smart 시대 방송의 미래와 쟁점_kt_2012.01.31

Smart 대, 의 와 쟁점 2012. 1. 30 이 성 춘 ([email protected])

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2. Executive Summary (1/2) Enabler Digital Internet embedded Relevance Big data BM (--) , 4G , FTTH - UI Personal Agent Smart BM TV TV BM Smart TV TV TV Smart 3. Executive Summary (2/2) TV Smart TV STB PP Big data push pull , UI , Siri Agent - , 4. I. - ContinuousInternet Services,EverywhereConnectedDevices Big data Smart 5. I. 1. Digital : Enabler Digitization : Sampling Quantizing Binary Coding Error Correction copy de-gradation (A-B roll System Non-linear, ) Disruptive tech ( ) - , - , , () tend to be free , BM 6. I. 2. Internet Everywhere - Internet WWW Internet Open, free Ad BM Relevance Smart Telco App 2 OS 5 OS 10 1-2 1-2 50 100 100,000 1,000 ( )( ) OTT & Streaming Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, TVing, Pooq, K-Plyer, iPlayer 4G LTE Killer SVC Streaming? 7. I. 3. Continuous Services, Connected Devices N-Screen AT&T 3 Screen (TV PC ) , N-Screen FTTH 3G/ 4G- Seamless , Continuous SVC , , Smart TV Smart default PMP, / , Smart Grid PF- PC Post-PC GPOS / datacenter Seamless N-Screen Datacenter (, , , MS ) 8. I. 4. Big data Relevance = () Micro-payment system BM Google Relevance Big data - Algorithm Google Business Big data , AdSense Big data Profile - Gmail, Search, Google+ - Netflix 60% , 30% Big data SVC context Smart 9. I. 5. Smart Intelligence Intelligence - , , () dumb ! Smart TV Intelligence - App , GPOS STB Middle-ware RTOS GPOS Smart TV OS iOS Android GPOS Smart TV OS ???Steve Jobs TV Industry Go-to-Market Strategy UI , , , Big data Algorithm 10. II. 1. Pre-production, production, post-production Post-production - - Linear Non-liner ( ) , , HD UGC/ UCC Afreeca, Daum tv, Ustream, Justin TV OTT first run (Netflix, YouTube ) (, , MPP ) FTA Sourcing 100% PP 11. II. 2. Internet Everywhere / OTT Streaming Moores law CPU Network ( ) FB Sharing Power Function N-Screen 12. II. 3. (Screening or Consumption) () App - App App (OTT, , MVPD , Sharing ...) Personal agent Big data , 13. II. 3. (Screening or Consumption) push & pull ( Sys ) , ( ) TV () PIP TV TV, , iPhone App App, App App App (svc ) , , 14. III. Smart TV (1/2) Smart TV Smart TV TV , App, SW TV BM TV - TV Sampling - , Google TV Google TV 1, 2 , , LG 2 ( ) UI , Go-to-Market Strategy 15. III. Smart TV (2/2) : Broadcasting vs. Internet (Mass) (User) Push Pull PassiveActive BM ()() BM Key Player 16. IV. TV 1. () TV $1,900, $2,180, $750 = $5,000 : $320, VOD $40, STB $240 = $600 17. IV. TV 2. $5,000 (, IPTV, ) vs. (, , , , ) 18. IV. TV 3. ( ) UX, App Store, PF & , SW+HW (, IPTV) STB iPad / Last mile Telco vs. TV ( ) gate mobile : , , HW (Netflix, YouTube ) : iOS & Android OS, App Store, Platform, , HW+SW Content is King! 19. IV. TV 4. () () TV Commerce IPTV Item-mark Siri UI list-up Web page 20. V. (1/3) TV TV (Six Sense Monitor, ) Go-to-Market Strategy : Set-top-box Apple STB SW ( ) TV Aspect ratio (Letter box, 4:3 16:9 ) PG (R Genral) 21. V. (2/3) User PP BM (, ) Pull Ad-free , , : Push vs. Pull, De-packaging program or ? Pull Sportify Playlist Social , , UI Siri Personal Agent Big data , algorithm context , 22. V. (3/3) = 3rd party App/ , Smart TV = Personal Agent OS Agent Interoperability , TV, , TV Personal Agent Smart Home , Pull 1MHz