six monthly environment clearance - compliance report ec compli… · project name : proposed...

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018 1 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon) SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT (Period: November-2017 to April-2018) Prepared by: Grasim Industries Limited Unit-CENTURY RAYON Submitted to, Regional Office, Nagpur Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MOEF & CC), June-2018

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Page 1: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

1 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)



(Period: November-2017 to April-2018)

Prepared by:

Grasim Industries Limited Unit-CENTURY RAYON

Submitted to, Regional Office, Nagpur

Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MOEF & CC),


Page 2: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

2 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)


Sr. No. Contents Page No.

1 Environment Clearance (EC) grant details

& expansion status


2 Compliance to ‘Specific Conditions’ of EC

4 - 10

3 Compliance to ‘General Conditions’ EC

10 -14

4 ETP-treated effluent analysis report Annexure-I

5 Copy of Consent to Operate/ Authorization Annexure-II

6 Public Hearing commitments made–Status/compliance



7 ESC/ CSR Activities carried out Annexure-IV

8 Ambient Air Quality Reports (buffer zone)


9 Ambient noise level report


10 Copy of EC grant letter


Page 3: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

3 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

Environment Clearance (EC) Grant Details & Expansion Status

Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000

to 30,000 TPA)

Proposal No. : IA/MH/IND2/52300/2014

MoEF &CC File No. : J-11011/415/2014-IA II(I)

EC Granted on : 31.10.2016

Expansion Status : For 1st phase of expansion, we have been granted ‘consent

to operate’ from MPCB for enhanced production by 1500 TPA

with amalgamation of existing VFY production (Total VFY

production 26,500 TPA)vide consent order no.

Formate1.0/BO/CAC-Cell/UAN No. 0000015942/CAC/

1710000311, date -12/10/2017. The production has been

enhanced by 1500 TPA.

For 2nd phase of expansion, we are in process making

application for ‘Consent to Operate’ to the Maharashtra

Pollution Control Board (MPCB) for remaining

production expansion by 3500 TPA.

Note :

Board of Directors of Century Textiles & Industries Ltd. (CTIL) have at its meeting held on

12th December,2017 decided to grant ‘Right to Manage and Operate’ the Viscose

Filament Yarn business viz manufacturing and sale of viscose filament yarn (Pot Spun

Yarn, Continuous Spun Yarn, Tyre cord Yarn) and chemicals including Sulphuric acid,

Carbon Di-Sulphide, Sodium Sulphide, Caustic Soda referred as and carried under the

name of Century Rayon to M/s Grasim Industries Limited (GIL) part of Aditya Birla Group


Page 4: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

4 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

Compliance to Environment Clearance Conditions



EC Condition Compliance Status

(Period: October-2017 to April-2018)

A. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS i ESP and adequate stack height shall

be provided to coal fired boiler to

control air emissions within the limit

stipulated by CPCB.

Low NOX burner shall be provided in

captive Co-generation power plant to

reduce the NOx emissions.

The project does not propose any increase in

capacity of coal fired boiler. However, ESP has

been provided to existing coal fired boiler to

control particulate matter emissions. The

emissions are well within the limits.

Adequate stack heights are provided as per the

CPCB standards and air emissions are well within

the stipulated by MPCB / CPCB.

We have already written to your office, in details,

regarding non applicability of low NOx burner for

our existing AFBC technology boiler, in the first EC

compliance report.

ii The gaseous emissions (SO2, NOx, CS2,

H2S, CO, HC) and particulate matter

from process and CPP units shall

confirm norms prescribed by the

CPCB/ GPCB from time to time.

At no time, the emission levels shall go

beyond the prescribed standards. In

the event of failure of any pollution

control system adopted by the unit,

the respective unit shall not be

restarted until the control measures are

rectified to achieve the desired


Regular monitoring of gaseous emissions from

Captive Power Plant (CPP) and process stacks is

done internally by our internal Rayon Laboratory

as well as MOEF approved external laboratories

and emission are within the norms prescribed by


The gaseous emissions are well within the

prescribed standards.

Such event of failure of pollution control

equipment has never occurred during the

reporting period. The guidelines will be followed


iii Continuous gaseous Emission

Monitoring System (24x7) should be

installed to measure SO2, NOx and

particulate from the CPP stack and

SO2, CS2 and H2S from process plant


CEMS installations are completed for

monitoring of SO2, NOx and particulate matter

from the CPP stacks and SO2, CS2 and H2S from

process plant stacks.

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Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

5 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

Iv The company shall make efforts to

clean exhaust containing CS2 and H2S

gas from rayon plant by adopting state

of art technology.

Company is continuously looking out for

available technologies for the cleaning of

exhaust gases and discussions are in progress.

v In plant control measures for checking

fugitive emissions from all the

vulnerable sources shall be provided.

Fugitive emissions shall be controlled

by providing closed storage, closed

handling & conveyance of

chemicals/materials, multi cyclone

separator and water sprinkling system.

Dust suppression system including

water sprinkling system shall be

provided at loading and unloading

areas to control dust emissions.

Fugitive emissions in the work zone

environment, product, raw materials

storage area etc. shall be regularly


The emission shall confirm to the limits

stipulated by the SPCB.

In existing plant, following preventive measures

at all vulnerable fugitive emission generating

sources :

Water sprinkling network has been

developed with 19 nos. water tapings

across the coal storage shed for dust


Water is sprinkled on coal to suppress fine

dust emission before feeding it on

conveyer belt

Coal is conveyed to boiler Bunker through

conveyer belt which are fully covered and

enclosed with hoods to prevent fugitive


All the transfer points are fully enclosed

and water spray nozzles are provided for

dust suppression

Three nos. of Dust Extraction-Bag filter

systems are provided.

Coal is unloaded and stored in a roof top

covered shed with brick wall enclosure

on three sides

Cement and tar roads are provided in

coal handling area

The roads are cleaned on daily basis.

Fugitive emissions are monitored and controlled


vi The gaseous emission from DG set shall

be dispersed through adequate stack

height as per CPCB standards.

Acoustic enclosure shall be provided

to the DG set to mitigate the noise


DG set are standby and operated only for short

interval, in case of failure of MSEB power/captive

turbine power. Adequate stack height for DG set

is provided as per CPCB guidelines.

Acoustic cabin/room is provided for DG set

operator and for control room operator.

Vii Total fresh water requirement from

Ulhas River should not exceed 17,550

m3/day and prior permission shall be

obtained from the concerned


No ground water should be used.

Total fresh water requirement from Ulhas river

supply will be maintained within the limit as per

stipulated condition.

Average factory fresh water consumption for the

reporting period is 15,740 m3/day.

We are not using ground water & declaration has

Page 6: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

6 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

Efforts should be made to reduce the

fresh water requirement by adopting

3R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)


been submitted to MPCB for the same.

Continuous efforts are being made to reduce

fresh water consumption by implementing ‘3R’


Viii Total industrial wastewater generation

shall not exceed 15,585 m3/day.

As proposed, effluent should be

treated in effluent treatment plant.

Treated effluent shall be discharged

into conveyance system for marine

disposal after confirming to the

standards prescribed for marine

discharge norms and obtaining

permission from the SPCB.

Treated effluent should be passed

through guard pond. Online pH meter,

TOC analyzer and flow meter should

be installed.

No process effluent shall be

discharged in and around the project


Sewage should be treated in STP.

The water quality monitoring report for

treated effluent should be submitted to

the CPCB and Ministry’s regional office

at Bhopal.

Total industrial waste water generation will not

exceed 15,500 m3/day after proposed expansion

which is well within the stipulated norms.

Average waste water generation/discharge for

the reporting period is 12974 m3/day.

We have full-fledged ETP plant having capacity

of 16,000 m3/day. The treated effluent

conforming to consent norms, is being

discharged as per conditions given in MPCB’s

consent to operate.

The treated effluent is passed through guard

pond. Online meters like pH, TOC analyser and

flow meter are installed.

All raw effluent streams generated at VFY

manufacturing processes are diverted to ETP for

treatment. No process effluent is let out or

discharged in and around the project site.

The domestic sewage generated at factory

premises is treated and disposed off as per MPCB

consent, connected to ETP at inlet for further

treatment. The sewage generated at residential

colony is treated in Sewage Treatment Plant

(STP). The treated sewage conforms to MPCB

parameters before discharge.

A copy of ETP-outlet treated effluent analysis

report is enclosed as annexure-I.

Ix As proposed, effluent recycling RO

plant shall be installed to produce 2000

m3/day recycle water.

Efforts shall be made for recovery of

sodium thiosulphate.

It was envisaged that approx. 2,000 m3/day ETP

treated water will be recycled to Degasser. We

have taken extensive trials for using treated

water in degasser stream and the results are very

encouraging. Hence we are very confident that

we will be able to recycle proposed quantity of

2000 m3/day of ETP treated water even without

installation of RO plant.

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Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

7 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

Presently approx. 700 CMD of water is being

recycled to degasser

In respect of sodium thiosulphate recovery, we

have analysed ETP effluent, wherein we found

that Sodium Thiosulphate concentration is in

traces. Hence the recovery of the same is not


x Treated effluent should be passed

through guard pond.

Online pH meter, TOC analyzer and

flow meter should be installed.

Sulphide contents in the effluent should

also be monitored.

The treated effluent is passed through guard

pond. Online meters like pH, TOC analyser and

flow meter are installed.

Sulphide content in the effluent is analysed and

found in traces.

xi Fish pond will be constructed in the

close vicinity of Effluent Treatment

Plant of which bioassay test will be

conducted which will analyse the

survival rate and health of fishes.

Fish pond is constructed near ETP-discharge tank

for bioassay test.

xii Process effluent/ any wastewater shall

not be allowed to mix with storm

water. Strom water drain shall be

passed through guard pond.

We are having separate system of process

effluent and storm water collection. Hence there

is no chance of mixing effluent with storm water.

The storm water is passed through guard pond

before let it into the natural nalla passing through

company premises.

xiii The company shall obtain

Authorization for collection, storage

and disposal of hazardous waste under

the Hazardous Waste (Management,

Handling and Trans-boundary

movement) Rules, 2008 and

amendment as on date for

management of hazardous waste and

prior permission from SPCB shall be

obtained for disposal of

solid/Hazardous waste in the TSDF.

A copy of the same shall be submitted

to the Ministry and Ministry’s regional

office at Nagpur.

The company has combined ‘consent to

operate and authorization’ (under Rules 5 ) for

generation, collection, storage and disposal of

HW Rules, 2008.

A copy of new combined ‘consent to operate &

authorization’ having validity up to 30.09.2019

with enhanced capacity of VFY production by

1500 MT/A in 1st Phase (total VFY Production

26,500 TPA) is enclosed as annexure-II.

xiv Efforts shall be made for recovery of

Zinc from Zinc sludge.

The Company shall conduct study in

We have tied up with M/s. Analab (Formed by

association of ex-scientists of M/s Indian Institute

of Science (IIS) Bangalore)for carrying out study

Page 8: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

8 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

association with reputed institution.

Action taken report shall be submitted

to the Regional Office of MoEF and CC

and CPCB.

on zinc recovery from zinc sludge in Nov-2016. A

study report of zinc recovery has been submitted

by IIS, Bangalore to our company. Further study is

in progress.

xv The company shall strictly comply with

the rules and guidelines under

Manufacture, Storage and import of

hazardous chemicals (MSIHC) Rules,

1989 as amended time to time.

All transportation of Hazardous

Chemicals shall be as per the motor

vehicle Act (MVA), 1989.

All provisions of MSIHC Rules-1989 are complied.

All transportation of hazardous chemicals is being

done as per the Motor Vehicle Act (MVA), 1989

and registered vehicles are only used for

transportation of hazardous Chemicals.

xvi All the recommendations mentioned in

the Environment Management Plan,

Rapid Risk Assessment Report, Disaster

Management Plan and Safety

guidelines shall be implemented.

Being complied.

Implementation of all recommendations in EMP,

Rapid Risk Assessment Report, Disaster

Management Plan and safety guidelines reports

are being followed strictly.

The company is fully committed for the

protection of Environment, Health and safety of

employees as well as quality, as it is evident from

the adaption of Management Systems

certifications namely; ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001:

2008, OHSAS 18001:2007 .

xvii Boiler ash should be stored separately

as per CPCB guidelines so that it shall

not adversely affect the air quality,

becoming air borne by air or water

regime during rainy season by flowing

along with the storm water. Direct

exposure of workers to fly ash & dust

shall be avoided.

Being Complied. Following measure are taken

with regards to fly ash handling and disposal;

The fly ash generated at Boiler/ESP is

transported to ash silos through pneumatic

conveying system through MS pipes.

The fly ash is stored in 2 nos. closed ash

silos having capacity of 200 MT.

The fly ash from ash silos is disposed off to

brick manufacturers on day to day basis

and loaded in trucks through wet

conditioner system with sprinkling of water

to avoid fly ash becoming air borne.

Bag filters are provided to both ash silos for

control of fugitive emissions

After filling the truck with fly ash, the ash is

covered with tarpaulin/plastic cover for

avoiding spillage or fly ash becoming air

borne during transportation.

Direct exposure of workers to fly ash is

avoided and dust masks are provided to

Page 9: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

9 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

workers in coal and ash handling areas.

Fugitive dust monitoring is done regularly.

xviii All the fly ash shall be utilized as per fly

ash Notification, 1999 subsequently

amended in 2003 and 2008.

Fly ash generated at captive power plant is

disposed off to brick manufacturer. We are

achieving 100 % utilization of fly ash generated.

The report of fly ash generation and utilization is

regularly updated on company’s website under EHS

Management heading.

xix Occupational health surveillance

programme should be undertaken as

regular exercise for all the employees.

The first aid facility in the occupational

health center should be strengthened

and regular medical test records of

each employee should be maintained


Periodic medical examinations are carried out as

per schedule for all employees. The workers

working at hazardous processes are examined

medically once in Six months and non-hazardous

processes at a frequency of yearly once.

The first aid, occupational health centre are

operational. Health records of each employee

are updated and maintained..

xx Dedicated parking facility or loading

and unloading of material should be

provided in the factory premises. Unit

should develop and implement good

traffic management system for their

incoming and outgoing vehicles to

avoid congestion on the public road.

At present, we have the adequate infrastructure

for parking for vehicle engaged in loading and

unloading of material. Further, we have a team

of personnel, who takes care the transporting

system inside plant premises.

Outward moving vehicles are instructed not to

rush in public road and move in a queue in order

to avoid congestion.

xxi As proposed, green belt over 33% of

the total project area should be

developed within plant premises with

at least 10 meter wide green belt on all

sides along the periphery of the project

area, in downward direction, and

along road sides etc.

Selection of plant species shall be as

per the CPCB guidelines in consultation

with the DFO.

A green belt covering more than 33% of total

project is already brought under green cover.

The existing plant species planted are as per the

CPCB guidelines on Industrial plantation.

xxii All the commitments made to the

public during public hearing/Public

consultation meeting held on 13th

January, 2016 shall be satisfactorily

All the commitments made in the Public Hearing

held on 13th Jan 2016 are being fulfilled.

A compliance report is enclosed as


Page 10: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

10 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

implemented and a separate budget

for implementing the same shall be

allocated and information submitted

to the ministry’s Regional Office at


A separate budget is allocated for compliance

of public hearing commitments.

xxiii As proposed Rs.4.88 Crores shall be

earmarked towards the Enterprise

Social Commitment (ESC) based on

local needs and action plan with

financial and physical break up

/details shall be prepared and

submitted to the Ministry’s Regional

Office at Bhopal.

Implementation of such programme

should be ensured accordingly in a

time bound manner.

Details of CSR / ESC activities carried out during

the reporting period of 6 months, is enclosed as

annexure-IV with cost incurred.

ESC/CSR activities carried are planned and

implemented within the time frame decided.




EC Condition Compliance Status

i The project authorities must strictly

adhere to the stipulations made by the

Maharashtra State Pollution Control

Board (MPCB), State Government and

any other statutory authority.

Presently, we are complying with all the

conditions given by Maharashtra Pollution

Control Board, state govt. and other statutory


ii No further expansion or modifications

in the plant shall be carried out without

prior approval of the Ministry of

Environment & Forests. In case of

deviations or alterations in the project

proposal from those submitted to this

Ministry for clearance, a fresh

reference should be made to the

Ministry to assess the adequacy of

conditions imposed and to add

additional environmental protection

measures required, if any.

Will be followed strictly.

iii The locations of ambient air quality

monitoring stations shall be decided in

consultation with the State Pollution

Control Board (SPCB) and it shall be

ensured that at least one stations is

installed in the upwind and downwind

direction as well as where maximum

ground level concentrations are



The ambient air quality monitoring is done

regularly at 3 locations. The location of AAQM in

plant premises are chosen in consultation with

the MPCB. While deciding the location

consideration is given as per CPCB guidelines.

Locations of Ambient air sampling in plant

premises are as follows;

1. Material gate

2. T.C. Building Terrace

Page 11: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

11 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

3. Rayon Lab Terrace

Three numbers of Continuous Ambient Air Quality

Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS) are installed in

company premises to monitor ambient air


The analysis reports of ambient air quality

monitored in buffer zone (within 10 KMs from

plant are enclosed as annexure-V.

iv The overall noise levels in and around

the plant area shall be kept well within

the standards by providing noise

control measures including acoustic

hoods, silencers, enclosures etc. on all

sources of noise generation. The

ambient noise levels shall conform to

the standards prescribed under EPA

Rules, 1989 viz. 75 dB (A) (day time)

and 70 dB (A) (night time).

Adequate measures are taken to reduce the

noise from noise generating sources like

compressors, blowers etc by acoustic hood,

enclosures etc.

Earmuffs/earplugs are provided for persons

working in noise prone areas.

We are regularly monitoring noise Level at

Ambient Air and also in work zone areas and

noise levels are within the standards prescribed.

As copy of ambient noise level report is enclosed

as annexure-VI.

v The company shall harvest rainwater

from the roof tops of the buildings and

storm water drains to recharge the

ground water and use the same for the

process activities of the project to

conserve fresh water.

Since the water table of this area is more than 3

to 5 m deep and the source of water is not

groundwater, hence rainwater harvesting

scheme is not required for the present expansion

project as mentioned in the EIA study report.

vi During transfer of materials, spillages

shall be avoided and garland drains to

be constructed to avoid mixing of

accidental spillages with domestic

waste water and storm water drains.

Spillage control system is place at concerned

plants. Storm water and domestic waste water

drains are separated and maintained.

vii Use of Personnel Protection Equipment

by all employees/workers shall be


All employees/ Workers are provided with

Personnel Protective Equipment’s (PPEs) based

on the work place hazards and ensure wearing

of PPEs by workers.

viii Training shall be imparted to all

employees on safety and health

aspects of chemicals handling. Pre-

employment and routine periodical

medical examinations for all

employees shall be undertaken on

regular basis. Training to all employees

on handling of chemicals shall be


We are regularly carrying out training to all

employees on safety and health aspects on

handling chemicals. Pre-employment and

routine periodical medical examinations are also

performed. Regular training is conducted for all

employees including drivers for safety in

chemical handling and transportation.

Page 12: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

12 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

Ix The company shall also comply with all

the environmental protection

measures and safeguards proposed in

the documents submitted to the

ministry. All the recommendations

made in the EIA/EMP in respect of

environmental management, risk

mitigation measures and public

hearing relating to the project shall be


We adhere to the recommendations made in

EIA/EMP report and implement the same in true


x The company shall undertake CSR

activities and all relevant measures for

improving the socio-economic

conditions of the surrounding areas.

The CSR activities are planned for overall

development of Socio-economic conditions of

the surrounding area as per need.

xi The company shall undertake eco-

developmental measures including

community welfare measures in the

project area of the overall

improvement of the environment.

We actively participate in activities meant for

improving Socio-economic conditions of


xii A separate Environmental

Management Cell equipped with full-

fledged laboratory facilities shall be set

up to carry out the Environmental

Management and monitoring


Separate Safety, Health & Environment (SHE)

Dept. is operational having team of 5 officers

headed by Advisor-Chem. Plant & SHE, Reporting

to Business Head/Unit Head.

In-house Rayon and Tyre Cord laboratories are

involved in day to day internal monitoring and

analysis of environ mental parameters.

Also, we are availing services of external MOEF

approved laboratories for environmental

monitoring occasionally. Our Rayon plant

laboratory has been accredited by NABL

certification recently and Tyre Cord plant

laboratory is in process of NABL accreditation ( In

final stage)

xiii The company shall earmark sufficient

funds towards capital cost and

recurring cost per annum to implement

the conditions stipulated by the Ministry

of Environment & Forests as well as the

State Government along with the

implementation schedule for all the

conditions stipulated herein. The funds

so provided should not be diverted for

any other purpose.

A separate fund is earmarked for implementation

of environmental protection measures for the

proposed expansion.

Capital Cost/Budget- : 7.0 Crore

Recurring Cost : 1.6 Crore /Annum.

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Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

13 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

xiv A copy of clearance letter shall be

sent by Project Proponent to the

concerned panchayat/ Zilla Parishad/

Municipal Corporations, Urban local

body and the local NGO if any, from

who suggestions/ representations, if

any, were received while processing

the proposal.


We have intimated to Ulhasnagar Municipal

Corporation on 18.11.2016 about the grant of

Environment Clearance for VFY expansion


xv The Project Proponent shall also submit

six monthly reports on the status of

compliance of the stipulated

Environmental Clearance conditions

including results of monitored data

(both in hard copies as well as by e-

mail) to the respective Regional Office

of MoEF, the respective Zonal Office of

CPCB and the State Pollution Control

Board. A copy of Environmental

Clearance and six monthly

compliance status reports shall be

posted on the website of the


Complied & reported through this report.

Next six monthly compliance report will be due in


A copy of compliance report is uploaded on our

company website.

xvi The environmental statement for each

financial year ending 31st March in

Form-V as is mandated shall be

submitted to concerned State Pollution

Control Board as prescribed under the

EP Rules, 1986, as amended

subsequently, shall also be put on the

website of the company along with

the status of compliance of

Environmental Clearance conditions

and shall also be sent to the respective

Regional Office of MoEF & CC by


We are regularly submitting the Environment

Statement to MPCB within the stipulated time

frame. Environment Statement FY 2016-17

submitted to MPCB on their

online portal on 20.09.2017.

The copy of the Environmental Statement (ES) –

FY 2016-17 is uploaded on our company website under EHS .

The Environment Statement FY 2017-18 will be

submitted to MPCB before 30th September, 2018

as per statutory requirement.

The copy of this compliance report will also be

sent to MOEF-RO-Nagpur of by email.

xvii The Project Proponent shall inform the

public that the project has been

accorded environmental clearance

by the Ministry and copies of the

clearance letter are available with the

SPCB/ Committee and may also be

seen at Website of the Ministry at

http:/ This shall be

advertised within seven days from the

Noted and made available on company’s website under EHS



The advertisement of ‘EC grant’ was published in

local newspapers on 10th November, 2016 in two

local newspapers.

Page 14: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Environment Clearance (EC)-Compliance report (six monthly)- June’2018

14 (Grasim Industries Limited, Unit-Century Rayon)

date of issue of the clearance letter, at

least in two local newspapers that are

widely circulated in the region of

which one shall be in the vernacular

language of the locality concerned

and a copy of the same should be

forwarded to the concerned Regional

office of the Ministry.

xviii The Project Authorities shall inform the

Regional Office as well as the Ministry,

the date of financial closure and final

approval of the project by the

concerned authorities and the date of

start of the project.


Will be followed strictly.

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(Nov-2017 to April-2018)

S. No. Name of the Person Issue / Point

discussed Reply by the Proponent Action Plan/ Status

1 Smt. Shobha Khanna,

School Teacher Shahad

She asked about the


requirement for the

proposed expansion


Presently 90% of the workmen are the

people having Maharashtra state


After proposed expansion, the total

manpower requirement of 150 persons

will be employed in a phased manner.

For every new lot taken for employment,

there is a fixed quota for persons from

Shahad Village and Dhakte Shahad. Also

for each on-roll workmen, one son

suitable, in terms of age and qualification,

is given preference in employment.

Preference is also given to other needy

local candidates.

Preference will be given to

local people in employment

as per their qualifications.

2 Dr. J B Sangewar,

Regional Officer, MPCB

He inquired about the

increase in CS2

emissions due to

expansion of VFY.

Prediction of ground level concentrations

(GLC’s) due to the proposed expansion

project has been done by AERMOD

version 8.1 as per CPCB guidelines.

According to this, max. incremental rise in


concentration will be 6.46 µg/m3. The

cumulative emission of which will be

much below the prescribed limits.

Latest pollution control

equipments are installed to

control the pollution.

Company has allocated Rs. 7

Crores as Environmental

Protection measures and Rs.

1.6 Crores as recurring cost for

the proposed expansion


Page 28: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

3 Shri. Prashant Rajaram

Bhoir, r/o Shahad

Gaonthan, Kalyan

He inquired about the

various CSR activities

undertaken by the


Various CSR activities undertaken by

Century Rayon are:

o Computer distribution to poor


o Construction of toilets for


o Medical Check up camps for

general public in nearby rural

areas and free follow up

treatment, in case required, at

Century Rayon hospital

o Medical Check up camps for

Adolescent Girls, follow up and


o Free drinking water supply from

company to Shahad

Gaonthan and Dhakte

Shahad areas.

o Provision of sanitation facilities

in nearby areas

o Medical check-up etc.

Company has spent Rs. 44.78

Lakhs for the various CSR

activities in the area so far.

Company has now proposed

Rs. 488 Lakhs to be spent in

various CSR activities in the

next five years.

Details of various Enterprise

Social Commitments (ESC)

/CSR activities carried out for

the period of Nov’2017 to

April-2018/ financial 2017-18

are given in the attached


Page 29: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing

Century Rayon, Shahad


( April-2017 TO March-2018)


No. CSR Activity Details

Cost Incurred



Nalimbi village overall development –

I. Installation of LT Line for well pump

II. Well pump house started electrical work

III. Providing and fixing Sintex tank





Terrace water proofing/monsoon shed at CR School and

Vishram Bhavan terrace (Sanction of Rs.29,54,000) 180,000

3 Mpower Cycle rally entry fees for Birla College students. 81,212

4 Financial assistance for participating in Asian Power lifting

competition held at Indonesia.


5 Financial Assistance to attend summer camp organized by

Bently University MA USA.


6 Tracksuit for Jayanti 1,040

7 Requirement of CCTV accessories for Shivaji Udyan 7,000

Sub Total A - (Rs.) 7,00,397

Page 30: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing



CSR Activity Details

Cost Incurred


1 Financial assistance for to Birla College students 66440

2 Financial assistance for Power Lifting Federation-Jayanti 75000

3 Traffic Police-Ulhasnagar Utility material 9270

4 Sponsorship for Road safety Week organized by Thane Traffic

Police 100000

5 Financial assistance to Kalyan Ambernath Manufacturers

Association (KAMA), Dombivili


6 Century Rayon Hospital Trust- Equipments 176000

7 Assistance to Sharada Mandir school , Kalyan- Desktop (15 Nos)

& Projector (2 nos)


8 Financial assistance to “Maîtri Vridhaashram 112000

9 Financial assistance to’ Aai Vridhaashram’ 78501

10 Education kit to Blind Organicsation of India 50000

11 Sponsorship for Educational Visit to Singapore –Birla College 60000

Sub Total B- (Rs.) 1294211

Grant Total (Rs)

(Rupees nineteen lakhs ninety four thousand six hundred

eight only)


Page 31: SIX MONTHLY ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE - COMPLIANCE REPORT EC Compli… · Project Name : Proposed Expansion of Viscose Filament Yarn (VFY-25,000 to 30,000 TPA) Proposal No ... our existing


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