so if you watch this starting at the beginning he tells his amazing recovery using positive mind...

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  • 7/28/2019 So if You Watch This Starting at the Beginning He Tells His Amazing Recovery Using Positive Mind Meditation


    So if you watch this starting at the beginning he tells his amazing recovery using positive

    mind meditation -- he did some amazing healing - quicker than what Western medicine

    had predicted possible if he had undergone traumatic surgery.

    So then he wondered how he did this and so he studied other cases of "spontaneous

    remission healing" and he discovered the same process had happened and he narrowed inon this process in its general terms.

    So that's what he's describing in this video excerpt.

    He's the guest on coasttocoast tonight. I thought he was going to be some New Age dude

    but he's talking from experience and that's what really counts.

    Now he's talking about the functional MRI as showing some parts of the brain running

    too hot or too cold.

    Then he says how by the time we're 35 then 95% of our self is memorized repeatinghabits. So we need to break this self to create a new one.

    Did your brain change at all that day? is the question he asks.

    It's the external environment that is turning on the circuits to react unconsciously toeverything to do in your life. We begin to hardwire the brain since neurons that fire

    together wire together.

    Can you believe in the future that you can't experience with your senses yet but you'vethought about it in your mind to look at it as if the experience has already happened?

    Because of the size of our frontal lobe -- 40% of our entire brain -- is where we becomeconscious of who we are. We can modify our behaviors so by eliminating the

    environment by closing our eyes then you begin to feel the emotions that drives you to

    the same state. So the first step is the unlearning process -- to go into the operatingsystem of the program to become aware of the subconscious programming.

    The second step is that the frontal lobe governs the entire brain and when we being to

    make the brain work differently then we change the mind. As we being to think aboutnew ways of being we fire and wire new neurological hardwire and we become familiar

    of a new self.

    The key is to be able to sustain the change independent of the environment which causes

    the old self. So the body is the greatest mind reader in the world - the body is

    precognitive. The adrenal glands squirt out adrenaline ahead of the conscious decision bythe brain to stand up. The body already knows that the person is going to not be in a

    resting state.

    The mind can send a very strong signal to rewrite the body's programs. Most people wait

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    for crisis or trauma. When we reach the lowest point then we can no longer be the same


    We start out with good intentions and then two hours later we go back into the

    unconscious. 95% of who we are by 35 years old is a set of unconscious thoughts and

    behaviors. You can unconsciously dial a phone as a "procedural memory." We begin togo unconscious as soon as we go to our normal place, person, etc. So the body is in

    opposition to the 5% intentional thought to change. So we can change the brain and body

    ahead of the environment.

    We don't even know that we don't even know. Then we know that we don't know --

    consciously unskilled. Then we become consciously skilled. Then if we keep practicing

    repeatedly then we become unconsciously skilled and memorize that action.

    The neocortex is the seat of conscious awareness -- so we make a new connection when

    we learn something new. As you review you reinforce and then fire and wire those

    circuits. When you apply what you learn then you modify your behavior and so you havea new experience. All the five senses gather sensory data and the brain organizes the new

    pattern that releases a chemical that is a feeling or emotion that activates the limbic brain.When you get your behaviors to match your intention then the experience reinforces the

    circuits in the brain and chemically teaches your body to teach the brain what it

    intellectually understands.

    Attention is one of the key elements to unify the mind and body. Through repetition and

    practice then we neurochemically condition the body to memorize that behavior of the

    conscious mind so that we activate the cerebellum as the state of being or subconscious.Attention, learning and repetition.

    Our heart beats over 2 gallons of blood a minute. We lose 10 million and make 10 millionnew cells a second. So there's some intelligence organizing these functions that is not

    mechanistic. So quantum physics and the subjective mind can change the objective world

    to take control of our destiny.

    If you look at functional brain scans there's not many "normal" brain scans because of so

    much distress -- so we knock the brain and body out of balance. Earlier childhood trauma

    is the most common source of out of balance. Whenever they experience the samecondition emotionally they regress back to that same state.

    Because of functional imagery we can scan the brain and try different approaches andrescan the brain to see the objective results of more balance.

    If you get up from your meditation the same person who sat down then nothing haschanged -- you need to feel differently. In meditation there are different brain waves --

    beta is the "normal" conversation wave pattern to make sense of internal and exterior

    reality. When you close your eyes then you reduce the sensory information and slow

    down to alpha so that the inner world is more real than the outer world. Children have

  • 7/28/2019 So if You Watch This Starting at the Beginning He Tells His Amazing Recovery Using Positive Mind Meditation


    stronger alpha waves than adults so have stronger imaginations. When we fall into a light

    sleep so the body is more asleep then the mind that's theta mind waves. Delta is deep

    sleep unconsciousness. The whole purpose of meditation is to go into the subconsciousmind.

    It's about slowing down the thinking brain. Most people try to analyze your problemswithin the same emotions but emotions are literally the record of the experience. So when

    we do meditation we slow brain waves down to go into the subconscious mind to make

    the changes of the emotion. Coherent brain waves pattern means everything issynchronized and rhythm and then the brain works in a holistic fashion and so different

    parts of the brain go into balance. We feel more like ourselves and we relax and so we are

    no longer affected by the external world. The incoherence of the external environment no

    longer knocks us out of balance because of repetitive practice of meditation.

    Most people who are intuitive slow down the beta mind and trust imagery or stream of

    consciousness that is not rational. It's a great example of quantum physics and nonlocality

    -- awareness is so mobile and in the moment it comes to life and it's real to us and we canforecast a scenario that will happen in the future. Then our body can change to be ready

    for the future and also we can be aware of things outside of linear time.

    One of the key components of success is duty motivation or purpose motivation as a long

    term vision instead of a short term goal. They begin to see the outcome without anyobstacles and the purpose of the mission is bigger than themselves -- contributing in a

    selfless way to the whole.

    Most of us memorize emotions that become part of our lives. If you don't know how tocontrol that emotion and it lasts for hours or even days then the same emotion or

    chemicals are keeping them connected to the past experience. So it's a mood. If it goes on

    for months then it's a temperament. So they have memorized their emotional reaction. Foryears on end then it's a personality trend. In order to change our personality we have to

    look at the emotions we have memorized that have become part of our identity.

    We have to begin, layer by layer, unmemorize those emotional states -- it's just your

    memory of the past. You liberate some energy and you don't perceive reality as the reality

    of your past.

    One of the feedback mechanisms is our life that is a reflection of our mind. So we get

    feedback from our repeated behavior - we start to get sick or don't as well so we are no

    longer feeling like ourselves anymore. So since a person doesn't feel good then they needto make changes.

    Change is tough period. There has to be an effect in the body. When they have theknowledge of the neurological and emotional change possible then they make a greater

    effort. But the hardest part is making the time to make the change.

    Making time for ourselves to separate ourselves from our lives begins to produce

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    amazing results. The Newtonian model is living as victims to our environment. The true

    aspect of change is independent of the environment so that we are causing an effect.

    We've been hypnotized to think we need a reason for joy but that's Newtonian. Thequantum model is that the subjective mind produces measureable effects.

    You have to change on some fundamental level the thoughts, behavior and the emotions.The quantum model says let's move into an elevated state to condition the body to believe

    that future event is happening now. We are no longer living as a materialist using our

    senses to change our reality.

    Meditation is self-hypnosis since the brainwave patterns are essentially the same. So

    when we go into the subconscious mind we move beyond the analytic mind -- so self-

    hypnosis and meditation are very similar.

    Stress is when the body is not in homeostasis. To return back to balance -- the body is

    designed for short term stress -- the fight or flight primitive nervous system goes into

    effect. Human beings turn on the stress response just by thought alone -- then we knockour body out of balance just by thought alone. The emotions of stress create the emotions

    of anger, fear, depression, powerlessness. Those are altered states of consciousness.Normal states of consciousness we feel elevated and clear and we are in balance. We

    become junkies to our rush of energy from stress and so we look to affirm our emotions

    of stress and we become enslaved to our emotions of stress so we become selfish and thehormones of stress make us obsessed with ownership and time and body parts. So we are

    trying to define reality by our senses and being materialists -- so we try to manipulate, be

    cunning and we become enslaved to it.

    By age 35 or 45 we realize that life does not have that much to offer. But since we

    identify with the external world we can distract ourself and then identify with this

    external image instead of the internal emotions of emptiness. So all the materialistsuccess is a distraction and by the age of 35 or 40 we realize that we are possessed by our

    possessions and then have a mid-life crisis. People realize they don't know what love it

    and wonder what is God and everyone else thinks they are losing their mind. So everyonetries to redirect them and put them on prozac, etc. Other people try to buy new things or

    join a new social club or go on vacation -- buy new things but the novelty wears off.

    This is about addiction so then they drink more, shop more, gamble more, do porn, to tryto make the feeling of emptiness go away. People want to change but they think that

    change has to happen outside of them. The rush of energy finally desensitizes the cells

    and so it highjacks the pleasure center so they need more drugs, more shopping, etc. Sothen when the feeling goes away of the rush then they begin to pay attention to the

    Emptiness feeling instead and have to address the sense of emptiness.

    Until we look at that feeling and then observe how we think or pay attention to how we

    act at the feeling -- then we begin to unmemorize the emotion. The body is living in the

    past as the unconscious mind and it doesn't know the difference between the emotion or

    the behavior itself. The chemical redunancy then pushes the genetic buttons that creates

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    disease. The liberation of energy is the joy that comes from making the changes not by

    action but by changing their internal self.

    Conscious mind is used to navigate our actions during our day. 95% of who we are is a

    set of subconscious mind and emotional behavior. Most of the time people are literally

    unconscious and it's like running a series of computer programs. Only be being trulyaware of that moment and paying attention is noticing. Only when we wake up can we

    make measurable changes in our lives.

    They have to identify what we want to fix first. Most people think change happens

    outside but the first aspect of change is noticing how we think and how we feel and then

    become aware of the habits and behaviors that produce those emotions. Become

    conscious of the unconscious states. We're so distracted by our external environment thatwe become automatic programs.

    What is the greatest ideal or expression of ourselves that I want to be this day? Let me

    review my unconscious habits and so they will never slip by me today. What are ouremotions that our just a reflection of our past. As we become more aware then we are

    more prone to not repeat the same behaviors. What elevated emotions do we want to liveby? If we think differently during meditation and we speculate and envision who we want

    to be then our brains installs the neurological chemistry and our brain doesn't know the

    difference between our new thoughts and our external reality.

    The thoughts in our minds becomes our experience so the end product is an emotion. If

    the thought becomes the experience and feelings are the language of the body. So the

    chemical signal epigenetically changes the body into a new state of being. If youmemorize that state so that it stays that way all day then you have a new personality.

    Biology used to say genes are the cause of disease but now we know it's a scientific factthat less than 5% of people are born with a genetic condition. The other 95% are lifestyle

    diseases -- the same gene can function in 2000 variations and so the environment signals

    the gene to respond differently. That's epigenetics.

    Practice one particular skill for one week. Add the second skill the second week and then

    one more in the third week and one more in the fourth week. The hardest part is taking

    and making the time to do it. If you take 40 minutes a day then you begin to change yourmind and body. In the beginning you have to restrain certain impulsive behaviors and if

    we do then we know it works.

    The process requires pruning the old brain connections and to sprout new connections

    and new emotions. Most to future memories instead of past memories. Everyone says to

    change a habit takes 21 days but it has to do with attention span, how often you do it, ifyou do it everyday. We've seen people diagnosed with M.S., Lupus, thyroid conditions,

    cancer, chronic pain -- they began to signal new genes in new ways and they got pretty


  • 7/28/2019 So if You Watch This Starting at the Beginning He Tells His Amazing Recovery Using Positive Mind Meditation


    Dr. Joe Dispenza traveled around the world ten years ago and he studied spontaneous

    remission in patients who got better. He interviewed them and honed in on their qualities

    to see if we can reproduce their results. Then he studied the science behind it. Then whenit was enacted we could see amazing changes.

    The release can be emotional or just absolutely freeing as a liberation of energy. Thebody is liberated and wants to be free. Stroke victims can literally rewire themselves

    around the lesion to regain movement and control -- even though the people are in their

    70s -- so the brain can rewire itself.

    People get a little bit nervous if they had early abuse so they need to go slow and steady

    to deal with the strong emotions that come up