sistema universitario ana g - 600 dlp... · investigación en psicopedagogía....

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo EDUC 600 Educational Research Methods Métodos de Investigación Educativa © Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2007 Derechos Reservados. © Ana G. Méndez University System, 2007. All rights reserved.

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Page 1: Sistema Universitario Ana G - 600 DLP... · investigación en psicopedagogía. Madrid: McGraw Hill. ... distribuirá al final del cuarto taller. El segundo examen

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

EDUC 600

Educational Research Methods

Métodos de Investigación Educativa

© Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2007

Derechos Reservados.

© Ana G. Méndez University System, 2007. All rights reserved.

Page 2: Sistema Universitario Ana G - 600 DLP... · investigación en psicopedagogía. Madrid: McGraw Hill. ... distribuirá al final del cuarto taller. El segundo examen

EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.




PRONTUARIO ........................................................................................................... 3

STUDY GUIDE .......................................................................................................... 9

WORKSHOP ONE ................................................................................................... 15

TALLER DOS .......................................................................................................... 19

WORKSHOP THREE .............................................................................................. 22

TALLER CUATRO .................................................................................................. 25

WORKSHOP FIVE/TALLER CINCO ....................................................................... 28

ANEJO/APPENDIX A .............................................................................................. 30

APPENDIX B/ANEJO B .......................................................................................... 35

APPENDIX C/ANEJO C .......................................................................................... 37

APPENDIX D/ANEJO D .......................................................................................... 38

APPENDIX E/ANEJO E .......................................................................................... 39

APPENDIX F/ANEJO F ........................................................................................... 40

APPENDIX G/ANEJO G .......................................................................................... 51

APPENDIX H/ANEJO H .......................................................................................... 53

APPENDIX I/ANEJO I ............................................................................................. 55

APPENDIX J/ANEJO J ........................................................................................... 56

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.



Título del Curso Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Codificación EDUC 600

Duración Cinco Semanas o según aplique

Prerrequisito Todos los cursos modulares y de especialidad


Estudio de la naturaleza, el alcance y los métodos básicos de la investigación

científica y su aplicación al proceso de investigación educativa. Se estudian

diversos tipos de investigación, su proceso y fases para la realización de la

investigación. Énfasis en el diseño de la propuesta de investigación y sus

partes: identificación de problema de investigación, redacción de hipótesis o

preguntas guías, revisión de literatura y metodología de la investigación. Los

estudiantes presentaran su propuesta de investigación al finalizar el curso.

Objetivos Generales

1. Conocer los diversos tipos de investigación.

2. Aplicar la metodología del proceso de investigación.

2. Identificar problemas de investigación en el campo educativo.

4. Redactar una propuesta de investigación.

Texto y Recursos

A.P.A. (2001). American Psychological Association Publication Manual. Fifth edition.

Washington, DC: APA.

Fraenkel, J. R. & Wallen, N.E. (2003). How to design and evaluate research in

education. New York: MacGraw Hill

Fraenkel, J. R. & Wallen, N.E. (2003). Student workbook to accompany: How to

design and evaluate research in education. New York: MacGraw Hill.

Referencias y material suplementario

Buendía Eirsma, L., Colas Bravo, P. & Hernández Pina, F. (1998). Métodos de

investigación en psicopedagogía. Madrid: McGraw Hill.

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


Drew, C. J., Hardman, M. J. & Hart, A. W. (1996). Designing and Conducting

Research: Inquiry in Education and Social Science. Massachusetts: Allyn &


Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational Research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating

quantitative and qualitative research. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Fowler, F. J. (1993). Survey research methods. California: Sage Publications.

Galvan, J. L. (1999). Writing literature reviews. California: Pryczak Publishing.

Glesne, C. & Peshkin, A. (1992). Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction.

New York: Longman.

Hernández Sampieri, R., Fernández Collado, C. & Pilar Batista, L. (1998).

Metodología de investigación.

Martella, R. C., Nelson, R. & Marchand-Martella, N.E. (1999). Research methods:

Learning to become a critical research consumer. Massachusetts: Allyn and


McMillan, J. H. & Wergin, J. F. (1998). Understanding and evaluating educational

research. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Méndez, C. E. (1999). Metodología: Diseño y desarrollo de investigación. Bogota:

McGraw Hill.


Curva de Evaluación:

100-90 = A 89-80 = B 79-70 = C 69-60 = D 59-00 = F

Las matrices valorativas para la evaluación de estas actividades se incluyen en el

Anejo A.

10% Participación en Clase

10% Diario Reflexivo

10% Portafolio del Curso

20% Examen Uno (en clase)

20% Examen Dos (en la casa)

30% Propuesta de Investigación

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


Participación en Clase – Se espera que todos los estudiantes asistan a clase

preparados para discutir los temas del DIA y que contribuyan y participen


Diario Reflexivo – Los estudiantes redactarán un diario reflexivo al finalizar cada

taller, con el fin de reflexionar críticamente y escribir sobre los conceptos y

experiencias de aprendizaje presentadas en cada taller. Esto incluye una auto

evaluación del trabajo del estudiante.

Portafolio del Curso – El portafolio incluirá todo el trabajo a completarse durante el

curso, las partes en progreso de la propuesta de investigación, y las tareas

semanales. Cada semana el estudiante traerá a clase una noticia de periódico o

revista, sobre un estudio de investigación científica. El estudiante escribirá un corto

análisis de la metodología usada en el estudio, y también identificará las partes del

método experimental (variables, participantes, hipótesis, instrumentación, etc.).

Exámenes – Los exámenes consisten de preguntas de ensayo. El primer examen

será administrado al comienzo del tercer taller. El primer examen incluye el material

de los talleres uno y dos. El segundo examen se llevará a la casa, el facilitador lo

distribuirá al final del cuarto taller. El segundo examen incluye el material de los

talleres tres y cuatro. Este examen se recogerá al principio del taller cinco.

Propuesta de Investigación – Cada estudiante escribirá una propuesta de

investigación, sobre el tópico de su preferencia. La propuesta seguirá los pasos,

incluirá las partes, y seguirá el estilo de los manuscritos de acuerdo a la quinta

edición del Manual de Publicación de APA. La propuesta será presentada en clase

durante el taller cinco y los otros estudiantes identificarán problemas potenciales y

discutirán la metodología presentada (ver Anejo E)

Descripción de las Normas del Curso

1. Este curso sigue el programa “Discipline-Based Dual-Language Model®” del

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, el mismo esta diseñado para

promover el desarrollo de cada estudiante como un profesional bilingüe.

Cada taller será facilitado en inglés y español, utilizando el modelo 50/50.

Esto significa que cada taller deberá ser conducido enteramente en el

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


lenguaje especificado. Los lenguajes serán alternados en cada taller para

asegurar que el curso se ofrece 50% en inglés y 50% en español. Para

mantener un balance, el modulo debe especificar que se utilizaran ambos

idiomas en el quinto taller, dividiendo el tiempo y las actividades

equitativamente entre ambos idiomas. Si un estudiante tiene dificultad en

hacer una pregunta en el idioma especificado, bien puede escoger el idioma

de preferencia para hacer la pregunta. Sin embargo, el facilitador deberá

contestar la misma en el idioma designado para ese taller. Esto deberá ser

una excepción a las reglas pues es importante que los estudiantes utilicen el

idioma designado. Esto no aplica a los cursos de lenguaje que deben ser

desarrollados en el idioma propio todo en ingles o todo en español según


2. El curso es conducido en formato acelerado, eso requiere que los

estudiantes se preparen antes de cada taller de acuerdo al módulo. Cada

taller requiere un promedio de diez (10) horas de preparación y en ocasiones

requiere más.

3. La asistencia a todos los talleres es obligatoria. El estudiante que se ausente

al taller deberá presentar una excusa razonable al facilitador. El facilitador

evaluará si la ausencia es justificada y decidirá como el estudiante repondrá

el trabajo perdido, de ser necesario. El facilitador decidirá uno de los

siguientes: permitirle al estudiante reponer el trabajo o asignarle trabajo

adicional en adición al trabajo a ser repuesto.

Toda tarea a ser completada antes de taller deberá ser entregada en la fecha

asignada. El facilitador ajustará la nota de las tareas repuestas.

4. Si un estudiante se ausenta a mas de un taller el facilitador tendrá las

siguientes opciones:

a. Si es a dos talleres, el facilitador reducirá una nota por debajo basado

en la nota existente.

b. Si el estudiante se ausenta a tres talleres, el facilitador reducirá la nota

a dos por debajo de la nota existente.

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


5. La asistencia y participación en clase de actividades y presentaciones orales

es extremadamente importante pues no se pueden reponer. Si el estudiante

provee una excusa valida y verificable, el facilitador determinara una

actividad equivalente a evaluar que sustituya la misma. Esta actividad deberá

incluir el mismo contenido y componentes del lenguaje como la presentación

oral o actividad a ser repuesta.

6. En actividades de grupo el grupo será evaluado por su trabajo final. Sin

embargo, cada miembro de grupo deberá participar y cooperar para lograr un

trabajo de excelencia, pero recibirán una calificación individual.

7. Se espera que todo trabajo escrito sea de la autoría de cada estudiante y no

plagiado. Se debe entender que todo trabajo sometido esta citado

apropiadamente o parafraseado y citado dando atención al autor. Todo

estudiante debe ser el autor de su propio trabajo. Todo trabajo que sea

plagiado, copiado o presente trazos de otro será calificado con cero (vea la

política de honestidad académica).

8. Si el facilitador hace cambios al modulo o guía de estudio, deberá discutirlos

y entregar copia a los estudiantes por escrito al principio del primer taller.

9. El facilitador establecerá los medios para contactar a los estudiantes

proveyendo su correo electrónico, teléfonos, y el horario disponibles.

10. EL uso de celulares esta prohibido durante las sesiones de clase; de haber

una necesidad, deberá permanecer en vibración o en silencio.

11. La visita de niños y familiares no registrados en el curso no está permitida en

el salón de clases.

12. Todo estudiante esta sujeto a las políticas y normas de conducta y

comportamiento que rigen SUAGM y el curso.

Nota: Si por alguna razón no puede acceder las direcciones electrónicas

ofrecidas en el módulo, no se limite a ellas. Existen otros motores de

búsqueda y sitios Web que podrá utilizar para la búsqueda de la información

deseada. Entre ellas están:

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


El/la facilitador(a) puede realizar cambios a las direcciones electrónicas y/o

añadir algunas de ser necesario.

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


Study Guide

Course Title Educational Research Methods

Code EDUC 600

Time Length Five Weeks or as applicable

Pre-requisite All modular and specialization courses


This course is covers the study of the nature of scientific investigation and its

application to the educational research process. It also studies the different research

methods and its investigative phases. Emphasis will be given to the proposal design:

problem identification, hypothesis or guide questions, literature review and the

investigation methodology. The student will present a research proposal at the end

of the course.

General Objectives

1. Gain knowledge of the different types of research.

2. Apply research methodology.

3. Identify research problems in the field of education.

4. Write a research proposal.

Texts and Resources

A.P.A. (2001). American Psychological Association Publication Manual. Fifth edition.

Washington, DC: APA.

Fraenkel, J. R. & Wallen, N.E. (2006). How to design and evaluate research in

education. New York: McGraw Hill Verify newer version 2006

Fraenkel, J. R. & Wallen, N.E. (2006). Student workbook to accompany: How to

design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw Hill

References and Supplementary Materials

Buendía Eirsma, L., Colas Bravo, P. & Hernandez Pina, F. (1998). Métodos de

investigación en psicopedagogía. Madrid: McGraw Hill.

Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational Research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating

quantitative and qualitative research. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


Drew, C. J., Hardman, M. J. & Hart, A. W. (1996). Designing and Conducting

Research: Inquiry in Education and Social Science. Massachusetts: Allyn &


Fowler, F. J. (1993). Survey research methods. California: Sage Publications.

Galvan, J. L. (1999). Writing literature reviews. California: Pryczak Publishing.

Glesne, C. & Peshkin, A. (1992). Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction.

New York: Longman.

Hernandez Sampieri, R., Fernandez Collado, C. & Pilar Batista, L. (1998).

Metodología de investigación.

Martella, R. C., Nelson, R. & Marchand-Martella, N.E. (1999). Research methods:

Learning to become a critical research consumer. Massachusetts: Allyn &


McMillan, J. H. & Wergin, J. F. (1998). Understanding and evaluating educational

research. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Mendez, C. E. (1999). Metodología: Diseño y desarrollo de investigación. Bogotá:

McGraw Hill.


Grade Distribution:

100-90 = A 89-80 = B 79-70 = C 69-60 = D 59-00 = F

The rubrics to be used for these evaluations are included in the Appendix.

10% Class Participation

10% Reflexive Journal

10% Course Portfolio

20% Test One (in class)

20% Test Two (take home)

30% Research Proposal

Class Participation – All students are expected to attend each class prepared to

discuss workshop topics and to actively participate and contribute to class.

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


Reflexive Journal – At the end of each workshop each student will write an entry in

their journal. Each entry will analyze their personal reactions to the concepts and

learning experiences presented in each workshop, including a self evaluation of their

work and performance for that day’s workshop.

Course Portfolio – The portfolio will include all class work completed during the

course, the ongoing drafts of the research proposal, and the weekly homework.

Each week, the student will bring to class a news article about a research study

reported in a newspaper or magazine. The student will write a critique of the

research methodology reported in the article and identify the parts of the

experimental method and methodology (hypothesis, independent variable,

dependent variable, control group, experimental group, participants, instrumentation,


Tests – Tests are in essay form. Test One will be administered at the start of the

third workshop. Test One will cover the material of the first two workshops. Test Two

will be a take home exam, which will be distributed at the end of the fourth

workshop. Test Two will cover the material from the third and fourth workshops, and

will be turned in at the start of the fifth workshop.

Research Proposal – Each student will write a research proposal on a topic of their

choosing. This research proposal will follow the format and all parts of a manuscript

as described in the fifth edition of the APA Publication Manual. The research

proposal will be presented in class during the fifth workshop and the other students

will be asked to identify any potential research problems, describe the methodology,

and provide feedback (see Appendix E).

Description of Course Policies

1. This course follows the Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Dual-Language

Discipline-Based Immersion Model® designed to promote each student’s

development as a Dual Language Professional. Workshops will be facilitated

in English and Spanish, strictly using the 50/50 model. This means that each

workshop will be conducted entirely in the language specified. The language

used in the workshops will alternate to insure that 50% of the course will be

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


conducted in English and 50% in Spanish. To maintain this balance, the

course module may specify that both languages will be used during the fifth

workshop, dividing that workshop’s time and activities between the two

languages. If students have difficulty with asking a question in the target

language in which the activity is being conducted, students may choose to

use their preferred language for that particular question. However, the

facilitator must answer in the language assigned for that particular day. This

should only be an exception as it is important for students to use the assigned

language. The 50/50 model does not apply to language courses where the

delivery of instruction must be conducted in the language taught (Spanish or

English only).

2. The course is conducted in an accelerated format and requires that students

prepare in advance for each workshop according to the course module. Each

workshop requires an average ten hours of preparation but could require


3. Attendance at all class sessions is mandatory. A student that is absent to a

workshop must present the facilitator a reasonable excuse. The facilitator will

evaluate if the absence is justified and decide how the student will make up

the missing work, if applicable. The facilitator will decide on the following:

allow the student to make up the work, or allow the student to make up the

work and assign extra work to compensate for the missing class time.

Assignments required prior to the workshop must be completed and turned in

on the assigned date. The facilitator may decide to adjust the grade given for

late assignments and make-up work.

4. If a student is absent to more than one workshop the facilitator will have the

following options:

a. If a student misses two workshops, the facilitator may lower one grade

based on the students existing grade.

b. If the student misses three workshops, the facilitator may lower two

grades based on the students existing grade.

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


5. Student attendance and participation in oral presentations and special class

activities are extremely important as it is not possible to assure that they can

be made up. If the student provides a valid and verifiable excuse, the

facilitator may determine a substitute evaluation activity if he/she understands

that an equivalent activity is possible. This activity must include the same

content and language components as the oral presentation or special activity

that was missed.

6. In cooperative activities the group will be assessed for their final work.

However, each member will have to collaborate to assure the success of the

group and the assessment will be done collectively as well as individually.

7. It is expected that all written work will be solely that of the student and should

not be plagiarized. That is, the student must be the author of all work

submitted. All quoted or paraphrased material must be properly cited, with

credit given to its author or publisher. It should be noted that plagiarized

writings are easily detectable and students should not risk losing credit for

material that is clearly not their own (see Academic Honesty Policy).

8. If the Facilitator makes changes to the study guide, such changes should be

discussed with and given to students in writing at the beginning of the first


9. The facilitator will establish a means of contacting students by providing an

email address, phone number, hours to be contacted and days.

10. The use of cellular phones is prohibited during sessions; if there is a need to

have one, it must be on vibrate or silent mode during class session.

11. Children or family members that are not registered in the course are not

allowed to the classrooms.

12. All students are subject to the policies regarding behavior in the university

community established by the institution and in this course.

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


Note: If for any reason you cannot access the URL’s presented in the module,

do not stop your investigation. There are many search engines and other

links you can use to search for information. These are some examples:

The facilitator may make changes or add additional web resources if deemed


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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


Workshop One

Specific Objectives

At the end of this workshop, students will be able to:

1. Identify the general objectives of this course and what the requirements are for

the accomplishment of such objectives

2. Establish the principles for the development of a study plan to meet the course

objectives effectively

3. Define the Basic Concepts related to the research process

4. Understand and apply the stops of the scientific method

5. Identify the parts of a research report

6. Explain the methodology and its components

7. Describe the steps in the process of a successful literature review.

Language Objectives

At the end of this workshop students will be able to:

1. Define basic concepts related to research using correct pronunciation and

technical jargon pertaining to research.

2. Express their point of view using correct use of verbs, concepts and grammar.

3. Solve given problems orally and in writing demonstrating command of the

language by expressing clear ideas with correct use of syntax, verb usage and



American Psychology Association

How to write a scientific paper

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.



Assignments before Workshops One

1. Read the module’s content and come prepare to ask any questions or clarify

doubts students may have.

2. Search for and read for information on the process of investigation, the scientific

method applied to education or action research and research methods.

3. Define the steps of the scientific method and come prepare to discuss them in


4. Define the parts of an investigation and the different types of investigation that

can be done (experimental, correlation, etc.).

5. Search for and read information on action research and how it applies to

education and come prepare to discuss the topic in class.

6. Search for a topic of interest that you would like to work with or investigate for the

purpose of this course. Bring in the topic of investigation and a question that will

guide the process of your investigation to be discussed in class.

7. As part of the search for this workshop, students will go to the library and / or

based on the text materials needed for the course, and search for the following:

“Student workbook to accompany: How to design and evaluate research in

education” activities: 1.1 – 1.2 – 1.3 – 1.5 – 2.1 – 2.2 – 13.3 – 24.1. Students will

come prepared to discuss these activities in class.

Important Note: It is important and recommended that the facilitator arranges for

the librarian to provide students with an orientation on the different data bases

available to them to search for research articles during the first workshop.


1. The facilitator and students will engage in an ice breaking activity called “Toss

the Ball and Tell”. The facilitator will bring a fabric ball and will introduce the

activity to students. The facilitator will introduce him/herself while holding the ball

in his/her hand and will mention how he/she uses action research in his/her daily

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EDUC 600 Métodos de Investigación Educativa

Prep. 2004. Mar E. Rodríguez, ABD. Rev. 2008. Ricardo Ortolaza, Ed.D.


life. Then the facilitator will toss the ball to a student repeating the same process

until all students have introduced themselves.

2. All course requirements will be discussed by the facilitator and the students,

including the final project students will have to turn in.

3. Using a power point presentation, the facilitator will introduce the students to the

process of investigation, including the different ways of investigating.

4. The facilitator will divide the class into small groups so as to make five groups in

the classroom. Each group will be assigned a step of the scientific method and

will be assigned the following tasks: Define the step assigned and create a

concept map that includes the major components of the step. After completing

the activity each group will present to the rest of the class.

5. The facilitator and students will discuss the parts of an investigation report as

well as the parts of the investigation proposal that students will have to complete

at the end of this course. .

6. The facilitator and students will discuss the following activities “Student workbook

to accompany: How to design and evaluate research in education” students will

work on the following activities: 1.1 – 1.2 – 1.3 – 1.5 – 2.1 – 2.2 – 13.3 – 24.1 to

expand on knowledge obtained in the area of investigation.

7. The facilitator will socially discuss with students the topics they are interested in

investigating. Students will discuss the questions they brought to be researched

and the facilitator will provide feedback and guidance as needed. This could also

be done as individual meetings with the facilitator (Appendix A- Guidelines for

Research Proposal).

8. Once everyone has shared their topics and questions, and everyone is clear on

what they will be working on, the facilitator will discuss with students the structure

of the review of literature that students will have to work with for the next

workshop (see Appendix B for review of literature guide).

9. The facilitator will provide students with some guidelines as to how to search for

research articles and the importance of using these articles during their literature

review process

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10. The facilitator will establish the means by which students will send their work and

the established dates to send them.

11. Learning Journal: How will I use today’s information learned in class in my

profession? And how will it benefit me as a professional and how it will benefit

the educational institution I will be working for?


1. Learning Journal (Appendix C)

2. Class Participation (Appendix D)

3. Chart to Record Assignments (Activities per workshop will have a total of 10 points

per workshop, for a total of 40 points) (Appendix E)

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Taller Dos

Objetivos Específicos

Al finalizar este taller, los estudiantes podrán:

1. Entender y explicar los diferentes tipos de métodos de investigación

2. Definir el concepto de datos cuantitativos y describir el proceso de recopilación de

datos cuantitativos.

3. Definir el concepto de datos cualitativos y describir el proceso de recopilación de

datos cualitativos.

4. Entender y aplicar el uso del modelo APA al uso de las referencias y como evitar

el plagio citando información de otros autores apropiadamente.

Objetivos de Lenguaje

Al final del taller, los estudiantes podrán:

1. Desarrollar ideas para poder solucionar problemas de manera efectiva utilizando

gramática, conjugación de verbos y uso de ideas claras correctamente.

2. Dada la situación o problema, podrán desarrollar escritos (Revisión Literaria)

para proponer una solución utilizando vocabulario variado, jerga técnica de

manera apropiada y correcta.

3. Identificarán las necesidades relevantes para desarrollar una investigación para

atender dichas necesidades de manera efectiva, haciendo uso correcto de la

sintaxis, orden lógico de ideas y vocabulario

Direcciones Electrónicas

American Psychological Association


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Tareas antes del taller dos

1. Buscar y leer información sobre como citar información de otros autores y como

establecer las referencias en un trabajo de investigación (ver Anejo F para guía

de APA). El facilitador puede hacer arreglos para que el personal del Centro de

Recursos de Aprendizaje (biblioteca) visite el salón de clases y provea a los

estudiantes una orientación sobre el estilo APA para citar trabajos de otros y

escribir referencias para evitar el plagio.

2. Buscar y leer información sobre lo que es y lo que comprende la investigación

cuantitativa y la investigación cualitativa.

3. Haber completado y haber realizado un 80% de la revisión de literatura y debe

haber entregado su primer borrador al facilitador.

4. Como parte de la investigación a realizar para este taller, los estudiantes

buscarán las siguientes actividades del libro de actividades: Student workbook to

accompany, “How to design and evaluate research in education” activities: 2.3 –

3.1 – 3.2 – 3.3 – 5.1 – 13.4 – 18.2 y vendrán preparados para discutirlas en



1. El facilitador dividirá la clase en dos grupos y cada grupo será asignado uno de

los dos métodos de investigación (cualitativo y cuantitativo). Después de haberle

asignado suficiente tiempo, cada grupo elegirá una persona que sea el reportero

del grupo para discutir la información que aportaron concerniente a estos dos

tipos de investigación. Los miembros de cada grupo deberán aportar a la

discusión de cada compañero y el facilitador aportará con su experiencia y

conocimiento siempre que sea necesario.

2. El facilitador y los estudiantes discutirán los siguientes ejercicios para

complementar con el material discutido y expandir los conocimientos en el área

de investigación; “Student workbook to accompany: How to design and evaluate

research in education” activities: 2.3 – 3.1 – 3.2 – 3.3 – 5.1 – 13.4 – 18.2

3. EL facilitador discutirá con los estudiantes como esta estructurada la introducción

de la propuesta de investigación y explicara los componentes de la misma (Ver

Anejo G para guía de introducción)

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4. El facilitador asignará a los estudiantes el desarrollo de la introducción de la

propuesta una vez los estudiantes estén claros en como se estructura la misma.

El facilitador una vez más establecerá la fecha y el método de envío de los


5. El facilitador se reunirá con los estudiantes que necesiten ayuda individual con el

desarrollo de la revisión de literatura y proveerá retroalimentación según aplique.

Los estudiantes deben seguir trabajando con la revisión de literatura, según las

recomendaciones del facilitador.

6. Diario reflexivo: Basado en la información presentada en clase hoy, ¿cuál de los

dos métodos aplica más a mi área de trabajo y porque? Si escoges ambos

métodos, entonces explica porque los escogiste a ambos.


1. Diario Reflexivo (Anejo C)

2. Participación en Clase (Anejo D)

3. Tabla para recopilar asignaciones (las actividades tendrán un valor asignado de

10 puntos por taller para un total de 40 puntos) (Anejo E).

4. Matriz valorativa para trabajos escritos (Anejo I)

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Workshop Three

Specific Objectives

At the end of this workshop, students will be able to:

1. Define and apply the term validity.

2. Define and apply the term reliability.

3. Discuss major ethical issues involved in the process of investigation, specifically

when dealing with human subjects.

4. Understand the importance of ethics in the process of investigation.

Language Objectives

At the end of this workshop, students will be able to:

1. Present a persuasive argument to support one’s (his/her) personal point of view

using correct pronunciation, grammar and verb usage.

2. Propose innovative solutions through integration of new information with current

knowledge using correct vocabulary and technical jargon.

3. Summarize main ideas based on the content of the workshop using correct

grammar and spelling in English.


Asociación Americana de la Psicología

Conducting Research

Ethic Issues

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Assignments before Workshop Three

1. Search for and read information on validity and reliability and come prepared to

class to discuss both concepts so as to be able to define both concepts and apply

them to situations.

2. Search for and read information on ethics in the investigation process and be able

to list major aspects of investigation that need to be taken into consideration when

conducting and investigation.

3. Continue working on the proposal (Review of literature should be already

completed and the introduction should be turned in today).

4. As part of the search to be performed for this workshop, students will search at

the library or based on the text materials needed for this course the following

activities: “Student workbook to accompany: How to design and evaluate research in

education” activities: 3.4 – 4.3 – 4.4 – 8.1 – 8.2 – 9.1 – 9.2 – 9.3 and will come

prepared to discussed them in class.


1. The facilitator will divide the class into two groups where one group will be

assigned the concept of validity and the other will be assigned the concept of

reliability. Each group will provide with a definition of the concept assigned and will

provide with some examples that demonstrate each concept. The facilitator will

provide with his / her expertise as necessary. Each group will designate a reporter to

present to the rest of the class.

2. The facilitator will provide students with an exercise from the “Student workbook

to accompany: How to design and evaluate research in education” where they have

to classify the given situations into validity and reliability.

3. After given enough time, the exercises will be discussed as a whole class; the

facilitator will provide with his/her expertise whenever needed.

4. Through a PowerPoint presentation or any form of technology (video, clip of

movie, news report, etc), the facilitator will discuss the issue of ethics when

conducting an investigation.

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5. After having finished the discussion, the facilitator and students will discuss the

activities from the “Student workbook to accompany: How to design and evaluate

research in education” 3.4 – 4.3 – 4.4 – 8.1 – 8.2 – 9.1 – 9.2 – 9.3

6. After given enough time, the exercises will be discussed and the facilitator will

clarify any doubts or questions that may occur.

7. The facilitator will discuss the methodology part of the proposal (See appendix H

for methodology guidelines). The facilitator will make sure that students understand

the parts of the methodology part of the proposal and will establish the date and

method of sending the work.

8. The facilitator will have individual meetings with those students that need extra

help or need to clarify doubts.

9. Learning Journal: Based on the information presented in class today, what are

the implications of knowing about the ethical issues involved when conducting an



1. Learning Journal (Appendix C)

2. Class Participation (Appendix D)

3. Chart to Record Assignments (Activities per workshop will have a total of 10

points per workshop, for a total of 40 points) (Appendix E)

4. Rubric to assess students’ writings (Appendix I)

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Taller Cuatro

Objetivos Específicos

Al final del taller los estudiantes podrán:

1. Definir los términos datos e instrumentación

2. Definir las cuatro escalas de medición

3. Identificar el proceso para desarrollar instrumentos de investigación apropiados y


4. Definir el concepto utilidad de instrumentos y aplicarlo a la investigación

5. Identificar y describir los diferentes tipos de instrumentos y sus usos.

6. Identificar algunos problemas de investigación y retos que se pueden enfrentar en

el campo educativo

Objetivos de Lenguaje

Al finalizar el taller los estudiantes podrán:

1. Explicar en sus propias palabras el problema presentado por ellos y explicarán

como podría solucionarse utilizando vocabulario, jerga técnica y gramática


2. Parafrasear adecuadamente el contenido estudiado para el taller de hoy y

aportara a la discusión del taller utilizando los conceptos y verbos correctamente.

3. Presentar argumentos persuasivos para apoyar su punto de vista personal con

relación al contenido del taller y sus investigaciones utilizando orden lógico de las

ideas, vocabulario apropiado y sintaxis correctamente.


American Psychological Association


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Tareas a realizar antes del Taller Cuatro

1. Buscar y leer información sobre como expresar ideas y utilizar lenguaje evitando

emitir prejuicio y ser subjetivo en la investigación.

2. Buscar y leer información sobre los diferentes tipos de instrumentación y sus


3. Buscar y leer información sobre la recopilación de datos en la investigación;

proveer con una definición del término “datos” y buscar información sobre los

diferentes tipos de datos que se pueden recopilar en una investigación.

4. Buscar y leer información sobre las cuatro escalas de medición de una

investigación y proveer ejemplos.

5. Identificar posibles retos y problemas que se pueden enfrentar al momento de la

construcción de instrumentos de investigación.

6. Continuar trabajando con la propuesta de investigación, y entregar las partes ya

discutidas y completadas al facilitador.

7. Buscar en la biblioteca o en los materiales o texto necesarios para el curso las

siguientes actividades; “Student workbook to accompany: How to design and

evaluate research in education” activities: 7.1 – 7.2 – 7.3 – 7.5 – 7.6 – 23.2 y venir

preparado para discutirlas en clase.


1. El facilitador y los estudiantes discutirán como utilizar lenguaje y evitar ideas que

transmiten el prejuicio y la subjetividad.

2. El facilitador dividirá la clase en grupos pequeños donde cada grupo será

asignado un tipo de instrumentación. Cada grupo presentará el tipo de

instrumentación asignado y proveerá al resto de la clase con ejemplos del mismo y

como se utiliza.

3. El facilitador guiara a los estudiantes en una discusión sobre la definición de

datos y los diferentes tipos de recopilación de datos en la investigación

4. El facilitador creará cuatro grupos donde cada grupo será asignado una escala

de medición. Cada grupo deberá definir la escala asignada y proveer ejemplos de la

misma. Después de haber tenido suficiente tiempo cada grupo presentará el resto

de la clase.

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5. El facilitador y los estudiantes discutirán las actividades 7.1 – 7.2 – 7.3 – 7.5 – 7.6

– 23.2 del recurso “Student workbook to accompany: How to design and evaluate

research in education”.

6. A través de una discusión social, el facilitador y los estudiantes discutirán los

posible retos y problemas que pudieran enfrentar en el campo educativo al

momento de diseñar instrumentos de investigación.

7. El facilitador discutirá con los estudiantes el proceso de presentación de las

propuestas durante el próximo taller. Se discutirá la matriz valorativa a ser utilizada

para evaluar las mismas. Es importante recordar que las propuestas deben ser

presentadas en el idioma inglés. Dependiendo de la cantidad de estudiantes el

facilitador determinara la cantidad de tiempo asignada a cada estudiante para

presentar sus propuestas.

8. El facilitador se reunirá individualmente con aquellos estudiantes que así lo


9. Diario Reflexivo: Basado en la información discutida durante los cuatro talleres,

cuales son algunas de la implicaciones más importantes que tiene la investigación

activa en el campo educativo.


1. Diario Reflexivo (Anejo C)

2. Participación en Clase (Anejo D)

3. Tabla para recopilar asignaciones (Las actividades tendrán un valor asignado de

10 puntos por taller para un total de 40 puntos) (Anejo E)

4. Matriz valorativa para trabajos escritos (Anejo I)

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Workshop Five/Taller Cinco

NOTE / NOTA: This is a bilingual workshop. The facilitator will present in Spanish

and the students in English. Este taller es bilingüe. El facilitador presentará en

español y los estudiantes en inglés.

Specific Objectives

At the end of this workshop, the student will:

1. Have presented their research proposals to the class.

2. Have a completed their research proposals, properly critiqued and corrected.

3. Identify different types of research.

4. Identify research methodology.

5. Identify research problems.

6. Identify ethical concerns.

7. Propose alternative hypothesis.

Language Objectives

At the end of this workshop students will be able to:

1. Present their research proposals using correct pronunciation, logical order of

ideas and correct use of technical concepts pertaining to their areas of investigation/

2. Provide possible solutions to the problem investigated using correct grammar,

vocabulary and verb usage.

3. Submit their research proposals with minimal or zero mistakes in the use of

syntax, grammar, verbs and logical order of ideas.


American Psychological Association


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Educational Data

Assignments before Workshop Five

1. Study information on “Checklist for Manuscript Submission” of the APA

Publication Manual and apply the checklist to your research proposal.

2. Review the parts of the research method.

3. Review the parts of the methodology.

4. Complete your research proposal and be ready to present it in class.

5. Be prepared to analyze, discuss and provide feedback to other students about

their research proposals.


1. Each student will present to the class their research proposal.

2. Other students will identify the variables and methodology involved in the

proposed study.

3. Students will offer alternative hypothesis to the research question.

4. Students will attempt to identify any potential problems or challenges to the

proposed research.

5. Students will discuss the ethic principles involved.

6. Students will turn in their research proposals

7. The facilitator will provide his/her final feedback regarding the course and

students proposals

8. The facilitator will use a closing activity of his/her preference to conclude the



1. Rubric for Oral Presentation (Appendix J)

2. Rubric for Research Proposal (Appendix K)

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Research Proposal: Paper and Presentation

Students will be required to submit a research proposal the last day of class. This

proposal will be an ongoing process throughout the whole term, and the facilitator

will provide feedback at every step of the writing process. Each student will present

the proposal to the class during Workshop Five.

The research proposal should consist of the following parts:

title page


introduction (Chapter one)

literature review and other relevant supporting material (Chapter two)

methodology (Chapter three)

references in APA style

Appendices (Consent letters, surveys, etc)

The research proposal should address the following:

specification of the research problem and research objectives

relevant research, related literature, and alternative explanations

justification of why this topic was selected and others were not

explanation of existing theories in the field of interest

specification of the data collection process and instruments to be used

the main hypotheses of interest, and alternative explanations

the proposed population and sampling method

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The research proposal will be evaluated for its

fulfillment of learning outcomes and course objectives

adherence to APA style standards

clarity and quality of writing

accuracy of information

coherence of your design

effectiveness of presentation

Your research proposal must parallel the method of scientific reasoning. That is: the

problem is defined, a hypothesis is created, a study is devised to test the hypothesis,

and potential conclusions are provided as if the study had been conducted. You

must clearly identify your methodology (instrumentation, participants, sampling

method, etc.) and the variables must be defined and quantifiable:

The research proposal must follow all ethical guidelines:

Ethical Principles

* respect for persons (autonomy)

* non-maleficence (do not harm)

* beneficence (do good)

* justice (exclusion)

* informed consent

Ethical Considerations

* scientific validity - is the research scientifically sound and valid?

* recruitment - how and by whom are participants recruited?

* participation - what does participation in the study involve?

* harms and benefits - what are real potential harms and benefits of participating in

the study?

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The research proposal will be written at a scholarly level. Students will demonstrate

appropriate writing skills by:

accurate typing and spelling

predominant use of active voice

correct use of tenses

agreement of subjects and verbs

no misplaced or dangling modifiers

non-sexist and non-ethnically-biased language

correct use of punctuation

complete sentences

correct reference list construction

proper use of citations

concise, well constructed, and flowing sentences and paragraphs

concise and coherent presentation, development, and application of ideas

a comprehensive literature review with appropriate citation of sources

relevance of the topic to their professional field

comprehensive coverage of relevant theoretical/clinical/research/historical issues


Research Objectives

Research Questions


Identifying the research problem and developing a question to be answered are the

first steps in the research process. The research question will then guide the

remainder of the design process.

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Research Objectives

The objectives of a research refer to a clear statement of the specific purposes of

the study, which identifies the key study variables and their possible

interrelationships and the nature of the population of interest.

Research Question

The specific purpose stated in the form of a question.


The hypothesis refers to a tentative prediction or explanation of the relationship

between two or more variables. It is a prediction of the answer to the research

question. The hypothesis can be stated as an alternate hypothesis: e.g. there is a

significant difference between students in a traditional program and students in a

constructivist program in terms of their academic achievement.

The hypothesis can be stated as a Null Hypothesis: e.g. there is no significant

difference between students in a traditional program and students in a constructivist

program in terms of their academic achievement.

The hypothesis and research questions:

must be clear and consistent.

must identify key concepts and constructs

must include the independent and dependent variables

must clearly predict a relationship between the variables

must be measurable

must be relevant


Criteria for Instrument Construction

avoid jargon terms that only a limited number of people may know

avoid words that have ambiguous meaning

do not ask more than one question at a time

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avoid loaded or leading questions

minimize the amount of writing the respondents must do

put the questions in a logical order

place sensitive or difficult questions at the end of the survey

begin with clear directions

field test the instrument

Steps for Instrument Development

review the literature in the domain which you wish to measure

develop a list of categories (subscales) that you wish to sample from the domain

write 8 to 10 statements (operational definitions) for each category

give the items to at least 5 others in your class for classification (content validity)

the other students will attempt to match the operational definitions with their

appropriate categories within the domain

then develop an instrument with the successfully classified items

use a Likert scale to design your instrument

rewrite some of the items that were not successfully classified

follow the steps for content validity again for the newly written statements

field test the instrument with the populations for which the instrument is being


modify and retest the instrument if necessary

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The review of literature is also known as the Chapter two of a research. It is always

recommended that students start with this chapter since it will give them a whole

sense of what they will be investigating and it is most of the times helpful to shape

the research question or hypotheses. Here is a guide that will help you in searching

for research literature or what other researchers have done in the area you are

investigating as an attempt to provide solutions to the problem you have identified:

Chapter Two: Review of Literature


This is where you will be giving a general description of the problem you have

identified; although similar to what you will write in chapter one, it is a more general

idea or set of ideas that will set the stage for the research you will be compiling

throughout this chapter. In this section major ideas presented will have to be

supported by experts, so that they do not appear to be your opinions; remember

research is about objectivity and supporting ideas with expertise of others

who have had experience in the area. This part of this chapter is written in the

present tense.

Review of Literature

In this section of your chapter you will be writing about what others have done in the

area trying to solve the problem you have identified. What is really important here

about what others have done is the following: problem investigated what they did,

how they did it, what they found and some general conclusions offered by the

researchers you have found. In this section, although you will be writing about what

others have done, it is of extreme importance that you weave the ideas of experts or

researchers with your own ideas so as to make connections from one idea to the

other. Remember when writing your own ideas to make these connections you must

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remained objective at all times and you must be careful with being biased about the

topic. Note: this part of this chapter is written in the past tense.


In this section you will be wrapping up the ideas presented above by summarizing

major findings or ideas found so as to connect your thoughts to the next section of

the research. After summarizing major findings and/or ideas, you can also add a

preview of what will be coming in the rest of your proposal or pose a question that

will make the reader think about your research topic.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the purpose of this research proposal, chapter two

must include at least ten research references.

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Learning Journal

Student Name: _______________________ Journal #: _____Date:


Criteria Day One Day Two Day




Day Five

Student turned in the journal on time assigned

Student answers questions without deviating from the topic; ideas are well connected and follow a sequence

Student uses critical thinking to express ideas and projects a deep understanding of the topic discussed in class

Sentences are written using appropriate syntax, punctuation, verb usage, and grammar

Total Points

Student’s Signature: ____________________________

Facilitator’s Signature: ___________________________

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Class Participation and Attendance Rubric (Possible Points 20)

Student’s Name:________________________________Date:_____________

Course Title:_________________________Professor:___________________

Class Participation Excellent Satisfactory No Compliance

Rating Scale 2 1 0

Criteria Workshop






Workshop 4


5 Grand Total

*Attendance (20 points per class)

Demonstrates mastery of topic by providing information and data valuable to the class discussions.(2 points)

Demonstrates interest in the group discussions by listening and respecting other’s opinion(2 points)

Participates actively in the class discussions and contributes with ideas that are relevant to the topic (2 points)

Uses adequate verbal communication skills (2 points)

Demonstrates initiative and creativity in the class activities. (2 points)

Total Points Obtained

% Obtained

Student’s Signature ____________________________ Date___________________ Facilitator’s Signature ___________________________ Date __________________

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Turning in Assignments per workshop will have a value of 10 points per workshop for a total of 40 points
















Turned in


Total Score: __________

Total Percentage: _________

Facilitator’s Signature: ______________________________

Student’s Signature: ________________________________

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APPENDIX F/ANEJO F APA Style Guide for Students at

Florida Campuses

Information Skill Program

Learning Resources Center

APA Guide was prepared by Rosa Valera

Library Assistant

Information was taken from

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APA Style Based on a document published by the University of Southern Mississippi Libraries (, “APA is an editorial style recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA) for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research papers. It is the standard format for papers, articles and books in the social sciences.”

It is also stated in this document that APA provides standardized rules for formatting, in addition to providing a consistent method for citing ideas, quotations, facts, and paraphrases borrowed from other sources. This helps in making the paper more credible and allows the writer to give credit for others’ thoughts and ideas.

General Document Guidelines

A. Margins: One inch on all sides (top, bottom, left, right), except for works that will require binding where students will need to use a 1.5” margin on the left. APA 286-287

B. Font Size and Type: 12-pt. font (Times Roman or Courier are acceptable typefaces). APA 285

C. Line Spacing: Double-space throughout the paper, including the title page, abstract, body of the document, references, appendixes, footnotes, tables, and figure captions. APA 286

D. Spacing after Punctuation: Space once after all punctuation. This includes using one space (not two!) following punctuation marks at the ends of sentences. APA 290

E. Paper type: the work must be printed on one side of standard size (8½x 11, 20 pound) white paper. All pages of the manuscript should be the same size. Do not use half sheets or strips of paper glued, taped, or stapled to the pages. Graduate students completing their graduate programs must use 25% cotton white paper. APA 284

F. Page Numbers: beginning with the title page, number all pages consecutively with Arabic numerals in the upper right hand corner at least one inch from the top of the page. Set page numbering to start on second page. In the case of graduate students completing their thesis, the preliminary pages must be identified with roman numerals, followed by Arabic numerals on the content pages. The default of most word processing software is acceptable. APA 288

G. Indentation: indent the first line of every paragraph and the first line of every reference. For consistency, use the tab key, which should be set at five to seven spaces or ½ inch. The default settings in most word processing programs are acceptable. Type the remaining lines flush to the left hand margin. The only exceptions to these requirements are the abstract, block quotations, titles and headings, table titles, and figure captions. When typing references, the first line is flushed to the left margin and the second line is indented. APA 289

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Formatting Paper APA Format in Microsoft Word

Step 1: Margin (1”)

Click on the File menu and then on Page Setup. Margins tab: Margins should be 1 inch on the top, bottom, left and right sides.

Step 2: Double Spacing

Click on the Format menu and then on Paragraph. Indents and Spacing tab. Look at Spacing. Under Line Spacing choose Double. Click OK.

Step 3: Page Number and Abbreviated Title (running header) in Upper Right (The header is one of the exceptions that we will not follow from APA) Note: Page numbers are placed in the upper right hand corner of all pages.

Click on the View menu and then on Header and Footer. Type your title, add five spaces, and then click on the page number icon to insert the page number.

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Type your title, add five spaces, and then click on the page number icon to insert the page number.

Align to the right by clicking on the "Align Right" icon on the top toolbar. Then close the "Header and Footer" toolbar.

Step 4: Table of Contents Click on the Format menu and then on Tabs.

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Go the end of each line and click on your “Tab” key. Example:

Step 5: Title Page The manuscript page header appears five spaces to the left of the page number on every page beginning with the title page. Manuscript page headers are used to identified manuscript pages during the editorial process. Using most processors, the manuscript page header and page numbers can be inserted in to a header, which automatically appears on all pages. Double space the title and center it in the upper half of the title page.

Chapter 2: Literature Review.............................................................................................12

Learning Theories ..................................................................................................12

The Brain ...............................................................................................................19

Learning Styles ......................................................................................................30

Instructional Technology .......................................................................................32

Type in 6” where it says: “Tab stop position”

Select “Right” under “Alignment” section

Under “Leader” select “2”


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Title page sample

Thesis Title page sample

Type in 6” where it says: “Tab stop position”

Select “Right” un

Under “Leader”

select “2”


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A Class-Size Reduction Can Make a Difference in Student Achievement } Title

A Reading Seminar Term Paper Submitted to the Metro Orlando Campus in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education

By Cristina Camacho } Author Name

Universidad del Turabo 2005

Mrs. Camacho authorized the use of title pages for the use of this document


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Book with one Author Cushing, C.E. (2001). Streams: Their ecology and life. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Note: Each figure shown above represents the form of writing your reference. Book with two Authors Beck, C. A.J., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Family mediation: Facts, myths, and future prospects.

Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Book with three or more authors Hayes, S. C., Stosahl, K. & Wilson, K. G. (1999). Acceptance and commitment therapy.

New York: The Gilford Press. No Author Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-

Webster. Edition Book Mitchell, T., & Larson, J. R. (1987). People in organizations: An introduction to

organizational behavior. (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Book, revised edition Rosenthal, R. (1987). Meta-analytic procedures for social research (Rev. ed.). Newbury

Park, CA: Sage. Edited Book Gibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). ( 1991). Children of color: Psychological interventions

with minority youth. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Book, no author or editor Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10th ed.) (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.

Author Year Title (italicized) City, State Publisher

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Book Corporate author Ohio State University Natural Resources Institute (1959). A directory of Ohio facilities and

services for resources conservation. Columbus, OH:Natural Resources Institute.

Editor and not author Carlock, C. J. (Ed.). (1999). Enhancing self-esteem (3rd.ed.). Philadelphia: Accelerated development. Magazine article Kandel, E. R., & Squire, L. R. (2000, November 10). Neuroscience: Breaking down scientific

barriers to the study of brain and mind. Science, 290, 1113-1120. Newsletter Article Brown, L. S. (1993, Spring). Antidomination training as a central component of diversity in

clinical psychology education. The clinical Psychologist, 46, 83-87.

Article or Chapter in an Edited Book

O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp. 107-123). New York: Springer.

ERIC Document

Fuss-Reineck, M. (1993). Sibling communication in Star trek: The next generation: Conflicts between brothers. Miami, FL: Annual Meeting of the Speech CommunicatioAssociation. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 364932)

ERIC Document (without document report number) Jung, S. M. (1986). The role of accreditation in directly improving educational quality.

Washington, DC: Council on Postsecondary Accreditation. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED267055)

Volume number or

Issues number Magazine Name


Date of publication

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Encyclopedia Article

Sturgeon, T. (1995). Science fiction. In The encyclopedia Americana (Vol. 24, pp. 390-392). Danbury, CT: Grolier.

Videocassette Garmon, L. (Producer and Director), & Apsell, P. (Executive Producer). (1994). Secret of the

wild child [Videocassette]. Boston, MA: WGBH Educational Foundation. Audio Recording Costa, P. T., Jr. (Speaker). (1988). Personality, continuity, and changes of adult life

(Cassette Recording No. 207-433-88A-B). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Article in an Internet-only journal Fredrickson, B. L. (2000, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and well-

being. Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Retrieved November 20, 2000, from Web Site Thaller, M. (2007) Cool cosmos. Retrieved August 27, 2007, from

This WebPages are great when you have confused about which make reference about APA Style.

For more citation example see: APA Format Citing Resources


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American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

American Psychological Association. (2003). APA style. Retrieved December 17,

2007, from

American Psychological Association. (2005). Concise rules of APA style. Washington, DC: Author.

Flaming, D. (2002). Using nursing science does not guarantee nursing excellence. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 16(3), 147-159.

Plonsky, M. (2004). Psychology with style: A hypertext writing guide (Version 5).

Retrieved on December 12, 2007, from

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This part of the research proposal or research itself, is also known as Chapter One:

Introduction. This is where you will state the problem you have identified, including

demographics or general description of the setting or context where the problem

exists. In this section you will also include information that the reader might need to

understand the upcoming sections of the research proposal. The following is a

suggested outline of what this chapter should look like:

Chapter One: Introduction


Here you will just provide with a brief introduction giving the overall brief overview of

your research intentions. Just a paragraph will be enough, no more than that. This

chapter is written in the present tense.

Statement of the Problem

In this section you will describe the problem you have identified, supported by data if

possible and details on demographics that describe the setting or context where the

problem exists. Remember that major ides presented must be supported by experts,

especially if you include theories that support your problem of investigation. You will

also write your research question and you must include two types of hypotheses: the

alternate hypothesis and the null hypothesis.


In this section you will basically write why you are conducting the research and will

present how this research will contribute to solving the problem you have identified.

Again, always support your ideas with experts. You may want to think of a

theoretical framework (that is a major theory or series of theories that shape a

program or the proposed solutions to solve the problem) to be included in this part of

your research.

Definition of Terms

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In this section of your research proposal you will provide readers with definitions of

those concepts that pertain to your research topic and they are operationally defined

so as to meet the needs of your investigation or purpose. The definitions have to be

from professional sources and must be cited properly based on APA guide. This list

should not to extend, so you will have to determine which are those terms or

concepts that need to be defined for readers.

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The methodology part of the proposal or investigation is also known as Chapter

Three. This section of your research proposal is where you as the researcher will

explain in detail how you intend to perform the investigation. This chapter is written

in the future tense since you will be proposing how you will be conducting the

investigation in the future. The following is a guide for the creation of this chapter.

Chapter Three: Methodology


This section provides readers with an overview of what is coming up in your chapter;

it serves as the link or background information before getting into details in the rest

of the chapter. Make sure not to provide with a lot of information at the offset in the

introductions part of the chapter.

Importance of the Study

This section will provide readers with information on why is it important to conduct

this type of research and why is your research important in terms of solving a

situation you have identified, in terms of serving as a tool for educators and all

stakeholders involved, etc.


Here you will explain in detail how you intend to conduct the research and the

following elements need to be taken into consideration:

Selection of Literature: Resources where literature review are found

Population and sample group: Who your population will be (Demographics,

other important data to be included) and how you intend to select the sample

from the population, including the ideal amount to be selected.

Instrumentation: Describe the instrument or instruments you intend to use in

your investigation and include an explanation of why the selected instruments

will best meet the needs of your research.

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Data: Explain what kind of data you intend to obtain and what you will do with

it. Also, include the data collection process; how you will collect the data

including time frame and other important details pertaining to the data

collections process.

Explain the process you will use to conduct the investigation this includes,

sending out consent letters (parents, subjects, school personnel, etc) and the

process of conducting the investigation (surveys, observations, etc).

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Rubric to Assess Students’ Writings

Student Name: ______________________ Date: _______________

Criteria Value Points Student Score


Introductory statement is clear and well stated


Major or relevant details are exposed in essay


Present a thesis, supporting it in a persuasive and sophisticated way, providing precise and relevant examples.


Sentences are cohesive and ideas flow as the essay is read


Establish a writer's relationship with the subject, providing a clear perspective on the subject matter and engaging the audience's attention.


Draw conclusions that reflect the relationships or significant outcomes of the discussion.


Demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of significant ideas, using them appropriately to reach a higher level of understanding in an organized manner.


Language Demonstrate a command of standard English (vocabulary used, syntax and flow of ideas)


Uses grammar appropriately and correctly


Manages and uses verbs appropriately and correctly


Total Points 100 (70% content and 30% language)

Student’s total Score: _______

Student’s Signature: __________________________

Facilitator’s Signature: _________________________

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Proposal Presentation Rubric

Student Name: _____________________________Date:___________________

Criteria Value Points Student Total Score


The speaker provides listeners with

a clear introduction of the research

proposal and sets the stage and

engages the attention of audience


The speaker demonstrates

command of specific knowledge

and experience of proposal



The speaker explains in detail all

steps involved in the research

proposal presented in clear manner

to ensure understanding of



The speaker uses delivery to

emphasize and enhance the

meaning of the message.


The speaker delivers the message

in a lively, enthusiastic fashion

using a power point containing

only bullets


The speaker delivers presentation

without depending on Power Point

100%, without reading from it



Pronunciation and enunciation are

very clear. The speaker exhibits

very few disfluencies, such as

"ahs," "uhms," or "you knows."



Student pronounces words in a

clear and correct manner so as to

make language understood to



Correct use of grammar and verb

conjugation 10

Correct use of vocabulary words

and concepts to express message 10

Total Points 100 (70% of content and

30% of language)

Student’s Total Score:


Student’s signature: ___________Facilitator’s Signature: __________________

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Proposal Rubric

Student Name: ______________________ Date: _______________

Criteria Value Points Student Score


Introduction meets all required criteria and aspects


Major or relevant details are exposed in proposal


Review of literature is clear and meets all required criteria


Sentences are cohesive and ideas flow as the proposal is read


Methodology is clear enough for reader to visualize and perform the investigation.


Draw conclusions that reflect the relationships or significant outcomes of the discussion.


Demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of significant ideas, using them appropriately to reach a higher level of understanding in an organized manner.


Language Demonstrate a command of standard English (vocabulary used, syntax and flow of ideas)


Uses grammar appropriately and correctly


Manages and uses verbs appropriately and correctly


Total Points 100 (70% content and 30% language)

Student’s total Score: _______

Student’s Signature: __________________________

Facilitator’s Signature: _________________________