sky dragon - now is the time

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  • 7/28/2019 Sky Dragon - NOW is the Time


    Now is the


    Its time for Tibet to be heard,

    To be freed from the crushing jaws of Chinas Han

    Who are choking on the distasteful Tibetan customs and traditions

    Which are so foreign to them.

    They should spit it out of the cavernous mouth of injustice and oppression,

    Free their brothers who have been chained too long to an alien nation,

    Not of their own traditions and customs.

    There can be no connection between spirituality and active atheism

    As practiced by the Chinese Communist Party.

    The gaping holes which are appearing in the unity of the Chinese motherland

    Must be exposed as THE GREAT LIE.

    Let all those who rule by fear

    Tremble in fear, as the time for truth has arrived.

    Even the stones are crying out that truth must be seen, must be heard,

    Must bring a just resolution.

    Let the oppressors be exposed for their brutality

    Let the voice of the people be heard.

    The dead are crying from their graves

    Now is the time! Now is the time!

    Now! Now! NOW!

    Copyright - Sky Dragon February, 2013