social media scales the personalised marketing

Social Media Scales the Personalised Marketing

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Post on 26-Jul-2015




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Page 2: Social Media Scales The Personalised Marketing

Social Media Scales

People love attention, personification and customised services, they always expect something personal and especial from a brand lest they overlook it. With the changing perception of consumers, their buying behaviour and a paradigm shift in the world of marketing and advertising a marketer must understand the growing need of personalised/customised marketing. No one would like to put on high-end jeans unless it gives perfect fit along with the style. The value of the brand alone cannot lure an individual to purchase it, the brand should also be ready to fulfil one's need, absolutely personal and exclusive.

Page 3: Social Media Scales The Personalised Marketing

The advent of social media not only transformed the communication but this highly interactive medium gave a new definition to marketing and Public Relations (PR). Among millions of postings on social media channels one is compelled to click only the few. Depending upon the needs, interests, aspirations, age, education, occupation, upbringing and the purchasing power one invest her/his time searching the relevant products and services on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin and many more.

Social Media Scales

Page 4: Social Media Scales The Personalised Marketing

Therefore marketer need to develop personalised

marketing for the target audience. Remember! If you are

making strategies for your brand then always ensure

customised strategies for every channel to leverage the

personalised marketing activities. Make your tailored

content more interesting and interactive with the right

proportion of theme based text, images, photographs

and videos using a great blend of designs and colours.

Social Media Scales

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These days, an organisation can garner substantial information about the target audience very smartly and easily. On different social media sites people are liable to provide their basic personal information in the profile. After going through these profiles, the marketer can easily assess the demographic details and socio-economic status of a prospective customer. Moreover, a detailed evaluation of their posts help in decoding the socio-psycho behaviour of a person. Personality attributes like taste and preferences, hobbies, buying habits and inclination towards particular brand.

Social Media Scales

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A marketer must maintain a database of the collected profiles before drafting strategies for Personalised Marketing. Although, this unconventional marketing approach is time consuming and requires lots of sincere efforts, but running in the flocks can never bring desired gaze and attention. Blessed with the merits of social media and vast reach of the internet, Personalised Marketing is the most convincing approach of today's entrepreneurs that not only connect them with their target segment but it optimise well one's marketing and PR budget in achieving the desired Return on Investment (ROI).

Social Media Scales