smart growth for elysian valley, 1st edition: f.a.r

14 Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 1 / 14 Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.)

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Post on 05-Apr-2016




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Elysian Valley, also known as Frogtown, is undergoing some major changes as Developers buy up property along the LA River. To make sure new developments preserve the scale of our neighborhood, we need our city officials and representatives to Limit the Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) to 0.75. Let us explain…

TRANSCRIPT Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 1 / 14

Smart Growth for Elysian Valley1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 2 / 14

Smart Growth for Elysian Valley

Elysian Valley, also known as Frogtown, is undergoing some major changes. Developers are buying up property along the LA River.

As residents and business owners in Elysian Valley, we’d like to make sure new developments preserve the scale of our neighborhood.

To accomplish this, we need our city officials and representatives to Limit the Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) to 0.75.

Let us explain… Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 3 / 14

What is F.A.R.?

Floor Area Ratio, also known as F.A.R., establishes the relationship between the size of a property and the amount of development permitted for that property,

and is expressed as a percentage or a ratio.

This means that a new building’s size is limited by the size of its property. The lower the F.A.R., the smaller the building.

For example, if the property size is 10,000 SF with an F.A.R. of 1, then the total building size can be up to 10,000 SF total.

If the F.A.R. is 3, then the building size can be up to 30,000 SF total. Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 4 / 14

1-Story100% Lot Coverage

1.0 F.A.R.

2-Story50% Lot Coverage

1.0 F.A.R.

4-Story25% Lot Coverage

1.0 F.A.R.

This is how a 1.0 F.A.R. building looks when stacked Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 5 / 14

F.A.R. in Elysian Valley

A majority of commercial river-adjacent properties in Elysian Valley are zoned [Q]CM-1VL*, a commercial manufacturing zone that allows for residential development.

Under current zoning codes, modified by Q Conditions, the river-adjacentcommercial properties in Elysian Valley are allowed a 1.5 F.A.R.

Q Conditions are often placed on a property to guarantee lower building heights and/or ensure open space requirements. Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 6 / 14

What different F.A.R.’s look like on the same lot type

0.5 F.A.R.Average in Context

45’ max. building height


1.0 F.A.R.45’ max. building height

1.5 F.A.R.Currently allowed

45’ max. building height

2.0 F.A.R.Currently allowed,

for developments with affordable housing bonus60’ max. building height

Area required for parking, open space and setbacks Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 7 / 14

Currently Allowed1.5 F.A.R.

45’ max. building height

What different F.A.R.’s look like on the same lot type:

Area required for parking, open space and setbacks

Our Recommendation0.75 F.A.R.

45’ max. building height

Key: Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 8 / 14

A 1.5 F.A.R. would look like this.

This is not smart development. Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 9 / 14

Ongoing developments with a low FAR in Frogtown

0.72 FAR2902 KnoxLot Area: 10,398 SFBuilding Area: 7,500 SF

0.6 FAR2029 BlakeLot Area: 7,952 SFBuilding Area: 4,770 SF Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 10 / 14

1.04 FAR2943 North GlenedenLot Area: 71,907 SFBuilding Area: 75,078 SF

Ongoing developments with a low FAR in Frogtown Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 11 / 14

0.28 FAR2960 MarshLot Area: 73,400 SFBuilding Area: 20,205 SF

Ongoing developments with a low FAR in Frogtown Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 12 / 14

Glossary of Terms

Zoning Code:

Regulations specifying lot size, height, usage, placement, and density of a structure. Local governments administer zoning codes to designate and specify property uses

(e.g., residential, commercial, industrial).

F.A.R. (Floor to Area Ratio):

F.A.R. establishes a relationship between a property and the amount of development permitted for that property, and is expressed as a percentage or a ratio.

Q Condition (Qualified Classification or Condition):

Q Conditions provide modified limits to the general zoning terms for by-right development and prevent specific undesirable impacts and uses.

Q Conditions are often placed on a property, for instance, to guarantee lower building heights and/or ensure open space requirements.

Q Conditions are used to prevent irreparable harm to environmentally sensitive locations. Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 13 / 14

Glossary of Terms

Zoning Code [Q]CM-1VL:

[Q] Q-Condition

CMCommercial Manufacturing Zone,

with limited multi-dwelling, residential uses.

1VLHeight not to exceed 3 stories or 45 feet. Smart Growth for Elysian Valley 1st Edition: Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) 14 / 14

Thank you.

RAC Design Build

3048 North Coolidge AvenueLos Angeles, CA 90039

(323) 663-9898