sitebuilder user guide

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User Guide

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SiteBuilder Manual

Table of contents SiteBuilder Manual ..................................................................................................................................................... 2

Table of contents ...................................................................................................................................................... 2

What is SiteBuilder? ................................................................................................................................................... 4

Tips for building a great site ...................................................................................................................................... 4

Getting started ............................................................................................................................................................ 4

Templates and Designs .............................................................................................................................................. 4

Templates .................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Editing or changing templates on an existing site .................................................................................................... 5

Multi-page and Express templates............................................................................................................................ 5

Design .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Navigating SiteBuilder ............................................................................................................................................... 7

Using the picture gallery .......................................................................................................................................... 11

Adding and editing text ............................................................................................................................................ 13

Adding new text to the page ................................................................................................................................... 13

Editing existing text................................................................................................................................................. 14

Using the text editor................................................................................................................................................ 14

Adding Images to your website............................................................................................................................... 16

Adding Hyperlinks .................................................................................................................................................... 17

Site Add-ons .............................................................................................................................................................. 18

What add-ons are available? .................................................................................................................................. 18

Adding your Site Add-On to the page .................................................................................................................... 21

Working with tables .................................................................................................................................................. 22

Adding a new table ................................................................................................................................................. 23

Adding content to your table ................................................................................................................................... 25

Editing your table .................................................................................................................................................... 25

Copying, moving, and deleting items ..................................................................................................................... 27

Copying and moving items ..................................................................................................................................... 27

Deleting items ......................................................................................................................................................... 28

Creating new pages .................................................................................................................................................. 28

Site navigation .......................................................................................................................................................... 29

Changing the appearance of the navigation menu ................................................................................................ 30

Using images on your navigation menu ................................................................................................................. 31

Adding keyword and description MetaTags .......................................................................................................... 32

Publishing your site ................................................................................................................................................. 33

Previewing your site ............................................................................................................................................... 33

Publishing the site .................................................................................................................................................. 33

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Working with multiple sites ..................................................................................................................................... 34

Creating a new site ................................................................................................................................................. 34

Publishing another site ........................................................................................................................................... 34

Promoting your site .................................................................................................................................................. 35

Choose your keywords carefully ............................................................................................................................ 36

Add a Site Map ....................................................................................................................................................... 36

Promote your site ................................................................................................................................................... 37

Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................................................ 38

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What is SiteBuilder?

SiteBuilder is an easy to use website creation tool, allowing you to design and build a

great looking website effortlessly and easily without any technical skills.

Tips for building a great site

Although with SiteBuilder you can design and build your website “on the fly”, by

spending some time planning your site you can dramatically improve the overall

design and feel. Before you start creating your website, consider the following


What is the purpose of your site? Do you just want to share information

between friends, drive sales to your business, or to improve your business’

online presence?

What information do you want to provide for your visitors?

It’s also a good idea to visit some of your favourite sites and note what you like and

dislike about each site. Keep all this information in mind as you start to plan your own


At this point, you may want to sketch an informal site map. A site map is a rough list

of the pages you would like to use in your site, how they will link to each other, and a

brief description of what content you’ll provide on each page. A little time here can

save you a lot of time later on!

Getting started

By now you will have an idea about how you would like your website to look and feel,

with this in mind we can get started using the SiteBuilder interface and start building

your website.

Templates and Designs

While at first glance, templates and designs appear to do the same thing, there are

differences in how they work and can be used. Templates control the content, layout

and pages of your sites, while designs control the graphics, fonts, colours and

general look and feel of your site.

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This allows you to use a template and create your website, without the need to think

about design elements such as colours and fonts, until later on.

There are 8 different templates you can use to create the website you want. Each

template coming with a large number of designs.

The template layouts you can choose from are as follows:

Editing or changing templates on an existing site

To change the template on an existing web page simply view the web page in

SiteBuilder and click Change Look then Change the layout to view a list of new


Multi-page and Express templates

When you first log into SiteBuilder you will be offered three options:

Start with a multi-page template

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Start from scratch with a blank site

Start with an Express Site template

Express Sites: This is the quickest way of getting a website online. This will create a

short 1 page website. Just select what you would like to do, answer some questions

then select a design to get a webpage published in minutes.

Multi-page template: This allows you to create a multipage website quickly and

easily. Select how you want to use your site. Then select what you would like to have

on each page. SiteBuilder will then select templates for each page you require.

Choose a design, and then add your content.

Blank Site: This way allows you to fully customise your site from the start.

Quick tip: Even if you select an express site, or multipage site you can fully

customise this again at a later date. If this is a new website, create a quick

Express site to show that your website is coming soon. Then replace this

with your complete website whenever you are ready.

Once you have chosen the template you want for your website, you can select a

design to match.


Designs control the graphics, fonts, colours and the general look and feel of your

website, with over 300 designs it’s easy to find one that will suit you.

To help you choose a design, they have been split into different categories, select the

category that suits your website and browse through the available designs.

Remember, you can always change the design at a later date of you want.

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Quick tip: Any designs with a symbol in the corner show that the

design is customisable. Click the image in the corner to find out which parts

of the design you can alter.

Navigating SiteBuilder

When you first log into SiteBuilder you will be asked if you want to create a new

website. Once you have created a site, each time you log into SiteBuilder you will be

directed to the “all my sites” page. This page will show you all of the sites you have

created within your SiteBuilder control panel.

Under each website you will also be informed when each site was last edited and


It can be useful to have a duplicate copy of your website within SiteBuilder. This way

you can update one copy of your website while keeping an unaltered copy as a

backup if required.

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Note: While you can have several websites created within SiteBuilder you

are only able to publish one website at a time.

At the foot of the screen is a toolbar with links to other sections of SiteBuilder.

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All my sites toolbar:

Name Description

Web Site Tools

This shows you additional options for building your website. At

the time of release this contains links to site promotion and to

Advanced Options. However this may change as more tools

become available.



This screen provides you with an overview of your websites and

all the other files (picture gallery’s etc) that you have uploaded

with SiteBuilder. From here you can see how much space is

used by each of these sections. You can also delete a website,

or make a copy of an existing site from this screen.

Disk Space

Shows you how much disk space your websites and gallery are

using. You can also delete a website, or create a duplicate copy

of an existing website.

Picture Gallery

The picture gallery is a special area where you can upload

images for your website. The picture gallery is explained in more

detail later. From this screen you can view all images uploaded

to your gallery, and delete any images that you don’t need any


Site Promotion

The Site Promotion screen allows you to send an email to

interested parties once you have published your website. This

email, will contain a link to your website.

Log Out

Will log you out of the SiteBuilder control panel.


Shows additional help files and support on SiteBuilder. Note:

Some of the features described in these help files are not

available within your version of SiteBuilder.

If you click on your website you will be taken to the edit page screen. From here you

can add and remove email content, or change the website design and layout. The

toolbar on this edit page screen has a number of options that are not available on

other screens.

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Edit webpage toolbar

Name Description

Add Text

Add text to your site. SiteBuilder features a rich text editor which

allows you to enter and format your additional content.

Add picture

Add images from your picture gallery to your page. You can

choose an image you have already uploaded, or upload and use

a new picture on your website.

Add link

Add a hyperlink to another page on your site, or to another URL

on an external site elsewhere on the internet. You can even

create a mail link, which will open your visitor's email software on

their computer so they can send an email to an address you

have specified.

Add table

Add a table to your page to display data or help your page layout.

There is a table gallery that lets you choose from ready-made

tables, or create your own from scratch.

Site Add-ons

Displays buttons on your website where you can add additional

features. These features are explained in more detail later in this


Add page

Add a new page to your site. The new page wizard allows you to

select the template for the web page, and how the new page

should appear within the navigation bar.

Change look

This option allows you to change the template, change the

design, or to edit the existing design. You can choose to change

only the page you are on, or all the pages within your website.

Move Items

Move content or images from one area of your web page to

another quickly and easily.

Copy items

Copy content or images from one area of your web page to

another quickly and easily.

Delete Items

This option allows you to delete content or images on your web


Preview Site

Opens your site in a new window so that you can preview what it

will look like when it is published.

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Publish to Web

Publish your site to the internet with the click of a button.

Promote Site

The Site Promotion screen allows you to send an email with a

link to your site to interested parties once you have published

your website.

Site Organiser

Provides and overview of each webpage on your site, allowing

you to rename, copy, or delete a page on your site. You can also

change the site navigation or the design of a particular web page.

All my Sites

Returns you to the All my Sites page detailed above. This page

shows you each of the websites you have created in SiteBuilder,

and shows which sites have been published and when each site

was last edited.

Log Out

Will log you out of the SiteBuilder control panel.


Shows additional help files and support on SiteBuilder. Note:

Some of the features described in these help files are not

available within your version of SiteBuilder.

While you will be spending a lot of time on the edit page screen, most modern

websites also have a large number of images and yours can too. With this in mind

you may also spend some time within your picture galleries.

Using the picture gallery

The picture gallery is a single segment of SiteBuilder where you can upload, manage

and delete your images. Images must be uploaded into a picture gallery before you

can add them to your website

You can access the Picture Gallery by clicking the Picture Gallery icon at the bottom

of the page.

Quick tip: When we say you must upload an image, this is essentially

making a copy of an image from your personal computer to the SiteBuilder

control panel.

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By default, SiteBuilder includes two picture galleries. You can, however, create more

galleries to manage and maintain your pictures if needed. This is useful for when you

start to grow your site and more images are uploaded.

When you navigate to the picture gallery, you will see a screen as follows.

From this screen, you can view your galleries, or upload images into a gallery of your

choice. When uploading images, you can choose to upload them individually, or in


To upload images individually select Single Picture Upload, and to upload multiple

images at the same time select Bulk Picture Upload. You will need a recent version

of Java installed on your computer to use the bulk upload option, whereas the single

picture upload will work with all computers.

Important: Before you upload any images, make sure their filename

contains only numbers and letters. Filenames that contain spaces, full

stops, or special characters (such as !ӣ$%^&*) may not load correctly.

If you choose to upload images individually you can also create a new gallery to store

your images within. Select an existing gallery from the drop down menu, or enter the

name of your new gallery in the text box provided.

To upload an image, click on the Browse button provided then navigate to the image

on your local machine.

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Quick tip: You can upload up to ten images at the same time using this


You can upload .gif, .jpg, .jpeg and .zip files to your picture gallery.

Quick tip: Keep an eye on the file size for each image. Large photographs

can take up a lot of space within your SiteBuilder control panel and will slow

your site down as visitors attempt to view them. It is good practice to keep

images as small as possible.

Click Done when you have chosen all files. It may take a short time to upload the


Adding and editing text

Each template comes complete with pre-populated content that you can edit.

Alternatively you can enter new text in any section that you want.

Adding new text to the page

Step 1 Click the Add Text icon.

Step 2 You will see several Add it here buttons on the page to show where text can be

added. Click one of these buttons to choose where to place your text.

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Step 3 Use the text editor to enter your text. You can format the text, change the text colour,

add images, and much more. For more information see Using the text editor below.

Step 4 Click Done when you are happy with your text. You can change it again at any time.

Editing existing text

Step 1 To edit any existing text, click the Edit Text button next to the section of text you want

to edit. This will bring up the text editor.

Step 2 Make your changes using the text editor.

Step 3 Click Done to save your changes.

Using the text editor

The text editor allows you to enter and format text into your website. It is a graphical

interface that is similar in layout to other text editors such as word.

The interface

The interface of the text editor should be familiar, as it is similar to word processors

(such as Microsoft Word) and email software (such as Microsoft Outlook or Windows


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The first toolbar contains buttons for formatting your text, changing the font and text

colour, inserting links, and adding pictures and special characters.

The second toolbar allows you to copy and paste text, search for text within the

editor, align text, create bullet and numbered lists, indent text, undo recent changes,

edit the HTML source for your code, and check your spelling.

Quick tip: It is recommended that you don’t copy text directly from

Microsoft Word, because it contains extra formatting information which is

not compatible with SiteBuilder. In these cases it’s a good idea to copy the

text into Notepad first, which will stop any errant characters entering your


There is also a third toolbar which is hidden by default. You can view the toolbar by

clicking the Show/Hide advanced features button on the right of the first toolbar.

The Advanced features toolbar provides some extra features, such as the ability to

add and modify tables, horizontal rules, and anchors.

The spell checker

The spell checker can be switched on and off from the Toggle Spellchecker button

on the second toolbar. If enabled any spelling mistakes it locates will be underlined

with a red wavy line. Click the word to see a menu of alternative words to choose


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You can change the language used by the spell checker by clicking the down-facing

arrow next to the Toggle spellchecker button.

Adding Images to your website

You can add images to your website by clicking the Add Picture button in the edit

page toolbar at the foot of the screen. Once you have pressed this, a number of

buttons will appear within your web page. Click where on your web page you would

like to add your image.

Once you have selected where you would like to insert your image you will be taken

to the picture gallery screen. Select the picture gallery you would like to choose your

images from in the drop down menu provided.

At the foot of the screen is a list of the images that you have already uploaded to your

picture gallery. If you want to add a picture that you have already uploaded, tick the

box under the picture, then click Choose Pictures.

If you have not yet uploaded the image to your picture gallery yet you can do so now

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by clicking Simple Picture Upload. Full details on uploading images can be found in

the picture gallery chapter.

Once you have selected your image you will see a final page that will allow you to see

how it is to be displayed. There are a number of options on this screen:

Display size: Allows you to control how big you want the image to appear on

your website.

Alignment: Choose the alignment of the image within your web page and

how close to the picture you would like the text to display.

Title and caption: Any text you add to the title will be displayed above your

image, while anything that you enter in the caption text box will be displayed

below the image. ALT Text is text that will be displayed in the event that the

picture cannot be viewed on the website.

Picture frame: Allows you to add a border around your image.

Picture Linking: You can add links from your image from this section. You

can link your picture to another web page, another website, or to a larger

version of the image.

Once you have decided how the image is to be displayed on your site, click Done to

insert the image to your website.

Adding Hyperlinks

A hyperlink is a clickable link which will direct your visitors to another page on your

site, or another web address anywhere on the internet. You can also create an email

link which, when your visitor clicks it, will open their email software and allow them to

send an email to a predefined email address.

Step 1 Click the Add link button on the toolbar at the foot of the page.

Step 2 Choose where you would like to place the link by clicking an Add it here button.

Step 3 You will then be asked to select what type of link you would like to create from the

following options:

To another web page (URL) – Enter a web address for any site on the web

To a mail message – Specify an email address, and when your visitors click

the link their email software will open so they can contact you.

To another page in this site – Select any other web page in your site.

Step 4 On the next screen, enter the text you would like to be displayed for the link on your

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Depending on the option you chose in Step 3 you will also be asked to type a web

address or email address, or select from a list of your existing pages.

If you are creating a link to another website you can also set the page to open in a

new window so your visitor doesn’t lose your website.

Step 5 If you want to change the formatting options for your link, you have the option to

change the font, the size, and the alignment of your link. You can also emphasize the

text by making it bold, italic, or underlined.

Step 6 Click Done to add the link to your page.

Site Add-ons

Site Add-Ons provide an excellent way to extend the capabilities of your website. You

can insert contact forms, a guestbook, page counters, videos, a site map, news and

RSS feeds, search fields, coupons, and much more all at the click of a button.

What add-ons are available?

The following add-ons are available through SiteBuilder, and are divided into four

main categories.

Business Tools

PayPal: Accept online payments with PayPal

Coupon Builder: Create coupons for your customers to print out and receive


Forms: Create a form so your customers can contact you directly from the


Amazon Item Listing: List products from the Amazon website, and receive

money via their affiliate program if anyone makes a purchase after clicking

the link on your site.


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Photo Gallery: Add a photo gallery of thumbnails, which can be clicked to

reveal the full size image.

Sound: Add audio to your site.

Video: Add a video.

Flash: Add an Adobe Flash animation to your site.

File Download: Provide a link for your visitors to download a file.

Add Your Own HTML: Extend the possibilities further by adding your own

HTML code. This is recommended for advanced users only.

Important: If you have chosen an Add-on that requires you to upload a file,

such as sound, video, or Flash, make sure the filename contains only

numbers and letters. Filenames that contain spaces, full stops, or special

characters (such as !ӣ$%^&*) may not load correctly.

Interactive Features

Weather Viewer: Display the current weather conditions, and allow visitors to

check their local area.

People Search: Ideal for personal websites, allow your visitors to find and

connect with other internet users.

Guestbook: Add a guestbook for your visitors to sign.

Lycos Search: Web search using the Lycos search engine.

Site Search: Add a search box to allow visitors to search your site, or the


Hotbot Search: Allow your users to search using the Hotbot search engine.

Cool Content

Moreover News Feed: Add news headlines from Moreover’s website.

Date and Time Stamp: Add the current date and time.

Page Counter: A count of all visitors to the page, which automatically updates

each time the page is loaded.

Animated Cursors: Add an animated cursor.

Auto Last Updated Stamp: Keep your customers informed of site changes by

adding a date and time stamp, which automatically updates each time you

publish the site.

Site Map: Add links to all pages on your site to aid navigation and help

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improve your search engine rankings.

Loan Calculator: Add a loan calculator to your site.

Mortgage Calculator: Add a mortgage calculator to your site.

RSS Feed: Display a regularly updating RSS feed on your website.

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Adding your Site Add-On to the page

Step 1 Click Site Add-Ons at the foot of the page.

Step 2 Choose a location on the page by clicking an Add it here button.

Step 3 Choose a category from the list. You can switch between categories with the tabs at

the top of the page.

Step 4 Find the add-on you would like to include on your page and click its Add link.

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Step 5 You will be presented with the options required to configure your selected add-on.

These vary depending on the add-on you have selected. If you require assistance

simply click the Help icon at the bottom of the window.

Quick tip: More information on adding the most popular add-ons is

available online at

Step 6 Click Done to insert your new add-on into your page.

You can edit the configuration at any time by clicking the Edit Site Add-On button

underneath the add-on.

Working with tables

Tables are a useful way of displaying data, and can also be used to help you lay out

elements on your page. They can be fully customised, and SiteBuilder also includes

a Table Gallery which contains various predefined templates to help you match your

table to the style of your website.

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Adding a new table

Adding a table to your page couldn’t be easier.

Step 1 Click Add Table at the foot of the page.

Step 2 You will see several Add it here buttons on the page to show where your table can

be added. Click one of these buttons to choose where to place your table.

Step 3 You will have the option to base your new table on a predefined template, or to create

a new table from scratch.

Step 4 This step will differ depending on whether you choose to create your table from the

gallery or build your own.

Choose from the gallery

Choose a design by clicking the Choose button under your preferred table.

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The table will be added to your page. You can now customise the design fully and

add your own content.

Build your own

You can customise your new table with the following options:

Number of columns: Choose how many columns your table will have.

Number of rows: Choose how many rows your table will have.

Table border: You can choose if your table has a border. You can also set

the width and colour.

Cell padding: This will add space between the table cells and the border of

the table.

Cell border: Choose if each table cell will also have its own border.

Table width: Choose how wide your table will appear on the page. This can

be a percentage of the page (your table will resize if the browser is resized)

or a set number of pixels.

Printer friendly version: Show a link to a version of the table that can be

easily printed.

Text settings: Set the font, text size and colour, and other text formatting


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Quick tip: You can change these settings at any time after the table has

been created.

Click Done to add the table to your page.

Adding content to your table

When adding content (such as text, links, images, and site add-ons) to your page,

you will see an Add it here button in each available cell of your table. Simply select

the relevant button and your content will be placed within the table.

Editing your table

There are several options to customise your table, such as the ability to change the

appearance of your table, add new rows or columns, or modify the height of rows or

width of columns within the table.

Step 1 Click on Edit table under the table you wish to modify.

Step 2 There are a large number of table options, so we’ll break them down into sections.

Columns and rows

Add column: Add new columns to your table

Set column widths: You can specify exact widths or percentage widths for

your columns.

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Add row: Add new rows to your table.


Reorder rows and columns: Use the arrows to shift columns left

and right, and rows up and down to change their order of appearance.

Duplicate or delete rows and columns: Allows you to create a copy or

delete the selected row or column.

Colours and alignment: Change the text or background colour, and

the horizontal and vertical alignment of text within the cell.

Insert picture: Insert a picture from your Picture Gallery into the selected


Merge cell: Merge the selected cell into the cell directly

underneath or to the right.

Table options

Table border: Choose whether your table has a border, and set its width and


Cellpadding: Add space between the table cells and the border of the table.

Cell border: Choose if each table cell will also have its own border.

Table background color: Set a colour for the table background.

Table width: Choose how wide your table will appear on the page. This can

be a percentage of the page (your table will resize if the browser is resized)

or a set number of pixels.

Printer friendly version: Show a link to a version of the table that can be

easily printed.

Text settings: Set the font, text size and colour, and other text formatting


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Step 3 When you have finished, click Done to save your changes.

Copying, moving, and deleting items

From time to time you may want to copy, move, or delete items (such as text, links,

images, site add-ons, and tables) from your page. SiteBuilder provides some useful

tools for achieving this.

Copying and moving items

Step 1 Click on either the Move Items or Copy Items buttons at the foot of the page.

Step 2 Tick the boxes to the right of the items you would like to copy or move and click

Continue. You can select several items at the same time.

Step 3 Select where you would like to place the items by clicking a Copy it here or Move it

here button. You can copy or move items to another location on the same page, or

you can use your page navigation to select a location on another page in your site.

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Deleting items

Step 1 Click on the Delete Items button at the foot of the page.

Step 2 Tick the boxes to the right of the items you would like to delete and click Done. You

can delete several items at the same time.

The items you selected will be removed from the page.

Important: It is not possible to recover deleted items.

Creating new pages

Adding a new page in SiteBuilder couldn’t be easier.

Step 1 Click on Site Organiser at the foot of the page.

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Step 2 Click on Add Page.

Step 3 Enter a title for the new page, and whether you would like it to appear on your

Navigation Bar or not.

Step 4 Click Done to add the new page.

Note: Depending on your SiteBuilder plan you may be limited to the number

of pages you can add. If you receive a warning message informing you that

you have reached your page allowance, you may need to upgrade your

SiteBuilder plan.

Site navigation

SiteBuilder makes it very easy to create a full set of navigation options, without taking

up too much room on the page.

You can create submenus that popup when the mouse is moved over an items parent

entry, allowing you to divide your site up into a few segments. You can also

customise the appearance of the Navigation menu.

Step 1 Click on the Site Organiser icon at the bottom of the page.

Step 2 Click on Navigation Bar Properties.

Step 3 You can re-order your navigation as you wish by dragging the boxes. If you place a

box under another, slightly indented, then it will appear as a popup when the mouse

is moved over its parent page.

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In the example above the “Contact me” page is being dragged under the “About me

page”. Because it is indented it will appear as a popup menu option when the visitor

hovers over “About me” in the navigation menu.

If you don’t want a page to be displayed on the navigation bar, simply drag it across

to the Pages not shown in the Navigation Bar box on the right of the page.

Step 4 When you are finished click Done.

Changing the appearance of the navigation menu

You can change the font and text colour of your Navigation bars. The options you can

change may depend on the template you have chosen for your site.

Step 1 Click Change Look at the bottom of the page.

Step 2 Choose the option to Edit your existing design.

Step 3 Scroll down to the section titled Navigation. You will see several options for changing

the text appearance.

Text color for the navigation links: Change the colour of the links.

Selected page text color for navigation links: Change the colour of the

selected page in the menu.

Background color of navigation submenus: Change the background colour of

the popup sub menus.

Text color of navigation submenus: Change the colour of the text on the

navigation sub menus.

Rollover Background color of navigation submenus: Change the background

colour of the link when the mouse hovers over it. This only applies to the

popup sub menus.

Rollover text color of navigation submenus: Change the text colour of the link

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when the mouse hovers over it. This only applies to the popup sub menus.

Step 4 Click Done to save your changes.

Using images on your navigation menu

If you want to use your own images, rather than text, in the navigation menus you can

do so. There are several benefits to this method:

The font you use doesn't need to be installed on the end user's machine, so

you can be a lot more creative with your menus. With a text menu you are

limited to only a few fonts that are installed on all machines.

You can incorporate icons or images.

You can use several colours and text effects such as drop shadow and

gradients (if your image editing software supports these).

Step 1 Click on Site Organiser at the bottom of the page.

Step 2 Click on Navigation Bar Properties.

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Step 3 Click the Select button images link at the top of the page under the title.

Step 4 You will now see each item in your navigation menu, along with three image options

for each:

Default image: Select the image to display for this item.

Rollover image: (Optional) If you want the image to change when the mouse

is hovered over it, you can specify the image here.

Selected image: (Optional) If you want a different image to display for the

selected page, then specify it here.

To add your own image, click the Picture Gallery button. SiteBuilder only supports

the following image types:

JPEG (*.jpeg, *.jpg)

GIF (*.gif)

Compressed ZIP archives (*.zip) containing your image(s)

Step 5 Click Done to save your changes when you are finished.

Adding keyword and description MetaTags

Metatags help describe your website to search engines and may help to improve your

website's search engine rankings. They are easy to add to your SiteBuilder web


Step 1 Click on the Site Organiser button at the bottom of the page.

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Step 2 Click Page Properties for the page you want to add metatags to.

Step 3 Scroll down and enter a description for the page in the Description Meta Tag text

field. This text is displayed by most search engines under the page name in their

search results.

Step 4 Enter your keywords, separated by commas, in the Keyword Meta Tag text field.

There is a limit of 200 characters.

Step 5 Click Done to save your changes.

Publishing your site

When you are ready to make your new site available on the internet you need to

publish it. You can preview your site before you publish it, which will give you an idea

of exactly how your site will appear when published.

Previewing your site

To preview your site, simply press the Preview Site icon at the foot of the page when

editing your website.

Your site will appear in another window exactly as it will appear when published.

However, no-one else will have access to the site until it’s published.

Publishing the site

When you are ready to publish your new site, or changes to your existing site, simply

click Publish to Web at the bottom of the page when editing your site.

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The site may take several minutes to publish.

Working with multiple sites

With SiteBuilder you can publish multiple sites to subfolders on your domain name.

This allows you to create micro-sites with different appearances, navigation, and


Creating a new site

Step 1 Click on All My Sites at the foot of the page to see a list of your existing sites.

Step 2 Select a new site template from the Create a new site drop down list and click Go.

Step 3 The options that follow will depend on the template you selected. You will be asked to

enter information specific to your new website, such as your company name and


Publishing another site

The first site you publish in SiteBuilder will publish to your domain name. Any

subsequent sites that are published will be located in subfolders which you can


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Step 1 Click on Publish to Web to publish your site.

Step 2 Enter a name for your site into the URL text field and click Publish now! The

subfolder is part of the web address people will type to visit your site.

For example, if you enter “subfolder” in the text field, people would visit your site at

Note: The subfolder should contain only letters and numbers. Make sure

there are no spaces or special characters.

Your website may take several minutes to publish.

Promoting your site

If you want to get the maximum possible potential from your website a little time and

planning can really help you build your online presence and develop your brand.

One of the greatest challenges you will face with your new website is trying to

encourage your customers to visit you. Unfortunately there is no guaranteed method

for making your website popular, but there are a number of techniques you can use to

improve your search engine rankings.

There are several ways to improve your website's visibility in SiteBuilder...

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Choose your keywords carefully

You can specify your own keywords on each page, which search engines will use to

index your site.

Choosing keywords for your site always appears easier than it actually is. The first

thing to consider is what search terms people may use to search for your site. It is

always best to ask a few friends what keywords they may use as quite often you will

find them different than the keywords you were expecting. The other thing to take into

consideration is competition from other websites. Some keywords are hotly contested

by many of the largest companies in the world.

If you ran a second hand book store in Edinburgh for example, initially you may want

to concentrate on the keyword “books”. However you will also be in competition with,,, and While you are technically on a level playing field with these big

companies, they can afford to hire teams of dedicated specialists working on keeping

their rankings as high as possible. If you want to spend some time running your

business then it may be better to concentrate on other areas.

“Books” is a very generic term encompassing a number of products that you may not

supply anyway, so by specializing with your keywords you will be able to compete in

a less heavily contested market for services that more match your services. The

keyword phrase “rare books” or “classic books” will be easier to work with when trying

to achieve high rankings in these slightly more specialized searches.

Choosing your keywords is always a balance between having keywords that

customers use, and keywords that you can compete with in the market. If we take the

previous example for instance, we may have considered “precious books” as a good

keyword. This would be very easy to attain high search engine ranking for, but what’s

the point in having a high ranking for “precious books” if no-one will use these

keywords to make a search?

To find out how to add your keywords, see the chapter Adding keyword and

description MetaTags on page 32.

Add a Site Map

A site map is simply a page with links to all other pages on your site. Adding a site

map to your site not only helps your customers find their way around, but it also helps

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search engines index and rank your pages. A search engine robot will examine your

site, look for the site map, and will follow any links it finds. It will mark links directly on

your website with high importance, encouraging the search engine to index your

entire site, and therefore potentially improving your search position.

You can add a Site Map to any page through SiteBuilder’s Site Add-Ons. See the

chapter Site Add-ons on page 18.

Promote your site

SiteBuilder includes a handy feature to help you let your customers know about your

newly published site.

Step 1 From the All my sites page (if you are not on this page click the All my sites icon at

the foot of the page) click Announce your site.

Step 2 Choose the site you want to promote. You will only be able to select your site if it is

already published.

Step 3 Enter the email addresses of the people you would like to notify of your new site,

separated by a comma.

Enter your name and email address, and the message you would like to send to your


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Step 4 Click Send to send the mail.


This chapter contains some troubleshooting advice if you encounter problems whilst

using SiteBuilder.

Text is not displaying properly

Pre-formatted text copied from MS Word (or other word processor application) and

pasted into SiteBuilder is sometimes incorrectly formatted on your SiteBuilder web


While it is often useful to paste pre-formatted text into your SiteBuilder web page, this

sometimes causes problems.

SiteBuilder is designed to accept pre-formatted text, including tables, from

applications like MS Word. Pre-formatted text pasted from these applications contains

"hidden" XML and HTML references (tags). Problems are caused by malformed code

in the text that is pasted.

Similar problems will occur when you attempt to paste raw JavaScript, HTML or XML

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that is malformed. The malformed code causes errors in the SiteBuilder application,

resulting in the incorrect formatting.

Where your pre-formatted copy causes problems, the safer option is to remove the

formatting and paste the plain text into SiteBuilder. Any copy which could contain

malformed code, should be treated in the following manner.

First paste the text into an ASCII text editor, like notepad. Save as a text only file and

close the file.

Re-open the file, copy the text (which you should now see without any formatting) and

paste it into your SiteBuilder web page.

Images take a long time to load

While SiteBuilder is able to display your images at different sizes, it is not able to

resize the image file itself. If images are taking a long time to load on your pages, you

should check the size of the image files themselves.

It is good practice to ensure your images are optimised for the internet before you

upload them to your SiteBuilder gallery. To do this you will need some image editing

software such as PhotoShop or PaintShop Pro. Here are some tips to help you

optimise your images for your site.

Resize the images to the exact size you want them to appear on the page,

rather than uploading the image and selecting the size through SiteBuilder.

Save the file using the best format for the picture type. The main file formats

used on the web are GIF and JPEG, which use different compression

methods. Typically JPEG images are best for photographs, whilst GIF images

are best for drawn imagery, diagrams, and icons.

If your image editing software supports it, try to optimise your images for the

web. You can usually reduce the quality of the images slightly in order to also

reduce the file size.

Quick tip: If you don’t have any image editing software already, there are

plenty of free products available. Just perform a web search for “image

editing software”.

Pictures are not displaying correctly

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SiteBuilder uses a picture gallery to arrange and organise the pictures on your

website. There are two likely reasons for images that do not display properly: the

filenames contain invalid characters, or the gallery needs to be reset.

The filename may contain invalid characters

Make sure that the filename of any images contains only numbers and letters.

Spaces, full stops, and special characters (such as !ӣ$%^&*) are likely to cause

problems to your site both within SiteBuilder and when published to a web server.

The gallery may need to be reset

Step 1 Log into SiteBuilder. If you are already logged in click All My Sites at the foot of the


Step 2 Click the link marked Pictures not displaying properly? Click here for help in the

Help & Tips box.

Step 3 Click OK to reset your picture gallery, then Finish to close the tool, a dialogue box

may appear, asking if you want to close the window, press Yes.

Step 4 Click on your site in the list, and then click on the Publish to Web button at the

bottom of the page to re-publish your site.

This may take several minutes to complete.

SiteBuilder gives a “Java.lang.NullPointerException” error when using a web form

SiteBuilder allows you to create custom forms on your website that allow people to

submit information to you. However, you may receive the following error when

submitting the form on your website:


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This problem is often caused by invalid characters within the form. The names of the

form items built with SiteBuilder cannot use the following characters:

Non-alphanumeric characters (e.g. £, %, &)


New lines

If you are receiving a Java.lang.NullPointerException error, you should log into

SiteBuilder and check for any invalid characters. When you have removed the invalid

characters republish your site and try using the form again.