smart lean government life events

Maximum Performanc e Group ISE I2F Smart Lean Government Life Events Rick Smith Cory Casanave 1

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Smart Lean Government Life Events. Rick Smith Cory Casanave. Agenda. Outline of the elusive Data Issue Concept of Life Events I2F Exchange Patterns with Life Events Ontology Life Event Fit with ISE I2F Secure Information Exchange Gateway with Life Events Life Events Benefit Summary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Maximum Performance Group


Smart Lean Government Life Events

Rick SmithCory Casanave

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Agenda• Outline of the elusive Data Issue• Concept of Life Events• I2F Exchange Patterns with Life Events Ontology• Life Event Fit with ISE I2F• Secure Information Exchange Gateway with Life Events• Life Events Benefit Summary• Appendix One – Linked Open Data proposal example for Architectures

and Data• Appendix Two – EU Onestopegov Reference Documentation

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The Requirement• Data continues to be the unsolved problem because services have been harder to create, implement,

and deliver and data is the service provider’s problem• Success in providing Mobile computing is:

• Understanding the User Experience with the device and their activities• Capturing the data required• Identify and isolate it in the legacy environment• If not found create it• Design a life cycle storage, usage, and aggregation to fit the citizen/business Life Events requirements

• For data services:• Understand the citizen/business needs• Identify the data required• Find it locally• Create what’s missing (crowd sourcing, demonstrate the value to the individual, etc.• Organize the resulting data/information• Provide an exchange capability/facility so that all 5 tiers of government can access and provide the required

services without regard to programs or other artificial boundaries

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Our Solution: Life Events

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Life Events Definition• A Life Event (LE) is a common registration/request incident for a citizen or

business that requires interaction with government Community of Services (COS)s, such as giving birth, registering for school, obtaining a business license, or registering to lobby Congress. A Life Event can trigger responses within a wide spectrum of government and non-government entities and once triggered, key information obtained during submission or review is migrated to all subsequent relevant forms and records. These Life Events can be collectively be considered a life cycle of events which form a permanent record(s) until formally closed. The majority of Life Events are created at the local level of government and are referenced, compiled, combined, or divided up for further use by higher level government entities

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Principles for LE• Citizen/Business as focus for LE• Proactive support for Citizen, Business gathering all relevant possibilities for the ontology• Anticipatory in nature – government making citizens /business aware of :

• services and opportunities based on dates, needs, conditions• Inform the requestor of status of event actions• Focused on the Request for service not the current government delivery capability

• Cross bureaucratic/program sharing or/ exchanging of information• Developed from the ontology specifics gathered by detailed focus on service request requirements

• Use a like tool to crowd source data

• Citizen/Business can manage and control pervasiveness.• As well as using SaaS to develop services on the fly

• Private and Secure• Uses Semantic Web exchange where Life Events can be generated real-time through metadata

• My• Multi-channel outreach

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Request Passport from State authorizing Life Event usage

State requests Life Events from all Life Event holders

State processes Life Events through Passport “filters”

State issues / denies passport and updates Life Events

Current Process Target Process

State completes or rejects Passport

Life Event using Passports as Example

Life Events for Life Events for

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Life Event Fit with ISE I2F – Positioning Life Events within I2F

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Inside I2F Components


Mission SpaceOperational Capabilities: references “Current State” Implementations of functional and technical services coupled with the appropriate policy, process, training, outreach, and other infrastructure components

Common Practice and Terms•Technical Standards: specific to the development and implementation of information sharing capabilities into ISE systems

•Technical Capabilities: detailed technical descriptions such as data and metadata that enable the efficient, secure, and trusted application of the ISE business processes and information flows to share information

•Exchange Patterns: repeatable sets of tasks that help accomplish a commonly occurring need for exchange of data or information between two or more partners

Reuse and Shared Capability•Exchange Specifications: is the instantiation of an exchange pattern, and once implemented correctly enables interoperability

Build Life Events Profiles from EU models

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New Exchange Patterns are created from Life Events enhanced SIM


Query Response


Alerts, Broadcast and Notifications

Choreography and Coordination



Life Events“Exchange”

Life Events Exchange becomes the workflow and aggregation of the Local data and repository for the Life time of the citizen/business built by a SIM created from I2F

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Modified I2F Table for Reference Architectures



interoperability requirement

Life EventsContribution

APPLICABLE ARCHITECTURAL ARTIFACTSApplicable view, artifact, etc. – which maps to applicable reference artifact

Common Approach to Federal Enterprise


GRAService Specification Package, v1.0.0

IC-related(based on ICEA PAG)


DATA DOMAIN Mechanism for identifying and categorizing candidate assets for sharing

(D1) Provide the high-level data concepts and their relationships

Knowledge Management Plan (D2)

Data Asset CatalogProvider-to-Consumer


DIV-1: Conceptual Data Model

Domain Vocabulary Conceptual Data Model Phase C: Information Systems Architecture – Data

Application Principals, Data Principals

Framework for capturing data elements and the relationship between them (semantics)

(D2) Document the data requirements and their relationships, as well as the structural business process rules and metadata where necessary

Use Life events Reference Model and Ontology constructs to layout the data requirements

Logical Data Model (D1) DIV-2: Logical Data Model Message Definitions Mechanism

Logical Data Model Architecture Definitions Document

Approach for documenting exchange patterns

(D3) Show the repeatable set of tasks that help accomplish the commonly occurring need for exchange of data/information between exchanging partners, as well as the data relationships and how the data relates to the business activities and their rules/policies

Take the Life Event s developed for the range of services and extract the local data through an exchange to populate the Life Event. Get Life Event participants to fill in and correct missing data.There needs to be a Life cycle Life events to gather and present the changes over the life time

Business Process Diagram (B1)

Logical Data Model (D1)

OV-5b: Operational Activity ModelDIV-1: Conceptual Data ModelDIV-2: Logical Data Model

Message Exchange Patterns

Activity DiagramConceptual Data ModelLogical Data Model

Activity ModelBaseline and Target Data


Principles and roles and responsibilities for data managements and stewardship

(D4) Show organizational relationships with respect to the data and its lifecycle

Principles and roles and responsibilities for data managements and stewardship

Knowledge Management Plan (D2)

OV-4: Organizational Relationships Chart

(along with narrative)

Operational Concept Description

Data Management, Data Migration, and Data Governance

Technical standards to design and implement information sharing capabilities in ISE systems

(D5) Provide any necessary or relevant data standards to be considered for interoperability

Technical standards can be W3C Semantic Web and OMG ontology and sysML

Technical Standards Profile (I3)

StdV-1 Standards Profile Relevant Mandated Standards

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I2F Use – Building Interoperability into Mission-Based Reference Architecture(s)


2. Coordinate interoperability artifact descriptions3. Identify artifacts relevant to interoperability and information sharing

Ex., Data Domain - builds on the operational context and defines why information needs to be exchanged. Technical standards are enablers that provide the vocabularies for sharing to assure that the semantic meaning and the context of the data is not lost during transition and transformation. Technical capabilities provide the architectural context within which the exchange is executed. All of these components focus on the interoperability framework. The actual data constructs define the data exchange content model and includes:

Mechanism for identifying and categorizing candidate assets for sharing Framework for capturing data elements and the relationship between them (semantics) How the data is structured, what standards are used, and how data/information can be exchanged so

users are able to both have access to and use the data/information Technical standards to design and implement information sharing capabilities into ISE systems Approach for documenting exchange patterns Data/information flow to include the tagging of the data, discovery, and retrieval Principles, roles, and responsibilities for data management and stewardship

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I2F Integrated Landscape View w/ Life Events

Life Events Ontology

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Secure Information Exchange Gateway with Life Events

• Diagrams

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Trusted Space

Trusted SpaceInformation




Provider’s Gateway


SQLGatelet NIEM/Global



Web BrowserGatelet


Policies & Models


CSV FileExchange

Consumer’s Gateway




Policies & Models



Online User

Example Gateway Configurations







G Da





InerpolGatelet others


Life Events

Life Events

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Life EventReference Concept

System ADBMS

“Passport ID: String”

System Specific Data Structures

Passport Number System B







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Live Event Model

Runtime Infrastructure














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Life Event has same Audience as ISE• Life Events because of their discrete nature and ability to be

combined as ongoing services representing different functions of government (Justice, Law Enforcement, Travel, Taxing, etc. across all 5 tiers of government) allow all LE producers (Government managers, program executives, local government data records, etc.) and all individuals and organizations (consumers) to create/utilize services with integrated LEs (passport, SEC registrations, Interpol, etc.).

• Next slide is an example of Passport issuance which serves a single life with an unknown number of Life Event checks to provide data.

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Life Events Benefits: • Life Events become the organizing criteria for data gathered about citizens and

businesses• Instead of siloed programs focus, Life Events aggregate all data relevant to the event

and store it as connected to the citizen/business as well as the program

• Primary benefits, other than speed, accuracy, and availability from building government services using LEs will be derived from having a well-defined LE governance process across public sector boundaries (tribal, local, state, and federal), a minimum LE common format, availability for LE life cycle access and line of sight by all responsible agencies, elimination of duplicate government record keepers and administrative overhead and faster turnaround from application to delivery of government services to all. LE combined with COS and SIM should allow for realization of the promise of e-Gov.

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Life Events Way Ahead• Growing demand by government for integrated Education, Economic, Public Health, Public Safety

information to understand future for planning purposes• Need citizen/business focus granularity to properly plan

• Need for a citizen or business to have unique record(s) of all their activities• Focused on citizen/business cumulative activity not collection of singular events• Organized with common vocabulary/ontology• Cross jurisdictional• Integrated with geospatial, social media, web 2.0 etc.• Becomes an open source repository that will prevent $ 30 B EHRS because data captured represents the

consumer not the program servicer• They have different needs and desired outcomes

• Need for Community of Service across 5 tiers with access to LEs• Access, create, modify, inform LEs• Communicate through data exchanges to linked LEs• This will provide real service!!!

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Summary• Recommendation is to:• Do a small pilot with IJIS and New Jersey to create 2- 3 Life Events, go

after the local data to create Life Event using material in D 13• Build the CoS workflow from D 13• Test

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Appendix 1• EU Resource Repository

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D91 Project Presentation and Web Site Mar. 2006

D11 State-of-the-art Apr. 2006

D12 Life-event analysis and description language Jun. 2006

D21 User Requirements and Platform Architecture Specifications Jun. 2006

D81 First Plan for using and disseminating knowledge Jun. 2006

D51 OneStopGov Framework: Principles Sep. 2006

D13 Life-event reference models Mar. 2007

D52 OneStopGov Framework: Roadmap (draft) Mar. 2007

D53 OneStopGov Framework: Process models and Social Issues Jun. 2007

D82 Second Plan for using and disseminating knowledge Jun. 2007

D31 First active life-event portal prototype Aug. 2007

OneStopGov Public Deliverables

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D41 First life-event generic workflows and middleware prototype Aug. 2007

D32 Active life-event portal evaluation and final specifications Nov. 2007

D42 Life-event generic workflows and middleware evaluation and final specifications Nov. 2007

D61 Integration and Deployment plans, guidelines and test cases Dec. 2007

D54 OneStopGov Framework: Roadmap and Guidelines Mar. 2008

D83 Report identifying market opportunities for OneStopGov Jun. 2008

D62 Integration and Deployment report Jul. 2008

D71 Trials configuration and evaluation plan Jul. 2008

D84 Intellectual Property schedule Sep. 2008

D85 A OneStopGov project best practice in Software IP management Nov. 2008

D72 Trials evaluation results Dec. 2008

D94 Final Report Dec. 2008

OneStopGov Publications

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OneStopGov Restricted Documents

Restricted Deliverables

Del. No Deliverable Title



D92 Risk assessment and project evaluation report, first version Jun. 2006

D93 Risk assessment and project evaluation report, second version Mar. 2007

D33 Final active life-event portal Mar. 2008

D43 Final life-event generic workflows and middleware Mar. 2008

D86 A roadmap for the commercialisation of identified Intellectual Property Nov. 2008

D87 Final Plan for using and disseminating knowledge Dec. 2008

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European Union (2002- 2008) Created Life Events (citizen and business) eGOV• Definition of Citizen and Business Life Events data models

• Can be built from existing local data• Organized using GOVml an XML based vocabulary/ontology of Life Events

• GOVml is XML so there is no translation needed• EU crated LE but focused on portal processes which we recommend be networked

• We can create data exchange linkages • Using NIEM with meta data extensions for LE additions• Create up front Ontology maps for LEs that are part of CoS• Can also used Semantic Web linked data inputs

• Allow local and state interchange with Federal services• Must redefine services from Agency Program dictates to Citizen/Business life event needs• Local data must be examined to verify tha it has all data needed for LE and CoS• Crowd sourcing or some systems needs to be put in place to get accurate and up-to-date data

• Standard eGov portal connection can be networked• Use OneStopGov reference library to create a working model or subset for USA

• Reference Models• Use Cases• Ontologies• Workflow• Platform and network Architecture

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EU Requirements to Model Life events• EU hierarchy

• Life Event• Public service• Document (input and output)• Citizen or business as the main

actor or user• User Profile

• USA Hierarchy• User Profile• Citizen/Business as main actor• LE documents• Cross government sourcing• Produce LE

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Appendix 2 Team

We have the opportunity to bring together a world class team of known experts to achieve these goals

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Technical Team Resources• Cory Casanave – Thought leader in architecture, meta modeling, open source, standards and

semantic integration– experienced tool developer who will lead the effort• Ed Seidewitz – World class architect and expert in UML, Executable UML, meta modeling,

standards and development who will be the chief architect of the future modeling capability• Tom Digre – World class architect and developer focused on knowledge integration and

provisioning who will lead the development of core capabilities• Jim Logan – World class modeler/architect, UML authority and Data/Information expert who

will bring together diverse viewpoints into a common model • Elisa Kendall – World class Ontologist and tool developer who will provide the semantic

integrity for the solution• Rick Smith – Thought Leader, business solution architect, and co-lead of the IAC Smart Lean

Government project to provide a new methodogy for 5 tier government shared services for citizens and business

• Others…

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Team Availability

These world class experts are available now and motivated to take on a challenge like this today, however, availability can not be guaranteed in the future without sponsorship. Other highly qualified potential team members are also available.