site visit report

MERALCO INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CORPORATION 5/F, Renaissance Tower 1000 Meralco Avenue Phone: (632) 635-5901 to 10 Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines Fax : (635) 635-5912 TO: Ms. Ma. Jocelyn J. Salinas Head, Engineering Services Thru: Mr. Alvi L. Lim Head, Design/Solution Engineering Mr. Bonifacion V. Manuel VP and Group Head, Engineering SUBJECT: Site Visit Report of Proposed Renovation of DRC and Warehouse for Barangka, Marikina City Project: AWOC 60m Tower Telecommunication Tower Construction and Installation Location: Plilia, Rizal Client: Alternegy Date of Inspection: July 28, 2015 1

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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MERALCO INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CORPORATION5/F, Renaissance Tower 1 Mera!co A"en#eP$one%&'()* '(5+5,1 -o 1Pasi. Ci-/, Me-ro Mani!a, P$i!i00inesFa1 %&'(5* '(5+5,1)P2O2 3o1 14)5, Cen-er, Pasi. Ci-/ 1'54 &'()* '((+(5,TO:Ms. Ma. Jocelyn J. Salinas Head, Engineering Services Thru:Mr. Alvi L. Lim Head, Design/Solution EngineeringMr. Bonifacion V. Manuel VP and Group Head, EngineeringSUBJECT: Site Visit e!ort of "ro!ose# enovation of $C an# %arehouse for Baran&'a( Mari'ina City"ro)ect:A%OC 60m Tower Telecommunication Tower Construction and nstallationLocation: Plilia, !i"alClient: #lterneg$$ate of *ns!ection: %ul$ &', &0()1*. E"OT OBJECT*VET*e o+,ective o- t*is report is to give a t*e construction team t*e designconcerns o- .ESC/! Engineering design solution department regardingt*e construction o- t*e 60m telecom tower in #0/C, Pilia !i"al1**. OBSEVAT*O+S 2asedonour ocular inspectionconductedlast %ul$&', &0(), weo+served t*at t*e 31C1 and Sa-et$ o- .ESC/! is not present at t*etime t*e erection is +eing done1 #sper P.o-#0/C4Sir %e-- 2elle"ao- .25 t*e$*avestartedt*eactivities -or t*at da$ late due to t*e a+sence o- t*e sa-et$ o--icer1 T*ere are .aterial 4speci-icall$ t*e tower materials5 w*ic* at times not*andled correctl$ and t*ere are materials t*at not +een -a+ricatedcorrectl$1 T*ere is no met*odolog$ presented to t*e design team +e-ore t*e starto- t*e erection1 T*einstallationo- t*emem+ersarenot int*estandardmet*odo-erection -or t*e steel structures1 6ot all t*e 7nots *as +een installed -or t*e +ase plate1 T*ereisnocommunication4i1e1 radioo- loudspea7er5 +etweent*erigger and t*e supervisor o- cat*a$ at t*e time o- installation1 ***. ECOME+$AT*O+S 31C1 and Sa-et$ o--icer -rom miescor s*ould +e present at t*e time o-t*e erection o- t*e tower so t*at t*e 8ualit$ o- wor7 will +e controlled1 T*e .aterials t*at *as +een delivered s*ould +e t*oroug*l$ inspected+$ t*e 31C1 o- .ESC/!especiall$ t*e gusset plates 4see sitepictures51 nstallation met*odolog$ -or t*e mem+ers s*ould con-orm t*e standard1Herepresentedo+servedinstallationo- t*ediagonal mem+ers1 /ne+olt s*ould onl$ +e installed at one end +e-ore aligning t*e +olt *ole ont*e ot*er end o- t*e angle so t*at no stress will+e su+,ected to t*e+olts1 0e s*ould o+served t*e proper installation so t*at t*ere are nomaterials t*at will +e damaged1)* Disclaimer: Information and data in this document has been compiled to assist parties planning to use the Area #ll 9nots s*ould +e all installed at t*e +ase plates so t*at t*e trans-er o-t*e-orces -or t*eanc*or +olts areevenl$ distri+utedevenduringerection1 Proper communication s*ould +e implemented -rom t*e supervisor o-t*e erector and rigger so t*at we will *ave -ull control o- t*e installationo- t*e tower1*V. S*TE ",OTOS A+$ $ESC*"T*O+*nstallation of the first layer of the to-er.(* Disclaimer: Information and data in this document has been compiled to assist parties planning to use the AreaTo-er Base "late( there are missin& 'nots for the other anchor .olts.6* Disclaimer: Information and data in this document has been compiled to assist parties planning to use the AreaThere are anchor .olts that have .een .en#e# #ue to installationmetho#olo&y of the to-er.There are holes that are not fa.ricate# accor#in& to the stan#ar#( /.C. ofM*ESCO shoul# a##ress the !ro.lem to the fa.ricator.5* Disclaimer: Information and data in this document has been compiled to assist parties planning to use the AreaV. *T*+EA0"re!are# .y:111111111111111111111111111Clar' 2. 2a&uiCivil/Structural Design Engineer, Design Solution Engineering+ote# .y:111111111111111111111111111Miriam B. Ber&a#oCivil/Structural : #rc*t;l Design Principal EngineerDesign Solution Engineering'* Disclaimer: Information and data in this document has been compiled to assist parties planning to use the Area%une 7 ,% AM -o 7 1%( AM% Lan8 -ra"e! 9ro: ;2O2 -o Si-e Ri