soal guru x

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 soal guru X


    A. Choose the correct answer1. By the time he was 12, he ... his leg five times

    a. Broke c. Brokenb. Have broken d. Had broken

    2. ....... up your mind yet?a. Had you made c. Did you makeb. Have you made d. Do you make

    3. ....... then he has finished all his duties.a. For c. Afterb. Just d. Since

    4. She sung a song as I .......a. Leave c. Has leftb. Left d. Had left

    5. When he was sleeping, the door ......a. Is knocked c. Was knockedb. Has been knocked d. Had been knocked

    6. Sir Robby says that, since he taught atDharmayudha, many students ....... in his

    method.a. Are interested c. Have been


    b. Were interested d. Will be interested7. Alternative remedies........ by almost nine

    million people in Britain next year.

    a. Will be chosen c. Will chooseb. Are chosen d. Have been chosen

    8. Our Independence Day ....... on August 17thevery year.

    a. Was held c. Is heldb. Holds d. Will be held

    9. The man ..... I called last night is my friend.a. Whom c. Whoseb. What d. Who

    10.The skateboard ...... you ordered has arrived.a. It c. Thatb. Who d. Whose

    11.The person ...... dog bit you is singing on thestage.

    a. Who c. Whoseb.

    It d. whom

    12.He convinced her ..... it.a. Do c. To dob. Did d. Doing

    13.She ....... Angela all about her holiday.a. Said c. Toldb. To told d. Says

    14.He told .... that he wanted to go outside.a. Them c. Theyb. To them d. I

    15.He said that he ...... the winner.a. Was c. Will beb. Is d. Bas been

    16.The teacher decided not ..... anything aboutthe critic.

    a. Saying c. To sayb. That I say d. said

    17.Michael Jackson promised ..... in our country.a. Singing c. That he would singb. To sing d. sung

    18.My father warned me not ...... it.a. Did c. To dob. Doing d. That do

    19.Andy tries not .... up in his struggle.a. To give c. Givesb. Give d. that

    20.How long . you wait for me last night?a. do c. have

    b. does d.did21.You havent . thank for him yeta. say c. saying

    b. said d.says

    22. I . seen my girlfriend during this montha. hasnt c. doesnt

    b. havent d.never

    23.My brother and sister . bought me apresent for my birthday

    a. didnt yet c. still havent

    b. has never d.doesnt

    24.. the film finished, people were crying a. when c. thereforeb. while though

    25.The majority of teenagers . doinghomework

    a. arent like c. havent liked

    b. dont like d.werent like

    26.She denied ...... about the letter.a. Know c. To knowb. Knowing d. Knows

    27.The man ..... I called last night is my friend.c. Whom c. Whosed. What d. Who

    28.We havent . . yesterdaya. eat for c. eaten for

    b. eaten since d.eating since

    29. I . seen my girlfriend during this montha. hasnt c. doesnt

    b. havent d.never

    30.What ____ you doing when the phone rang?a. was c. did


  • 8/3/2019 soal guru X


    B. Answer these following questions correctly!1. Fill in the blank with simple past/ simple

    present/ present continues/ present

    perfect/present perfect continues/.

    y They . (be) friends sincekindergarten.

    y Whats the matter? Your eyes are red and puffy. (you/ cry)?

    y I . (read) this page for twohours but I still dont understand it

    y I . (Write) them three times,but I still havent received a reply.

    y Can you . (tell) us anothersecret?

    y When make . (arrive) at thestadium, the train . (leave)

    y I . (wait) for you for twohours, where are you now?

    y My dad . (watch) movie rightnow when I am finishing my homework

    2. Fill in the blank with simple past/ pastcontinues/ past perfect.

    y I . (feel) a little better afterI. (drink) some medicine.

    y Millions of year ago, Dinosaurs. (room) the earth, but they

    . (become) extinct by the

    time humankind first .


    y My brother and sister .(argue) about something when I

    . (walk) into the room

    y I . (hear, not) the thunderduring the storm night because I

    . (sleep)

    y I . (leave)school last June3. Correct the mistakes!y I think this is the most bad Album I have ever



    y I wont have time unless Kate help me._______________________________________

    y I will go to visit my uncle tonight but I am notsure.


    yHer work is really well_______________________________________

    y I cannot run as fastly as you._______________________________________

    4. Complete the sentences of the verbs.yWhere __________ (you go) when I saw you

    this morning

    yKemal __________ (drink) fruit juice in thekitchen now

    y I __________ (play) Tennis with Joe. I realizedthat he is a good player

    yWhile we walked, he __________ (start) to cryagain.

    yWhat __________ (you do) when I phoned you?5. Change the sentences into negative sentences!

    y Tracy like eating apples.

    yShe is my classmate at class VII

    y No one wants to stop her doing that

    y Peter and Sandra love playing tennis onSunday.

    y Simple plan is the best band in my opinion.

    6. Change these sentences into question! Jenny likes screaming aloud


    I go running three times in a week..

    The sun rises in the east..

    The earth revolves around the sun..

    The trains arrive at 8.14..

    He wears uniform at weekend..

    Alan is going to school by bus...

  • 8/3/2019 soal guru X


    7. Rewrite each sentence below in reportedspeech

    y I warned them, Dont touch the wet paint!_____________________________________


    y May I use the telephone? She asked thereceptionist



    y How many pupils are absent today? Mr Wusaid.



    y The waiter asks the customer, Do you wantanother glass of tea sir?



    y My neighbor said, The delivery service cameto my house this morning



    8. Fill in the blank with either past tenses or pastperfect tense of the verb in the bracket!

    In 1993, Mr Mandela won the Nobel Peace

    Prize. These are his memories about it

    When I was told that I _________ (win) the

    1993 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with Mr de Klerk,

    I _________ (be) deeply moved. The Nobel

    Peace Prize _________ (have) a special meaning

    for me.

    The award _________ (be) a tribute to all

    South Africans, especially those who _________

    (fight) in the struggle. I would be accepting it on

    their behalf. The Nobel award _________ (be)

    one that _________ (never think) about.

    I have often been asked how I could accept

    the award jointly with Mr de Klerk after I_________ (criticize) him so severely. Although

    I would not take back my criticism, all I can say

    is that he _________ (make) a genuine and

    important contribution to the peace process

    9. Change into passive!y Government now is campaigning about world

    saving program on tv and magazine

    y Many people have used plant medicine forsuch a long time because they are cheaper and

    more effective

    y People were making a lot of money fromcutting down the trees in Riau province

    y Nazarudi had judge some people in his party asa corruptor

    y The advocate team of nazarudin cannot provethat all the words from their client is true

    10.Complete the sentences! use the correct firstconditional

    y If I fail the exam_________________________________________________________________

    y If there are more cars in the road___________________________________________________

    y If pollution increases_____________________________________________________________

    y I my parents see my broken bedroom________________________________________________

    y If I pass all the exams this MID test__________________________________________________