slide 01 title writing assignment number five, english 110, section 10592 fall semester, 2010

Slide 01 TITLE Writing Assignment Number Five, English 110, Section 10592 Fall Semester, 2010

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Writing Assignment Number Five, English 110, Section 10592

Fall Semester, 2010

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Presenter’s Biographical Sketch (Including expertise and credentialing if applicable)

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I.A.1Narrative Description of Offending Situation

• An objective narrative description in detail of the situation that your plan of action will address based on data accumulated in your research:

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I.A.2. Narrative Description of Desired State

• A detailed description of the ideal state (expectations) residing in your (or your client's) mind that your plan of action will produce:

• Be careful here not to describe the plan itself—only the outcome that the plan will accomplish

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I.A.3. Problem Statement

• A single, simple declarative sentence that combines the actual situation with the desired outcome:

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I.A.4. Problem Statement Formulated

• Yob = The actual situation

• Yexp The desired outcome

» “ . . . .”

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I.B.1 a. Analysis—Five Most Potent Constants Affecting Yob

• Provide in narrative form your best estimate of the elements i.e., the five most potent constants (Slide 07) and variables (Slide 08) that are producing the actual (Yob) situation.

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I.B.2 a. Analysis—Five Most Potent Variables Affecting Yob

• List your best estimate of the variables that are producing the actual (Yob) situation.

• 1.• 2.• 3.• 4.• 5.

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I.B.1 b. Analysis—The Five Most Potent Constants Affecting Yexp

• 1• 2• 3• 4• 5

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I.B.1 a. Analysis—The Five Most Potent Variables Affecting Yexp

• 1.• 2.• 3.• 4.• 5

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II.A.1 a. Formulate The Hypothesis

• A single declarative sentence that posits your working hypothesis (expressed in terms of the variables selected for manipulation—”if such and such variables (name them) are altered (tell how), then such and such outcome is predicted.”

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III. Sources of Expert Information

• 1. A book’s author. Title in Italics. Publisher, City, Year of Publication• 2. • 3

• [1] Naguib Mahfouz. Palace of Desire: The Cairo Trilogy II, Anchor Books, New York, 1992.

• [2] Iain Pears, The Dream of Scipio, Riverhead Books, New York, 2002.

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II.B. Targeted Variables and Operation

• Incentives—Priority occupations A, B, and C and Regions 1, 2, and 3 will be granted loan repayment plan up to $100k according to the following scale:

• The loan to a graduate choosing a Priority A Occupation working in Region 1 will be paid in full in five years.

• Pro-rated-- The loan to a graduate choosing a Priority C Occupation working in Region 3 will receive 50 percent loan forgiveness per year for five years.

• All other graduates will be allowed to deduct $5k per year from line 52 of their 1040 form for the term of the loan.

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III. Source of Information

• USDE Survey 2007/col/exp• USDL Survey etc

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IV. A Controlling Standards (Generic Criteria)

• The standard of: • do-ability [ ]• simplicity [ ]• economy [ ]• satisfaction [ ]• effectiveness [ ]• timeliness [Must be in place for the 2009 graduating

class ]

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IV. A Controlling Standards Description of the Exit Strategy

• Program shall continue until Congress determines it no longer necessary

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IV. B Plan A

• USDL designates Priority Occupations• USDE designates Under-served regions• Candidates apply to institutions of their choice in

curricula customarily offered for preparation in those careers.

• Individuals determine appropriate financial aid package with eligibility of loans up to $100k and sign a contract with USDE for the loan forgiveness program

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IV. B Plan B

• Every child born in the US has a $100k fund that can be accessed for all educational expenses for ever. (So a person chooses a life of crime—the $100k covers his/her incarceration expenses)

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IV. B Plan C

• Enter here

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IV. C.1 Best Case Scenario

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IV. C.2 Worst Case Scenario

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IV. C.3 Minimally Acceptable Scenario

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IV. C.4 Effectiveness Measures

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V. Itemized Budget

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