sle october 2007

WWW.SMSO.NET SLE October 2007 Dr.Mohammad Al-Dokhi 1) 17 year old male presented to you with history of abdominal pain and cramps in his leg he vomited twice , his past medical history was unremarkable. On examination he looks dehydrated with dry mucous membranes, (i) His investigation: (ii) Na: 155 mmol/l K: 5.6 mmol/l (iii) Glucose; 23.4 mmol/l HCO3-: 13 ii) Best tool to diagnose this condition is: b) Plain X-ray c) Ultrasound d) Gastroscopy e) Urine analysis (Dipstick analysis) 2) 27 years old male with tonic colonic convulsions presented to you in ER , 20 mg diazepam was giving but convulsions did not stopped, you will given :- a) Diazepam till total dose of 40 mg b) Phenytoin c) Phenobar 3) 35 year old male sustained road traffic accident presented to ER with low blood pressure, distended jugular veins, and muffled heart sounds, bruises over the sternal area. diagnosis is: a) Cardiac tamponade b) Pulmonary embolism c) MI d) pericarditis 4) Regarding auscultation of the heart, some sounds are best heard in specific position, which of the following is true: a) Supine position for venous hum murmur b) Setting position for pericardial rub c) Supine position for innocent murmur d) Setting position for aortic incompetence

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Page 1: Sle October 2007


SLE October 2007Dr.Mohammad Al-Dokhi

1) 17 year old male presented to you with history of abdominal pain and cramps in his leg he vomited twice , his past medical history was unremarkable. On examination he looks dehydrated with dry mucous membranes,

(i) His investigation: (ii) Na: 155 mmol/l K: 5.6 mmol/l(iii) Glucose; 23.4 mmol/l HCO3-: 13

ii) Best tool to diagnose this condition is:b) Plain X-rayc) Ultrasoundd) Gastroscopye) Urine analysis (Dipstick analysis)

2) 27 years old male with tonic colonic convulsions presented to you in ER , 20 mg diazepam was giving but convulsions did not stopped, you will given :-a) Diazepam till total dose of 40 mg b) Phenytoinc) Phenobar

3) 35 year old male sustained road traffic accident presented to ER with low blood pressure, distended jugular veins, and muffled heart sounds, bruises over the sternal area. diagnosis is:a) Cardiac tamponadeb) Pulmonary embolismc) MId) pericarditis

4) Regarding auscultation of the heart, some sounds are best heard in specific position, which of the following is true:a) Supine position for venous hum murmurb) Setting position for pericardial rubc) Supine position for innocent murmurd) Setting position for aortic incompetencee) Left lateral position for mitral stenosis

5) Middle age woman presented with upper abdominal pain, increase by respiration. On examination temperature 39 oC ,right hypochondrial tenderness

i) Her investigations:(a) Bilirubin (normal)(b) ALT (normal)(c) WBC (12.9)

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ii) Your next step is:b) chest X-rayc) abdominal ultrasoundd) Serum amylasee) ECGf) endoscopy

Dr.Hussain A. Albaharna

6) Glue ear:a) is not a common cause of hearing loss in childrenb) is characterized by collection of pus in the middle earc) is invariably caused by enlarged adenoidd) may be treated by the insertion of grommet tubee) may eventually lead to sensory neural hearing loss

7) Earliest symptom of left sided heart failure is:a) orthopneab) pedal edemac) paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnead) dyspnea on exertione) chest pain

8) when an a cyanotic middle age adult has roentgenographic evidence of enlarged pulmonary arteries and increased lung markings, most likely diagnosis is:

a) Ventricular septal defectb) Coarctation of aortac) Pulmonary valvular stenosisd) Atrial septal defecte) Truncus arteriosus

9) 12 year old girl with malaise, fatigue, sore throat, fever, hepatosplenomegaly and generalized lymphadenopathy is diagnosed as having EBV related mononucleosis. Complications that might occur in this patient include all the following except:

a) aplastic anemiab) encephalitisc) transverse myelitisd) splenic rapturee) chronic active hepatitis

10) calcium channel blocker as nifedipine, verapamil and diltiazem are extremely useful in all of the following applications except:

a) Prinzmetal’s angina pectoralisb) hypertension

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c) atrial tachycardiad) ventricular tachycardiae) Effort angina pectoralis

Dr.Akeel Al-Haiz

11) Na+ content in a 0.9 normal saline is (mmol\L):a) 50b) 75c) 90d) 155e) 200

12) 15 year old, previously healthy; his investigations:Hb 11.8 RBC 6.8WBC 6.1 Retics 2.1MCH 20 MCV 68

The Diagnosis is:a) Iron deficiency anemiab) Beta-thalassemia traitc) Sickle cell anemiad) Anemia of chronic diseasee) Folic acid deficiency

13) concern obstructed labor one is true:a) common in primiparab) common in occipito-anterior positionc) caput succedaneum and excessive molding are usual signsd) easily to be diagnosed before onset of Laboure) oxytocin is used to induced Labour

14) During an examination of a child for elective surgery, you found a murmur of grade 2/6 continuous over the right sternal edge increase by setting and disappear by supine position, your next step is:

a) consult a cardiologistb) reassure that it is innocent murmur and he can proceed for the surgeryc) ECGd) postponed the surgerye) give prophylactic antibiotic

15) 25 year old male presented with single fracture in the shaft of the femurs. Treatment is:

a) Open retrograde intramedullary nail b) Closed antegrade intramedullary nail c) internal fixationd) apply caste) skeletal traction

Dr.Naimah alfaraj16) All are true about ectopic pregnancy except:

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a) ovarian site at 20%b) cause of death in 1st trimesterc) doubling time of B-hCG d) can be diagnosed by laparoscopye) empty uterus + HCG before 12 wks is Dx

17)the most accurate diagnostic inv. For ectopic preg.:-a) culdocetesis b) pelvic U/S c) endometrial biopsy d) serial B-HCGe) laparoscopy

dr.Hameedah Kazim18)65 years old lady presented to your office thae=t recently moved to

nursery house. She has been living alone for 6 years since her husband died. In the last 6 months she has become increasedly disabled because of suffering of congestive heart failure and osteoarthritis. She was moved to the nursing home 3 months back. 4 weeks ago she started to have, weight loss of around 3.6Kg, has not eaten, lost of interests of all social activities & has been crying all the time. Her mood is worse in the morning & (especially during the attacks of low mood) she has impaired short term memory. The most likely diagnosis is:

a. depression disorderb. Alzheimer’s diseasec. Multi-infarct dementiad. Hypothyroidisme. Vit.B12 deficiency

Dr.Naimah alfaraj19) 18 months old with history of croup, barking cough at night, this is

the second one during the last 6 months, no PMH but mild atopic eczema. What is the most probable diagnosis:

a) spasmodic croupb) angioneurotic edemac) bronchial asthmad) acute laryngotracheobronchitise) acute epigltitis

dr.Hassna’a Al-Qahtani20) the commonest presentation of acute otitis media is:a) painb) dischargec) tinnitusd) vertigo

dr.Roqiah Al-Ali21) the most powerful epidemiologic study is:a) retrospective case control study

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b) cohort studyc) cross-sectional studyd) historic time datae) secondary data analysis

22) The investigation to confirm Alzheimer’s:a) CT of the brainb) EEGc) Neurological examinationd) Lab investigationse) None of the above

Dr.Naimah alfaraj23) Gastric lavage can be done to wash all of the followings except:a) Drain cleanserb) Vit Dc) Diazepamd) Aspirin

24)age, drug addict swallowed open safety pins since 5 hours, presented to the ER, X rays showed the foreign body in the intestine. Which is the best management:

a) shift to surgery immediatelyb) discharge and give appointment to follow upc) admit and do serial abdominal X-rays and examinationd) give catharsis : MgSO4 250 mg

25) the most accurate to diagnose acute Glomerulonephritis is:a) RBC cast in urinanalysisb) WBC cast in urinanalysisc) Creatinine level increased) Shrunken kidney in USe) Low Hgb but normal indices

Dr.Danah Al-Kaki26) which of the clinical condition is hazardous of long term use of

systemic corticosteroids:a) DVTb) Bronchial asthmac) Breast carcinomad) Myopathy of pelvic gredile.e) Osteomalacia

Dr.Afrah Babli27) 20 years old male presented with stabbed wound in the abdomen.

The most appropriate statement:

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a) Should be exploredb) Observation as long as vital signs are stablec) Exploration depends on peritoneal lavage findings.d) Exploration depends on ultrasound findings.e) Exploration depends on whether there is peritoneal penetration or not.

Dr.Fawzia Al-Shammrni28) the maximum dose of ibupruphen is:a) 800b) 1600c) 3000d) 3200

dr.Reem aljehani29) all caused by subarachnoid hemmorahge except:a) paraplegiab) nuchal rigidityc) severe headached) disturbed consciousnesse) associated with berry aneurysm

30) breath hold attack:a) usually between 5 and 10 yearsb) may be precursor for generalized seizuresc) could be prevented by medications and diazepamd) in childhood,may predispose to epilepsy later in lifee) unlikely to be preceded by emotional upset

dr.Neamat Al-Turki31)The commonest cause of PPH isa) atony of the uterusb) multiparityc) multiple gestationd) macrosomiae) preeclampsia

dr.Naimah alfarj32) Neonate with apgar score of 3 ( cyanosis, limping, HR=60bpm,weak

cry), what is the first step of managment:a) warming and dryingb) Ventilation c) Chest expansiond) intubation??e) Bicarbonate injection

33) 2 weeks post- anterior posterior repair, a female complain of urine passing PV with micturation. What is the Diagnosis?

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a) urethrovaginal fistulab) uretrovaginal fistulac) vesicovaginal fistulad) sphincter atonye) cystitis

34)The chromosome of cystic fibrosis:a) short arm of chromosome 7b) long arm of chromosome 7c) short arm of chromosome 8d) long arm of chromosome 8e) short arm of chromosome 17

dr.Hannan Baradhwan35) physiological hypoxia is caused by:a) increase 2-3,DPGb) pulmonary shuntc) ventilation-perfusion disproportion’d) Hypoventilation

Dr.Zainab Al-Seba’36)1 year old baby complaining of acute hepatosplenomegaly, skin

bluish nodules and lateral neck mass. What is the best investigation?a) liver biopsyb) bone marrow aspirationc) MRI of the chestd) EBV serologye) CBC

Dr.Naimah alfarj37) 32 years old female divorced, complaining of amenorrhea 15 month,

investigation show high FSH. What is the diagnosis?a) primary ovarian failureb) pregnancyc) ovulationd) hypopituitarisme) microadenoma of the pituitary gland

Dr.Mohammed Aljama38) the most accurate diagnosis of pulmonary embolism is:a) ABGb) Pulmonary angiogramc) Ventilation scand) Perfusion scane) Chest x-ray

Dr.Aayat Safar39)non-opaque renal pelvic defedt on IVP. US showed dense echoes &

acoustic shadowing. The most likely diagnosis is:

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a) blood clotb) tumorc) sloughed renal papillad) uric acid stonee) crossing vessel

dr.Rasha Mokahal40) 12 months baby can do all except:

a) Walk with support one hand b) Can catch with pincer grasp c) Can open drawersd) Response to calling his name e) Can play simple ball

Dr.Sara Alkhaldi41) An 8-year-old girl presented with fever, numerous bruises over the entire body,

and pain in both legs. Physical examination reveals pallor and ecchymoses and petechiae on the face, trunk and extremities. Findings on complete blood count includes a hemoglobin of 6.3 g/dl, white cell count of 2800/mm3 and platelet count of 29,000/mm3. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate diagnostic test?

a) Hb electrophoresis.b) Bone marrow aspiration.c) Sedimentation rate. (I think ESR?)d) Skeletal survey.e) Liver and spleen scan.

42)A 6-year-old girl presented with low grade fever and arthralgia for 5 days. She had difficulty in swallowing associated with fever 3 weeks prior to presentation. Physical examination revealed a heart rate of 150/min and pansystolic murmur at the apex. There was no gallop and liver was 1 cm below costal margin. The MOST likely diagnosis is:

a) Bacterial endocarditis.b) Viral myocarditis.c) Acute rheumatic fever.d) Pericarditis.e) Congenital heart failure.

Dr.Afrah Babli43)25 years old man has a right inguinal herniorrhaphy and on the

second day post-operative he develops excruciating pain over the wound and a thin , foul-smelling discharge. His temperature is 39◦C and his pulse rate is 130/min. A gram stain of the exudate shows numerous gram positive rods with terminal spores. The most important step in management of this patient is:

a) Massive intravenous doses of penicillin Gb) Administration of clostridia antitoxinc) Wide surgical debridement

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d) Massive doses of chloramphenicole) Wide surgical debridement and massive doses of penicillin G

44)fracture of rib can cause all except:a) pneumothoraxb) hemothoraxc) esophageal injuryd) liver injury

45)46 yr old female presented for the third BP reading, high blood pressure 160/100 . she is not on any medication. Lab investigation showed

Urea: normalCreatinine: normalNa=145 (135-145)K= 3.2 (3.5 – 5.1)HCO3= 30 (22-28)What is the Dx?

a) Essential hypertensionb) Pheochromocytomac) Addison’s Diseased) Primary Hyperaldosteronism

46)Hb electrophersis done for a patient shows HbA1=58% , HbS = 35% , HbA2 = 2% , HbF = 5 % , Dx :

(1) Sickle cell trait (2) Thalasemia minor (3) Thalasemia major (4) Sickle cell anemia (5) Sickle cell thalasemia.

Dr.Noor Al-Ibrahim47)Patient is complaining of 10 days anal fissure:a) Conservative managementb) So deep reaching the sphincterc) At site of 12:00d) Associated with loose bowel motion

Dr.Abeer Al-Saeed/dr.Heba Al-Bajhan48)75 years old man came to ER complaining of acute urinary retention.

What will be your initial management:a) Send patient immediately to OR for prostatectomyb) Empty urinary bladder by Folley’s catheter and tell him to come back to the clinicc) Give him antibiotics because retention could be from some sort of infectiond) Insert Folley’s catheter and tell him to come to clinic latere) Admission, investigations which include cystoscopy then ..............

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Dr.Enas Al-Sharkh49)30 years old male patient with long history of Crohn’s disease.

Surgery is indicated if he has:a) Internal fistulab) External fistulac) Intestinal obstructiond) Abdominal mass e) Stagnant bowel syndrome

Dr.Amal Al-Ahmadi50)70-year-old male was brought to the emergency with sudden onset of

pain in his left lower limb. The pain was severe with numbness. He had an acute myocardial infarction 2 weeks previously and was discharged 24 hours prior to his presentation. The left leg was cold and pale, right leg was normal. The most likely diagnosis is:

a) Acute arterial thrombosisb) Acute arterial embolusc) Deep venous thrombosisd) Ruptures disc at L4-5 with radiating paine) Dissecting thoraco-abdominal aneurysm

Dr.Areej Al-Dawssari51)Complications of long term phenytoin therapy include the following

except:a) Hursitsimb) Osteomalaciac) Osteoporosisd) Macrocytosise) Ataxia

Dr.Asma’a Al-Gonaim52)A 29 year-old teacher consulted you regarding what he describes “an

intensive fear” before giving class in the secondary school. He tells you that is only matter of time before he “makes a real major mistake”. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient:

a) A specific phobiab) A social phobiac) A mixed phobiad) Panic disorder without agoraphobiae) Panic disorder with agoraphobia

dr.Roqaia Al-Ali53)Treatmant of patient in the previous question is :a) alprazolamb) propranololc) phenelzined) chlorpromazinee) chlorpramine

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dr.Salma Al-Sharhan54)Which one of the following diseases is not transmitted by

mosquitoes:a) Rift valley feverb) Yellow feverc) Relapsing feverd) Filariasise) Dengue fever

Dr.Hassna’a Al-Qahtani55)Young female 35 week primigravida has mild pre-eclampsia, BP

150/95 mmHg with edema of lower extremities and hands. The best management:

a) Diureticsb) Low-salt dietc) Oral labetolold) Immediate deliverye) Meternal-fetal observation with continued hospitalisation

Repeated questions collected by: Hameedah A. Kazim

56)70 year-old man fell on outstretched hand. On examination intact both radial and ulnar pulses, dinner fork deformity. Tender radial head. The diagnosis is:

a) Fracture of distal ulna & displacement of radial headb) Fracture of shaft of radius with displacement of head of ulnac) Colle’s fractured) Fracture of scaphoid

57)+++++12 year-old girl with malaise, fatigue, sore throat and fever. On examination there were petechial rash on palate, large tonsils with follicles, cervical lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly. All are complications except:

a) Aplastic anemiab) Encephalitisc) Transverse myelitisd) Splenic rupturee) Chronic active hepatitis

58)6 month-old baby presented to clinic with 2-day history of gastroenteritis. On examination: decreased skin turgor, depressed anterior fontanel and sunken eyes. Best estimate of degree of dehydration:a) 3%b) 5%c) 10%d) 15%

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e) 25%

59)Pregnant teacher in her 20 week of pregnancy reported 2 of her students developed meningitis. Prophylactic treatment:

a) Observe for signs of meningitisb) Meningitis polysaccharide vaccinec) Ciprofloxacin ???(500)mg OP onced) Ceftriaxone ???(250)mg IM (or IV) oncee) Refampacine ???(600)mg BID for 2 days

60)Perinatal mortality:a) Includes all stillbirths after 20th week of pregnancyb) Includes all neonatal deaths in the first 8 weeks of lifec) Includes all stillbirths and first week neonatal deathsd) Specifically........ neonaltal deathse) Is usually defined as death per 10,000 live births

61)5 day-old baby vomited dark red blood twice over the past 4 hours. He is active and feeding well by breast. The most likely cause is:

a) Esophagitis b) Esophageal varicesc) Gastritisd) Dudenal ulcere) Cracked maternal nipples

62)5 year-old patient was seen at ER with history of fever and sore throat. Which of the following findings will suggest a viral etiology for his complaint:

a) Presence of a thin membrane over the tonsilsb) A palpable tender cervical lymph nodec) Petechial rash at hard or soft palated) Absence of coughe) Rhinorrhea of clear colorless secretions

63)An 80 year-old woman presented to your office with a 6-month history of stiffness in her hands bilaterally. This stiffness is worse in the morning and quickly subsides as the patient begins her daily activities. She has no other significant medical problems. On examination, the patient has bony swelling at the margins of the distal interphalangeal joints on the second to fifth digits on both hands. No other abnormalities were found on physical examination. The swellings represent:

a) Heberden’s nodesb) Boucher’s nodesc) Synovial thickeningsd) Subcutaneous nodules e) Sesamoid

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64)A 3 year-old child woke from sleep with croup, the differential diagnosis should include all except:

a) Pneumoniab) Tonsillitisc) Cystic fibrosisd) Inhaled foreign body

65)20 year-old man involved in road traffic accident (RTA) brought to ER by friends. On examination, he was found to be conscious but drowsy. HR 120/min, BP 80/40. The most urgent initial management measure is:

a) CT scan of brainb) X-ray of cervical spinec) Rapid infusion of crystalloidd) ECG to exclude heamopericardiume) U/S abdomen

66)One of the following combination of drugs should be avoided:a) Cephaloridine and paracetamolb) Penicillin and probenecidc) Digoxin and levadopad) Sulphamethomazole and trimethoprime) Tetracycline and aluminium hydroxide

67) Coarctation of aorta is commonly associated with which of the following syndrome:

a) Downb) Turnerc) Pataued) Edwarde) Holt-Orain

68)Standard precaution are recommended to be practiced by all health workers (HCW) to prevent spread of infection among patient and HCW. Most important measure:

a) Wearing gloves when examining every patientb) Hand washing before and after each patientc) Wearing mask & gown before examining an infected persond) Recapping needle & put them in the sharp containere) Isolation of all infected persons

69)A 20 year-old man sustained a deep laceration on the anterior surface of the wrist. Median nerve injury would result in:

a) A claw hand defectb) A wrist dropc) A sensory deficit only d) An inability to oppose the thumb to other fingerse) The inability to flex the metacarpophalangeal joints

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70)Definition of status epilepticus:a) Generalized tonic clonic seizure more than 15 minutesb) Seizure for more than 30 minutes without regain consciousness in betweenc) Absence seizure for more than 15 minutes

71)A 5 month-old baby presented to ER with sudden abdominal pain and vomiting. The pain lasts for 2-3 minutes with interval of 10-15 minutes in between. The most likely diagnosis:

a) Intussusceptionsb) Infantile colicc) Appendicitis

72)A 32 year-old lady work in a file clerk developed sudden onset of low back pain when she was bending on files. Moderately severe for 3 days duration. There is no evidence of nerve root compression. What is the proper action:

a) Bed rest for 7 to 10 daysb) Tractionc) Narcotic analgesiad) Early activity with return to worke) CT scan for lumbosacral vertebrae

73)A 45 years old lady presented with nipple discharge that contains blood. What is the most likely diagnosis:

a) Duct papilloma b) duct ectasiac) breast abscessd) fibroadenomae) fat necrosis of breast

74)70 year-old women has had MI. 2 days after admission she developed abdominal pain and diarrhoea with passage of blood. Abdmen x-ray showed distended intestine with no air fluid level. Serum amylase level slightly elevated with mild fever. The diagnosis is:

a) ulcerative colitisb) acute pancreatitisc) ischemic colitisd) diverticulitise) phenindione-induced colitis

75)Using the following classification:

Risk factor Case Non-case TotalPresent A B A+BAbsent C D C+DTotal A+C B+D

Relative risk of those with the risk factor to those without risk factor is:a ) b )

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A/A+B A/A+BC/C+D c ) d )C/C+D AD/BCe )A/BC/D

76)Hyperprolactinemia associated with all of the following except:a) pregnancyb) acromegalyc) Hypothyroidismd) Methyldopa

dr.Alaa Alshamrani77)After delivery start breast feeding:a) As soon as possibleb) 8 huorsc) 24 hoursd) 36 hourse) 48 hours

78)One of the following increases the amniotic fluid:a) Patient of D.Ib) Duodenal atrasiac) Renal agenesisd) Old primigravida

Dr.Nuha Alshemari79) young male presented after RTA with injured membranous urethra ,

best initial ttt is :a) Passage of transurethral catheterb) Suprapubic catheterc) Perineal repaird) Retropubic repaire) Transabdominal repair

80)after aspiration of cystic mass in the breast the result was clear fluid, next step:

a) Send the aspirated content for cytology and if abnormal do mastectomyb) Reassure the patient that this lump is a cyst and reassess her in 4 weeksc) assign the patient for mastectomy as this cyst may change to cancer.d) Put the patient on contraceptive pills and send her home


81)25 year-old male with history of 3 days swelling and arthralgia of the L.L knee joints. One day later, right wrist also involved he has a history of Indian travel. Physical examination revealed, tempreture 39, tender joints with swellings. Aspiration was done of the knee joint

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gave 50c.c turbid fluid with gram –ve diplococci. What is the causative organism:

a) Brucellab) Staph aureusc) Streptococuss pyogend) Streptococcus pneumoniae) Nisseria gonoria

82)Patient had anterior wall MI and he was transferred to ICU the nurse notice he has PVC 20/min. He is on digoxin, diuretics, what do u want to add:

a) Propanololb) Amiodaronc) Mexillitined) flecanidee) Nothing

Dr.Mohammad Al-Jama83)A 42 year-old man presented with sudden eruption all over the body

with palm and foot. Most likely diagnosis:a) syphilisb) erythema nodosumc) erythema multiformd) fixed drug eruptione) pyteriasis roscia

dr.Eman Al-Yousef84) which of the followings is true:

a. standard error of mean( SEM ) give an index of spread of observation around the mean

b. SEM is calculated as square root of variancec. standard deviation is generally smaller than SEMd. SD is an index of reliability of the meane. one advantage of SD that it can be manipulated


Dr.Naimah alfaraj85) the commonest nerve injury associated with humerus fracture is:

a) radial nerveb) ulnarc) musculocutaneousd) axillarye) median

dr.Eman Abu-abdullah86)10 years-old baby boy woke up from his sleep with severe lower

abdominal pain most important area to examine:a.b.c. rectum

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d. testese. none of the above

87)child with positive skin test of TB and previously it was -ve?Treatment of this child

a) INH aloneb) INH + rifampicinc) INH + rifampicin+ streptomycind) d-no treatmente) none of the above

dr.Ibrahim Al-kazim

88) Regarding urticaria, true except:

a) may be due to drug ingestionb) not always caused by immune responsec) could be a part of anaphylactic shockd) always due to deposition of immune complexese) ??

89) OCP discontinued if:

a) patient has headache in the free withdrawal intervalsb) breast feeding motherc) amennorhea???d) ??e) Varicose vein is present

90) Hoarseness

a) occurs if firm opposed of the vocal cords in preventedb) if persist for more than 3 weeks laryngoscopy is indicatedc) in abuse/overuse patient (advice the patient to whisper several weeksd) may be caused by bronchus carcinoma e) myxedema is a recognized cause

dr.Jawad Al-Habdan

91) a 15 years old boy present with 5 days history of pain behind his left ear and 3 days history of swelling over the mastoid He had history of acute otitis media treated by amoxicillin but wasn’t a complete course. On examination he has tenderness over the mastoid bone with swelling, tympanic membrane shows absent cone reflex and mild congestion; what is the diagnosis:

a) acute otitis mediab) serious otitis mediac) acute mastoiditisd) glue ear

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92) an elderly patient presented with 10 days of hemiparesis he is on losartan and CYCLOPENTHIAZIDE. On examination blood pressure 140/90 mmHg, he has history of gastric ulcer (MRI showed infarction area)What is your next step:

a) continue same treatmentb) add aspirin 325 mg po odc) add aspirin 81 mg po odd) give warfarin e) add dipyridamole

93) 2 years old boy presented with 2 days history of clear, non bilious vomiting and non bloody diarrhea with mild dehydration, the best treatment is

a. ORSb. IV normal salinec. ORS + ciprofloxacind. ORS + Bactrime. ORS + Amoxicillin

Dr.Khalid Al-Efriaj

94) Antidepressant in patient with somatization disorder and depression:

a) elderly need lower doseb) potential side effect shouldn’t be discussedc) Fluoxetine safe in elderlyd) Effectiveness assessed after few weekse) Need monitoring of antidepressant level

95)All of the following are causes of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) except:

a) Toxoplasmosisb) CMVc) Rubellad) HSV IIe) Syphilis

96) When a person is predicated Not to have a disease he is called (Negative). Then what is (true negative):

a) When a person is predicted to have a disease, he has it.b) When a person is predicted to have a disease, he does not have it.c) When a person is predicted not to have a disease, he has it.d) When a person is predicted not to have a disease, he does not have it.e) When risk cannot be assessed.

97) 16 years old female with primary dysmenorrhea which is true:

a) anovulation

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b) NSAIDs can be helpfulc) Start few days before the periodd) Mandate pelvic examinatione) Pain of period since birth

Dr.Naimah AlFaraj 98) young female presents with 8 weeks history of amenorrhea has

lower abdominal pain , pregnancy test was +ve , presents with mild bleeding, your next step is to check:

a) progesteroneb) B-HCGc) Oestrogend) Prolactine) Placental lactogen

99)6 days old Neonate not feeding well, lethargic, with urine smell like burned sugar. The diagnosis is:a) Maple syrup urine syndromeb) phenylketonurea

100) a patient become disinhibeted ,and angry( and other personality changes) . The area responsible is:a) pre- frontal areab) premotor area

Collected and organized by:Dr.Hameedah KazimDr.Mohammed Al-DokhiDr.Naimah Al-Faraj

Thanks to our dear collegues for their cooperation in collecting this exam ( group 2002 ) all the best with your future plans and programs.Don’t forget us from your Doa’a