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  • 7/28/2019 Soc Sec Questions 2013


    Social Security: Your Questions Answered

    By Jason Stipp | 03-23-2013 02:30 PM

    Jason Stipp: Welcome back to Morningstar's Individual Investor Conference.

    You're sitting in on the panel Social Security: Your Questions Answered. This has

    been a very popular topic among our Morningstar readers. In this session we're

    going to be talking about a couple of strategies, strategies for divorcee, strategies

    about when to claim your Social Security. This is going to be an increasinglycritical issue for retirees as we move forward.

    I'm pleased to be joined on this panel by two Social Security gurus, folks who have

    extreme knowledge of the Social Security system. They're going to be sharing

    some of those insights with you today.

    To my immediate left is Mark Miller. Mark is a Morningstar columnist. You've

    probably seen his articles on He is the author ofThe Hard Times

    Guide to Retirement Security, Practical Strategies for Money, Work and Living. He

    also writes a syndicated column for Reuters and blogs about retirement planning

    and saving strategies on

    And joining Mark, who also joined us last year, is Mary Beth Franklin, a

    contributing editor for InvestmentNews. She is a frequent speaker on retirement

    issues, and I think she must be some kind of mystical Social Security guru. She

    knows the answers to all of these situations. So it's great to have you, Mary Beth.

    Mary Beth Franklin: Thank you.

    Stipp: Prior to joining InvestmentNews, she was a senior editor with Kiplinger's

    Personal Financemagazine, specializing in retirement planning, tax planning, and

    Social Security.

    So, before we get going. I just want to remind our viewers that we will be taking

    questions during this session, so to the right of your viewer you can enter a

    question, send it off, and we'll try to get to as many of those as possible. I should

    say we got tons of questions before this event. This is an event where there's no

    shortage of questions. We will be trying to hit some of the questions that come in

    during the panel. So let's get going without any further delay.

    Let's start, first of all, before we get into the tactics, and talk a bit about Social

    Security, the health of Social Security, some of the policy changes around Social

    Security. This is an area that seems of perennial concern now. Mark, I'd like to

    start with you. Can you give us a clear concept about the fiscal health of the SocialSecurity program? We hear these big words like insolvency and big problems that

    are coming up. What should we know about Social Security's health, the trust

    fund, how do all these factors fit together?

    Mark Miller: So, Social Security is basically designed, Jason, as a pay-as-you-go

    system, meaning that benefits are funded at base out of the payroll taxes that are

    coming in at the time as the money is going out. So, that's the payroll tax; we

    have 6.2% tax that's paid by employees and a same amount is paid by employers.

    That's the payroll tax.

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    Miller: And the very word "bankrupt" has really no meaning in the context of a

    federal program anyway, so that's a term of sort of art that's out there in the

    political dialog. But as Mary Beth is saying, the odds of this 2033 outcome

    happening I think are quite small, and it's interesting, even the Congressional

    Budget Office projections on the long range of Social Security assume that full

    benefits would be continued to get paid even if Congress does nothing. The

    downside of that is that it means that the government would essentially borrow to

    plug that difference.

    So, that's what we have in a nutshell. It's a very manageable set of questions

    about what you do to fix that problem. Interestingly, a poll that came out this

    spring asking people, the public, what would you like to see done to solve the

    problem, overwhelmingly supported the idea of a gradual increase in the payroll

    tax, number one; and number two, a gradual increase in the amount of wages that

    are subject to Social Security tax. Right now it's capped at a little under $114,000

    of income where that tax is collected. If you, over a 20-year, period make those

    changes in payroll tax rates and the cap, you would completely eliminate this

    problem. And the interesting finding, back to your point on the politics, is that

    There is also something called the Social Security Trust Fund, which we're in a

    very unusual period of time in Social Security's history right now in that we have

    an enormous trust fund surplus that's been built up, basically as the result of the

    last time Social Security was reformed, which was 1983. At that time,

    policymakers looking ahead at the age demographics of the country said we're

    going to have this enormous age wave of baby boomers. We better do something

    to build up a cushion to pay out those benefits.

    So at that time, the big change that was made was a change of the retirement agegradually from 65 to 67. We're right in the middle of that, but the upshot is that

    we began accumulating this very, very large trust fund surplus. So where we are

    at right now is those surplus funds are now starting to get drawn down as baby

    boomers do in fact start to retire and file for Social Security.

    And so, the financial issue the Social Security faces is this: The trustees of Social

    Security say that that trust fund will be gone in 2033. We'll actually get a new

    projection on that shortly when the new trustee report comes out; that will be the

    spring. But 2033 is the year in which we would, absent any other change, be back

    to a PAYGO system. And with those funds exhausted, we would then be at a point,

    again absent any other change, where Social Security benefits would have to becut by about 25%. In other words, the program would only have resources to pay

    out 75% of promised benefits to everybody using the program.

    Franklin: And let me just jump in a second. So, when people say Social Security is

    going bankrupt, it's not going bankrupt. Even under a worst-case scenario,

    sometime around 2033 when the trust funds are gone, the payroll taxes from

    workers in 2033 would still be enough to pay $0.75 out of every $1 of benefits, but

    no one is going to be satisfied with that. This is the most popular and most

    successful government program in history, and despite the fact our leaders in

    Congress have had a difficult time getting much done in the last few years, I really

    do believe they will rise to the occasion to fix this because the public will demandit.

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    about three fourths of Americans across every demographic descriptor you could

    think of, whether that's age, income, or political affiliation, supported this

    approach. So, this is probably where, when the dust settles, we will see this go. We

    will see some reforms done to shore up Social Security.

    Franklin: The other important point to make is that when this was created in

    1935, it was created as an earned benefit. People pay payroll taxes to support their

    future benefits. It is not welfare, and that's one of the reasons it is so popular,

    because people pay into it, they expect to get a benefit, and it's universal; 94% ofall Americans pay into this, so it has great political clout.

    Miller: The last thing I want to say about this is, well, why is it that we would have

    this problem of only $0.75 on the $1 come 2033. A lot of people like to say, well,

    it's because we are all l iving longer or something along that line. What the Social

    Security actuaries will tell you is there are really two reasons that there is an

    adjustment that needs to be made to keep things in balance. One is we've had a

    declining birth rate. So again, a PAYGO system, fewer workers coming into the

    system. And the other is the stagnation and weakness we've seen in wages in the

    country. So there's a broad economic problem we have as a country that's causing

    weakness in the payroll tax inflow.

    Stipp: And, Mary Beth, you also mentioned in our premeeting, before this panel,

    that this is different than Medicare, too, and this goes back to the idea of an

    entitlement program versus a paid-in benefit. So when you're talking about Social

    Security and you're talking about Medicare, even though they often get lumped

    together, they're really two separate things.

    Franklin: They are two separate issues. Social Security, as we mentioned,

    generally does not add to the deficit. It is paid for with payroll taxes and interest

    on the earnings; it's self-sufficient. Medicare is heavily subsidized by the

    government. Retirees pay premiums, but that only covers about 25% of the costs,which means the government is paying about 75% of the cost of Medicare. As we

    know, health-care inflation is much higher than general inflation, and we have this

    enormous boom of baby boomers hitting retirement age. So, there is a structural

    problem there, and things are going to have to be fixed.

    Miller: One thing to add to that though is you do have a payroll tax for Medicare,

    which supports Medicare Part A, the hospitalization program. It doesn't support all

    of it, but there is a dedicated payroll tax stream just for that part of the program,

    but as Mary Beth is saying, beyond that, it's really a mix of the payroll tax, general

    revenue, and premiums.

    Stipp: You mentioned that there was pretty strong support for bumping up that

    payroll tax over time to help cover some of the shortfalls that we might see

    because of the demographic changes and other things that you mentioned. But

    other things have been on the table for Social Security, and I'd like to get your

    take on them. One of them is means testing, so this is something where you would

    collect Social Security if you didn't have enough money in retirement. So, there

    would be some kind of an income test before you would collect from it. Do you

    think this is a possibility that we'll see in the system?

    Miller: I actually doubt it. The big reason is you don't really achieve very much

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    with means testing. While it sounds like a very reasonable thing to say, the line

    you hear about this all the time is Warren Buffett doesn't need Social Security. No

    debate in that, but the fact is, there arent a lot of Warren Buffetts. So the

    statistics tell you that 90% of benefits from Social Security go to people with

    $50,000 or less in non-Social Security income, so this is a middle-class program.

    Franklin: The other thing is the way the benefits are already structured is that

    lower-income workers, who haven't had the opportunity to save for their own

    retirement, get a larger percentage of the benefits. It really is tilted toward lower-income workers, but more importantly everybody who has paid into the system

    gets something out of it.

    Miller: One of the points of confusion about means testing is that the Simpson-

    Bowles report on deficit commission did include a recommendation that was

    interpreted to be a means test. It was discussed as means test. And people point to

    that saying well that would cut half of the Social Security problem out of the

    picture. But what they didn't really propose true means testing.

    Classic means testing is like what we have in Medicaid where you look at person in

    a current time and [determine whether] they have assets above X or Y to be ableto afford something; that's means testing. What Simpson-Bowles proposed really

    was a change in the formula that measures lifetime earnings and determines your

    credit. So it's not real means testing; it was looking at your whole lifetime.

    So we don't have a real means-testing plan on the table. And administering that I

    think would be quite complicated because you have to go through this enormous

    testing; imagine having to submit all these tax returns and so on.

    The last point is I think the other reason means testing would be ineffective is it

    would essentially create a perverse incentive for people to save less, meaning if I

    know that if I trip a certain number and my benefits get cut, do I have as much of

    an incentive to keep stocking money away in an IRA? I mean, it's going to come

    out one side or the other. So there are a lot of reasons that means testing is highly

    problematic, and I think unlikely to occur.

    Stipp: Another thing that could affect benefits is this notion of the inflation

    indexing. And so there's an inflation adjustment for Social Security payouts, and

    it's using a certain inflation measure now. There's been talk of changing it to

    something called the Chained CPI. What is that, and what does it mean bottom

    line, if it went into effect, for my benefits from Social Security?

    Franklin: One of the great values of Social Security is the fact it is inflation-

    adjusted. Even people who have traditional pensions, most of them don't have aninflation adjustment, which means over the years their pension is worth less. Here

    Social Security keeps up year after year with your buying power. The way inflation

    is adjusted now across the board in the government is, it measures a basket of

    goods, it measures inflation, and it applies this adjustment each year. The Chained

    CPI basically says well, when steak gets too expensive people just switch to

    chicken. So, our new inflation adjustment is going to take that into effect.

    Opponents of this say, no that's just a benefit cut. And it's particularly difficult for

    the elderly because their inflation is different. They tend to pay maybe less for food

    and housing and a lot more for medical expenses. So even under the current

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    system it really doesn't reflect the real sense of inflation and this would just

    exacerbate it. So, it's talked about a lot again. I think it would be very

    controversial to impose it.

    Miller: And it also is something--of all the different changes that are into

    discussion--it's the one that it would begin impacting people right away, with that

    0.3% difference, which then compounds over the years. So, every year you're

    starting from that lower base.

    Franklin: Because we always say that most people who are 55-plus, 60-plus,

    probably would not be affected by any proposed changes except something like the

    inflation adjustment. I think that would be applied across the board.

    Miller: The other interesting thing about Chained CPI is most of the proposals on

    this, this is not just a Social Security thing. It's a change across the entire federal

    government. So, for example, will it change the way that federal income tax

    brackets are adjusted for inflation. So, it attracts some opposition from

    conservatives, too, who dislike it because they see it as ineffectively a stealth tax


    Stipp: Mark, you've also done some research around the idea of raising the

    retirement age. So on the face of it this seems like not unreasonable. People are

    living longer, so maybe the retirement age should be a little bit higher. But it can

    actually have, as you found in your work, a pretty substantial impact on your


    Miller: It really is a benefit cut for everybody no matter when you retire. This is

    one of the things that people don't understand about this question. Because people

    think, "Well, after all, I will work longer and so on." But the reason that it is a cut

    is this, that, Social Security is organized around the notion of the full retirement

    age, which is right now 66, and it's on its way to 67 in 2020.

    So, today, if I retire at 65, because of the way that benefits are structured, I would

    get my full retirement age minus a year's credit. You get more or less against that

    hoop that you have to jump through of the full retirement age. And likewise, if I

    retire at 66 today, when the retirement age used to be 65, it used be the 66 was

    plus one year of credit. So up until, age 70 that sliding movement of the

    retirement age effectively works as a cut.

    To illustrate the changes in 1983 as we mentioned earlier, we gradually moved the

    retirement age from 65 to 67. The best estimates I've seen on this suggest that,

    when that change is fully implemented in 2020, people who retire in 2020 will see

    their lifetime benefits cut by about 15%, as a result just of that move. So, it's anacross-the-board benefit cut.

    Franklin: But the flip side of that is, yes people are living longer and when Social

    Security was created in 1935, the 65 as a normal retirement age was fairly

    arbitrary. That's what [chancellor Otto von] Bismarck had done in Germany for its

    pension system [in the 19th century], and life expectancy from birth in the United

    States was only about 62 [in 1935, so the Social Security retirement age] was set

    as a higher bar.

    If you extrapolate the life expectancy we have now, if we did it on the same

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    premises back in 1935, normal retirement age would be about 83 now. So, even if

    it has gradually increased, it's still a pretty good deal, and you're talking today's

    4-year-olds might have to wait until 70 to collect their full benefits.

    Stipp: Let's move and talk about some of the nuts and bolts of Social Security.

    Because this is where we really get into some of the red meat about how people

    should manage their Social Security benefits, and it can make a big difference. We

    will start pretty basic. We had a few reader questions asking about eligibility. Mary

    Beth, can you just lay out the eligibility rules for Social Security and who cancollect it?

    Franklin: Right. As Mark had mentioned, the current full retirement age is now

    66. If you collect at 66, you get 100% of your promised benefits. You can still

    collect as early as 62, but you will take a permanent haircut. If you start at 62,

    you will get 25% less. Then there is also this incentive to wait longer, you can wait

    up until age 70 and for every year you delay between your normal retirement age

    66, and age 70, you get an extra 8% a year.

    So, that means you if wait until 70, you will have a 132% of your basic benefit.

    The difference between collecting early at 62 and collecting at 70 is almost doublethe benefit. And more importantly that bigger base you get will be a bigger base

    for all the future cost-of-living adjustments. So, for people living longer who can

    afford to delay their benefits, it's a real substantial chunk of guaranteed retirement

    income for the rest of their life.

    Stipp: And Mark, what kind of work history do you need to have in order to be

    able to collect Social Security?

    Miller: Its 40 quarters of credit.

    Franklin: It's basically 10 years.

    Miller: 10 years of work basically.

    Franklin: And that's part-time work, essentially. You don't even have to have

    full-time work.

    Miller: That 8% that Mary Beth just talked about I think is worth drilling on for

    just a minute. If you think about delaying for a year, and let's say you are no

    longer working and you have to fund living expenses out of savings to delay a

    year--money that you'd have otherwise being using for Social Security--if you

    thought about that as an investment in an annuity and what kind of return you are

    getting, that's an 8% return. That beats almost anything you could possibly get.

    Franklin: And it's a risk-free 8%.

    Miller: And it's going to be an inflation-adjusted 8%.

    Franklin: It's extremely valuable.

    Miller: So, there has been some really good research on that, comparing different

    ways to basically buy annuity, and this is one of the very best ways you can do it.

    Stipp: So, we have some slides up for readers to help with some of these concepts.

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    So there is a "What's Your Number" slide here? And the slides are also available to

    viewers in the chat module below. So you can follow along with some of these

    concepts. We're talking about the full retirement age now at 66, and then there is

    a range depending on when you were born.

    And I just want to talk about some of the core concepts we've already talked about

    when you can claim and what you can claim? You can obviously start as early as

    age 62, you can delay it. And Mark, you've written a lot about the benefits of

    delaying it. We do get a lot of questions about "Well if I invest that money, maybeI can do better."

    There is also a concept known as the break-even age. So, what is that, and how

    does that factor in? Because some people want to collect it earlier because they

    will start getting paid earlier and pretty conceivably get paid longer is the idea.

    Miller: Break-even is looking at this concept of Social Security from a lifetime

    benefit standpoint and how long do you need to live in order to make back what

    you would have received had you started at 62, it's that simple. So, I always say

    that lifetime is kind of the wrong way to look at it. I think you want to look at it

    Franklin: Right, it's income.

    Miller: Its income. Maybe nobody banks Social Security, right. I mean I can't think

    of what that circumstance would be. You use it to meet your l iving expenses. This

    is a social insurance program. What is this insuring? It's insuring against the risk of

    outliving your money. So, whatever you can do to maximize that insurance

    lifetime, monthly, month-in month-out is the way to look at it. So, that's what

    break-even though is.

    Franklin: But as someone had said to me, you must be present to win. So if you

    have health issues. I mean this is all based on average life expectancy. If you don't

    think you're going to make it until 78 or so, go ahead and take it early. But as we'lltalk in a few minutes, there are strategies for married couples where it's not just

    when you take your benefits, but locking in the biggest benefit for the surviving

    spouse, whichever one that is.

    Miller: Great point. I mean, there are a million different reasons why you might

    want to file early. But that's what break-even is all about.

    Stipp: Here is an interesting question from Greg M., and this is a question we got

    when we were soliciting for reader feedback. If a person is single and will have to

    take additional IRA funds to make up a difference of not taking at age 62, isn't the

    advantage of waiting diminished? So I, in other words, will have to start drawingdown from my own investments if I don't start at age 62, and it doesn't seem like a

    good thing because those investments won't work for me as long. I'm starting to

    maybe tap my capital. How do I make that trade-off of taking money out of my

    investments to wait [in taking Social Security], or wait and get a higher payout


    Franklin: Mark is going to take this because I know you want to cite that study.

    Miller: And we can put up a link to this later, but there has been some great

    research looking at that interplay of Social Security and portfolio life. Most of the

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    research suggests that that delaying tactic actually is very positive for the

    long-term portfolio health, even though it sounds counterintuitive for the reason

    that the reader suggests. But what happens is that huge increase in benefits that

    Mary Beth talked about a minute ago takes so much pressure off the need to draw

    down the portfolio as you move down that path that it's extremely positive. It can

    extend portfolio life anywhere from three to 10 years, depending on all the

    variables that would come in there.

    Franklin: It can actually help your taxes in retirement later on because keep inmind if you are drawing money from a traditional IRA, you are paying taxes on

    every dollar you are taking out. But with Social Security, depending on your

    income, a portion of it is going to be tax-free. So, as you replace more of your

    income as you get older with Social Security benefits that are not fully taxable and

    reducing the amount of IRA withdrawals, which are taxable, you could actually end

    up paying less in taxes.

    Miller: And it gives you maybe more flexibility in managing that mix.

    Franklin: Exactly.

    Stipp: Lots and lots of questions about couples strategies, so we have some

    couples planning basic key concepts, and, Mary Beth, you had supplied this

    information for us, so thank you for that. Again, you can download these slides in

    the chat module that's below the viewer. But let's talk about some of the key

    concepts behind couples planning before we dig into some scenarios. What's the

    basic framework for how couples' Social Security benefits work?

    Franklin: The basic concept is, as a worker who has at least the minimum amount

    of 10 years of work, they're going to qualify for Social Security benefits on their

    own work record. Their spouse, let's say, this spouse never worked and I'm going

    to say it's the wife, but its gender neutral, the spouse qualifies for benefits equal

    to 50% of what the worker gets. That's in addition to the worker's 100%.

    Now a lot of it is age-based. Id like to call 66, the current retirement age, full

    retirement age as the magic age for three reasons. If you wait unti l 66, you get

    your full retirement benefit. If you wait until 66 and you continue to work, you get

    your full benefits without any reduction from the earnings cap, which we can talk

    about in a minute. And most importantly, if you wait until the magic age of 66, you

    can exercise some of these strategies, which for married couples, and that can

    even include widows and divorced spouses in some cases, you can really maximize

    your benefits. So maybe you want to give us the question and we will give an

    example of how it works.

    Stipp: So there are several long questions. So the question from reader, Steph.

    "My husband is retired. When I turn 62 in three years, can I collect his Social

    Security and wait to collect on mine until at least my full retirement age?"

    Franklin: Greatquestion, and the short answer is no. Yes, she can collect at age

    62. She will get that permanent 25% haircut on her own. But anytime you collect

    benefits before the magic age of 66, you can't separate it. You have to take the

    highest benefit to which you are entitled, whether it's your own benefit on your

    own work record, or as a spouse. If she waited until 66, she can exercise this

    wonderful strategy called "restricting a claim to spousal benefits only." She could

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    say, my husband is collecting his benefit, I'm 66, tell Social Security I just want my

    spousal benefit, which is half of his. My own benefit is going to keep growing by

    8% a year, and at 70 I'm going to switch to my own. And it's going to be worth a

    132% of what it would have been at 66. This can be an enormous strategy for

    couples trying to maximize the retirement income.

    Stipp: Another question, another scenario: "I have just turned 66," so thats that

    magic age. "I am working full-time at a job with a six-figure salary, which I plan to

    continue," so making a good salary. "I'd like to start receiving my full SocialSecurity benefit right now, but I hesitate because I wonder about my spousal

    benefit from my wife, who is retired, versus my benefit. Is it better to take the

    spousal benefit first and wait until 70?" So, there are, obviously, some variables


    Franklin: It's exactly the scenario we just described, because he is 66, magic age.

    He's at full retirement. He can keep working. He wont lose money to the earnings

    cap, and he can say to Social Security, "Restrict my claim to spousal benefits only,

    give me half of what she's getting, and mine is going to keep growing at 8% a


    Miller: One other thing about that situation thats interesting is, he's in a situation

    where he could trigger problems with Medicare because if hes got a high income

    plus Social Security, he is going to be above the $85,000 for individuals, and Im

    forgetting the number.

    Franklin: $170,000.

    Miller: $170,000 [for couples filing a joint tax return]. It's possible you could trip

    the number that pushes you into the high-income Medicare premium surcharges,

    which are very large. So, if you have high ordinary income from work, you really

    want to watch your strategies for additional income coming in for Social Security

    for these other reasons, outside of just maximizing Social Security.

    Franklin: This is not your grandfather's retirement. It's gotten really complicated.

    Stipp: On that point, so there are a lot of different variables to keep in mind here.

    Are there any tools that you guys like to try to figure this out? Because everyone s

    situation is different; we are taking some questions from readers now, and I would

    advise them as well to really think through these issues. We don't have all of their

    information, but there are a lot of variables, lot of moving parts here. Where can

    people go to get a better sense of what's a good plan essentially?

    Franklin: Do you want to start first, Mark. I mean, there is a lot of great stuff outthere.

    Miller: Yeah. We probably agree on some of them. There are a variety of tools

    online that are both free and some that have some small fees attached. In the free

    category, you can go on the Social Security website to just get an estimate of your

    own benefit, and also a play with different retirement ages. It's fairly basic. The

    AARP website also has a pretty good free tool that lets you play with different

    scenarios for your filing.

    Franklin: It's a good educational tool.

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    Miller: It's a good educational tool. AARP also launched recently that's I think

    terrific is an online searchable database of most frequently asked questions. It's

    sort of the technology version of Mary Beth. She knows all this in her head.

    They've got it in the database. Slightly more sophisticated, but also involving a fee,

    one that I think is terrific and I think [Mary Beth likes], too, is called

    Franklin: Absolutely, yeah.

    Miller: Launched by a couple of people who are actuarial experts and academics in

    this area. For a reasonable fee, it ranges depending on what level you take, from

    $80 to a couple of hundred dollars. You put in a very small amount of information,

    the work required on the front end is small, one of the reasons I like it. You put in

    your and your spouse's birth dates, Social Security numbers, and a couple of other


    Franklin: And your estimated benefits.

    Miller: And your estimated benefit, you go get that from the Social Security site. It

    then spits back a 20-page PDF document outlining different strategies you mightconsider for maximizing benefits. I think that's pretty slick, and for a couple

    hundred dollars, boy, is that a possible big return on your investment.

    Franklin: I think it's one of the best things out there for consumers. There's other

    software out there for financial advisors. But I really think this is the best for

    consumers, and they actually have a Step B section to that software called It's affiliated with Social Security Solutions, and for those

    people who want to look at their whole retirement-income picture, including the

    tax efficiency of drawing down from different accounts and how their Social

    Security fits into it, I think it's well worth the money involved. It s not a big

    expense, and you are talking perhaps a difference of $100,000 over the jointlifetime of a married couple.

    Miller: And what's so great about that, too, is just that it doesn't require a ton of

    work on the front end. Some of the tools that are out there, you can spend a whole

    weekend just inputting data, and this is very, very slick and simple.

    Franklin: One other point mentioning the Social Security site itself, a lot of people

    do not realize that the Social Security benefit is no longer in the mail. Because of

    budget cuts, Social Security is no longer mailing these out.

    Miller: You mean the statement, the annual statement?

    Franklin: The statement, I'm sorry. The statement, correct. So if you want your

    information, which I encourage everyone to get, they need to go to and set

    up their own, it's called My Account, and it's actually your personalized statement

    just like the old paper one used to be, but online.

    Stipp: Mark, I heard Mary Beth mention a $100,000 figure. These are important

    decisions, and you mention that there is big implications for getting this right. So

    these are some great tools that you've mentioned, but we are talking about a lot of

    money here to make sure that you make this a good decision.

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    Miller: Yes, and it's surprising. This is a big deal for middle-class households. It's a

    big deal for what you might call mass affluent households, and even for wealthier

    households. I did a column recently on this subject. We took this question of, all

    right, what if 2033 rolls around and the unlikely happens, that benefits were cut

    25%, just because you hear this discussed so much in the press. It's like, well,

    everybody should be discounting their benefits because we know this problem is


    So, working with a financial planner we actually created scenarios for different sort

    of levels of wealth with some hypothetical households, and it was really interesting

    to see the implication of a cut in benefits even on fairly well-off households

    because of these issues of longevity, portfolio exhaustion that can incur in the

    far-out years, particularly with woman living longer than men, there is this issue of

    running out of money, and that's the thing that Social Security is so good at. So,

    one way of looking at your question is a benefit cut, the other is making the best

    decision plus/minus 10%, lifetime 15% of your benefit can be a very big deal, and

    I was surprised to see how far up the affluence ladder this impact actually goes.

    Franklin: Following on that point. Mark mentioned the importance of survivorbenefits. This is what a lot of people don't understand that when a husband and

    wife are making their decision of when they are going to claim their benefits, their

    main goal for most people should be to get the biggest benefit possible for the

    surviving spouse, and the way Social Security benefits work, we talked about a

    spousal benefit is 50% of the worker's benefit; a survivor benefit is a 100% of the

    worker's benefit including those 8%-a-year delayed retirement credits. So, for that

    higher-earning husband who delays taking his benefits until 70, he is not just

    getting the biggest bang for his buck, but if he dies first and sorry guys that's

    actuarially the way it is going to work, she will have this bigger benefit for the rest

    of her life, the smaller benefit will disappear at that point, but the household will

    maintain the biggest benefit.

    Miller: I think that point ties back to what we were talking about earlier on

    break-even, this notion of the break-even point, because when you look at married

    couples there is a pretty good chance that one member of the household will far


    Franklin: Make it until 92, yeah.

    Miller: the break-even point. So, these strategies become so important. It's

    timely to be talking about married couples right now too because the Supreme

    Court [is hearing] the issue of the Defense of Marriage Act, and I think we even

    got a few questions about civil union and so on. This is an issue I've written some

    about, whatever gets decided on the Defense of Marriage Act will have a big

    implication for Social Security benefits for same-sex couples. Civil union is not a

    relevant concept to Social Security because of DOMA. DOMA essentially, as we

    know, defines a marriage between a man and a woman. So, Social Security and

    any other federal program that has its hands tied can only look at a married couple

    under that definition.

    If that changes, then Social Security will change, and it will then recognize any

    married couple. So if you live in a state with same-sex marriage, you will, to Social

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    Security, look the same as a traditional hetero marriage. So, that's going to be a

    big deal, and a lot of people are watching it closely. And because of all things we

    talked about, the importance of these spousal strategies, the implications for

    retirement security for same-sex couples is huge. It also has applications for

    Medicare, 401(k), IRA, it goes way down the path.

    Stipp: Another question that involves the spousal benefits and the survivor

    benefits we got from the reader, what if one spouse has not completed 40 quarters

    of work? How does that work as far as spousal benefit or the survivor benefit?

    Franklin: Well, remember, as long as you are married to someone who qualifies

    for Social Security, you qualify for spousal benefits. This was designed for Ozzie

    and Harriet back in the 1930s when most women did not work. So as long as one

    member has Social Security benefits then the spouse can get it.

    The other thing I'd like to mention, when I go around the country talking about

    this, the question I get the most is from divorced spouses. So many people do not

    realize that if they were married to the same-spouse for at least 10 years and are

    currently not married, they too are entitled to spousal benefits just as if they were

    married. And what's really important is that ex-spouse doesn't even have to file forbenefits. They just have to be old enough to file for benefits. So, they can't say

    "I'm never going to retire; I'm never get die." As long as that ex-spouse is 62 and

    you are at least 62 and you are married for 10 years you can quality for spousal

    benefits, but more importantly, you could use one of these strategies that wait

    until 66. And [then you can say] to Social Security "I want to restrict my benefits

    to spousal benefits only," collect on the ex, and let your own benefits grow 8% a

    year up to age 70.

    Stipp: Since you brought up the issue of divorce, we did get a reader question.

    What about in the case of re-marriage, how do benefits work there?

    Franklin: If you are divorced, you must be unmarried to collect on an ex-spouse,

    but if you are a survivor, you're a widow or a widower, and you wait until after age

    60 to remarry, you can continue your survivor benefits. Even if you were divorced

    and the ex died and you waited until after 60 to remarry, you can collect. Believe

    it or not, I get calls from people, "I've been married three times," as long as they

    each lasted at least 10 years, you get to pick the benefit of the highest benefit. It's

    like tic-tac-toe.

    Stipp: So let's move on to what you call Magic Strategies, Mary Beth. We have

    some information here for readers that you provided for us. And these are

    strategies where couples can essentially maximize their payments. Some folks

    have heard a little bit, we got a few questions about them, but let's walk through

    the basics of the Magic Strategies, the first is called file and suspend. How does

    that work? When would you use it?

    Franklin: And again, this is the idea. You must wait until 66, the current normal

    retirement age to do this. But let's say you have an Ozzie and Harriet situation

    when the man has worked his whole life and the wife has little or no earnings on

    record. He wants to keep working until 70 because he knows he wants to maximize

    that survivor benefit; she, frankly, would like some money now.

    If he waits until 66, he can say to Social Security, "I want to file and suspend." For

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    that purpose, that triggers her spousal benefits, so she can collect, as long as she's

    at least 62; he does not collect his. His continues to grow 8% a year up to age 70.

    This is the best of both worlds. It allows a couple where there's a major earner and

    maybe one with little or no earnings to get some income now, collecting spousal

    benefits and then delaying the biggest benefit until later, and this works not just

    with spouses, but with minor children. We have so many older men who have

    second marriages, pushing the baby carriage with their AARP card. What a lot of

    people don't realize is if a parent is collecting Social Security retirement benefits

    and there are minor dependent children in the household, the children each get

    benefits up to 50% of the amount of the retirement benefit subject to a family

    maximum. So, you have two kids that are 12 and 14, dad gets retirement, they do


    Stipp: Let's take a scenario here and you can talk through and see how this

    applies potentially. So, Richard asked, "My wife and I are interested in maximizing

    our Social Security. I don't plan to start drawing Social Security until I get the

    maximum amount. We are both in good health. We have enough saved so that we

    won't need to begin withdrawing from our accounts until later. I've heard the

    younger spouse applying for spousal benefits when they turn 62 then changing to

    their own benefits when they turn 70."

    Franklin: That doesn't quite work that way. They've got it a little confused. Yes,

    she could collect as early as 62 with that permanent reduction, she'd get 75% of

    her benefits, but any time you collect benefits before your normal retirement age,

    you lose the opportunity for these other strategies like file and suspend or

    whatever. So, she couldn't just turn 66 and say "I want my own benefits now."

    She's given up that opportunity, but again, when you look at a married couple as

    an economic unit, in many cases it does make sense for one to claim early even

    though it's reduced and for the other to claim later to get the maximum benefit,

    because here's something else people don't understand. Social security retirement

    benefits and survivor benefits are two separate pots of money.

    Even though she takes Social Security benefits at 62 and the retirement benefits

    are permanently reduced, if he dies she steps up to a survivor benefit 100% of

    what he got, and as long as she is at least normal retirement age when she collects

    a survivor benefit, there is no reduction. So, she really has her cake and eat it too,

    get the reduced benefit now, step up to bigger retirement benefits when he claims

    and then step up to unreduced survivor benefits.

    Stipp: So, in the case where someone might be taking at 62, that would usually be

    the lower-income earner, because the higher-income earner you are wanting to

    wait until at least that normal retirement age?

    Franklin: Right. And then here is what I'd like to do for power couples, they both

    have substantial earnings on their own record. They can do a combination. Now

    this assumes they are both roughly the same age. At 66, the higher earner can say

    to Social Security, "I want to file and to suspend." That triggers benefits for the

    spouse, who is also 66 and says, "I want to restrict my claim to spousal benefits


    What happens is, one gets zero for right now, one gets a spousal benefit worth

    50%, both of their benefits continue to grow 8% a year, and at age 70 they both

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    get their maximum benefits. To give you an idea how much money we are talking

    about, if both of their normal retirement age benefits were about $2,000 a month,

    by the time they got their maximum benefits, that works out to about $72,000 a

    year combined. And thats cost of living adjusted for the rest of their lives.

    Stipp: A question from Andrea, she asked about civil unions, but she also said

    what criteria should one consider when deciding if marriage is more advantageous

    for Social Security versus if both people remain single. So, it sounds like married

    couples do have access to other strategies.

    Franklin: Exactly.

    Stipp: A good idea if you are so inclined anyway to go ahead and get married if

    you're not already, versus some sort of separate benefits?

    Franklin: I'm sure Social Security is reason enough to get married, but I would

    like to see marriage vows change to say and in the event death does not do us

    apart make it at least a decade because people who are married nine years and get

    divorced can't use these divorce strategies. So, I would like every divorce attorney

    in the country to be aware that marriages need to last 10 years in order for an

    ex-spouse to get benefits.

    Miller: Yeah, setting aside the relationship side of things, marriage is very

    beneficial in Social Security. The rules are designed very much around helping

    married couples.

    Stipp: Let's just review, you already talked a bit about the divorce rules, but we

    have a slide for folks, you mentioned collect on your ex. So, let's just review what

    the rules are again so folks are clear. If you are divorced, when can you collect,

    when can't you collect, and what do you need to really keep in mind about that?

    Franklin: The first rule is you must have been married to the same spouse for atleast 10 years. Now, you could have been married three years, gotten divorced,

    remarried the same person for seven years, that works. You're married at least 10

    years to the same spouse; you're divorced and currently unmarried--that's the

    other key. Then you can claim spousal benefits equal to half of the worker's full

    retirement age benefit as early as age 62, but anytime you collect before age 66

    and you're still working, you're going to lose some benefits to the earnings cap,

    and you can't get fancy with your strategies.

    But since so many divorced women have to keep working, if they wait unti l 66,

    they can a file restricted claim for spousal benefits only, collect half of their ex's

    benefit, and he doesn't even have to know about it. It doesn't take money awayfrom him. He could be remarried to another wife. It doesn't affect her. You still get

    this benefit. And then wait until age 70 and collect your own benefit which at that

    point is going to be worth 132% a year. And again remember spousal benefits are

    50%, survivor benefits are 100%. If your ex dies you may be entitled to get a

    survivor benefit, even if he is remarried worth 100% of what he was entitled to.

    Stipp: So, these are very important things to keep in mind for folks who had been

    married before. I think you covered some of these survivor benefit key topics that

    you had listed. We had a few questions on survivor benefits from some of our

    readers that we got when they were registering.

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    So, Benny asks, "My wife's family lives a long time, often into their 90s. My wife

    has been a housewife almost all her wife and she has almost no Social Security. I

    am two years younger than my wife. How can I make sure we maximize our Social

    Security for both before and after I am gone?" So, a lot of topics we have already

    talked about could come into play here, but what would you suggest in a scenario

    like this?

    Franklin: Right. Now, it does get harder when the lower-earning spouse, often thewife, is older because she often has to wait for him to file to trigger her benefits. If

    she had any work history of her own, she probably wants to go ahead and take it

    at 62 even though it's reduced because she has got to step up to a survivor benefit

    later. If she has no benefits on her own, she can't claim. She has nothing to claim

    on. So, he might want to wait until he is 66, she would be 68 at that point, he

    would file and suspend for the purpose of triggering her benefits. He would delay

    collecting his own until age 70 when they are worth 132%. That way they have

    this big chunk of money as a couple and whoever dies first whether it's a husband

    or a wife, the largest benefit is going to survive, the smaller benefit will disappear.

    So, it's a great strategy for couples.

    Miller: Especially, when you have expectation of a great deal of longevity.

    Stipp: Another question, we got a couple of questions like this as folks were

    registering for the event. "My question is one of timing and benefits of taking

    Social Security for both spouses. I am age 66 and my wife is 55. I plan to begin

    taking Social Security at age 70. Her retirement benefit would be smaller than

    mine at any of her ages 62, 66 or 70. Is there an effect to my spouse on when she

    claims her Social Security benefit once I have passed? I have to assume that I may

    or may not have passed by her ideal age to take Social Security."

    Franklin: Good point that you raised because we keep talking about the early

    retirement benefit at age 62, but it's different for survivors. Widows and widowers

    can collect as early as age 60. So perhaps in this scenario, he has died, she can get

    survivor benefits as early as age 60. Now, they will be reduced compared with

    what they would have been at her normal retirement age, and again, we

    mentioned earlier that retirement and survivor benefits are two different pots of

    money. So depending on what her own benefit was, she could take survivor

    benefits at age 60 until age 66 when her own retirement benefits could kick in at

    the full benefits. There's lots of ways they can play around with that.

    Miller: Could she then go back to survivor benefits at a later point or once you've

    done that, you're done?

    Franklin: Probably you would only do which would be higher.

    Miller: Which would be higher, yeah.

    Franklin: And the other thing to keep in mind is, if you collect benefits before 66,

    and you're still working, you're going to lose money to the Earnings Test, and

    maybe that's something we should talk about now. We keep referring to the

    Earnings Test without explaining it. [Mark,] do you want to go into it?

    Miller: Go ahead.

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    Franklin: The Earnings Test says if you collect benefits before your normal

    retirement age and continue to work--this is money from a job, not from

    investments--in 2013 there's an earnings cap of $15,130 a year, I think. If you

    earn more than that, basically you lose $1 in benefits for every $2 you earn over

    the limit. Effectively that means if you earn more than $45,000 a year, all your

    benefits go away. They're not gone forever. They're actually deferred. What

    happens is, "I took benefits at 62. I kept working, I earned, and I've to give money

    back." When I get to my normal retirement age, Social Security looks back at myrecord and said, "Well, you claimed at 62, but you gave back two years' worth." So,

    it's really as if you claimed at 64, so you get a smaller haircut in benefits than you

    would have otherwise.

    Stipp: We have about five minutes left. We got a lot of other questions I'd like to

    try to get to. Hopefully they will be a little bit easier and not quite as complicated

    as all the scenarios, but we have a few questions on Social Security and Social

    Security disability, and I think that there is some confusion here about these

    benefits. So, one is, "I am 62 and receive Social Security disability payments.

    When Social Security retirement benefit payments begin at age 66 will I receive

    the same amount as my Social Security disability payment?"

    Franklin: Yes. Basically, it's an accounting change. You get the same check; it's

    just now called "retirement" rather than "disability."

    Stipp: I think we touched on some of this before, when we were speaking of

    taxation issues, but when again are Social Security benefits taxable? What tax do

    you pay on them, and what should folks keep in mind about tax liabilities with

    Social Security benefit?

    Franklin: [Mark,] would you like to go into this?

    Miller: I'm struggling remembering the number now; you probably have it at yourfingertips.

    Franklin: Anyone who is single, whose provisional income, which I will explain in a

    second, is above $25,000, some of their Social Security benefits will be taxed, and

    for married couples, it's above $34,000 joint income. But it's not income the way

    you normally think of it for taxes. It's all of your taxable income plus all of your

    tax-exempt income like if you invest in municipal bonds, plus half of your Social

    Security benefits. And when you add that together, if you're single and that adds

    up to more than $25,000, some of your benefits are going to be taxed. If you're

    married, if it's over $34,000, it would be taxed. There are two levels. Up to half of

    your benefits could be taxed and then when you hit the second tier, 85% could betaxed. But if you look at it the other way, you're guaranteed that at least 15% of

    your Social Security benefits will not be taxed under any circumstances compared

    with taking money out of a traditional IRA where everything is taxed.

    Miller: This gets more interesting as more people work longer. So, this is going to

    become a more important issue, the same as Medicare, some of these things we

    were talking about earlier with these high-income surcharges. So, work and

    retirement is going to get to be a much more interesting and complex planning


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    Franklin: And the other thing, this was a result of the big changes to Social

    Security in 1983 when they taxed benefits for the first time, but those levels have

    never been indexed for inflation. So, every year as people's incomes rise more and

    more people are paying taxes on their Social Security benefits.

    Miller: Another point here is that some states levy taxes on Social Security

    benefits and some do not.

    Franklin: Right. I think about 36 states do not tax Social Security benefits at this

    point. So, when you're looking at where to retire, it's one of the things to think


    Miller: [Mary Beth,] you'd know this. States that do [tax], do they use the same

    formula that you described the federal level?

    Franklin: It's sort of all over the lot. Some use the federal income tax as the base

    and some don't.

    Miller: OK.

    Stipp: So, when you were laying that out, you included investment income as part

    of that calculation? We had a question about someone who had inherited a 401(k)

    and has to take payments from that 401(k).

    Franklin: That's taxable income.

    Stipp: So, that will considered as in part of the calculation?

    Franklin: Yes.

    Miller: That's ordinary income.

    Stipp: A question, an interesting one, "Does the spouse need to have a SocialSecurity number to get spousal benefits?" The spouse is on a dependent visa, the

    question says. Do we know about how works?

    Franklin: That's a really good question. I don't know the answer to be honest, and

    rather than guess wrong, I'll just say I don't know.

    Miller: We'll get back to you.

    Stipp: And lastly, I think we have just about a minute left. Mary Beth, you

    recently wrote about something called lump sum; the lump sum option in Social

    Security, how does that work?

    Franklin: Basically, once you've reached your normal retirement age of 66 and

    you choose to delay at some point beyond that, when you start your benefits, you

    can request up to six months of retroactive benefits as a lump sum. But you can't

    double count. Let's say, if I were planning to start my benefits at 66 in six months,

    and I say give me six months of a lump sum, they're going to calculate my future

    benefits as if I claimed at age 66. So you can't do both. But some people like to

    look at this as a bonus: "This is how I afford that trip to celebrate retirement."

    Miller: Have you looked at how that decision would impact your future trajectory

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    of income?

    Franklin: Certainly, it's going to reduce your base amount compared with not

    taking it, which of course will reduce the amount you get in cost-of-living

    adjustments going forward. So, it's probably a feel-good upfront hit, but if you're

    going to delay anyway, you might as well just get it for the rest of your li fe.

    Stiff: Well, unfortunately, we're going to have to wrap it up and call it a day there.

    I want to thank my panelists for, as last year, bringing some really great insightsand some really, really useful information on this very important topic. Social

    Security income is going to be a hot topic for retirees for a long time to come.

    So, Mary Beth Franklin from InvestmentNews; thanks for joining me. Mark Miller,

    Morningstar columnist, author, and retirement expert, thanks for being here.

    Miller: Thank you, Jason.

    Franklin: Thanks a lot.