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Size-exclusion Chromatography of Polymers Bernd Trathnigg in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry R.A. Meyers (Ed.) pp. 8008 – 8034 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2000

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Size-exclusion Chromatography of Polymers

Bernd Trathnigg

inEncyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry

R.A. Meyers (Ed.)pp. 8008–8034

John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2000


Size-exclusionChromatography of Polymers

Bernd TrathniggKarl-Franzens-University, Graz, Austria

1 Introduction 11.1 History 2

2 Applications 2

3 Reliability of Size-exclusionChromatography 2

4 Components of a Size-exclusionChromatography System 34.1 The Mobile Phase 34.2 The Pump 34.3 The Column(s) 44.4 Detectors 54.5 Data Acquisition and Processing 7

5 The Separation 85.1 Ideal Size Exclusion 85.2 Exclusion versus Nonexclusion

Effects 85.3 The Problem of Peak Dispersion 9

6 Determination of Molar Mass 96.1 Size-exclusion Chromatography

Calibration 10

7 Quantification in Size-exclusionChromatography 117.1 Homopolymers and Oligomers 117.2 Copolymers and Polymer Blends 12

8 Comparison with Other Techniques 138.1 Other Types of Chromatography 138.2 Mass Spectroscopy 14

9 Hyphenated Techniques 149.1 Multidimensional Chromatography 159.2 Combination of Size-exclusion Chro-

matography with Mass Spectroscopy 16

10 Summary 16

Abbreviations and Acronyms 16

Related Articles 16

References 17

Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) is a standard tech-nique for determining molar mass averages and molar massdistributions (MMDs) of polymers. Sometimes the terms

gel permeation chromatography (GPC) or gel filtrationchromatography (GFC) are also used, but SEC shouldbe preferred, because this term describes the mechanismmuch better: polymer molecules are separated accordingto their hydrodynamic volumes (which can be correlatedwith molar mass), with the larger size molecules exitingfirst followed by the smaller. Molar masses are determinedeither from a calibration or using molar mass sensitivedetectors. In the case of copolymers, the knowledge ofchemical composition along the MMD is required, whichcan be obtained from combinations of different concentra-tion detectors. As the hydrodynamic volumes of differentpolymers are typically somewhat different, molecules withdifferent chemical composition and different molar masswill be eluted in the same slice of the chromatogram. Obvi-ously, a discrimination between such molecules requiresa two-dimensional separation, in which one dimensionmay be SEC, and the other one a chromatographic tech-nique, which separates according to chemical compositionrather than molar mass, such as liquid adsorption chro-matography (LAC), liquid chromatography at the criticalpoint of adsorption (often also called liquid chromatogra-phy under critical conditions, LCCC), supercritical fluidchromatography (SFC), temperature rising elution frac-tionation (TREF), etc.

In the lower molar mass range, mass spectroscopycompetes with SEC. The most frequently used technique ismatrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flightmass spectroscopy (MALDI/TOF/MS), which cannot,however, provide quantitatively accurate MMDs. Due toits excellent resolution in molar mass, it can be combinedwith chromatographic techniques in order to increase thereliability of the analysis.


In the characterization of polymers, SEC has becomea standard technique for determining molar mass aver-ages and MMDs of polymers. Depending on the fieldof application, different terms have been used: in bio-chemistry and related areas the term GFC is usual, whileGPC is commonly used in the analysis of (synthetic)polymers.

The principle of SEC is rather easily understood. Dueto limited accessibility of the pore volume within theparticles of the column packing, polymer molecules areseparated according to their hydrodynamic volumes, withthe larger size molecules exiting first followed by thesmaller. Residence time can be correlated with molarmass. The correlation obtained then depends upon thetype of polymer.

Encyclopedia of Analytical ChemistryR.A. Meyers (Ed.) Copyright John Wiley & Sons Ltd


1.1 History

The origins of SEC date back to the early 1960s.In 1959, Porath and Flodin described the separationof water-soluble macromolecules on cross-linked poly-dextrane gels. As soon as these gels had becomecommercially avaliable, they were extensively usedfor separating biomolecules by the new technique,which was called GFC, typically in low pressuresystems..1/

In 1964, J.C. Moore of the Dow Chemical Com-pany disclosed the separation of synthetic polymers oncross-linked polystyrene (PS) gels in organic mobilephases. The new technique was called GPC and verysoon became a standard method for the determinationof MMDs.


Basically, SEC separates according to the size of a speciesin solution (the hydrodynamic volume). This species maybe a single molecule, a polymer coil, an aggregate, amicelle, etc. Hence, SEC can be applied to determine themolar mass of a polymer and also to study aggregationphenomena in solution.

Typically, SEC is applied to the analysis of syn-thetic polymers and oligomers,.2 – 7/ coal-derived substan-ces,.8 – 10/ lipids,.11,12/ and natural macromolecules (suchas proteins,.13 – 15/ poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-modifiedproteins,.16,17/ glucans,.18,19/ cellulose derivatives,.20,21/

humic substances,.22/ crude-oil alkanes.23/).SEC may also be used in studying processes accom-

plished by a change of the hydrodynamic volume ofpolymers or small molecules (such as lipids.12,24 – 26/):degradation,.27,28/ hydrolysis,.21,29/ refolding of pro-teins,.30/ polymerization,.31 – 35/ aggregation,.36,37/ etc.


In the last few years several round-robin tests have beenperformed with different kinds of polymers.38 – 45/ in orderto evaluate the reproducibility of SEC and the precisionand accuracy of the results thus obtained.

There may be various sources of error responsiblefor the differences in the results obtained at differentlaboratories, as can be easily understood from Figure 1,in which the experimental set-up and the basic stepsin obtaining an MMD for a polymer sample are shownschematically. An appropriate mobile phase is deliveredto a chromatographic column filled with a suitablestationary phase by a pump at a constant and reproducible




ColumnInjectionvalve Detector





Elution time



1. Signal to concentration

2. Time to volume

3. Volume to molar mass


log M




Elution volumeCalibration



on li



l per





Figure 1 Schematic representation of SEC.

flow rate. Into this solvent stream a small amount(typically 0.01 to 1.0 mg) of the polymer sample is injected.

The separated fractions are detected by at leastone detector, the signal of which must represent theconcentration of the polymer with good accuracy. Fromthe concentration curve thus obtained the MMD iscalculated.

Provided that the separation itself is reliable (whichcannot always be taken for granted!), the subsequenttransformations are subject to errors:

1. Elution time to elution volume. This requires a highlyconstant and reproducible flow rate, which means thatonly high quality pumps should be used.

2. Elution volume to molar mass. The molar mass of afraction can be obtained either from a calibration orfrom a molar mass sensitive detector (in addition tothe concentration detector).

3. Detector response to polymer concentration. Thisrequires a sufficiently wide linear range, a well definedresponse of the detector(s) along the entire peak(i.e. for all molar masses within the MMD), and – inthe case of copolymers – a second concentrationdetector.


In the following sections, each step will be referred to indetail. Requirements concerning sample treatment, chro-matographic equipment, data acquisition and processingwill be discussed and different approaches to the analysisof different types of polymers evaluated.


As there are considerable differences between SEC andother types of high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC), the criteria for achieving high performance aresomewhat different. In this section, the main componentsof an SEC system and their influence on the quality of theanalysis shall be discussed.

4.1 The Mobile Phase

The mobile phase in SEC must be a good solvent forthe polymer in order to avoid nonexclusion effects,.46,47/

which will be discussed later on. It is also importantto dissolve the sample at appropriate temperatureand sufficiently long before injecting it in order toallow the coils to swell in the solvent or to breakdown aggregates..48/ In some cases, the addition ofelectrolytes can be required to achieve disaggregation..49/

As some polymers – such as polyolefins – are typicallyanalyzed at high temperatures (140–150 °C) in rathertoxic mobile phases (trichlorobenzene, etc.), alternativesolvents would be desirable..50/

An important question concerns preferential solvation:When a polymer is dissolved in a mixed solvent, thecomposition of the latter within the coils can be differentfrom outside because of different interactions of thepolymer with the components of the solvent. When thesample is separated on the column from the zone, wherethe solvent would elute, a system peak (vacancy peak)appears, which is due to the missing component of themobile phase. Obviously, the missing amount of solventin the system peak appears in the peak of the polymer,the area of which is now different from what it wouldbe in absence of preferential solvation. Even though thiseffect has been known for a long time, it is often neglectedby chromatographers, because they consider their mobilephase to be a ‘‘pure’’ solvent, which is, however, generallynot the case: even HPLC-grade solvents are seldom morethan 99.9% pure, and even then the concentration ofthe sample is in the same order of magnitude as theimpurity. Moreover, solvents may take up moisture fromthe air, form peroxides, etc. (for example, chloroformtypically contains 1% of ethanol or 2-methyl-butene as astabilizer).

Hence it is important to dissolve the sample in thesolvent from the reservoir and not from another bottle.If a solvent peak is observed, this is a strong hintfor preferential solvation. Preferential solvation is oftenneglected, which is acceptable if its contribution does notvary along the MMD. If, however, the end groups of thepolymer are considerably different from the repeatingunits, preferential solvation depends on molar mass, ashas been shown recently..51/ A similar effect can beexpected in copolymers, if their composition varies withmolar mass.

4.2 The Pump

As has already been mentioned, a highly constantflow rate has to be maintained during the entirechromatogram. This is very important in SEC: due tothe logarithmic relation between molar mass and elutionvolume a change of the flow rate of only 0.1% cancause an error in molar mass of up to 10%!.52/ Thisrequires a pump of very good quality or a compensationof flow rate variations. Unfortunately, most pumps canonly reproduce the flow rate to 0.2–0.3%, and thisprecision can be reduced by leakages in the system orincreasing back pressure from the column. Moreover, thecheck valves as well as the pump seals may limit flowrate precision. In-line filters in the solvent reservoir mayprevent particles from coming into the pump heads, whichmight damage the check valves or the pump seals. Oneshould, however, take into account, that even stainlesssteel filters may corrode in some solvents. It is trivial thatrust particles will have the same effect.

There have been attempts to determine the flow rate bymeasuring the travelling time of a thermal pulse along acapillary, but generally the precision of these devices is notsufficient. The more efficient – and cheaper – approach isthe use of a low molecular internal standard in the MMDcalibration and in each chromatogram. The corrected flowrate is obtained from the ratio of the elution times of thisstandard peak.

The absolute flow rate (in the calibration) can also beobtained by measuring the time to fill a calibrated flaskor by weighing the solvent passing the system in a definedtime.

It must, however, be said, that the knowledge of theabsolute flow rate is not absolutely necessary, as long asflow rate variations are compensated by using an internalstandard. It is important that such a correction works wellonly if the flow rate is sufficiently constant within theentire chromatogram!

4.2.1 Types of Pumps

Basically, one has to distinguish between the followingtypes of pumps, the performance of which may differ


considerably (as well as their suitability for high-performance SEC):

ž Syringe pumps. This type of pump works like alarge syringe, the plunger of which is actuated bya screw-feed drive (usually by a stepper motor).Therefore it delivers a completely pulseless flow,which is especially important for systems using aviscosity detector.

ž Reciprocating pumps. This group comprises almostall commercially available pumps: single pistonpumps are cheap, but not well suited for SEC; dualpiston pumps can have the pistons arranged parallelor in series. The former pumps deliver a smootherflow, the latter are easier to maintain, because theyhave only two check valves instead of four. Theproblem of pulsations can be solved by using a pulsedampener.

4.3 The Column(s)

Unlike in other modes of HPLC, the separation efficiencycomes only from the stationary phase, while the mobilephase should have no effect. The whole separation occurswithin the volume of the pores, which typically equalsapproximately 40% of the total column volume. Thismeans that long columns or often sets of several columnsare required. Therefore, the right choice of the column(s)for a given polymer is the crucial point.

4.3.1 Commercially Available Columns

Basically, there are different types of SEC columns on themarket. The typical column diameters are 7.5–8 mm foranalytical columns and 22–25 mm for (semi)preparativecolumns; usual column lengths are 25, 30, 50, and 60 cm.Recently, narrow bore columns with a diameter of2–3 mm have been introduced, which save time andsolvent.

The packings are based on either porous silica orsemirigid (highly crosslinked) organic gels, in most casescopolymers of styrene and divinylbenzene. There are,however, other polymer-based packings available, whichcan be used in different mobile phases.

In general, silica-based packings are rather rugged,while organic packings have to be handled very carefully,as will be pointed out later on.

4.3.2 Selecting Size-exclusion Chromatography Columns

When selecting columns for a given separation problemin SEC, one may choose from a large number ofcolumns from different producers. Many producers offercolumns of the same type, which are comparable andsometimes almost equivalent. In general, the following

considerations may lead to the choice of an appropriatecolumn or column set:.53/

ž The separation range should be selected carefully,as it does not make sense to use a column with anexclusion limit of 106 when analyzing low molecularproducts. On the other hand, the high molecular endof the MMD should still be below the exclusion limit.

ž The particle size, which determines the plate height,has also to be taken into account. Small particles(typically 5 µm) provide a better resolution (higherplate numbers) and achieve the same separation witha smaller overall column length than larger ones(10 µm), but produce a higher back pressure for agiven column length. Shorter columns save time andsolvent. On the other hand, 5 µm (or even 3 µm)packings are more sensitive towards contaminationby samples containing impurities.

ž Small particle size packings can sometimes resultin shear degradation of large polymer moleculesbecause the space between particles is very narrow.Particles as large as 20 µm have been recommendedfor very high-molecular-weight polymers. However,axial dispersion (band spreading) effects are thenincreased.

ž Combinations of packings with a different separationrange can be achieved by using either columnswith different porosity or mixed-bed columns, whichtypically provide a better linear calibration thancombinations of columns.

ž When combining columns to a set, one should prefertwo 60 cm columns to four 30 cm columns, becausethe column ends as well as the connections increasepeak broadening.

ž The chemical nature of a column packing can becrucial: some packings must not be used in cer-tain mobile phases or at higher temperatures, whichare required in SEC of polyolefins. Moreover, non-exclusion effects can also be due to an inadequatestationary phase. There may be considerable differ-ences between packings with similar specification,which are mostly due to the residual emulsifiers usedin their production.

4.3.3 Handling Size-exclusion Chromatography Columns

Unlike with other HPLC columns, several precautionshave to be taken in the use of SEC columns.

ž A column set in SEC should be always run in the samemobile phase. This is not only because a differentsolvent will require a new calibration, but mainlybecause a solvent change can reduce column lifeand performance. If, however, a solvent change is


necessary (for example, to remove contaminationfrom the packing), this should be done step-wise(using mixtures of solvents 1 and 2) and at a low flowrate (0.5 ml min�1 maximum). For some solvents,a direct change should be avoided by using anintermediate solvent. When switching back to the firstmobile phase, the column set should be recalibrated,anyway.

ž SEC columns should never be operated in a backwarddirection, because this may destroy the columnpacking immediately. Some columns will survive sucha procedure, but one should not take that for granted.

ž Care should also be taken in connecting columns orin sample injection: one single air bubble injectedonto the column can damage the packing!

ž Replacing a clogged inlet frit is a dangerous oper-ation, which can also considerably reduce columnperformance. When analyzing samples, which maycontaminate a column, one should always use a pre-column.

ž Pulsations from the pump, which can be due to airbubbles in the solvent line, a leakage of one pumpseal, or a damaged or dirty check valve, can alsoreduce column life.

4.3.4 Enhancing Separation Efficiency by Recycling

In SEC, the separation efficiency of a given type ofpacking depends on the column length, i.e. on the numberof columns, which can, however, only be increased toa certain limit, which depends on the resulting backpressure. Reducing the flow rate is not a good solution,because at very low flow rates (far away from the optimumin the van Deemter equation) the plate height increasesconsiderably.

A simple approach towards enhanced separationefficiency is recycling using the alternate pumpingmethod, as shown in Figure 2 for a set of four columns,which are connected to a six-port–two-position valve..7/

When the peak of interest is still in column 4, the valveis actuated (thus changing the order of the columns to3-4-1-2), and the peak will leave column 4 to go back tocolumn 1 instead of entering the detector. The overallcolumn length is now 6 instead of four (1-2-3-4-1-2).

Before the peak leaves column 2, the valve is switchedagain, and the overall column length is again increased bytwo to yield 8 columns. This procedure can be repeated,as long as the entire peak fits into one half of the columnset. Typically, three to four switches are allowed, thusmaking a column set of 10 to 12 out of 4 with the backpressure of only four columns.

Obviously, a good separation is only one part of a goodanalysis. Another crucial point is the detection of thefractionated sample leaving the column.

Column 1

Column 4

Column 1

Column 4

Column 3

Column 2

Column 3

Column 2

Detector 1 Detector 2

Detector 1 Detector 2




Position A: Column order 1-2-3-4

Position B: Column order 3-4-1-2


Figure 2 Schematic representation of alternate column recycleSEC.

4.4 Detectors

Among the numerous HPLC detectors, only a limitednumber can reasonably be applied in SEC. Basically, onehas to distinguish the following groups of detectors:

4.4.1 Concentration Sensitive Detectors

It is trivial that at least one concentration sensitivedetector has to be used in an SEC system. In the analysis ofcopolymers, a second concentration sensitive detector isrequired, the sensitivity of which towards the componentsof the polymer differs from that of the first detector.

Within the concentration sensitive detectors, one hasto distinguish detectors measuring a (bulk) property ofthe eluate and detectors measuring a property of thesolute. Evaporative detectors remove the mobile phaseby evaporation prior to detection. Bulk Property Detectors The most familiarinstrument in SEC is the refractive index (RI) detector,which exists in various modifications. Its main advantageis that it can be applied in the analysis of almost anypolymer.

The density detector, which has been developed inthe group of the author, utilizes the principle of themechanical oscillator and has been described in severalpublications..54 – 56/ It can be used in SEC (as an alternative


to the RI detector) and provides valuable information inthe analysis of aliphatic polymers, when combined withthe RI detector. This instrument is commercially availablefrom CHROMTECH, Graz, Austria. The measuringcell of such an instrument is an oscillating, U-shapedcapillary, the period of which depends on its reducedmass, and thus on the density of its content. Periodmeasurement is performed by counting the periods ofa time base (an oven-controlled 10 MHz quartz) duringa predetermined number of periods of the measuringcell. The signal of such a detector is thus inherentlydigital, and its response is integrated over each measuringinterval. Solute Property Detectors The most familiarsolute property detector is the ultraviolet (UV) absorp-tion detector, which exists in different modifications andis available from most producers of HPLC instruments. Itcan be applied to polymers containing groups with doublebonds, such as aromatic rings, carbonyl groups, etc., butnot to any other polymers. Typical detection wavelengthsare in the range of 180–350 nm, which can, however, beutilized only in solvents with a sufficiently low absorbance.Many typical SEC solvents allow detection only above awavelength of 250 nm.

Infrared (IR) detectors are limited to certain mobilephases that are sufficiently transparent at the detectionwavelength. Evaporative Detectors Evaporative detectorsvaporize the mobile phase, and the nonvolatile com-ponents of the sample can be detected on-line oroff-line.

In the evaporative light scattering detector(ELSD),.12,23,26,57 – 59/ the eluate is nebulized in a streamof pressurized gas and the solvent is evaporated from thedroplets. Each droplet containing nonvolatile materialforms a particle, which scatters the light of a transversallight beam. The intensity of the scattered light shouldreflect the concentration of nonvolatile substances in theeluate. There are, however, serious problems in quantifi-cation of the signal..60 – 63/

It is also possible to use other types of evaporationdevices as an interface to a flame ionization detector(FID),.64/ a mass spectrometer or a Fourier transforminfrared (FTIR) spectrometer..65 – 68/

4.4.2 Molar Mass Sensitive Detectors

Molar mass sensitive detectors are very useful in SEC,because they yield the molar mass of each fraction ofa polymer peak. As the response of such a detectordepends on the concentration as well as the molar massof the fraction, it has to be combined with a concentrationsensitive detector.

Basically, the following types of molar mass sensitivedetectors are on the market:

ž low angle light scattering (LALS) detectors;.47,69 – 78/

ž multiangle light scattering (MALS) detectors [seereferences1 21,70,75,77,79–85];

ž differential viscometers..86 – 90/

The information which can be obtained from sucha detector is somewhat different. From light scatteringdetection, the absolute MMD can be determined directly.With LALS (measuring the scattering intensity at justone angle), no information is obtained on polymerconformation. Using more than one angle, one may alsoobtain the radius of gyration.

On the other hand, SEC with viscosity detection yieldsthe intrinsic viscosity distribution (IVD). The MMD is,however, determined indirectly (through the universalcalibration), and is thus subject to retention errors.

Consequently, it makes sense to combine a light scat-tering detector with a viscometer detector..47,69,71 – 74,76 – 79/

With such a combination, information on branching canbe obtained..89,91 – 94/ Light Scattering Detectors The scattered lightof a laser beam passing the measuring cell is measuredat angles different from zero. The (excess) intensity R.q/of the scattered light at the angle q is correlated tothe weight average of molar mass Mw of the dissolvedmacromolecules as shown in Equation (1):


D 1MwP.q/

C 2A2c .1/

where c is the concentration of the polymer, A2 is thesecond virial coefficient, and P.q/ describes the scatteredlight’s angular dependence.

KŁ, defined in Equation (2), is an optical constantcontaining Avogadro’s number NA, the wavelength l0,RI n0 of the solvent, and the RI increment dn/dc:

KŁ D 4p2n20.dn/dc/2



Obviously, there will be problems in copolymer anal-ysis if their composition (and thus the RI incrementdn/dc) varies within the MMD. In this case, a secondconcentration detector will be required, which allows adetermination of copolymer composition.

A measurement at more than one angle can provideadditional information. In a plot of KŁc/R.q/ versussin2.q/2/, Mw can be obtained from the intercept andthe radius of gyration from the slope..70,77,79,81,95/ Viscosity Detectors(2,47,69,76,77,86 – 90,92,93,95 – 111)

A viscosity detector should yield the intrinsic viscosity[h], the so-called limiting viscosity number, given by


Equation (3), which is defined as the limiting value ofthe ratio of specific viscosity (hsp D .h� h0//h0) andconcentration c for c! 0:

[h] D limc!0

h� h0

h0cD lim




As the concentrations in SEC are typically very low,[h] can be approximated by hsp/c. In viscosity detection,one has to determine both the viscosity h of the samplesolution as well as the viscosity h0 of the pure mobilephase, which can be achieved in different ways.

Viscosity measurement in SEC can be performed bymeasuring the pressure drop across a capillary, which isproportional to the viscosity of the streaming liquid.

Single capillary viscometers (SCVs) using just onecapillary and one differential pressure transducer willbe strongly affected by the pulsations of a recipro-cating pump. Instruments of this type could be usedwith a syringe pump to eliminate this problem. (Thisapproach is superior to that using additional pulsedampeners.)

A better, but still not perfect approach is the use oftwo capillaries (C1 and C2) in series, each of which isconnected to a differential pressure transducer (DP1 andDP2), and a sufficiently large holdup reservoir (H) inbetween. The sample viscosity h is thus obtained from thepressure drop across the first capillary, and the solventviscosity h0 from the pressure drop across the secondcapillary. Pulsations are eliminated in this set-up, becausethey appear in both transducers simultaneously.

A very sophisticated approach is used in another type ofdifferential viscometer, which is commercially availablefrom Viscotek. In this instrument, four capillaries arearranged similar to a Wheatstone bridge.

In Figure 3, both designs are shown schematically. Inthe Viscotek instrument, a holdup reservoir in frontof the reference capillary (C4) ensures that only puremobile phase flows through the reference capillary, whenthe peak passes the sample capillary (C3). This designoffers several advantages, the most important of whichis a higher sensitivity: the detector actually measuresthe pressure difference P at the differential pressuretransducer (DP) between the inlets of the sample capillaryand the reference capillary, which have a common outlet,and the overall pressure P at the inlet of the bridge.The specific viscosity hsp D h/h is thus obtained fromP/P.

The main problem in this concept is that the flow inthe system must be divided 1 : 1 between both arms of thebridge. This shall be achieved by capillaries 1 and 2, whichmust have a sufficiently high back pressure. Nevertheless,when a peak passes the sample capillary, a slight deviationof the 1 : 1 ratio will be observed.

From column



From column(b)

From column



C1 C2








Figure 3 Schematic representation of viscosity detectors:(a) SCV; (b) dual capillary viscometer; (c) Viscotek.

The question of flow rate variations exists, however,also in single or dual capillary viscometers. Whenthe polymer peak passes the measuring capillary, theincreasing back pressure leads to a constriction in thesystem, and thus to a shift of the peak by a weak flow ratefluctuation (Lesec effect)..89,112/

4.5 Data Acquisition and Processing

Software for data acquisition and processing are availablefrom all producers of HPLC equipment. As the require-ments of SEC are different from those of other HPLCtechniques, standard HPLC software does not fulfill thedemands of SEC.

Depending on the nature of samples to be analyzed(whether high or low molecular, homo- or copolymers,etc.) and the equipment used (single or multiple detec-tion), the software should provide special features, whichwill be discussed in the following sections.

In order to allow calculations not provided by thesoftware, export of data to a spreadsheet or otherprograms should be possible.



In SEC, the separation should be solely governed by sizeexclusion, which need not always be the case. Aside froman inadequate calibration, nonexclusion effects can causesevere errors. Moreover, low efficiency of the columns orthe entire system will cause peak broadening, which alsoleads to inaccurate results.

5.1 Ideal Size Exclusion

Let us first consider the ideal case, in which sizeexclusion is governing the separation. As has already beenmentioned, the separation in SEC has to be achievedwithin a volume much smaller than the volume of thecolumn.

It is trivial that no fraction of the sample can be elutedbefore the interstitial volume Vi (i.e. the volume of thesolvent outside the particles of the column packing) haspassed the column. This elution volume corresponds tothe exclusion limit of the column.

Small molecules, which have access to the entire porevolume Vp, will appear at an elution volume equal to thesum of the interstitial volume Vi and the pore volume Vp.

Molecules of a size between these extremes have accessto only a part of the pore volume, hence they will be elutedat an elution volume Ve as shown in Equation (4):

Ve D Vi CKSECVp .4/

where KSEC is the equilibrium constant of a sample inSEC.

The relation between K and the molar mass of apolymer is determined by a calibration, as will bediscussed later on.

5.2 Exclusion versus Nonexclusion Effects

The equilibrium constant of a chromatographic separa-tion can be correlated with thermodynamic parameters.The driving force for a separation at the (absolute) tem-perature T is the change in Gibbs free energy G,defined in Equation (5), which results from the changesin enthalpy and entropy, H and S, respectively:

G D H � TS D �RT ln K .5/

In ideal SEC, which should be governed solely byentropy, H should equal zero, and the equilibriumconstant KSEC should be given by Equation (6):

KSEC D eS/R .6/

where 0 < KSEC < 1, with KSEC D 0 for molecules largerthan the largest pore (exclusion limit), KSEC D 1 for

small molecules, which have access to the entire porevolume Vp.

According to the theory developed by Casassa, thedistribution coefficient of a flexible macromolecule withthe root-mean-square end-to-end distance R in a slit-likepore with diameter 2d will depend on the ratio of sizes ofthe macromolecule and the pores. Equation (7) shows:

KSEC D 1� 2p6p



In ideal SEC, elution volumes never exceed the voidvolume V0 D Vi C Vp.

The opposite is true in LAC, where interactions withthe stationary phase occur (whether these interactionsare adsorption or partition phenomena is not important).If exclusion phenomena can be neglected (which is thecase with nonporous stationary phases or in the case ofsmall molecules and stationary phases with large pores),one may write:

Ve D Vi C VpKLAC .8/

The distribution coefficient of LAC is determined byenthalpy:

KLAC D e�H/RT .9/

As H (and thus the probability of being adsorbed)increases with the number of groups capable of beingadsorbed, KLAC increases exponentially with the degreeof polymerization. Consequently, elution volumes typi-cally exceed the void volume considerably (as KLAC > 1).

In practice, both exclusion and interaction must beaccounted for in LAC. The equilibrium constant Kcan thus be divided into contributions from ideal sizeexclusion and adsorption, as shown in Equation (10):


It must be mentioned that even in the absence ofadsorption or partition phenomena the separation can bedetermined by an effect other than (ideal) size exclusion.This effect is called secondary exclusion. It originatesfrom (electrostatic) repulsion of polar groups and hasnothing to do with molar mass..46,47,113/

Mori and Nishimura.49/ observed polyelectrolyteeffects in SEC of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)and polyamides in hexafluoro-2-propanol. The additionof sodium trifluoroacetate as an electrolyte suppressedthese effects by breaking down hydrogen bonding.

Under special conditions (mobile phase composition,temperature) the enthalpic and entropic terms in Equa-tion (5) may compensate each other, and all polymerchains with the same structure will elute at the samevolume (regardless of their number of repeating units),


which means that the polymer chain becomes ‘‘chro-matographically invisible’’. This situation is utilized inLCCC.96,109,114 – 130/ or liquid chromatography at the crit-ical adsorption point (LCCAP),.131,132/ which allowsa separation according to other criteria (end groups,branching sites, other blocks in copolymers, etc.).

If a polymer contains different structural units (as is thecase in block copolymers or functional oligomers), theremay be basically four limiting cases:

1. all components are eluted in ideal exclusion mode;

2. main chain in exclusion mode, (weak) adsorption ofend groups;

3. critical adsorption point for main chain, separationof end groups by adsorption;

4. critical adsorption point for main chain, separationof second block by exclusion.

Points 3 and 4 are beyond the scope of this chapter,hence they shall not be discussed in detail. An overviewis given in a recent book..133/

Situation 1 would be the most favorable one, which is,however, rare. In many cases, the calibration functionsfor different polymer homologous series (with thesame repeating unit, but different end groups) canbe considerably different. In a systematic investigation,Craven et al..134,135/ have studied the elution behavior ofpolyoxyethylenes with different end groups (diols, mono-and dimethyl ethers) on a Plgel column in differentmobile phases. Considerably different calibration lineswere found for the different homologous series indifferent mobile phases. These differences were explainedby combinations of exclusion with partition adsorptioneffects. In the group of the author similar investigationswere performed, which led to very similar results.

5.3 The Problem of Peak Dispersion

When a monodisperse sample is analyzed by chromatog-raphy, it will appear as a peak more or less of Gaussianshape and not as a rectangular concentration profile(which it was immediately after injection).

The main reasons for the broadening of peaks arediffusion phenomena in the column, the capillaries, andthe detector, which can be minimized, but not completelyavoided. Additional broadening can be due to highsample loads, interaction of the sample with the columnpacking, and an imperfect chromatographic system. Voidvolumes between the connecting capillaries will lead to adramatically decreased performance of the system.

It is clear that peak broadening will adversely influencethe accuracy of results from SEC, where the peak shapeis much more important than the area (which is theinteresting parameter in most other HPLC applications).

Basically, a chromatographic peak can be describedby the function F.v/, the detector response at a givenelution volume. It must be mentioned that the actualconcentration is not always easily obtained from F.v/, aswill be discussed later.

This function, shown in Equation (11), results from aconvolution of two other functions, G.v, y/, which is theshape function of a solute eluting at the mean elutionvolume y, and W.y/, the chromatogram corrected forband spreading:

F.v/ D∫ 1

0W.y/GN.v, y/ dy .11/

This equation is well known in SEC as the Tung axial dis-persion equation. It is clear that the deconvolution – thecalculation of W.y/ from F.y/ and GN.v, y/ – can beproblematic, because GN.v, y/ is not easily obtained.Sometimes the so-called convolution integral, given inEquation (12), is used instead of the Tung equation:

F.v/ D∫ 1

0W.y/GN.v� y/ dy .12/

Equation (12) is a limiting case of Equation (11), becauseit explicitly assumes the same normalized shape func-tion for all solutes present and the same spreading (i.e.the same standard deviation in a Gaussian peak). Thisassumption may not be valid in the SEC of polymers,particularly if very high molecular weight polymers arebeing analyzed. Different approaches for correcting chro-matograms for peak dispersion have been published,which work more or less well..38,101,111,136 – 138/ Becauseof the uncertainties in mathematically correcting foraxial dispersion, the preferred approach is to utilize agood separation system, which produces low or neg-ligible peak spreading. With today’s high resolutioncolumns other sources of error, such as flow varia-tions, an improper baseline, neglect of the molar massdependence of response factors, etc., are of much moreconcern.

Mathematical correction of peak spreading makessense only when molecular weight averages calculatedfrom the chromatograms of standards similar to those ofthe unknowns to be analyzed do not agree with thoseknown for the standard and provided that other, morelikely, sources of error have been minimized.


As has already been mentioned, three transformationshave to be performed with the chromatographic rawdata.


ž The first one – time to volume – can be performedvery easily using an internal standard, as has alreadybeen pointed out.

ž The second one – volume to molar mass – requireseither a calibration or the use of a molar mass sensitivedetector.

ž The third one – detector response to concentration(or mass) – will be discussed later. This step isespecially important in SEC of copolymers, polymerblends, and oligomers.

6.1 Size-exclusion Chromatography Calibration

As has already been mentioned, the elution volume ofa polymer molecule in SEC must be larger than theinterstitial volume (exclusion limit) and smaller than thevoid volume (total permeation). Between these limits,the elution volume increases with decreasing molar mass.Unless a molar mass sensitive detector is used, one hasto determine the molar mass of a fraction eluting at thevolume Ve from a calibration, which can be obtained indifferent ways.

6.1.1 Calibration with Narrow Standards

If a series of standards with a narrow MMD is available,their elution volumes have to be determined to establisha calibration, from which the molar mass for a givenelution volume is obtained. In classical SEC, a linearrelation between log M and Ve was assumed, whichis, however, only a first approximation, the quality ofwhich depends very strongly on the columns used. Thecalibration function is quite simple in this case, as shownin Equation (13):

log M D AC BVe .13/

where A and B are constants, which can be determinedvery easily by linear regression. For many columns, thecalibration line is, however, sigmoidal rather than linear.In most cases, a polynomial fit can match the experimentalpoints much better, as Equation (14) shows:

log M D AC BVe C CV2e CDV3

e C EV4e C Ð Ð Ð .14/

The coefficients A–E in such a relation have to be deter-mined by regression analysis. This feature is providedby many software packages for SEC. The order of thepolynomial fit is, however, critical in some cases: if thenumber of data points (i.e. the number of standards) istoo small, a fit of too high an order may produce an erro-neous calibration function. A plot of residuals, i.e. a plotof the percent difference in molecular weight provided bythe fitted calibration line compared to the experimentaldata point at a particular retention volume, plotted versus

retention volume is a quick, visual way of evaluating thevalidity of the fit. The plot reveals whether or not thescatter of data points is random around the fitted line andthe magnitude of the difference between the fitted lineand the experimental data points..72/

There can be considerable differences between the cal-ibration lines for different polymers on the same columnin the same mobile phase. This is especially importantin the analysis of copolymers or polymer blends. Con-sequently, different molar masses will elute at the samevolume when a mixture of two homopolymers is analyzedby SEC. The elution volume of a copolymer should bebetween the elution volumes of the homopolymers of thesame molar mass. If the composition of the copolymer ateach point of the peak is known, an approximation will beachieved by interpolation between the calibration lines.The approximation works best for block copolymers.

It must be mentioned that different calibrations forthe same polymer will be found on the same column indifferent mobile phases.

The calibration with narrow standards can be applied tomany types of polymers, because appropriate standardshave become commercially available for many polymers,and some suppliers provide well characterized standardsfor speciality polymers.

In the low molecular range, additional data points canbe taken from the maxima of oligomer peaks, which areat least partially resolved. If one of these peaks can beidentified, this is also possible for the higher oligomers. Anextension to even higher molar masses can be achievedby semipreparative separation of oligomers by LAC..139/

In the analysis of samples for which no narrowMMD standards are available, different approaches havebeen described in the literature. The most feasibleone is the use of molar mass sensitive detectors.Alternatively, mass spectrometric techniques (such asMALDI/TOF/MS) can also be applied in establishing acalibration function..10,23,140 – 147/

6.1.2 Calibration with Broad Standards

If a well characterized sample with broad MMD isavailable, one may use different procedures to establisha calibration fitting these averages. The integral MMDmethod can be applied if the entire MMD of the standardis known with high accuracy (which is, however, seldomthe case). The method may assume that the MMD of thesample can be described by the most probable distributionfunction, and matches the calibration to this distribution.No assumptions on the shape of the calibration are made;the precision of the method is, however, rather poor atpoints corresponding to the tails of the distribution.

If only the molar mass averages of the sample areknown from independent methods (light scattering or


osmometry), linear calibration methods can be applied.It is clear that with two known parameters only a linearcalibration which is defined by two parameters (slope andintercept) can be obtained. However, this method hasbeen expanded to nonlinear calibration curves throughthe use of more than one different standard. Also, it hasbeen combined with axial dispersion correction theory toprovide both a band spreading parameter (i.e. sigma) anda calibration curve.

6.1.3 Universal Calibration

A very elegant approach is based on the fact that inSEC the elution volume Ve of a polymer depends onits hydrodynamic volume, which is proportional to theproduct of its molar mass M and intrinsic viscosity [h].

In a plot of log (M[h]) versus Ve (on the samecolumn), identical calibration lines should be found fortwo polymers (1 and 2), which can be considered asuniversal calibration,.148/ as shown in Equation (15):

M1[h1] DM2[h2] .15/

The intrinsic viscosity is a function of molar mass, which isdescribed by the Mark–Houwink relationship, where Kand a are constants for a given polymer in a given solvent(at a given temperature), as shown in Equation (16):

[h] D KMa .16/

Combination of these equations yields Equation (17):

K1Ma1C11 D K2Ma2C1

2 .17/

If a column has been calibrated with polymer 1 (e.g.PS), the calibration line for another polymer (2) can becalculated, provided that the constants K and a are knownfor both polymers with sufficient accuracy, as shown inEquation (18):

ln M2 D 11C a2


K2C 1C a1

1C a2ln M1 .18/

The concept of the universal calibration would providean appropriate calibration also for polymers for which nonarrow standards exist.

For lower molar mass samples the Dondos–Benoitrelation,.2,149/ shown in Equation (19), is used, which islinear in this region:

1[h]D �A2 C A1p


The main problem is the accuracy of K and a, which israther limited even in the case of polymers for whicha sufficient number of well defined standards exists:there are very high variations in the values reported

in literature. If one has to rely on these data, thereis the question which set of constants would yield anappropriate calibration.

After all, the expense of buying (even costly) narrowstandards would be worthwhile in most cases. If suchstandards are not available, the method of choice will bethe use of molar mass sensitive detectors.


Once the first two transformations (time to volume andvolume to molar mass) have been performed, thereremains the third transformation (detector response toamount of polymer in a fraction), which can also besubject to errors, depending on the nature of the samples.In the following section, the particular problems arereferred to with respect to the type of polymer to beanalyzed.

7.1 Homopolymers and Oligomers

In SEC of polymers, most chromatographers assume aconstant response factor within the entire MMD, which is,however, justified only in the analysis of homopolymerswith sufficiently high molar mass.

7.1.1 Molar Mass Dependence of Response Factors

The most frequently used detectors in SEC are the UVand the RI detectors. Recently, we have introduced thedensity detector, which is useful in the analysis of non-UVabsorbing polymers.

The UV detector ‘‘sees’’ UV-absorbing groups in thepolymer, which may be the repeating unit, the end groups,or both. Basically, there may be two limiting cases:

ž If the repeating unit absorbs at the detection wave-length, the signal reflects the weight concentration ofthe polymer.

ž If the end groups can be detected at a wavelengthwhere the repeating units do no absorb, the signalreflects the number concentration of the polymer(provided that the functionality is known). This canbe utilized for determining the number of functionalgroups in oligomers by derivatization with UV-activereagents (as phenyl isocyanate)..150,151/

RI and density detector measure a property of the entireeluate, that means, they are sensitive towards a specificproperty of the sample (the RI increment or the apparentspecific volume, respectively).


It is a well known fact that specific properties arerelated to molar mass, as shown in Equation (20):

xi D x1 C KMi


where xi is the property of a polymer with molecularweight Mi, x1 is the property of a polymer with infinite(or at least very high) molecular weight, and K is aconstant reflecting the influence of the end groups. Asimilar relation holds for the response factors for RI anddensity detection, as shown in Equation (21):

fi D f1 C KMi


In a plot of the response factor fi versus the molecularweight Mi of a polymer homologous series (with thesame end groups) one will obtain a straight line withthe intercept f1 (the response factor of a polymer withvery high molecular weight, or the response factor of therepeating unit) and the slope K, which represents theinfluence of the end groups..7,152 – 154/

Different methods can be applied for the determinationof f1 and K:.155/

ž If a sufficient number of monodisperse oligomers isavailable (as is the case with PEG), linear regressionwill be the method of choice.

ž If at least one sample with very high molecular weight(from which the intercept f1 can be obtained) anda polydisperse sample with low molecular weightare available, an iteration procedure can be used todetermine K.

Once f1 and K are known, the correct response factorsfor each fraction eluting from an SEC column can becalculated (with the molar mass obtained from the SECcalibration).

Molar mass dependence of response factors – unlesscompensated – can lead to severe errors, as has beenshown in another paper..7/ Ethoxylated fatty alcoholswere analyzed using SEC with coupled density and RIdetection. While the chromatograms looked quite normalin density detection, the sign of the response for the loweroligomers changed in RI detection: the alkanols and themonoethoxylates appeared as negative peaks, and thediethoxylate was almost invisible.

7.2 Copolymers and Polymer Blends

In the analysis of copolymers, the use of multipledetection is generally inevitable. If the response factorsof the detectors for the components of the polymer aresufficiently different, the chemical composition along theMMD can be determined from the detector signals.

Typically, a combination of UV and RI detection isused,.156/ but other detector combinations have alsobeen described. If the components of the copolymerhave different UV spectra, a diode array detector willbe the instrument of choice. One has, however, tokeep in mind that nonlinear detector response may alsooccur with UV detection, as Mori and Suzuki.157/ haveshown. They analyzed PS and copolymers of styrenewith methyl methacrylate by SEC with RI and UVdetection (at 254 nm) on PS gels in chloroform asmobile phase, and found that the ratio of UV and RIsignals increased at the extreme parts of the MMD.Peak dispersion between the detectors, which might havecaused a similar effect, was obviously not, or not alone,responsible for the deviations. In a concentration seriesof PSs, a nonlinear relation between sample size andpeak area was found. Lukyanchikov et al..158/ describedsimilar deviations in the analysis of butadiene–styrenecopolymers and PS blends with polybutadiene (PB) andpoly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) using SEC with UV andrefractometric detectors.

In the case of non-UV absorbing polymers, a com-bination of RI and density detection yields the desiredinformation on chemical composition..120,124,154,155,159 – 161/

The ELSD cannot be applied because of its poor linearityand its unclear response to copolymers.

The technique can also be applied to oligomers insteadof compensating for the molar mass dependence ofdetector response: in SEC of fatty alcohol ethoxylatesor PEG macromonomers, a combination of density andRI detection can be applied as well and yields consistentresults..7,154,161/

The principle of dual detection is rather simple: whena mass mi of a copolymer, which contains the weightfractions wA and wB (D 1� wA) of the monomers Aand B, is eluted in the slice i of the peak, it will causea signal xi,j in the detectors, the magnitude of whichdepends on the corresponding response factors fj,A andfj,B, where j denotes the individual detectors. This isshown in Equation (22):

xi,j D mi.wAfA,j C wBfB,j/ .22/

The weight fractions wA and wB of the monomers can becalculated using Equation (23):

1wAD 1� .x1/x2/f2,A � f1,A

.x1/x2/f2,B � f1,B.23/

Once the weight fractions of the monomers are known,the correct mass of polymer in the slice can be calculatedusing Equation (24):

mi D xi

wA.f1,A � f1,B/C f1,B.24/


and the molecular weight MC of the copolymer is obtainedby interpolation between the calibration lines of thehomopolymers, as shown in Equation (25):

MC DMB C wA.MA �MB/ .25/

where MA and MB are the molecular weights of thehomopolymers, which would elute in this slice.

The interpolation between the calibration lines cannotbe applied to mixtures of polymers: If the calibration linesof the homopolymers are different, different molecularweights of the homopolymers will elute at the samevolume. The universal calibration is not capable ofeliminating the errors originating from the simultaneouselution of two polymer fractions with the same hydro-dynamic volume but different composition and molecularweight!.154/

As the molar masses of different polymers eluting atthe same elution volume are given by the correspondingconstants K and a in the Mark–Houwink equation, onemay calculate the molar masses of the homopolymers in apolymer blend, which will be eluted in the same interval,using Equation (26):

ln M D AVe

1C aC B� ln K

1C a.26/

Basically, in SEC there will always be local polydisper-sity.162/ in each slice of the polymer peak: in the case ofhomopolymers because of peak spreading, in the case ofcopolymers and polymer blends because of overlappingchemical composition distribution (CCD) and MMD..163/

Nevertheless, a discrimination of copolymers andpolymer blends is impossible with one-dimensional chro-matography! Moreover, the architecture of a copolymer(random, block, graft) has to be taken into account, asRevillon.164/ has shown by SEC with RI, UV, and viscos-ity detection. Intrinsic viscosity varies largely with molarmass according to the type of polymer, its composition,and the nature of its components.

Obviously it is feasible to use a combination of molarmass sensitive detectors, such as a LALS, MALS and vis-cosity detector with two concentration detectors,.72,163,165/

from which the (average) composition for each fractioncan be obtained, and thus the amount of polymer in thefraction..166/ When using multiple detection, one has tobe aware of errors arising from inaccurate interdetectorvolume.74,101,108,137,166,167/ and peak spreading betweenthe detectors..133/ Bielsa and Meira.136/ have studiedthe influence on instrumental broadening in copolymeranalysis with dual-detection SEC, and demonstrated theeffect of different corrections. Concentration errors mayalso influence the reliability of the results..168/ Moureyand Balke.72/ have proposed a ‘‘systematic approach’’for setting up multidetector systems. The approach is

needed because, as Mourey and Balke show, in such sys-tems, multiple sources of error are present and often thesame error can originate from two different sources. Theapproach emphasizes the idea of ensuring that each detec-tor alone is functioning correctly by comparing resultscalculated using only data from that detector with thevalues known for a standard before using detectors incombination. It also employs a superposition of calibra-tion curves obtained from narrow standards and frommolecular weight sensitive detectors to determine theeffective volume of tubing between detectors (the effec-tive ‘‘inter-detector volume’’). This method works verywell for broad molelcular weight distribution polymersbut not for those with a narrow molecular weight distri-bution. The configuration of the detector system (whetherseries or parallel) was not important for broad molecularweight distribution results. It has recently been foundthat the inter-detector volume as measured from thedifference in peak retention volumes of narrow molec-ular weight distribution standards from one detector toanother varied with molecular weight when the detectorswere in the parallel configuration and the differentialviscometer (DV) was one of the detectors..169,170/ In theseries configuration no such dependence was observed.This could partly account for difficulties in analyzing nar-row molecular weight distribution polymers in parallelconfiguration systems and may be due to flow rate vari-ation in different branches of the parallel configurationduring elution of a sample.


As the analysis of polymers is a difficult task, differenttechniques can be applied, some of which yield similarinformation, while others are rather complementary toSEC..133,171/

In oligomer analysis, SEC competes with LAC andMALDI/TOF/MS: all three techniques can be applied todetermine the MMD and yield comparable results..172/

8.1 Other Types of Chromatography

Capillary SFC and capillary high-temperature gas chro-matography (HTGC) can be applied for the quanti-tative characterization of nonionic alcohol ethoxylatesurfactants.173 – 176/ and other oligomers..177,178/ SFC isalso very useful in the analysis of carbohydrates.179/ andglycerides,.180/ etc.

LAC can be performed in isocratic or gradient mode.While isocratic separations.139,172,181 – 184/ are typically lim-ited to oligomers with a narrow MMD, gradient LACallows also a separation of higher molar mass samples.


In some cases, chromatograms with fully resolved peakscan be obtained. PEGs can be separated on normal orreversed-phase packings,.185 – 188/ while the separation ofsurfactants according to their degree of ethoxylation isonly possible on normal phases..189 – 193/ Under similarconditions, polyesters,.194,195/ PS.195 – 197/ and other poly-mers can also be separated according to their degree ofpolymerization.

On the other hand, LAC is a technique complemen-tary to SEC, which can be used to separate copoly-mers or polymer blends according to their chemicalcomposition..61,171,194,198 – 202/

Gradient elution does not necessarily mean a gradientof solvent composition: recently, temperature gradientshave successfully been applied in a new techniquecalled temperature gradient interaction chromatography(TGIC)..203,204/

LCCC allows a separation according to groups (orblocks) different from the polymer chain, which is chro-matographically invisible under these special conditions.This technique is highly important in two-dimensionalseparations, hence it will be discussed there.

TREF can be employed to separate according to quitedifferent criteria: the fractionation process depends onmelting temperature, melting enthalpy, average crys-tallinity, average crystallizable sequence length, andpolymer–solvent interaction parameter..205/ It is veryuseful in the analysis of polyolefins..42,206/ Additionalinformation is obtained by coupling TREF with NMRspectroscopy..206/

Field flow fractionation in various modificationscan also be applied. It has been shown that theresults obtained for block copolymers – poly(styrene-b-p-methoxystyrene-b-styrene), poly(styrene-b-p-methylsty-rene-b-styrene) and poly(styrene-b-p-cyanostyrene) –using thermal field-flow fractionation (ThFFF), SEC andlight scattering were in satisfactory agreement. ThFFFcan also be used to determine the thermal-diffusion coef-ficients for polydisperse polymers and microgels..84/

Capillary electrophoresis (CE).207/ can be applied inthe separation of PEGs and ethoxylated surfactants..208/

Samples containing no charged group have to be deriva-tized prior to CE analysis with phthalic anhydride.209 – 211/

or 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylic anhydride.212/ to impartcharge and detectability on the neutral polymer.

8.2 Mass Spectroscopy

In the analysis of oligomers (such as nonionic surfac-tants), fast atom bombardment (FAB), time-of-flightsecondary ion mass spectrometry, MALDI, electrosprayionization, and field desorption can be applied..213/ Themost frequently used mass spectroscopic technique isMALDI/TOF/MS, which has been applied successfully

in the analysis of poly((R)-3-hydroxybutanoates),.214/

coal-derived liquids.8/ and many other oligomers andpolymers.

The technique has some considerable advantages. Itis rapid, requires very small sample amounts, and itsresolution and mass-accuracy are marvellous.

On the other hand, there are serious concerns aboutthe quantitation, for the following reasons:

ž Sample preparation and desorption/ionization canintroduce serious mass biasing that appears to bedue to the characteristics of the MALDI process..215/

There are pronounced effects of solvents, particularlysolvent mixtures, used to prepare polymer, matrix,and cationization reagent solutions, on MALDIanalysis:.216/ solvent mixtures containing a polymernonsolvent can affect the signal reproducibility andcause errors in average weight measurement. Henceit is important to select a solvent system that will allowmatrix crystallization to take place prior to polymerprecipitation. If these preconditions are fulfilled,MALDI mass spectrometry can provide accuratemolecular weight and molecular weight distributioninformation for narrow polydispersity polymers..217/

ž Serious problems arise in the analysis of polymerswith wide polydispersity: the highest mass moleculesin the distribution are not observed unless the moreabundant lower mass ions are deflected from reachingthe detector..218/

Polydisperse polymers can be analyzed by a combina-tion of MALDI/TOF/MS with SEC, which can be used toobtain fractions with a narrow MMD..141,143/ MicroscaleSEC can even be coupled on-line to MALDI/TOF/MSwith a robotic interface..142/

Time-lag focusing MALDI mass spectrometry hasbeen employed to analyse PMMA polymers of industrialrelevance..219/ This technique also enables the differenti-ation of end groups.


The analysis of complex polymers and oligomers iscomplicated by the fact that there may be severaldistributions in such samples: MMD, CCD, and typeof functionality, eventually also architecture (tacticity,branching, blockiness, etc.). Recently, a combination ofSEC with 750 MHz NMR has been successfully appliedto determine the MMD and the tacticity of PMMA.The molar mass of the polymer in flowing eluate wasdetermined directly (without a conventional calibrationprocedure) from the relative intensity of NMR signalsdue to the end-group and repeating units..146/


Obviously, a full characterization of such samples isvery difficult, if it is possible at all. Anyway, it cannot beachieved by simple analytical techniques.

The goal of a full characterization may be approachedin several steps, each of which represents a more or lesssufficient approximation and will be subject to particularsources of error, as has already been pointed out in theprevious sections.

Concerning the particular case of SEC, the followinglimitations have to be observed:

ž One-dimensional separations with one concentrationdetector may be applied to homopolymers, wherecalibration standards are available.

ž One-dimensional separations with two concentra-tion detectors may be applied to copolymers,where calibration standards are available for bothhomopolymers.

ž One-dimensional separations with one concentrationdetector and one molar mass detector may beapplied to homopolymers of any type. In the caseof copolymers, the chemical composition is requiredfor each molar mass. This can be achieved by a secondconcentration detector.

ž One-dimensional separations with two concentrationdetectors and one molar mass detector may beapplied to copolymers with the same architecture.The determination of molar mass and branchingrequires, however, one more molar mass detector.

ž One-dimensional separations with two concentrationdetectors and two molar mass detectors (viscometerplus LALS or MALS) may be applied to allcopolymers. No discrimination between copolymersand polymer blends is possible even in this case.

Basically, multiple detection always yields only theaverage composition or molar mass of each fraction: theCCD or type of functionality in addition to the MMDcan only be obtained by two-dimensional separations (insome cases, even three or more dimensions would berequired, which is, however, not yet possible in practice).

The chromatographic and mass spectroscopic tech-niques described above (SEC, LAC, LCCC, SFC, field-flow fractionation, and MALDI/TOF/MS), which yielddifferent kinds of information, can be combined in differ-ent ways:

ž When applied independently, they yield differentprojections of a three-dimensional surface, whichdescribe complex polymers and oligomers: in the caseof copolymers with the axes molar mass, chemicalcomposition, and (weight) fraction (as altitude), inthe case of functional oligomers with functionalityinstead of composition.

ž Two-dimensional separations, which allow an inde-pendent determination of two distributions, can beachieved by combining different modes of chro-matography or by coupling a chromatographicseparation to a mass spectrometer (preferablyMALDI/TOF/MS)..129/

9.1 Multidimensional Chromatography

The distributions of molar mass and functionality canbe determined by orthogonal chromatography..220,221/

This technique was also applied to determine MMDand CCD of poly(ethylene oxide-b-propylene oxide)s(with LCCC as the first dimension and SEC orSFC as the second one)..116/ The application of SECand nonexclusion liquid chromatography in the char-acterization of styrene copolymers was described byMori..222/ Nonexclusion liquid chromatography for poly-mer separation can be divided into five separationtechniques: adsorption, precipitation (solubility), normaland reversed phases, orthogonal, and adsorption at acritical point..223/

Methyl methacrylate–methacrylic acid copolymerswere analyzed by a combination of normal-phase LACwith gradient elution and SEC..224/

Random copolymers of N-vinylpyrrolidone and 2-methyl-5-vinylpyridine were analyzed by SEC–reversed-phase LAC..105/

A quantitatively accurate mapping of fatty alcoholethoxylates can be achieved by a combination of LCCCand SEC with coupled density and RI detection in bothdimensions..225/ Alternatively, normal-phase LAC maybe used as the second dimension..226/

On-line coupling of SEC, normal-phase liquid chro-matography, and gas chromatography was applied in thecharacterization of complex hydrocarbon mixtures..227/

Cross-fractionation of a PS sample blended with aPB, and of butadiene– and styrene–methylmethacrylatecopolymers by combining SEC with ThFFF has beendescribed..228/

PS–poly(ethylene oxide) blends and copolymers wereanalyzed with respect to CCD and MMD using two-dimensional SEC/ThFFF..229/

A two-dimensional separation of peptides by SEC/re-versed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to massspectrometry has been described recently..15/

SEC has also been coupled to anion-exchange chro-matography in the analysis of polysaccharides andoligosaccharides..230/

Coupling of full adsorption–desorption and SEChas been applied to the separation and molecularcharacterization of polymer blends..231 – 234/


9.2 Combination of Size-exclusion Chromatographywith Mass Spectroscopy

As has already been pointed out, MALDI/TOF/MS canonly be applied to polymers with a narrow MMD. Poly-disperse polymers can be analyzed with good accuracy byan SEC fractionation (which yields narrow MMD frac-tions) prior to mass spectroscopy..141,143/ On the otherhand, MALDI/TOF/MS is an excellent tool for estab-lishing SEC calibration functions..145,147,235/ In LCCC ofoligomers, it yields information on the type of the func-tionality as well as on the quality of the chromatographicseparation..129,221/


The potential of SEC in polymer characterization isvery high, especially when this technique is combinedwith other modes (LAC, LCCC, SFC) or with massspectrometric techniques, such as MALDI/TOF/MS.

Multiple detection is in most cases inevitable: com-binations of different concentration detectors provideinformation on copolymer composition, and with molarmass sensitive detectors one may avoid errors with inad-equate calibrations.

For complex polymers (with distributions in molarmass, chemical composition, functionality, etc.) one-dimensional techniques can, however, only providepart of the desired information. For these samples,multidimensional separations will be required. In mostcases, one of the dimensions will be SEC, while theother(s) could be (gradient) LAC or LCCC.


CCD Chemical CompositionDistribution

CE Capillary ElectrophoresisDV Differential ViscometerELSD Evaporative Light Scattering

DetectorFAB Fast Atom BombardmentFID Flame Ionization DetectorFTIR Fourier Transform

InfraredGFC Gel Filtration ChromatographyGPC Gel Permeation ChromatographyHPLC High-performance Liquid

ChromatographyHTGC High-temperature Gas

ChromatographyIR Infrared

IVD Intrinsic Viscosity DistributionLAC Liquid Adsorption

ChromatographyLALS Low Angle Light ScatteringLCCAP Liquid Chromatography at the

Critical Adsorption PointLCCC Liquid Chromatography Under

Critical ConditionsMALDI/TOF/MS Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/

Ionization Time-of-flight MassSpectroscopy

MALS Multiangle Light ScatteringMMD Molar Mass DistributionPB PolybutadienePDMS Poly(dimethylsiloxane)PEG Poly(ethylene Glycol)PMMA Poly(methyl Methacrylate)PS PolystyreneRI Refractive IndexSCV Single Capillary ViscometerSEC Size-exclusion ChromatographySFC Supercritical Fluid

ChromatographyTGIC Temperature Gradient

Interaction ChromatographyThFFF Thermal Field-flow

FractionationTREF Temperature Rising Elution

FractionationUV Ultraviolet


Biomolecules Analysis (Volume 1)High-performance Liquid Chromatography of BiologicalMacromolecules

Particle Size Analysis (Volume 6)Field-flow Fractionation in Particle Size Analysis

Peptides and Proteins (Volume 7)High-performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spec-trometry in Peptide and Protein Analysis ž Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometryin Peptide and Protein Analysis ž Reversed-phase High-performance Liquid Chromatography in Peptide andProtein Analysis

Polymers and Rubbers (Volume 9)Coupled Liquid Chromatographic Techniques in Molec-ular Characterization ž Field Flow Fractionation inAnalysis of Polymers and Rubbers ž Gas Chromatog-raphy in Analysis of Polymers and Rubbers ž Infrared


Spectroscopy in Analysis of Polymers and Rubbers žPyrolysis Techniques in the Analysis of Polymers andRubbers ž Supercritical Fluid Chromatography of Poly-mers ž Temperature Rising Elution Fractionation andCrystallization Analysis Fractionation

Process Instrumental Methods (Volume 9)Chromatography in Process Analysis

Infrared Spectroscopy (Volume 12)Liquid Chromatography/Infrared Spectroscopy

Liquid Chromatography (Volume 13)Liquid Chromatography: Introduction ž BiopolymerChromatography ž Gradient Elution Chromatography žNormal-phase Liquid Chromatography žReversed PhaseLiquid Chromatography ž Silica Gel and its Derivatiza-tion for Liquid Chromatography ž Supercritical FluidChromatography

Mass Spectrometry (Volume 13)Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Electron SpinResonance Spectroscopy (Volume 13)High-performance Liquid Chromatography NuclearMagnetic Resonance


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