powered Twitter

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Tracking your mentions

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Traditional and not so traditional approaches

Self Marketing via Social Networks

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Self marketing#HireFriday

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Self Marketing

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Landing Your Dream Job using Google

Alec Brownstein

Using Google Ad Words

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Time to self promote?

Try Social Networking

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Building your company networks

Social Networks for Job Postings

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Networks for Job Postings

LinkedIn Twitter Facebook YouTube Craigslist Simply Hired (1,634 jobs) Juju (2,400 jobs) Indeed (1,971 jobs)

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LinkedIn: Build Your Company Profile

Contact Info Logo Website Social Networks &


Encourage employees to connect to company profile

Ability to follow companies online

Company Overview Employees

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LinkedIn for College Recruitment

College Grads

200,000 college students join LinkedIn every month

LinkedIn’s Career Explorer (beta product) Explore different career paths Find people in your network Get unique insights about trends Recommended job openings Follow potential employers

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Twitter, You Tube

Job Posting Case Studies

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Twitter for


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You Tube

: Jobs at


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Where to begin

Jump on the Bandwagon

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Getting started

In the beginning…

Enlist your colleagues support Sell your boss on the concept Involve your employees Develop a social media


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Convincing Your Boss



SM more effective than traditional website and can improve SEO (Google Rank) of your website

Blogging can reduce CS calls SM already used by customers & competition Use SM to “listen” to what people are saying

about you/your brand SM can help internally (collaboration &

training) Using SM helps in customer prospecting, HR

background checks, product marketing & community awareness

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Goals for Using SM to Recruit


your Compa


People to follow/fan you People to engage and share Direct them to your website,

blogs can be helpful Establish your company’s

expertise Embrace your company culture Share your company


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How to engage

Establish a protocol

Select a spokesperson

Choose networks Existing or new?

Set goals & continually adjust

Be witty Share, share,

share Convey the

culture Think out of the

box Ask questions Provide answers

Social Media Setup Engagement

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Basic Rules of Engagement


Content Rule of Thumb 20-40-40 20 % business promotion 40 % sharing of information/expertise 40 % human interest, general content

Dedicate time to actively engage in Social Media

Work day hours tend to be peak times Monitor and Respond Engage with your fans or they will find

someone else

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Managing Social Media


Hootsuite - Cloud TweetDeck - Native Twilert Social Mention

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Monitor withoutengagement

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Justifying Social Media Recruitment


Use Facebook Insights Use Google Analytics: Facebook &

Website Follow mentions through Hootsuite,

Twilert, Social Mentions Note Retweets Set up custom Hashtags (#) Track hits to website from SM networks Track engagement Track Fan and Follower numbers

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But may not want to hear.

Things you need to know

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Negative Posts/Tweets

Follow established


Stay positive Delete offensive/spam posts Address legitimate concerns in realtime Offer to solve more complex situation

offline via DM, email, etc

Remember this gives you the opportunity to share your company culture and your customer service expertise.

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It's not about pretty - Even if you can't make things graphically beautiful, people will still like you in social media. Don't worry so much about how you look, worry instead about how you act and how interesting others find you.

Point to Ponder

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Engage and Find Me:

Thank You

Jennifer A. ScherschelTwitter: @JAScherschelFacebook: JAScherschelwww.dependableadvertising.comTwitter: @DependableAdsFacebook: DependableAds