skills and abilities and skill classification 2014

1 (i) Identify a specific target from your chosen sporting activity and explain how you would apply SMART factors to make the setting of this target effective. [3] Use of SMART. Marks are only to be awarded if the answer is directly linked to a target within the chosen activity. - Target must be specific - improve shooting X - run for longer X - more accurate passes Specific - Directly related to their sport/activity/outcome they want to achieve Measurable - Objective aspect that can be measured e.g. KG's, seconds etc. Achievable - Within reach/attainable Relevant - At the correct level for the performer, challenging Time-Phased - Set time to achieve the goal including short and long term objectives Evaluated - Self assessment and review of goals either during or at the end of the time agreed Recorded - Records kept of training to monitor goals, enables accountability Agreed - Shared with other parties e.g. coach, other team members Positive - Motivational/exciting and not negative in any way 3 x 1 marks * must have example

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1 (i) Identify a specific target from your chosen sporting activity and explain how you would apply SMART factors to make the setting of this target effective. [3]

Use of SMART. Marks are only to be awarded if the answer is directly linked to a target within the chosen activity. - Target must be specific - improve shooting X - run for longer X - more accurate passes

Specific - Directly related to their sport/activity/outcome they want to achieve

Measurable - Objective aspect that can be measured e.g. KG's, seconds etc.

Achievable - Within reach/attainable Relevant - At the correct level for the

performer, challenging Time-Phased - Set time to achieve the goal

including short and long term objectives Evaluated - Self assessment and review of

goals either during or at the end of the time agreed

Recorded - Records kept of training to monitor goals, enables accountability

Agreed - Shared with other parties e.g. coach, other team members

Positive - Motivational/exciting and not negative in any way

3 x 1 marks * must have example

(ii) What are the benefits of goal setting in developing sporting performance? [4]

a. Improve motivation b. Improve self confidence / s elf

esteem c. Help control arousal levels d. Focus on specific aspects of

performance e.g. weaker areas e. Specific

technical/tactical/physical aspects can be focussed upon

f. Feeling of success/achievement can be experienced

g. Can regulate effort on specific aspects of performance

h. Comparisons with previous goals be made.

i. Monitor performance.

In this section we investigate:

Technical Development

•What is a skill and how skills differ from abilities

•How the brain learns movement Skills

•Theories involved with learning Skills

•How we can best teach different sorts of skills

State the characteristics of skills and abilities Describe the difference between a skill and

abilities Be able to confidently classify 1 skill on 6

continua Be able to justify why you have placed a skill

on a continua Be able to apply an exam mark scheme on

skill classification to an answer

Understand the role skill acquisition plays in participating in physical activity

From what you have found out in the ALZ : –

Write down 5 words your associate with skills and 5 you associate with abilities

What’s the difference?

‘Skill is said to be gained through learning. Skill is said to be learned behaviour’(B.Knapp)

Skills are:

•Learned: You are not born with them

•Permanent Changes in Behaviour

• Goal Directed: Used to achieve something

•Efficient: Minimum effort



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The word ‘Skill’ can be used in two main ways:

•To relate to an act or task (taking a penalty kick)

•As an indicator of the quality of a performance (a well executed shot may be said to be skilful)

Skills usually need to bring together a number of

our Abilities

We are not born with the skills of catching, kicking and throwing etc they have to be learned

But we are born with underlying factors that allow us to perform those tasks

Natural Innate or inherited Tend to be enduring traits E.g.



Quick thinking




Catch a ball?

Hand eye coordination



Fine motor control

Combinations of abilities are needed to perform most skills

What are psychomotor abilities? Give examples Movement controlled by the brain

(psycho…brain; motor…movement Accuracy, precision, co-ordination and control,

multi-limb co-ordination, control precision, aiming, rate control (changing speed and direction), speed of arm movement, arm hand steadiness, wrist and finger speed

generally related to athletic and gross physical performance

i.e. physical fitness abilities (muscular composition, lung volume, heart efficiency, levers etc) e.g. stamina, speed and strength

Despite her early performances being unsuccessful or needing her coaches support she has:

Learned to do the skill and can now do this every time,

Would gain a good mark in a competition

Performs with minimum effort and so efficiently

Performs the movement fluently and with confidence

Looks good in the performance and generally is close to the technical model

When we say a Gymnast has performed a skilful back somersault we mean that:

There are 3 different Types of Skill

Intellectual Skills or Cognitive Skills

Skills that involve the use of a persons mental powers like

problem solving and verbal reasoning

Perceptive Skills

Interpreting and making use of information coming in via

the senses. eg. where to pass the ball or which shot to play in Golf

Motor Skills

Smoothly executing physical movements and responses(Voluntary Movements – eg. writing your name)

Cognitive Knowing



Motor Doing

Psychomotor/ Perceptual Motor Skills: when decisions are applied to an action so often using all 3 types of skill

Perceptual Skill : What can You See?

Classification of Movement Skills

Skills have been classified on a variety of continuum.

A continuum is a line with two opposing ends and gradual changes in characteristics in between

There are 4 main Continuum

Fine (Snooker Shot) Gross (Shot Putt)

1) Precision of the Movement

2) Is there a Definite Beginning and End?

Continuous Serial Discrete

Running Triple Jump Badminton Serve

3) Who Controls the timing of the movement?

4) Does the Environment affect the skill?

Internal Pace(Tennis Serve)

External Pace(Return of Serve)

OPEN(Hockey pass in Game)

CLOSED(Hockey pass in Practice

Two others could be:


Organisational Continuum


Place each of the following 8 skills on the first 4 continua (use an X and a letter to identify the skill

Long jump Cycling Basketball dribble Basketball lay up Taking a penalty in

football Gymnastic vault Rifle range shooting Receiving a serve in


List the abilities important in your sport List 10 skills for your sport and classify them

State the characteristics of skills and abilities Describe the difference between a skill and

abilities Be able to confidently classify 1 skill on 6

continua Be able to justify why you have placed a skill

on a continua Be able to apply an exam mark scheme on

skill classification to an answer