social media case study: homeshop18 #twss women's day campaign

#TWSS #TWSS Women’s Day Campaign Women’s Day Campaign Women’s Day Campaign Women’s Day Campaign Women’s Day Campaign Women’s Day Campaign Women’s Day Campaign Women’s Day Campaign 8 th March, 2013

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HomeShop18 leveraged Women’s Day differently from the regular women-related tags with #TWSS Women's Day Campaign to make the conversations fun and exciting


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Women’s Day CampaignWomen’s Day CampaignWomen’s Day CampaignWomen’s Day CampaignWomen’s Day CampaignWomen’s Day CampaignWomen’s Day CampaignWomen’s Day Campaign

8thMarch, 2013

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� For Women’s Day we decided to run #TWSS … a different

angle from the regular women-related tags.

� #TWSS began trending at 2:20pm trending at 2:20pm trending at 2:20pm trending at 2:20pm across India

� We received 1,117+ 1,117+ 1,117+ 1,117+ @mentions &621621621621RT’s

� Gained an overall Outreach of 2,65,751Outreach of 2,65,751Outreach of 2,65,751Outreach of 2,65,751

� 302 302 302 302 tweepstweepstweepstweepsparticipated in the contest

� The hashtag trended all the way until the next day!

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Why we chose #TWSS?Why we chose #TWSS?Why we chose #TWSS?Why we chose #TWSS?Why we chose #TWSS?Why we chose #TWSS?Why we chose #TWSS?Why we chose #TWSS?

� Most brands played safe and used Woman, She or Lady in their

contest hashtags… either that or created Cause-specific hashtags

� Based on Insights, we got in a widely popular term & gave it

meaning via wit as well as towards meaning cause related outcome. meaning via wit as well as towards meaning cause related outcome.

People tweeted with a slapstick angle but also used it as a # to

create some CSR effect. #MindShift

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The Results!The Results!The Results!The Results!The Results!The Results!The Results!The Results!

Impressions - 265,751

Audience Reach - 140,843


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#TWSS began trending

at 2:20pm until

the next day!

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Took over Took over Took over Took over Took over Took over Took over Took over trendsmaptrendsmaptrendsmaptrendsmaptrendsmaptrendsmaptrendsmaptrendsmap too..too..too..too..too..too..too..too..

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Overall we had 302 302 302 302 tweepstweepstweepstweeps using our hashtag

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Indirect Outreach via other brandsIndirect Outreach via other brandsIndirect Outreach via other brandsIndirect Outreach via other brandsIndirect Outreach via other brandsIndirect Outreach via other brandsIndirect Outreach via other brandsIndirect Outreach via other brands

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Gain insights on what works for your audiences before you set out to Gain insights on what works for your audiences before you set out to Gain insights on what works for your audiences before you set out to Gain insights on what works for your audiences before you set out to

invest in something and the outcome is guaranteed to be legendary!invest in something and the outcome is guaranteed to be legendary!invest in something and the outcome is guaranteed to be legendary!invest in something and the outcome is guaranteed to be legendary!

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