soccer goalie drills advanced catching and diving

Soccer goalie drills dvanced Catching and Diving Read Full Article at :

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Post on 13-May-2015




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Through numerous years of soccer goalie drills, we have come to believe that a goalkeeper’s ability to dive is truly special


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During a season and a soccer goalie drills, there will be moments within a match when the goalkeeper will be called upon to make the special save. The save will be recorded on the score sheet like any other shot attempt.

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But to the seasoned professionals, the importance of this save could be the difference between winning and losing, as well as promotion and relegation. The spectacular save not only changes the complexity of the match, but it re-energizes a team and awakens their fighting spirit.  Spectators  may  view this save  as  “unexpected,”  but  to  the  goalkeeper who puts countless hours of training into every week this  save  is the result of hard work and commitment to their craft.

Page 4: Soccer goalie drills advanced catching and diving

Through numerous years of training goalkeepers, we have come to believe that a goalkeeper’s ability to dive is truly special. Every aspiring goalkeeper who trains conscientiously has the intention of making that extraordinary diving save,soccer goalie drills by yourself but not every goalkeeper has the athletic ability to fully propel themselves through the air and catch the ball.

Page 5: Soccer goalie drills advanced catching and diving

Extension Diving: There are two types of diving saves. The more elementary version is called the Collapse Dive. A collapse dive is when the keeper catches the ball before diving. The other type of dive and the type we are identifying and training is Extension Diving or diving first and catching while flying towards the ball.