skimming n skanning by ashvini n group

LISTENING One of the most important part of the oral. make oral communication effective.

Upload: yasotha-vijayabalan

Post on 22-Nov-2015




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  • LISTENING One of the most important part of the oral.

    make oral communication effective.

  • SKIMMING & SCANNINGSkimmin and scanning are two important skills we need to learn in order to understand and get the information from a passage in a short time.

  • SKIMMING Is used to quickly identify the main ideas of text.

    Done at a speed three to four times faster than normal reading.

    People often skim when they have lots of material to in a limited amount of time.

    Use skimming when you want to see if an article may be of internet in your research.

  • HOW TO SKIM Read the title Read the introduction or the first paragraph Read the first sentence of every other paragraph Read any heading and sub-headings Notice any pictures and charts Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases Read to summary or last pharagraph

  • SCANNING Is a technique you often use when looking up a word in the telephone book or dictionary.You search for key words of ideas.

    Example : Moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases.

  • HOW TO SCAN State the specific information you are looking for Try to auticipate how the answer will appear and what clues you might use to help you locate the answer.For example,if you are looking for a certain date,you would quickly read the paragraph looking only for numbres Use heading and any other aids that will help you identify which sections might contain the information you are looking for Selectively read and skip through sections of the passage

  • DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SKIMMING AND SCANNINGWhen you skim,you read through an article three to four times faster than when you read each word.But when you scan,you run your eyes over text or information to pull out specific words,phrases or data.

