slides from my interview on corporate culture with tyson conrad

A Conversation on Corporate Culture - With Tyson Conrad Includes helpful tips for hiring managers and candidat es #TheWar4Talent

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A Conversation on Corporate Culture - With Tyson Conrad

Includes helpful tips for hiring managers and candidates


Corporate culture can be used to attract the best candidates, so how should stake holders go about forming (or reforming) the personality of their



1. Identify what your corporate culture is right now

2. Is your culture static? Or Dynamic?3. Don’t invest money and time into a culture

change unless your high level stakeholders are fully committed


What has caused the high level of demand for qualified candidates in the electrical construction industry? How should employers align their efforts to

win the current war for talent?


1. The baby boomer generation is moving towards retirement, leaving behind a generational skills gap

2. The transition of education dollars away from vocations and into 4 year colleges has reduced the new blood coming into the trades


3. Employers must learn to target those within the current employment market

4. Employers need to know what they’re good at, what makes you different, and communicate those things to candidates

5. You also need to know where you’re weaknesses are and address them quickly


Millennials can be demanding of their employers, but they also put a lot of pressure on themselves to perform. What steps can employers take to

attract this unique demographic of the workforce?


1. Provide growth opportunities with things like a transparent career path and ongoing professional development

2. Acknolwedge good behavior and reward it with benefits like flex scheduling and the ability to work from home


How can employers match technology with the human elements that drive their business? How do we show the effect of company culture on the

bottom line?

1. New tech improves employee enablement and engagement - when deployed correctly

2. If you’re using technology to support your best performers, the goal needs to be streamlining the operation

3. For “old school” employers, there’s still a need for growth so update your processes

If I’m a candidate, what should I ask during the interview process to gauge the culture of a company?

1. Make sure that you understand the responsibilities of the position first

2. Ask employers directly, “Why do I want to come work for you?” How they answer may tell you a lot about their company culture

3. Document your past career wins and losses and use those in your selection process

What’s your take on companies transitioning away from annual reviews in favor of a more modern “feedback loop” approach?


1. Actional feedback works best when it’s delivered in real time vs once a year

2. Managers aren’t often trained on the in’s and out’s of employe evaluation

3. Having a weekly check-in eliminates the stress and buildup for both sides


How can employers and employees nurture their ongoing professional relationship?


1. As an employee, what has driven you in the past? Money? Validation? Tell your boss!

2. As a manager, focus on building open and honest relationships with anyone that reports to you

3. Allow your team to come up with creative solutions when you assign them a project


How should employers handle the exit interview process?


1. Before an employee leaves, have them sit down with someone they trust (that’s not always their direct supervisor)

2. Stay open to the feedback you get, if you’re afraid of what you’re going to hear, you may miss an opportunity for improvement

3. Look for patterns and other actionable info


What do candidates need to keep in mind when they receive a counter offer from their current employer?


1. Most likely, things haven’t been going well for a while and your employer wont change

2. If you accept a counter offer, your employer will look to replace you ASAP

3. You create a negative relationship when you reneg on an offer you already accepted


How should organizations approach succession planning when someone moves up or moves on?

1. Orient succession around the goals and structure of your organization

2. Create new roles around the strengths of your most talented team members. Let them contribute to your bottom line in new ways

3. Use succession to address legacy skills gaps

How do the results of our recent survey on company culture compare with what you hear from the field on a daily basis


1. Over 80% of our respondents told us that they’re comfortable voicing their concerns to management

2. As a manager, acknowledge concerns, take action and provide transparency to the people that report to you

3. Real leaders see better productivity from


Thank You!
