smart homes october 2012


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Building Construction, Real Estate and Lifestyle Magazine


Page 1: Smart Homes October 2012
Page 2: Smart Homes October 2012
Page 3: Smart Homes October 2012
Page 4: Smart Homes October 2012

PUBLISHER: Vivian-Anne Gittens

EDITOR: Aprille ThomasADVERTISING MANAGER: Paulette JonesWRITERS: Cheryl Harewood, Lyle Jones

Sheree-Ann McDonaldPHOTOGRAPHY: Dan Christaldi

DESIGN/LAYOUT: Randy Phillips – Imageworx


Adrian Bowen – Tel: (246) 430-5519

Email: [email protected]

Kelly Johnally – Tel: (246) 430-5515

Email: [email protected]


Printweb Caribbean Ltd (246) 434-6719


Dan Christaldi

e’ve reached the time of year when once again the annual

entertainers among us open their homes to the numerous friends,

family, visiting relatives and others who will for one reason or the

other drop by. Parties, brunches, luncheons, limes you name it,

it’s time to entertain.

It follows then, as tradition dictates, that it’s time to get your house in

order. As one fussy about your castle you’ll be weighing your options.

What’ll it be - a new paint job, a kitchen remodel, perhaps some sort of

renovation on the outside, structurally or to the landscape?

If you’re looking for a few ideas on what to do to give the home a little

extra pop in the upcoming holiday season, you’ve picked up the right

magazine. In this edition you’ll fi nd helpful suggestions on refreshing your

home inside and out.

We’ll share do-it-yourself tips on décor, and tell you how to freshen the

air inside the natural way. Want to create a sensation in your home to set

guests tongues wagging? How about creating a feature wall? Read on for

helpful tips.

Taking it to the great outdoors, among other things we’ll discuss lawn

care. And, since outdoor entertaining will be one of the desired options,

we’ll discuss outdoor upgrade suggestions that are sure to see you looking

at your patio in a new light.

We’ll visit a home that off ers a taste of life in another world, and off er

insights through the eyes of an architect for whom the landscape is his


In our last edition we visited the “Cave”,

the man’s own in-house retreat. This time out

we’ll explore the ladies’ version of an in-home


Read on, and be sure to share your

impressions, suggestions on what you’d like to

see in future editions, we’d love to hear from

you. We believe that you will enjoy this issue

as much as we’ve enjoyed producing it for you.

From The Editor

Smart Homes is produced by The Nation Publishing Co. Limited; a subsidiary of The Nation Corporation, which is a member

of the One Caribbean Media Limited (OCM) group of companies. For general info email: [email protected]

Every eff ort has been made to ensure that the information contained within this magazine is accurate, however,

The Nation Publishing Co. Limited cannot be held responsible for any consequences that may arise from any errors or omissions.

This publication cannot be copied in whole or in part without the explicit permission of the Publisher.©2012 NATION PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED

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Aprille Thomas



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Page 6: Smart Homes October 2012

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ContentsPerfect Picks

Building Value In Your Home

Rocking Feature Walls

A Functional Splash of Style

Life and Design

Living In Another World

Cushion With Colour

Water Your Garden Effi ciently

A Woman’s Oasis

Paradise In Your Backyard

DIY Air fresheners












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Fiesta Dinnerware

(Available at Dwellings)


Mango Tangerine Candle

(Available at Dwellings)

Indoor/Outdoor Lanterns

(Available at Gajah Home)

Buddha Ornaments

(Available at Gajah Home)

Faylinn Teal/ Manarin Cushions

(Available at Dwellings)

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Page 10: Smart Homes October 2012

HINKING ABOUT INCREASING the value of your home?

Even if you are not, every now and again homeown-

ers are bitten by the building and enhancement bug.

They want to expand and enhance their properties,

whether it’s adding an additional bedroom, constructing

a home offi ce, extending the patio or building an enter-

tainment deck. Some choose to build recreation rooms

and studies while others add new appliances, fi xtures

and cabinets to enliven rooms and make their homes attractive

to future buyers.

Here in Barbados the bug mentioned is seemingly very con-

tagious, especially when one considers how traditional chattel

houses or starter homes are often transformed into “castles” just

by adding a room or two, or going one storey up.

However, when you decide to stop sinking money into a home

and buy a bigger place, how much rehab is too much when it

comes time to recover remodelling costs through a home sale?

For example, if you have just spent $4 000 remodelling your liv-

ing room and did not expand your small bathroom, the chances

of increasing the number of interested buyers are slim. With these

concerns in mind experts suggest the following tips for those of

you struggling to add value to your home.

• First, always protect the character of your home. Nothing sticks

out more than an addition that’s rendered in a completely

diff erent architectural style. Be consistent. Recognize your

home’s character and stay within its framework.

• The most fi nancially rewarding areas to remodel are usually

the kitchen and bathroom. Newly redone cooking spaces

and cabinets can attract more buyers and many command a

slightly higher price for the home than a comparable one on

the market. Simple repairs that are made to last will bring you

the biggest returns upon sale.

• Enlarged bathrooms and kitchens are very popular attrac-

tions to new home buyers. In addition, jacuzzis, whirlpool

baths and modern showers and fi xtures are becoming a big

thing these days.

However, be sure to install modest, solid amenities. It is easy

to quickly overspend on bathroom fi xtures even though buy-

ers are more interested in above-ground living space — not

yards and walkway.

• A swimming pool can be a poor investment if installed for

the sole purpose of increasing a home’s value. It is rare that

a pool’s cost will be recovered in a home sale. It can also be

a negative feature for potential buyers with very young chil-


• Replacing worn carpets, tiles and wood fl oors can give your

home immediate advantage. Updating paint colours in all ar-

eas of your home can also prove benefi cial. However, it is

recommended that you use neutral colours such as beige,

grey and off -white when adding new fl oor and wall coverings.

Fewer buyers will then turn away because of diff ering tastes.

• Stay simple with your remodelling and look at your home as

though you were the buyer. Chances are that if you fi nd the

upstairs bedroom could be brightened by a larger window,

potential buyers will probably feel the same.

• Don’t go overboard. Concentrate on improving two or three

defi ciencies at a time. More than likely, the time and money

you spend adding quality to your home will be rewarded with

greater profi t when the time comes to sell.






8 inspiration & innovation8 inspiration & innovation

First, always protect the character of your home.Nothing sticks out more than an addition that’s rendered in a completely different architectural style. .


Remodelling or retrofi tting your kitchen will not only enhance its

functionality and décor, it can increase appeal as well as value of

your home.

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Page 12: Smart Homes October 2012


he holiday season is fast approaching, and being

somewhat of an entertainer you’re sure to have plenty

of friends dropping by. The thing is you’re not feeling

very house proud because they’ve seen it all already.

No showpiece to set tongues wagging this year, last

year’s remodeling covered everything possible to

accent your pride and joy. Or did it?T10 inspiration & innovation

Does your home have a feature wall?

Didn’t think so. Adding a feature wall is a great way to create

depth and add interest to a room. Makes a great talking point too.

First, choose a wall that holds the focus of the room. In the living

room it could be the wall the three-seater runs along. Avoid walls

that have windows as they tend to detract from the eff ect you’re

trying to create. In addition, try not to choose any wall that’s too

small because it can make the room look cluttered.

Creating a feature wall can be a simple or complex process.

From the simple painting of one wall in a diff erent colour to the

others and decorating, to the more complex construction of

a textured surface accented with special lighting for eff ect, the

result will be a masterpiece of which you’ll be proud.

When deciding on a colour or pattern to feature consider the

kind of eff ect you want to create. A dark colour will make the

wall appear closer to you while a light wall will have the opposite

eff ect. The same goes for large versus small patterns.

The creative do-it-yourself amateur designer might experiment

with contrasts using light and dark colours to great eff ect.

A feature wall is a great way to experiment with colour and bold

pattern and if used properly and considered within your existing

design, it’s a simple way to make a room look sophisticated, stylish

and chic.

Materials are also important. According to one interior designer,

“materials like suede, silk or wood add texture and interest. And

if you have a dark room or corridor, mirrors or metallic refl ective

wallpapers … are a great choice. They feel opulent and also

bounce and refl ect light around the space.”

Some also use tiles to great eff ect, not to mention photographic

images blown up to wall size, if you are looking for something

diff erent. Or go 3D: a collection of objects can make a striking wall


Perhaps the idea of a major change would neither suit you nor

your budget, however, you can still create a special display in your

living-room or main entertaining area by selecting a suitable wall

People are more concerned with aesthetics than anything else, and while this is of great importance, there are many other factors to consider before taking the plunge.


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and hanging a collection of family photos.

Maybe your collection can feature a walk

through time chronicling family members’

journey from babes to adults.

Be mindful however, that a feature

wall should accent a room rather than

overwhelm it, so you need to avoid

choosing something that doesn’t fi t with

the style of the room.

You can create a feature wall in any

room of the home, from the kitchen to the

bathroom, but interior designers caution

against including too many in any home as

doing such could result in overkill.

Previous Page:

Taking the 3D eff ect to the max… .

Raised, intricately shaped white wall

panels stand in marked contrast to

the brightly painted background wall

and colourful furnishings to grab the


A study in options … at top the textured,

recessed feature wall complemented by

colour coordinated furnishings.

In the middle …. the bold coloured

wall provides the perfect canvas for a

summetrical display featuring specially

positioned picture frames separated by

panels perfectly spaced and centred

in the middle of the wall. Colour

coordinated furniture completes the


At bottom … Texture, lighting, raised

mirrors, faucets and wash basins

combine to create a feature in the

bathroom that mesmerizes …

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HESE DAYS backsplashes are making a huge fashion

statement in home décor and design.

People with discerning tastes and the resources to spend

usually have great interiors. Most try to give their homes the

most modern and stylish look possible. From living room to

kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom, everything needs to be

perfectly aesthetically great.

This is where backsplashes come in. They have defi nitely become

part of the modern age of home designs.


It is an architectural feature which is designed to be both ornamental

and functional in areas where water is involved. The backsplash

protects the underlying wall from water damage, and also provides

an easy to clean surface which helps homeowners keep their homes

more tidy.

Backsplashes can vary in size, and it is also possible to create your

own, as long as you are handy with grout.

In addition to being used around water in places like sinks and

bathtubs, backsplashes can also be used in areas where oil and

grease feature, like around the stove.

Typically built using tiles – which may be glass, ceramic, or stone

– they are afi xed to the underlying wall and then grouted. A sealer

may be applied, depending on the type of tiles and grout used. When

materials splash up out of a work area, they hit the backsplash rather

than the wall, and this makes spills much easier to clean up.

Backssplashes are a necessity around sinks and bathtubs. Water

can cause serious damage to the underlying structure of a home, and

splashing water is inevitable with sinks, tubs, and showers by their very

nature. If a splashback is not constructed, the water will penetrate the

wall and ultimately cause rot, which can be very expensive to track

down and fi x. backsplashes also resist staining, which can be quite


The solution to keeping the bathroom clean to use backsplashes.

Some people consider glass backsplashes for their style, design and


However, despite their popularity, you should carefully consider

the space available and choose colours that blend with the existing

colour scheme when deciding the type of backsplash you intend to

have installed.

You should also ensure that it not only looks elegant and stylish, but

it is one that incurs low maintenance cost.

Splash of style


Who says that something functional can’t be trendy. Backsplash can be built using a variety of materials and rendered in attractive styles. STORY BY: CHERYL HAREWOOD

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So you’ve just moved into a space that you simply love,

or maybe looking around it is apparent that you need

to make some changes. Whatever your starting point

is, there is quite a bit of information out there on the

internet to get you off and running.

In the midst of popular opinion and trends, never

lose sight of the fact that you have to live with this

space - day in and day out. If you are about to make

an investment to make your space more of what you

would like it to be, every cent spent should be worth

it. You ought to come into this space with a feeling of

satisfaction every time.





What is the main purpose for this space? There may

also be secondary reasons for its use that you also

need to consider. For example, your bedroom may be

your sanctuary to escape from the world, but you may

also get inspired to write poetry, in which case a writing

desk should be included in your furniture selections.

If it is a child’s room, you may need to facilitate a space

for play or homework. Your living room maybe where

you entertain a small number of guests, if so, you need

adequate seating.


• Write down a list of all major and minor activities

you plan to use the space for.




Planning the mood you want in a room does not

have to be an “airy fairy” part of your design process.

Magazines and pictures on the internet can really make

your life easier. Sometimes a look through can help you

decide what you defi nitely do not want.

Think about these things regarding this space:

Do you want it to be formal or relaxed?

Do you want to have a very traditional setting or

totally unusual and off -the-wall?

Do you want it to be futuristic looking, or warm and


Do you want persons to feel elegant and refi ned or

is this a place where people feel comfortable on your

fl oor?

Do you like the feeling of lots of open space or do

you like your ornaments and plants everywhere?

These thoughts help to guide the colours you choose,

the look of furniture you chose, the accessories you

use, as well as the drapes and fl oor covering.


• Get magazine cut outs or picture selections of

rooms or furniture from the internet.

• Visit your local paint store and have a look at the

swatches. Choose several samples that you like.

• Visit your fabric store and have a look at the

materials on display. Most stores are willing to give

small cuts of the material so you can remember

what the fabric generally looked like.

• Add all of these items to your design folder.


After you have decided exactly what you will be using

the space for, and the mood or feeling you want it

to have, the fi nal touch is to bring these elements


Make sure that the colour selections of the main

pieces of furniture, wall and fl oor covering are not

confl icting. The colours should harmonize.

There is always room for an element of surprise in a

room. For example, an unusual sculpture that you got

for a bargain somewhere and refuse to part with. Just

make sure that the room is not full of surprises.

Make your furniture relatively the same size. For

example, if you look at a book shelf, is it large and

overpowering in size compared to the chairs you plan

to also put in the room? The sizes of the furniture should

also harmonize.

The type of furniture should go together well. For

example, a mahogany chair may not go well with a

glass top table with chrome legs.


• Create a budget for every item you will need to

complete the space. Do not forget to include the

cost of paint or wall covering. Have a detailed list

and allocate a cost for everything so that you have

no surprises or disappointments at the end.

• If the process seems too time consuming, consider

hiring a decorator for assistance.

• Shop!

14 inspiration & innovation14 inspiration & innovation

DÉCOR Life & Design


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Page 18: Smart Homes October 2012

LUXURY, stylish living, surrounded by the beauty of nature in a peaceful setting,

inexpressible, breath-taking views and an elegant

lifestyle can be found at Vuemont Residences,

Mount Brevitor, St. Peter.

16 inspiration & innovation


In Another World


here, nestled among the 77 residences featuring both

apartments and modern-styled two and three-bedroom

villas is villa 276, our featured residence in this edition of

Smart Homes.

With its central theme of earth toned furniture and exotic

furnishings, Villa 276 presents itself as a contemporary

furnished residence.

From the moment you enter its doors and step unto the designed

porcelain tiles, after a casual walk up the pathway set in the middle

of well- kept manicured lawns and beautifully landscaped grounds

with tropical plants lining each side, you’ll experience a new world

of architectural beauty. Conveniently designed with an open fl oor

plan, you’ll also come face to face with a cozy living and dining room

space, sure to take your breath away. On your left you’ll walk into

the spacious Italian-styled kitchen which features a full appliance

package, granite countertops, recess lighting and lots of cupboard

and storage space.

The dining table also off to the left, and superbly decorated with

sea shells, helps to enhance the room’s décor, while a sea-grass

designed beige and suede living room suite complete with shades

of green, brown and beige throw cushions, add that romantic feel to

an already well-decorated and defi ned room.



With a view such as

this, dining on the

patio twice the feast.



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Classy, stylish,

contemporary furnishings,

perfectly positioned,

accentuate the breezy

spacious feel of the living

and dining area of the villa.


The roomy kitchen boasts

plenty of storage space.

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That will probably be your response when your feet touch

the fl oor of the back patio. It’s a setting fi t for a king – or

queen – for that matter. This patio, extended deck, lounge and

outdoor dining area will probably be your favourite outdoor

living space. In fact, it is quite safe to say that like most of the

villa residences at Vuemont, outdoor living plays an integral

part in the lifestyle of each homeowner.

The wooden deck, dining table which seats six, chaise

lounge for relaxing, and patio furnishings complete with orange

accent cushions, makes this area very special. Another delight

of this outdoor living space is the plunge pool that extends off

the patio that off ers a breath-taking view of the ocean.


It’s in this setting that you can re-energize yourself after

hours of relaxation. You also get to enjoy nature’s best of both

worlds – mature dwarf coconut trees, garden views and an

exercise trail to your right and a gazebo to your left with a

panoramic view of the west and northwest coasts of the island.

This villa’s three bedrooms and two bathrooms can best

be described as excellent. Each room carries its distinctive

theme well, with the master bedroom and en-suite bathroom

continuing the central theme of earth toned bed-linen and soft

light-coloured drapery, accentuated with brightly coloured


While there is coral stone moulding throughout the villa,

the master bedroom, which boasts a king-sized bed, appears

to carry this feature best. This main bedroom also leads onto

the patio, so imagine waking up to such peace, tranquility and

scenic beauty each day.

Twin-beds with skillfully designed sea horses in an

underwater setting will defi nitely conjure up thoughts of

swimming in the ocean or relaxing on the beach. Shades of

blue and beige furnishings, matching padded headboards and

drapery set this room apart from the second guest bedroom,

which gives one a sense of royal living.

A bamboo-designed head board is the focal point of this

room, which is tastefully furnished with matching side tables,

bedside lamps, gold and pastel green drapes which also

perfectly match the bed linen and hand-painted prints which

adorn the walls.

Along the hallway of this 1 560 sq. ft. villa is a collection of

old Barbadian prints by Corrie Scott, one of a number of artists

whose creations enhance the appearance of each room.

A Barbadian-owned and managed residential community,

Vuemont is a product of the combined craftsmanship of

Rotherley Construction Inc. and C.O. Williams Construction


And the elegantly furnished Villa 276 is an excellent example

of modern day architecture – a simple, contemporary villa with

all the right furniture, furnishings, class and style.



Exquisitely furnished with matching twin beds, the

second guest bedroom features an ocean theme.


Hues of gold add to the rich, warm welcoming

feeling one experiences on entering the bathroom.


Spacious, comfortable, well appointed, and with a

view to die for… with a master bedroom like this it

doesn’t get much better.

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22 inspiration & innovation

HECK OUT ANY type of home décor these days and

you’ll discover that throw cushions/pillows play a big

role in home decoration.

These huggable pieces which come in a variety of

shapes, colours and materials can easily be paired with

drapes or indoor and outdoor furniture to create a sense

of luxury and elegance.

Throw cushions can enhance the look of your home without

breaking the bank. Use them as accents or as a focal point in

your living room or any room that needs a splash of colour.

Whatever your choice of throw cushions and throw pillows,

they can also add a touch of comfort to any room – even when

used in the lone chair which has been positioned somewhere in

the corner of your living, dining or bedroom.

There is an art to choosing or placing throw cushions. Go for

an odd number, like three or fi ve, rather than more traditional

pairs. A few big pillows look cleaner than a jumble of smaller

ones, which can seem like “too much punctuation”.

As far as shape and size go, square cushions should be 18 to

24 inches across, large enough to showcase a solid colour or

a pattern. Oblongs are also nice, since they tend to stand out

when paired with square-shaped cushions.

Today, there are numerous fabrics from which to choose – silk,

cotton, suede and polyester are popular.

Your choice of fabric is entirely up to you and the décor you

want to create, but a limited colour palette and large geometric

prints on smooth, tightly woven fabrics, like cotton and linen,

work well in a modern environment.

However, if you love having lots of colours, take a tip that

applies to all settings. You can pull any colour from a piece of

art that’s in the room, the colour of the walls or your living room.

Your patio furniture can also be enhanced with outdoor throw

cushions and pillows. Such accessories will go a long way to

making your outdoor space feel homey, comfortable and above




With Colour


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There are a lot of outdoor throw pillow styles, depending on your

taste. There are regular square pillows, pillows with a ruffl e, pillows

with fringe or cord and even bolster pillows to support your neck or

lower back while lounging around the patio. Just be sure that when

choosing throw cushions or pillows for the patio that you choose a

fabric that is designed to be used outdoors. Normal fabrics will fade,

stain and colours could run. Choosing the right fabric will ensure a

long life free of fading, mildew and loss of strength.

Most throw cushions can be easily made. Why not design and

create your own, if time allows you to do so.

There is an art to choosing or placing throw cushions. Go for an odd number, like three or fi ve, rather than more traditional pairs. A few big pillows look cleaner than a jumble of smaller ones . . .

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24 inspiration & innovation

he fi rst thing people notice

when they see your house is the

landscaping— the curb appeal.

Whether you have sturdy, mature

trees or a rainbow coloured

garden, they will catch a visitor’s

eye. One of the concerns

homeowners might have is the

level of maintenance a lawn or garden

requires. Especially if you are a busy person,

you might not have time to give your plants

the H2O they desperately need.

Sprinkler systems can assist you in the

care of your surroundings, while off ering

several benefi ts to you. Some of the

advantages of owning a system include

conserving water by using less than you

would if watering by hand; saving you time

seeing as they do all of the work for you;

and eventually saving you money by cutting

your water bill.

The most important thing for you to

do is to identify your unique landscape

situation and fi nd out what type of system

will best suit your needs (this is how you will

maximize on savings).


If you have a sloping backyard, you may

be concerned about the water pooling

around the sprinklers and causing unwanted

soggy areas. One solution for this would be

to fi nd a sprinkler with a nozzle that delivers

water at a lower rate, which will allow for a

suffi cient ‘soak-in’ time.


Diversity may be the way you defi ne

your plants, and for those of you with trees,

shrubs and fl owers, you may want to make

sure you fi nd a system that caters to all

your needs. All of your plants will require


The most important thing for you to do is to identify your unique landscape situation and fi nd out what type of system will best suit your needs


Effi ciently



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Hurricane, Security & Sun Protection

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26 inspiration & innovation

varying amounts of water and a low-volume drip irrigation system will give

you the fl exibility to customize your water delivery. You can set up several

independent zones and schedule watering as required. This method is also

appropriate for gardens where some plants experience more sun exposure

than others.


Even homeowners with small yards will want to spruce up their surroundings.

To ensure against your sprinklers watering more of the driveways and

sidewalks than your precious plants, you can install variable arc nozzles

which deliver precise, even coverage. They are also effi cient when dealing

with an area of your yard that may have odd shapes and corners.


In Barbados we have the ‘dry season’ and the ‘wet season’ but it still

seems like we get our fair share of showers year round. Obviously if the rain

is falling heavily, you won’t require additional water for your rooted pets. A

simple solution would be a rain sensor, which automatically monitors weather

conditions and effi ciently signals the controller to turn off the system when

it rains.

Even though sprinkler systems can be bought and set up as DIY projects, if

you are unfamiliar with this type of work it may be best to hire an expert. You

want to make sure that your system is set up correctly so that you don’t end

up wasting water, because saving water (and money) is the aim of the game.

Diversity may be the way you defi ne your plants, and for those of you with trees, shrubs and fl owers,

you may want to make sure you fi nd a system that caters

to all your needs.

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MAN NEEDS a ‘Man Cave’ because in a typical home

setting the woman has control over the kitchen, laundry

room, bedroom, living room and just about every other

nook and cranny in the house, right? Of course! After

all, what woman doesn’t want to wash, cook, clean and

take care of the children while her husband is in his

sound-proof Man Cave, watching his favourite James Bond movies

on a high-defi nition, 42-inch fl at screen TV, mounted on the wall?

Exactly. The battle of the sexes is on, and women are cashing

in on their right to their own space. Let’s face it; women are also

in dire need of some time to themselves. Some women might

choose to drive to a secluded area like a park or a beach to read a

book; or maybe to the movies to catch a chick-fl ick alone; or even

for a day at the spa. But why spend so much money on a mortgage

every month only to seek solitude elsewhere? You should be able

to fi nd refuge in your own home.

Don’t worry if you built your house 10 years ago without a

specifi c room for yourself. If you have any available rooms, they

can be repurposed to suit your needs. So grab a notebook and all

of your ideas and let’s get started.

Unlike a kitchen or a bathroom, there isn’t any right or wrong

way to create a woman’s space because there’s no universal

functionality of the room. As a woman, your space should refl ect

your personality and style. This is yours, so make sure that it’s just

as unique as you are.

Even though every woman’s space will be diff erent, there are

some guidelines that can help you get to that perfect place.


The fi rst thing you should decide on when planning a woman

space is the purpose of the room. The easiest way to do this is to

make a list of your hobbies or the activities that make you happiest.

Perhaps you’re a big reader, music lover, or maybe sports fanatic

(of course you can feel free to have a multipurpose room; your

only restrictions will be available space and budget). Incorporating

the top three activities that make you happy will go a long way in

ensuring that you feel comfortable in your Oasis.


After you determine what you’re going to be using the room for,

you need to visualize the space. As I said earlier, your Oasis should

be a refl ection of your personal style. If you’re not sure what that is,



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Whether built around a particular theme or not, as long as the cave is equipped with all the creature comforts the man feels he needs, all will be will in his world.

you can do some simple tests. Look for inspiration in magazines.

Do you like modern rooms with straight lines and chrome fi nishes?

Or do you prefer the older, more traditional style? Next, determine

a colour palette. Since this is your room, I’d say go with your

favourite colours. Who cares if they’re quirky or odd? Choose two

base colours, and then add some accent colours for fun. Please

don’t go crazy with the colours, if you need to, consult a colour

wheel to see which colours go best together. Mixing random,

oddly matched colours may result in throwing the atmosphere of

the room off -balance (see next guideline).


You should be able to pick up on the atmosphere of the room

as soon as you enter. Think about your own personality and then

see how you can have that translate into your space. Are you a

warm person? If so, you might want the furniture in your space

to be cozily arranged. Reed diff users or oil burners with a few

drops of vanilla essential oil can help you achieve that cohesive

atmosphere. Choosing the perfect lighting is also essential for

creating a specifi c mood in the room. A warm person who is

creating a cozy Oasis might utilize heavy curtains to block out

sunlight and opt for dim yellow lights.


Some commonalities may arise when women are designing

their spaces and you should all bear these in mind.

Furniture should be comfortable. It doesn’t matter if you’re

designing a spa, theatre or mini basketball court. If you’re going

to be spending a lot of time in this room, you need to feel at your

best. So don’t skimp on the furniture.

Make sure that your lighting is appropriate for your activities.

Dim lights may work well if you’re creating a movie theatre setting,

but not so much if you’re going to be spending long hours reading.

If you want to incorporate both of these activities, make sure that

you have lights that can adjust to suit.

Don’t forget to eat! Time can fl y when you’re having fun, but it’s

important that you don’t get lost in your secret world and forget

your health. When you enter your Oasis, you don’t want to have

to leave to take a trip to the kitchen. Either prepare meals in

advance to take into your Oasis with you, or keep a well-stocked

mini fridge.

Some women are happiest in the company of their girlfriends.

If you’re going to be sharing your Oasis, make sure that you have

enough furniture and maybe even keep a fully-stocked wine bar.

Maybe you’re a woman who loves action movies. You don’t

want loud sound eff ects to disturb (or attract) others in your

household. If you’re going to be spending a lot of time watching

movies in your space, maybe you should consider investing in

soundproofi ng your walls.

Lastly, remember the reason for the space. Your room should

be like a mini-vacation or getaway. Keep it fresh and updated with

the stuff you love and make sure that you make time to enjoy it!

Woman’s space theme ideas:SpaOutdoor garden (indoors)Movie theatreLibrary Art museumBarGames roomSewing/fashion design roomBeauty parlorShopping lounge

Your oasis should refl ect your style and your

personality. Choose the colours, smells and

furniture that best represents you. Most

importantly, don’t forget the reason for the space.

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HETHER YOU refer to it as

a verandah, patio, or porch,

creating an outside area

for relaxation can add class

and comfort to your home


With a little creativity

and the addition of a few accessories, an

ordinary patio can be transformed into a

private oasis. You can have your very own

personal retreat where you can spend

relaxing moments alone or with someone


At some point we all need an element

of seclusion; time to relax and unwind. You

also need your own private oasis and can

create privacy in a variety of ways. There

are many types of decorative fence panels


You could place these on the perimeter

of your patio oasis to enhance its privacy.

If that project seems too daunting, you can

simply add privacy screens to make it more

secluded. Large potted plants can be used

to create a semi-private patio area. What’s

important is that you fi nd a way to make

your patio feel like a small world that is

totally separated from the activity going on

around it.

Your patio oasis requires comfortable

furniture, and there are some great pieces

at furniture retail stores across the island.

Wicker is still very popular, so is cast iron,

but there are various products and designs

from which to choose.

While the choice of furniture is certainly

a matter of personal taste, you should give

consideration to items such as an outdoor

daybed, single or double chaise lounge

or an ultra-comfortable single chair or love


You’ll want to include some tables so that

you will have a place for your drink, the book

or magazine you are reading while relaxing.

An outdoor lamp is another possibility, or

even a bistro set.

30 inspiration & innovation





At some point we all need an element of seclusion; time to relax and unwind. You also need your own private oasis and can create privacy in a variety of ways.

BACKYARD OASIS:Enjoy the best of the outdoor living in the

comfort of your own home by adding features to

your patio to create your personal oasis.

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Before you know it, you would have created a convenient

location for early morning coff ee, a midday meal or an

evening drink. Remember that many individuals are going

for back patios, but whether it’s to the front or rear of the

house, it should provide you with total relaxation.

If there is little or no shade on your patio, you might

want to consider using a sail shade to make your patio

a more comfortable spot. These shades are durable and

attractive. They can add a tropical retreat appearance to

your patio area.

Personal fi re bowls or candles can also add to the

ambiance of your patio, while accenting with subtle

lighting will allow you to enjoy your retreat late at night

or in the early morning hours. String lights are a possible

option for your décor.

You might want to go one step further by adding a

water feature to your patio oasis or the surrounding area

– like maybe a nearby lawn or garden. The sound of a

waterfall will enhance the relaxation experience. The size

of the water feature is irrelevant to its benefi t. A table top

or wall fountain can be just as attractive and provide the

same relaxing sound as a large fountain in an outdoor

garden area.

Once you’ve created your ideal patio oasis, be sure

that you designate time to enjoy your magnifi cent retreat.

Your mind, body and spirit can benefi t from a little time

spent relaxing in your secluded oasis.

OPEN DECK: Your patio oasis

requires comfortable furniture, and there are

some great pieces at furniture retail stores

across the island.

OUTDOOR COOKING:Adding a built-in

outdoor grill makes it that much easier to keep the party


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Air fresheners

ou’re having people over

for dinner tomorrow and

you realize a foul stench

somewhere in your house. It

may be from your dog running

through the house earlier, or the

fi sh you cooked last night. Or

maybe your child spilled something. You

open the windows and clean the house,

but the scent is still lingering! There is no

way you can entertain guests like this.

Before you think about cancelling the

dinner party, try one of these homemade

air fresheners that are sure to do the trick

at a fraction of the cost.


Get a cotton ball and soak it in vanilla

extract. Place the cotton ball on a small

dish and relax as the warm smell fi lls your



Get a small jar, like an old jam jar. Poke

holes in the lid using a hammer and nails

(you can get creative here and arrange

the holes into a design if you wish). Fill

about a quarter of the jar with baking

soda. Add six to eight drops of lavender

essential oil, and voila! Just give the jar a

shake when you notice that the smell is

getting weak.


This one is very simple. Simply put a pot

of water on the stove and add cinnamon

sticks. Your kitchen will smell like you’re

making a delicious baked treat!


Roses aren’t just pretty to look at; they’re

also lovely to smell. To maximize on this

breathtaking aroma, place one layer of

rose petals into a glass jar and sprinkle

some salt on top. Repeat this until you

have several layers and close the lid.

After a while, uncover the lid and let the

romance fi ll the air.


Crush ¼ cup of dried sage and ½ cup of

dried bay leaves. Mix the herbs with 1 cup

of witch hazel, place in a glass jar, and

cover. After a few days, pour the liquid

into a spray bottle and use it every time

your home needs a refreshing pick me



A lemon’s strong, astringent smell not

only gives your house a fresh scent,

but deodorizes as well! Wash a lemon

carefully and cut it into quarters. Place 2

cups of water on the stove and add the

lemon quarters. When the water reaches

a boil, remove the pot from the stove and

let it cool completely. Strain the lemon

solution through a fi ne strainer into a

bowl. Stir in ½ cup of baking soda and

whisk away until it completely dissolves.

Allow the solution to cool and then pour

it into a spray bottle. Use this as often as

you like!




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