soace conquest a galactic oddysy

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SPACE CONQUEST: - A Galactic Odyssey Typed by ??? Edited by PARASITE. INTRODUCTION You have just been given command of the Enola Gay II, a vessel designed for colonization by the Association of Solar Systems. Your orders are to colonize a section of the galaxy consisting of nine solar systems. Simple enough..... too simple. In the early hours of May 24th, 2112, at exactly 03:23:00 AM, you receive a message from your commanding officer, Admiral Omega. It seems a vessel identified as the Mancer, commanded by Admiral Necro, has entered this section of the galaxy with the intent to colonize the very planets that YOU were ordered to colonize. The Association sees this action by Mancer as a threat. You are given following priorities: 1. Colonize a majority of the planets in each solar systems. 2. Seek out and destroy the Mancer. You are to carry out your duties in that order. Colonize first, destroy later. The Mancer is far too powerful of a ship to be taken by your colonization craft. You will need the support of the solar systems in order to assure the security of the area. If these planets fall into an empire created by Admiral Necro, then be will be powerful enough to overthrow the Association of Solar Systems. When you have colonized the majority of solar systems in the area, the Association will feel confident enough to send out enough fighters to destroy the Mancer. Until then, the Association can not be sure that the people of this galaxy are not supporters of Necro. The Association can not risk sending fighters to their possible destruction. GETTING STARTED You will first see the introduction. Press any key to bypass the introduction. After a period of time, the main program will be loaded and you will be prompted to insert Disk B of SPACE CONQUEST. Do so and hit return. (Hard drive users will bypass this prompt). Next, you will be asked to choose a level. NOVICE is the easiest level, as the Mancer will colonize rather slowly in the Novice level. The Mancer colonize at a moderate speed in the ADVANCED level. In the EXPERT level, the Mancer colonizes planets at the highest rate of speed. You will next be required to identify yourself to the Ship's Computers. The Computers will then do a Retina Scan to verify the identification. Afterwards you should set your warp for the solar system you wish to begin colonization. PLAYING THE GAME Once you have entered a solar system, you should move around the System Map. Do this by placing the mouse pinter on one of the square adjoining your ship and pressing the left button. Continue doing this until the ship reaches its destination. When you have stablished orbit (by moving your ship on top of the desired planet), you should Communicate with the planet, Scan the planet, Board your shuttle with a crew, and Launch the shuttle to the planet in order to colonize it.

Once you have colonized a majority of the planets in that solar system, you should set warp for another solar system and proceed to colonize that system. Sound simple enough, but there are several obstacles that will get in the way. For one, there are hundreds of fighter pilots that Admiral Necro has sent out to destroy anyone who oppose him. Then there is the fact that you command a small ship that can only carry a small crew, so you will need to restock your crew at the STARBASE or from the planets that you colonize. After fighting the enemies and hopping about the solar systems, your supplies tend to run low. Your Fuel, along with your Missiles and Beam Energy, will need to be restocked at the STARBASE. Then there is the Mancer itself. Should you even dare to occupy the same co-ordinates with this monster of a space craft, you will feel the wrath of Admiral Necro. THE SHIP - ENOLA GAY II At the top of the ship you will see the Date Counter. On the left side of the screen are four buttons: [COMM]UNICATE, [SCAN], [BAY], AND [DRIV]ES. On the right side of the screen are the other four buttons: [DEFL]ECTORS, [MISS]ILES, [STAT]US, AND [DIST]RESS. In the middle of the screen is the viewing are where an array of different things will happen. At the bottom of the screen is the Message area where important information will be conveyed to you. SHIP'S FUNCTIONS COMM]UNICATE - This function allows you to Communicate with the planet that you are orbiting, or with the STARBASE. If you choose to Communicate with the STARBASE, they will send you an update on how many planets and solar systems you have colonized and how many plantes and solar systems the Mancer has colonized. If you Communicate with the planet, several things may happen. If the planet has the technology to Communicate with you, then it will. If not, there will be no response. The people of the planet may be willing to help or they may be hostile towards you. Act accordingly. [SCAN] - This function allows you to Scan your ship's Damage, the Universal and Galatic maps, or the Planet you are orbiting. If you decide to Scan your ship's damage, a blueprint of the ship will appear on the screen. The damaged areas, if any, will be highlighed in red. If your shields are on, a purple outline will appear around the ship. If you Scan the Galactic Map, then grid maps of solar systems will appear on the screen. You may choose a solar system and view the planets within. If you choose to Scan the planet, several bits of information will appear on the screen: the precentage of land, the thickness of atmosphere, the density of the gravity, the level of technology, the name of the galaxy that the planet is located in, the name of the planet and how many moons orbit it. This information will be used for colonization purposes, and helps you figure out the crew requirements to successfully colonize that planet. ( See " THE SHIP'S CREW" for more details).

[BAY] - This function will take you to the shuttle bay of the ship. Here you can Board the shuttle with the crew, or Launch the shuttle to the planet in an attempt to colonize it. [DRIV]ES - This function allows you to access your ship's drives. You may Set your warp or Engage the warp drive engines. By choosing the Set Warp option, you will be able to select the next solar system you wish to enter, or select the STARBASE in order to resupply or repair your ship. The Engage option will, if you have set your destination, warp you into the selected solar system. [DEFL]ECTORS - This function will enable you to activate or deactivate your deflectors or shields. The deflectors will absorb a lot of the damage that the enemy may inflict upon your ship. The deflectors, however, require a lot of fuel to operate. [MISS]ILES - This is a combat function only. With this option, you will lock your missiles on the target and fire the missiles. The missiles are your most powerful artillery. The missile will destroy any of the fighter pilots that Admiral Necro has sent after you. There are only four missiles, however, so use them conservatively. [STAT]US - This fuction will give a complete status of the Enola Gay II. On the screen will be listed the following items: 1. How much 2. How many 3. How much 4. How many quarters. 5. How much 6. How many beam energy is left. missiles are left. fuel is in tanks one and two. marines, colonists, and linguists are in the crew's damage has been done to the ship. planets and galaxies you have colonized.

[DIST]RESS - This is "Last Resort" button. This function will give you the options of surrendering to Admiral Necro, or activating, the self-destruct procedure of the ship. Either one will end your career with the Association of Solar Sytems. You can abort the self-destruct procedure by clicking on ABORT or pressing the letter [A]. THE SHIP'S CREW There are four types of people on board the Enola Gay II aside from the ship's captain. These four types are as follows: MARINES - These are necessary for colonizing planets when the technology on the planet reaches a certain level. When the TECHNOLOGY level is: 1-4, no marines are needed. 5-6, one marine is required. 7-8, two marines are necessary. 9-10, three marines are needed. The higher the technology, the more advanced the people are with their weapons, and so more marines are needed to protect against uprisings. COLONISTS - These are the people that will actually establish an Association colony on the planet. The more land there is, the more colonists are needed.

If the LAND is: 1-25% , one colonist is needed 26-50% , two colonists are needed. 51-75% , three colonists are needed 76-100%, then four colonist are needed. SCIENTISTS - These are usually required for every planet. A scientist and his equipment is needed if the atmosphere is too thick or too thin. If the ATMOSPHERE is: 1-2 or 9-10, then a scientist is needed, If the GRAVITY is less that 3.8m/s or greater than 14.8m/s, then a Scientist and his equipment are required to colonize the planet. LINGUISTS - This linguists are seldom used. If you should communicate with a planet and your linguist needs to translate the message, then you must also send one with the rest of the crew so that the colony may communicate with the native of the planet. COMBAT Combat may occur in three different situations: The first would be a chance encounter with one of Admiral Necro's fighter pilots; the second situation would be while you are in orbit around a planet colonized by Admiral Necro, and the final situation would be with the Mancer itself, but that would be a most unwelcomed encounter. You have two types of weapons available to you. There are the Missiles which are operated through the [MISS] button, and there are the Beams which are activated by simply positioning the crosshairs on the screen where you wish to fire, and clicking the mouse button. The Missiles are much more deadly that the Beams, but the Beams are in greater supply. SHIP'S DAMAGE When your ship receives damage, then something will become inoperative. Some things may still work, but only half as well. Here is a list of what each section of the ship controls: 1. Impulse Engines - There are two separate impulse engines. If one is destroyed, the other will still move the ship. If both are destroyed, then the ship can not move within the solar system until they are fixed. 2. Warp Drives - If the Warp drives are destroyed, you will not be able to Engage your Warp, so interstellar travel will be disabled until the drives are repaired. 3. Crew's Quarters - This is where the crew lives, and also where the shuttle bay is located. If this is damaged, then some of the crew will be killed, and the shuttle will be in operative. 4. Laser Cannons - These are where your Beams are fired from. If one is destroyed, the other will still function, then you will not be able to use Beams during combat. 5. Missile Launchers - These are where your Missiles are launched from. If one is destroyed, then the other Missile will still be fired. If both are damaged, then you will be without Missile until they are repaired.

6. Central Computers - The central computers control most of what you see on the screen. They control the Scan, Communication, Status, and several other options. If they are damaged, you are in bad shape until they're repaired. 7. Pilot - This is more or less the cockpit of the Enola Gay II. If this is damaged, then no functions of the ship will work. Not because everything is damaged, but because no information will be carried from the cockpit to the rest of the ship. (NOTE: When something is damaged, it will be repaired in time by the ship's own repiar crew; but when systems are severely damaged, they require a long time to repair. STARBASE The Starbase is where you begin your mission of colonizing the planets, but you may also return to the Starbase as often as you like. The Starbase provides several services for your ship: First, you may restock your ship. This consists of refueling, restocking the missiles, and recharging the beam energy. Secondly, you will receive a full crew. This will replace your Marines, Colonists, Scientists, and Linquists so that you have at least 15 of each when you depart. Finally, the Starbase will repair any and all damage that the Enola Gay II has suffered during your mission. All these benefits have one drawback: they take time. The Mancer will be busy colonizing planets while you are resting at the Starbase Inn. PLANET INHABITANTS There are four major races that you will encouter on your conquest to colonize the solar systems. There are the BELLUVIANS, the TENTAGENS, the EMULTIONS, and the ALIANTS. BELLUVIANS usually welcome the Association colonization, although some may be against the idea. These purple-skinned creatures are generally peaceful in nature and want to resist the evil empire of the Mancer. TENTAGENS are a harmless and peaceful species found mostly in the Cygnus and Xanadu systems. They are against the Mancer empire, but don't have the knowledge of war to protect themselves. The Tentagens have requested Association colonization for their own protection. EMULTIONS are usually split on the Association's colonization. While some welcome the idea, others oppose it. They are generally reasonable, and very diplomatic about negotiations. These green creatures pose no threat to the Association and are considered friends. ALIANTS are a barbaric race that thrive on hate and war. Thet are very unreasonable in their thinking and are thought to be allies with the Mancer empire. These ant-like creatures should be dealt with very carefully for the sake of peace. A two-front war is not a welcomed idea by the Association. ANDROIDS are the robotic henchmen of Admiral Necro. Thet fly his

hordes of fighter crafts and they patrol his conquered planets. These androids have been programmed to resist any opposition to the Mancer empire. SOLAR SYSTEMS There are nine solar systems in this section of the galaxy. Therefore, you must colonize five of those in order to have a majority of the solar system in your favor. Each solar system contains nine planets. Therefore, you must colonize five of these planets in order to have a majority of the planets in the solar system in your favor. There are also asteroid fields in each solar system. These will do tremendous damage to your ship if you stay within one for any length of time. Here is an advance scouting report telling you what is known about the solar systems you will encounter: ZETA - The planets in this sytem are predominantly inhabited by Belluvians. This system is most known for their neutral policies concerning other organizations in war. Overall this is a peaceful system. CYGNUS - The planets in this solar system are inhabited mostly be Tentagens. This is a weak system, and is a prime candidate for conquest by any organization since the Tentagens are harmless in nature. ALPHA - The Alpha system is inhabited mostly be Emultions. This system has no distinct feelings towards colonization by Association. The Emultions are divided in their opinions. LUTHORS - A solar system inhabited mostly by Aliants. The hard feelings between the Association and the Aliants is constantly building. The tense situations may evolve into war against the Association in the future. Colonize with caution. OMEGA - Another system that is inhabited mostly by Belluvians. This sytem is much like the Zeta system. The Belluvians in this system however have mixed feelings. Although most welcome the Association, some may be against the idea of colonization. XANADU - Inhabited mostly be Tentagens. Again, since these creatures are peaceful in nature, the system should be easy enough to colonize. Remember though, Admiral Necro knows this too. RENAISE - Predominantly inhabited by the Aliats. Keepong the tenseness between the Aliants and the Association in mind, it may be wise to leave the Aliant planets in peace to avoid future revolutions. ORION - The last solar system in this section of the galaxy. It is also inhabited by the Belluvians, so it should be looked at for colonization purposed. Be sure to communicate with the planets to determine their attitudes towards colonization. THE BLACK HOLES The silent, but deadly, menaces in the universe are the Black Holes. There is only one Black Hole in this section of the galaxy and your Central Computers know how to steer around it. If your Computers or your Warp Drive are damaged though, you may run right into it and that

spells the end for you and your crew. Warping from one solar system to the next is a very complex process, though for you it happens very quickly. There are literally millions of calculations involved before the warp takes place. If one of these calculations is off by as little as .00001%, you could end up a trillion miles from nowhere. If one of these malfunctions should send you into a Black Hole, then you've just made your last entry in the Captain's Log. ATTACKING THE MANCER After you have successfully colonized all the required planets, you will receive a message saying, that the Association's fighter pilots are being sent to your coordinates. You will then lead them to the location of the Mancer, the full-scale battle will be on. The hordes of Association fighter pilots, Necro's fighter pilots, the Mancer itself and Enola Gay II will engage in a huge battle. Should you win, then the threat of Admiral Necro will be erased from these worlds, if you lose, and the Mancer survives the conflict, then the Mancer squadrons will retreat and swear to return, as all bullies do when they're licked. With the support of the solar systems, however, Admiral Necro will not be able to return to this area of the galaxy. KEY [B] [F] [R] COMMANDS - SHUTTTLE BAY [C] - COMMUNICATION [D] - DRIVES - FORCE SHIELDS [M] - MISSILES [Q] - DISTRESS - REPORT/STATUS [S] - SCAN [UNDO] - RESTART

All commands may be choosen with the keyboard or by the mouse. Only the use of Beams during combat requires the mouse. End.