sis dvd in order..txt

Upload: marcello-barone

Post on 06-Jul-2018




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  • 8/17/2019 SIS DVD in order..txt


    You will have to find these on the down loads you got earlier because this willnot let you go straighto the link it just helps you out so you donrt have to set and download everythig at once.

    Each color is a complete DVD, so start at very top, you want to downlodcount down to the third color (Yellow) #3 DVD 6 parts it is for Trucks. #3 DVD 6 parts it is for Trucks.Go to page 5 down load all the ones in Yellow 14 in totalbelow that in green download all the 13 totalbelow that one in yellow download all the 4 intotalbelow that in Green download all them 5 total.when done you should have #3 DVD Trucks, (SIS 2011base Set up,) (RER10,)(RER11,)(RER12) setup DiskYou want to install Cat ET First then start with sis base when that opens up uncheck Cat electronic etthe only one that is checked, next you want to check all the other ones to start install.CAT ET must be installed and activated first