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Post on 09-Aug-2015



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Fresh Prince of the Space Galaxy

The show is going to be a parody of the hit TV programmed “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” however, with a sci-fi twist.

It will follow the life of Phil Smith, an 18 year old kid, living in a futuristic world, accompanied by his friends, who cause havoc, both on earth and in space.

Although, Phil must find a way to come to terms with growing up and the responsibilities which come with age.

Characters Phil Smith: Is 18 years old and has come to

live with his uncle and cousins due to a space fight that went slightly wrong in his home town. Phil is heavily influenced by hip hop but due to the fact the show is set in the future, his clothing style and casual accent, does not fit in with the rest of the minimalist, high tech and formal generation.

Characters The Possy: These are a group of 4 other teenagers,

who speak, dress and act exactly like Phil Smith. They seem to have no unique personalities and seem to copy nearly everything Phil Says.

Darlton Banks: Is also 18 years old and is Phil’s cousin, though the two can’t be more different. Darlton is well spoken and strives to do well in school, unlike his wilder cousin. Darlton Dresses in the typical futurist gear and is always wearing the latest tech!

Uncle Bill: A local and highly respected Space Judge, Struggling to look after the young Phil Smith. He is an uptight, middle aged man, who is put under huge amounts of stress keeping Phil Smith out of trouble.

Audience The target audience age range will be from 13 to 20 as

the characters in the show will have varying ages ranges.

Furthermore, the hybrid between sci-fi and soap genre allows for a mass audience appeal, both male and female.

In addition, the show will only be aired on Netflix, once a week and on no TV broadcasted channel. As a result of this a younger audience is more likely to watch the show, as they are the main users online, with 54% of Netflix users being aged between 18-35

A diverse selection of ethnicities and sexualities present throughout the show and therefore, appeals to a wide range of audiences.

The runtime for each episode will average 30 minutes

References and competitors Similar programmes which are already successful on

Netflix, are programmes such as “Orange is the New Black” and “House of Cards” both of which, have a huge online following.

80% of Netflix rental activity is for TV shows, meaning there is potentially a large audience available to watch.

Another spin off and parody genre is the upcoming programme “Better Call Saul” which takes themes from “Breaking Bad” and follows Saul Goodman, a criminal lawyer.

Narrative The narrative for “Fresh prince of the Space

Galaxy” will be linear and though Phil smith is the Protagonist, the show will follow a multi-stranded plot, delving into the lives of Darlton Banks, Uncle Bill and other family members.

Occasional Flashbacks will be used to help keep the storyline interesting, however these will be extremely cliché and unrealistic due to the parody and scifi genre.

Set Trying to replicate “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” as much as

possible, the location will be set in a studio with a multi-camera set up.

The studio setup will allow for an easier programme turn around, whilst also making the scifi set design easier to reproduce on a weekly basis.

However, there will be some location shooting when Phil Smith and his “Possy” spend time on earth, which will be gritty and post look apocalyptic, hugely contrasting to that of the spaceship.

The show will be performed in front of a live audience.

The main meeting location the characters will gather is Uncle Bill’s “home spaceship” which orbits earth and is inhabited predominantly by Darlton Banks and Phill Smith.