smoothening the process of supply chain mandhana textile mills

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  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.



    Executive Summary

    Brief overview of Indian textile industry

    Introduction to the Company

    The process of Sizing

    Problem Origin

    Project Methodology

    Data Analysis & Findings

    Recommendation & Suggestions

    Limitations & Future prospects





  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.


    It gives me great pleasure and immense satisfaction, in thanking all those people who havehelped me in completing this project successfully.

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my project guide inplant Mr. Omprakash

    Mandhana, for his continuous guidance, encouragement, co-operation and valuable suggestions.

    I would also like to thank Mr. Raju Shetty, Manager, Production and Mr. Omprakash

    Mandhana, Manager, Marketing for giving me an opportunity and atmosphere for learning the

    minute details about textiles, its marketing, and in knowing the whole process of supply chain and

    its technicalities. I would also like to thank Mr. Biradar, Mr. Mane, Mr. Satish and other employees

    who have helped me in completing this project.

    I express my heartfelt thanks to my internal guide Mr. Shivappa for his unmatched

    guidance & support.

    I am also thankful to my loving parents and sisters who have been the sources of inspiration

    and motivation for me all through.

    Finally, I would like to thank all those who have helped me directly or indirectly in

    completing this project successfully.


  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Executive Summary.

    Mandhana Textile Mills is one of the largest textiles Industry in this region and is also the

    oldest. It manufactures all types of fabric required by the parties. Most of the production carried outis of Suiting & Shirtings. It initially had started its operation with Ruti-B auto looms but later on

    as competition grew it installed Ruti-C machines. Recently to attain superior quality and increased

    production, it has introduced Rapier" machines. These are completely computerized auto looms.

    This has enabled the company to introduce more designs & choice to its customers. The company

    has a huge customer base such as Bombay Dyeing, Digjam, Morarjee, Mafatlal, Siyarams, etc. The

    company manufactures Grey fabric. The dyeing of the fabric takes place at Mumbai.

    Even though the company has earned unmatched reputation & Goodwill over the years, it

    still faces a problem with the procurement of yarn in time and of required specifications which

    leads to the rejection of the cloth by the customers and also faces a problem of delay in its

    delivery schedule. Thus, to overcome this problem it requires to "Smoothen the whole process of

    Supply chain"

    The Objectives of the Study are :-

    1] To learn the complete procedure from yarn to textile.

    2] To study the supply chain of the whole process of textiles.

    3] To identify the problem associated with the supply chain and work upon it.

    4] To learn how textile is marketed.


  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    D ata Collection:-

    The data for the project has been collected as follows.

    1] Primary data has been collected from the directors, Managers, Interaction with the suppliers

    and Customers and through a customer satisfaction survey.

    2] Secondary data has been collected from internet, magazines, books etc.

    Measurement Technique:

    The survey conducted and the interaction with the suppliers has been used as a

    measurement technique in this study.


    a) One time clear specifications to the suppliers.

    b) Early Lab Testing.

    c) Introduction of more designed samples.


  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    A brief overview of Indias textile industry and its present scenario

    The size of Indian textile industry is estimated at Rs.1, 24,000 Crores constituting one fifth of the

    industrial production and seven percent of the GDP. The industry has fair global exposure. Textile

    exports constitute about 35 percent of the total foreign exchange earning of the country and

    providing employment directly and indirectly to around 100 million people.

    The industry has an impressive profile. India is the largest exporter of cotton yarn in the world,

    third largest producer of cotton, second largest producer of silk, fifth largest producer of synthetic

    fibres and has largest loomage and second largest number of spindles in the world. Yet its share in

    the global textile industry is a dismal 3 percent and the industry is deeply entrapped in problems of


    A brief overview of the industry reveals that the spindleage increased from 11 million spindles in

    1950 to 40 million spindles in 2004. The shuttle looms increased from 2 lacs to 25 lacs during the

    same period. The shuttle less looms increased from 200 in 1978 to 11200 in 2004. The Indian

    textile industry also presents a very complex picture with visages of 18th, 19th and 20th century.

    The Charka and the handloom jostle with state of the art automatic plants and compete for the same


    Unfortunately, in spite of the potential of this industry in emerging newer areas of application and

    growth it is still largely untapped. This industry has, in fact, the potential of being the projectile toweave India from a developing country to a developed country in the few decades of the new

    millennium. The industrys inability to realize its fullest potential has been due to the numerous

    problems/handicaps faced by different segments of the industry, particularly the down stream

    segments of weaving and processing. India is competitive in respect of several key sectors of

    production. In spite of Indian cotton being termed as the most contaminated cotton in the world, yet

    in terms of raw material cost and wage cost India has a definite advantage. However, in the

    manufacturing cost, India has a disadvantage in respect of power tariff and low productivity per

    spindlage as compared to many of the competing countries.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    The main disadvantage accrues from the high cost of capital in view of the high interest rates in

    India. This, in turn, acts as a disincentive for modernization and technology up gradation. Clean

    water cost is also a limiting factor in the growth of Indian textile industry. Consequently, the

    technology in use is largely obsolete and highly abysmal, thereby eroding the competitive

    advantages in respect of the other factors of production. Incidentally, in terms of entrepreneurial

    skills, India can compete with the best in the world.

    Even if one has to learn a lesson from the historical past, it would be found that as long as raw

    material and human skill were critical for the final product, India had a dominant role in textiles in

    the global scenario. Furthermore, due to the protection hitherto provided by the government from

    import penetration through high tariff barriers, in spite of problems, the industry has been cruising

    at a slow but steady pace, catering mostly to the needs of the large but quality insensitive domestic

    market. However, with the setting up of the WTO and gradual phasing out of quantitative

    restrictions (QR) and scheduled dismantling of the tariff barriers aimed at complete integration of

    the textile trade by the year 2005, the textile scenario is undergoing a complete metamorphosis.

    The industry is the largest employer in the private sector and the second largest in the country after


    Already foreign textiles and garments have started making headway towards the vast Indian market

    causing a great deal of discomfort to the desi lobby. This import influx is expected to intensify in

    the days to come. The post quota regime could be a bit of relief.

    Thus, with so many limitations as well as potential, one thing is crystal clear. With the demand for

    Indian textiles growing in the global scenario and favorable government policies, the Indian textile

    industry will climb greater heights in the years to come.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    The current prevailing scenario in the Indian textile industry is highly competitive and evolving.

    There is tremendous competition in the marketplace with players trying to capture a larger market

    share. Another phenomenon that is being witnessed is that of players resorting to heavy discounting

    in a bid to sell off their merchandise. The heavy discounting that is prevalent in the marketplace is

    mainly panic-driven. Players have been unable to meet their sales projections and hence they are

    resorting to discounting. They expected higher growth but the market has not grown as anticipated.

    The branded segment too has not witnessed robust growth as expected. The reasons for this are

    many; the important one being that industrial growth has not matched projections.

    Another important reason is the present trend of consumers to gravitate towards white goods like

    television sets, cellular phones, etc. The white goods industry has resorted to aggressive and

    attractive marketing and almost all of them are offering freebies along with their products. Cellular

    phone and television companies are prime examples of this and hence there has been a shift away

    from textiles towards these white goods.

    Now coming to the Indian cotton textile industry where India was a leader in not-so-distant past,

    lack of modernization and opportunistic pricing policies has led to its decline. The qualities of the

    products and the price at which they are offered have rendered them uncompetitive. The clothing

    industry has indeed grown, but not as fast as it should have.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.


    The Indian textile industry, especially clothing, has not grown as fast as those of competitor

    countries such as China, Thailand, Philippines, East Europe, Turkey and Indonesia. The mainreason for this is that the industry in India is reserved for the small-scale industry and this has

    proved a big factor in inhibiting growth.

    Huge investments are needed to upgrade existing technology and introduce new technology. There

    is an urgent need to increase productivity in the Indian industry. Labour costs are not cheap in

    India as is thought. Indian wages are lower but when weightage is given to productivity then the

    costs work out higher. Greater emphasis must be laid on increasing productivity and upgrading theindustry's technological levels.

    The readymade garments segment is far from matured; the main reason being that the Indian

    market till now was a closed one. But it will mature soon as India integrates economically with the

    world community. As competition increases in the marketplace and international brands make their

    presence felt in India, the branded segment will begin to mature fast. Indian players will have to

    provide international-class products and for that they should invest on technology and upgrading

    the quality of their offerings. The biggest beneficiary of this will be the consumer.

    As the market matures, there will be a significant shift in consumer preference towards branded

    products. A brand makes a promise of quality and standard. This shift is already visible and will get

    increasingly sharp in the coming years.

    In the free trade regime, the world has become one big market where only the fittest will be able to

    survive. It will be an era of both, opportunities and threats, for the Indian textile industry. The

    opportunity will exist as India can export unlimited quantities. The threat will come from the fact

    that the Indian market can also be flooded by exports from China, Indonesia, Philippines or even

    East European countries. The duty structure is also rationalized.

    The main competition to the Indian textile industry emanates from China, Bangladesh, Turkey,

    Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines and the East European countries. These countries compete on cost

    and delivery time. The freight cost is lesser from these countries. Most of these countries can

    respond faster. Normally, Turkey and East European countries only take two-to-three days for


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    transit time whereas for India it is 18-to-25 days. These countries also have either zero duty or

    lower rates of duty under the GSP scheme.


  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.


    Every opportunity is a doorstep to success.

    This quotation holds very much true when we talk about the history & establishment of

    "Mandhana Textile Mills"

    Starting with a small firm called Shankarlal Rameshchandra" a wholesale and retail clothe

    shop, they grew and emerged as one of the Tycoon's in the textile industry. They are in the field of

    textiles from past 50 years, an experience very much valuable than anything else and the name and

    goodwill that they have earned over the years is just incomparable. From a small firm called

    Shankarlal Rameshchandra" they went up to establish a big business house called "S.R.Fabrics."

    They setup their textile unit at Sangli MIDC, Maharashtra and later on expanded their Business

    operations and setup different units at various places all over Maharashtra & parts of Gujarat, such

    as Surat, Madhavanagar, Mumbai, Ichalkaranji, Bilwara and Jayasingpur. They didn't concentrate

    on any one specific product line but manufactured various varieties of clothes. The different units

    established at different places also manufactured different products. At Surat, they manufactured

    Sarees, at Mumbai they manufactured Readymade Shirts, at Ichalkaranji they manufactured Grey

    Dhoti's, at Sangli, Jayasingpur, Bilwara and Madhavnagar they manufactured different qualities of

    exclusive suiting and shirtings ranging from grey to dyied products. All these were manufactured

    under the Brand name "S.R.Fabrics" and were marketed also by the same name. Later on all these

    different units were brought under one common group and was called as the Mandhana Group".

    In the year 1990, Bombay Dyeing disposed off 350 ordinary looms for production purpose.

    This opportunity led to the establishment of Mandhana Textile Mills" in the year 1990. The

    different units at Sangli, Ichalkaranji & Jayasingpur came under Mandhana Textile Mills. They

    entered into on contract with Bombay Dyeing for 5 years and got started as a partnership firm. At

    the start, they installed 250 Ruti-B machines for their production purpose. But later on, as years

    went by and as competition grew, they were replaced by Ruti-C machines in the year 1997, for the

    purpose of attaining superior quality production.


  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Initially, they used to supply only to Bombay Dyeing and the whole production was carried

    out only for Bombay Dyeing and manufacturing company Ltd., as they were in a contract with

    them, for 5 years. Later on they were open to trade with other parties also. Even then, Bombay

    Dyeing till today remains their major customer. They manufacture all types of clothes as required

    by the customers. But the major production is of cotton cloth. With the help of Ruti-C machines

    they used to manufacture only Grey fabric. The process of dyeing took place at Mumbai. But later

    on in the year 2000 due to increase in competition and requirements of the customer and as

    technology grew, they introduced "Rapier" machines which are totally computerized, and more

    designs can be given to the customer within a short time. With the help of Rapier machines along

    with the Grey fabric, dyeid cloth could also be manufactured. They have a huge and renowned

    customer base such as Bombay Dyeing, Siyarams, Morarjee, Digjam etc., Mandhana Textile Mills

    is a part of a Multiproduct, multilocation industrial group popularly known as the "Mandhana

    Group". They also established their export unit at Sangli MIDC and exported their products to

    countries such as Korea, Srilanka, etc., Their innovative product mix backed by in house storing,

    world class quality, highly competitive prices, on time deliveries & excellent marketing enabled

    Mandhana Textile Mills to emerge to the position where it stands today.

    Competitiveness of Mandhana Textile Mills stems from its emphasis on cost leadership,

    differentiation and operational efficiency. The company doesnt compromise on the quality aspect.

    It purchases superior quality of yarn, have more production and then they match it with their

    costing. Due to huge competition, the market recently concentrates upon the quality as well as the

    rate of the cloth. Both have to be good for them. The company agrees that there are more number

    of suppliers than the demand". So cost/price & quality both are very important now a days which

    was not the case in the past. In the past, quality was considered most important and not the price.

    Employee Strength :-

    Mandhana Textile Mills employee strength is 820.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.


    The company is located at Sangli MIDC, Maharashtra.

    The reasons for the location in this area are: -

    i) Easy availability of raw material i.e. cotton, yarn in the region.

    ii) Nearness to various sizing plants and yarn suppliers in Ichalkaranji, popularly known as

    the Manchester of India.

    iii) Catering to the markets in the west.


    Managing Director

    Manager{H.R.} Manager{Production} Manager{Finance} Manager{Marketing}

    Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor

    (Inward & Outward/ (Weaving (Production) (inventory)

    Quality control.) Section)

    Functioning of the Marketing Department:-


  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Mr.Omprakash Mandhana is the Marketing head and looks after all the marketing activities

    of the company. Marketing of Grey fabric differs from the Marketing of Dyied fabric and also

    marketing of plain fabric differs from the marketing of designed fabric.

    The plain Grey fabric is marketed through Brokers, which are situated at different regions

    and areas. All the parties such as Bombay dyeing, Siyarams, Morarjee etc, have their own Brokers

    who carry out the activities of getting the required cloth at a competitive price and at a suitable

    time. Thus, marketing here is done through the Brokers of different parties and not directly to the


    Whereas in case of designed fabric, marketing is done directly to the company and no

    Broker acts as a mediator between the company and the party in this case. Marketing is done by

    showing samples of various designs of different varieties of cloth and at a competitive price.

    Customers can also give their own designs that they require and the company manufactures it.

    Thus, customerised marketing also comes into picture here.

    The Company takes advance orders 1 month before from all the parties and these orders are

    fulfilled within a time period of 1 to 11/2 month. This is the schedule that they maintain.


    Competition is fierce among the companies. As the company states Demand is less

    whereas suppliers are more". Ichalakaranji is known as the "Manchester of India". Its the textile

    capital of the country. So the company considers whole Ichalakaranji as its competition area

    because there are innumerable textile mills in & around Ichalakaranji, both small and large scale.

    But their main competitors are:

    1] O.C.M.

    2] Oswal Textiles

    3] Gwalior Textiles Mills.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Step by Step process followed at Mandhana Textiles Mills" from the

    Procurement till dispatch.





    Healed frame



    Cloth Roller




    Meter Counting





  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    The Basic raw material required for the production of cloth is cotton and yarn. The

    process of cotton converting into yarn is most important from the production point of view. This is

    done in spinning mills. After this, sizing takes place. Sizing increases the strength of the yarn.

    Sizing is considered to be the Heart of the whole process. If sizing goes wrong then the whole

    process is a waste because the fabric/cloth manufactured will not be of the desired quality, or as per

    specifications. Because everything depends upon the strength of the yarn.

    Strengthening of yarn depends upon certain specifications such as number of counts,

    number of ends, CSP of yarn etc. After the yarn is strengthened as per specifications it is rolled in a

    Beam and the thread of Beam is called as Warf ".

    The Beam is then put into the loom & then the actual production begins. The heald frame

    moves as per requirement or design. The Reed" moves the thread as desired and then the fabric is

    manufactured and it gets rolled in a cloth roller attached to the loom.

    After production, the process of inspection and checking of cloth takes place. The cloth

    roller first moves to the process of Clipping where all the threads remained at one end of the

    cloth are removed. After clipping, Mending takes place, wherein all the defects in the cloth if any

    are removed. Mending is a very important process because the acceptance/rejection of the cloth by

    the parties depends upon it, as it is responsible for the removal of defects. Then checking takes

    place as per order placed and its specifications. After this, Meter counting is done and it is folded.

    Both these process of Meter Counting & folding takes place simultaneously. Later on the cloth is

    packed and dispatched to the party concerned.


  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Major Suppliers & Customers of Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Major Suppliers.

    United Sizing Works, Ichalkaranji.

    Essargee Mills, Coimbatore.

    Glofame Cotspin Ind Ltd, Vapi.

    Ankur Textiles, Ichalkaranji.

    Broach Textiles Mills, Bharuch.

    Arunkumar & Co. Ichalkaranji.

    Modern Knitwear Tech Ltd., Silvassa.

    C.M. Cot, Shripur.

    Major Customers.

    Bombay Dyeing & Mfg. Co. Ltd., Mumbai.

    Morarjee Brembana Ltd., Nagpur.

    Esteem Services, Mumbai.

    Full fill fabrics, Howrah.

    Morarjee Gokuldas & Weaving Mills, Mumbai.

    Vibha Synthetics Pvt, ltd,. Mumbai.

    Biyani Textiles Pvt., Ltd., Ichalkaranji.

    R.S.R. Mohta Spinning & Weaving Mills, Mumbai.

    Siyaram Textiles, Ltd., Mumbai.

    Digjam Suiting & Shirtings Pvt., Ltd., Mumbai.


  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Some Technical Terms Used:

    Count 840 yards (length), 1 pound / 453 gms (Weight) = 1 count.

    Warf The thread of Beam is known as Warf.

    1 Single Warf = 1 End.

    Warf is counted through Ends.

    Weft Shutters object is known as Weft.

    1 Weft = Pick,

    Weft is counted through Picks.

    Pick The intersection of Warf & Weft is known as Pick.

    Cotton Yarn is counted by Counts ".

    Denier counts polyester yarn.

    Formula for count in 5315

    Polyester Yarn - denier = Count.

    Formula for Warf Calculation: -

    Reed Space x Pick x 0.5905


    Formula for Weft Calculation: -

    Total Ends x 0.5905 x 110 meters.

    Count Actual Meter

    These formulas give us the weight of Warf & Weft per meter.


  • 7/31/2019 Smoothening the Process of Supply Chain Mandhana Textile Mills


    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Process of Supply Chain

    Receipt of Purchase Order

    Order for yarn

    Not ok

    Quality ControlOk

    Procurement of yarn



    The Company gets the receipts of purchase order from its customers 1 month before and as

    per their requirement i.e. on the basis of number of counts required, places the order for yarn with

    the spinning mills. Whatever may be the quantity of order placed they have to lift the order within

    one month. They need not lift the whole yarn ordered at once they can lift it as per their

    requirement but within one month, they should lift the whole order.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Quality Control

    Quality Control of the yarn takes place while procurement. The cones sent by the suppliers

    are tested in the laboratory to see if they meet the specification or not, such as CSP imperfections,

    count, ends etc. If they do not meet the required specification they are sent back to the supplier for

    replacement / correction. If they show positive results while testing they are purchased. After

    procurement production takes place and after inspection it is packed & dispatched to the customers.

    The customers communicate the acceptance / rejection of the order received within a few days.

    The Process of Sizing:-

    Sizing is the most important activity carried out in the whole process. It has its effect on

    the production and ultimately on the final product. If sizing is done correctly, the whole process

    will go on smoothly. Sizing is therefore called as the Heart of the whole process".

    Sizing is carried out in the sizing mills. Sizing increases the strength of the yarn. It too has

    certain limitations of increasing the strength of the yarn. There are various sizing mills located in

    and around Ichalkaranji and the company places order for yarn with them.

    The number of counts ends & CSP required for the yarn are communicated to the suppliers

    and the suppliers as per the specifications, rolls the thread taking number of ends. The yarn is then

    penetrated through a process of steam or boiling and with the use of certain chemicals, size paste is

    produced, and widthwise it is set in the Beam in the roller.

    There are two kinds of cotton yarn. They are:-


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    1] Open End yarn.

    2] Ring frame yarn.

    The open ended yarn goes through only one process, & It is subjected to less imperfections.

    As it involves only one process, the thread directly comes out.

    Whereas, in case of Ring frame, it goes through 3 processes. It is subjected to more

    imperfections. It's all depended on the quality of cotton. In Ring frame, the thread passes through

    a ring and then it comes out. It doesn't come out directly as in the case of open End yarn. The CSP

    of yarn is more in case of Ring frame than that of open end.

    Ring frame is considered to be the superior quality of yarn, than open End. The company most of

    the time orders for Ring frame yarn as it doesnt compromise on the quality of yarn. But at the

    same time it is subject to more imperfections, and the time taken by the supplier to supply this yarn

    is more than that of open end, as it involves a long process.

    The basic raw material for yarn is cotton. The cotton goes through a process of mixing.

    Mixing is done as per the specifications of the customer and finally it is combed.

    The customers are required to lift the whole quantity of yarn ordered within 1 month from

    the date of placing the order. The problem that the company faces is that it gets more amount of

    defective yarn from its suppliers. Defects in yarn are in the form of less CSP than ordered, the

    counts are less than required, contamination i.e., colour flags in the yarn also causes a problem. All

    this is known when the company checks the cones provided by the supplier in the laboratory during

    its Quality control. After detecting the defects, it sends back the defective yarn to the supplier for

    replacement. This causes delay in the production and ultimately affects the delivery schedule to

    the parties. The Quality Control is done during purchasing.

    Problem Origin


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    The Company after receiving the receipt of purchase order places the order for the

    procurement of yarn required on the basis of count and CSP (Count Strength Product). But during

    quality control i.e. lab testing of yarn it often happens that some lots of yarn doesnt match the

    count or the CSP requirement and so it's again sent back. This affects production and ultimately

    delays the delivery to the customers.

    On the other side of the supply chain, the satisfaction of the customers with regard to the

    acceptance / rejections of the product received is also a matter of concern to the company. It

    happens because sometimes the Grey checking dosent happens as per buyers specifications. The

    quality of yarn may not match the parties requirement, weaving faults such as Reed Marks, Broken

    ends, etc., filamentation in case of polyester yarn may occur. Sometimes contamination also has a

    impact on the satisfaction of the customers.

    Thus, there arises the need to Smoothen the whole process of Supply chain".


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.


    A proper plan made before taking up any project, helps to complete the project

    successfully. So, a little effort has been made to plan how the project should be, to know thepurpose of undertaking the project and the project and the methodology to be used in the project.

    Data Collection Approach:-

    Collection of data is one of the basic step towards a successful project. The data required by

    the project are collected through the following methods:-

    1] Primary Data.2] Secondary Data.

    1] Primary Data:-

    Much of the information collected of this project is primary in nature. They are collected in

    a face to face interaction with the manager & directors of the company, and also through survey

    method with the help of questionnaires & face to face interaction with the customers.

    2] Secondary data:-

    Internal Secondary data:-

    This was generated within the organisation with the help of purchase/sales invoices, and

    other documents.

    External Secondary data:-

    This data refers to the data collected from website (Internet) newspapers, magazines such as

    Business world etc.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Objective's of the project:-

    1] To learn the complete procedure from yarn to textile.

    2] To study the supply chain of the whole process of textiles.

    3] To identify the problem associated with the supply chain and work upon it.

    4] To learn how textile is marketed.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Data Analysis and Findings:-

    A customer satisfaction survey was conducted with the help of a questionnaire. It was aweek long survey and was conducted at Mumbai & Ichalkaranji. A face-to-face interview was also

    conducted with them along with the survey adding valuable inputs to the whole process

    The survey consisted of 10 major customers of the company who account for more than

    80% of the companies business. The survey was restricted to Mumbai region as all the customers

    operate from there. It covered customers such as Bombay Dyeing, Siyarams etc.

    The analysis of the survey has been showed in the further pages and the master coding

    sheet has been attached in the annexure. The survey was helpful in knowing and understanding the

    customers perception or outlook towards the company and their various requirements.

    A face to face interaction with the various suppliers of the company was also conducted to

    know the reasons for the defects found in yarn. A format was prepared taking into consideration the

    information required.

    According to the Company, The problem occurs in the sizing paste. The yarn is not

    penetrated properly, and it results into problem while weaving. It gives out cotton. They argue

    that the CSP of the yarn has to be very good.

    A face-to-face interaction conducted with the major supplier's of the company at

    Ichalkaranji and surrounding areas revealed various reasons for the defects found. The companies

    record of its suppliers, (the order placed & received) has also been referred and a vendor rating has

    been carried out to know the performance of the companies suppliers. The interaction with the

    suppliers has been highlighted with the help of a format in further pages.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Analysis of customer satisfaction survey


    The factory work place is an important factor considered by the customers when they visit

    the company. It includes whether all the various processes are in alignment or not and also the

    cleanliness at the work place.

    According to the survey, most of the customers considered the factory work place of thecompany to be excellent. Out of the 10 major customers surveyed, 5 customers found it to be

    excellent, 3 as very good and 2 as good.












    Excellent v good good NI poor


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Response to Customers Quality Concerns (Complaints )

    Addressing customers regrets and quality concerns effectively by a company is one of the

    requirements of the customer. With the help of the survey conducted, its clear that the company

    has given good response to its customers quality concerns and other related complaints.

    Out of the 10 major customers surveyed, 4 of them found it to be very good, 4

    of them found it to be good, 1 customer found it to be excellent and 1 of them needing

    improvement in it.











    Excellent v good good N.I poor


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Delivery Performance

    Each and every customer wants prompt delivery of his orders. It shows the companies punctuality

    in meeting the orders of its customer.

    The above analysis of the survey shows that out of the 10 major

    customers surveyed, 6 of them need improvement in its delivery performance, 2 of them rating it as

    good and 2 of the customers rating it as poor.









    Excellent v good good N.I poor


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Packing Standards

    To avoid the problem of the goods getting spoilt or damaged during its transit, it is important that

    the packing standards followed by the company should be good.The survey of 10 major customers shows that the packing standards adopted

    by the company is good, with 4 customers rating it as very good, 4 of the customer rating it as good

    and 2 of them needing improvement in its packing standards.











    Excellent v good good N.I poor


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Inspection & Checking

    The inspection and checking activities are very much important from the point of view of removal

    of defects.

    The survey conducted shows that the inspection and checking activities carried out at the

    company are very good. Out of the 10 major customers surveyed, 2 of them rating it as excellent, 4

    of them rating it as very good, 3 of them rating it as good and 1 of them needing improvement in it.











    Excellent v good good N.I poor


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Quality of Yarn used

    The quality of yarn decides the quality of cloth to be produced. For the quality of cloth to be good,

    the quality of yarn has to be superior.

    According to the survey of 10 major customers conducted it is clear that

    the company uses extremely good quality of yarn. Of the 10 major customers surveyed, 2 of them

    rated it to be excellent, 4 of them rated it to be very good and 4 of them rated it to be good.











    Excellent v good good N.I poor


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Design Samples

    To choose from and order it to the company, the customers require large number of designed

    samples of different varieties at their disposal.

    The analysis of the survey of 10 major customers conducted shows that the

    customers are not happy with the number of designed samples provided by the company and they

    require improvements in it. Out of the 10 customers surveyed, 6 of them rated that they need

    improvements in it, 2 of them rating it as poor, 1 of the customer rating it as good and only 1 of

    them rating it as very good.









    Excellent v good good N.I poor


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Product Performance

    For the company to retain its customers and get more orders from him requires that the

    performance of previous product of the company should be good.

    Out of the 10 major customers surveyed, it was found that 6 ofthem rated it as very good, 2 of them rated it as good and 2 of them rated it as excellent. Thus,

    overall the product performance of the company is extremely good from the customers point of










    a b c d e









    Excellent v good good N.I poor


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Training to Employees

    Training to all the employees at different levels of the organization motivates them to do their work

    more confidently and enables them to provide information required by the customers related to

    their work.

    In the survey conducted it clearly shows that the training given to the employees

    in the company is very good because out of 10 major customers, 4 of them rate it as very good, 4 of

    them rate it as good and with only 2 of them needing improvements in it.











    Excellent v good good N.I poor


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Response to Customers Change in Delivery Schedules

    It is very much important for the company to meet the delivery schedules of its customers. The

    customers may sometimes change their delivery schedule and expect a positive response from the

    companies side.

    The survey conducted shows that out of the 10 major customers surveyed, 6

    of them feel that their should be improvement on it, 3 of them rating it as poor and only 1 of them

    rating it as good. It thus indicates that the company doesnt have good response towards it.









    Excellent v good good N.I poor


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Quality Control undertaken

    Quality control is very much important for a company if it wants to identify and reduce the defects

    in the yarn and in the final product manufactured.

    As per the survey of the 10 major customers conducted, 5 of them need

    improvements in it, 3 of them rating it as good and 2 of them rating it as poor. The survey thus

    indicates that the Quality control activities followed by the company are not satisfactory from the

    customers point of view.









    Excellent v good good N.I poor


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Suppliers Interaction and Vendor rating

    The further pages contain the face to face interaction conducted with the suppliers to know the

    reasons for the defects found in yarn. The whole interaction is being put in a format to give the

    whole process a systematic approach. It contains information taken from 10 major customers at

    Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, and Madhavnagar

    Name of the Supplier : United Sizing Works

    Location : Ichalakaranji

    Supplying yarn to Mandhana Textiles since : 2 yrs.

    Last Order received : 2 Weeks before.

    Due date to supply : After 1 month.

    Quality Ordered : 1] Ring frame Cotton yarn

    2] High Twisted yarn.

    Quality Supplied last time : High Twisted yarn.

    CSP requirement : 16.

    Reason for defects found in yarn : a) Often change in Specifications.

    b) Lab Testing should be done.

    1 week before purchasing.

    Quality of yarn often required by MTM : Superior.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Name of the Supplier : Ankur Textiles

    Location : Ichalkaranji.

    Supplying yarn to Mandhana Textiles since : Its establishment.

    Last Order received : 1 Week before.

    Due date to supply : After 1 month.

    Quality Ordered : Dyied yarn.

    Quality Supplied last time : Dyied yarn.

    CSP requirement : 15.

    Reason for defects found in yarn : Change in due dates of delivery.

    Quality of yarn often required by MTM : Superior.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Name of the Supplier : Padmavathi Cotton Co.

    Location : Ichalkaranji.

    Supplying yarn to Mandhana Textiles since : 1 Yr.

    Last Order received : 5 Days ago.

    Due date to supply : After 1 month.

    Quality Ordered : Low Twisted and Dyied yarn.

    Quality Supplied last time : Low Twisted yarn.

    CSP requirement : 12.

    Reason for defects found in yarn : Last time change in specifications.

    Quality of yarn often required by MTM : Mixed bag.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Name of the Supplier : Gangothri Textiles Ltd.,

    Location : Ichalkaranji.

    Supplying yarn to Mandhana Textiles since : 3 Yr.

    Last Order received : 1 week ago.

    Due date to supply : After 20Days.

    Quality Ordered : Fancy yarn

    Quality Supplied last time : Blended yarn.

    CSP requirement : 14.

    Reason for defects found in yarn : a) Less delivery period

    b) frequent count change.

    Quality of yarn often required by MTM : Superior.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Name of the Supplier : Arunkumar & Company.

    Location : Ichalkaranji.

    Supplying yarn to Mandhana Textiles since : 3 Yr.

    Last Order received : 15 days ago.

    Due date to supply : After 1 month.

    Quality Ordered : Texturised Cotton Yarn.

    Quality Supplied last time : Texturised Cotton Yarn.

    CSP requirement : 20.

    Reason for defects found in yarn : Delay in Lab Testing.

    Quality of yarn often required by MTM : Superior.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Name of the Supplier : Sarda Spinning Mill

    Location : Ichalkaranji.

    Supplying yarn to Mandhana Textiles since : 5 Yr.

    Last Order received : 2 days ago.

    Due date to supply : After 1 month.

    Quality Ordered : Roto &High Twisted yarn.

    Quality Supplied last time : Roto.

    CSP requirement : 18.

    Reason for defects found in yarn : Changes in specification.

    Quality of yarn often required by MTM : Superior.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Name of the Supplier : Maheshwari Textiles.

    Location : Ichalkaranji.

    Supplying yarn to Mandhana Textiles since : 4 Yr.

    Last Order received : 10 days ago.

    Due date to supply : After 20Days.

    Quality Ordered : Blended yarn

    Quality Supplied last time : Dyied yarn.

    CSP requirement : 14.

    Reason for defects found in yarn : a) Contamination

    b) Quick delivery requirement.

    Quality of yarn often required by MTM : Mixed.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Name of the Supplier : Thanvi Textiles Ltd.,

    Location : Ichalkaranji.

    Supplying yarn to Mandhana Textiles since : 5 Yr.

    Last Order received : 1 week ago.

    Due date to supply : After 1 month.

    Quality Ordered : Fancy yarn & Low twisted yarn.

    Quality Supplied last time : Fancy yarn.

    CSP requirement : 16.

    Reason for defects found in yarn : Late orders.

    Quality of yarn often required by MTM : Good.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Name of the Supplier : Modern Sizing Works.

    Location : Kolhapur.

    Supplying yarn to Mandhana Textiles since : 3 Yr.

    Last Order received : 10 days ago.

    Due date to supply : After 1 month

    Quality Ordered : Dyied yarn

    Quality Supplied last time : Texturised yarn.

    CSP requirement : 18.

    Reason for defects found in yarn : Changes in delivery schedule.

    Quality of yarn often required by MTM : Superior.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    Name of the Supplier : Ambarish Spinning Mills.

    Location : Madhavnagar.

    Supplying yarn to Mandhana Textiles since : 4 Yr.

    Last Order received : 3 days ago.

    Due date to supply : After 20Days.

    Quality Ordered : Texturised yarn

    Quality Supplied last time : High twisted yarn.

    CSP requirement : 15.

    Reason for defects found in yarn : a) Very Quick delivery requirement.

    b) Frequent count change.

    Quality of yarn often required by MTM : Superior.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.


    The interaction with the suppliers highlighted that last time change in the specifications of

    the yarn required is one of the main reason for the defects found in yarn. The Company

    must thus make the specifications required in the yarn very much clear to the suppliers. Itshouldn't change them frequently

    The Quality control i.eLab testing of the yarn is carried out by the company 1 or 2 days

    before procurement of the yarn. But to minimize the defects in the yarn, the lab testing

    should be done 1-2 weeks before procurement with the help of the cones provided by the


    One of the outcomes of the interaction with the suppliers was that the delivery dates were

    changed time and again. Thus the company should see to it that the delivery dates once

    fixed are not changed frequently and enough time is given for the yarn to be penetrated


    The customer satisfaction survey carried out, showed that the customers are not contented

    and need improvement with the delivery performance of the company. The company should

    thus improve its delivery performance by trying to meet the customers delivery schedule.

    The customer satisfaction survey also revealed that the customers require more designed

    samples to choose from and they need improvements in the current samples. Thus, the


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.

    company needs to introduce more number of designed samples for its customers to choose




    The project was limited to a time period of only 2 months.

    Hesitation of people to disclose confidential matters.

    Number of respondents taken for the survey was too small. Thus, generalization may not be


    The area covered for the survey and for interaction with the suppliers was too limited. Thus

    leading to coverage limitations.

    The respondents information may be a little bit biased.

    Future Prospects for Mandhana Textile Mills:-

    Textile sector in India today is enjoying all the benefits that it didnt enjoy earlier. The

    introduction of computerized Rapier Machines is just the first step towards this direction. Growth of exports after the post- quota regime.

    Growing demand for Indian Textiles.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain

    Mandhana Textile Mills.


    The Indian Textile Industry has opened up and all the Govt. policies are in favour of the

    Industry today. The whole scenario is very much promising and is to stay for a long time.

    Mandhana Textile Mills has a vast experience of 50 yrs in this field and the goodwill that it

    has earned over the years is just unmatchable. It is the first Industry of its type to be set-up in the

    whole region. The Company has always changed with the changing times & growing

    competition and this shows in its journey from Ruti-B auto looms to the recently installed

    Rapier" computerized looms. It has maintained cordial relations with its suppliers and customers

    over the years.

    The company should try to introduce more "Rapier machines as they give more production

    and less defects. This helps in meeting the delivery schedule of the customers in time & also

    because they are capable of manufacturing crush, jute, and other loose materials which are in great


    They have taken their first step towards this direction & with the huge customer base &

    goodwill that they have, a Bright and promising future awaits them.


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    Smoothening the process of supply chain



    Marketing Management Philip Kotler,12th edition

    Textbook of logistics and supply chain management,D.K.Agarwal,2003 edition


    Textile association of

    Mandhana Textile

    News paper: