social media demographics & description

Marketing Works best when you target people inclined to respond.

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Post on 30-Nov-2014




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A introductory look at the top four social media business venues. This is a non-animated version of my seminar presentation for CVB\'s and Chamber of Commerces.


  • 1. Marketing
    Works best when you target people inclined to respond.

2. Social Media is the new frontier offering 2 way communication.
Old fashioned media falls farther behind each day.
3. Extra Extra
Are Dying
The most spectacular year-over-year declines in daily circulation for 2009 were seen at the New York Post, down 21%; the Atlanta Journal Constitution, down 20%; the Newark Star-Ledger, off 17%; the San Francisco Chronicle, down nearly 16%; and the Boston Globe, where circulation dropped 14%.
But you knew that!
4. Magazines are in trouble too
Shrinking circulations and less content reduce ROI for advertisers. For decades
people looked to magazines for
direction. It is sad to witness.
5. A few publications will tread water and survive.
Is your company still trying
to live off old media?
6. Broadcast TV has lost viewers for 20 years.
Cable and Satellite have taken market share. Now the internet is taking business from
all of them.
7. As much as
85% of total
will be
lost to the
digital wall.
8. People Have Less Money
Florida reached 12% unemployment April 2010.
Less advertising revenue is available.
9. We now have 308,000,000 people in the USA
Facebook reached 400,000,000 members this year
10. Social Media is growing
11. Marketing
people prefer
4 platforms.
In this order
12. You can learn and navigate demographics of Social Media without an advertising budget.
Opening a two way conversation puts you in control of your marketing effort.
You dont need ads, art or media to make an impression.
Warning: If you dont tell the truth you can be severely punished.
13. Is Free
Is Easy
Grew 1382%
Feb 08 to Feb 09
Has an older age
demographic 42% -32 to 49
62% of visitors are at work
Is limited to 140 characters
14. Investors put $100,000,000 into Twitter 2009. The company had no plans for monetization.
Beingthe#1 SM growth platform helped.
Their search engine was the main reason.
Users post
A day
Advanced search lets you
find them by topic,
distance & key words
16. Blogging is the second most popular social media tool for business.
All of the information (links) from my seminar
are on my blog.There is no handout.
If I cant get you to interact with me online
Youllnever hire me as a speaker or consultant!
17. Blogs are your
Meat & Potatoes
18. Blogs are labor intensive.
Bloggers must be knowledgeable.
Bloggers should include source links.
Bloggers must have writing skills.
19. Businesses should check new
FTC guidelines for social media disclosure. These rules make it much harder to hire outside contractors and restrict employee contributions.
Be very careful who you hire or put into your social
20. Facebook Rules
September 2006,Anyone over 13 with an
e-mail address can use Facebook.
January 2009 Facebook ranked
most used social network worldwide
February 2010 Facebook reaches
400 million users.
21. 400,000,000 who?
30% of Facebook users are in the USA
About 65% of Facebook users are female
Most Facebook users are older than 25
Users share more than 5 billionpieces of content each week. (blogs/links/articles/news stories/photos)
More than 20,000,000 users become fans each day.
22. Lets Look Closer
Advertise On
Click link above to my Facebook page findadvertising at very bottom. Plug in some demographics and see who you can get for50 cents or $1.It is amazing!
23. Linkedin reaches 53,000,000 professionals
American demographics
38% have annual incomes at
orabove $100,000
31% fall between $60,000
& $100,000
51% male
38% ages 35 to 49
31% age 50 plus
Users swing between social media for business leadersand upwardly mobile ,mostly single, young executive
employment seekers.
24. Linkedin is not about connecting with big numbers.
Linkedin is about Leadership
& creating partnerships.
(Its my favorite)
25. Successful partnerships make sense for both parties.
Linkedin provides enough business information to find viable business partners in your industry.
Linkedin canprovide enough business information to let viable business partners find you.
26. OK we have covered all four social media platforms
27. Its a ton of information.
28. Everything in this presentation is online.
Google Bill Denmark
Find meon Linkedin
Social Media makes it easy
29. Remember this if you
forget everything else.
It is a marathon not a race
30. I hope this has been helpful.
Increase your bottom line withsocial media.
[email protected]