SIOS Protection Suite for Linux Parameters List v9.3.1 Core Parameters List EC2 Parameters List IP Parameters List MD Parameters List MQ Parameters List NFS Parameters List Oracle Parameters List PostgreSQL Parameters List Quorum Parameters List SAP Parameters List DataKeeper Parameters List

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Page 1: Meaning Setting Value Default Value Whento Apply Notes AWSCLI_ CONNECT_ TIMEOUT

SIOS Protection Suite for Linux

Parameters List


Core Parameters List

EC2 Parameters List

IP Parameters List

MD Parameters List

MQ Parameters List

NFS Parameters List

Oracle Parameters List

PostgreSQL Parameters List

Quorum Parameters List

SAP Parameters List

DataKeeper Parameters List

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Page 2: Meaning Setting Value Default Value Whento Apply Notes AWSCLI_ CONNECT_ TIMEOUT

Core Parameters ListThe table below lists and explains names andmeanings of the Core parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeperconfiguration file.

Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue





Number of seconds between when a process sendsa request through the ʺlcdsendremoteʺ function toanother machine before it expects a response. If noresponse is received in this time interval, the functionwill try an alternate path if available.

Integers 900 LifeKeepe-r startup


The default action to take duringmachine failoverprocessing when failover confirmation is configured.The default action is only taken when nomanualresponse is received from the administrator withinthe timeout period (see CONFIRMSOTO).

0: proceedwith


1: block thefailover

0 Asrequired

See the Confirm Failover andBlock Resource Failover Settings.


The time in seconds to wait for administrator actionwhen failover confirmation is configured. When thetimeout period expires the default action forCONFIMRSODEF is taken. Otherwise, theadministrator action is taken.

Integers 600 Asrequired

Machine failover processing will bedelayed until administratorconfirmation is received or thetimeout period expires.

See the Confirm Failover andBlock Resource Failover Settings.


Number of seconds between verifying that areserved device is still reserved by the local system.If the device is not reserved then the system will haltand reboot.

Integers 5 LifeKeepe-r startup

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Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue




SCSIERRORDetermines the action to take when a SCSI devicecannot be opened, accessed, or another SCSI erroroccurs (e.g., timeout).

event:LifeKeeper's core

should beinformedthat adevice

needs to beswitchedover to abackupsystem

halt: Thesystemshould

immediately be halted

andrebooted toavoid datacorruption

event LifeKeepe-r startup

SCSIERROR does not overridethe action taken in the case of alost SCSI reservation - a halt isalways performed in that case.

LKCHECKINTERVALApplication health monitoring wait time (in seconds)between checks. Set to zero to disable health mon-itoring.

Integers (0,1 and over) 120 LifeKeepe-

r startup

Changed setupmust be set upagain when LifeKeeper is upgradedbecause the set up is overwrittento the original default at the time.

FILESYSFULLWARNThe file system full threshold at which time warningmessages will start appearing in the LifeKeeper log.Setting to 0 will disable monitoring.

Integers 90 Asrequired

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Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue





The file system full threshold at which time errormessages will start appearing in the LifeKeeper log.Additionally theLKROOT/events/filesys/diskfull/notify script will becalled when this threshold is reached.

Setting to 0 will disable monitoring.

Integers 95 Asrequired

LK_TRAP_MGROne ormore network managers (separated by com-mas) to receive SNMP traps. No traps are sent if thisvariable is not set.

String (not set) Asrequired

This value can be configured using/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lk_configsnmp.Do not include spaces in the value.Especially when specifyingmorethan one network managers,pleasemake sure not to includespaces before and after thecomma.

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Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue





Email address or address list used to receivenotificationmessages when certain events occur in aLifeKeeper cluster. A null value indicates nonotification will occur. The expected format is:


- no notification is sent


- mail sent to user1 at domain1


- mail sent to user1 and user2 atdomain1

String (not set) Asrequired

This value can be configured using/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/ lk_confignotifyalias.

LKSYSLOGTAG Tag for syslog. String LifeKeepe-r LifeKeepe-

r startup

LKSYSLOGSELECTO-R Level for syslog.

user, dae-mon, loc-al0, local1,...or local7

local6 LifeKeepe-r startup


The interval, in seconds, used to send heartbeats sig-nal Failing to receive the LCM signal, which includesheartbeat signal, from another server within the inter-val time is determined as heartbeat stop.

Integers 5 LifeKeepe-r startup

If a value is 0, it will be set to thedefault. For detailed information,refer to "Tuning the LifeKeeperHeartbeat" in SIOS TechnicalDocumentation.

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Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue





Number of consecutivemissed heartbeats to mark acommunication path down. In the real implementedsystem, it is not the number, but LCMHBEATTIME xLCMNUMHBEATS seconds missing com-munication is determined as communication path dis-connection.

Integers 3 LifeKeepe-r startup

If a value is 0, it will be set to thedefault. For detailed information,refer to "Tuning the LifeKeeperHeartbeat" in SIOS TechnicalDocumentation.

LC_MESSAGES Changes the language environment. String C LifeKeepe-r startup

When changing the value, beaware that it may adversely affectthe way LifeKeeper operates. Theside effects depend on whether ornot message catalogs are installedfor various languages and utilitiesand if they produce text output thatLifeKeeper does not expect.

GUI_WEB_PORT Specifies the port to use for LifeKeeper ManagementWeb servers (lkGUI). Integers 81

Restart-ing stee-leye-lighttpd

To reboot steeleye-lighttpd:

/opt/LifeKeeper/sbin/sv restart/opt/LifeKeeper/etc/service/steeleye-lighttpd

API_SSL_PORT Specifies the port used for the LifeKeeper API. Integers 778

Restart-ing stee-leye-lighttpd

To reboot steeleye-lighttpd:

/opt/LifeKeeper/sbin/sv restart/opt/LifeKeeper/etc/service/steeleye-lighttpd

LOGMGR_LOGLEVEL Specifies the log level of Generic Applications.LK_INFOor LK_ERROR


LifeKeepe-r startupor restart-ing the lk_logmgrprocess

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EC2 Parameters ListThe table below lists the EC2 parameters. These values are set by adding them to the /etc/default/LifeKeeper configuration file. Because none of thecomponents of the Recovery Kit for EC2 arememory resident, changes to these particular values become effective immediately after they are changedin /etc/default/LifeKeeperwithout requiring a LifeKeeper restart.

Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes

EC2_RESTORE_TIMEOUT Timeout for the resource restore, in seconds. Integers 300 As required

EC2_REMOVE_TIMEOUT Timeout for the resource remove, in seconds. Integers 300 As required

EC2_RECOVER_TIMEOUT Timeout for the local recovery, in seconds. Integers 300 As required

EC2_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT Timeout for the quickCheck, in seconds. Integers 100 As required

IP_NOLINKCHECK Disables the link check for the protected network interface.0: enabled

1: disabled0 As required

This value onlyapplies when pro-tecting an ElasticIP.


Number of seconds to wait in between taking the protectednetwork interface down and back up. A delay between thesetwo actions is necessary in some environments.

Integers 5 As required

This value onlyapplies when pro-tecting an ElasticIP.

IP_MAX_LINKCHKThemaximum number of seconds to wait for the link to comeback up after it has been repaired. In some environments, itmay be necessary to increase this value.

Integers 5 As required

This value onlyapplies when pro-tecting an ElasticIP.

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Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes


The connection timeout value in seconds used when running"AWS" commands. It is specified via --cli-connect-timeout argu-ment.

Integers 10 As requiredThis is the sameparameter as usedin Route53.


The read timeout value in seconds used when running "AWS"commands. It is specified via --cli-read-timeout argument. Integers 5 As required

This is the sameparameter as usedin Route53.


Set these parameters when using a HTTP proxy for accessingthe service endpoint.The value set here is passed to AWS CLI.Please refer to AWS Documentation for details.

String (not set) As required

This is the sameparameter as usedin Route53 andQuorum.

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IP Parameters ListThe table below lists and explains names andmeanings of the IP parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeper configurationfile.

Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes

IP_PINGTRIES Number of ping retries that will beperformed during an IP health check. Integers 3 As required

IP_PINGTIMETime in seconds that LifeKeeper waits forone packet ping reply during IP healthcheck.

Integers 1 As required

When using amanually con-figuredPing List rather thanthe broadcast pingmech-anism, any value greaterthan 3 for this tunable is inef-fective, because the LinuxTCP/IP implementationalways returns a “DestinationHost Unreachable” error after3 seconds with no reply,regardless of the timeoutvalue specified in the pingcommand.


Disables the IP uniqueness checking donewhen an IP resource is brought in-service.By default LifeKeeper will ensure the IPaddress is not in use somewhere else onthe network.

0: enabled

1: disabled0 As required

NOBCASTPING Disables the broadcast pingmechanism forchecking the health of IP resources.

0: enabled

1: disabled0 As required

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Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes

IP_NOLINKCHECK Disables the link status check portion of theIP health check.


1: disabled0 As required


Themaximum number of seconds to waitfor the link to come back up after it has beenrepaired. In some environments, it may benecessary to increase this value.

Integers 5 As required


Number of seconds to wait in betweentaking the protected network interface downand back up. A delay between these twoactions is necessary in someenvironments.

Integers 5 As required

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MD Parameters ListThe table below lists and explains names andmeanings of theMD parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeperconfiguration file.

Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes


User-defined options to use duringmdadm --assemble. String (not set) As required

Refer to "Software RAIDRecovery Kit Notes andRestrictions" of SoftwareRAID (md) Recovery Kitdocumentation.

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MQ Parameters ListThe table below lists and explains names andmeanings of theMQ parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeperconfiguration file.

Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes


Timeout in seconds for the server connectcheck. Integers 10 As required


Timeout in seconds for the client connectcheck. Integers 10 As required

MQS_QUICKCHECK_TIMEOUT_PUTGET Timeout in seconds for the PUT/GET check. Integers 10 As required


Timeout in seconds for checking whetherpublish/subscribe is in use. Integers 5 As required


Timeout in seconds for checking whether thequeuemanager is part of anWebSphereMQcluster or not.

Integers 5 As required


Timeout in seconds for the quickCheckscript. Integers 40 As required

If the value is less than 10seconds, it will be set tothe default.


Timeout in seconds for the queuemanagerstart command to complete. Integers 60 As required


Timeout in seconds for the command serverstart command to complete. Integers 30 As required


Timeout in seconds for the listener start com-mand to complete. Integers 30 As required


Timeout in seconds for the listener list com-mand to complete. Integers 10 As required

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Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes


The action in case a server connect check orclient connect check times out.

ignore: amessage aboutthe timeout islogged, but norecovery isinitiated

sendevent:local recoveryis initiated incase a serverconnect checktimed out

ignore As required


Time in seconds between the start of thelistener and the check for the successfullistener start. The default of 2 secondsshould be sufficient to detect port in use con-ditions.

Integers 2 As requiredIf the value is less than 2seconds, it will be set tothe default.


Determines if the shared storage checks andfile system resource creation step are per-formed for the queuemanager and log stor-age directories duringMQ resource hierarchycreation. A value of 0 indicates these taskswill be perform. A value of 1 will bypassthese tasks.

0 or 1 0 As required


Timeout in seconds for the dspmqver com-mand (needed to find out the version ofWebSphereMQ), must be at least 2seconds.

Integers 5 As required

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Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes


Determines if missing test queue is auto-matically created. A value of 0 indicatesmissing test queues will automatically be cre-ated. A value of 1 indicates this process willbe skipped.

0 or 1 0 As required


The alternate user name to use for allWebSphereMQ commands. By default theuser mqm is used. If set the alternate usermust have its primary group set to the groupmqm ormust have secondary membership inthat group.

Character string

mqm if not set orthe user doesnot havemem-bership in the“mqm” group.

As required

Should only be set if aWebSphereMQ addonpackage requires a userother than “mqm”

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NFS Parameters ListThe table below lists and explains names andmeanings of the NFS parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeperconfiguration file.

Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes

FAILOVERNFSLOCKS Enables file lock failover for NFS v2/v3exports.

true: enabled

false: disabledfalse As required

This parameter is notrequired due to NFSv4 filelockingmechanisms.

The parameter is notapplicable on SuSEEnterprise Linux.

RESTARTMOUNTD Enables the stop and restart of rpc.mounton all NFS restores.

true: enabled

false: disabledtrue As required

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Oracle Parameters ListThe table below lists and explains names andmeanings of the Oracle parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeperconfiguration file.

Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue Default Value When to

Apply Notes

ORACLE_ORATABLOCSpecifies alternate directory locations wherethe oratab file is located. By default/etc/oratab is used.

String /var/opt/oracle As required


Determines whether a recovery attempt willoccur on a database connection failurecaused when themaximum number ofallowed connections has been reached. Arecovery attempt when themaximum num-ber has been reached can cause a failover tothe standby node.

0: execute therecoveryattempt

1: prevent therecoveryattempt

0 As required

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PostgreSQL Parameters ListThe table below lists and explains names andmeanings of the PostgreSQL parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeperconfiguration file.

Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes


Time in seconds to wait after a process id is killedbefore rechecking for this process. Integers 3 As required

If the value is less thanthe default, it will beset to the default.


Replaces LKPGSQLMAXCOUNT – number of timesto try a client connection after an action (start or stop). Integers 12 As required

If the value is less thanthe default, it will beset to the default.


Number of times to attempt start or stop action beforefailing the action command. Integers 4 As required

If the value is less thanthe default, it will beset to the default.

LKPGSQL_STATUS_TIME Timeout in seconds for the status command. Integers


As requiredIf the value is less thanthe default, it will beset to the default.


Number of quickCheck script hangs allowed before afailover/sendevent is triggered for the databaseinstance.

Integers 2 Creating aresource

If the value is less than1, it will be set to thedefault.


Allows a user to specify additional aliases for the post-gres daemons (post-gres.bin,postmaster,postgres,edb-postgres).

String (not set) Creating aresource

LKPGSQL_IDIRSReplaces LKPGSQL_IPORTS – contains datadirentries for instances that will be shutdown using theimmediate option only.

String (not set) As required

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Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes

LKPGSQL_SDIRS Contains datadir entries for instances that will be shut-down using the smart option. String (not set) As required


Controls whether active clients will be disconnected inthe event of a postmaster crash. When the value isset to 1, client processes will be sent a SIGTERMsignal to force them to disconnect from the database.This action will only be taken if the postmasterprocess is not running during local recovery.

0: enabled

1: disabled1 As required

This parameter cannotbe used forPostgreSQL 8.2 andlater.


Similar to LKPGSQL_DISCONNECT_CLIENT, thissetting limits the action to the comma separated list oftags specified by this tunable.

String (not set) As requiredThis parameter cannotbe used for Post-greSQL 8.2 and later.


Determines if a process found in the stopped state(state = ~T) will be resumedwhen detected or ignored.


1:resume1 As required


Turns on debug for PostgreSQL database kit as wellas for the postgres database. Valid entry range: 0 – 5.

This parameter will be passed on to the postmasterdatabase using the option –d <LKPGSQLDEBUG>.

Integers (0 -5) 0 As required

If a value is not withinthe allowable range, itwill be set to thedefault.

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Quorum Parameters ListThe table below lists the Quorum parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeper configuration file.

ParameterName Meaning Setting


When toApply Notes

QUORUM_MODE Specifies the quorummode.




none or off

majority As required

Refer to"Quorum/Witness" inSIOS TechnicalDocumentation.


Specifies a host and port name combination to be used fordetermining quorum. The format for entries is "host:port".When specifyingmore than one host:port combination,the entries must be comma separated (do not include aspace).


String (not set) As required

This parameter isapplied only when theQUORUM_MODE istcp_remote.

WITNESS_MODE Specifies the witness mode.



none or off

remote_verify As required

Refer to "Quor-um/Witness" in SIOSTechnical Docu-mentation.


The time allowed for tcp/ip witness connections tocomplete. Connections that don't complete within thistime are treated as failed/unavailable. This only applieswhen theQUORUM_MODE is tcp_remote.

Integers 20 As required

This parameter isapplied only when theQUORUM_MODE istcp_remote.

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ParameterName Meaning Setting


When toApply Notes

QUORUM_LOSS_ACTION Specifies the action when quorum is lost.




fastkill As required

Refer to"Quorum/Witness" inSIOS TechnicalDocumentation.


Specifies the type of shared storage.

Must be specified whenQUORUM_MODE is storage.




(not set)

When execut-ing qwk_storage_


This parameter isapplied only whenstorage is specified forQUORUM_MODE andWITNESS_MODE.For details, see "StorageMode" in the TechnicalDocumentation.


Specifies the interval in seconds between reading andwriting the QWK objects.

An integerbetween 5and 10


When execut-ing qwk_storage_


This parameter isapplied only whenstorage is specified forQUORUM_MODE andWITNESS_MODE.For details, see "StorageMode" in the TechnicalDocumentation.


Specifies the number of consecutive heartbeat checksthat when reached indicates the target node has failed. Amissed heartbeat occurs when theQWK object has notbeen updated since the last check.

An integer of3 or more 4

When execut-ing qwk_storage_


This parameter isapplied only whenstorage is specified forQUORUM_MODE andWITNESS_MODE.For details, see "StorageMode" in the TechnicalDocumentation.

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ParameterName Meaning Setting


When toApply Notes


Note: If the hostname contains a "-"or ".", replace themwith an underscore"_" (e.g. lksios-1 →lksios_1).

Note: The hostname used byLifeKeeper can bechecked via thelcduname command

Specifies the path to the QWK objects. Youmust specifypaths for all nodes in the cluster.[When QWK_STORAGE_TYPE is block]Specify the device file path.(Example)QWK_STORAGE_OBJECT_nodeA=/dev/sdxQWK_STORAGE_OBJECT_nodeB=/dev/sdy

[When QWK_STORAGE_TYPE is file]Specify the regular file path.(Example)QWK_STORAGE_OBJECT_nodeA=/quorum/nodeAQWK_STORAGE_OBJECT_nodeB=/quorum/nodeB

[When QWK_STORAGE_TYPE is aws_s3]Specify the S3uri for the Amazon S3 object. Use an S3object from a different region than the one whereLifeKeeper is running. It is also recommended that 2different S3 objects be used and that they reside indifferent regions. When specifying 2 regions, make sure toseparate them with commas(do not include spaces).(Example 1)QWK_STORAGE_OBJECT_nodeA=s3://bucket1/nodeA,s3://bucket2/nodeAQWK_STORAGE_OBJECT_nodeB=s3://bucket1/nodeB,s3://bucket2/nodeB(Example 2)QWK_STORAGE_OBJECT_nodeA=s3://bucket/quorum/nodeAQWK_STORAGE_OBJECT_nodeB=s3://bucket/quorum/nodeB

String(Maximumlength is 256characters)

(not set)

When execut-ing qwk_storage_


This parameter isapplied only when stor-age is specified forQUORUM_MODE andWITNESS_MODE.For details, see "StorageMode" in the TechnicalDocumentation.

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ParameterName Meaning Setting


When toApply Notes


Set this parameter when using HTTP proxy for accessingthe service endpoint. The value set here will be passed toAWS CLI.See AWS Documentation for details.

String (not set)

When execut-ing qwk_storage_


This is a common para-meter for "EC2" and"Route53.

QUORUM_DEBUG Specifies the debugmode.0: disabled

1: enabled0 As required

Refer to "Quor-um/Witness" in SIOSTechnical Docu-mentation.

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SAP Parameters ListThe table below lists and explains names andmeanings of the SAP parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeperconfiguration file.

Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue Default Value When to

Apply Notes


Refresh time in seconds of theConfiguration properties page. Integers LKCHECKINTERVAL/2 As required

If the value is less than5 seconds, it will be setto the default.

SAP_CREATE_NAS Automatically includes a NAS resourcefor NAS mounted file systems.

0: disabled

1: enabled1 As required


Timeout in seconds for the quickCheckprocess. Integers 60 As required


Timeout in seconds for the restoreprocess. Integers


TIMEOUTAs required


Timeout in seconds for the remove pro-cess. Integers


TIMEOUTAs required


Timeout in seconds for the recoverprocess. Integers



If the value is less thanthe default, it will be setto the default.

SAP_DEBUG Enables debugging.0: disabled

1: enabled0 As required

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DataKeeper Parameters ListThe table below lists and explains names andmeanings of the DataKeeper parameters. These values are tuned by editing the /etc/default/LifeKeeperconfiguration file.

Parameter Name Meaning SettingValue


When toApply Notes

LKDR_CHUNK_SIZE Sets the chunk size of bitmap in kilobits. Integers 256 Creating aresource


Specifies themaximum bandwidth that aresync will ever take - this should be sethigh enough to allow resyncs to go at themaximum speed possible.

Integers 50000 Rebooting aresource


Specifies how fast the resync should beallowed to go when there is other I/Ogoing on at the same time. As a rule ofthumb, this should be set to half or less ofthe drive’s maximum write throughput inorder to avoid starving out normal I/Oactivity when a resync occurs.

Integers 20000 Rebooting aresource

LKDR_ASYNC_LIMITSpecifies the value of write queues to tar-get device for an async mirror. If a value is1, it will be set to the default.

Integers 256 Creating aresource


Suppresses a force full resync of newlyadded targets.

0: notsuppress

1: suppress0 As required

For detailed information, refer to"Avoiding Full Resyn-chronizations".

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