social 20 major essay - nationalism how to write the major...

Social 20 Major Essay - Nationalism How to Write the Major essay “Nations whose nationalism is destroyed are subject to ruin” To what extent should the ideological perspective (s) reflected in the source be embraced?

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Social 20 Major Essay - Nationalism

How to Write the Major essay

“Nations whose nationalism is destroyed are subject to ruin”

To what extent should the ideological perspective (s) reflected in the source be embraced?

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The Major Essay: Diploma Day

• The diploma exam will ask you the following:

• “To what extent should we embrace the ideological perspective(s) reflected in the source?”

• Your job is to identify the ideological perspective or perspectives identified in the source, offer a solid description of those perspectives and then answer the question using really strong argumentation and facts.

• You will do this in around 100 minutes!

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Figuring out the source

• Some sources reflect an ideological perspective clearly and simply and other sources… not so much. In Social 20 it’s going to be pretty easy- Nationalism and/or Internationalism. In Social 30 it is more complex

• So we will start developing a plan to be able to tackle any source at the 20 or 30 level

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First off then…Ask yourself two questions

Always… Ask yourself “What would happen if the perspective in the source is actually promoted?” Your answer should have good and bad stuff- Pros and ConsAt this stage right now all we have developed is Nationalism so that is where we stop as far as ideological development goes.Eg- If a nation was brought to ruin, if its nationalism was destroyed, then clearly some things would be lost. What good things would be lost? What bad things would be lost? (Which might be good, right?)So from the author’s perspective there is a need to retain nationalism.So what good can happen when nationalism is retained?So what bad things can happen when nationalism is retained?

So what are the positives and negatives of nationalism?In a couple of months when you ask yourself “What would happen if the perspective in the source is NOT promoted?” Your answer will have two possibilities- nationalism or internationalism and again your answer should have good and bad stuffBy asking these two questions you should be able to determine two possible perspectives that connect to the source. Maybe even more…

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Identify Perspectives

• When you are answering the questions follow an elementary style model. Use complete sentence answer style to get your perspectives– Right now you only have to ask yourself the first

question but be prepared for the second

– The “what can happen?” part will probably bring up features and characteristics of nationalism that we have looked at this semester. These features will also probably appear at the beginning of your body paragraphs, in your body paragraph arguments. Remember the more you develop the answers to your questions the easier your essay will be to write

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Once you have the perspective-How to write the Intro

• Step 1: Paraphrase the source

• Step 2: Identify and develop the source’s ideological perspective

• Step 3: Transition to the other side of the ideology

• Step 4: Develop the other side of the ideology

• Step 5: Write your thesis

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Step 1: Paraphrase the Source

• Once you have asked yourself the questions you have established a basic understanding of the source so now convey to the marker that you understand what the source is saying.

• An easy way to do this is to paraphrase the source. The art of paraphrasing revolves around identifying the main ideas in the source and using synonyms to replace those ideas.

• One way to start : “In the source, the author describes……..”


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Example: Paraphrasing this sourcePractice Source 2

“In the source the author describes the failure to retain nationalism as a pathway to destruction. Clearly the author associates the strength that is found within

nationalism as a needed strength for every country”

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Step 2: Identify & develop the source’s ideological perspective

• In Social 20, the main ideological perspectives we’re dealing with right now are:– Positives of Nationalism

– Negatives of Nationalism

• Step 2 is identifying and developing the ideological perspective expressed in the source – Identifying: Is the source pro/con nationalism?

• In this source, the author is clearly for nationalism

– Developing: Explaining the beliefs and values associated with that ideological perspective - make sure you include features that you plan to use in your body paragraphs. • Because the source is positive this may not happen based on our current studies

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Example: Identify & develop the ideological perspective found in source

“When nationalism exists in a country a patriotism and loyalty can develop that brings people together. This unity and camaraderie, that prevents the destruction of nationalism, revolves around a common identity that may lead to something as simple as cheering with one another during a sporting event or it can turn into something larger that starts within a nation of people but eventually works to unite the world. Nationalism can effectively bring people together creating a stronger military and defense mentality that can turn into a resolve and determination if challenged by outside interests. This focus on one’s autonomy may see sovereignty enhanced through protectionist policies. The goal throughout remains consistent , the priority is on the people in one’s country not the global community.”

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Step 3: Transition to other side of the ideology

• Making sure that you stay connected to the source, ‘twist’ things around to develop the opposing perspective.

• Remember the objective is to ‘reflect’ on an ideological perspective or perspectives so that is what we are setting up in the intro.

• The source was pro-nationalism, so now we need to get into the negatives of the ideology (neg-nationalism) so re-word the source into a transition sentence that gets us to the negatives.

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Example: Transition to other side of ideology

“Despite positive elements that can be found within nationalism too often prioritizing one’s country comes at the expense of the world. When everything is done to prevent the ruin of nationalism it may lead to increased levels of aggression and force in the world”

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Step 4: Develop other side of ideology

Now that you have linked to the negatives you need to develop this perspective………

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Example: Develop other side of ideology

“Preventing the destruction of nationalism within one’s country may lead to thinking solely about one’s country first. This sentiment may encourage a perspective that advocates for isolationism and an insular attitude that works against bettering the world. Worse, promoting nationalism, may lead to an opposite perspective that believes in expansion and conflict and stresses a jingoism and enthno-centrism that believes in the superiority over others. Further to this, avoiding the ruin of nationalism can lead to ultra-nationalismwhich can see excessive violence and persecution, sometimes even blatant racism, by one nation towards another. All with the idea of promoting one’s race and nationalist identity over others.”

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Step 5: Thesis Development

• Now that you have developed the TWO main perspectives of nationalism (con and pro), you have to answer the question!– NOTE: I am taking it easy on you– by the end of this year, this intro will

eventually incorporate both nationalism and internationalism in it

• What is a “Thesis?”– It’s your opinion offered in the answer to the question: “To what extent

should the ideological perspective (s) reflected in the source be embraced?” (Do not use ‘I’)• Fully

• Moderately

• To a minimal extent

– Your thesis should incorporate a clear explanation of the side you are taking as well as a DIRECT answer to the question

– You can start it off by saying, “Upon exploration of the source, it is clear that …”

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Example: Thesis

“Upon exploration of the source it is clear that, nationalism can be a unifying force that brings people together positively in a country. However, when excessive efforts are made to prevent the ruin of nationalism, often the world ends up embroiled in conflict and mass suffering. Therefore the ideology of nationalism, as it is reflected in the source, should be embraced minimally.”

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Practice Source

“Nationalism is the insistence that your way of life is so much better than other ways of life that it deserves to be imposed upon others”

To what extent should the ideology reflected in the source be embraced?