slideshare e100 tutorial 4

Tutorial 4 Towards TMA 03 Les Hereward 2010

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Notes to support TMA 03 on E100


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Tutorial 4

Towards TMA 03

Les Hereward 2010

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Les Hereward 2010

References: you need to make sure you reference to a range of course materials especially to those mentioned for the TMA. One or two study topics is not enough

Writing Style: try to use paragraphs to add structure to you TMA more help at

Claim your learning outcomes: make sure you use the outcomes sheet: Copies on my tutor groups’ forums.

Remember to plan you TMA and allow enough time to write, reference check and rewrite it

Do read through what was said on your last TMA

What have you learned from TMA02

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TMA 3 – The Children I support: observing and assessing

• 2000 words plus appendices• 1st March 2010• Part 1 : 750 words• Part 2 : 1250 words• Your focus is the place of observation

in developing the learning of one child.

Les Hereward 2010

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Part 1

Les Hereward 2010

Carry out two to four brief (up to 5 minutes) focused observations of one child, use Study Topic 11 check the end of Study Topic 10. Your observations can use any format you like as long as it is clearYour observations should be placed in an appendices, plan how you will do this.

Choose to focus on one of these areas: inclusive practice, play or transitions.

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So what do you put in Part 1?

Les Hereward 2010

Place your observations and any other evidence as appendices then refer to them in your text.

You task is to analyse the learning using your observations and other evidence.

Draw on areas such as 1. The child’s perspective 2. Following the child’s interests3. Links with home. • Pay particular attention to learning

dispositions, this was covered in Study Topic 3 (note it is good to refer back to materials previously read)

• See also

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Part 1 continued

Les Hereward 2010

Discuss your evidence and what it means, linking what you have recoded to the course materials and the EYFS.

You might want to structure this by looking at a series of areas.

When you have written you Part 1 consider your introduction. It should say what your focus is and give an ‘pen portrait’ of the child. Say how you are going to approach your analysis.

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Part 2

Les Hereward 2010

You need to discuss the importance of observation in terms of the child’s learning and development. Use Study Topic 11 especially Part 3, Reader 1 Chapter 22 and DVD 1 Block 4 review meeting.You also need to link with Study Topic 9 parents as partners. You will also need to relate this to course materials relevant to your area of interest (inclusion, play or transitions.You will need to link to the EYFS

Make no more than three suggested activities to develop you chosen child’s learning. You will need to have justified these in the work above: this means saying why you think these activities would be appropriate.

You will need to be careful in your use of words

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Ethical statement

• 'In this TMA all names have been changed to protect identity.  The setting, children and parents have given their consent to activities being used in this assignment and participants were told that they could withdraw at any time’

• This needs to be included at the start of the TMA

Les Hereward 2010

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Why is assessing and observing important?• Pick out specific key points from course materials about

importance of observing children’s learning and development and good practice in undertaking observation

• Show how EYFS supports and emphasises good practice • Show how good practice in observation relates to your setting and

role. How does it work in your setting? Why does it work well? How do you want to move your practice forward as a result of your analysis and reflection?

• How do you work in partnership with parents in sharing this information and finding out from them about their child’s learning? Why is this important?

Les Hereward 2010

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Learning Outcomes• KU 2, 4, 7 relating to knowledge and understanding• CS 1, 2, 3 relating to cognitive skills• KS 1,2 relating to key skills• PS 1 relating to practice skills

CS 1, KS 1 and 2 need to be claimed by tutor

See separate sheet for further guidance.

Les Hereward 2010

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This is the end of the slide show

Les Hereward 2010

• Further help:• Check the course wide forum• DO re read course materials, especially

Study Topic 11 it helps interpret the guidance

• You can email or phone me for further help

• Discuss what you are doing with other practioners

• Try to stay in touch with each other you are not on your own